Starred Question for the Raised by Sh.Nishikant Dubey, Sh. Syed Shahnawaz Hussain, MP Question to be put down on 06.02.2014 Bearing Diary No.9703

Question Part Material for Reply to part (a), (b) & (c) a) Whether the Government is A. So far as NMDFC is concerned , the following schemes are implementing any scheme for being implemented across the country & in , for the socio- improving the socio-economic economic development of the minorities , including women conditions of minority women beneficiaries :- including development of their Concessional Credit Schemes :- skills and leaderships in the country including Bihar, 1. Term Loan: -Term Loan, maximum of up to Rs.10.00 Lacs per Question Part (b) beneficiary is available at an interest rate of 6% p.a. The scheme in implemented through State Channelising Agencies (SCAs) if so, the details thereof, and the nominated by the respective State Governments; success achieved as a result 2.Micro Finance: -Maximum loan upto Rs.50,000/- per SHG member thereof in meeting the requisite is available at an interest rate of 7% p.a. The scheme is implemented target; through the SCAs/NGOs. The scheme is primarily aimed at extending Question Part (c) concessional credit to women beneficiaries. The scheme is implemented through SCAs & also through established NGOS. the financial assistance provided 3. Education Loan: - The Education Loan of upto Rs.10.00 lacs (Rs.20 by the Government for the lacs for courses abroad) is available at an Interest rate of 3% p.a. for purpose; and pursuing technical and professional courses, with maximum course duration of 5 years. The scheme is implemented through SCAs Loan upto Rs.3.00 lacs is available for short term high skill courses of 1 year duration & Rs.6.00 lacs for Post Graduate courses.

4.Mahila Samridhi Yojana :- Skill development training is imparted to group of women in women friendlys trades. During the period of training, the group is formed into Self Help Group, followed by

infusion of micro-credit maximum upto Rs.50,000 per member for the purpose of using the skill developed during the training , for income generation activities.

Promotional Schemes :- NMDFC also implements promotional schemes like Vocational Training & Marketing Support for the benefit of its target groups, through the SCAs as well as NGOs. Women beneficiaries are given preference. Details is as follows :- 1. Vocational Training Scheme: - The Vocational Training Scheme of NMDFC aims at imparting skills to the targeted individual beneficiaries leading to wage/self-employment. The scheme is implemented through the SCAs which organize need based skill development training with the help of local Govt. owned/recognized training institutes in trades having potential wag /self-employment. The cost of the training program is upto Rs.2000 per candidate per month for courses upto 6 months duration. Stipend @ Rs.1000 per month trainees is also offered during the training. Under the scheme, the training institutes/implementing agencies are being insisted to ensure employment of at least 80% trainees with at least

50% in the organised sector. In addition, the NMDFC is also implementing the ‘Seekho Kamao’ Scheme of Ministry of Minority Affairs.

2. Marketing Assistance Scheme: -The Marketing Assistance

Scheme is meant for individual crafts persons, beneficiaries of NMDFC as well as SHGs & is implemented mainly through the SCAs. The scheme envisages to promote marketing & sale of their products at remunerative prices through participation/organizing exhibitions at State/District level.

B. Fund released by the Ministry during last 3 years i.e. , 2010- 11,2011-12,2012-13, Target for disbursement of Loan under MOU & corresponding achievement , is given in the following table :- Year Fund Target Achievement (as released on 31/1/2014) by Disb. Benef. Disb. Benef. Ministry

to NMDFC 2010-11 115.00 190.00 87984 233.27 158510 2011-12 115.00 220.00 78000 271.37 105874 2012-13 99.64 300.00 82408 370.77 102302 2013-14 120.00 350.00 96200 319.11 73939 (as on (expected 31/1/14) to be

released during the year.) *Consolidated targets are given. C. Number of trainees assigned under the Vocational Training Scheme in the MOU during last 3 years i.e., 2010-11,2011- 12,2012-13 & corresponding achievement , is given in the following table :-

Year Target for disbursement Achievement of funds under various financing schemes of NMDFC 2010-11 2750 3369 2011-12 3850 5410 2012-13 4139 4629

2013-14 4500 4636 (as on31.1.2014)

Further, NMDFC is implementing Seekho Kamao Scheme on the lines of Ministry of Minority Affairs wherein, 6300 candidates are being provided skill development training in various trades, with overall cost of Rs.6.33 crores. The scheme is being implemented through 5 Project Implementation Agencies (PIAs) in 8 districts of Uttar Pradesh & 2 district of Uttarakhand . Under the scheme, 80% employment has been ensured for the trainees. The Ministry of Minority Affairs has already released Rs.2.25 crores under the scheme.

