


ABACATE MARAJÁ: Half an avocado stuffed with shrimp, tomato, cilantro, onion, green pepper, and our delicious homemade dressing 10.95

BOLINHO DE BACALHAU: Cod fish croquee fried and served with a spicy sauce on the side 9.95

BOLINHO DE CARNE: Brazilian style ground beef croquee served with a gourmet spicy sauce 9.95

BOLINHO DE FEIJOADA: Black beans croquee (feijoada) filled with cheese and greens 9.95

COXINHA DE GALINHA: Brazilian croquee stuffed with and provolone cheese, lightly breaded and fried. Served with a spicy sauce 9.95

CHURRASQUINHOS: Grilled Brazilian style brochee, served with farofa (ground yuca roasted with garlic and buer), and fresh vinaigree sauce (Your choice of beef or chicken) 8.95

CHURRASQUINHO MISTO: Grilled brochee of beef, chicken, pork and spicy sausage served with farofa and fresh vinaigree sauce 11.95

CHURRASQUINHO DE CAMARÃO: Grilled shrimp brochee basted with a herb sauce 10.95

ESCONDIDINHO AIMPIM CARNE SECA E QUEIJO: Baked yuca pure stuffed with sun-dried beef and cheese 12.95

FILEZINHO À PALITO: Cubes of beef sirloin sautéed with onions, tomato and green pepper 11.95

LINGUIÇA À PALITO: Spicy sausage sliced and sautéed with onion 11.95

CARNE DE SOL COM MANDIOCA: Fried cubes of sun-dried beef and yuca served with spicy Sauce on the side 11.95

FRANGO À PASSARINHO: pieces on the bone marinated in , garlic and served with a spicy sauce on the side 10.95

COGUMELO COM SIRI: Grilled Portobello mushroom topped with crabmeat sauce with olive oil, fresh cilantro, tomatoes, green pepper, onions, and garlic 14.95

MEXILHÃO À CARIOCA: Large half-shell jumbo green mussels. One of our customer's favorite appezers. Prepared in wonderful leek, watercress, garlic and buer sauce 12.95

MEXILHOES AO COCO: Half shell jumbo green mussels sautéed with garlic and olive oil in a spicy coconut sauce 10.95

MANDIOCA FRITA COM LINGUIÇA: Fried yuca with a spicy sausage 11.95

MANDIOCA FRITA: Fried yuca served with a spicy sauce on the side 9.95

PAO DE QUEIJO FRITO: Bread served on a basket 12.95