Ohio State University School of Earth Sciences

Columbus, Ohio June 2017

View to northwest from edge of Wasatch Plateau, showing Ephraim, Sanpete Valley, San Pitch Mountains, with Mt Nebo in the distance. [T. Wilson]


Ohio State University School of Earth Sciences

70th Geology Field Camp Commemorative Booklet

Columbus, Ohio June 2017

[Recall] the fable of Antaeus, the famous giant of antiquity, who was invincible, as long as he had his feet on the ground. But let him be lifted ever so little off the ground, as he was later by Hercules, and his strength vanished, and he was helpless. We geologists, my friends, are exactly in the position of Antaeus. The only thing that has not changed one iota, not only in the sixty years of my own observation, but in the whole nearly 200 years of geology itself, is the vital necessity for field work. … As we push forward, let us ever keep it in mind, like Antaeus, we must forever keep our feet firmly planted on the ground!

Edmund M. Spieker, March 20, 1972, addressing faculty and graduating students on the occasion of the departmental celebration of his receiving an honorary Doctor of Science degree from The Ohio State University

Ed Spieker, Summer 1963. Photo courtesy S. Zahoni





Significant Dates for Ohio State University Summer Field Geology Courses (1947-2017)………………………………..4

Summary of Faculty Participation at Summer Field Geology Course (1947-2017), NSF Institute (1962-73),

& Elementary Course (1969-70)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7

Participants in the 50th Ohio State University Field Camp Alumni Reunion (June 19-21, 1997)………………………9

Participants in the 70th Ohio State University Field Camp Alumni Reunion (June 21-25, 2017)…………………….10


Field Camp Class Group Photos Throughout the Years………………………………………………………………………………….11

Enrollment – Ohio State University Summer Field Geology Course (1947-2017)…………………………………………..23

Ohio State University Summer Field Geology Students (1947-2017) – Arranged by Year……………………………...24


Ohio State University Student Theses and Dissertations on Utah Geology ……………………………………………………33

Publications about Utah Geology by Ohio State University Faculty & Students…………………………………………….38

Link to Ohio State University Faculty & Student Publications & Abstracts on Utah Geology………………………….41



Our OSU Field Geology course was founded in Ephraim, Utah by Dr. Edmund Spieker in 1947 – now, 70 years later, we still operate a strong program from our Ephraim base. Ephraim has maintained a quiet, rural environment within the lovely Sanpete Valley, but has grown from a population of ~2,000 to over 6,400 in recent decades, becoming the largest city in Sanpete County. We are thankful that numerous landowners in Sanpete Valley continue to allow us access to their properties for our class activities – some still remember Dr. Spieker! OSU Geology field camp continues to be generously supported by Snow College, as it has been from the beginning. Snow College classes officially started in 1888 and it now serves over 4,000 students each year, rating highly in national college rankings based on high-quality faculty, low student/faculty ratios, affordable tuition, and high rates of student graduation and/or transfer to 4-year schools. Everyone will recognize the traditional buildings on the Snow College campus, but these are now interspersed with new, modern buildings including the new Science Building that will be ready for the coming academic year. We rely on access to Snow computer labs for short exercises designed to enhance 3D visualization and complete structural analyses. Our colleague and OSU alum Renee Mauche Faatz continues to lead the Geology program at Snow, and supports us in myriad ways. When Spieker selected Ephraim and Snow College as the location of the Ohio State geology “field station”, he envisioned the site for both a course providing professional training for undergraduates and a base for geological research by graduate students and faculty. In the past 70 years, 1,635 students have completed their capstone geologic experience in our Field Geology course. Although the course duration has shortened from 10 to 6 weeks and the format of the course has changed through the years, the philosophy of the course remains as established by Spieker to “put the responsibility to see, to think, to relate, and to conclude onto the student, rather than have teachers point and tell” (Weiss, 1995). Field camp directors and instructors have molded a curriculum based on a sequence of scaffolded exercises, each building on prior stratigraphic and structural knowledge, which take students from novice toward a mastery level (see map: exercises at White Hill, South Ephraim, Temple Hill, Twist Gulch, and selected final mapping areas around the San Pitch Mountains). Mapping exercises are supplemented by two regional cross- section exercises that develop student understanding of mountain-scale structural geology and the history of deposition and deformation. Supplemental computer-based exercises using collected field data have been incorporated to enhance 3D visualization and introduce modern methods and technological skills. Students are exposed to the rock record of geological events ranging from to Recent, sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rock types, and a range of deformation styles, through field trips (currently: Capitol Reef, Black Rock Desert volcanic field, Marysvale Volcanic Field, Snake Range metamorphic core complex, Alta stock). The geological setting of the OSU ‘field station’, situated along the eastern limit of the Sevier fold-thrust belt and on the margin of the Basin & Range Province and Colorado Plateau, has provided a fascinating setting for ongoing geological investigations. Spieker’s goal to establish a base for research studies has been amply met – the long list of undergraduate and graduate theses and dissertations, as well as journal publications, about the geology of the Sanpete Valley region and beyond in Utah, has been updated for the 70th anniversary of Field Camp and is now provided at (thanks to Danny Dotson, head of Orton Memorial Library of Geology). The School of Earth Sciences has always considered the Field Geology course as a ‘capstone’ experience for our geology majors. The course applies classroom principles to real geological problems, integrates concepts traditionally ‘compartmentalized’ in discrete courses, affords repeated practice in constructing interpretations from limited data, provides a grasp of the spatial and temporal scale of geological processes, and examines controversial geological models that form the basis for future research problems. The SES field geology program

1 currently stands at a crucial crossroads, with the retirement of long-term field camp directors/instructors, and the decreasing number of field-oriented SES faculty. The 70th anniversary of our Field Camp in Utah provides the opportunity to reflect on the value of our field program, provide input to SES on future prioritization of field programs, and to endow Field Camp for the future. This booklet endeavors to document student and faculty participation in the Ohio State geology field course through the years. Inevitably, records are incomplete and we welcome contributions from field camp alumni to improve our photo archives and other historical records. All the field camp documentation is intended for posting on the alumni page of our School of Earth Sciences website, including the field trip guidebook produced for the 70th Reunion event. For the many who were not able to join us for our reunion event in Utah in June 2017, the website will provide the opportunity to reminisce about their own Utah experiences and to support the future of our field camp.


Funding for the 70th Reunion activities was provided by the School of Earth Sciences and Development and Alumni Relations, Natural and Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, The Ohio State University. The staff and student assistants in the SES office were invaluable in implementing tasks for the Reunion. The Reunion organizing committee included Terry Wilson, David Elliott, Jim Collinson (past field camp directors); Shelley Judge, Dan Kelley, Cristina Millan (Alums & current field camp instructors); and Renee Mauche Faatz, Bill McGee, Claire Mondro, Mike Morgan, Joe Newhart (Alums). Claire Mondro and Julie Mansfield helped to organize the group photos and identify participants. We drew on historical information in the commemorative booklet produced by Charlie Corbato for the 50th Field Camp Reunion. Danny Dotson was instrumental in updating the list of theses, dissertations and publications bearing on Utah geology by students and faculty associated with Ohio State. Renee Mauche Faatz helped with many aspects of local organization. Cristina Millan helped with the planning, did the alumni communications and all logistical organization for the event – all this would not have happened without her!

Terry Wilson Ephraim, Utah (71st field camp!) June 2017





1947 First OSU Department of Geology summer field course located in Utah under the leadership of E.M. Spieker, course was 10 weeks in length, not including travel; students mapped in parties of three with plane tables and alidade in non-overlapping areas.

1949 Publication of geologic map of the Sanpete area, compiled by C.H. Summerson from Spieker’s and students’ plane-table mapping to accompany Utah Geological Soc. Guidebook No. 4 by Spieker. 1950 “Canyon” trip moved from return trip to Columbus to middle of course.

1962 First NSF Summer Institute for High School Science Teachers.

1965 Retirement of Spieker from regular university teaching.

1966 Summer field geology course duration changed to 8 weeks; first of two years with course “overflight” of “Canyon” trip; last year in which students were required to write a “Utah Report” during Autumn quarter.

1968 First year of elementary geology course; first year of affiliation in summer field geology course by Northern Illinois University; mapping began on newly published 1:24,000-scale USGS topographic quadrangle maps; plane- table mapping relegated to one exercise at Temple Hill.

1969 Second and final year of elementary geology course.

1970 Third and last year of affiliation by Northern Illinois University.

1972 First course to be offered under the aegis of the newly formed Department of Geology and Minerology.

1973 Twelfth and final year of NSF Summer Institute for High School Science Teachers; twenty-six and last summer that E.M. Spieker was at the Field Station as an instructor in Field Camp or the Institute; first use of vans and instead of carry-all vehicles; energy crisis resulted in several field parties mapping in same areas, all relatively close to Ephraim.

1976 Start of +/- grading (university-wide change).

1979 Establishment of the “Edmund M. Spieker Memorial Scholarship Fund” to provide scholarships in Field Geology, by gifts from alumni and friends in memory of the late Edmund M. Spieker, D.Sc. ’72, Professor of Geology (1924-1965) and Chairman of the Department of Geology (1945-1952).

1981 Summer field geology course duration changed to 6 weeks; “Canyons” trip removed form course.

1982 Largest class (54) in history of field geology course.

1983 Plane table exercise removed from course; final field mapping examination introduced.

1987 First female faculty member (Terry Wilson) served on instructional staff, 40 years after the first female student completed the field course (Dorothy Taylor, 1947).

1990 Small group in field geology course (10 students and 2 staff) necessitated move from campus to apartments in Ephraim, ending 43 years of summer residence at Snow College.

1991 First course to be offered under the aegis of the newly renamed Department of Geological Sciences.


1991 Revised and new versions of regional field trips: Marysvale Volcanic Province (with input from alum Fred Pashley), Alta Stock in Albion Basin, strip map of Farmington Canyon Complex metamorphic rocks, Weber shear zone structure in Weber Canyon (introduced by Adolph Yonkee, Weber State University).

1992 Final year at field camp for Charlie Corbato (his retirement year from OSU); 17 years of field camp instruction.

~1992 Meals no longer catered by Snow College cafeteria; switch to “City Café” diner, subsequently named “The Satisfied Ewe Café”.

1994 First alumni field trip reunion, June 16 -19. Field guide based on Peter Schwans’ Ph.D. dissertation furnished by Exxon.

1995 Last year Jim Collinson taught at Field Camp (and year of his OSU retirement); 19 years of field camp instruction.

1996 Completion of 50th consecutive year of summer field geology course at Ephraim Field Station, with class of only 6 students.

1997 50th anniversary reunion and field trip in Ephraim; commemorative booklet produced.

1997-1999 Tom Fleming, Shelley Judge, and Terry Wilson, with contributions of other instructors, led development of: A) a “Field Camp Manual” specific to our course needs; B) ‘Pace-and-Compass’ introductory methods activity; C) computer-based exercises incorporating digital elevation data for 3D visualization, generation of structure contours for outcrop prediction; D) use of GPS to plot field locations in selected exercises.

2000 Smallest class (5) in history of field geology course.

2004 Major oil & gas discovery, Covenant field, thrust-cored Sanpete-Sevier Valley anticline, in Navajo Sandstone reservoir sealed by Arapien Formation shale and evaporates (Wolverine Gas and Oil Co.).

2005 First course to be offered under the aegis of the newly formed School of Earth Sciences.

2008 Major oil & gas discovery, Providence field near Mayfield, same setting as Covenant field, just south of our field camp “South Cross Section” exercise across Sanpete Valley.

2009 Introduction of field trip to Snake Range metamorphic core complex. Also included Great Basin National Park (bristlecone pines, Wheeler Peak rock glacier, Lehman Caves), similar to 1970’s 2-day field camp trip.

2009 Establishment of “School of Earth Sciences Field Experience Travel Fund” to support field camp students by a gift from Mike (B.S. 1969) and Cynthia Morgan.

2010 Lodging changes from “Pinetree Condominiums” to “Mountainview Apartments” [driven by small OSU student numbers vs. increase in summer student camps hosted at Snow College and accommodated at Pinetree].

2011 Elliot, Judge and Wilson lead a field trip to Sanpete Valley, one day of 3-day Sevier thrust belt trip organized by the Utah Geological Association.

2011 School of Earth Sciences institutes separate academic ‘tracks’ for BSc. Geology majors; field camp only required for “geological sciences” track BSc. Degree.


2012 Observation/description of Navajo Sandstone reservoir rocks from Kings Meadow Ranches 17-1 discovery well, from Utah Core Research Center, introduced to the curriculum, together with expanded discussion of petroleum geology.

2013 Last year David Elliot taught at Field Camp (after retirement from SES in 2006); 26 years of field camp instruction.

2013-14 Bingham Canyon mine closed due to slope movement near visitor center; 2014 last time we could enter the mine with Kennecott guide.

2014 Last year of catered meals at The Satisfied Ewe Café. Since then, breakfast at “SnoCap Lanes” (the bowling alley!) and dinners at various Ephraim restaurants.

2015 Volcanic field trip to both Fillmore area and Marysvale, addition of Pahvant Butte.

2016 Expanded Capitol Reef field trip to include traverse across Waterpocket fold and Circle Cliffs anticline along Burr Trail Road.

2016 Terry Wilson retires from School of Earth Sciences; Tom Darrah becomes director of field camp.

2016 Completion of 70th consecutive year of summer field geology course at Ephraim Field Station.

2017 70th anniversary reunion and field trip in Ephraim; commemorative booklet and field trip guidebook produced.



Note: Faculty are from the OSU Department of Geology, Geology & Mineralogy, Geological Sciences, or School of Earth Sciences unless otherwise noted.