NMDFC has also entered into MOU with Maruti Suzuki Ltd (MSIL) for imparting one month duration ‘driving training’ to 4200 persons from the target minority communities in 6 States.

Training has since started for 714 trainees in 2 completed by end of current financial year 2013-14.

Following is the detail of female candidates covered under NMDFC schemes:- a. Coverage of Women Beneficiaries under NMDFC Program during last 5 years starting from 2008-09 to 2012-13.

Name of the Total Male Female Percentage Scheme Beneficiaries Beneficiaries Beneficiaries (approx) Female Beneficiari es Term Loan 91329 65238 26091 29 (including Education Loan) Micro- 374586 17801 356785 96 Finance

Vocational 9712 6230 3482 36 Training Marketing 11806 5905 5901 50 Assistance b.Mahila Samridhi Yojana :-The scheme caters to training & financing needs of women beneficiaries only, The scheme has been recently revised, in the month of June ,13 with higher training & material costs & stipend for the trainee. The coverage under the scheme is expected to increase in the coming years. c. Seekho Samridhi Yojana :- NMDFC is implementing Seekho Kamao scheme on the lines of Ministry of Minority Affairs wherein, 6300 candidates are being provided skill development training in various trades, with overall cost of Rs.6.33 crores. The scheme is being implemented through 5

Project Implementation Agencies (PIAs) in 8 districts of Uttar Pradesh & 2 districts of Uttrakhand. The PIAs have reported that out of 5628 trainees already selected for the training program, 2431 trainees are female candidates (43 % are female candidates.) d)Driving Training through Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. NMDFC has also entered into MOU with Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (MSIL) for imparting one month duration ‘driving training ‘to 4200 persons from the targeted minority communities in 6 States. Training has since started for 714 trainees in 2 States viz.’ Maharashtra & Gujarat. Training in other states is expected to be completed by end of current financial year 2013-14. Out of 714 trainees, 92 trainees are women (13% are female trainees.)

e)Financing through Exclusive Women Development Corporations NMDFC is implementing its schemes through 2 exclusive Women Development Corporation as its State Channelising (SCAs) viz; J&K

Women Dev. Corporation (JKWDC) and Kerala State Women Development Corporation (KSWDC). All the beneficiaries covered under different schemes by these two SCAs of NMDFC are women. f) Awareness Camps: -NMDFC has organised an awareness camp at th Chennai on 17-18 May 2013 wherein nearly 150 participants from NGOs had attended the program. Nearly 30% of the participants were women. Another massive awareness program was organized to disseminate information about schemes of Minority Affairs & NMDFC at Bengaluru on 21st December 13. Over 2500 participants from NGOs from all over the country had participated in the program. Nearly

40% of the participants were women. Besides during the current year 2013-14, NMDFC has organized 79 awareness camps in 14 States/UT across the country to give publicity about the schemes & programs of NMDFC & Ministry of Minority Affairs. The SCAs have reported participation by sizeable

number of women in the awareness campaigns. g) Organised Seminar on Minority Girl’s Education:- NMDFC has organised a Two day National Seminar on Minority Girl’s Education Jamia Millia Islamia on 25-26the December 13 wherein large number of Educationists, NGOs connected with Question Part (d) minority girls’ education & minority girls had participated. The seminar was organised through All India Confederation for Women’s the steps taken/being taken by Empowerment through Education. The program was inaugurated by the Government for the effective implementation of various Hon’ble Justice M.S.A. Siddiqui, Chairman National Commission for schemes for improving the Minority Educational Institutions, Similar programs are schedules to condition of minority women in be organised at Kolkata & Howrah in West Bengal & Nagaon in the country ? Assam.

Material for reply Part (d) So far as NMDFC is concerned, following steps have been taken for effective implementation of its schemes for improving the condition of targeted minorities including women:-

a) Revision of Income Eligibility criterion for the targeted beneficiaries. The annual family income limit has been increased to Rs.81,000/- for the rural areas & Rs.1,03,000/- for the urban areas.

The annual family income limit has been brought at par with the other similar Apex Corporations catering to SCs/STs & Backward Classes, under the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment. b) The schemes of NMDFC have been recently revi9sed & higher quantum of loan is now available under its scheme. c) The SCAs of NMDFC are being extended Grant –In-Aid (GIA) assistance by the Ministry of Minority Affairs to improve their organizational capabilities by upgrading their infrastructure. The GIA scheme has also been recently revised to ensure smooth & effective implementation of NMDFC schemes at the field level. d) Regular follow-up & discussions are held with the officials of SCAs through video conferencing in addition to holding meetings & follow-up with them for the purpose of proper implementation of the schemes at field level.

