2. Canadian Electric Power Generation Sector
2. CANADIAN ELECTRIC POWER GENERATION SECTOR The following section provides an overview of the existing EGUs in Canada. The units’ state of operation including fuel utilization and mercury content will be assessed providing thus, an estimation of total mercury input during normal operation. Air pollution control technologies, currently installed at facilities, will be listed along will their natural mercury capture rate. It will be assessed in concurrence with the reported mercury emissions in the air, water and soil. Following this analysis, Canadian low-mass mercury emitters and peaking units will be identified. Future hypothetical facilities, defined by Environment Canada, will be presented with expected mercury emissions. 2.1 Canadian electricity generation fleet Electricity is generated in Canada using five technological approaches: hydroelectricity, conventional steam power, nuclear steam power, internal combustion systems and forthcoming renewable energy like wind and tidal power. Electric production units have generated 623 TWh of electricity in 2007 (Tab. 2-1) corresponding to a 9% increase from 1998 total production.1 Public and private EGUs were responsible for 93.3% of total production. Hydroelectricity and conventional steam power covers 80% of total electricity production originating mostly from Quebec and Ontario. Total production in 2007 represented 57% of nameplate electric generating capacity (124.2 GW) for the entire Canadian fleet. Table 2-1: Canadian total electricity generation (in terawatt-hours, TWhe) in 2007 by province and technological approach2 British Newfound- Province Quebec Ontario Alberta Manitoba Others a TOTAL Colombia land Hydroelectricity 181.1 34.4 2.1 64.3 40.0 33.5 8.6 364.0 Conventional 2.6 34.3 50.2 5.0 1.3 0.5 39.5 133.4 steam Nuclear 4.3 79.8 0 0 0 0 4.1 88.2 Others b 4.0 9.8 15.1 2.6 0.3 0.4 5.0 37.2 TOTAL 192.0 158.3 67.4 71.9 41.6 34.4 57.2 622.8 a Includes, in order of importance, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI and Canadian territories.
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