or linkage? Their relative contributions to the genetic correlation of quantitative traits and detection by multi-trait GWA studies.

Jobran Chebib and Fr´ed´ericGuillaume Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Z¨urich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Z¨urich,Switzerland. email: [email protected]

Abstract Genetic correlations between traits may cause correlated responses to selec- tiondepending on the source of those genetic dependencies. Previous models described the conditions under which genetic correlations were :::are:expected to be maintained. Selection, mutation and migration are all proposed to have similar effects on genetic correlation::::::affect::::::::genetic:::::::::::::correlations, regardless of whether the underlying consists of pleiotropic or tightly- linked loci affecting the traits. Here, we investigate the conditions under which pleiotropy and linkage have differential effects on the genetic correla- tions between traits by explicitly modeling multiple genetic architectures to look at the effects of selection strength, degree of correlational selection, mu- tation rate, mutational , recombination rate, and migration rate. We show that at mutation-selection(-migration) balance, mutation rates differ- entially affect the equilibrium levels of genetic correlation when architectures are composed of pairs of physically linked loci compared to architectures of pleiotropic loci. Even when there is perfect linkage (no recombination within pairs of linked loci), a lower genetic correlation is maintained than with pleiotropy, with a lower mutation rate leading to a larger decrease. These results imply that the detection of causal loci in multi-trait associa- tion studies will be affected by the type of underlying architectures, whereby

Preprint submitted to Unknown November 11, 2019 pleiotropic variants are more likely to be underlying multiple detected asso- ciations. We also confirm that tighter linkage between non-pleiotropic causal loci maintains higher genetic correlations at the traits and leads to a greater proportion of false positives in association analyses. Keywords: Pleiotropy, Linkage, Genetic Architecture, Correlational

Selection GWAS::::::::, Migration, Mutation

1 Introduction

2 Both pleiotropy and linkage disequilibrium create genetic correlations be-

3 tween traits so that traits do not act :::::vary :independently of one another

4 (Wright, 1977; Arnold, 1992; Walsh and Blows, 2009). Under natural selec-

5 tion, this process can prevent a combination of traits from reaching their re-

6 spective optimal potentials :::::::::optimum:::::trait:::::::values::::::::favored::::by ::::::::natural :::::::::selection

7 (Falconer and Mackay, 1996). Likewise, under artificial selection it can con-

8 strain breeders from improving desired change in one trait due to undesired

9 changes in another, and in medical targeted therapy treatments it can

10 cause adverse side-effects (Wright, 1977; Parkes et al., 2013; Visscher et al., 2017) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(Wright, 1977; Parkes et al., 2013; Visscher et al., 2017; Wei and Nielsen, 2019).

11 Pleiotropy may cause genetic correlation because one gene’s product (e.g.:,

12 an enzyme or a transcription factor) has more than one target and there-

13 fore affects more than one trait or because one gene’s product belongs to

14 a metabolic pathway that has more than one downstream effect (Hodgkin,

15 1998; Stearns, 2010; Wagner and Zhang, 2011). Linkage disequilibrium (LD)

16 may be the result of a set of loci in close physical proximity on a chromo-

17 some that makes a set of alleles at those loci less likely to be split up by

18 recombination and therefore more likely to get passed on together from one

19 generation to the next. But other mechanisms leading to the transmission

20 of one combination of alleles at separate loci over another combination, can

21 also generate LD and create genetic correlations between traits that those

22 loci affect (e.g., , environmental correlations) (Falconer

23 and Mackay, 1996).

2 24 One of the main objectives of a genome-wide association study (GWAS)

25 is to identify causal genetic variants underlying one or more traits. GWASes

26 leverage the explosion rapid::::::::::::::increase :in genomic sequencing to find correla-

27 tions between traits and genotypes, and their success is dependent on the

28 size of the effect effect:::::::::::sizes :::of ::::the ::::loci: and the distinction between pheno-

29 types. GWASes have had success in associating genetic variants with traits

30 of interest, which have allowed researchers to find the molecular underpin-

31 nings of trait change (Visscher et al., 2017). Moving from one trait to two or

32 more trait associations can lead to discovering pleiotropic loci (Saltz et al.,

33 2017). One GWAS using 1094 traits and 14,459 , found that 44% of

34 genes were “pleiotropic”, but this was determined by assigning genetic vari-

35 ants to the closest gene and even to both flanking genes when the genetic

36 variant was intergenic (Chesmore et al., 2018). This conflates linkage and

37 pleiotropy, and the chain of causality (Platt et al., 2010). Another study,

38 found 90% of genes and 32.4% of SNPs were associated with more than one

39 trait domain, but they could not rule out SNPs associated with traits due to

40 linkage disequilibrium (Watanabe et al., 2018). Unfortunately, determining

41 whether genetic variant associations and trait correlations are actually the

42 result of pleiotropy or linkage is difficult since they often map to large regions

43 of genomes, or are in intergenic regions and don’t associate with the closest

44 genes (Flint and Mackay, 2009; Zhu et al., 2016; Peichel and Marques, 2017;

45 Visscher et al., 2017). Distinguishing between the two types of genetic archi-

46 tectures is important for understanding the underlying molecular functions

47 of the traits, and determining how the traits may be deferentially affected by

48 selection (Lynch et al., 1998; Barrett and Hoekstra, 2011; Saltz et al., 2017).

49 This is salient at a time when an increasing number of traits of interest (e.g.:,

50 human diseases) appear to be affected by loci that affect other traits, and es-

51 pecially when targeted gene therapy clinical trials are more widespread than

52 ever (Edelstein et al., 2007; Cai et al., 2016; Pickrell et al., 2016; Visscher

53 and Yang, 2016; Chesmore et al., 2018; Ginn et al., 2018). There are poten-

3 54 tially negative implications for gene therapy because fixing a gene underlying

55 one disease might increase risk for another disease. For example, some ge-

56 netic variants that are associated with greater risk of Ankylosing spondylitis

57 are also associated with less risk of Rheumatoid arthritis, and so “fixing”

58 one gene would have undesired side-effects in this case (Parkes et al., 2013;

59 Gratten and Visscher, 2016).

60 But the evolutionary dynamics of pleiotropic versus linked loci in creating

61 genetic correlations are expected to be different, since pleiotropy requires only

62 one mutation to affect multiple traits and build-up genetic correlations, and

63 linked pairs require two. Also, recombination can break Mutation::::::::::::::rate :::::::should

64 ::be::::an:::::::::::important:::::::factor::::::::::::::::distinguishing :::::::::::pleiotropy:::::and :::::::linked::::::pairs:::::::::because

65 ::::::single :::::::::::mutations:::::::::affecting::::::more::::::than::::one::::::trait :::::::::provides::::the:::::::::::::opportunity::::for

66 ::::::::::::::combinations ::of::::::::effects:::to:::::::match::::::::::patterns:::of::::::::::::::correlational::::::::::selection :::::::better

67 :::::than :::::::linked:::::loci :::::that:::::::affect:::::one :::::trait:::at:::a ::::::time.::::::::Thus,:::::::linked:::::::pairs :::::may

68 :::::::require:::::high::::::::::mutation::::::rates:::to :::::::::maintain::::::::genetic::::::::::::::correlations. ::::::::::::::::Recombination

69 ::::can ::::also::::::::reduce::::::::genetic:::::::::::::correlations::::::::::between ::::::traits::::by ::::::::::breaking :up associ-