Ausich, William I. 1995, 1999 Babcock, Loren E. 1994, 1997 Barrett, Peter (OSU Inst of Polar Studies) 1969 Burma, Benjamin H. (Nebraska) 1951-52 Casella, C. J. (Northern Illinois) 1970 Collinson, James W. 1967-70, 1973, 1975-76, 1978, 1981, 1983-87, 1989, 1992-95 Corbató, Charles E. 1970-72, 1974, 1976-77, 1979-80, 1982-86, 1989-92 Crowl, George M. (Ohio Wesleyan) 1950, 1956 Darrah, Thomas 2015-16 Ehlers, Ernest G. (OSU Minerology) 1969 Elliot, David H. 1971-73, 1979, 1991-97, 1999-2013 Everett A. Gordon 1968 (Elem.) Flemal, Ronald (Northern Illinois) 1968-69 Fleming, Tom 1997-98 Frost, Stanley (Northern Illinois) 1969 Gilliland, William N. (Nebraska) 1949-50, 1958 Graham, Charles E. (Denison) 1956-57, 1962 Hall, John F. (Western Reserve) 1959 Hanson, Richard E. 1987-88 Hardy, Clyde T. (Utah State) 1951-52, 1954, 1957 Judge, Shelley (College of Wooster) 2001, 2008-15, 2017 Keighin, William (Northern Illinois) 1968-69 Kelley, Dan (Bowling Green St.U. Firelands) 2014-17 Krissek, Lawrence A. 1996-2002 LaRocque, Aurèle 1949-50 Lautenshlager, H. Kenneth (Bakersfield College) 1961-73 (1962 part Inst., 1963-73 all Inst.), 1978 McKelvey, Barrie C. (New England, Australia) 1983 Millan, Cristina 2012-17 Moore, George E. 1948-51, 1955, 1960, 1964, 1971, 1974, 1977-78, 1980, 1982 Morris, Robert C. (Northern Illinois) 1968, 1970 Nickey, David A. (OSU Mansfield) 1966, 1968-69, 1972 Noltimier, Hallan C. 1982-84, 1986-87, 1990, 1992 Pashley, Fred (Weber State) 1969 (Elem.), 1991


Pettyjohn, Wayne A. 1968 Pride, Douglas E. 1974, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1993-94 Rice, William A. (Mt. Union) 1949, 1951, 1955, 1959, 1963-65 (–part Inst.) Royce, Karen 2015 Ruble, Dan (Northern Illinois) 1968-69 (Elem.) Saddler, David 2013 Saltzman, Matthew 2001-02, 2004 Schoenbohm, Lindsey 2006-08 Schultz, Charles H. (OSU & Slippery Rock) 1967-69, 1981 Smith, Tim (Gulf Oil) 1977 Spieker, Edmund M. 1947-59, 1961-73 (1962-65 part Inst., 1966-73 all Inst.) Stanley, Kenneth O. 1975-76, 1978-80 Summerson, Charles H. 1947-49 Sweet, Walter C. 1956, 1959-60 Szmuc, Eugene J. (Kent State) 1958, 1967 Tettenhorst, Rodney T. 1974-75, 1977, 1979-80, 1982-86 Threet, Richard L. (Nebraska & San Diego St.) 1981-85, 1987, 1990, 1992 Utgard, Russell O. 1981-85, 1987, 1990, 1992 Weiss, Malcolm P. (OSU & Northern Illinois) 1953, 1957, 1961, 1965-68, 1981-83 White, Sidney E. 1952, 1954, 1958, 1962 (Inst.), 1968 Wilson, Gary (OSU Byrd Polar Research Center) 1995 Wilson, Terry J. 1987-88, 1994-2000, 2002-07, 2009-17 Young, David 2017



Adamany, Eunice ‘93 Gest, Neil ‘56 Pashley, Fred ’51, ‘56 Sprinkel, Doug Aranias, Karen Hoyle, Blythe ‘75 Pashley, Joy Struble, Dick ‘49 Ausich, Arlie Izold, Mark ‘88 Rector, Bill ‘56 Umstead, Bernadette Ausich, Bill (Fac.) Karoly, Walt ‘74 Rector, Jane Umstead, Brent ‘69 Ausich, Elizabeth Kinzelman, Dave ‘63 Reynolds, Don ‘49 Upperco, Jesse ‘52 Ausich, Mary Lieftinck, John ‘55 Roehl, Eric Vigon, Bruce Ausich, Regina Lohnes, Bob ‘59 Roehl, Perry ‘49 Voorvaart, J.H. ‘59 Babcock, Loren (Fac.) Mauche, Renee Rothfuss, Ed ‘58 Wallace, Charles ‘59 Carroll, Jim ‘67 Moyer, James ‘47 Rothfuss, Marjorie Weiss, Caleb Collinson, Jim (Fac.) Moyer Pat Rust, Bunny Weiss, Carolyn Collinson, Maddy Olson, Adam Rust, Claude ‘60 Weiss, Mac Corbato, Charles (Fac.) Olson, Greg ‘74 Sauer, Jim ‘76 Weiss, Mick Faatz, Dennis Owen, Jill ‘70 Sedam, Al ‘53 Wilson, Terry (Fac.) Fleming, Tom ’84 (Fac.) Owen, Larry Shutlz, Chuck Wojcik, Iris Friedman, Evelyn Owens, Don ‘55 Siders, Mary ‘79 Wojcik, Joe ‘55 Friedman, Sam ‘51 Owens, Joyce Solter, Don ‘63 Zeller, Howard ’47, ‘49

Photo courtesy R. Faatz



Beathard, Mike ‘72 Holterhoff, Frank ‘73 Wilkins-Diehr, Nancy Benson, Tony ‘60 Judge, Shelley ’96 (GTA 1997-01, Wilson, Terry (Fac. 1987-17) Biddison, Michael ‘77 Fac. 2008-17) Young, David (Fac. 2017) Blocher, Will ’12 (GTA 2014-17) Karoly, Walter ‘74 Zahony, Steve ‘63 Bower, Danielle ‘13 Kelley, Dan ’02 (Fac. 2014-17) Ziga, Jeff ’02 (GTA 2004-05) Bowers, Charlotte Kinzelman, David ‘63 Bowers, Harley ‘74 Koutz, Fleetwood ’68 (Inf. TA 1969) Brown, Martha Ligo, Bruce ‘80 Browning, Art ‘69 Mahoney, Will ‘69 Burchwell, Andrew ‘14 Maletic, Erica ’13 (GTA 2016-17) Champa, Steve ‘88 Mansfield (Ditkof), Julie ‘09 Chave, Glenn ‘87 Mansfield, Aaron Clary, Wes ‘06 McCarren, Vicki Collinson, Jim (Fac. 1967-95) Means, Ken ‘56 Cramer, Susie ’05 (UG TA 2006) Means, Kitty Cribb, Warner (GTA 1987-89) Means, Steve Cumming, Lydia ‘94 Millan, Cristina ’99 (Fac. 2012-17) Darrah, Thomas (Fac. 2015-17) Mondro, Claire ’08 (GTA 2010) Diehr, Dan ’73 Padilla, Margarita Diehr, Julius Palmieri, Mike ‘80 DuBois (Bauman), Jeanette ‘75 Ritchey, Darlene DuBois, Dean Ritchey, Joe ‘77 Eagon, Herb ‘63 Robson, Mark ‘76 Eagon, Mary Rush, David ‘66 Elliot, David (Fac. 1971-2013) Rust, Bunny Elliot, James ‘87 Rust, Claude ‘60 Faatz, Renee Scharenberg, Mackenzie ‘15 Fetzer, Joe ‘69 Shoots, Jim ‘80 Fitch, Debra ‘01 Siders, Mary ‘79 Fortner III, Trey (FC 2000, GTA Steck, Reed 2001-02) Steck, Sydnee Fortner, Sarah Steck, Christian ‘95 Gazda, Jim ‘74 Steck, Kristie Gibson, Mike ‘87 Thacker, Steve Gracanin, Tomislav ‘77 Tucker, Will ‘68 Grant, Mike ‘84 Umstead, Brent ‘69 Greaney, Peter ‘71 Umstead, Helen Grove, Ben ’13 (GTA 2017) Utgard, Russ (Fac. 1981-92) Harrington, Jake ‘13 Vorce, Chuck ‘75 Heiss, Harold ‘73 Warburton, Joe ‘94







Photo courtesy courtesy Photo



iversity faculty and staff except where noted where staff except and faculty iversity









Photo courtesy D. Owens D. courtesy Photo

College), Gill, Johnson College),Gill,

All photos property of Ohio State Un State Ohio of property photos All

Note: Note:

Back row: Hunt, Dorothy Taylor, Zeller, Dr. Summerson, Grafton, Sanders, Mayer, Faulk, Bonar, Roderick, Bode, Cothran, Cothran, Faulk, Bode, Grafton,Roderick, Mayer, Bonar, Sanders,Summerson, Dr. Zeller, Taylor,Dorothy Hunt, row: Back Dr.(Snow Lohrentz, Christensen George Dzuro, Wold, Miller, Babisak, Benson, English Miller, FloydBoyce, Lowe, Keffler, Ogden, Washburn, Muessig, row: Front Hardy Missing:


e Marshinke, Eddy Biehl, Sue Richardson, Chuck Vavra, Ken Nixon, Jim Sauer, Jeff Jeff JimChuck Sauer, SueKen Vavra,Biehl, Nixon, Richardson, Eddy Marshinke, e

Back row: Bob Bartman, Leslie Cox, Dav LeslieCox, Bartman, Bob row: Back (Fac.),KathyDennis Anderson,Foley Duncan Epp Faber, LindaMoody,Don Musser, Kathy Mark Cooke,Bill Abbot, Marshinke (wife), J.Yost, (Fac.), Chris Collinson W. row: Front MarkKremm, Goehring, Ken Robson Warren SteveBeach,

Beal, D.E. Pride (Fac.),D.E.FoleyDuncan Pride (TA), Beal, Donna Wilkinson

E. Corbato (Fac.), R. T. Tettenhorst(Fac.)(Fac.), T. R.Corbato E.

, Rick Safford, Dave Rush, Sharon Harness, John Comer and Charles Feazel, Dave Carpenter, Dennis Murphy, Murphy, Dennis Feazel,DaveComer JohnDave and Carpenter, Sharon Charles Safford, Rush, Harness, , Rick

Standing: Bill Lawrence, Bill Clapper, Greg Olson, Karl Axthelm, Curt Welty, Mark Schipper, Rich Stross, Mike Bowers, Fred Stross,Schipper,Bowers, Mark Mike Rich Axthelm,Curt Karl Welty, Clapper,GregBillOlson, Lawrence, Bill Standing: Mike Sandy(Mrs.) Krichbaum, Krichbaum, Tim Feitshans, daughter) (photographer’s G. Moore E. (Fac.) Kneeling: Karoly,Jim Clum, Gazda Walt Eric Mitchell, Mihalek, DaveChuck Beth Banrey, Trainor, Luis Seated: Pfaff, C.Edmister, Neal Jeff Missing:

On plane steps:children Threet plane On Mrs.Morris,MikeArmand Miller, Ingalls,Peder JohnThreet, Freeland, Otterson, Dr. Howard Mrs.Weiss, row: Back Threet CharlesZink Kahn, Mike RogerJohnson,Donna Sibbett George Nancy Carolyn Threet, Oertel, Weiss, row: Front



J. Shoots J.

, Bob Felder,Dave , Bob

Photo courtesy courtesy Photo

Back Row: Phil Schreiner, Dr. Ken Stanley, Tom Eggert (TA), Matt Shafer, Ed Zinni, Dr. George Moore George Dr. Matt Shafer, Zinni, Ed KenDr. PhilStanley, (TA), EggertTom Schreiner, Row: Back BruceSteve Beth Ligo, Hash, Jamieson Brent Taynor, Chapman, DeeAnn Palmieri, Kim Daniels, Mike Row: Fourth Armitage StuckeyGeorge Szabo, Mensing, Eli Zoltan Elanis, Bradley,Terri Snouffer, Art Rotillie, Doug Row:Pam Third RobinSchaffer,Baker Mike Crawford, Dan PaulEricCory,Row: Cherry, Second Johnson,Bonazzi Jeff Martin, JimRow:Neil Melana Shoots, Front

Back row: Tom Eggert, Dave Schwartz, Mark Ort, George Moore (Fac.), Jeff Christman, ??, Dave Patzwal, Jeff DeRoche, Jeff Dave(Fac.), ??, Jeff Patzwal, Christman, Ort, Mark Moore George Dave Schwartz, Eggert, Tom row: Back KeithMikeCarlton Shives, Kipp, Eric (Fac.),ChrisJimCox Harvey Collinson Line, Stanley Richardson,Ken (Fac.), Candi Kevin row: Middle PaulFisher Jonathan??, Weiss, Balcer, Dennis Mickstudent DavidKunk, Andraso,CathEvans, State, Bob Godo, Meisman, from Cleveland Ted row: Front Cox, Endres BobCraig Litwinwicz,


Corbato (Fac.), Corbato

nnett, Joe Ritchey, Ritchey, nnett,Joe

okom, Brent Barnett, Steve Orr, Bob Fenry, TomZawiskie Fenry,John Bob SteveBrentBarnett,Bain, okom, Orr,

, Sheila Noonam, Dan Ruggaburg, Rod Tettenhorst, KenSheilaGriffith, Ruggaburg,Rod Parsons,Mike Dan Corbato C. Noonam, , E. Tettenhorst,