Unstarred Question for the Lok Sabha Raised by Sh. Abhijit Mukherjee,MP Question to be put down on 20/02/2014 Question Diary No-10489

Question Part Material for Reply Part (a)

Whether the Union Government has NMDFC allocates funds to all the SCAs in the beginning of received proposals regarding the welfare each financial year based on fund availability, past of minorities from the State Channelising performance of the respective SCA, equity contribution in Agency (SC) of West Bengal during the last NMDFC, etc. three years and the current year; During the last 3 financial year & current financial year, fund has been allocated for the SCA in West Bengal viz;

West Bengal Minorities Development & Finance Question Part (b) Corporation (WBMDFC) as per the detail given below :- Sr. No. Year Amount Amount if so, the details thereof and action taken by Allocated to Drawn West Bengal Minorities Developme nt & Finance Corporation (WBMDFC)

1 2010-11 81.28 81.28 2 2011-12 151.50 151.50 3 2012-13 168.00 168.00 4 2013-14 175.00 130.00

Material for reply to part (c ) & ( d) NMDFC is persuading WBMDFC for drawl of its balance allocation during the current financial year 2013-14.

Unstarred Question for the Lok Sabha Raised by Sh. Hansraj G. Ahir,MP Question to be put down on 20/02/2014 Question Diary No-74354

Question Part Material for Reply Part (a) a) whether the Maulana Azad Minorities So far as NMDFC is concerned, Maulana Azad Alpsankhyak Economic Development Corporation Aarthik Vikas Nigam (MAAAVN) has been nominated by the Govt. constituted for providing financial of Maharashtra as State Channelising Agency (SCA) of NMDFC to assistance to minorities for occupational implement its schemes in the State of Maharashtra. The status of self-employment has to limit its disbursement and utilization of funds of MAAAVN during the last activities due to paucity of funds; 3 years and current years, is as follows: Question Part (b) if so, the details thereof;

Question Part (c) Year Term Loan Micro Finance Allocati Disb. Benef Pending for Allocatio Disb. Benef. Pending Whether the Government has received on Amt. utilization n Amt. for any complaints regarding non-providing utilization of financial assistance to the Corporation 2010-11 2492 1040 2311 -- 498 ------in Maharashtra during the last three 2011-12 1425 419 645 192.82 1425 ------years and if so, the details thereof? 2012-13 1953.50 300 316 156.42 1953.50 300 1333 300 Question Part (d) 2013-14 500 ------500 ------whether the Government has taken/purpose to take any steps to NMDFC is pursuing the matter with MAAAVN for early submission provide financial assistance to the of utilization of funds disbursed during 2011-12 & 2012-13 so that Corporation; and allocation during the current financial year 2013-14 could be Question Part (e) released to it. if so, the details thereof ?

Unstarred Question for the Lok Sabha Raised by Sh. Abhijit Mukherjee,MP Question to be put down on 20/02/2014 Question Diary No-10489

Question Part Material for Reply Part (a) a)Whether the Union Government has NMDFC allocates funds to all the SCAs in the beginning of received proposals regarding the welfare each financial year based on fund availability, past of minorities from the State Channelising performance of the respective SCA, equity contribution in Agency (SC) of West Bengal during the last NMDFC, etc. three years and the current year; During the last 3 financial year & current financial year, fund has been allocated for the SCA in West Bengal viz;

West Bengal Minorities Development & Finance Question Part (b) Corporation (WBMDFC) as per the detail given below :- Sr. No. Year Amount Amount if so, the details thereof and action taken by Allocated to Drawn West Bengal Minorities Developme nt & Finance Corporation (WBMDFC)

1 2010-11 81.28 81.28 2 2011-12 151.50 151.50 3 2012-13 168.00 168.00 Question Part (c) 4 2013-14 175.00 130.00 the details of pending proposals along with Material for reply to part (c ) & ( d) the reasons for their pendency; and NMDFC is persuading WBMDFC for drawl of its balance Question Part (d) allocation during the current financial year 2013-14. the time by which the pending proposals are likely to be cleared by the Union Government ?

Unstarred Question for the Lok Sabha

Raised by Smt. Jayshreeben Patel, MP Question to be put down on 13/02/2014 Question Diary No-8899

Question Part Material part a) Whether the Union Government has Material for reply Part (a) received a proposal from the Government Yes Sir, of Gujarat to waive the interest amount on The Government of Gujarat has given a proposal in this overdue loan of Gujarat Minorities Finance regard. Development Corporation;

Question Part (b) Material for reply to part (b), (c) & (d) if so, the action taken by the Union On receipt of the said proposal, to ascertain whether most Government thereon; part of the said loan was given to the beneficiaries affected by Gujarat Earthquake of 2001& Communal riots Question Part (c) of 2002, the NMDFC, vide its letter dated 23/08/2012, Whether most part of the said loan is given has requested the SCA/State Govt. to furnish beneficiary to beneficiaries affected by the Gujarat wise details in the prescribed formats for further earthquake in 2001 & communal riots of consideration this was again discussed in the review 2002, and meeting on 01/03/2013 with the MD of GMFDC when he was again requested to forward the desired details for Question Part(d) consideration of waiver, as requested. However, the reply If so, the reasons for not considering it is still awaited. positively?

