inspirit inside this issue Innovation in Nursing Adult Learners Week award Summer Schools introduction Welcome to the third edition of inspirit In this edition you will find a small sample of the innovative widening participation projects, initiatives and events recently delivered by Staffordshire University. The last few months have been an exciting time for widening participation at the University with the launch of the Lifelong Learning Network, two Adult Learner Week awards, new initiatives such as ‘Step Ahead’ and a national conference hosted at the University. This edition focuses on health, with articles on several of the innovative projects currently being delivered and developed within the area of health. If you are currently working on a widening participation project, or if you wish to promote a forthcoming event or series of events, please contact me and we can feature it in the next Inspirit. Many thanks Pete Jones contact inspirit If you are involved in a widening participation initiative at Staffordshire University and you would like to tell people about it, drop me a line to include your work in Inspirit Pete Jones Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator Academic Development Institute Winton Square Staffordshire University Stoke-on-Trent S T42DE t: +44 (0)1782 294941 e:
[email protected] 2 Flying start programme A two-day event for applicants who live in Staffordshire Following on from the success can familiarise themselves with the a ‘university centred’ student life. of previous years, Staffordshire University campus and facilities This is because normally they do University’s Flying Start programme before starting Uni.