Back row: Fred Myers Fred row: Back Siders MaryMike Dylewski, Mary Rosen,Copper,McKinley, DaveJohn Sandy Rowan, Reinik, Alan row: Fourth Wilc KevinWillis RickGuimond, Mitchell, row: Third Lydic Carol Row:Kibler, Elizabeth Second LudlowSteve Dan Moody, Gulick, DeanDransfield, Jim Browning, CindyLiz Richardson, Brown, Alley, Rich Row: First

Back row: Marty Stomberg, Mike Hogg, Bob Fenzan, Mike Biddison, Gary Brock, Jay Stanislaw, AlJayStanislaw,Dantzer Biddison,Brock, Gary MikeMike Fenzan, Bob Hogg, Stomberg, Marty row: Back WiTerry Roger Mallory,Handwerk, KethChuck DonSchmitt, Karen Newcomb, Knabe, row: Third MissyWhite Kathy Chuck Searle, JackMuncy,Dilgard, LeeVorce Rader, Barry CamGracanin,Ted Godo, Tom Williams, row: Second (Fac.) (Fac.),G.C. Moore E. E. Tettenhorst (Fac.), T. R.Kim Glasgow, Monte Swank, Rytel, Will row: Front Schmidt Mort


Kent Ross, Cathy Ferry, Dan Therry, Brian Slane, LindaBrian Dan Basham, Ross,Therry, Kent Slane, CathyFerry,

st (Fac.), Kerrie Neet, Jeri Wackler, Andrea Donnellan, SteveGreg Molk, Donnellan, AndreaWackler,Neet, st Jeri Kerrie (Fac.),

c VanHeyde, Brian Bannon, Jeff DeFreest, Karl Kotlan, Greg Brown, Tom Jordan, SaraJordan,Tom Kotlan, GregKarl Brown, DeFreest, c Brian Jeff Bannon,VanHeyde,

(Fac.), Charles Hart, John Paskievitch, Mark Savchuk, Tom Chapman, Tom Fleming,Renz Chapman, Mike Tom Savchuk, Tom Charles Mark John Hart, (Fac.), Paskievitch,

w: M. P. Weiss (Fac.), Steve Wright, R. O. Utgard (Fac.), Bruce Savage, Bill Reid, Mike Smith, Gary LaRue, Chuck Smith,Reid, Mike O. R.LaRue, Gary Savage, (Fac.), Bill Steve Bruce w:Utgard Wright, M.(Fac.), P. Weiss

ow: John McCabe, Lisa Gilbert, Steve Gynn, Dave Keller, Tim Jackson, Chuck Ketring, Mike Strobel, Mark Bange, Mark Strobel, Chuck Mike Ketring, Dave JohnJackson, SteveTim Lisa Keller, Gynn, McCabe, Gilbert, ow:


Back row: R. T. Tettenhorst (Fac.), Todd Moody, CherylSebring Moody, Tettenhorst (Fac.), T. Todd R. row: Back ColinHartnett, JeffLucius, (Fac.), Leatham Britt row: Sixth GregRick Sunderman Morris,Bakeman,Ron Lofland, Darlene Jim Daniels, Oswalt, Lord, Terry Heeswijk, Brenda van Bill Matt Marijke Bob Mayhew, row: Horwath, Bob Beckwith, Fifth Smith ro Fourth Gardner Muza, Norm Rich Schick, CraigMazza, Craig SmithSandy Rawlinson, Lou Jeff JimArp, Paul Foradas, Martina, Zorko, row: Third r Second (Fac.) Corbato C. E. Dave Green, Kelle Marta Gibeaut,Chuck JeffHaban, Jim Swope, Jon Malster, Mitiska,Gary Jeff Tilton, row: Front

Back row: C. E. Corbato C. E. row: Back Tochtenhagen, Mark Mark Jim Sicking, Vermeulen, McCabe, Mike Preston, Dave Sugar, Evan Bernosky,David row: Fourth Schmitz Art Schwans Peter (Fac.), Eri row: Third Pachuta JeffKonkler Chris Meyer, Cowan,Willy Sturgeon, Bier, Mark Sue JulieMike Ron Heidel, Meyer, Grant, row: Second TettenhorJ.(Fac.), T. R. Collinson W. row: Front (Fac.) ClintonUtgard O.SteenR.Lum, David Frisch,

s, Roy Stanley, Stanley, Rich Roy s,

L. Stott L.

er, Bruce Brasaemle, Paul Stackelberg, Jeff Wilson, Bill Schick, Kay Springer, John Mansperger, JenniferMansperger,John Kay Springer, Schick, Bill PaulJeff Stackelberg,Wilson, Brasaemle, Bruce er,

ike Balser, Martin Sitler, Doug Wise, Mark Ring, John Johnston, Keith Hottinger, Tom Eaton, Bill Eaton, TomJohnston, JohnBill Keith Hottinger, Ring, Mark Wise, Doug Sitler,Martinike Balser,

vacks, Lowell Stott, Richard Trippel, Jim Collinson, Jane Sheriff, John Sheriff, Jim Collinson,Zawiski Jane Stott, Trippel, vacks,Lowell Richard

??, Donald Sill, ??, Donald Calhoun, Dan Byers, ??, Phil Stueckeli, Ken BrobergStueckeli, Ken Phil ??, Calhoun, Donald DonaldByers, ??,??, Dan Sill,

Carol Christian, Michael Bondoc, ??, ??, Dee Chapman, LeoDeeChapman, MichaelGentile ??, Carol Bondoc, Christian, ??,

Karlis Grinvalds, ??, Wolfgang Kurupkat, ?? ??, Kurupkat, Grinvalds, Wolfgang Karlis

Charlene McGue, RafalowskyCharlene MaryLinda RickLaubacher, Noyes,

??, Darryl Ko Darryl ??,

Photo courtesy courtesy Photo

urth row: Jim Geitgey, Joe Kostecka, Mac Weiss, Grant Goodyear, ??, Jeff Kargel, ?? Jeff??,Kargel, Kostecka, Goodyear, Geitgey,Weiss, Grant Joe Mac Jim row: urth

First row: First row: Second Schultz,Alley Chuk Richard StuRoberts, Barry KimWolf, Randall, Pennington, Rich row: Third Fo row: Fifth row: Sixth row: Seventh

Back row: Greg Marks, Dave Wittoesch, Mark Gilliat, Bill Bruner, Gary Newman, Tom Winnard, Jim Guentert, Mike Woodruff, JimWoodruff, Mike Winnard, Tom Newman, GaryMarkGuentert, Bruner, Bill Gilliat, DaveGreg Wittoesch, Marks, row: Back Langford Scott M Andy row: Moore, Fifth Guertal Roth TomMelissa Scott Mark McCutchen, (Fac.),Mason, Kallstrom, Rich Tottenhorst Ryan, T. Collinson,R. J.W. row: Fourth DebbieBreining row: Third M.P. Mike Weiss (Fac.)Bugenstein, chambers, Cleveland,Mike Clifford, Ken Mark BrianCorbatoC. Karen Hayden, E. Coate (Fac.), Raimonde, row: Second Murphy Dave Vince Giampaolo, KathleenMurphy, Carroll,Lowry, RobBob Montello, SueJoe Finta, Holcomb, Brenda row: Front Scott sheets,Kevin AnnRodKlisz, Bradbury,


Betts, Fred Hutson, C. FredHutson,Betts, (Fac.) Corbato E.

ack row: Karen Krueger, Tom Anderson, Greg Carpenter, D. E. Pride Pride D. E. GregCarpenter, (Fac.) Krueger, Anderson, Tom Karen row: ack

B Balcerzak KarenGraham,Bill Butler, JeffDick Reinkensmeyer, row: Third Mark Lubberger,JoeBarb Nelson Cunningham, Tettenhorst (Fac.), T. R. row: Second Gene Tod Troy, row: Front

Standing: Terry Wilson (Fac.),Hanson(Fac.),RichardDave Brocklin van Wilson Terry Standing: Miriam Aebie, MarkJacksonPaul Spahr, Todd Izold, Jeff Templeton, Steve row: Champa, Back Frederick, AstleCarrie Rich Bremer, Dan JuneCribb Cramer, (TA), Warner row: Front

rk Emslie, Scott rk

Noltimier (Fac.)0 Noltimier

Morgenstern, Larry O’Brien, Barb Till, Dan Lincicome, Kelly Smith, Bob Rathbone, Rob Kelly Smith, Patricia Rathbone, Roth, Lincicome, Bob LarryO’Brien, Morgenstern, Dan Barb Till,

teve Molk (Fac.), Fran Frost, Mark Kelley, Nick Scaglione, Scott Spensiero, Rachel Eustice, Tim (Marty) Thomas, Thomas, Rachel (Marty) Tim ScottScaglione, Eustice, Kelley,Spensiero, Fran Mark Frost, teve Nick Molk (Fac.),

Back row: Chris Hall, Tad Fox, Ben Slane,Miller, HagemanTadHall,Fox, Mark Mark Ben Chris row: Back Day, Jefferis JohnJim Bechtol, McCorkle, Mike Brown,Fritz, EdAndy Beard, (Fac.), (Tad)Tom CorbatoC.Tim E. row: Fourth Kurt row: Third Vornberger R. Lawrence, Laura Schrock,Scott T. (Nick)KarenGottschalk, Steve Andy Schaer, Gross, Kennedy Ray row: Second (Fac.) Tettenhorst S row: Front (Fac.) Utgard O.R.Mellors, Bob

Back row: Tiffany Gentry, Terry Wilson (Fac.), R. Hanson (Fac.), Gery Kovatch, Kent Whiting, MaJacko,Kent Rich HansonWhiting, (Fac.),R.Gery Kovatch, Gentry, (Fac.), Wilson Terry Tiffany row: Back Bentley Johnson,Ralph Ken Ackers, O.DougR. (Fac.)DaveKilmer, VickyUtgard White, Wright, Miller, GlennKnecht, Chave, Tillmon Ted row: Second Gibson, Mike Moreno,RayC.H. James Elliot, KathleenKingman, Matt Karrer, row: First


Jones, Jennifer Hinchee, James Turrin, ScottPetz Tim O’Neill, Jones,JenniferJames Turrin, Hinchee,

Left to right: C. E. Corbato (Fac.), Bob Janosky, Tom Doumaux, Doug Alsdorf, Doug Ricketts, John Doug O Ricketts,TomR. Weaver, Doug Janosky, (Fac.),John Alsdorf,BobCorbatoC. E. right: Doumaux, to Left Craig Finle (Fac.), Utgard

Back row: John DeRoche, David Elliot (Fac.), Trina Edwards, Kristen Kudless, Steve Compton, Phil Glover, Cathleen Cathleen Glover, Kristen Kudless,Phil Steve Compton, David (Fac.), Trina Edwards, DeRoche, Elliot John row: Back Straub Christine SteveJames St. Gergely, John, WarnerSteveCribb, Tompkins, Hall, Lauman,Rob Michelle row: Front


, ,

M. Kaluza M.


, ,

Photo courtesy courtesy Photo


, ,



, ,

Tim Horner Horner (TA) Tim

, ,


, ,



, ,


, ,


Connie Connie

, ,

John BargerJohn

, ,


Collinson (Fac.) Collinson





, ,

Second row: row: Second Balcer Dr. row: First

Back row: Dave Allen, Pete McKenzie, Warner Cribb (TA), David Elliot (Fac.), Kevin Hoagland, Ed Donaldson, Rob Wetmore, KevinWetmore, Rob Hoagland, Donaldson,Ed David Cribb(Fac.), (TA), Elliot PeteWarner McKenzie, Dave row: Allen, Back MattPlace UnJim Jason Hicks,Tim Derenberger, RobinSwank, Evan, Michelle row: First Errett Doug down: Lying



ic Sainey, ic

k Lampkin Mike Mike Lampkink

Photo courtesy courtesy Photo

Gallaher, Joe Warburton, Matt Derric Shawn Angel, Joe Gallaher,Wight, Adam Warburton, Fineour,




Left to right: Jeff Nicols (TA), Terry Wilson, Theresa Baiamonte, Josh Kozlowski, Shelley Judge, Heidi Kozlowski, Judge, ShelleyJosh Crevison, Theresa Baiamonte, (TA), Wilson, TerryJeff Nicols right: to Left Al Solaiman (photographer) Plankell, Eric Missing:

Standing: Steve Leslie (Fac.), Karen White, Gary Conley, Chris Gero, Loren Babcock (Fac.), Lori Ellinger, (Fac.),LoriBabcock Er Ellinger, Loren ChrisGero, Conley,Gary (Fac.),Karen SteveWhite, Leslie Standing: Kathy Everett, Chris Caldwell LaurieKen TammyWalker, Lepper, Small, LydiaCamphire,Todd Cumming, Stacey Hostetter, Bill Kneeling: Reynolds Chad Heffelfinger,

, Steve Boger, Sean Sean Steve Boger, ,


, Christian Christian ,


Heather Bents, Susan Chrisman Susan HeatherBents,

Novak, Novak,




, Tom (TA) , Anderson


Standing: Lana Pennington, Joe Maus, Gary Moore, Tom Swearingen, Keith Henderson, LauraMacCracken,Chip KeithJoeHenderson, Moore,Gary Swearingen, Tom LanaMaus, Pennington, Standing: David(Fac.)Frola, Admanay,Elliot Davis,Joe Jeff Doug McAllister, Eunice Brian Zieroff, Summers, Doug Manolakas, Mike (TA), Steve Collins, Leslie Molly Borchers, CindySteveMike McCullough, Heink, Kneeling: (Fac.) Pride

Back row: Gary Wilson (Fac.), Corby Hopkins, Chris JohnFiore,Corby Rob Hopkins, Conaway, (Fac.), Wilson Gary row: Back CherylLeslie, LauraStuart Brown, Debra Carlo, EricAdamMyer, Willis, row: Front