70 ations between alleles at linked loci, reducing genetic correlations between

71 the traits they affect, but the same cannot occur with a pleiotropic locus

72 ::::(but::::see::::::::::::::::::::::::::Wagner et al. (2007) for::::::other::::::::::::::mechanisms :::to :::::::::alleviate::::::::::::pleiotropic

73 ::::::::::::constraints). Polygenic analytical models attempting to approximate the

74 level of genetic variance and covariance at mutation-selection balance in a

75 population suggest that tight linkage between pairs of loci affecting separate

76 traits “is nearly equivalent to” pleiotropic loci affecting both traits (Lande,

77 1984). Therefore, genetic correlations between traits can be approximated us-

78 ing previously elucidated pleiotropic models under certain conditions (Lande,

79 1980, 1984; Turelli, 1985). On the other hand, more recent extensions of

80 Fisher’s Geometric Model (Fisher, 1930) predict that pleiotropic mutations,

81 compared to mutations that affect on only one trait, are less likely to be bene-

82 ficial overall since a beneficial effect on one trait may be detrimental to others

83 (Orr, 1998; Otto, 2004). The detriment of pleiotropic effects is exacerbated

4 84 when increasing the strength of selection or the with::::::::::very :::::::strong: correla-

85 tional selection between traits, since both reduce the amount of phenotypic

86 space where mutations are beneficial :::::::(unless::::::::::::pleiotropic::::::::effects ::::are ::::::::aligned

87 :::::with ::::the :::::::fitness ::::::::surface ::::::::created :::by:::::::::::::correlational:::::::::::selection). This detriment is

88 not present for linked loci affecting separate traits since their beneficial muta-

89 tions will not have the collateral effects of pleiotropy. These, therefore suggest

90 that linkage and pleiotropy may have differential effects on genetic variance

91 and covariances depending on selection regimes ::::::::::mutation,::::::::::::::::recombination ::::and

92 :::::::::selection :::::::::regimes, but this comparison was not fully explored in any previous

93 model.

94 Lande (1984 ) Lande:::::::::::::: (1984) predicted that when loci affecting differ-

95 ent traits are tightly linked, and there is strong correlational selection be-

96 tween traits, recombination rates between loci affecting different traits can

97 strongly affect genetic correlations between traits, when selection is weak ::::and

98 :::::::::mutation::::::rates::::are ::::::::::relatively :::::high. In an extreme case where there is complete

99 linkage between pairs of loci affecting different traits (the recombination rate

100 is 0), and no linkage between sets of these pairs of linked loci (the recombina-

101 tion rate is 0.5), then he determined that the maximum genetic correlation

102 due to linkage may be almost as large as the extent of correlational selec-

103 tion, which can be calculated from the (per linkage group) genetic covariance

104 between traits and the genetic , respectively, as:

ρω2µα2 genetic covariance (b) = , (1) 2c 105 r p µα2 genetic variance (c) = (1 + 1 − ρ2)ω2 , (2) 2 2 106 where ρ is the extent of correlational selection acting between the traits, ω is

107 the strength of selection (with lower values representing stronger selection), µ 2 108 is the per-locus mutation rate, and α is the per-locus mutation variance. If

109 there is equal variances among traits then the genetic correlation is calculated

5 110 as: b ρ genetic correlation = = . (3) c 1 +p1 − ρ2

111 From these equations we see that, even in the absence of pleiotropy, genetic

112 correlation covariance:::::::::::may arise from linkage disequilibrium, and depends on

113 both the strength of correlational selection between traits and selection on

114 each trait, as well as on the mutational inputs (mutation rates and mutational

115 variances) of the genes affecting those traits. ::::Yet,::::::from::::::::::equation:::::(3), ::::the

116 :::::::genetic::::::::::::correlation:::is :::::::::::::independent:::of::::the:::::::::genetic :::::::::::::architecture :::of ::::the:::::::traits.

117 Lande goes on further to state that the case of complete linkage between

118 pairs of loci affecting different traits is “equivalent to a lesser number of

119 loci with pleiotropic effects”, but this is not quantified nor is the scaling of

120 the two examined. We seek to quantify the equivalence of pleiotropy and

121 linkage in their ability to maintain equilibrium levels of genetic (co)variation

122 under the same conditions. We also wish to extend this to look at a range

123 of linkage distances, selection variances and correlations, and mutation rates

124 and variances, to look at the relative effects of each.

125 The:::::::::::::::::expectations::::::given:::by:::::::Lande::::are:::::only::::::::::expected:::to:::be:::::::::accurate:::::::under

126 ::::::::::conditions:::::::where::::::::::mutation :::::rates::::are:::::high::::::::::compared:::to::::the :::::::::strength ::of::::::::::selection

127 ::on:::::the:::::::traits :::of :::::::::interest ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(Turelli, 1984; Turelli and Barton, 1990) . ::::::::When −4 128 :::::::::mutation::::::rates::::are::::::lower::::::::< 10 ,::::::::::::predictions::::for::::::::::::equilibrium:::::::levels ::of::::::::genetic

129 :::::::::variation::::::break:::::::down ::::and::::are :::::::better ::::::::::::::approximated::::by ::::the :a::::::::::::::::::“house-of-cards”

130 ::::::model::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(Kingman, 1978; Turelli, 1984) .::::::::::Analytic::::::::::::predictions::::for ::::::::::::equilibrium

131 :::::levels:::of::::::::genetic::::::::::::covariation:::::::::between:::::::traits ::::due:::to ::::::::linkage ::::::::::::::::disequilibrium, :::on

132 :::the::::::other:::::::hand,:::::have:::::not :::::been:::::well::::::::::explored :::for::::the::::::::::::::::::“house-of-cards”:::::::model

133 ::::::::::::::::(B¨urger,2000) .:

134 Additionally, levels of trait genetic covariation can be influenced by other

135 evolutionary processes that affect allele frequencies, and the covariation of al-

136 lelic values in a population (e.g., migration (Guillaume and Whitlock, 2007),

137 drift (Griswold et al., 2007), inbreeding (Lande, 1984), and phenotypic plas-

138 ticity (Draghi and Whitlock, 2012)). Migration affects genetic covariation

6 139 because when it is sufficiently high (relative to selection in the focal popula-

140 tion), then combinations of alleles coming from a source population will also

141 be maintained in the focal population. This can lead to higher genetic co-

142 variation between traits in the focal populations, whether the combinations

143 of alleles immigrating are (more likely to be) correlated in their effects on

144 those traits or not (Guillaume and Whitlock, 2007). Migration may also have

145 different effects depending on whether the genetic architecture is pleiotropic

146 or made up of linked loci, but this has not been explored.

147 Here, we are interested in the conditions in which pleiotropic architectures

148 behave similarly or differently to architectures with tight physical linkage

149 between loci affecting different traits, with respect to their effects on genetic

150 correlations between the traits. We use computer simulations to investigate

151 whether the evolutionary forces known to affect genetic correlations between

152 traits are effect::::::::of::::::::::::::evolutionary:::::::forces::::on ::::the::::::::genetic:::::::::::::correlation :::::::::between

153 :::::traits:::is:dependent on the type of genetic architecture, and how. We then

154 investigate :::::focus::::on:the relative contributions of selection, mutation and

155 migration on the ::to:::::the ::::::build :::up:::of:genetic correlation between traits with

156 :::::::having :different genetic architectures. We show that unless mutation rates

157 are high, genetic architectures with tight linkage between loci maintain much

158 lower equilibrium genetic correlations than pleiotropic architectures. Even

159 when mutation rates are high, other evolutionary forces affecting equilibrium

160 levels of genetic correlation still show a difference between architectures but

161 to a much lesser extent. Additionally, we simulate genomic single-nucleotide

162 polymorphism (SNP) data sets using the different architectures, and show

163 that linkage distances affect false positive proportions in GWA analyses.

