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shabbat services shAbbAT friday Evening, November 3* Rabb i’s olumn On Yom Kippur, IC spoke with our congrega - 5:30 P.M. – Likrat Shabbat See box below for additional contributors tion about racism. I invited us to take this 3601 W. Dempster Street • Skokie, Illinois 60076 day of introspection to look inside ourselves 6:15 P.M. – Kabbalat Shabbat 847.675.0951 • ww w.tbiskokie .org and try to ferret out any unconscious racism, November Birthday Blessings any inadvertent discrimination, in thought or Michael A. Weinberg, Rabbi shAbbAT saturday Morning, November 4 at 10:30 A.M. in deed, in attitude or in demeanor. Racism Lori B. Sagarin, RJE, Director of Congregational Learning Bat Mitzvah of Jaclyn Manning begins, after all, in seeing someone as Marla Aviva Bentley, Director of Music other. Racism begins with an inner fear or Daughter of Lisa Gelfond and Garry Manning Amber Wood, Director of Operations apprehension that someone who appears different than me is somehow Jon Schneider, President Portion “Vayera” worth less, somehow inferior, somehow secondary or subordinate – and maybe even dangerous. Racism begins when we assume that we can Ernst M. Lorge, Rabbi Emeritus* shAbbAT friday Evening, November 10 at 7:30 P.M. correctly know something about another just by looking at them. S. Felix Mendelsohn, Founding Rabbi* 6:00 P.M. – Shalom Shabbat *of Blessed Memory 7:30 P.M. – Veteran’s Shabbat with Koleynu I shared with you my conviction that the first stage of our intro- spection needs to be an acknowledgement and an examination of DATED MATERIAL — PLEASE RUSH Sponsored by Brotherhood Printed by Total Graphics the degree of privilege that most of us experience as white Americans. shAbbAT saturday Morning, November 11 at 10:30 A.M. In this country, just being white gives us the benefit of the doubt. It gives Torah Portion “Chayei Sarah” us entrée, it gives us acceptance. We rarely need to justify our presence shAbbAT friday Evening, November 17* or worry about being challenged. 5:30 P.M. – Likrat Shabbat We Jews ought to be especially sensitive to this issue. Deep within Sponsored by Lillian Rubenstein our collective unconscious is the memory of having been strangers in Egypt. And closer to the surface of our collective awareness is the 6:15 P.M. – Kabbalat Shabbat memory of the degradation and devastation of the Shoah. But it is Participation by second grade and younger students important to acknowledge that for the vast majority of us, those shAbbAT saturday Morning, November 18 at 10:30 A.M. experiences of degradation are memory; and for the vast majority of Torah Portion “Toldot” African Americans, racism is a regular part of everyday life. The Torah teaches us that we know the heart of the stranger having been shAbbAT friday Evening, November 24* strangers in the Land of Egypt – but most of us experience the shAbbAT saturday Morning, November 25 at 10:30 A.M. advantages of white privilege much more than we experience being Torah Portion “Vayeitzei” outsiders. shAbbAT friday Evening, december 1* Now, I want to invite you to join me in taking the next small step 5:30 P.M. – Likrat Shabbat towards the long and arduous task of eradicating this wrong in our society. In partnership with the Second Baptist Church of Evanston, we 6:15 P.M. – Kabbalat Shabbat would like to convene a series of conversation circles. Each circle December Birthday Blessings will be comprised of an equal number of members from each of our shAbbAT saturday Morning, december 2 at 10:30 A.M. congregations. Each circle will be facilitated by a pair of specially Torah Portion “Vayishlach” trained facilitators. At the outset, each circle will likely meet about once *Please note time a month for about five or six months. Then we will evaluate to determine next steps. Our goal is to foster relationships, to listen and learn, ATTENTION: PArENTs Of to share our stories – and then to broaden the conversation, the understanding, and the action. 5Th GrAdE sTudENTs If you would like to participate in one of these circles of conver- The time has come to begin sation about race, please contact me: either through the Temple office making plans for our Bar and 847-675-0951 or via email [email protected] Bat Mitzvah celebrations for those who are currently in 5th grade. Please complete a Date Request Form and return it to T’kiah G’dolah: Sukkot: Rabbi Weinberg no later than Monday, November 27, 2017. A LIkrAT shAbbAT In honor of our Centennial Year, we concluded our Yom It has been our tradition to build our congregational sukkot preliminary orientation meeting Kippur N’ilah service with the sound of 100 shofarot immediately after Yom Kippur. The multi-generational for the 5th grade students and parents will be held on Wednesday, We would like to thank Jane Page who made a donation for December 6, 2017 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. At that time parents the Likrat Shabbat on November 3 in honor of her November signaling the end of the fast and the beginning of a new team that builds and decorates the outdoor sukkah and will receive Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation information and their child's year. The sound was glorious and, while we didn’t count, the sukkah in the sanctuary does a wonderful job and assigned date. If you have questions, please contact Anne in the birthday. we know that there were at least 100 hearts and souls who everyone has a great time doing it. The result is festive and Temple office. participated. beautiful. November 2017 Cheshvan – Kislev 5778 Volume 101 Number 2 IN ThE TEMPLE fAMILy frOM ThE PrEsIdENT cONTrIbuTIONs MAZEL TOV TO: By Jon Schneider A minimum contribution of $15.00 (unless otherwise noted) for donation to be acknowledged with a card and published in the bulletin. This article has been adapted from my remarks on Erev Rosh Hashanah. Marty Rabinovitz on the birth of twin grandchildren, Hannah Adams NANETTE b. MENdELsOhN Irving Kampf ...... Morris Topp donor In Memory of Rabinovitz and Jack Bayer Rabinovitz, children of Rachel and Josh I grew up in Louisville, Kentucky where my family TrEE Of LIfE fuNd Nina & David Henry Rabinovitz. belonged to a conservative congregation. That congre - Irving Loundy ...... Telsa Lenhoff Funds used for the beautification Koleynu Jane and Al Page on the celebration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary. gation and the Louisville JCC were the communities to Marc & Kathy Rocklin ...... Leah Rocklin of Temple Beth Israel Roberta & Howard Rosell ...... Arthur Deitch Paula & Dan Sabin ...... Phillip Singer Lee Schur on her granddaughter, Dr. Rebecca Schur, receiving her which I felt most connected during my youth. We lived donor In honor of Deborah Kohl ...... Robert Eatman doctorate in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve in in a city that was extremely Christian, but had a close Roberta & Howard Rosell ...... Pearl Rosell Pam & Ted Lavine ...... Lisa Wynn’s Corrine & Mitch Oppenheim . . . .Telsa Lenhoff Cleveland. knit Jewish community. I felt most at home in those Roberta & Howard Rosell . . . .Gale Nudelman environments...... speedy recovery Paula & Dan Sabin ...... Ronald Giffin Nina and David Henry on their daughter, Alice, receiving her Master’s donor In Memory of Degree in Environmental Forestry from the University of British When I moved to Chicago in 1988, I was 24 years old, not married, EducATION fuNd living in a city 300 miles from my hometown. It never crossed my mind Rozanne & Steve Epstein sOcIAL sErVIcE fuNd Columbia, Canada. Provides funds for Jewish education at TBI to join a synagogue. I found a place to go to High Holiday Services, for Patti & Clifford Levy ...... Phillip Singer Provides support for social service Linda and Dr. Alan Nidetz, Barbara Nidetz, and Phyllis Stock on Passover Seders, either in Louisville or in the Chicago area, but I was donor In honor of programs within the Temple and the birth of their granddaughter / great-granddaughter, Ilana Nidetz- Diane Alfille & Matt Arden ...... Shari Granat in the surrounding community and Covington, born to Elizabeth Covington and Robert Nidetz. basically on my own. I became a member of TBI when Wendy and I were sIdNEy I. cOLE cAMP married in 1993. As a relatively young married couple with no children, ...... for tutoring to some individual tzedakah recipients ON THE ROAD TO RECOVERY: schOLArshIP fuNd we were not particularly present at TBI, outside of High Holidays and Provides camp scholarships Diane Alfille & Matt Arden ...... TBI Teachers donor In honor of The following Temple members are recovering from recent illness: occasional special occasions. But, once our children began attending for our students who attend Laura & Leon Finkel . . . . .Lori Sagarin for the Nina & David Henry ...... Speedy recovery Naomi Talsky and Alyce Heman . We wish them a speedy recovery. Religious School and then Hebrew school, our connection to the Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute Camp ...... High Holiday Children’s Services ...... for Elaine Fox community grew. CONDOLENCES: donor In Memory of ...... and Rosh Hashanah sermon Laura & Leon Finkel ...... Bruce Crane, ...... thank you for your hard work We note with sorrow the passing of Lois Mervis, mother of Andy We are a community of meaning. We have a history of social justice, Beth Chaitman ...... Marlene Drucker Laura & Leon Finkel ...... Rob Weinberg for ...... loading the trucks for Houston Mervis . May her memory be a blessing. dating back to the Civil Rights Movement and before. We continue ...... the High Holiday Music helping make the world a better place. 