, ,

Katherine Katherine Walden

, ,

Photo courtesy T. Van Vleck T. Van courtesy Photo


Nathan Nathan

, ,

Terry Wilson Terry

, ,

Plankell , Allison Conner, Noelle Logan, Caliope NoelleCaliope Logan, Woikis ,Conner, Allison Plankell

Emily Evans Emily

, ,

Shelley judgeShelley


, ,

, ,




, ,


, ,

Tom Fleming Tom

Mike, Tyler McMillan Mike,Tyler

, ,

Left to right: to Left Febo

Left to right: [Trey] Everett Fortner, Peter Rakowsky,Peter Fortner,Everett [Trey] Erik right: to Left

rick Bridgette, Steve Churchill, Bridgette,Churchill, Steve rick


) Hart, Shelly JudgeShelly Hart, )


, Kevin Norton, Jason Brown, Tom Fleming, BrentSmith Brown,Fleming, Tom Jason Kevin Norton, ,

), Amy, Karen ( Amy, Karen ),



e ( e

, Jess ,


Left to right: Cristina Millan, Shelley Judge, Beth Barnett, Heather Thomas, James Conroy (on hat) white Jamesback Heather Conroy Thomas, Barnett, with Judge, ShelleyBeth Millan, Cristina right: to Left Akins,Pat(Fac.), Mike Thomas Kristin Centeno,Stuchal, Wilson Terry Riker, Linda (Fac.), Mike Elliot David Albrecht,Jessica McDonald,LarryKrissek, Jamin

Back Row: Marc William MarcWilliam Row: Back Nadin (Albrecht)Jessica Olney, Row:


, Dan Kelley, Karen , Dan Kelley,


son son


, Harry Alexander, Tyler Alexander, HarryTyler ,


, Brad ,


Harold Johnson, Leila (Marzeki) Harris, Don Samples, Christina (Specker) O’Malley,(Specker) HeatherHarris, Hughes, Christina Samples, (Marzeki) Johnson,Don HaroldLeila

, Jeff ,

Left to right: right: to Left Jeff (TA),Demyanick Sarah Rilling, Beth Ziga (Fac.), MattSaltzmann

Left to right: David Elliot (Fac.), Christie Rodgers, Mark Hoffman, StewartWells,Ja Rodgers,Christie Hoffman, Mark David (Fac.), right: Elliot to Left Bossenbroek

, ,

) Hollis, Hollis, )





, ,

, Kathy ( Kathy ,


, ,

D. Fitch D.

Brad Cramer Brad


, ,

(Alex) Lin (Alex)




Craig Grimes Craig

, ,

, ,

Photo courtesy courtesy Photo


Robert SiglerRobert

, ,

Andy Andy

, ,


Shelley Judge (Fac.) Judge Shelley

, ,


Heidi Heidi

, ,

Grant Grant

, ,

, Aaron Kahn, Terry Wilson (Fac.), Jeff Fox, Nicki Fox,Nicki Kahn, Aaron (Fac.),WilsonJeff Terry ,


Katie Johnson Katie


Sue Sue

, ,

, ,

Matt Salzman (Fac.) MattSalzman

, ,

Heather McCarren Heather

, ,


Trey Fortner Fortner (TA) Trey

, ,

David Elliot (Fac.) Elliot David

Jessica AlbrechtJessica (TA)

Laura Laura

Left to right: Mike Fidler, Janna Fidler, Mike right: to Left EddiePauline (TA),Loveday, Jesse David Brookshar Block, (Smith) Adrienne

Back row: Back Fitch row: Middle Pugh Heather row: Front


gg McElwee, Emily Stafford gg Emily McElwee,

J. Stutz J.


Back row: Rachel Gray, Matt Dugan, Kera, Lindsey Schoenbohm (Fac.), Annette Trierlweiler, Matt Knoblock, Jeff Pigott, JeffPigott, LindseyKera,Matt Trierlweiler,(Fac.), Matt Knoblock, Annette Dugan, Gray, Rachel Schoenbohm row: Back SmithSaskiaMagee, Menke,Mary JustinBill Von Mondro, (Smith) Bargen, Claire (TA), BrentJohnson EugeniaLindseyJason Carla Cronin, Whisner, Hannah, JameyMickey Stutz (TA), Ochioni, row: Front Hyung Herrington. Adam Dalton, Terra PatCalhoun, Missing:

Back row: Corey McCudden, Devin Boyarko, Matt Oress, Lindsey Shoenbohm (Fac.), Chris Paver, Michael Veres, Bradley Bradley Veres,ChrisPaver, Michael Shoenbohm (Fac.), Lindsey Matt Devin Oress, McCudden, Boyarko, Corey row: Back Karberg(TA), Rader,Drew Susie Scott Jordan Walls, Gre Julie Swisher, Rob (Fac.), Codispoti, Jamey Stutz, Clary, Wilson Wes Terry row: Front

Photo courtesy courtesy Photo


, ,


Scott Drew (TA)Drew Scott



, ,

Jonathan PrattJonathan

, ,

Emily Emily England

, ,

acobs, Margaret Haack, Molly Rose, ScottMollyacobs, Drew Rose, Haack, Margaret


, ,

Catherine Johnson

, ,



, ,



Terry Wilson (Fac.)Wilson Terry

Back row: Chris Gordon, Susie Cramer (Karberg), Jeff Ziga (TA), Brian Kiel,Pullen Tom JeffBrian SusieGordon,Ziga (TA), Cramer (Karberg), Chris row: Back J April Miller, Faber,Meredith Liz row: Front

Back row: Back row: Front


da Howard, Zack Trunkley (TA), MaxTrunkleydaRingwald (TA), Howard, Zack


Back row: Brad Hull, Shelley Judge (Fac.), Joel Main, Joe Voyles, Sarah Starkey, Zach Phillips, Jessica Greenberg, David David Jessica Phillips, Greenberg, ZachJoe Sarah (Fac.),Starkey, Main, JoelVoyles, Judge Shelley Hull, Brad row: Back Aman (Fac.), Dana Matt Hawrylak, Borg, Elliot Mondro(TA Claire John MeganVolk, Peterson, Portier, Andrea Krivicich, Elyssa row: Front

Back row: Joel Main (TA), Cristina Millan (Fac.), Joe Lonsort, Christina Zerda, Ron Lidderdale, Andrew Tenison, Cody Cody Andrew Zerda,Lidderdale, RonTenison, Christina (Fac.), Joe (TA),Lonsort, Millan Cristina Main Joel row: Back Charlie Bastawros, Mark Blocher, Will Trigg, ShannonDasgupta,Abby(Fac.), Rohan Lewis,Gress, Natasha Crock, Nate Cara Nadler, Hibbard, Wilson Terry row: Front Myers.DaveJoshJeremy JieAndrewRosenbeck, Collins, Saddler, Self, Chen, Loren Vellum, Michael BarrGround: Dan the On

























egan Peterson, John Volk, Claire Mondro(TA Claire John Volk, Peterson, egan



















Back row: Brad Hull, Shelley Judge (Fac.), Joel Main, Joe Voyles, Sarah Starkey, Zach Phillips, Jessica Greenberg, David David Jessica Elli Phillips, Greenberg, ZachJoe Sarah (Fac.),Starkey, Main, JoelVoyles, Judge Shelley Hull, Brad row: Back MaxRingwald (TA), Zack MattTrunkley Amanda Hawrylak,Borg, Howard, Dana (Fac.), M Portier, Andrea Krivicich, Elyssa row: Front

Back Steve Front


yer, Zach Dean, Ryan Heber, Scott Scott Heber, Dean, yer,Zach Ryan

, Connor Gallaher, Christian Gomes, Roy Spencer, Colin White (TA), Tyler Rohan, (TA),Colin Rohan, Roy Gomes,Tyler Spencer, Christian Gallaher, White ,Connor

, Will Blocher (TA) Blocher , Will

di Lenz di


Back row: Connor Gallaher, Erica Maletic, Erin Lathrop, Jack Pelishek, Will Pelishek,Lathrop,Erin Jack Venneme EricaGallaher, Maletic, Will Connor row: Back Jones,Will Ryan Rodgers,NickvonEvarts Aaron, Alex Clausburg, Franciscus Hull, Dan Hollis, He, GeorgeStraahof, Taylor Judith (Fac.), Domer, Wilson Terry Fleeman, Katherine Franczek,Zach row: Middle Love,Bran Harrison Lee,KatherineJoonJamey Shelby Brewster, Stutz, (Fac.), (Fac.), Stutz, DylanDarrahTomDan Brown, Kelley row: Front Schultz Rachel Lary Brent Goeller, Devon Missing:

Back row: Harold Elston, AndrewBurchwell Elston, Harold row: Back Adrien Connor Bloomfield, Munson, BryanO’Reilly, Amber Huston, JaquelineMills,Foley, Sarah Derek Millan(Fac.), Cristina Kelley(Fac.)(Fac.), Dan Judge Shelley Wagenen, Van (TA)Blocher Peterman,Will Kenneth Taylor MarioWarren, Moses Mncina, Gutierrez, row: Front KatherineSchwieterman, Stephen Bechtel Tim Neil Hall,Coss, Shaban, Tricia

, ,


, Ben Grove, ,Ben


, Shelley Judge (Fac.), Erin,Shelley (Fac.), Judge

, Rachel Koons, Koons, Rachel Billy ,


, Jordan ,Jordan



, Terry Wilson (Fac.), Sean O’Brien, Colin Chad Whyte, O’Brien, (Fac.), Sean Terry Wilson ,

, , Thomas

, Jake Harrington, Zachariah Cowan Zachariah ,JakeHarrington,



, , Evan

, Tyler Liston, Scott , Tyler


, Andrew Thompson, Caroline,AndrewThompson,

, Zach , Zach





, Erica ,



, Casey ,


L. Sethna L.

, Will Blocher (TA),Blocher Matt Will ,

Ismail, Danielle Bower, AndrewDanielle Bower, Ismail,

(TA), Zachary Cotter, Edwin Cotter,Edwin (TA), Zachary

Yuyu Yuyu Li

oel Main (TA), Main (TA), Hanna oel

ey Koewler, John Daniele, Alex Grady, Michela Wells, Matt Edgin, Brian Ares, ??, Ted Langhorst, ??, ??, ??, Kyle??, ??,Ares, Ted ??,Langhorst,??,Matt Grady, John Edgin, Alex Brian Wells, eyKoewler, Daniele, Michela


Evan Dismukes, Kevin Parks, Jory Lombardi, Sean Newby, John Jones, John DiFrancesco, Sam Perry, Brendon Mock,?? Brendon DiFrancesco,Newby,SamJones, JohnJohn Sean Perry, JoryKevinLombardi, Dismukes, Parks, Evan Sethna,Lienne Bowman, AbbieScharenberg, Millan (Fac.),(Fac.), WilsonMackenzie Anthony TerryMartino, Cristina



Photo courtesy courtesy Photo

Back row: Brian Vargo, Cristina Millan (Fac.), Mike Millan Cristina Brian Vargo, row: Back Loren SamFitzsimmons, Mark Gearing, Colin Enriquez, Dan J row: Front Clendenin, Lathrop Barr Dan (TA) Sitting:

Last row: Andrew Sabula, Thomas Copeland AndrewSabula, Thomas Lastrow: 3: Row Wesl 2: Row Hall Tricia Deering, 1: Row Sam Vince Eckert Megan JessiChu, Pentecost, Mave, Haugh, Ryan (kneeling): Front