164 Methods

165 We modeled four different genetic architectures in a modified version of

166 the individual-based, forward-in-time, population genetics simulation soft-

167 ware Nemo (Guillaume and Rougemont, 2006; Chebib and Guillaume, 2017).

7 168 Nemo was modified to allow single non-pleiotropic loci to affect different

169 quantitative traits. To compare how pleiotropy and linkage differentially af-

170 fect the genetic correlation between traits, we modeled three different sets

171 of genetic architecture by varying the distance between ::a ::::set ::of: 120 pairs

172 of additive loci affecting two quantitative traits(Figure 1). Each pair of loci

173 was located on its own chromosome (i.e., unlinked to other pairs) and :::::::linked,

174 :::::::::::::::non-pleiotropic:::::loci,:::::and::a :::set:::of::::120::::::::::::pleiotropic::::loci::::::::::affecting ::::the ::::two:::::::traits.

175 :::We:::::::varied: the recombination distance between each pair on a chromosome

176 was either the:::::::two::::::::::::::::non-pleiotropic::::loci:::of :::::each ::::pair:::::with::::::::::distances:0cM, 0.1cM,

177 or 1cM apart for a particular genetic architecture representing (Figure:::::::::::1).

178 :::::Pairs::::::were::::::::::unlinked:::to:::::::other ::::::pairs :::::and :::::::placed::::on::::::::::separate :::::::::::::::chromosomes.

179 ::::The::::::::::::pleiotropic:::::loci :::::were:::::also::::::::::unlinked:::to::::::each :::::::other. :::::The::::::::::::::::recombination

180 :::::rates::::::::chosen ::::::::::represent:no recombination between linked loci, as well as an

181 average and an extreme value of recombination at “hotspots” in the hu-

182 man genome, respectively (Myers et al., 2006). A fourth set of genetic

183 architecture consisted of 120 unlinked, additive, pleiotropic loci that affected

184 both quantitative All:::::::loci:::::had :::::::::additive :::::::effects:::on::::the:traits.

185 Unless otherwise specified, each simulation was run with 5,000 initially

186 monomorphic (variation is gradually introduced through mutations), diploid

187 individuals for 10,000 generations achieving mutation-selection(-migration)

188 balance in order to observe general patterns of genetic correlation in the

189 near-absence of drift. Individuals were hermaphrodites mating at random

190 within a population, with non-overlapping generations. were

191 calculated for each of the two traits modeled by summing the allelic values

192 of all loci affecting one trait. Gaussian stabilizing selection was applied and

193 determined the survival probability of juveniles, whose fitness was calculated  1 T −1  194 as w = exp − 2 (z − θ) · Ω · (z − θ) , where z is the individual phe-

195 notype vector (initialized to the optimum values), θ is the vector of local

196 optimal trait values (set to 10 for both traits in the focal population), and

197 Ω is the selection variance-covariance matrix (n × n, for n traits) describ-

8 Figure 1: Four genetic architectures showing the distribution of loci on 120 chromosomes. In the case of linkage architectures, pairs of loci affecting the two different traits on each chromosome are either 1, 0.1 or 0 cM apart. In the case of the pleiotropic architecture, each locus on each chromosome affects both traits.

198 ing the multivariate Gaussian selection surface. To examine the effects of

199 the strength of stabilizing selection on each trait and strength of correla-

200 tional selection between traits, different sets of simulations were run with 2 201 the diagonal elements of the Ω matrix set as ω = 50, or 100 (selection 2 2 202 strength), and off-diagonal set to ω × 0.5 ω:::::::× ρω::::::::(where::::the::::::::::::::correlational 2 203 :::::::::selection,::::ρω :::=::::0.5:or ω × 0.9 (selection covariance0.9:::). The strength of 2 204 selection scales inversely with ω where a value of 100 corresponds to weak

205 ::::(but:::::::::::::non-trivial): selection as opposed to correlational selection, ρω, where

206 a value of 0.9 corresponds to strong correlational selection between traits

207 (Lande, 1984) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(Lande, 1984; Turelli, 1984).

208 To examine the effects of mutational input on genetic correlation between

209 traits, different sets of simulations were run with mutation rates (µ) of 0.001,

9 2 210 0.0001, or 0.00001, and moderate::::::::::mutational effect sizes (α ) of 0.1, 0.01,

211 or 0.001 (Turelli,::::::::::::::: 1984) . Mutational effects at each ::::::::::::::::non-pleiotropic :locus

212 were drawn from a univariate normal distribution (with a mean of zero) in

213 the three sets of genetic architecture with linked loci or a bivariate normal

214 distribution (with means of zero and a covariance of 0) in the fourth set

215 with pleiotropic architecturefor::::::::::::::pleiotropic::::loci. Mutational effects were then

216 added to the existing allelic values (continuum-of-alleles model; Crow and

217 Kimura, 1964). All loci were assumed to have equal mutational varianceand

218 no :.::::No:environmental effects on the traits was :::::were:included.

219 To examine the effects of migration from a source population on genetic

220 correlation between traits, different additional:::::::::::sets of simulations were run

221 with uni-directional migration from a second population (as:::::in:::an:::::::::::::::::island-mainland

222 ::::::model::::::with :::::each::::::::::::population:::::::::::consisting:::of::::::5000 :::::::::::::individuals) :with backward

223 migration rates (m) of 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001. The backward migration rate

224 represents the average proportion of new individuals in the focal population

225 whose parent is from the source population. The local optimum values for √ √  226 the two traits in the source population were set at θ = 50, 50 (10 units

227 distance from the focal population’s local optimum). Both focal and source 2 228 populations had weak stabilizing selection with a strength of ω = 100, the

229 focal population had no correlational selection between the two traits and

230 the source population had a correlational selection of ρω = 0 or 0.9. Fifty

231 replicate simulations were run for each set of parameter values and statistics

232 were averaged over replicates. Averages were also compared against analyti-

233 cal expectations laid out by Lande (1984) and reproduced here in Equations

234 1–3.

235 Effects of genetic architecture on false positive/negative proportions in asso-

236 ciation studies

237 In order to elucidate the differential effects of pleiotropy and linkage on the

238 detection of true causal genetic variants in association studies, a genome-wide

239 association (GWA) analysis was performed on data simulated as described

10 240 above (with::::::::::only::a::::::single:::::::::::::population), except that diallelic loci were used in-

241 stead of a continuum-of-alleles model to better represent SNPs. Correlational

242 selection values were chosen that provided equal on-average genetic correla-

243 tions between traits for all genetic architectures of 0.2,:::: 0.3:,:and 0.4 , values

244 frequently observed in both morphological and life-history traits (Roff, 1996).

245 In the association study, a per-locus regression of trait values was performed

246 over genotypes, and the (negative log 10) p-values of regression slopes were

247 plotted with a Benjamini-Hochberg False Discovery Rate (FDR) cutoff to

248 adjust significance levels for multiple tests (Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995).

