Dickinson Alumnus, February 1925
DICKINSON ALUMNUS ~~-=========- ~~ 11 Vol 2. No. 3 I [ F<b•=•y 1925 11 Carlisle Trust Company CARLISLE, PENNSYLVANIA Member Federal Reserve System Capital, Surplus and Profits over $400, 000. 00 Assets and Trust Fund over $3,500,000.00 Interest Paid on Time Deposits Acts in All Trust Capacities ~IERKEL LANDIS, '96 President Capital $1,ll00,000.00 :: Svrplns 82,250,000.00 COLONIAL TRUST The Commonwealth COMPANY Title Insurance and BALTIMORE Trust Company Established 1898 Chestnut and 12th Streets Acts as• PHILADELPHIA Executor Administrator Insures Titles to Real Estate Rents Safe Deposit Boxes $4 to $100 Guardian Pays Interest on Daily Balances and Takes Entire Charge of Real Estate Acts as Executor. Administrator, Guardian Trustee and Trustee Wills Receipted for and Kept Without Charge '· J. HENRY FERGUSON, Pres idrsu Savings Fund Department LEMUH T. APPOLD '82 Christmas Fund Fice-Prcsident w.1. G•AHM1 Bowoo1N, J•. licr-Prrvt. and Tr u 1 Ojiiur JOSHUA R. MORGAN CHARL>:s K. Zuc, '80 President I'ice-Prrsid nit Interest alioued on Deposits, subject to check JAMES V. ELLISON, Treasurer Come back to COMMENCEMENT and Buy Your Clothes and Furnishings at less than City Prices KRONENBERGS CARLISLE, PA. "7::he College Store for ouer 50 years" PROFESSIONAL CARDS R.R. McWHINNEY I GEORGE V. HOOVER Attorney-at-Law Attorney-at-Law 1303 Berger Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. 201-202 Calder Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. 1 LESTER S. HECHT, '15 C. W. SHARP, '14 LAW, Attorney at Law Attorney-at-Law Associated with 216 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Marbury, Gosnell & Williams Maryland Trust Bldg., Baltimore, Md.
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