Unstarred Question for the Lok Sabha Raised by Smt Darshana Vikram Jardosh, MP Question to be put down on 17.07.2014 Question Diary No. 1071.

Question Part (a) Material for reply part (a ) a) Whether the Government of Gujarat Yes Madam. has sent any proposal to the Union The Government of Gujarat has given a proposal Government to waive the interest in this regard. amount on overdue loan given to Gujarat Minorities Finance Corporation; b) if so, the action taken by the Union Material for reply to part (b), (c) & (d ) Government in this regard; On receipt of the said proposal, to ascertain c) Whether the said loan is given to whether the said loan was given to the beneficiaries affected by the Gujarat beneficiaries affected by Gujarat Earthquake of earthquake in 2001 and communal riots 2001 & Communal riots of 2002, the NMDFC , of 2002, and vide its letter dated 23.08.2014, has requested c) Whether the said loan is given to the SCA/ State Govt. to furnish beneficiary wise beneficiaries affected by the Gujarat details in the prescribed formats for further earthquake in 2001 and communal riots consideration. This was again discussed in the of 2002, and Review meeting on 1.3.2013 with the MD of GMFDC when he was again requested to d) If so, the reasons for not considering forward the desired details for consideration of it positively? waiver, as requested. However, the reply is still awaited.

Unstarred Question for the Lok Sabha Raised by Shri Ritabrata Banerjee, MP Question to be put down on 15.07.2014, Question Diary No 738

Question Part (a) Material for reply part (a ) a) The details of the development National Minorities Development & Finance programmes for minorities; Corporation (NMDFC) is an Apex Level Corporation functioning under the administrative control of Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India.

The Corporation promotes economic and developmental activities for the benefit of backward sections amongst the notified minorities, Preference being given to occupational groups & women.

Under the Term Loan & Educational Loan schemes, women beneficiaries are given preference. While under the Micro-Finance scheme, women are the major beneficiaries.

The details of the schemes implemented by NMDFC for the socio –economic development of the minorities are as follows :-

Concessional Credit Schemes 1. Term Loan: - Term loan, maximum of up to Rs. 10.00 Lacs per beneficiary is available at an interest rate of 6 % p.a. The scheme in implemented through State Channelizing Agencies (SCAs) nominated by respective State Governments.

2. Micro Finance: - Maximum loan up to Rs. 50,000/- per SHG member is available at an interest rate of 7 % p.a. The scheme is implemented through SCAs & also through establishment NGOs.

3. Education Loan: - The Educational Loan of up to Rs.10.00 lacs (Rs. 20 lacs for courses abroad) is available at an interest rate of 3% p.a. for pursuing technical and professional courses. With maximum course duration of 5 years. The scheme is implemented through SCAs Loan upto Rs. 3.00 lacs is available for short term high skill courses of 1 year duration. 4. Mahila Samiridhi Yojana: - Skill development training is imparted to group of women in women friendly trades. During the period of training, the group is formed into Self Help Group, followed by infusion of micro- credit maximum upto Rs. 50,000 per member for the purpose of using the skill developed during the training for income generation activities.

Promotional Schemes: - NMDFC also implements promotional schemes like Vocational Training & Marketing Support for the benefit of its target groups, through the SCAs as well as NGOs. Women beneficiaries are given preference.

Material for reply to part (b) b) the funds allocate by Government The detail of the fund allocated by the Ministry for implementation of these for NMDFC during the last 3 years is as follows programmes during the last three :- years, and Sr Year Fund No allocated by Ministry of NMDFC 1 2011-12 115.00 2 2012-13 99.64 3 2013-14 4 2014-15 c) The un-utilized funds, during this Material for reply to part (c ) period, State wise? State-wise position of funds un-utilized is attached as Annexure-II.

Starred Question for the Lok Sabha Raised by Shri Anto Antony, MP Question to be put down on 17.07.2014, Question Diary No 1638

Question Part (a) Material for reply part (a ) a) whether the Government has Material for reply Part (a ) established/proposes to establish So far as NMDFC is concerned, the States & Minorities Development and Finance Union territories where Minorities Finance & Corporations (MDFCs) in each State of Development Corporations (MDFCs) have been the country; set up, are given below :

“ Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, , Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttrakhand & West Bengaal.”