2013 2011







- 2001







C 1993




G 1987













TATE 1969




O 1965
























of of

Number Number




1947______Koehl, Billy G. Riddle, Todd H. Pennell, Ray, Jr. Babisak, Julius McKee, James W. Roehl, Perry O. Reynolds, James W. Benson, Paul D. Orr, Walter A. Roseboom, Eugene Jr. Richard, Jack J. Bode, F. Jack Reeder, Louis R. Rowlands, David R. Robinson, James R. Bonar, Chester M. Sanders, Emerson W. Runkle, Doris M. Roseboom, M.L. Boyce, Robert M. Sindeldecker, James H. Schumann, Thomas G. Shafer, William E. Cothran, Russell J. Skinner, John H. Shisler, William W. Skipp, William L. Dzuro, Stephen D. Threet, Richard L. Smith, Richard K. Smyth, Pauline English, Roy C. Van Meter, William S. Smith, Robert W. Sorenson, David J. Faulk, Niles R. Wilson, Mark D. Stearns, Edison A. Sundell, Arvid G. Gill, James R. Struble, Richard A. Swartz, Guy A. Grafton, Dean 1949______Waldron, David A. Testa, Sam J. Hardy, Clyde T. Badger, Allen C. Wambaugh, Donald C. Tomko, Henry J. Hunt, Robert E. Barrett, Charles W. Weissling, Paul W. West, Charles Johnson, Mike S. Bell, Gerald L. Zook, Don B. Keffler, Joseph W. Berman, Jack E. 1950______Lohrentz, Don L. Boyd, Donald W. Baird, Chester A., Jr. 1951______Lowe, Donald P. Chafin, Robert V. Blesch, Robert R. Anikouchine, William A. Miller, Floyd H., Jr. Cooper, John A. Bowman, Richard S. Arthur, Ralph, Jr. Miller, George F. Crombie, Richard H. Chalker, Bruce O. Blatt, Harvey Moyer, James R. Cross, Robert R. Chase, Don E. Everhart, John D. Muessig, Siegfried J. Davis, Jack T. Ealy, Gene K. Few, Roy E. Ogden, Park G., Jr. Duncan, James R. Essig, Ray C. Franklin, George J. Roderick, Richard K. Dunlap, William H. Fograscher, Arthur C. Friedman, S. Arthur Sanders, John E. Ebner William E. Gilson, E.S. Froelich, Albert J. Taylor, Dorothy A. Graef, William O. Griffith, Richard G. Fulweiler, Robert E. Washburn, George R. Guiher, Dale R. Guilinger, Robert R. Griesbach, F. Richard Wold, Avery A. Hendricks, Richard C. Gwinn, John W. Gunias, George Zeller, Howard D. Hickman, Paul R. Haug, Lawrence Hachen, Jahn A. Hilderbrand, Howard H. Hollander, Richard H. Hopkins, Roy M. 1948______Hohler, James J. Hoovler, Paul V. Houck, Jerry A. Arkle, Thomas, Jr. Hooper, William C. Janc, Ronald A. Humphris, Curtis C., Jr. Barlett, John D. Hsu, Kenneth J. Johnson, Robert A. Huth, Joseph R., Jr. Bayley, Richard W. Jackson, Robert R. Kennedy, Bruce H. Kleinhampl, Frank J. Brown, Alfred L. Jessup, Donald E. Koerner, John R. Knight, William V. Chapman, Charles M. Kalman, Frank R. Kuklis, Andrew Kucera, Richard E. Du Feu, Edwin L. Kucera, Robert H. Leech, James B. Laubach, James T. Elliott, John E. Lautenschlager, Masser, Carl W. Moore, William J. Frazier, Noah A. Kenneth Maurer, Robert E. Neil, Robert A. Freeman, Ralph N. Lehner, Robert E. McCamont, James W. Otersen, Vincent Geese, Clarence D. Lord, Mary Lee McComb, Robert C. Pashley, E. Fred, Jr. Grant, Robert A. Mallin, James Metter, Raymond E. Perkins, Richard Graves, John A. Mamaliga, Samuel Miller, Max E. Riley, William E. Hall, John F. Mavromates, Andrew P. Moore, C. Victor, Jr. Ryan, Jack S. Harnly, Richard W. Murphy, John D. Morrow, M.J. Schuh, Henry A. Jones, Charles H. Pedry, John J. Mount, Robert H. Snider, Richard Judy, Max E. Prinz, William C. Murany, E.E. Spohn, Wayne M. Katich, Philip J., Jr. Reams, Charles A., Jr. Myers, Jack W. Stone, John Kegg, Wendell D. Reynolds, Don W. Neiheisel, James Swick, N. Eugene


Szmuc, Eugene J. Zaike, Donald A. Schoengold, Harold M. Calmer, Steven H. Thompson, Gerald L. Schwietering, Joseph F. Carpenter, Gene C. Wehling, James A. 1954______Shrider, J. Philip Curry, John F. Wiant, Wayne E. Alford, H. Edward Triplehorn, Don De Vries, Neal H. Allison, George B. Waite, Clark F. Gomez, Herbert J. 1952______Baird, James A. Walker, John V. Hepler, Richard A. Baker, Kurt Bell, James W. Webb, W. Hyde, Jack A. Beard, Thomas N. Buchanan, Robert C. Winzenried, Ora A. Jones, Robert L. Beck, Donald F. Canter, Stanley G. Wojcik, Joseph R. Kennedy, Keith C. Carmack, John Conner, Jon J. Kishler, Kenyon C. Evans, Donald D. Denegar, Gracemary 1956______Koerner, Donald S. Foster, Roy W. Earhart, Robert L. Alberts, Gary Linn, George F., Jr. Gordon, David W. Echols, Betty Joan Baer, James L. Little, Donald L. Gregory, James F. Farrand, William R. Ballantine, Peter McKay, Dale Halls, William Hilty, Robert E. Baroffio, James R. Novak, Frank A. Harvey, Roger L. Hume, Joan Blackman, Abner Paul, Charles M. Horowitz, Alan S. Khin, Aung Cornejo, Juan Pickard, Paul H. Johnson, Donald E. Kirkwood, Clarence W. Gest, Neil Pulse, Richard R. Koteff, Carl G. Knoop, Griffith H. Greten, Harold J. Rafalowski, Paul H. Lambert, John W. Kraner, Thomas O. Hollyday, Este Snger, F. Jack Mowery, Dale H. Mase, Russell E. Hutchinson, Richard D. Snyder, Richard P. Mugrage, Eugene G. Middleton, Bruce D. Kirlough, Thomas A. Summer, Kenneth V. Munger, Robert Rogers, William B. Landis, Paul Williams, James F. Pomerantz, Norman S. Slettene, Rolf L. Lane, Thomas G. Savoy, Donald D. Tallman, James A. Larson, Ronald A. 1958______Seeger, Charles R. Vogel, James W. Lyons, David D. Ackerman, Robert C. Smith Paul R. Wilkie, Lorna Madirazza, Ivan Ackeman, Frederick N. Steffas, Theodore S. Williams, Robert L. Marshall, Curtis Backley, Daniel A. Stewart, John Windham, Geraldine Marshall, Fred Binkley, Walter H. Tepley, Ronald E. Wise, William P. McLelland, James Black, Donald L. Upperco, Jessie R. Wohlbold, Eugene Means, Kendall D. Bradley, James E. White, Raymond R. Myers, David K. Butterman, William C. Wood, Richard A. 1955______Myers, Eugene Callihan, Kaye F. Yeager, Thomas B. Anderson, Thomas P. Poponoe, Peter Cole, Bernhard J. Bickley, William A.H. Rector, Willis E. Evans, Robert P. 1953______Blake, Weston, Jr. Roth, Robert M. Foster, James A. Ashbrook, David M. Bustard, William Sevon, William Frantz, Edward L. Cowie, Charles Clifton H. Edward Stamets, Richard L. Grinstead, Robert A. Elbon, Junior A. Coldwell, Samuel W. Stein, Russell B. Gundersen, Wayne Fippin, James Davis, William E. Tinker, Wesley R., III Harris, James R. Gray, Homer Edwards, William R. Toivonen, William A. Howard, Paul L. Haring, James W. Estill, J. Underwood, R. Ronald Jackson, Preston C. Kromalic, Joseph W. Foster, R. Kilmer, Ted O. Lenart, Norman P. Jones, Richard M. 1957______Kucera, Donald W. Matthews, Gerald K. Kramer, William M. Bachman, Matthias E. La Vance, George E. Miller, Eugene J. Kunker, Donald L. Balk, Richard J. Lippucci, Norman F. Miller, Richard L. Kunzi, Donald H. Bauder, James R. McBride, Leslie R. Rufner, Joe F. Leaf, Carl G. Baughman, Russell L. Poppler, David W. Rutledge, Floyd W. Lefevre, Harold E. Baysinger, Bill Rothfuss, Edwin L. Sedam, Alan C. Lieftinck, John E., Jr. Bentley, Richard E. Schuenaman, Howard Spieker, Andrew Loedding, Donald R. Bischoff, Charles K. Tate, Thomas R. Warner, Max M. Niehaus, James W. Blose, J. Phillip Teynor, Thomas J. Winslow, Marcia R. Owens, Donald H. Breece, R. Samuel Tobin, Don G.


Toppari, William P. Roy, Edward C. 1964______Clark, D. Theodore Wooley, Robert T. Rust, Claude C. Carnein, Carl R. Connelly, John R. Zanzig, Garry R. Suydam, Evert, Jr. Damuth, John E. Coron, Cynthia R. Vodra, Larry Davis, James W. DeVault, Michael L. 1959______Wilson, Robert B. Eastin, Rene Ford, Nelson S. Batsche, Ralph W. Zahn, Jack C. Flynn, Stanley C. Fowler, Frank H. Beard, William C. Hoffman, Thomas Grieves, Edwin H. Clark, William D. 1961______Jones, Glenn P. Habib, Mohamed H. M. Criss, George H. Finkin, Matthew McCallum, Robert Hasenmueller, Walter Crowley, Patrick J. Goll, Robert M. Moon, Merlin Hiatt, John L. Drushell, Herbert T., III Goodell, Philip Kluss, Karl K. Fidler, Richard Henderson, Barry K. 1965______Lepes, George V. Hall, Charles R. Kattelman, Donald F. Bailey, Lois J. Milavec, James L. Harlett, John C. Levich, Robert Chesney, Claybourne Mogan W. Patrick Hoyle, Harold Matteson, Stephen C. Essman, Thomas W. Ramsey, Nancy J. Hutchinson, Darrell A. McClish, Richard French, Donald Rice, Roger F. Kauber, Donald W. Norcross, Lois Gibson, Gail G. Robinson, Michael D. Kohut, Joseph J. Stiles, David V. Green, Jonathon A. Scheible, Paul G. Lohnes, Robert A. Thomas, John C. Hartzell, Glen W. Sirkin, Gerald L. Marzolf, John E. Williams, Roger Hill, Richard L. Van Horn, Robert G. McCormick, Charles L. Winchell, Vaughn Hunt, William A. Warner, David J. McCormick, George R. Isham, John C. Nartsissov, George 1962______Johnson, Robert C. 1968______Richards, Thomas J. Beach, Ray B. Kattman Robert J. Absher, Charles Sieber, Frederick D. Khelil, Chakib Laws, Emily A. Bluff, Ronald W. Springer, Gilbert G. Kunasz, Thor Lorenz, Michael A. Bush, Danny E. Tucker, Eva, Jr. Lefevre, Gerald T. Moos, Milton H. Carothers, Thomas A. Voorvaart, John H. Matheny, Lynn Carwile, Roy H. Wallace, Charles M. Mills, Doral S., Jr. 1966______Catlin, James Wier, Karen Nikravesh, Rashel Carpenter, David E. Cluggish, Sheila Wilson, Richard N. Ogilby, Robert R. Comer, John Cook, Bradford L. Woldorf, Arthur F. Rosen, Norman R. Feazel, Charles Davis, Robert C. Schumacher, Richard L. Freeland, Howard R. DesCamps, J. Robert 1960______Speer, James D. Harness, Sharon Dreher, Marilyn Benson, Anthony L. Taylor, Patricia Ingalls, John T. Erb, Edward E. Bourquin, Larry B. Johnson, Roger French, James A. Braidech, Lawrence L. 1963______Kahn, Michael I. Gardner, Ed Burns, Robert S. Ahmad, Laki Miller, Mike Geib, Fran Cichanski, Allen Ashour, Mamdouh Morris, Armand Ghelle, Abbey Cooksey, James K. Bandoian, Charles A. Murphy, Dennis J. Hawkinson, Edward F. Fox, George W. Eagon, Herbert B., Jr. Oertel, George Hicks, Stephen Hart, Roger Fox, Ronald C. Otterson, Peder H. Jackson, Gustav Hite, Russell E. Iberall, Eleanora R. Rush, David C. Johnson, Gene O. Hoerner, John F. Kinzelman, David J. Safford, Frederick B. Johnson, Ronald Imm, Jerry L. Lager, James L. Sibbett, Donna Jost, Donald J. Kearns, John J. Meadowcraft, Mary Zink, Charles King, Steven D. Laws, George B. Merrill, Dick F. Kness, Richard MacNish, Robert D. Molholm, John R.T. 1967______Koutz, Fleetwood R., Jr. Maury, Gail Puffer, Joseph M., Jr. Alexander, Danny L. Larson, Grahame McConnell, James J. Rigo, Richard J. Baldy, Mark B. Lemire, Jerome Nichols, William D. Rychener, Lary M. Baxstrom, Emil Mullis, Edward G. Ory, Thomas R. Solter, Donald D., Jr. Biliter, Patrick E. Newhart, Joseph A. Oser, Robert K. Zahony, Stephen G. Carroll, James W. Olle, John M.