249 From this, we observed the number (and proportion) of false positives (linked

250 loci that had no effect on a trait but whose regression slope p-values were

251 above the FDR cutoff for that same trait) and false negatives (pleiotropic

252 loci that had an effect on both traits but whose regression slope p-values

253 were below the FDR cutoff for either trait). :::No:::::::::::correction::::for::::::::::::population

254 :::::::::::::stratification:::::was::::::::::::performed :::::::during:::::this:::::::::analysis::::::::::because :::::each::::::::::::simulation

255 ::::had ::a:::::::single,:::::::large,:::::::::::randomly :::::::::breeding:::::::::::::population.::Linkage disequilibrium 0 2 256 values of D and R between pairs of linked traits were also calculated using

257 the R package genetics (v1.3.8.1) (Warnes et al., 2013). Statistics for num-

258 ber and proportion of false positives and negatives were obtained from the

259 average over 20 replicate simulations of each genetic architecture.

260 Results

261 Effects of genetic architecture on genetic correlation ::at::::::::::::::::::::mutation-selection

262 :::::::balance

263 By generation 10,000, when mutation-selection balance is reached, simu-

264 lations with the pleiotropic architecture ::::::::::generally maintain a higher average

265 genetic correlation at equilibrium than those with linkage architectures, even

266 when recombination is absent (linkage distance of 0cM between pairs of loci)

267 (Figure 2). A higher genetic correlation with pleiotropy compared to 0cM

268 linkage is the result of lower total genetic variation, since they maintain the

11 269 same level of genetic covariance between the two traits. As the distance

270 between linked loci increases, the average genetic correlation it maintains

271 decreases. Average genetic correlation, total genetic variation and genetic

272 covariation (and their standard deviations) over 10,000 generations reaching

273 mutation-selection equilibrium for four different genetic architectures: pairs

274 of linked loci affecting two different traits with 0, 0.1 or 1cM between loci, or 2 2 275 pleiotropic loci affecting both traits. N = 5000, ω = 100, ρω = 0.9, α = 0.1,

276 and µ = 0.001. Dashed line represents Lande’s 1984 expectations for completely

277 linked loci (0 cm).

278 Effects of selection strength and correlational selection on genetic correlation

279 In all simulations, an increase in selection strength decreases total variance

280 and genetic covariance, but slightly increases genetic correlation since total

281 variance decreases to a larger extent than genetic covariance (Figure 5).

282 A decrease in correlational selection increases total variation and decreases

283 genetic covariance and genetic correlation, regardless of genetic architecture

284 (Figure 4). This increase in total variation is more pronounced in simulations

285 with genetic architecture having looser linkage. A decrease in correlational

286 selection from ρω = 0.9 to 0.5 has a larger effect on maintaining strong genetic 2 287 correlations than a decrease in selection strength from ω = 50 to 100. In

288 the absence of correlational selection little to no genetic correlation persists,

289 regardless of genetic architecture (not shown). 2 290 Effect of selection variance (ω ) on average genetic correlation, total

291 variance and genetic covariance (and their standard deviations) after 10,000

292 generations of correlated, stabilizing selection for four different genetic architectures.

293 Dashed lines represents Lande’s 1984 expectations for completely linked loci

294 (0 cm).

295 Effect of correlational selection (ρω) on average genetic correlation, total

296 variance and genetic covariance (and their standard deviations) after 10,000

297 generations of correlated, stabilizing selection for four different genetic architectures.

12 298 Dashed lines represents Lande’s 1984 expectations for completely linked loci

299 (0 cm).

300 Effects of mutation rate and mutational variance on genetic correlation

301 A smaller mutation rate leads to a lower equilibrium average genetic

302 correlation in all populations, regardless of genetic architecture Variation::::::::::::in

303 :::the::::::::::mutation:::::rate ::::has ::::the :::::::largest::::::effect:::on::::the::::::::::difference:::of :::::::genetic::::::::::::correlation

304 ::::::::between::::::::::::pleiotropic:::::loci:::::and::::::fully :::::::linked:::::::::::::::::non-pleiotropic ::::loci::::::::(0cM),::::::with −3 −5 305 :::::much:::::::lower :::::::::::::correlations :::as ::::the::::::::::mutation:::::rate:::::::::::decreases::::::from :::::10 :::to::::::10

306 (Figure 3). This decrease in mutation rate has a larger effect on genetic

307 correlation when genetic architecture is made up of linked ::::::::::reduction ::in::::::::genetic

308 :::::::::::correlation:::::::mostly:::::::::affected ::::the ::::::::::::::::non-pleiotropic pairs of loci compared with the

309 pleiotropic genetic architecture:::for :::::::which ::a ::::::large :::::drop:::in::::::::genetic::::::::::::correlation −3 −4 310 :::::::::occurred :::::::::between::::::::::µ = 10 :::::and ::::::::::µ = 10 ::::::::(Figure:::3). With lower mutation

311 rate there is also a lower total genetic variance and lower genetic covari-

312 ance. The higher genetic correlation in the pleiotropic genetic architecture

313 compared to architectures with linkage is :::::::::obtained:::::with::::::::::::pleiotropic::::loci:::::was

314 due to a lower total genetic variance when the mutation rate is high (µ = 0.001::::was −3 315 ::::high::::::::::::(µ = 10 ), but due to ::to::a: higher genetic covariance when mutation −4 −5 316 rate is lower (µ = 0.0001 or 0.00001was::::::::low :::::::::::(µ = 10 ::or::::::10 ).

317 A smaller mutational variance leads to a lower equilibrium average genetic

318 correlation in all populations regardless of genetic architecture, but the reduction

319 is less drastic than that of mutation rate decrease The::::::::::::genetic::::::::::::correlation

320 ::::::::between:::::the ::::::traits:::::::::::decreases :::::with:::::::::::reduction:::in::::all :::::four::::::::factors:::::::tested:::::and

321 :::for :::all:::::::::genetic :::::::::::::::architectures, :::::with:::::the :::::::::::coefficient:::of::::::::::::::correlational::::::::::selection

322 ::::(ρω)::::::::having::::the::::::::::strongest:::::::effect ::::::::(Figure::::4),:::as::::::::::expected::::::from :::::::::equation:::::(3). 2 323 :::::::::However,:::::::::changes ::in::::the:::::::::strength:::of :::::::::selection :::::(ω ) ::::and::::the :::::::::::mutational:::::::::variance 2 324 ::::(α ):::::also::::::affect::::the::::::::genetic::::::::::::correlation :::at :::::::::::::equilibrium. ::::We:::::find :::::that :::::::::reducing

325 :::the:::::::::strength:::of :::::::::selection::::::::(Figure:::5) ::::had::a ::::::::::relatively :::::::smaller::::::effect::::::than :::::::::reducing

326 :::the::::::::::::mutational:::::::::variance:(Figure 6). A decrease in mutational variance leads

327 to a decrease in genetic correlation by a similar amount regardless of genetic

13 328 architecture (though loose linkage is affected the most). Populations with

329 linkage architectures need both high mutation rates and high mutational

330 variance to maintain strong genetic correlation, whereas the pleiotropic ar-

331 chitecture just needs high mutational variance.