The remaining states of the country have not yet set up Minorities Finance & Development Corporations, so far. b) If so, the details thereof including Material for reply to part (b ) MDFCs established in various States List of Minorities Finance & Development and the salient features of their Corporations (MFDC) of NMDFC is attached as functions : Annexure- I. This Minorities Finance & Development Corporations (MFDC) implements the schemes of NMDFC and provides concessional loans to minorities living below double the poverty line for pursuing Self-employment income generating activities. c) Whether the Government has any Material for reply to part ( c & d) details in regard to the fund distributed So far as NMDFC is concerned, the details of through MDFCs for minorities in funds disbursed by NMDFC through MFDCs is various States, so far; and enclosed as Annexure-II. d) If so, the details thereof, State/UT- wise?

UnStarred Question for the Lok Sabha Raised by Shri Anto Antony, MP Question to be put down on 17.07.2014, Question Diary No 999

Question Part (a) a) The targets fixed and achievement Material for reply Part (a) and Part (b) made under the welfare schemes for The details of the target assigned by the minorities being implemented by Ministry to NMDFC & the achievement of Government in the country during NMDFC during last 3 years, including the each of the last three years and the current financial year (2014-15) is as given current year, scheme-wise and State – below : wise; Year Disbursement Achievement of NMDFC 2011-12 220.00 271.37 2012-13 300.00 370.77 b) the number of persons belonging to 2013-14 350.00 325.46 minority communities benefitted 2014-15 400.00 52.30 under these schemes during the said (as on period, State-wise; 30.06.2014

A statement showing State wise/SCA-Wise funds disbursed and beneficiaries assisted under Term Loan scheme is enclosed herewith as annexure-I

A statement showing State wise/SCA-Wise funds disbursed and beneficiaries assisted under Micro Financing scheme is enclosed herewith as annexure-II c) Whether there has been delay in No Sir, NMDFC has been able to achieve its achieving the pre-determined targets; MOU target in time. and d) if so the steps taken by Government Not applicable in view of ( c) above. for effective implementation of these schemes ?

UnStarred Question for the Lok Sabha Raised by Shri Thupsftan Chhewang,, MP Question to be put down on 17.07.2014, Question Diary No 1134

Question Part (a) Material for reply Part (a ) a) The total funds allotted to the State of Jammu and Kashmir under various So far as NMDFC is concerned, in the State of Jammu schemes of the Ministry during the last and Kashmir the programme is being implemented three years and the current year, through its following State Channelising Agencies. schemes-wise. A. JK SC/ ST & BC Dev. Corporation B. JK Women’s Dev. Corporation. C. J & K Entrepreneurship Development Institute.

Funds allocated to the State of Jammu and Kashmir under Term Loan and Micro Financing during the last three years and the current year is given below : Schemes 2011- 2012- 2013-14 2014-15 12 13 Term 966.00 900.00 1500.00 Loan Micro 50.00 0.00 0.00 Finance Total 1016.00 900.00 1500.00

Material for reply Part ( b) b) the details of amount so allocated to NMDFC allocate funds to its channelizing agencies for each minority community during the onward lending to the eligible members of minority period i.e. to Muslims, Buddhists, community in the ratio of minority population in the Christians, Sikhs, etc.; and state. Statement showing community wise utilization details furnished by the SCAs of NMDFC in the state of Jammu & Kashmir is attached as Annexure -I c) the details of the schemes/projects Material for reply Part ( c) for which funds have been provided to So far as NMDFC is concerned, it does not disburse the State region-wise i.e. Kashmir, funds region-wise; however funds are disbursed to Jammu and Ladakh during the said SCAs for onward lending t the eligible members of period ? minority community as per the actual need and requirement of the target group of any area in the State of Jammu & Kashmir.

Provisional Admitted Lok Sabha Question Raised by Smt. Kothapalli Geetha, Member of Parliament Question to be put down on 31.07.2014, Question Diary No 6075

Question Part (a) Material for reply part a) Whether some state have requested Yes. During the last financial year 2013-14, to waive off loans given to Minority the State Channelising Agencies (SCAs) from Finance Development Corporation : the States of Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, and Karnataka and Odisha had approached NMDFC for waiver of loan under the One time b) If so, the details thereof & the Settlement Scheme of NMDFC. As per the present position thereon, State/UT parameters laid down under the One Time wise? Settlement Scheme, the penal interest in respect of these 3 SCAs from the States of Madhya Pradesh, and Punjab, Karnataka have since been waived of by NMDFC. Further, NMDFC has in principle agreed to the waiver proposal of SCA from Odisha. However, the matter is under consideration of the Government of Odisha for settlement of over dues. Presently, no proposal from any SCA is pending with NMDFC, for waiver of loan.