12 years ago, we came together Otha Spencer-Williams ...... Jane & Al Page Laura & Leon Finkel ...... Amber Wood, rAbbI’s dIscrETIONAry fuNd IN MEMORIAM to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Earlier this year, we helped to ...... on their 50th Wedding Anniversary . . . . .thank you for all you and your father Provides funds for charitable uses .did during the Houston hurricane initiative Temple Beth Israel announces with profound sorrow the passing of facilitate the integration into our society of a refugee family from the donor In Memory of PHILLIP SINGER Sudan. Just this past month we came together to provide help to the within and outside the congregation Laura & Leon Finkel . Helping feed the hungry Peggy & Mel Alexander Beloved brother of Minna Einhorn victims of Hurricane Harvey. We regularly collect for the Ark, deliver for at the discretion of the Rabbi donor In Memory of Ellen Bronfeld ...... Phillip Singer Beloved friend of Mary Roth Maot Chitim at Passover, and provide a place for learning, spirituality donor In honor of June & Philip Aimen ...... Julius Korn May his memory be a blessing and community. Barbara & Bob Agdern Dale, Joe & Ari Cone ...... Abe Starr Dale, Joe & Ari Cone ...... Betty Cone We are there for each other at times of celebration and times of Diane Alfille & Matt Arden ...... TOrAh fuNd A HIGH HOLY DAYS THANK YOU! sadness. Whether it’s to celebrate a marriage, a birth, an anniversary, or ...... Rabbi Michael Weinberg Dale, Joe & Ari Cone ...... Naomi Morritz Provides support for all Temple programs A resounding todah rabah (thank you) to the many individuals who a Bat Mitzvah, we help to make the event more special. And when . .“with much gratitude for all that you do” Emily & Richard Good ...... Evelyn Engel donor In honor of helped to make High Holy Days 2017/5778 a success! we unfortunately must deal with deaths or illnesses in our community, Jacqueline & Richard Favish . . .The naming of Emily & Richard Good ...... James Buckman Diane Alfille & Matt Arden . . . . .Linda Lewison To begin with, of course, is our appreciation to the professional staff we also come together to provide some solace, comfort, food, and ...... Asher Chaim, great-grandson of Emily & Richard Good ...... Minnie Heiman ...... and the Catering Committee company to the family. of our congregation: Rabbi Michael A. Weinberg; Lori B Sagarin, RJE, ...... Jackie & Dick Favish Nina & David Henry ...... Telsa Lenhoff Mary Roth ...... Carol Barrington, Director of Congregational Learning; Marla Aviva Bentley, our Music We are a social space for educational opportunities, group discus - Laura & Leon Finkel ...... Cindy Franklin’s Howard Pfeifer ...... Julius Stein ...... thank you for your caring help Director and the glorious voices of our High Holy Days choir; and sions, and for prayer. In a couple of months, many of us will go to OSRUI ...... at High Holy Day Services ...... recovery Eleanor Schwarz ...... Robert Schwarz Amber Wood, Director of Operations. The stirring sound of the shofar is for a retreat weekend where we will have the opportunity to spend time Kathy & Ron Sackheim ...... Jane & Al Page Laura & Leon Finkel ...... Thank you for Judi Steiner & Cary Weinstein ...... even more special because of the talent of Abigail Sloan and, this year, together, meet members we didn’t already know, and get to know others ...... on their 50th Wedding Anniversary ...... the inspiration you give to us ...... Gale Nudelman the additional enthusiastic shofar blowers at the conclusion of Yom who we have yet to get to know well. Retreat provides a microcosm ...... during the High Holidays donor In Memory of Judi Steiner & Cary Weinstein Kippur services. of what TBI can provide for the rest of the year all in one weekend. I Laura & Leon Finkel ...... Wedding of Ursula Buckman ...... Minnie Heiman highly recommend you consider going. Whether you are a family with ...... Lawrence Weinstein To Rob Weinberg, Jeremy Seaver, Michael Lorge, Susie Lorge, Dan ...... Rebecca Henry to Alan Berger, Ursula Buckman ...... James Buckman young children or a single adult, a good time is had by all. Swartz, and the staff and aides of the school program, we say thank ...... daughter of Nina & David Henry MusIc fuNd you for adding meaning to the Family Worship and activities. Fran TBI is now in its 100th year as an institution. We are a community Alyce Heman ...... In appreciation of rAbbI ErNsT M. LOrGE Provides funds for music programs Meyer, Sisterhood Co-Vice President of Youth and School Activities striving to create personal connections within our membership. We have . . the challah bag from the Mitzvah Corps sANcTuAry fuNd flourished with steady membership and a growing school. We have donor In honor of made arrangements for all the food supplies needed for the children’s Linda Crohn & Jonathan Shimberg ...... Provides for the continued maintenance many traditions like Shabbat at the Park, Purim Shpiel, our annual Gala, programming. David Henry, Laura Ferrigno and family, Dan and Emily ...... Jane & Al Page on their Laura Cooper & Bruce Crane . . . .Wedding of and beautification of our sanctuary Likrat Shabbat/Kabbalat Shabbat, and Pizza in the Hut. There are also Miller and family, Max and Gavi Goldstein, and Cary Weinstein saw to ...... 50th Wedding Anniversary ...... Rebecca Henry to Alan Berger, ($18.00 minimum) the distribution of bags for the ARK. unique educational opportunities and discussions. Yet all of what we ...... daughter of Nina & Henry donor In honor of Lee Schur . . .Dr. Rebecca Schur receiving her have done began with the foundation of previous generations who built Outstanding efforts by our office staff: Anne Richtman-Kaplan, Roz & Ernie Heiman ...... Laura & Leon Finkel ...... Michael Lorge, Temple Beth Israel and put in place a community worth cherishing...... PhD in Biomedical Engineering Eunice Burns, and Tanya Frid saw to the details of all the communica - ...... Marla Aviva & Newell Bentley...... thank you for all your help with Carol & Benjamin Shames . . . .Bar Mitzvah of tion regarding tickets, money, aliyot, and the myriad of questions. Extra As I reflect on what a community is and what that means, I think of ...... Thanks for Havdalah in the Sukkah...... the Houston hurricane initiative ...... Josh Agrest hands in the office to help with these tasks were Phyllis Cantor, Alyce an old story that I happened to see in the new prayer books we are using Diane Alfille & Matt Arden ...... donor In Memory of Meryl & John Smyth ...... Maggie Smyth Heman, Ina Hill, Karen Gray-Keeler, Ione Novak, Kathy Passman, Mary this year. The story goes that Harry Golden is wondering why his father, ...... Marla Aviva Bentley Martha Garber ...... Rosalie Garber a devoted atheist, goes to synagogue every week. He says, “Dad, why ...... surviving Hurricane Maria – Roth, and Sue Schneider. Linda Perlin did her usual superb job as Book Laura & Leon Finkel Martha Garber ...... Edward Garber do you keep going to shul?” His dad replies, “Garfinkel goes to talk to ...... Thanks for any & all prayers of Remembrance chair. Ira Satyr handled all aspects of the High Holy Mary Roth ...... Marla Aviva Bentley for God; I go to talk to Garfinkel.” donor In Memory of Days Appeal mailing...... the High Holy Day Music hErZL b. MENdELsOhN LIbrAry fuNd There are many legitimate reasons to come to synagogue, not having Carole & Robert Arenson ...... Tess Arenson Special thanks to Rachel Willens for scheduling and coordinating Nina & David Henry ...... The birth of This fund is used exclusively for the purchase to do with prayer, yet Jewish tradition does insist that the individual the assignment of Ushers. Mark Fine, Steve Friedland, Karen Gray- Steven Bookshester . . . .Blanche Bookshester ...... Jack and Hannah, of books, periodicals, furnishing needs a minyan with whom to pray. This tradition is yet another Keeler, and Richard Rotberg, our Head Ushers, ably assisted by all the Elayne Dunn ...... David Shapiro . . . .Marty Rabinovitz’s new grandchildren and supplies for our library. important function of synagogues generally. The Jewish community Ushers, helped our congregants as they entered and moved about ETHS. Iris & Jim Friedlieb ...... Irene Friedlieb Marty Rabinovitz ...... Temple Beth Israel donor In honor of Continued on page 6 Continued on page 6 Deana Hoffman ...... Mayer Cohen ...... High Holy Day Choir Janice & Mark Samberg ...... Max Zell A HIGH HOLY DAYS THANK YOU! (cONTINUED) fROM THE pRESIDENT (cONTINUED) frOM ThE dIrEcTOr krIsTALLNAchT rEMEMbrANcE All of the above could not have happened without the behind the remains a sacred vessel for our shared hopes, yearnings, struggles, and Of cONGrEGATIONAL LEArNING By Susan Zoline, TBI Jewish Life Council fears. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts; the community scenes teamwork of those who helped pack, transport, schlep, and November 9, 2017 marks the 79th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the “Night of elevates and enhances each individual’s experience. Thus the synagogue store all the items we use to create our own sanctuary at Evanston Broken Glass,” in which the Nazis burned Jewish businesses and synagogues is our house where we gather as a community and turn to God. The Township High School. We are indebted to the willing and able hands in Germany and Austria. Sources indicate that over 1,000 synagogues were idea of the tradition is that when we meet each other in a deep and and leadership of Bruce Crane, with the help of: Erwin Barrington, burned or destroyed, 7,000 Jewish businesses were looted and burned, many authentic way, we also meet the Divine. So regardless of your personal Laura Cooper, Josh Fine, Mark Fine, Steve Franklin, Steve Friedland, Jewish homes were destroyed, and approximately 100 Jews were killed, with feelings of what God is, or whether God exists, the community we Ari Goldstein, Karen Gray-Keeler, Brian Keeler, Bill Klopsch, Seth It feels as if we have just begun to enjoy the fall and many more injured, all within the span of two days. Additionally, the Jewish create somehow gets us closer to that God. Kramer, David Levinson, Joanne Merritt, Steve Novak, Michael yet I am setting my eyes on the summer. I was a camper; community was fined one billion Reichmarks ($400 million dollars) for the cost Passman, Marc Raven, Wendy Raven, Jeff Rhodes, Benji Sagarin, Mark As we approached our 100th year, our leadership not only wanted to beginning at 8 years old I went away to a camp in of the damage. plan a celebration, but also to plan to assure that TBI can continue to Samberg, Marc Shaykin, Arlyn Tratt, Amber Wood, and, of course, our far northern Wisconsin for 8 weeks! My mother had Approximately 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps thrive and grow into the next century. In that regard, we put together maintenance staff, Tommy Ross and Nancy Boronka. attended the same all girls, all Jewish girls camp, so I as a result of Kristallnacht. In addition to the damage sustained, Kristallnacht a Long Term Sustainability Committee, which originally began with 3 was Nokomis bound. Camp had a profound impact on We also want to thank the Cohn Family for their donation of our presaged the beginning of the Holocaust in Europe. Sadly, the world communi - pillars: my sister and me. beautiful pulpit flowers and Village Market Place for donating apples to ty did not respond strongly to condemn the events of Kristallnacht, allowing • Endowment Campaign be used following the Family Services. For the last 18 years I have returned to camp as faculty at Olin Sang Hitler to further escalate his attack on Jews and to carry out the Shoah. • Program for Bequests Ruby Union Institute, the camp of the Reform Movement. OSRUI is the first May the blessings of a good, sweet and peaceful year be bestowed Each year I choose to share a poem which captures the events and camp of the Reform movement and, lucky for us, it is not far from us in upon you! Many thanks! • Dues Restructuring emotions of Kristallnacht as a means of honoring this meaningful event Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. Last summer we sent almost 50 campers, dozens in Jewish history. This year I have chosen a poem written by Rabbi Karen Carol Barrington & Judy Kemp In the process of developing these programs, we have realized that of staff and faculty to OSRUI. The impact that OSRUI has had on the TBI Bender of Scarsdale Synagogue Temples Tremont and Emanu-El (NY) on the High Holy Days Coordinators all three rest upon a base of a strong committed membership and so community is immeasurable and I can’t wait to return myself this coming 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht in 2013. The poem expresses both the despair a fourth leg of this process was added, which was Bringing in New summer. I love seeing and engaging with so many TBI kids while I am there. and eternal hope for a better world associated with this event. Members . Therefore, we have set for ourselves a goal of bringing in I love watching them learn, play outside, and embrace Judaism in a way that 100 new members in our 100th year. As with many goals, it is audacious. only a 24/7 environment can provide. I AM THE GLASS The idea is to spread our amazing community to even more people, If you are thinking about OSRUI for your child, there are several ways to while at the same time making our community stronger and more I am the glass. I am the rabbi. check it out. November 19th is Family Fun Day at OSRUI. For details, visit financially secure. Once clear, smooth, perfect. Once a teacher, a leader, The TBI Congregational Retreat is taking place December Protecting the store, the home, a dignified transmitter of Torah. Our officers, trustees, committees, and councils are hard at work 1-3 and is open to the entire TBI community. There is a special 1-night Young the eyes. preparing for many celebratory, educational, and socially relevant and Family option, but I encourage those who are considering camp to come for I am the rabbi WhErE Is My E-buLLETIN? meaningful programs, activities, and events for the coming year. Our the entire weekend. Details and registration can be found in the flyer in this I am the glass. Humiliated now on sub-committees are working on developing the details for Bequests to Wondering what is going on and miss the weekly eBulletin? Are you bulletin. If you have any questions, please reach out to me, Rabbi Weinberg, Shattered now, broken, sharp, the streets of Germany. continue to sustain and help our nest egg grow; improving our system or Amber Wood for answers. Finally, Solly Kane, the new director of OSRUI, asking yourself, “Did I drop off the TBI mailing list?” If your answer to dangerous. Forced to choose between the first question is Yes, we can tell you that the answer to the second of how we raise money from our membership, and of course in bringing will be visiting TBI on Sunday, January 28th. Details to follow. desecrating the Torah one is No. Our emails have a new look and feel as we are now sending in as many new members as possible. We have now officially kicked off I am the book. Camp is transformative for all, whether for a weekend, a summer, or a and surviving the night. them through Constant Contact. Please check your email spam filter our Endowment Campaign, which will keep us on a strong financial Once a source of peoplehood, footing for many years to come. We hope to raise a million dollars and lifetime. Let me help your family experience the ways in which camp can and other mailboxes for emails coming from Temple Beth Israel. If you philosophy and learning. I am the child. to have full participation of our entire membership in this program. enhance your Jewish life now and forever. have changed your email address, please let us know. Contact the B’shalom , Inspiring the spirit, the mind, Once carefree and innocent, Temple office or Linn Ullenbrauck at [email protected]. We will tell you more about this campaign in the coming months. Our Lori B. Sagarin The person. laughing, playing, free. goal is to do what many of our predecessors did for us – continue this institution so that it will be able to thrive for another 100 years. With this I am the book. I am the child. campaign, we plan to help assure that future generations will continue Burning now in a flame of hate. Terrified now as they take to enjoy this community and that we will continue to make the world a VISIT THE TBI WEBSITE A precursor to the fate of a my father away better place. community. Shaken by an evil in this night Take a look at our NEWLY UPDATED website at Today, as many of us are increasingly in our own world, online, on I am the glass. You’ll find loads of up-to-date, easy to I am the synagogue. social media, communicating electronically, where else can we find a Once the house of learning, Repaired now by a People community to interact with people in a meaningful way? We can debate find information about worship services, school schedules, the house of prayer, the house that will never give in. the issues of the day in Adult Education programming, we can learn regular programs, and special events, along with important of gathering. A window into a future of hope, Hebrew, study Torah, but we can also enjoy a cup of coffee on a Sunday phone numbers and other handy and useful information. of goodness, of peace. morning with old friends or with new friends. I am the synagogue. As a financial officer of the Congregation for 6 years, I have seen how Aflame now, the end of I am the glass. we work to save every little bit to get through the year. We manage to an era of safety in Europe. PErsONALIZEd INVITATIONs ANd cArds put together strong