332 In:::::::::::contrast:::to:::::the ::::::::::::correlation,:::::the ::::::::genetic :::::::::::covariance:::of:::::the ::::two:::::::traits

333 ::::was ::::::::::generally ::::::equal :::::::::between :::::::::::pleiotropic:::::and :::::fully:::::::linked::::::::::::::::non-pleiotropic:::::loci,

334 ::::and ::::::::::decreased:::as:::::::::::::::recombination::::::::::increased:::::::within::::::pairs ::of::::::::::::::::non-pleiotropic:::::loci.

335 ::::The::::::cause:::of::::the::::::::::observed:::::::higher:::::trait::::::::::::correlation::::::::::obtained:::::with::::::::::::pleiotropic

336 ::::loci ::::was::::the::::::lower::::::::genetic:::::::::variance:::::they::::::::::maintain:::::::under :::::::::::stabilizing::::::::::selection.


Figure 2: Average:::::::::::::genetic:::::::::::correlation,:::::total ::::::genetic:::::::::variation ::::and ::::::genetic::::::::::covariation:::::(and ::::their::::::::standard::::::::::deviations):::::over ::::::10,000 ::::::::::generations::::::::reaching:::::::::::::::::mutation-selection ::::::::::equilibrium ::for::::four::::::::different:::::::genetic ::::::::::::architectures::::::pairs::of::::::linked :::loci::::::::affecting::::two :::::::different::::::traits ::::with 2 ::0, :::0.1 ::or:::::1cM :::::::between:::::loci, ::or::::::::::pleiotropic::::loci::::::::affecting:::::both::::::traits. ::::::::::N = 5000,:::::::::ω = 100, 2 ::::::::ρω = 0.9,:::::::::α = 0.1, ::::and :::::::::µ = 0.001.::::::::Dashed ::::line :::::::::represents::::::::Lande’s ::::1984::::::::::::expectations:::for :::::::::completely::::::linked::::loci::(0:::::cm).

338 Effects of migration on genetic correlation

339 A higher migration rate from a source population, whose traits are under

340 correlational selection, leads to higher genetic correlations in the focal popu-

341 lation than with no migration regardless of the genetic architecture (Figure

14 Figure 3: Effect of mutation rate (µ) on average genetic correlation, total variance and genetic covariance (and their standard deviations) after 10,000 generations of correlated, 2 stabilizing selection for four different genetic architectures. :::::::::N = 5000,:::::::::ω = 100,:::::::::ρω = 0.9, 2 :::and:::::::::α = 0.1. :Dashed lines represents Lande’s 1984 expectations for completely linked loci

(0 cm:::cM).

342 7A). The effect of migration increases with tighter linkage and is highest with

343 pleiotropic architecture. This effect on genetic correlation is still observed

344 when there is no correlational selection on the traits in the source population,

345 but to a largely reduced degree (Figure 7B).

346 Effects of linkage and pleiotropy on proportion of false positives/negatives

347 and linkage disequilibrium in multi-trait GWASes

348 In simulations where there is linkage between SNPs and equivalent levels

349 of genetic correlation between traits, the number and proportion of loci that

350 are false positives (above FDR cutoff but no effect on trait) increase as linkage

351 distance decreases between SNPs affecting different traits (shown in Figure

352 S1 and summarized in Table S18:::::and:::::::::::::::::Supplementary :::::::Figure:::S1). When ge-

353 netic correlation is higher (due to stronger correlational selection), linkage

15 2 Figure 4: Effect of mutation variance correlational:::::::::::::::::::selection:(α ρ::ω) on average genetic correlation, total variance and genetic covariance (and their standard deviations) after 10,000 generations of correlated, stabilizing selection for four different genetic architec- 2 2 tures. ::::::::::N = 5000, :::::::::ω = 100,:::::::::α = 0.1,::::and::::::::::µ = 0.001.::Dashed lines represents Lande’s

1984 expectations for completely linked loci (0 cmcM:::).

354 distance has a greater impact on the proportion of false positives. Also,:::::

355 :::::::genetic::::::::::::correlation::::has::a ::::::larger:::::::effect :::::than::::::::linkage :::::::::distance :::on::::the::::::::number:::of

356 :::::false ::::::::::positives. :In simulations where SNPs are pleiotropic, genetic correlation

357 due to correlational selection has little impact on the number and propor-

358 tion of false negatives (below FDR cutoff but does affect the traits). Linkage

359 disequilibrium between pairs of linked SNPs decreases as distance between

360 SNPs increases regardless of genetic correlation (Table S1 and Supplemental

361 Figure ??Figure:::::::::9 ::::and:::::::::::::::Supplemental::::::Table::::S1). Long-distance linkage dise-

362 quilibrium between unlinked SNPs increases when the distance between pairs 0 363 of linked SNPs increases (when measured with D ), and is higher with higher

364 genetic correlation when comparing the same genetic architectures (Supple-

365 mental Figure S2). In simulations where SNPs are pleiotropic, long-distance

366 linkage disequilibrium does not seem to be affected by change in genetic

16 2 Figure 5: ::::::Effect ::of ::::::::selection :::::::variance::::(ω ):::on:::::::average:::::::genetic ::::::::::correlation,:::::total :::::::variance::::and ::::::genetic::::::::::covariance :::::(and ::::their:::::::::standard ::::::::::deviations):::::after::::::10,000:::::::::::generations ::of::::::::::correlated, 2 :::::::::stabilizing::::::::selection:::for::::four::::::::different:::::::genetic ::::::::::::architectures.::::::::::N = 5000,::::::::ρω = 0.9,:::::::::α = 0.1, :::and::::::::::µ = 0.001.::::::::Dashed ::::lines::::::::::represents :::::::Lande’s:::::1984::::::::::::expectations :::for::::::::::completely::::::linked :::loci:::(0 ::::cM).

367 correlation.

368 Discussion

369 Pleiotropy and linkage are not the same

370 The main expectation under an assumption of weak selection and strong

371 correlational selection is that populations with a genetic architecture con-

372 sisting of unlinked pairs of two completely linked loci (0cM distance) should

373 maintain similar equilibrium levels of genetic correlation as with a genetic

374 architecture consisting of a lesser number of unlinked pleiotropic loci (Lande,

375 1984). Our results show that this is the case when there are half as many

376 pleiotropic loci and mutation rates are relatively high. A high rate of mu- −3 377 tation (10 ) allows for multiple mutations in both loci in a tightly linked

17 2 Figure 6: :::::Effect::of:::::::::mutation::::::::variance:::::(α ) ::on::::::::average :::::::genetic ::::::::::correlation,:::::total::::::::variance :::and::::::::genetic ::::::::::covariance:::::(and::::::their :::::::::standard :::::::::::deviations) :::::after:::::::10,000:::::::::::generations:::of :::::::::correlated,:::::::::::stabilizing ::::::::selection::::for:::::four:::::::::different :::::::genetic:::::::::::::architectures.::::::::::::N = 5000, 2 ::::::::ω = 100,:::::::::ρω = 0.9,:::::and :::::::::µ = 0.001.::::::::Dashed:::::lines::::::::::represents :::::::Lande’s:::::1984::::::::::::expectations ::for::::::::::completely::::::linked::::loci:::(0 ::::cM).