Pastko, Murray Wheeler, Robert Greaney, Peter H. 1973______Richards, Steve Kerzner, Stuart H. Ankrom, Randall H. Schlitter, James 1970______Lund, Gary A. Applegate, Cecil D., Jr. Schultz, Thomas R. Baird, Mary R. Meadows, Robert W. Bennett, Karl Sherif, Nasreddin Berls, Norman J. Montgomery, John J. Berlin, Christopher L. Swallow, Roger Birchall, James E., Jr. Naymik, Thomas G. Black, Gilbert B. Stone, Byron Bowman, John R. Petrek, John S. Brown, Richard A. Tucker, William C., Jr. Brown, David N. Shaffer, Nelson R. Cloran, Courtenay A. Watson, Thomas W. Cox, Jeffrey M. Smith, Phil Costello, Michael A. Witt, John DeHaas, Ronald J. Stinehelfer, Jackie Diehr, Daniel Dorbor, Jenkins K. Thomas, Richard P. Flowers, Dennis L. 1969______Graff, Paul Toft, William R. Hartshorne, James M. Arter, Robert R. Harper, Howard E., Jr. Tuller, Jack N. Heiss, Harold W., Jr. Boger, Phillip D. Hotham, Roger Vargo, Robert T. Holterhoff, Frank K. Bole, Clifton E. Hursey, Michael Watts, Doyle R. Johnson, Patricia E. Brandes, Robert Kiefer, Anthony E. Wemlinger, James J. Jolley, Donald E. Browning, Arhur W. Killius, Drew R. Kline, Kimberly J. Callihan, John C. Kuntz, Charles 1972______Kopacz, Martin A. Carlson, David Lavinsky, Lois Allen, Michael E. McCullough, Lon A. Davenport, Thomas G. Marz, Joseph Bailey, William Moore, Ronald K. Davis, Donna A. May, Samuel Judson Barrick, James E. Mussard, Donald E. Derbyshire, Gerald A. Miller, James E. Beathard, R. Michael Nagle, Paul A. DiPaolo, William Mitchell, Michael H. Bowen, Richard D. Nardone, Craig D. Fetzer, Joe A. Peters, Robert L. Brock, David H. Powell, Michael A. French, Gary R. Piazza, Daniel Burgett, Thomas L. Reese, Jeff L. Glaze, Michael V. Placher, George Clark, Douglas B. Rhodes, Michael L. Green, Paul A. Pokas, Alex Dresbach, Russell I. Rich, Patricia C. Henkle, Randolph, Jr. Pottorf, Robert Earnest, Donald F. Smith, Jeffrey G. Hoke, Cheryl L. Robertson, Michael E. Franklin, Jeffrey H. Spielman, Jay R. Hootman, Charles E. Sedgeley, David Galliers, Fred G. Telecsan, Gary K. Hulman, Bruce D. Smith, Timothy E. Ghist, John M. Temple, Michael S. Kuhlmann, Mark A. Spray, Jill A. Grant, Michael L. Terbeek, Christine L. Lewan, Michael Stark, Keith Hersman, William G. Walter, Jerry Lewis, Dale M. Terry, Phil Holland, Larry K. Waltz, James R. Lichy, David E. Tistinic, Thomas Jackfert, Melvin D. Yike, Gary A. Maddocks, Roger R. Umstead, John E. Joswick, Marilou Young, Allan B. Mahoney, William B. Zlatkin, Dennis G. Mathews, Kenneth P. Zakas, Joseph L. McCann, David t. McCracken, Michael J. Ziegler, David S. Meeker, James 1971______Miller, Patricia L. Megown, Walter E. Beery, David Muskopf, John R. 1974______Morgan, Michael B. Birsa, David S. Nelson, John B. Axthelm, Karl E. Nelson Ronald Booth, Edward E. Oxley, David R., Jr. Banrey, Luis Daniel Noyes, John A. Buck, Don Pace, Danny G. Beal, Michael L. Pierce, Robert M. Burkhardt, Robert W. Palmer, Jeffrey R. Bowers, Harley M. Pokorny, Harvey Bush, James G. Schmitt, Stephen Clapper, William A. Poyner, Bruce Clark, James G. Stoufer, Ronald Clum, Eric E. Prout, Leon R. Croft, John S. Sullivan, Charles J. Edminster, Jeffrey A. Roberts, Kenneth E. Curl, James E. Webb, Roger W. Feitshans, John F. Schmidt, William K. Dean, Bruce W. Wellstead, Carl F. Gazda, James H. Slimmer, D. Fay Eisel, Jacob D. Welsh, Thomas P. Karoly, Walter M. Stonecipher, Sharon A. Funnel, Donald D. Zeiner, Thomas C. Krichbaum, Timothy P. Taylor, Harold R. Gilchrist, Charles R. Lawrence, William F., Jr. Umstead, Carl B. Graham, Robert Mihalek, Marybeth


Mitchell, Charles E. Sauer, James R. Newman, David A. Jamieson, Beth L. Olson, Gregory A. Vavra, Charles L. Ort, Mark P. Johnson, Neil E. Pfaff, Neal A. Yost, William P. Patzwahl, David W. Ligo, Bruce G. Schipper, Mark R. Richardson, Kevin G. Martin, Jeffrey A. Stross, Richard A. 1977______Roeser, Edgar W. Mensing, Teresa Trainor, David P. Biddison, J. Michael Schwartz, David L. Palmieri, Michael H. Welty, Curtis M. Brock, Gary L. Shives, Eric A. Rotile, Pamela K. Dantzer, Albert J. Weiss, Jonathan S. Schafer, Michael R. 1975______Dilgard, Barry E. White, Ralph M. Schreiner, W. Philip Ailes, Lynn D. DuHoux, Kathleen Shafer, Matthew M. G. Bauman, Jeanette M. Fenzan, Robert J. 1979______Shellhorn, Mark A. Boddy, William G. Glasgow, Kimberly S. Alley, Richard B. Shoots, James Coe, Curtis J. Godo, Theodore J. Bain, Thomas D., III Snouffer, Douglas E. Croll, Timothy C. Gracanin, Tomislav M. Barnett, D. Brent Stuckey, George H. Dawson, Robert S. Handwerk, Roger H. Brown, Kathleen E. Szabo, Zoltan Dessem, Dean A. Hogg, Michael D. Browning, James V. Taynor, Brent R. Emerick, Christina M. Knabe, Keith A. Cooper, Sandra C. Zinni, Edward V. Fugitt, David S. Mallory, Charles W. Dransfield, Betsy J. Hamilton, Clement W. Muncy, H. Lee Dylewski, Mary D. 1981______Hofmann, Douglas A. Newcomb, Karen R. Ferry, Robert A. Bondoc, Michael D. Hoyle, Blythe L. Ritchey, Joseph D. Griffith, Michael R. Broberg, Kenneth A. Kimmel, Lawrence D. Rytel, Monte L. Guimond, Richard C. Butler, Mark D. Lind, Leonard M. Schmidt, Martin A. Gulick, B. Dean Byers, Daniel E. Marvin, Dennis L. Schmitt, Donald R. Kibler, Elizabeth M. Calhoun, Donald E., III Mazgaj, Jan P. Searle, Jack B. Ludlow, Donald E. Christian, Carol D. McDaniel, Peter S. Stanislaw, John J. Lydic, Carol S. Ehlers, E. George Moffitt, John P. Stomberg, Martha J. McKinley, John M. Figuli, Samuel P. Muncy, David M. Swank, Willard J., Jr. Mitchell, J. Kevin Frock, Robert S. Myers, Christopher P. White, Mary L. Moody, Steven V. Geitgey, James E. Oakes, Jeffrey L. Williams, Camilla K. Myers, Frederick R. Gentile, Leo F. Ratterman, Nancy G. Winnett, Terrie L. Noonan, Sheila E. Goodyear, Grant D. Seffens, James R. Orr, Steven R. Grinvalds, Karlis V. Vorce, Charles L. 1978______Parsons, Kenneth E. Gross, Brent E. Weishampel, David B. Andraso, Catherine R. Resnik, Alan J. Heurich, Robert G. Balcer, David E. Richardson, Cynthia A. Himes, B. Thomas 1976______Carlton, Keith H. Rosen, Michael A. Kargel, Jeffrey S. Abbott, Linda L. Christman, Jeffrey D. Rowan, David J. Kostecka, Joseph M. Anderson, Dennis M. (Harvey) Cox, Christena Ruggeberg, Dan A. Kovacs, Darryl J. Bartman, Robert C. Cox, Craig A. Siders, Mary A. Kurupkat, Wolfgang Beach, Steven H. Deroche, Jeffrey T. Wilcoxon, Willis E., Jr. Laubacher, Richard C. Biehl, Eddy L. Eggert, J. Thomas Zawiskie, John M. Leking, Geoffrey R. Cooke, Donald J. Endres, Robert A. Marchese, David Cox, Leslie J. Evans, Robert 1980______McEnerney, Edward M. Epp, Kathryn Felder, Robert P. Baker, Robin M. McGue, Charlene A. Faber, Jeffrey A. Findl, Jeff D. Bonezzi, Milena Mitchell, Dale W. Goehring, Warren J. Fisher, Paul S. Bradley, Arthur A. Noyes, Linda J. Kremm, Kenneth F. Kipp, Michael A. Chapman, Deana D. Pennington, Richard L. Marschinke, David B. Kleffner, Mark A. Cherry, Eric M. Rafalowski, Mary B. Moody, Mark A. Koehl, Kevin M. Cory, Paul Randall, Kim A. Musser, Kathryn J. Kunk, Michael J. Crawford, Daniel L. Roberts, Barry L. Nixon, Kenneth R. Line, Candace E. Daiels, Kim E. Seibert, Jeffrey L. Richardson, Susan L. Litwinowicz, Dennis L. Ellenis, Emmanuel M. Sheriff, Jane E. Robson, Mark D. Meisman, David C. Hash, Steve Sill, Donald K.


Stott, Lowell D. Sunderman, Richard G. Stackelberg, Paul E. Eustice, Rachael A. Stuecheli, Philip J. Swope, R. Jeffrey Stanley, Roy A. Fox, Tad C. Swanson, Dave M. Therry, Daniel Wilson, Jeffrey E. Fritz, Edwin R. Trippel, Richard J. Tilton, Jeffrey A. Winnard, Thomas J. Frost, Frances L. Wolf, Stuart A. Van Heeswijk, Marijke Wise, R. Douglas Gottschalk, Karen Whalen, Nora E. Wittoesch, David F. Gross, Steven M. 1982______Wright, Steven G. Woodruff, Michael L. Hageman, Mark R. Arp, Jeffrey D. Zorko, Paul L. Hall, Christopher K. Bakeman, Gregory C. 1984______Jefferis, John K. Bange, Mark J. 1983______Bannan, Brian H. Kelley, Mark E. Basham, Linda M. Balser, Michael K. Bernosky, David H. Kennedy, Raymond L. Beckwith, Robert R. Bradbury, David W. Bier, Ronald K. Lawrence, Scott M. Daniels, William Brasaemle, Bruce L. Brown, Gregory S. Lincicome, Daniel G. Ebert, Melinda A. Breininger, Debra E. Chapman, Thomas M. McCorckle, Andrew G. Ferry, Catherine M. Bruner, William E. Cowan, Christopher R. Mellors, Robert G. Foradas, James G. Bugenstein, Michael D. DeFreest, Jeff W. Miller, Mark W. Gardner, Norman E. Carroll, Robert W. Donnellan, Andrea Morgenstern, Kurt A. Gibeaut, James C. Chambers, Jennifer M. Fleming, Thomas H. O'Brien, Lorrence A. Gilbert, Lisa A. Cliffod, Mark D. Frisch, Gregory J. Rathbone, Robert F. Green, David F. Coates, Kenneth P. Goyal, Harish K. Roth, Robin E. Gynn, Steven R. Eaton, Thomas J. Grant, Michael W. Scaglione, Nick J. Haban, Marta A. Finta, Susan F. Hart, Charles P. Schaer, Andrew N. Hartnett, Colin M. Giampaolo, Vincent F. Heidel, Sue A. Schrock, Laura L. Horwath, Robert M. Gilliat, Mark D. Jordan, Thomas R. Slane, Benjamin J. Jackson, Timothy M. Guentert, James S. Konkler, Jeff C. Smith, Kelly C. Keller, Charles R. Guertal, William R. Kotlan, Karl J. Spensiero, Scott D. Keller, David D. Hayden, Brian T. Lum, Clinton C.L. Thomas, Timothy M. Kettring, Charles L. Holcomb, Brenda S. McCabe, Michael R. Till, Barbara S. LaRue, Gary L. Hottinger, Keith A. Meyer, William V. Vornberger, Patricia L. Lofland, Darlene Kallstrom, Melissa L. Molk, Stephen A. Waldhauer, Alice J. Lord, Brenda K. Klisz, Ann M. Neet, Kerrie E. Lucius, Jeffrey E. Langford, C. Scott Pachuta, Sara L. 1986______Malster, Jon A. Lowry, Robert M. Paskievitch, John F. Anderson, Thomas P. Martina, Louis C. Mansperger, John M. Preston, Evan B. Balcerzak, William Mayhew, Jonathon M. Marks, Gregory T. Renz, Michael E. Betts, J. Tod Mazza, Sandra M. Mason, Scott E. Savchuk, Mark A. Butler, Karen M. McCabe, John M. McCutchen, Richard E. Schmitz, Arthur W. Carpenter, Gregory O. Mitiska, Gary A. Montello, Joseph M. (Meyer) Sheets, Julia C. Cunningham, Joseph G. Moody, Todd W. Moore, Andrew P. Sicking, James M. Graham, Richard F. Morris, Ronald L. Murphy, Kathleen A. Steen, David F. Hutson, Fred E. Muza, Richard E. Murphy, Richard A. Sturgeon, David M. Krueger, Karen Oswalt, Terry L. Newman, Gary M. Sugar, David J. Lubberger, Barbara J. Rawlinson, Craig S. Raimonde, Michael S. Tochtenhagen, Mark S. Nelson, Mark R. Reid, William H. Rao, P. Lata VanHeyde, Eric M. Reinkensmeyer, Jeffrey Ross, Daniel K. Ring, Mark I. VerMeulen, Mark V. Toy, Eugene M. Savage, Bruce A. Roth, Thomas J. Wackler, Jeri D. Schick, Charles W. Ryan, Mark T. 1987______Sebring, Cheryl A. Schick, William H. 1985______Ackers, Scott K. Slane, Brian C. Scott, Kevin D. Beard, Thomas C. Bentley, Ralph E. Smith Craig D. Sheets, Rodney A. Bechtol, Michael D. Chave, Glenn R. Smith, James C. Sitler, Martin H. Brown, Timothy M. Elliot, Richard J. Smith, Michael W. Sparks, R. Mary Buck, Sally L. Emslie, Mark A. Strobel, Michael L. Springer, Katherine L. Day, James A. (Hyland) Gentry, Tiffany