Lok Sabha Starred Question Raised by Ms. Anupriya Patel, MP Question to be put down on 07.08.2014 Question Diary No 1007

Question Part (a) Material for reply part (1), (2) & (3) 1. Whether the Government is aware Yes. that the weavers of Eastern UP are So far as NMDFC is concerned, following from minorities; if son are there some schemes are being implemented for the socio- schemes which are presently economic development of the notified benefiting the weavers of Mirzapur; minorities including the weavers of Mirzapur and those from Eastern Utter Pradesh :- Concessional Credit Schemes 1. Term Loan: - Maximum Loan of up to 2. If so, these schemes have been Rs.10.00 Lacs per beneficiary is available at an effective since how long and how many interest rate of 6% p.a. The scheme in of the people have been benefited; implemented through State Channelising details in this regards; Agencies (SCAs) nominated by the respective State Government. 2. Micro Finance: - Maximum loan upto Rs. 50,000/- per SHG member is available at an interest rate of 7% p.a. The scheme is implemented through the SCAs/NGOs. The scheme is implemented through the extending concessional credit to women beneficiaries. The scheme is primarily aimed at beneficiaries. The scheme is implemented through SCAs & also through established NGOs.

3. Whether the ministry proposes 3. Education Loan: - The Educational Loan of some more schemes which can not up to Rs.10.00 lacs (Rs.20 lacs for courses only benefit the minority but helps in abroad) is available at an interest rate of 3% safeguard the dying traditional p.a. for pursuing technical and professional handicrafts of India? courses. With maximum course duration of 5 years. The scheme is implemented through SCAs. Loan up to Rs.3.00 Lacs is also available for short term high skill courses of 1 year duration & Rs. 6.00 Lacs for the Post Graduate Courses.

4. Mahila Samridhi Yojana: - Skill development training is imparted to group of women in women friendly trades. Training period is of maximum 6 months with training & raw material cost of upto Rs. 1,500 per women and stipend @ Rs.1,000 per women. During the period of training, the women are formed into Self Help Group, followed by infusion of micro-credit maximum upto Rs. 50,000 per member for the purpose of using the skill developed during the training, for income generation activities.

Development Schemes :- NMDFC also implements promotional schemes like Vocational Training & Marketing Support for the benefit of its target groups, through the SCAs as well as NGOs. Women beneficiaries are given preference. Detail is as follows:-

1. Vocational Training Scheme:- The Vocational Training Scheme of NMDFC aims at imparting skills to the targeted individual beneficiaries leading to wage /self employment. The scheme is implemented through the SCAs which organize need based skill development training with the help of local Govt. owned/recognized training institutes in trades having potential wage/self employment. The cost of the training program is up to Rs. 2000 per candidate per month for courses up to 6 months duration. Stipend @ Rs.1000 per month per trainees is also offered during the training. Under the scheme, the training institutes/implementing agencies are being insisted to ensure employment of at least 80% trainees with at least 50% in the organised sector. In addition, the NMDFC is also implementing skill development training program under the Seekho-aur-Kamao Scheme of Ministry of Minority Affairs through Project Implementing Agencies’ (PIAs) identified by NMDFC. Besides, NMDFC has also entered into MOU with Maruti Suzuki India Limited (MSIL) for extending driving training to members of the minority community leading to their wage employment.

2. Marketing assistance Scheme: - The marketing Assistance Scheme is meant for individual crafts persons, beneficiaries of NMDFC as well as SHGs & is implemented mainly through the SCAs. The scheme envisages to promote in sale & marketing of their products at remunerative prices through participation/organizing exhibitions at State /District level.

The Government of Uttar Pradesh has nominated Up Minorities Finance & Development Corporation as the State Channelising Agency (SCA) for implementing NMDFC schemes in Uttar Pradesh. UPMFDC is in –operational since 2006 due to mounting of over dues of Rs.88.58 crores. During the year 2010-11, NMDFC had organised training in Dyeing, Design, and Development & Weaving through weavers of Mubarakpur cluster in Azamgarh district of Uttar pradesh. Total cost of Rs. 17.51 Lacs was spend on the training program.