378 pair to accumulate and maintain levels of genetic covariance near to that of

379 mutations in a single pleiotropic locus, but empirical estimations of muta-

380 tion rates from varied species like bacteria and humans suggests that per- −8 −9 381 nucleotide mutation rates are in the order of 10 to 10 (Nachman and

382 Crowell, 2000; Lynch, 2010; Ford et al., 2011). If a polygenic locus consists

383 of hundreds or thousands of nucleotides, as in the case of many quantitative −5 384 trait loci (QTLs), then per-locus mutation rates may be as high as 10 , but

385 the larger the locus the higher the chance of recombination between within-

386 locus variants that are contributing to genetic correlation. This leads us to

387 believe that with empirically estimated levels of mutation and recombination,

388 strong genetic correlation between traits are more likely to be maintained if

389 there is an underlying pleiotropic architecture affecting them than will be

390 maintained due to tight linkage. Consequently, GWASes that detect asso-

18 Figure 7: Average genetic correlations in the focal populations (and their standard de- viations) after 10,000 generations of migration from a source population with different migration rates (m) for four different genetic architectures. A– Migration from a source population with correlational selection between traits (ρω = 0.9). B– Migration from a source population without correlational selection between traits (ρω = 0).

391 ciations between multiple traits and single genetic variants are more likely

392 to be detecting pleiotropic loci than linked loci. Also, previous theoretical

393 models suggest that Lande’s (1984) equilibrium levels of genetic variation

394 are not well approximated at low per-locus mutation rates (compared to the

395 strength of selection), which was also true in our simulations (Supplemental

396 Figure S3) (Turelli, 1985; B¨urger,2000) (Turelli,::::::::::::::: 1984).

397 We find that even under scenarios where pleiotropy and tight linkage

398 maintain similar levels of genetic covariance, pleiotropic architectures have

399 higher genetic correlations because they have lower total genetic variance.

400 This can be explained by understanding the differential fitness effects of loci.

401 Mutations that affect more than one trait are less likely to be beneficial (Orr,

402 1998; Otto, 2004). The distribution of fitness effects of pleiotropic mutations

403 is shifted towards more negative average values as the number of traits af-

19 404 fected increases (Martin and Lenormand, 2006; Chevin et al., 2010). Hence,

405 pleiotropic architectures that affect more traits have less positive mutational

406 effects on fitness and maintain a lower equilibrium genetic variation when

407 compared to linked architectures (Turelli, 1985). It has been suggested that

408 this might be overcome in more complex organisms with a greater number

409 of traits by modularization of the effects of different pleiotropic genes to

410 separate sets of traits and decrease the pleiotropic degree of the mutations

411 but theoretical models have shown mixed results (Baatz and Wagner, 1997;

412 Hansen, 2003; Welch et al., 2003; Martin and Lenormand, 2006; Chevin et al.,

413 2010; Wagner and Zhang, 2011).

414 1When correlational selection between traits is strong in the simulations

415 with linked architectures, the genetic correlation is dependent on the recom-

416 bination rates between loci affecting different traits where tightly linked loci

417 can maintain higher levels of genetic correlation from a build-up of positive

418 linkage disequilibrium than loosely linked loci. This matches the analytical

419 predictions put forth in Lande (1984) under the assumption of weak stabi-

420 lizing selection, strong correlational selection, and loose linkage between loci

421 affecting the same trait. Strong stabilizing selection combined with strong

422 correlational selection, on the other hand, leads to an increased build-up

423 of negative LD as extreme combinations of values between pairs of loci are

424 excluded and small but opposite-sign values at paired loci remain. This has

425 a disproportionately larger reduction of genetic covariances in more tightly

426 linked loci, a scenario that was not explored in Lande (1984) .

427 The impact of pleiotropy and linkage maintaining different genetic correla-

428 tions in association studies

429 When methods like GWA analyses are employed to detect shared ge-

430 netic influences (pleiotropy or linkage) on multiple traits of interest, they

431 are dependent upon detecting combinations of effect sizes of genetic variants

432 associated with those traits (Hill and Zhang, 2012b,a; Chung et al., 2014;

433 Visscher and Yang, 2016). The success or failure of this endeavor is directly

20 434 connected to the ability to detect loci with associations to each trait and

435 the strength of genetic correlation between traits (Wei et al., 2014; Pickrell

436 et al., 2016; Chesmore et al., 2018; Verbanck et al., 2018). Our results show

437 that (tight) linkage between loci affecting different traits will lead to “many”

438 false positives. Therefore, GWASes will not be able to distinguish between

439 pleiotropy and linkage, empirically. The proportion of genes associated with

440 two or more phenotypes in the GWAS catalog has increased to around 40% in

441 the last decade (Welter et al., 2013; Pickrell et al., 2016). But it is difficult to

442 determine if this is truly representative of the prevalence of pleiotropy because

443 QTLs are often mapped to loci that can encompass thousands of nucleotides

444 (and more than one gene) and informative SNPs with significant effect sizes

445 are assigned to the closest genes with annotated phenotypes (Chesmore et al.,

446 2018; Liu et al., 2019). Conflating inter-genic pleiotropic SNPs with nearby

447 pleiotropic genes (or loci) can distort the prevalence of pleiotropy and re-

448 duce the ability to distinguish pleiotropy and physical linkage, which in turn

449 can reduce the efficacy of treatments dependent on those results (like gene

450 targeted therapies) (Dudley et al., 2005; Gianola et al., 2015). Finding out

451 the true false positive rate in GWA studies due to linkage is difficult because

452 it is almost never known whether the source of genetic correlations between

453 traits is linked loci or not, even when fine-scale sequences are available (for the

454 reasons mentioned above and because of the way pleiotropy is erroneously de-

455 fined in GWA studies) (Platt et al., 2010). Watanabe et al. (2018) attempted

456 to break down this issue in a meta-analysis of 558 GWASes by looking at

457 the proportion of genomic loci, genes, and SNPs associated with multiple

458 traits, which may provide a clearer picture of the prevalence of pleiotropic

459 causal variants. They found that 93.3% of loci, 81.0% of genes, and 60.2% of

460 SNPs, were associated with more than one trait. This may seem to provide

461 a better estimate of pleiotropic levels, except that in this study SNPs that

462 were associated with more than one trait could still have been the result of

463 linkage disequilibrium. A point that was brought up by the authors.

21 464 When there is tighter linkage between loci affecting separate traits, there

465 is also a higher proportion of loci that will be statistically associated with

466 traits that they do not affect (false positives). This is expected (for the same

467 level of genetic correlation between traits), since the genetic:::::::::::::::::::correlation,:::::and

468 :::::::::therefore::::the: power to detect a locus linked to a causal variant:,:is propor-

469 tional to the correlation coefficient between loci (given by their linkage dis-

470 equilibrium) (Siegmund and Yakir, 2007). Of::::::::::course,:::in:::::the ::::::::::::simulations:::in

471 :::our:::::::study:::all:::::loci ::::had::::::::effects :::on::::::traits:::::and::::::there:::::was :::::::::::::correlational::::::::::selection

472 ::on:::::::those ::::::traits.::::::Had ::::::there :::::been::::::::neutral::::loci:::::::linked:::to::::the:::::::causal::::loci:::::::::instead,

473 :::::then ::::::::linkage :::::::::distance:::::::::between::::::them:::::::would::::::have :::::been:::::::solely::::::::::::responsible::::for

474 :::the:::::::::number:::of :::::false:::::::::::positives. : On the other hand, very few false negatives

475 in pleiotropic loci were observed (regardless of genetic correlation) because

476 we “sampled” the entire population and therefore had the power to find

477 significant associations with (almost) all causal loci. Had we taken smaller

478 samples of our population to perform the GWA analysis, we would have found

479 a greater number of false negatives. The salient consequence is that study

480 design, threshold levels, and genetic correlations between traits will all affect

481 detection of genetic variants, whether the variants are causal themselves or

482 linked to causal variants (Wagner and Zhang, 2011; Hill and Zhang, 2012a).