programming on a small budget. Our programming year is robust. Hopefully you saved Torah at TBI that was distributed on It is important that we remember the events of Kristallnacht and continue to Do you have a simcha coming up? Are you planning to send cards Rosh Hashanah. (You can still pick up a copy at TBI, if you need one). speak up against hatred, intolerance, and violence towards oppressed persons, for the holidays? Is there an announcement you or your company would There is so much going on as part of our 100th year celebration. Our Jews and non Jews alike. To commemorate this year’s anniversary of like to share? Sisterhood offers high quality personalized invitations and goal with this endowment is to allow the Congregation to extend our Kristallnacht, the Illinois Holocaust Museum will sponsor a free event titled cards at discounted prices. Elaine Berger can help you meet your programming to make it more vibrant, to allow it to reach the broader Commemoration: Kristallnacht, The Spark That Ignited the Holocaust , on Thursday November 9th from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. at the Illinois Holocaust Museum needs. Please contact her at [email protected] or 847-677-8737. community, and to be a center for Jewish life in this area. With a successful campaign, perhaps we can make every year have such and Education Center in Skokie. The program will include selected readings robust programming. from Elie Wiesel’s Night , and a cantorial performance. The program is free to the public but online pre-registration is required at There is a story in the Talmud of an old man planting a sapling by VIsIT Our LIbrAry For more information about this event, you may use this URL: the side of the road. A stranger stopped by and asked, “Why are you Come and visit the Cohn Library located planting a tree at your age? It will be many years before it provides fruit on the lower level. Take time browsing and shade and you may not live to enjoy it.” The man replied, “All my life Kristallnacht will also be observed at TBI Shabbat Services on Friday through our wonderful collection then check I have enjoyed food and shade provided by those who came before me. November 10th in conjunction with Veterans’ Shabbat sponsored by TBI out your selections. You will be glad you did! As my ancestors planted for me, so I plant now for my children.” Brotherhood. Ch ai NOTEs NEW PhysIcAL sIsTErhOOd NEWs sIsTErhOOd ANNIVErsArIEs frOM ThE MusIc dIrEcTOr IMPrOVEMENTs AT TbI Established in 1973, the WRJ (Women of Reform Judaism) Or Ami ANd bIrThdAys “Light of My People” Award for Special Achievement in programming Teaching our 6th graders in Religious and Hebrew Under the direction of TBI’s Facilities Committee, a series of physical DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES recognizes exemplary social justice, community service, and educa - school is one of my great privileges at TBI. I look improvements is well underway at TBI. Just completed are four securi - tional programming that serves as a model for other WRJ Sisterhoods. Nancy and Joel Goodman ...... 12/1/1974 forward to the start of each school year when I get to ty-related projects funded by a $60,000 US Department of Homeland We at Sisterhood Temple Beth Israel are very proud to announce that Dale and Joe Cone ...... 12/5/1993 introduce a brand-new topic of study to our students: Security grant. we are the recipient of an Or Ami award and 2 Honorable Mentions Lillian and Alan Gerstner ...... 12/12/1976 Cantillation. Cantillation is the art of chanting Torah • The most visible of these is the installation of sixteen stainless steel this year. We will receive a Silver 2018 Or Ami award for our outstand - and . The students learn that there are bollards on our building’s north and west sides. Wendy and Mitch Singer ...... 12/18/2004 ing program Global Refugee Crisis . We will also receive Honorable symbols called trope. In Hebrew they are called Susie and Michael Lorge ...... 12/19/1976 • There are new locking door latches on our second floor classrooms. Mentions for our Fighting Sex Trafficking – A Jewish Response and our ta’amei hamikra . The trope symbols indicate how we Diane and Edward Mehlman ...... 12/20/1970 • There are also new steel doors outside the kitchen. Sweat, Sip, and Snack programs. are to chant our sacred texts – which melody is to be sung, where the Bonnie and Philip Gorelick ...... 12/27/1975 We believe that social action advocacy is a vital component of our syllabic stress of the word is, and most importantly the punctuation of • A new set of video cameras, monitors, and recording system have Dawn and Michael Strauss ...... 12/31/2006 each phrase. For the next few months, my articles will discuss been installed in the building. Sisterhood. Since its formation, over 100 years ago, WRJ/NFTS (the previous name of WRJ), has devoted itself to forging new paths in Cantillation, and you can learn to chant Torah, too. Also, just completed is the installation of a new cement walkway DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS advocacy and social justice causes. WRJ resolutions have preceded Many of us are familiar with the melodies of Torah trope, parti- outside our main entrances, the replacement of parking lot lighting with policy in many areas, such as immigration reform, women’s and civil Evelyn Hyman ...... 12/4 cularly if you can chant the V’ahavta . The V’ahavta prayer is a LED fixtures, and a major air conditioning repair, as well as rebuilding of rights, and LBGT rights. Here are some examples taken from actual Vera Rubin ...... 12/6 combination of two excerpts from Torah: Deuteronomy 6:5-9 and the timber barrier on the building’s south side along the alley. resolutions that were put forth. Debbie Talsky ...... 12/6 Numbers 15:40-41. We use this prayer as an anchor because the Remaining projects to be completed by the end of December include melody is so familiar and because it contains examples of 5 of the 6 replacement of main door hinges, and ideally, cleaning of our building 1915: Immigration Bill – “ Whereas , The Immigration Bill now Ellen Baygood ...... 12/7 clause families (there are 27 trope symbols that are generally grouped façade to include both our Jerusalem stone wall and our metal wall before the President (Woodrow Wilson) of the United States of Meryl Smyth ...... 12/11 into 6 clause families). panels. America for his signature provides that a literacy test be applied to all Shana Johnson ...... 12/14 immigrants entering the United States;…. Whereas , we consider this To begin in the classroom, I introduce a new symbol by chanting The biggest project currently anticipated for 2018 is the complete Rita Pomerance ...... 12/21 literacy test and other restrictions on immigration which the bill its name in Hebrew, and pairing it with hand sign. The students repeat repaving of our main parking lot. Several of the recent projects have Estelle London ...... 12/22 contains, unjust and opposed to American standards of righteousness the chanting and hand sign. After some repetition and becoming been directly funded by TBI members including Michael Passman and Linda Benjamin ...... 12/23 and democracy; … Be it resolved , That we, the NFTS in a convention comfortable with the sound and the physicality of the symbol, I write Michael Lorge; all of the projects have benefited from generous hours of assembled at Chicago, Illinois, do hereby protest, in the name of a Lisa Katz ...... 12/24 the symbol and its Hebrew name on the board. Then I repeat the service by Facilities Committee members, often led by Bruce Crane. The Beth Sair ...... 12/24 process with another symbol from that clause family. I usually begin committee welcomes input from members of the congregation. Please common humanity, against the said Immigration Bill and respectfully with the first family, , and with the symbols and contact Steve Franklin, chairman, with comments and suggestions. urge the President of the United States to veto it…” Janet Jablon ...... 12/27 Tipcha . 1991: Rights of Gay Men and Lesbian Women – “In accordance Michelle Agrest ...... 12/28 TbI: A sAfEr syNAGOGuE with the teaching of our faith that all human beings are created Eleanor Rosen ...... 12/29 betzelem elohim (in the divine image), the NFTS passed the 1977 Marcia Satyr ...... 12/29 By Nina Henry resolution, ‘Rights of Individuals,’ which establishes commitment to a Susan Zoline ...... 