Provisional Admitted Question for the Lok Sabha Raised by Sh. Col. Sonaram Chaudhary, Member of Parliament Question to be put down on 17.12.2014 Question Diary No 1062

Question Part (a) Material for reply part (a ) a) Whether schemes to promote Yes sir, so far as NMDFC is concerned, the concessional economic development activities credit schemes for the socio-economic development of the for the minorities are being target minorities are being implemented through the State implemented through State Channelising Agencies (SCAs) nominated by the respective Channelising Agencies (SCAs); State Governments/ UT administration & NGOs. Following schemes are being implemented by NMDFC:- b) If so, whether the above said schemes are framed after due Concessional Credit Schemes consultations with the local 1. Term Loan: - Maximum Loan of up to Rs. 10.00 lacs per populace keeping in view the beneficiaries is available at an interest rate of 6% p.a. The varied needs of assistance; scheme in implemented through State Channelising Agncies (SCAs) nominated by the respective State Governments. c) If so, the details thereof & If not, 2. Micro Finance: - Maximum loan up to Rs.50,000/- per the reasons therefor; SHG member is available at an interest rate of 7% p.a. The scheme is implemented through the SCAs/NGOs. The scheme is primarily aimed at extending concessional credit to women beneficiaries. 3. Education Loan: - The Educational Loan of up to Rs.10.00 lacs (Rs.20 lacs for courses abroad) is available at an interest rate of 3% p.a. for pursuing technical and professional courses with maximum course duration of 5 years. The scheme is implemented through SCAs. Loan up to Rs. 6.00 lacs for the Post Graduate courses 4. Mahila Samridhi Yojana :- Skill development training is imparted to group of women in women friendly trades. Training period is of maximum 6 months with training & raw material cost of up to Rs. 1,500 per women and stipend @ Rs. 1,000 per women. During the period of training, the women are formed into Self Help Group, followed by infusion of micro-credit maximum up to Rs.50,000 per member for the purpose of using the skill developed during the training, for income generation activities.

Developmental Schemes :- NMDFC also implements promotional schemes like Vocational Training & Marketing Support for the benefit of its target groups, through the SCAs as well as NGOs. Women Beneficiaries are given preference. Detail is as follows :-

1. Vocational Training Schemes: - The Vocational Training Schemes of NMDFC aims at imparting Skills to the targeted individual beneficiaries leading to wage/self employment. The scheme is implemented through the SCAs which organise need based skill development training with the help of local Govt. owned/recognised training institutes in trades having potential wage/self employment. The cost of the training program is up to Rs.2000 per candidate per month for courses up to 6 month s duration. Stipend @ Rs.1000 per month per trainee is also offered during the training. Under the scheme, the training institutes/implementing agencies are being insisted to ensure employment of at least 80% trainees with at least 50% in the organised sector.

In addition, the NMDFC is also acting as Project Implementing Agency (PIA) for implementing skill development training program under Seekho-aur-Kamao scheme of Ministry of Minority Affairs through training agencies identified by NMDFC. The Seekho-aru-Kamao scheme envisages placement of at least 80% trainees after completion of training.

Besides, NMDFC has also entered into MOU with Maruti Suzuki India Limited (MSIL) for extending driving training to members of the minority community leading to their wage employment.

2. Marketing Assistance Scheme:- The Marketing Assistance Scheme is meant for individual crafts persons, beneficiaries of NMDFC as well as SHGs & is implemented mainly through the SCAs. The scheme envisages to promote sale & marketing of their products at remunerative prices through participation/organising exhibitions at State/District level. For framing/modification of policies & guidelines of NMDFC, the corporation undertakes the following for obtaining feedback from the field, about its schemes & programs :- i) Regularly organises Annual Conference & Mid Term Review of SCAs to get feedback regarding implementation of NMDFC schemes & programs at the field level.

ii) Feedback is also obtained from the beneficiaries & target minorities during regular Impact Study/Beneficiary Verification conducted through Third Party. iii) Organising Awareness Camps in Minority Concentration areas by SCAs for feedback from general public about schemes/programs of NMDFC.

Material for Reply (d) & (e) d) Whether any special care is The schemes & programs of NMDFC is being implemented taken of the Minorities living in far through SCAs nominated by the respective State flung areas & border areas as well Governments & UT Administration. The beneficiaries in far as hilly terrain; flung rural areas including those in border areas, hilly terrain in the district of Barmer & Jaisalmer are covered by e) If so, whether any special the respective SCAs of NMDFC, like those in other parts of schemes have been framed for the State. Minorities living in the far flung rural & border areas as well as Hilly terrains in the district of Barmer & Jaisalmer & if so, the details thereof & if not, reasons therefor ?