483 Also, the number of pleiotropic effects a locus has may be under-represented

484 by significance levels in association studies (Hill and Zhang, 2012b). Wagner

485 and Zhang 2011 go a step further to suggest that number or proportions of

486 traits affected may not be as meaningful as describing the distributions of

487 pleiotropic effect sizes on traits.

488 There is a difference between pleiotropy and linkage at the nucleotide level

489 Transgenic experiments may differentiate pleiotropy from linkage at the

490 gene level (Mills et al., 2014), but at the nucleotide level does the distinction

491 between two linked loci and one pleiotropic locus go away? There is evidence

492 that even in the same gene, adjacent polymorphisms affecting different traits

493 in Drosophila can be in linkage equilibrium due to fine-scale recombination

22 494 (Carbone et al., 2006; Flint and Mackay, 2009). But imagine a case where

495 a mutation in a single base-pair has an effect on one trait and a mutation

496 in the base-pair right next to the first base-pair has an effect on a second

497 trait. Now imagine a second case where a mutation in a single base-pair

498 has an effect on two traits. There still seems to be a distinction between

499 these two cases because the probability of a change in both traits in the first

500 case is the mutation rate squared compared to the second case where the

501 probability of a change in both traits is just the mutation rate. Depend-

502 ing on the per-locus mutation rate this difference can be quite large (e.g. −4 −16 503 10 versus 10 ). Even in this extreme case, there may indeed still be a

504 gray area in the distinction between pleiotropy and linkage at a mutational

505 level. Mutations may affect the pleiotropic degree (e.g. like enzyme speci-

506 ficity) of a protein-coding gene and the degree to which the gene maintains

507 multi-functionality may itself evolve (Guillaume and Otto, 2012). If there

508 is correlational selection between the catalytic functions of an enzyme, then

509 some pleiotropic mutations that affect more than one catalytic ability will

510 be favoured, and genetic correlations will increase. With this in mind, it

511 makes more sense from a theoretical and functional standpoint to refer to

512 pleiotropy at the nucleotide level (or at the unit of a mutation), than at the

513 gene or larger locus level (but this may depend on the questions of interest

514 (Rockman, 2012; Rausher and Delph, 2015)).

515 Other factors

516 Even in the absence of correlational selection it is possible to maintain

517 genetic correlation through continued migration from a source population.

518 High migration brings individuals whose combination of alleles will expand

519 focal population variation in the direction of the source population. This

520 corroborates previous results that showed that slow introgression of allelic

521 combinations into a population can affect the genetic variance-covariance

522 structure of that population (Guillaume and Whitlock, 2007). Whether ge-

523 netic covariance will be maintained in real populations depends on the nature

23 524 of correlational selection on traits in the population of interest, since migra-

525 tion can reduce local fitness (i.e. migration load) if allele combinations are not

526 favoured by selection or increase it if they are (Nosil et al., 2006; Bolnick and

527 Otto, 2013). Migration into a population will also affect false positive rates

528 since immigrating allele combinations will be in LD from the source popula-

529 tion and will therefore increase the proportion of certain genotypes, even if

530 there is no strong trait correlation in the source population. Although not

531 investigated in this study, a structured population and/or a continual system

532 of inbreeding in a population where there is correlational selection between

533 polygenic traits can result in increased genetic covariation caused by larger

534 LD Lande (1984), which can in turn increase false positive proportions.

535 Conclusion

536 Pleiotropic loci maintain stronger genetic correlations between traits than

537 linked loci affecting different traits even when no recombination occurs be-

538 tween the loci, and especially in the magnitude of empirically estimated mu-

539 tation rates. Previous models of the maintenance of genetic covariation at

540 mutation-selection equilibrium describe genetic covariation as a function of

541 the product of mutation rate and variance. These models provide similar

542 expectations for pleiotropic and tight linkage architectures. The discrepancy

543 occurs because of the contingency of mutational covariance input on the oc-

544 currence of mutations (and hence mutation rate). Without high mutation

545 rates, the ability to create genetic covariance between linked loci is highly

546 diminished because the combined likelihood of mutations in each linked loci

547 with both mutational effects in the same direction is low. This result will

548 have implications in the type of underlying architecture we expect to find

549 in multi-trait association studies. On the one hand, tighter linkage between

550 causal loci and detected loci maintains higher genetic correlations, leading

551 to a greater proportion of causal variant false positives. More importantly,

552 variants are more likely to have pleiotropic effects on traits than linked ef-

24 553 fects, when they are found to be associated with multiple, strongly correlated

554 traits.

555 :::::::::::::::::::::Acknowledgments

556 This::::::::::::::::manuscript::::::::::benefited::::::from::::the :::::::::::comments ::::and::::::::::::::constructive :::::::::criticism

557 :::::::::provided:::by::::::::::Kathleen:::::::::::Lotterhos,::::Pr ::::::::::::Ingvarsson, ::::and::::an ::::::::::::anonymous :::::::::reviewer

558 ::at:::::PCI::::::::::::::Evolutionary::::::::::Biology. ::::::J.C. ::::and::::::F.G.::::::were :::::::::::supported :::by:::::the ::::::Swiss

559 :::::::::National ::::::::Science:::::::::::::Foundation,::::::grant:::::::::PP00P3:::::::::::144846/1 ::to::::::F.G.:

560 :::::::::Author :::::::::::::::::Contributions

561 J.C.:::::::::::::::performed :::::::::software :::::::::::::modification:::for:::::::model::::::::::::::::implementation:::::and :::::::::::acquisition

562 ::of::::::data,:::as:::::well:::as:::::::::drafting:::of:::::::::::::manuscript.::::::J.C. ::::and::::::F.G.:::::::::::performed:::::::study

563 :::::::::::conception::::and::::::::design,::::::::analysis:::::and ::::::::::::::interpretation:::of::::::data, ::::and::::::::critical ::::::::revision

564 ::of:::::::::::::manuscript. :

565 ::::::Data ::::::::::Archival

566 The:::::::::data::::for:::::this:::::::study ::::will::::be ::::::made::::::::::available:::::::online:::::::::through:::::::::Zenodo

567 ::::::online::::::::::::repository :::at::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::https://zenodo.org/record/3370185#collapseTwo:::::::::::::::::and

568 :::::code :::for::::::::::::simulations::::can:::be::::::found:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::https://sourceforge.net/projects/nemo2/files/Publications-Code/ChebibGuillaume-PleiotropyOrLinkage-2019/


570 :::::::::Conflict:::of::::::::::interest:::::::::::::disclosure

571 The::::::::::::authors:::of ::::this::::::::article ::::::::declare :::::that :::::they:::::have::::no :::::::::financial::::::::conflict:::of

572 ::::::::interest :::::with::::the::::::::content:::of:::::this :::::::article.::

25 Figure 8: :::::::Average::::::::number ::of:::::false ::::::::positives:::::from:GWA analysis: -log:::::::analyses:(p-values of slope of regression of trait values on genotypes:::and:::::their::::::::standard::::::::::deviations) from one set of example simulations. In the case of :::for ::::::::different linkage architectures, the first 120 ::::::::distances::::::::between::::::paired: loci only affected trait 1 and the next 120 loci only affected trait 2. In the case of the pleiotropic architecture, all 120 loci affected both traits. The average ::::::::different genetic correlation of ≈ 0.3 correlations::::::::::::::::(gcor).:::A::::::locus was observed by adjusting considered::::::::::a:::::false:::::::positive::if:::::::::::associations::::::::between :the correlational selection levels to 0.88, 0.89, 0.93, locus’::::::::::::::genotypes:and 0.965 for pleiotropy, linkage 0cM, linkage 0.1cM::::trait::::::values, and linkage 1cMthat:::::::the:::::locus:::::does::::not :::::::directly::::::affect, respectively. Dashed lines represent :::are::::::above the Benjamini-Hochberg FDR cutoffs for (with:::::a signif- icance level of 0.05:).