12/29 What keeps you up at night? Perhaps you worry about an elderly parent or society in which “the civil, legal, social, and political rights and guar - a disabled significant other. Maybe you have hired a helper from a reputable antees for education, housing, employment, pursuit of self-fulfillment, Would you like to celebrate simchas and benefit Sisterhood TBI? agency to assist your loved one with some of the tasks of daily living – the expression of cultural and ethnic identity, and the absence of Send a Uniongram, $2.00 each, by contacting: Rozanne Epstein, To hear me chant this clause, visit dressing, showering, taking medications, or cooking a meal. But even the most coercion or invasion of privacy shall be guaranteed for all persons [email protected] , 847-676-3299 or Candy Siegel, maltesepeanut-biz@ aviva-bentley/etnachtah-clause. reputable agency may miss something on a background check. What would regardless of color, sex, sexual preference of consenting adults,, 847-679-4707. you do if someone was mistreating your elderly or disabled loved one? Then, we visually search for the new symbols in the V’ahavta prayer national origin, religion, and political point of view.” To whom would you bring these concerns? and color-code them by clause. The Etnachta clause is yellow. We As we find ourselves still tackling these issues today, we at UPCOMING SISTERHOOD EVENTS highlight all Mercha and Tipcha symbols that are immediately followed At TBI since Fall 2015 we have been considering such questions very Sisterhood Temple Beth Israel are committed to educate and enlighten seriously. In December, 2015, a bulletin article entitled A Safe Place described by Etnachta , or Etnachta in yellow. To see an example of a minds and hearts, through our many programs and activities. November 1, 10:00 a.m...... Study with Rabbi Weinberg color-coded V’ahavta or for more information and resources on trope, a program in which TBI participates called Partnership for Safer Synagogues . This program provides congregational leadership an organized, efficient Sheila Rosenfeld and Joanne Merritt November 1, 12:00 p.m...... Open Program Meeting visit my class blog at Sisterhood Co-Presidents program that concentrates on safe and healthy families and relationships November 1, 6:00 p.m...... Family Program with Brotherhood: In next month’s article, I will address how trope establishes syllabic and the multitude of topics that can adversely impact women, men, children, ...... Folk Dancing stress. and families such as intimate partner abuse, child abuse, teen dating violence, sIsTErhOOd cENTENNIAL TIdbIT substance abuse, and elder abuse. November 7, 7:00 p.m...... Social Action Program: Joy & Blessings, In September 1944, Sisterhood sent 100 pounds of cookies to the The TBI Safer Synagogues team includes Rabbi Weinberg, Lori Sagarin, ...... Council for Jewish Elderly (CJE) Marla Aviva Bentley USO in Waukegan for Rosh Hashanah, gave parties for servicemen, JCFS liaison Nina Henry, and a cadre of TBI lay leaders. To date, our TBI Safer November 8, 10:00 a.m...... Study with Rabbi Weinberg and sold War Bonds and stamps. Synagogues team has developed protocols for professional staff to address November 9, 1:00 p.m...... Project Winter Warmth suspected child abuse, teen violence, or other intimidating behavior. The same Sisterhood TBI Centennial Committee ATTENTION jOurNALIsTs ANd November 12, 10:00 a.m...... Board Meeting team is developing protocols for addressing elder abuse or abuse of a disabled AsPIrING jOurNALIsTs! November 13, 7:00 p.m...... Mah Jongg for Beginners adult. LIkrAT shAbbAT sPONsOrs reminder: Material for the bulletin is While working on the Safer Synagogues project, it has been reassuring for November 15, 10:00 a.m...... Study with Rabbi Weinberg On the first, third, and fifth Friday of each month our worship due electronically to Barbara Seaver at the team to learn that we have an outstanding professional staff who has November 19, 9:00 a.m...... Artisan Faire is Kabbalat Shabbat (welcoming Shabbat) at 6:15 p.m. This short [email protected] on the 10th of the addressed these kinds of family and relationship issues in a confidential and November 22, 10:00 a.m...... Study with Rabbi Weinberg sensitive manner. However, up to now, we have not had written protocols for service filled with Shabbat songs and music is preceded at 5:30 p.m. month prior to publication. If you do not November 29, 10:00 a.m...... Study with Rabbi Weinberg how these issues might be tackled. Developing these kinds of protocols will by Likrat Shabbat when we approach Shabbat by greeting friends and have access to a computer, please submit insure that TBI will be a safe place for another 100 years. enjoying a “nosh” together. December 6, 10:00 a.m...... Study with Rabbi Weinberg paper copy to the Temple office by the 7th We invite you to host Likrat Shabbat in celebration of a family December 6, 12:00 p.m...... Open Program Meeting of the month prior to publication so that it IMpORTANT: The Safer Synagogues team wants you to know that TBI is simcha or other special event. Please contact Flo Berman at can be transcribed and sent by the 10th. The deadline for the a safe place. Please do not hesitate to reach out when you suspect someone December 10, 10:00 a.m...... Board Meeting you care about may be in trouble. Temple Beth Israel is a place of 847.673.9191 for information on underwriting the cost of food and December bulletin is November 10. December 20, 7:00 p.m...... Sisterhood Book Club HaNefesh , a place where we repair the soul. refreshments for Likrat Shabbat. Ch ai NOTEs NEW PhysIcAL sIsTErhOOd NEWs sIsTErhOOd ANNIVErsArIEs frOM ThE MusIc dIrEcTOr IMPrOVEMENTs AT TbI Established in 1973, the WRJ (Women of Reform Judaism) Or Ami ANd bIrThdAys “Light of My People” Award for Special Achievement in programming Teaching our 6th graders in Religious and Hebrew Under the direction of TBI’s Facilities Committee, a series of physical DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES recognizes exemplary social justice, community service, and educa - school is one of my great privileges at TBI. I look improvements is well underway at TBI. Just completed are four securi - tional programming that serves as a model for other WRJ Sisterhoods. Nancy and Joel Goodman ...... 12/1/1974 forward to the start of each school year when I get to ty-related projects funded by a $60,000 US Department of Homeland We at Sisterhood Temple Beth Israel are very proud to announce that Dale and Joe Cone ...... 12/5/1993 introduce a brand-new topic of study to our students: Security grant. we are the recipient of an Or Ami award and 2 Honorable Mentions Lillian and Alan Gerstner ...... 12/12/1976 Cantillation. Cantillation is the art of chanting Torah • The most visible of these is the installation of sixteen stainless steel this year. We will receive a Silver 2018 Or Ami award for our outstand - and Haftarah. The students learn that there are bollards on our building’s north and west sides. Wendy and Mitch Singer ...... 12/18/2004 ing program Global Refugee Crisis . We will also receive Honorable symbols called trope. In Hebrew they are called Susie and Michael Lorge ...... 12/19/1976 • There are new locking door latches on our second floor classrooms. Mentions for our Fighting Sex Trafficking – A Jewish Response and our ta’amei hamikra . The trope symbols indicate how we Diane and Edward Mehlman ...... 12/20/1970 • There are also new steel doors outside the kitchen. Sweat, Sip, and Snack programs. are to chant our sacred texts – which melody is to be sung, where the Bonnie and Philip Gorelick ...... 12/27/1975 We believe that social action advocacy is a vital component of our syllabic stress of the word is, and most importantly the punctuation of • A new set of video cameras, monitors, and recording system have Dawn and Michael Strauss ...... 12/31/2006 each phrase. For the next few months, my articles will discuss been installed in the building. Sisterhood. Since its formation, over 100 years ago, WRJ/NFTS (the previous name of WRJ), has devoted itself to forging new paths in Cantillation, and you can learn to chant Torah, too. Also, just completed is the installation of a new cement walkway DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS advocacy and social justice causes. WRJ resolutions have preceded Many of us are familiar with the melodies of Torah trope, parti- outside our main entrances, the replacement of parking lot lighting with policy in many areas, such as immigration reform, women’s and civil Evelyn Hyman ...... 12/4 cularly if you can chant the V’ahavta . The V’ahavta prayer is a LED fixtures, and a major air conditioning repair, as well as rebuilding of rights, and LBGT rights. Here are some examples taken from actual Vera Rubin ...... 12/6 combination of two excerpts from Torah: Deuteronomy 6:5-9 and the timber barrier on the building’s south side along the alley. resolutions that were put forth. Debbie Talsky ...... 12/6 Numbers 15:40-41. We use this prayer as an anchor because the Remaining projects to be completed by the end of December include melody is so familiar and because it contains examples of 5 of the 6 replacement of main door hinges, and ideally, cleaning of our building 1915: Immigration Bill – “ Whereas , The Immigration Bill now Ellen Baygood ...... 12/7 clause families (there are 27 trope symbols that are generally grouped façade to include both our Jerusalem stone wall and our metal wall before the President (Woodrow Wilson) of the United States of Meryl Smyth ...... 12/11 into 6 clause families). panels. America for his signature provides that a literacy test be applied to all Shana Johnson ...... 12/14 immigrants entering the United States;…. Whereas , we consider this To begin in the classroom, I introduce a new symbol by chanting The biggest project currently anticipated for 2018 is the complete Rita Pomerance ...... 