Lok Sabha Question Raised by Sh.K. Ashok Kumar & Sh. A.Anwhar Raajhaa Diary No.4094 to be put down on 17.12.2014

Sr.No Question Material for Reply to part (a ), (b) & (c ) a. Whether the National Backward So far as NMDFC is concerned, it is implementing Mahila Classes Finance and Development Samridhi Yojana (MSY) for imparting Skill Development Corporation (NBCFDC) is Training to group of women in women friendly trades. The implementing a scheme for women MSY scheme is being implemented through the State self-help groups in urban and rural Channelising Agencies (SCAs) nominated by the respective areas namely ‘Mahila Samridhi State Governments & NGOs. Yojana’ through State Channelising Agencies (SCA); b. If so, the details thereof, and The training period under MSY scheme is of maximum 6 months. The training & raw material cost is up to Rs.1,500 per women & monthly stipend is paid to women @ c the total number of women/Women Rs.1000/- per month. During the period of training, the self-help groups benefited under women are formed into Self Help Groups (SHGs), followed thi8s scheme during each of the last by infusion of micro-credit maximum up to Rs.50,000 per three years and the current year member for the purpose of using the Skill Developed along with the amount granted to during the training program, for income generation them, State/district-wise ? activities.

The implementation of the MSY scheme started in the year 2002-03 & during the period 2002-03 to 2011-12, NMDFC has released an amount of Rs.41.01 lacs for 1310 beneficiaries under the scheme. The State wise/district wise detail of funds released by NMDFC is enclosed as Annexure-1.

Looking at sluggish demand for the scheme at the field level, the MSY scheme has been recently revised in August, 2013 after obtaining feedback from the SCAs & NGOs, about the areas for improvement under the scheme. The training & raw material cost has been considerably increased from Rs 500/- to 1500/- along with the monthly stipend increased from Rs 250/- to 1000/- for the women trainees with a maximum course duration of 6 months. The loan amount for the women trainees under the MSY scheme has also been increased from Rs 25000/- to Rs 50000/-. It is expected that with increased margins for implementing agencies besides higher stipend & loan amount for the trainees, the implementation of the scheme will pick up in future. The scheme of Vocational Training, Skill Development and Mahila Samridhi Yojana have been brought under the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) set up by NMDFC i.e. Maulana Azad National Academy for Skills (MANAS). As a result, MANAS would be exclusively implementing the skill development/Up- gradation programmes to ensure self/wage employment of the Minority Communities.

Lok Sabha Question Bearing Dy Nos-4084 Raised by Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss, Sh. Rabindra Kumar Jena, Sh. Harishchandra Chavan and Sh. B.Vinod Kuman. put down on 17.12.2014

Question Material for Reply to part (a ), (b) & (c ) a) the total allocation of funds and the So far as NMDFC is concerned, it is implementing number of beneficiaries including women Vocational training scheme for imparting Skill under the various schemes for skill Development Training to the targeted individual development of minorities during each of beneficiaries leading to their wage/self employment. the last three years and the current years, The scheme is implemented through the SCAs which and scheme-wise and State-wise; organize need based skill development training with the help of local Govt. owned/recognized training institutes in trades having potential wage/self employment. The cost of the training program is up to Rs. 2000 per candidate per month for courses up to 6 months duration. Stipend @ Rs.1000 per month per trainees is also offered during the training. Under the scheme, the training institutes/implementing agencies are being insisted to ensure employment at least 80% trainees with at least 50% in the organised sector.

In addition, the NMDFC is also acting as Project Implementing Agency (PIA) for implementing skill development training program under the Seekho-Aur- Kamao Scheme of Ministry of Minority Affairs through training agencies identified by NMDFC. The Seekho- Aur-Kamao scheme envisages placement of at least 75% trainees after completion of training. During the last financial year i.e. 2013-14 NMDFC sanctioned training for 7,295 candidates with the total cost of 8.28 crore. Besides, NMDFC has also entered into MOU with Maruti Suzuki India Limited (MSIL) for extending driving training to members of the minority community leading to their wage employment.

The State-wise detail of fund disbursed under the vocational training scheme of NMDFC including women, during each of the last three years and the current year 2014-15 is enclosed as Annexure-1. The target allocated to SCAs under Vocational Training scheme is to train 6500 persons from the Minority community including women beneficiaries. b)Whether there is any inclusive NMDFC has established the Maulana Azad National programs/schemes in education and skill Academy for Skills (MANAS), to promote required Skill development for the youth of minority training/Up gradation, educational component community to prevent radicalization; required for it, Trainers’ Training, to link skilled personnel to credit with special focus, on persons c) If so the details thereof and if not, the belonging to Minorities, leading to gainful employment reasons there for; – wage or self employment.

d) Whether there is any plan to MANAS would develop an extensive All India institutionalize gender and rights based collaborate network, based on Private Public approach in the schemes/programs of the Partnership model, with agencies (like NSDC) having ministry of empower minority women; and expertise in curriculum development, effective training, certification and placement (wage/self-employment) e) if so, the details thereof and if not, the and act as a special purpose vehicle (SPV), to address reasons there for ? skill development/up gradation needs of the minority community in general and others.

It is observed that proper skilling will ensure gainful employment and obviate socio-economic and political conflict & increase in Left Wing Extremism (LWE) and other disruptive forces.