Gibson, Michael T. Hicks, James E. Fineour, Matthew J. Cotsman, Jeffrey Jacko, Richard V. Hoagland, Kevin Gallaher, Kathleen E. Cox, James Johnson, Kenneth S. McKenzie, Peter Gero, Christopher M. Evans, Emily Karrer, Matthew H. Place, Matthew C. Heffelfinger, Tammy S. Febo, Lawrence Kilmer, Douglas S. Swank Martel, C. Robin Hostetter, Stacey A. Lindsey, Michael Kingma, Kathleen J. Unkefer, Jason Lampkin, Derrick Jm. McMillan, Tyler Knecht, Ted W. Wetmore, Robert J. Lepper, Kenneth E. Stigall, Alycia Kovatch, Gery T. Reynolds, Chad A. Van Vleck, Teresa Miller, Tillmon 1992______Sainey, Eric B. Walden, Katherine Moreno, Ray R. Compton, C. Steven Small, Todd M. White, David J. DeRoche, John Z. Walker, Laura 1999______Whiting, Kent S. Edwards, Katrina J. Warburton, Joseph M. Akins, Michael Wright, Victorea D. Gergely, Stephen L. White, Karen L. Barnett, Elizabeth Glover, Philip L. Bridgette, Patrick 1988______Hall, Cathleen P. 1995______Centeno, Linda Aebie, Todd Jones, Michelle L. Bents, Heather Churchill, Stephen Astle, Richard Kudless, Kristen E. Boger, Stephen Conroy, James Bremer, Daniel Lauman, Robert D. Bramlet, John Larowe, Michael Champa, Stephen Lepper, Jennifer A. Brown, Sean McDonald, Jamin Cramer, June O'Neill, Scott P. Carlo, Debra Millan, Cristina Frederick, Carrie Petz, Timothy R. Chrisman, Susan Riker, Kristin Izold, Mark St. John, James M Conaway, Christopher Stuchal, Thomas Jackson, Miriam Straub, Christine A. Eriksson-Novak, Catrin Thomas, Heather Spahr, Paul Tompkins, Stephen L. Essenburg, Cheryl Templeton, Jeffrey H. Turrin, James B. Fiore, Robert 2000______Vanbrocklin, David Hopkins, Thomas Conner, Allison 1993______Myer, Eric Fortner, Everett 1989______Adamany, Eunice J. Steck, Christian Logan, Noelle Balcer, Denis M. Borchers, Michael H. Stuart Leslie, Laura Rakowsky, Peter Barger, John R. Collins, Molly L. Willis, Addison Woiklis, Calliope Drane, Lawrencce A. Davis, Douglas A. Garrett, Warren L. Frola, Joseph P. 1996______2001______Harris, Michael J. Heink, Stephen J. Al-Aabed, Solaiman Cramer, Brad Kalusa, Mathew J. Henderson, Keith A. Baiamonte, Theresa Fitch, Debbie McIntyre, John A. MacCracken, Laura A. Crevison, Heidi Grimes, Craig Safreed, Connie M. Manolakas, Michael A. Judge, Shelley Johnson, Katherine Scott, Karen L. Maus, Joseph E. Kozlowski, Joshua Lin, Jih-Pai Swartz, Christopher H. McAllister, Jeffrey T. Plankell, Eric Lukes, Laura McCullough, Cynthia E. Mason, Steve 1990______Moore, Gary D. 1997______McCarren, Heather Alsdorf, Douglas E. Pennington, Lana K. Albrecht, Jessica Metters, Brant Doumaux, Thomas C. Summers, Harold M. Bookshar, Jess Minamide, Susan Finley, Craig M. Swearingen, Thomas J. Brown, Jason Minkler, Heidi Janosy, Robert J. Zieroff, Bryan L. Cappell, Marc Pugh, Heather Ricketts, R. Douglas Norton, Kevin Rathbun, Andrew Weaver, John P. 1994______Piatak, Nadine Urich, Matthew Angel, Adam D. Russell, Amy 1991______Caldwell, Michael P. Shufeldt, Karen 2002______Allen, David Camphire, William G. Shurr, Karen Alexander, Harry Derenberger, Michelle Conley, Gary D. Smith, Brent Bossenbroek, Karen Donaldson, Edward B. Cumming, Lydia J. Hoffman, Mark Errett, Douglas H. Ellinger, Lori S. 1998______Kabbes, Jason Evans, Timothy S. Everett, Christopher R. Bellomy, Nathan Kelley, Daniel


Kolodzaike, Bradley 2007______Howard, Amanda L. 2013______McIlvaine, John Borths, Matthew Hull, Brad A. Aleshire, Scott Rogers, Christina Crawford, Kevin Krivicich, Elyssa B. Blau, Evan Wells, Stuart Glick (England), Emily Main, Joel C. Bower, Daniel Ziga, Jeffrey Johnson (Maxwell), Peterson, Megan C. Brourman, Hanna Catherine Phillips, Zachary R. Buchwalter, Edwin 2003______Pratt, Jonathan Portier, Andrea Monet Clendenin, Chad Bremer (Hollis), Kathy Scott, Jameson Ringwald, Maximillian Cotter, Zachary Fidler, Michael Starkey, Sarah K. Cowan, Zachariah M. Fox, Jeff 2008______Volk, John M. Darland, Sam Hulec, Nicole Calhoun, Pat Voyles, Joseph S. Dobey, Zachary Kahn, Aaron Cronin, Mickey Enriquez, Daniel Loveday, David Dalton, Terra 2011______Eymold, William Pauline, Edward Dugan, Matt Bennett, Brad Fitzsimmons, Mark Smith (Block), Adrienne Gray, Rachel Bisson, Kelsey Gearing, Colin Teets, Janna Hannah, Lindsey Dailey, Kelsey Grove, Benjamin Herrington, Adam Doherty, Joe Harmeyer, Benjamin 2004______Hyung, Eugenia Ferrito, Mark Harrington, Jacob Demyanick, Elizabeth Judy, Kera Leeper, Nick Ismail, Samrya Hughes, Heather Knoblock, Matt Martin, Nick Koons, Rachel Johnson, Harold Magge, Bill Michalak, John Lathrop, Erin Marzeki, Leila Mondro, Claire Modlich, Mitch Liston, Tyler Rilling, Sarah Ochioni, Jason Perez, Victor Maletic, Erica Samples, Don Pigott, Jeff Rawson, Kyle Mncina, Moses Dimo Specker, Christina Smith, Saskia Rytel, Alex O'Brien, Sean Trierweiler, Annette Strecker, Elise Phetteplace, Thomas 2005______Von Bargen, Justin Tenison, Andy Rine, Matthew Drew, Scott Whisner, Carla Thompson, Jeff Rutana, Michael Faber, Meredith Saup, Casey Gordon, Christopher 2009______2012______Scheuermann, Jordan Haack, Margaret Arrey, Ayuk C. Barr, Dan Thompson, Andrew Jacobs, April Baumgartner, Lauren R. Bastawros, Mark Vargo, Brian Karberg, Susan Bosetti, Thad M Blocher, Will Whyte, Colin Kiel, Brian Burns, Patrick J. Chen, Jie Yahle, Andrew Miller, Liz Cox, Kyle J. Collins, Andrew Pullen, Tom Ditkof, Julie N. Crock, Abby 2014______Rose, Molly Feeney, Brent A. Dasgupta, Rohan Bechtel, Katherine E. Flood, Joshua Ray Diamond, Charlie Bloomfield, Connor M. 2006______Gonsiewski, James P. Gress, Nate Burchwell, Andrew E. Boyarko, Devin Heider, Zachary L. Hibbard, Shannon Coss, Stephen P. Clary, Wesley Hulett, Samuel R. W. Kellum, Mike Elston, Harold W. Codispoti, Julie Lonsert, Reece T. Lewis, Natasha Foley, Derek J. McCudden, Corey Mackney, Daniel J. Lidderdale, Ron Gallagher, Connor J. McElwee, Gregg Riley, Stephen R. Lonsert, Joe Gomes, Christian D. Paver, Chris Saddler, David M. Malangone, Wayne Gutierrez Jr., Mario A. Rader, Jordan Schaller, Elizabeth M. Myers, Jeremy Hall, Tricia L. Stafford, Emily Verdibello, Steve M. Nadler, Cara Huston, Amber N. Stutz, James Westervelt, Claire D. Rosenbeck, Loren Mills, Jacqueline A. Swisher, Robert Self, Josh Mncina, Moses D. Veres, Michael 2010______Trigg, Cody Munson, Sarah L. Walls, Bradley Borg, Dana T. Zerda, Christina O'Reilly, Bryan E. Greenberg, Jessica L. Peterman, Kenneth J. Hawrylak, Matthew R. Rohan, Tyler J.


Schwieterman, Neill A. Heber, Ryan C. Shaban, Kujtim L. Hollis, Taylor R. Spencer, Roy M. Hull, Scott D. Van Wagenen, Adrien Jones, Ryan C. Warren, Taylor C. Lary, Brent A. Lee, Joon 2015______Lenz, Brandi L. Ares, Brian Pelishek, Jack M. Bowman, Abbie Rodgers, Nick Chu, Vincent Schultz, Rachel M. Ciaramitaro, Samuel Straathof, Judith Copeland, Thomas Vennemeyer, Will D. Daniele, John von Clausburg, Alex T. Deering, Kyle DiFrancesco, John 2017______Dismukes, Evan Anderson, Becky L. Eckert, Samuel Bell, Matthew J. Edgin, Matthew Bradley, Cole Grady, Alexander Clark, Casey F. Haugh, Ryan Gilbert, Daniel J. Holt, Benjamin Gordineer, Peter G. Jones, John Hutchison, Aaron V. Koewler, Wesley Keister, Laura E. Langhorst, Theodore Kessler, Cody Li, Yuyu Lester, Elizabeth Lombardi, Jory Love, Harrison Martino, Anthony Mason, Landon K. Mave, Megan Mitchin, Jasper I. Mock, Brendon Moore, Myles T. Morrow, Murvin Reineck, Nicholas P. Newby, Sean Ross, James J. Owens, Matthew Smart, Kathryn R. Parks, Kevin Vayda, Prescott J. Pentecost, Jessi White, James H.R. Perry, Sam Wu, Qingting Robinson, Zachary Sabula, Andrew Scharenberg, Mckenzie Schmitz, Thomas Sethna, Lienne Wells, Michaela

2016______Aaron, Fransiscus X. Brewster, Shelby A. Brown, Dylan Dean, Zachary T. Domer, George R. Evarts, Will D. Fleeman, Katherine Franczek, Zachary J. Goeller, Devon R. He, Dan



** Indicates theses and dissertations of Utah geology in general and not specific to Field Camp areas

Abbott, L.L., 1977, A study of limestone cobbles from the Morrison (?) Formation of central Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Albrecht, J.L., 2001, The paleovolcanological setting of the Moroni Formation, central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Alexander, D.L., 1969, Stratigraphy and structure of the Axhandle Canyon area, Sanpete County, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Babisak, J., 1949, The geology of the southeastern portion of the Gunnison Plateau, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Bachman, M. E., 1959, Geology of the Water Hollow fault zone, Sevier and Sanpete Counties, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. **Baird, M. R., 1975, Conodont biostratigraphy of the Kaibab Formation, eastern Nevada and west-central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Baughman, R. L., 1959, The geology of the Musinia graben area, Sevier and Sanpete Counties, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Bayley, R.W., 1950, A heavy mineral study of the Morrison Formation of south-central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Birsa, D.S., 1974, The North Horn Formation, central Utah: sedimentary facies and petrography: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Bonar, C.M., 1948, Geology of the Ephraim area, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Bonezzi, M., 1981, Study of lead, zinc, silver and copper content of the Morrison and Twist Gulch Formation, central Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Brasaemle, B.L., 1984, Clay minerals of the Morrison(?) Formation of central Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Breininger, D.E., 1984, A reconnaissance paleomagnetic study of the Tertiary volcanic tuffs exposed in the Cedar Hills, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Brock, G.L., 1980, stratigraphy and sedimentary petrology of the Flagstaff Formation in the and Willow Creek area, central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Browning, A.W., 1969, The geology of the upper Gunnison Reservoir area, Sanpete County, Utah: Ohio, Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. **Browning, A.W., 1973, Sedimentary petrology of the Permian Plympton Formation in eastern Nevada and adjacent Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Burkhardt, R., 1972, Geology of the southwest quarter of the Ephraim Quadrangle, Sanpete County, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Byers, D.E., 1982, An X-ray diffraction study of the Paleocene-Eocene Flagstaff Formation in the Manti Canyon area of Wasatch Plateau, Central Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Carlton, K.H., 1979, Oncolite formation and paleoecology of the Flagstaff Limestone and North Horn Formation, South Gunnison Plateau, west of Manti, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Carroll, J.W., 1967, Geology of the Manti area, Central Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Chapman, D.D., 1981, Clay minerals of the Arapien, Twist Gulch, and Morrison Formations of central Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Chapman, D.D., 1982, Sedimentary petrology of the Colton Formation (Upper Paleocene-Eocene), central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis.