12/21 literacy test and other restrictions on immigration which the bill its name in Hebrew, and pairing it with hand sign. The students repeat repaving of our main parking lot. Several of the recent projects have Estelle London ...... 12/22 contains, unjust and opposed to American standards of righteousness the chanting and hand sign. After some repetition and becoming been directly funded by TBI members including Michael Passman and Linda Benjamin ...... 12/23 and democracy; … Be it resolved , That we, the NFTS in a convention comfortable with the sound and the physicality of the symbol, I write Michael Lorge; all of the projects have benefited from generous hours of assembled at Chicago, Illinois, do hereby protest, in the name of a Lisa Katz ...... 12/24 the symbol and its Hebrew name on the board. Then I repeat the service by Facilities Committee members, often led by Bruce Crane. The Beth Sair ...... 12/24 process with another symbol from that clause family. I usually begin committee welcomes input from members of the congregation. Please common humanity, against the said Immigration Bill and respectfully with the first family, Etnachta , and with the symbols Mercha and contact Steve Franklin, chairman, with comments and suggestions. urge the President of the United States to veto it…” Janet Jablon ...... 12/27 Tipcha . 1991: Rights of Gay Men and Lesbian Women – “In accordance Michelle Agrest ...... 12/28 TbI: A sAfEr syNAGOGuE with the teaching of our faith that all human beings are created Eleanor Rosen ...... 12/29 betzelem elohim (in the divine image), the NFTS passed the 1977 Marcia Satyr ...... 12/29 By Nina Henry resolution, ‘Rights of Individuals,’ which establishes commitment to a Susan Zoline ...... 12/29 What keeps you up at night? Perhaps you worry about an elderly parent or society in which “the civil, legal, social, and political rights and guar - a disabled significant other. Maybe you have hired a helper from a reputable antees for education, housing, employment, pursuit of self-fulfillment, Would you like to celebrate simchas and benefit Sisterhood TBI? agency to assist your loved one with some of the tasks of daily living – the expression of cultural and ethnic identity, and the absence of Send a Uniongram, $2.00 each, by contacting: Rozanne Epstein, To hear me chant this clause, visit dressing, showering, taking medications, or cooking a meal. But even the most coercion or invasion of privacy shall be guaranteed for all persons [email protected] , 847-676-3299 or Candy Siegel, maltesepeanut-biz@ aviva-bentley/etnachtah-clause. reputable agency may miss something on a background check. What would regardless of color, sex, sexual preference of consenting adults,, 847-679-4707. you do if someone was mistreating your elderly or disabled loved one? Then, we visually search for the new symbols in the V’ahavta prayer national origin, religion, and political point of view.” To whom would you bring these concerns? and color-code them by clause. The Etnachta clause is yellow. We As we find ourselves still tackling these issues today, we at UPCOMING SISTERHOOD EVENTS highlight all Mercha and Tipcha symbols that are immediately followed At TBI since Fall 2015 we have been considering such questions very Sisterhood Temple Beth Israel are committed to educate and enlighten seriously. In December, 2015, a bulletin article entitled A Safe Place described by Etnachta , or Munach Etnachta in yellow. To see an example of a minds and hearts, through our many programs and activities. November 1, 10:00 a.m...... Study with Rabbi Weinberg color-coded V’ahavta or for more information and resources on trope, a program in which TBI participates called Partnership for Safer Synagogues . This program provides congregational leadership an organized, efficient Sheila Rosenfeld and Joanne Merritt November 1, 12:00 p.m...... Open Program Meeting visit my class blog at Sisterhood Co-Presidents program that concentrates on safe and healthy families and relationships November 1, 6:00 p.m...... Family Program with Brotherhood: In next month’s article, I will address how trope establishes syllabic and the multitude of topics that can adversely impact women, men, children, ...... Folk Dancing stress. and families such as intimate partner abuse, child abuse, teen dating violence, sIsTErhOOd cENTENNIAL TIdbIT substance abuse, and elder abuse. November 7, 7:00 p.m...... Social Action Program: Joy & Blessings, In September 1944, Sisterhood sent 100 pounds of cookies to the The TBI Safer Synagogues team includes Rabbi Weinberg, Lori Sagarin, ...... Council for Jewish Elderly (CJE) Marla Aviva Bentley USO in Waukegan for Rosh Hashanah, gave parties for servicemen, JCFS liaison Nina Henry, and a cadre of TBI lay leaders. To date, our TBI Safer November 8, 10:00 a.m...... Study with Rabbi Weinberg and sold War Bonds and stamps. Synagogues team has developed protocols for professional staff to address November 9, 1:00 p.m...... Project Winter Warmth suspected child abuse, teen violence, or other intimidating behavior. The same Sisterhood TBI Centennial Committee ATTENTION jOurNALIsTs ANd November 12, 10:00 a.m...... Board Meeting team is developing protocols for addressing elder abuse or abuse of a disabled AsPIrING jOurNALIsTs! November 13, 7:00 p.m...... Mah Jongg for Beginners adult. LIkrAT shAbbAT sPONsOrs reminder: Material for the bulletin is While working on the Safer Synagogues project, it has been reassuring for November 15, 10:00 a.m...... Study with Rabbi Weinberg On the first, third, and fifth Friday of each month our worship due electronically to Barbara Seaver at the team to learn that we have an outstanding professional staff who has November 19, 9:00 a.m...... Artisan Faire is Kabbalat Shabbat (welcoming Shabbat) at 6:15 p.m. This short [email protected] on the 10th of the addressed these kinds of family and relationship issues in a confidential and November 22, 10:00 a.m...... Study with Rabbi Weinberg sensitive manner. However, up to now, we have not had written protocols for service filled with Shabbat songs and music is preceded at 5:30 p.m. month prior to publication. If you do not November 29, 10:00 a.m...... Study with Rabbi Weinberg how these issues might be tackled. Developing these kinds of protocols will by Likrat Shabbat when we approach Shabbat by greeting friends and have access to a computer, please submit insure that TBI will be a safe place for another 100 years. enjoying a “nosh” together. December 6, 10:00 a.m...... Study with Rabbi Weinberg paper copy to the Temple office by the 7th We invite you to host Likrat Shabbat in celebration of a family December 6, 12:00 p.m...... Open Program Meeting of the month prior to publication so that it IMpORTANT: The Safer Synagogues team wants you to know that TBI is simcha or other special event. Please contact Flo Berman at can be transcribed and sent by the 10th. The deadline for the a safe place. Please do not hesitate to reach out when you suspect someone December 10, 10:00 a.m...... Board Meeting you care about may be in trouble. Temple Beth Israel is a place of Tikkun 847.673.9191 for information on underwriting the cost of food and December bulletin is November 10. December 20, 7:00 p.m...... Sisterhood Book Club HaNefesh , a place where we repair the soul. refreshments for Likrat Shabbat. A HIGH HOLY DAYS THANK YOU! (cONTINUED) fROM THE pRESIDENT (cONTINUED) frOM ThE dIrEcTOr krIsTALLNAchT rEMEMbrANcE All of the above could not have happened without the behind the remains a sacred vessel for our shared hopes, yearnings, struggles, and Of cONGrEGATIONAL LEArNING By Susan Zoline, TBI Jewish Life Council fears. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts; the community scenes teamwork of those who helped pack, transport, schlep, and November 9, 2017 marks the 79th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the “Night of elevates and enhances each individual’s experience. Thus the synagogue store all the items we use to create our own sanctuary at Evanston Broken Glass,” in which the Nazis burned Jewish businesses and synagogues is our house where we gather as a community and turn to God. The Township High School. We are indebted to the willing and able hands in Germany and Austria. Sources indicate that over 1,000 synagogues were idea of the tradition is that when we meet each other in a deep and and leadership of Bruce Crane, with the help of: Erwin Barrington, burned or destroyed, 7,000 Jewish businesses were looted and burned, many authentic way, we also meet the Divine. So regardless of your personal Laura Cooper, Josh Fine, Mark Fine, Steve Franklin, Steve Friedland, Jewish homes were destroyed, and approximately 100 Jews were killed, with feelings of what God is, or whether God exists, the community we Ari Goldstein, Karen Gray-Keeler, Brian Keeler, Bill Klopsch, Seth It feels as if we have just begun to enjoy the fall and many more injured, all within the span of two days. Additionally, the Jewish create somehow gets us closer to that God. Kramer, David Levinson, Joanne Merritt, Steve Novak, Michael yet I am setting my eyes on the summer. I was a camper; community was fined one billion Reichmarks ($400 million dollars) for the cost Passman, Marc Raven, Wendy Raven, Jeff Rhodes, Benji Sagarin, Mark As we approached our 100th year, our leadership not only wanted to beginning at 8 years old I went away to a camp in of the damage. plan a celebration, but also to plan to assure that TBI can continue to Samberg, Marc Shaykin, Arlyn Tratt, Amber Wood, and, of course, our far northern Wisconsin for 8 weeks! My mother had Approximately 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps thrive and grow into the next century. In that regard, we put together maintenance staff, Tommy Ross and Nancy Boronka. attended the same all girls, all Jewish girls camp, so I as a result of Kristallnacht. In addition to the damage sustained, Kristallnacht a Long Term Sustainability Committee, which originally began with 3 was Nokomis bound. Camp had a profound impact on We also want to thank the Cohn Family for their donation of our presaged the beginning of the Holocaust in Europe. Sadly, the world communi - pillars: my sister and me. beautiful pulpit flowers and Village Market Place for donating apples to ty did not respond strongly to condemn the events of Kristallnacht, allowing • Endowment Campaign be used following the Family Services. For the last 18 years I have returned to camp as faculty at Olin Sang Hitler to further escalate his attack on Jews and to carry out the Shoah. • Program for Bequests Ruby Union Institute, the camp of the Reform Movement. OSRUI is the first May the blessings of a good, sweet and peaceful year be bestowed Each year I choose to share a poem which captures the events and camp of the Reform movement and, lucky for us, it is not far from us in upon you! Many thanks! • Dues Restructuring emotions of Kristallnacht as a means of honoring this meaningful event Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. Last summer we sent almost 50 campers, dozens in Jewish history. This year I have chosen a poem written by Rabbi Karen Carol Barrington & Judy Kemp In the process of developing these programs, we have realized that of staff and faculty to OSRUI. The impact that OSRUI has had on the TBI Bender of Scarsdale Synagogue Temples Tremont and Emanu-El (NY) on the High Holy Days Coordinators all three rest upon a base of a strong committed membership and so community is immeasurable and I can’t wait to return myself this coming 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht in 2013. The poem expresses both the despair a fourth leg of this process was added, which was Bringing in New summer. I love seeing and engaging with so many TBI kids while I am there. and eternal hope for a better world associated with this event. Members . Therefore, we have set for ourselves a goal of bringing in I love watching them learn, play outside, and embrace Judaism in a way that 100 new members in our 100th year. As with many goals, it is audacious. only a 24/7 environment can provide. I AM THE GLASS The idea is to spread our amazing community to even more people, If you are thinking about OSRUI for your child, there are several ways to while at the same time making our community stronger and more I am the glass. I am the rabbi. check it out. November 19th is Family Fun Day at OSRUI. For details, visit financially secure. Once clear, smooth, perfect. Once a teacher, a leader, The TBI Congregational Retreat is taking place December Protecting the store, the home, a dignified transmitter of Torah. Our officers, trustees, committees, and councils are hard at work 1-3 and is open to the entire TBI community. There is a special 1-night Young the eyes. preparing for many celebratory, educational, and socially relevant and Family option, but I encourage those who are considering camp to come for I am the rabbi WhErE Is My E-buLLETIN? meaningful programs, activities, and events for the coming year. Our the entire weekend. Details and registration can be found in the flyer in this I am the glass. Humiliated now on sub-committees are working on developing the details for Bequests to Wondering what is going on and miss the weekly eBulletin? Are you bulletin. If you have any questions, please reach out to me, Rabbi Weinberg, Shattered now, broken, sharp, the streets of Germany. continue to sustain and help our nest egg grow; improving our system or Amber Wood for answers. Finally, Solly Kane, the new director of OSRUI, asking yourself, “Did I drop off the TBI mailing list?” If your answer to dangerous. Forced to choose between the first question is Yes, we can tell you that the answer to the second of how we raise money from our membership, and of course in bringing will be visiting TBI on Sunday, January 28th. Details to follow. desecrating the Torah one is No. Our emails have a new look and feel as we are now sending in as many new members as possible. We have now officially kicked off I am the book. Camp is transformative for all, whether for a weekend, a summer, or a and surviving the night. them through Constant Contact. Please check your email spam filter our Endowment Campaign, which will keep us on a strong financial Once a source of peoplehood, footing for many years to come. We hope to raise a million dollars and lifetime. Let me help your family experience the ways in which camp can and other mailboxes for emails coming from Temple Beth Israel. If you philosophy and learning. I am the child. to have full participation of our entire membership in this program. enhance your Jewish life now and forever. have changed your email address, please let us know. Contact the B’shalom , Inspiring the spirit, the mind, Once carefree and innocent, Temple office or Linn Ullenbrauck at [email protected]. We will tell you more about this campaign in the coming months. Our Lori B. Sagarin The person. laughing, playing, free. goal is to do what many of our predecessors did for us – continue this institution so that it will be able to thrive for another 100 years. With this I am the book. I am the child. campaign, we plan to help assure that future generations will continue Burning now in a flame of hate. Terrified now as they take to enjoy this community and that we will continue to make the world a VISIT THE TBI WEBSITE A precursor to the fate of a my father away better place. community. Shaken by an evil in this night Take a look at our NEWLY UPDATED website at Today, as many of us are increasingly in our own world, online, on I am the glass. You’ll find loads of up-to-date, easy to I am the synagogue. social media, communicating electronically, where else can we find a Once the house of learning, Repaired now by a People community to interact with people in a meaningful way? We can debate find information about worship services, school schedules, the house of prayer, the house that will never give in. the issues of the day in Adult Education programming, we can learn regular programs, and special events, along with important of gathering. A window into a future of hope, Hebrew, study Torah, but we can also enjoy a cup of coffee on a Sunday phone numbers and other handy and useful information. of goodness, of peace. morning with old friends or with new friends. I am the synagogue. As a financial officer of the Congregation for 6 years, I have seen how Aflame now, the end of I am the glass. we work to save every little bit to get through the year. We manage to an era of safety in Europe. PErsONALIZEd INVITATIONs ANd cArds put together strong programming on a small budget. Our programming year is robust. Hopefully you saved Torah at TBI that was distributed on It is important that we remember the events of Kristallnacht and continue to Do you have a simcha coming up? Are you planning to send cards Rosh Hashanah. (You can still pick up a copy at TBI, if you need one). speak up against hatred, intolerance, and violence towards oppressed persons, for the holidays? Is there an announcement you or your company would There is so much going on as part of our 100th year celebration. Our Jews and non Jews alike. To commemorate this year’s anniversary of like to share? Sisterhood offers high quality personalized invitations and goal with this endowment is to allow the Congregation to extend our Kristallnacht, the Illinois Holocaust Museum will sponsor a free event titled cards at discounted prices. Elaine Berger can help you meet your programming to make it more vibrant, to allow it to reach the broader Commemoration: Kristallnacht, The Spark That Ignited the Holocaust , on Thursday November 9th from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. at the Illinois Holocaust Museum needs. Please contact her at [email protected] or 847-677-8737. community, and to be a center for Jewish life in this area. With a successful campaign, perhaps we can make every year have such and Education Center in Skokie. The program will include selected readings robust programming. from Elie Wiesel’s Night , and a cantorial performance. The program is free to the public but online