26 Figure 9: Results of GWA analyses for different architectures with average false negatives (Type II errors) for pleiotropic architectures and false positives (Type I errors) for linkage architectures, as well as :::::::Average:linkage disequilibrium (LD) measurement averages for short-distance (physically between::::::::::::pairs::of: linked loci (and:::::::::their ::::::::standard::::::::::deviations) ::for:::::::::different :::::::linkage :::::::::distances ::::::::between:::::::paired ::::loci :and long-distance different::::::::::::::genetic ::::::::::correlations:(unlinked locigcor::: )comparisons. Genetic Genetic Cor Type I/II D’ D’ R2 R2Architecture (SE) Error short long short longPleiotropy 0.308 (0.0046) 0.35NA 0.018 NA 0.00027Linkage (0cM) 0.300 (0.0055) 22.060.37 0.023 0.089 0.00026Linkage (0.1cM) 0.300 (0.0045) 20.170.26 0.025 0.047 0.00027Linkage (1cM) 0.308 (0.0035) 18.280.13 0.030 0.007 0.00027Pleiotropy 0.407 (0.0048) 0.32NA 0.018 NA 0.00027Linkage (0cM) 0.398 (0.0074) 28.760.43 0.025 0.107 0.00027Linkage (0.1cM) 0.408 (0.0035) 28.460.30 0.027 0.050 0.00027Linkage (1cM) 0.404 (0.0029) 25.340.19 0.048 0.006 0.00027

27 573 Supplemental

Figure S1: Average proportion :::::GWA:::::::::analysis: ::::::::::::-log(p-values: of false positives among replicates :::::slope ::of::::::::::regression:::of:::::trait::::::values::::on ::::::::::genotypes):::::from::::one::::set:::of ::::::::example ::::::::::simulations.::::In::::the ::::case:::of:::::::linkage:::::::::::::architectures, :::the:::::first ::::120 ::::loci ::::only::::::::affected:::::trait :1::::and::::the:::::next::::120::::loci:::::only::::::::affected:::::trait ::2.::::::The::::::order ::of::::the::::loci::::are:::::::sorted :for different genetic correlations :::::::::::visualization:::::::::purposes ::::::::whereby::::::linked:::::pairs::::are :::::::::separated

::by::::the:::::trait :::::they :::::affect:::::(e.g.:::::loci::1: and genetic architectures121::::::in :::the::::::figure::::are::a :::::linked:::::pair). N::In:::the:::::case ::of:::the::::::::::pleiotropic::::::::::::architecture, :::all :::120::::loci:::::::affected:::::both:::::traits. B::::The:::::::average:::::::genetic:::::::::::correlation ::of::::::≈ 0.3 ::::was::::::::observed:::by:::::::::adjusting::::the::::::::::::correlational :::::::selection::::::levels::to:::::0.88,:::::0.89,:::::0.93,::::and::::::0.965 :::for ::::::::::pleiotropy, :::::::linkage :::::0cM, ::::::linkage:::::::0.1cM, :::and:::::::linkage:::::1cM, :::::::::::respectively. No false positives were possible ::::::Dashed:::::lines:::::::::represent :::the ::::::::::::::::::Benjamini-Hochberg:::::FDR ::::::cutoffs:for pleiotropic architectures:a:::::::::::significance ::::level::of:::::0.05.

28 0 Figure S2: Average linkage disequilibrium (measured by D ) between linked pairs (left panel) and between unlinked pairs (right panels) for different genetic correlations and genetic architectures. N.B. No linked pairs existed between pleiotropic loci.

29 Figure S3: Average genetic variances for different mutation rates and genetic architectures, with either one pleiotropic locus or two completely linked loci, compared against theoretical expectations from several models (B¨urger,2000).

30 Table S1: Results:::::::::of :::::GWA::::::::analyses :::for ::::::::different :::::::::::architectures:::::with:::::::average::::false:::::::::negatives :::::(Type:::II:::::::errors):::for:::::::::::pleiotropic ::::::::::::architectures:::::and :::::false ::::::::positives:::::::(Type :I:::::::errors)::::for ::::::linkage:::::::::::::architectures, ::as:::::well ::as:::::::linkage::::::::::::::disequilibrium :::::(LD)::::::::::::measurement:::::::::averages :::for ::::::::::::short-distance::::::::::(physically::::::linked:::::loci) :::and:::::::::::::long-distance ::::::::(unlinked:::::loci) ::::::::::::comparisons. ::::The ::::::genetic::::::::::::architectures::in::::the :::::::bottom ::::half ::of :::the:::::table:::::have ::::::higher:::::::genetic ::::::::::correlations:::::than :::the :::top:::::half ::::::::(created ::by:::::::::adjusting::::::::::::correlational:::::::::selection):::to ::::::::compare::::the :::::::::differences:::at :::::::different:::::::genetic:::::::::::correlation. 2 2 ::::::::Genetic: ::::::::Genetic:::::Cor :::::Type:::::I/II: D’::: D’::: :::R : R::

:::::::::::::Architecture: :::::(SE) : ::::::Error:% :::::short: long::::: :::::short: long::::

:::::::::::Pleiotropy : ::::::0.308 :::::::::(0.0046) :::::0.35% ::::NA ::::::0.018 ::::NA ::::::::0.00027

::::::::Linkage:::::::(0cM): ::::::0.300 :::::::::(0.0055) 22.06::::: % 0.37::::: ::::::0.023 ::::::0.089 ::::::::0.00026

::::::::Linkage:::::::::(0.1cM): ::::::0.300 :::::::::(0.0045) 20.17::::: % 0.26::::: ::::::0.025 ::::::0.047 ::::::::0.00027

::::::::Linkage:::::::(1cM): ::::::0.308 :::::::::(0.0035) 18.28::::: % 0.13::::: ::::::0.030 ::::::0.007 ::::::::0.00027

:::::::::::Pleiotropy : ::::::0.407 :::::::::(0.0048) :::::0.32% ::::NA ::::::0.018 ::::NA ::::::::0.00027

::::::::Linkage:::::::(0cM): ::::::0.398 :::::::::(0.0074) 28.76::::: % 0.43::::: ::::::0.025 ::::::0.107 ::::::::0.00027

::::::::Linkage:::::::::(0.1cM): ::::::0.408 :::::::::(0.0035) 28.46::::: % 0.30::::: ::::::0.027 ::::::0.050 ::::::::0.00027

::::::::Linkage:::::::(1cM): ::::::0.404 :::::::::(0.0029) 25.34::::: % 0.19::::: ::::::0.048 ::::::0.006 ::::::::0.00027

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