Cooper, J. E., 1956, Petrography of the Moroni Formation, southern Cedar Hills, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Cox, L.J., 1976, Analysis of orbital photography using landsat imagery of central Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Cox, C.A., 1979, Geologic setting and trace metal chemistry of the Arapien Shale and Twist Gulch Formation, central Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Dantzer, A.J., 1977, The Paleocene-Eocene Flagstaff Formation in the Sixmile Canyon area of the Wasatch Plateau, central Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Davis, J.W., 1967, Stratigraphy of the Flagstaff Formation, southeastern Utah County, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Dawson, R.S., 1978, Strontium isotope geology of a section of' the Flagstaff Limestone, central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Des Camps, J.R., 1971, Gravity survey of a portion of Sanpete Valley, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. **Edwards, C.T., 2014, Carbon, sulfur, and strontium isotope stratigraphy of the Lower-Middle , Great Basin, USA: implications for oxygenation and causes of global biodiversification: Ohio State Univ. Ph.D. dissertation. Erb, E.E., Jr., 1971, Geology of the volcanic rocks north of Salina Canyon, Salina, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Fagadau, S.P., 1949, An investigation of the Flagstaff Limestone between Manti and Willow Creek canyons, in the Wasatch Plateau, central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Faulk, N.R., 1948, The Green River Formation in the Manti-Spring City area of central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Fisher, P.S., 1978, Geology of the Sanpete Valley area, Ephraim, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Fograscher, A.C., 1956, The stratigraphy of the Green River and Crazy Hollow formations of part of the Cedar Hills, central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Frazier, N.A., 1951, A heavy mineral study of the Morrison (?) Formation and the Indianola Group of central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Fugitt, D.S., 1976, Paleomagnetic study of oil shales from central Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Gill, J.R., 1950, Flagstaff Limestone of the Spring City-Manti area, Sanpete County, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Gilliland, W.N., 1948, Geology of the Gunnison quadrangle, Utah: Ohio State Univ. Ph.D. dissertation. Godo, T.J., 1979, Stratigraphy and sedimentary petrology of the Flagstaff Limestone, Gunnison Plateau, central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Green, P., 1969, Geological report of the Snows Canyon area, Sanpete County, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Grinvalds, K.V., 1982, Gastroliths of the Morrison(?) Formation Sanpete Valley, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. **Grinvalds, K.V., 1985, Depositional environments and dolomitization of the Fish Haven, Ely Springs, and Hanson Creek formations in the eastern Great Basin, western United States: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Habib, M., 1968, Strontium distribution for the carbonates of the Flagstaff Formation, Ephraim, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Hardy, C.T., 1948, Stratigraphy and structure of a portion of the western margin of the Gunnison Plateau, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Hardy, C.T., 1949, Stratigraphy and structure of the Arapien Shale and the Twist Gulch Formation in Sevier Valley, Utah: Ohio State Univ. Ph.D. dissertation. **Hasenmueller, W.A., 1970, conodont biostratigraphy of the Lower Triassic Thaynes Formation of the Confusion Range, west-central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. **Hasenohr, E.J., 1976, Copper mineralization in the Lisbon Valley, San Juan County, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Hash, S.A., 1981, Depositional environment of the Green River Formation near Axtell, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis.


Hays, J.D., 1960, A study of the South Flat and related formations of central Utah --- part I: petrology; part II: palynology: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Holterhoff, F.K., 1974, The geology of the Wales Canyon and Dry Canyon areas, Sanpete County, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Hunt, R.E., 1948, The geology of the Dry Canyon region, Gunnison Plateau, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Hunt, R.E., 1950, The geology of the northern part of the Gunnison Plateau, Utah: Ohio State Univ. Ph.D. dissertation. Johnson, M.S., 1949, Geology of the Twelvemile Canyon area, central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Judge, S.A., 2007, The origin and evolution of the Wasatch monocline, central Utah: Ohio State Univ. Ph.D. dissertation. **Kapostasy, D.D., 2005, Evolution of a small silicic volcanic center at Phonolite Hill, Kingston Canyon, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Katherman, V.E., 1949, The Flagstaff Limestone on the east front of the Gunnison Plateau of central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Katich, P.J., Jr., 1951, The stratigraphy and paleontology of the pre-Niobrara Upper Cretaceous rocks of Castle Valley, Utah: Ohio State Univ. Ph.D. dissertation. Khin, M.A., 1956, The geology of the district north of Indianola, Utah County, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Kilmer, D.S., 1988, A structural analysis of the 'S'-fold in Rock Canyon, Gunnison Plateau, central Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. King, S.D., 1969, Geology of southern Sanpete Valley north of Sterling, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Kucera, R.E., 1954, Geology of the Joes Valley and North Dragon area, central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. **Kuryvial, R. J., 1971, Behavior of some minor elements in coexisting plagioclase, orthoclase, and biotite from three intrusive bodies located in the central : Ohio State Univ. Ph.D. dissertation. Lautenschlager, H.K., 1952, The geology of the central part of the Pavant Range, Utah: Ohio State Univ. Ph.D. dissertation. **Leatham, W.B., 1984, Conodont biostratigraphy of the Ordovician- systemic boundary in the Fish Haven and Laketown Dolomites of northern Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Lee, K-Y., 1950, Petrography of the Price River Formation in the Sanpete Valley district, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Lee, K-Y., 1953, A petrographic study of the latest Cretaceous and earliest Tertiary formations of central Utah: Ohio State Univ. Ph.D. dissertation. Lewis, D.M., 1970, The geology of Pete's Canyon Area, San Pete County, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Lichy, D.E., 1970, Correlation and source direction of Green River Formation Tuffs in San Pete County, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Main, J.C., 2011, Reconstructing fault history from fault rocks and travertine, Rock Canyon Fault, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Main, J., 2015, Using travertine-cemented fault breccias to understand the architecture and history of the Gunnison fault zone, eastern basin and Range, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. **Marcantel, E. L., 1975, Conodont biostratigraphy and sedimentary petrology of the Gerster Formation (Guadalupian) in east central Nevada and west central Utah: Ohio State Univ. Ph.D. dissertation. Mase, R.E., 1957, The geology of the Indianola embayment, Sanpete and Utah Counties, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. **Mason, S.V., 2002, Microscopic study of the Hidden Treasure ore body, Rocky Range, Utah: Ohio, Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Mathews, K.P., 1973, Thermal metamorphism in the Albion Basin of Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Mayhew, J., 1983, The geology of central Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. McCann, D., 1970, Geology of the Dry Canyon area, Sanpete County, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis.


McCullough, L.A., 1977, Playa-lake and clastic deposition in Paleocene-Eocene Flagstaff Limestone, Wasatch Plateau, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. McEnerney, E.M., 1982, Analysis of a Goniobasis-bearing limestone from the Colton Formation of Ephraim, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. McGookey, D.P., 1958, Geology of the northern portion of the Fish Lake Plateau, Utah: Ohio State Univ. Ph.D. dissertation. Metter, R.E., 1955, The geology of a part of the southern Wasatch Mountains, Utah: Ohio State Univ. Ph.D. dissertation. Muessig, S.J., 1951, Geology of a part of Long Ridge, Utah: Ohio State Univ. Ph.D. dissertation. Neat, P.L., 1975, Strontium isotope geology of a section of the Flagstaff Formation in Fairview Canyon, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Nikravesh, R., 1963, The microfauna of the type Allen Valley Shale (Upper Cretaceous), Sanpete County, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. O 'Neill, W.A., 1980, 40Ar 39Ar ages of selected tuffs of the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Pashley, E.F., Jr., 1956, The geology of the western slope of the Wasatch Plateau between Spring City and Fairview, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. **Peteya, J.A., 2013, Resolving details of the nonbiomineralized anatomy of trilobites using computed tomographic imaging techniques: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Pokas, A., 1972, Geology of the Ninemile area, San Pete County, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Richardson, K.G., 1980, Paleomagnetic study of the Mahogany oil shale, Uinta Basin, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Robertson, M.E., 1970, The geology of the Axhandle area Sanpete County, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Ross, D.K., 1982, X-ray analysis of the clay minerals of the Morrison(?), Twist Gulch and Arapien formations of central Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Sauer, J., 1977, Atomic absorption of oil shale from Wales Canyon, Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Schoff, S.L., 1931, Oolites in the Manti Formation of central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.A. thesis. Schoff, S.L., 1937, Geology of the Cedar Hills, Utah: Ohio State Univ. Ph.D. dissertation. Schwans, P., 1988, Stratal packages at the subsiding margin of the Cretaceous foreland basin, Utah. (Volumes I and II): Ohio State Univ. Ph.D. dissertation. **Sedlacek, A.R.C., 2013, Strontium isotope stratigraphy and carbonate sedimentology of the latest Permian to Early Triassic in the western United States, northern Iran and southern China: Ohio State Univ. Ph.D. dissertation. Sheliga, C.M., 1980, Sedimentology of the Eocene Green River Formation in Sevier and Sanpete counties, central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Stuecheli, P.J., 1984, The sedimentology, depositional setting and age of the Morrison (?) Formation in central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Swank, W.J., 1978, Structural history of the Canyon Range thrust, central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Taylor, D.A., 1948, The geology of the Gunnison Plateau front in the vicinity of Wales, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Thesken, R.S., 1979, Origin and hydrocarbon potential of dolomite in Paleocene-Eocene Lake Flagstaff, central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Thomas, G.E., 1960, The South Flat and related formations in the northern part of the Gunnison Plateau, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Tucker, L.M., 1954, Geology of the Scipio quadrangle, Utah: Ohio State Univ. Ph.D. dissertation. Vogel, J.W., 1957, The geology of southernmost and adjacent highlands, Juab County, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis.


Vorce, C. L., 1979, Sedimentary petrology and stratigraphic relationships of the North Horn Formation and the Flagstaff Limestone at Long Ridge, central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Wallace, R.G., 1964, Late Cenozoic mass movement along part of the west edge of the Wasatch Plateau, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Waltz, J.R., 1974, A Tertiary latite sill near Chicken Creek, Juab County: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Washburn, G.R., 1948, Geology of the Manti Canyon area, central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Wells, N.A., 1977, Paleocene-Eocene Lake Flagstaff of central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Wilson, M.D., 1949, The geology of the upper Sixmile Canyon area, central Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Winnett, T., 1978, K-Ar dating of basalts Zion National Park Utah: Ohio State Univ. UG thesis. Young, R.G., 1952, Stratigraphic relations in the Upper cretaceous of the Book Cliffs, Utah-Colorado: Ohio State Univ. Ph.D. dissertation. Zeller, H.D., 1949, The geology of the west-central portion of the Gunnison Plateau, Utah: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis. Ziga, J.M., 2006, The Moroni Formation in Salt Creek Canyon central, Utah: implications for Paleogene topography: Ohio State Univ. M.S. thesis.



Baldy, M.B., 1968, Molluscan faunas of the Lower Flagstaff Formation, Fairview canyon, Sanpete County, Utah: Sterkiana, no. 29, p. 1-8. Burma, B.H., and Hardy, C.T., 1953, Pre-North Horn orogeny in Gunnison Plateau, Utah: Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, v. 37, p. 549-553. Clark, D.L., Carr, T.R., Behnken, F.H., Wardlaw, B.R., and Collinson, J.W., 1979, Permian conodont biostratigraphy in the Great Basin: in (Sandberg, C.A., and Clark, D.L., eds.) Conodont Biostratigraphy of the Great Basin and Rocky Mountains, Brigham Young Univ. Studies, v. 26 (3), p. 143-149. Collinson, J.W., 1968, Ohio State University Field Work [in central Utah] and Bibliography: Utah Geol. and Mineralogy Survey, Supplement to Quart. Rev., v. 2, no. 2, p. 1-4. Collinson, J.W., Kendall, C.G., and Marcantel, J.B., 1976, Permian-Triassic boundary in eastern Nevada and west- central Utah: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 87, p. 821-824. Collinson, J.W., 1980, Memorial to Edmund Maute Spieker, 1895-1978: Geol. Soc. America Memorials, v. 10, 5 p. Collinson, J.W. and Hasenmueller, W.A., 1978, Early Triassic paleogeography and biostratigraphy of the Cordilleran miogeosyncline: in (Howell, D.G., and McDougall, K.A., eds.) Mesozoic Paleogeography of the Western United states: Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium 2, Sacramento, 1978. p. 175-187. Soc. Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Section, Los Angeles. Edwards, C.T., and Saltzman, M.R., 2014, Carbon isotope (delta (super 13) C (sub carb)) stratigraphy of the Lower-Middle Ordovician (Tremadocian-) in the Great Basin, Western United States; implications for global correlation: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 399, p. 1-20. Edwards, C.T., and Saltzman, M.R., 2016, Paired carbon isotopic analysis of Ordovician bulk carbonate (delta (super 13) C (sub carb)) and organic matter (delta (super 13) C (sub org)) spanning the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 458, p. 102-117. Elliot, D.H., Judge, S.A., Wilson, T.J., Chidsey, T.C., Jr., Sprinkel, D.A., Laine, M.D., and Eby, D.E., 2011, Road guide to the geology of the Sanpete Valley region, Sevier thrust belt, central Utah: Utah Geological Assoc. Pub., v. 40, p. 311-332. Gilliland, W.N., 1951, Geology of the Gunnison Quadrangle, Utah: Nebr. Univ. Studies, New Ser., v. 8. Gilliland, W.N., 1963, Sanpete-Sevier Valley Anticline of central Utah: Geological Soc. of America Bulletin, v. 74, p. 115-123. Gilliland, W.N., and LaRocque, J.A.A., 1952, A new Xenohelix? from the Paleocene of Utah: Journal of Paleontology, v. 26, p. 501-504. Hardy, C.T., 1952, Eastern Sevier Valley, Sevier and Sanpete counties, Utah--with reference to formations of Jurassic age: Bulletin - Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey. Hardy, C.T., 1953, Evidence for variable vertical movement in central Utah: Bulletin of the Geological Soc. of America, v. 64, p. 245-248. Hardy, C.T., and Muessig, S.J., 1952, Glaciation and drainage changes in the Fish Lake Plateau, Utah: Bulletin of the Geological Soc. of America, v. 63, p. 1109-1116. Hardy, C.T., and Zeller, H.D., 1953, Geology of the west-central part of the Gunnison Plateau, Utah: Bulletin of the Geological Soc. of America, v. 64, p. 1261-1278. Hunt, R.E., 1954, South Flat Formation, new Upper Cretaceous formation of central Utah: Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, v. 38, p. 118-128. Judge, S.A., Wilson, T.J., and Kilmer, D.S., 2011, Kinematic analysis of a fault-related monocline, Sevier thrust belt (San Pitch Mountains), central Utah: Utah Geological Association Publication, v. 40, p. 73-87.


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