pre-registration is required at There is a story in the Talmud of an old man planting a sapling by VIsIT Our LIbrAry For more information about this event, you may use this URL: the side of the road. A stranger stopped by and asked, “Why are you Come and visit the Cohn Library located planting a tree at your age? It will be many years before it provides fruit on the lower level. Take time browsing and shade and you may not live to enjoy it.” The man replied, “All my life Kristallnacht will also be observed at TBI Shabbat Services on Friday through our wonderful collection then check I have enjoyed food and shade provided by those who came before me. November 10th in conjunction with Veterans’ Shabbat sponsored by TBI out your selections. You will be glad you did! As my ancestors planted for me, so I plant now for my children.” Brotherhood. IN ThE TEMPLE fAMILy frOM ThE PrEsIdENT cONTrIbuTIONs MAZEL TOV TO: By Jon Schneider A minimum contribution of $15.00 (unless otherwise noted) for donation to be acknowledged with a card and published in the bulletin. This article has been adapted from my remarks on Erev Rosh Hashanah. Marty Rabinovitz on the birth of twin grandchildren, Hannah Adams NANETTE b. MENdELsOhN Irving Kampf ...... Morris Topp donor In Memory of Rabinovitz and Jack Bayer Rabinovitz, children of Rachel and Josh I grew up in Louisville, Kentucky where my family TrEE Of LIfE fuNd Nina & David Henry Rabinovitz. belonged to a conservative congregation. That congre - Irving Loundy ...... Telsa Lenhoff Funds used for the beautification Koleynu Jane and Al Page on the celebration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary. gation and the Louisville JCC were the communities to Marc & Kathy Rocklin ...... Leah Rocklin of Temple Beth Israel Roberta & Howard Rosell ...... Arthur Deitch Paula & Dan Sabin ...... Phillip Singer Lee Schur on her granddaughter, Dr. Rebecca Schur, receiving her which I felt most connected during my youth. We lived donor In honor of Deborah Kohl ...... Robert Eatman doctorate in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve in in a city that was extremely Christian, but had a close Roberta & Howard Rosell ...... Pearl Rosell Pam & Ted Lavine ...... Lisa Wynn’s Corrine & Mitch Oppenheim . . . .Telsa Lenhoff Cleveland. knit Jewish community. I felt most at home in those Roberta & Howard Rosell . . . .Gale Nudelman environments...... speedy recovery Paula & Dan Sabin ...... Ronald Giffin Nina and David Henry on their daughter, Alice, receiving her Master’s donor In Memory of Degree in Environmental Forestry from the University of British When I moved to Chicago in 1988, I was 24 years old, not married, EducATION fuNd living in a city 300 miles from my hometown. It never crossed my mind Rozanne & Steve Epstein sOcIAL sErVIcE fuNd Columbia, Canada. Provides funds for Jewish education at TBI to join a synagogue. I found a place to go to High Holiday Services, for Patti & Clifford Levy ...... Phillip Singer Provides support for social service Linda and Dr. Alan Nidetz, Barbara Nidetz, and Phyllis Stock on Passover Seders, either in Louisville or in the Chicago area, but I was donor In honor of programs within the Temple and the birth of their granddaughter / great-granddaughter, Ilana Nidetz- Diane Alfille & Matt Arden ...... Shari Granat in the surrounding community and Covington, born to Elizabeth Covington and Robert Nidetz. basically on my own. I became a member of TBI when Wendy and I were sIdNEy I. cOLE cAMP married in 1993. As a relatively young married couple with no children, ...... for tutoring to some individual tzedakah recipients ON THE ROAD TO RECOVERY: schOLArshIP fuNd we were not particularly present at TBI, outside of High Holidays and Provides camp scholarships Diane Alfille & Matt Arden ...... TBI Teachers donor In honor of The following Temple members are recovering from recent illness: occasional special occasions. But, once our children began attending for our students who attend Laura & Leon Finkel . . . . .Lori Sagarin for the Nina & David Henry ...... Speedy recovery Naomi Talsky and Alyce Heman . We wish them a speedy recovery. Religious School and then Hebrew school, our connection to the Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute Camp ...... High Holiday Children’s Services ...... for Elaine Fox community grew. CONDOLENCES: donor In Memory of ...... and Rosh Hashanah sermon Laura & Leon Finkel ...... Bruce Crane, ...... thank you for your hard work We note with sorrow the passing of Lois Mervis, mother of Andy We are a community of meaning. We have a history of social justice, Beth Chaitman ...... Marlene Drucker Laura & Leon Finkel ...... Rob Weinberg for ...... loading the trucks for Houston Mervis . May her memory be a blessing. dating back to the Civil Rights Movement and before. We continue ...... the High Holiday Music helping make the world a better place. 12 years ago, we came together Otha Spencer-Williams ...... Jane & Al Page Laura & Leon Finkel ...... Amber Wood, rAbbI’s dIscrETIONAry fuNd IN MEMORIAM to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Earlier this year, we helped to ...... on their 50th Wedding Anniversary . . . . .thank you for all you and your father Provides funds for charitable uses .did during the Houston hurricane initiative Temple Beth Israel announces with profound sorrow the passing of facilitate the integration into our society of a refugee family from the donor In Memory of PHILLIP SINGER Sudan. Just this past month we came together to provide help to the within and outside the congregation Laura & Leon Finkel . Helping feed the hungry Peggy & Mel Alexander Beloved brother of Minna Einhorn victims of Hurricane Harvey. We regularly collect for the Ark, deliver for at the discretion of the Rabbi donor In Memory of Ellen Bronfeld ...... Phillip Singer Beloved friend of Mary Roth Maot Chitim at Passover, and provide a place for learning, spirituality donor In honor of June & Philip Aimen ...... Julius Korn May his memory be a blessing and community. Barbara & Bob Agdern Dale, Joe & Ari Cone ...... Abe Starr Dale, Joe & Ari Cone ...... Betty Cone We are there for each other at times of celebration and times of Diane Alfille & Matt Arden ...... TOrAh fuNd A HIGH HOLY DAYS THANK YOU! sadness. Whether it’s to celebrate a marriage, a birth, an anniversary, or ...... Rabbi Michael Weinberg Dale, Joe & Ari Cone ...... Naomi Morritz Provides support for all Temple programs A resounding todah rabah (thank you) to the many individuals who a Bat Mitzvah, we help to make the event more special. And when . .“with much gratitude for all that you do” Emily & Richard Good ...... Evelyn Engel donor In honor of helped to make High Holy Days 2017/5778 a success! we unfortunately must deal with deaths or illnesses in our community, Jacqueline & Richard Favish . . .The naming of Emily & Richard Good ...... James Buckman Diane Alfille & Matt Arden . . . . .Linda Lewison To begin with, of course, is our appreciation to the professional staff we also come together to provide some solace, comfort, food, and ...... Asher Chaim, great-grandson of Emily & Richard Good ...... Minnie Heiman ...... and the Catering Committee company to the family. of our congregation: Rabbi Michael A. Weinberg; Lori B Sagarin, RJE, ...... Jackie & Dick Favish Nina & David Henry ...... Telsa Lenhoff Mary Roth ...... Carol Barrington, Director of Congregational Learning; Marla Aviva Bentley, our Music We are a social space for educational opportunities, group discus - Laura & Leon Finkel ...... Cindy Franklin’s Howard Pfeifer ...... Julius Stein ...... thank you for your caring help Director and the glorious voices of our High Holy Days choir; and sions, and for prayer. In a couple of months, many of us will go to OSRUI ...... at High Holy Day Services ...... recovery Eleanor Schwarz ...... Robert Schwarz Amber Wood, Director of Operations. The stirring sound of the shofar is for a retreat weekend where we will have the opportunity to spend time Kathy & Ron Sackheim ...... Jane & Al Page Laura & Leon Finkel ...... Thank you for Judi Steiner & Cary Weinstein ...... even more special because of the talent of Abigail Sloan and, this year, together, meet members we didn’t already know, and get to know others ...... on their 50th Wedding Anniversary ...... the inspiration you give to us ...... Gale Nudelman the additional enthusiastic shofar blowers at the conclusion of Yom who we have yet to get to know well. Retreat provides a microcosm ...... during the High Holidays donor In Memory of Judi Steiner & Cary Weinstein Kippur services. of what TBI can provide for the rest of the year all in one weekend. I Laura & Leon Finkel ...... Wedding of Ursula Buckman ...... Minnie Heiman highly recommend you consider going. Whether you are a family with ...... Lawrence Weinstein To Rob Weinberg, Jeremy Seaver, Michael Lorge, Susie Lorge, Dan ...... Rebecca Henry to Alan Berger, Ursula Buckman ...... James Buckman young children or a single adult, a good time is had by all. Swartz, and the staff and aides of the school program, we say thank ...... daughter of Nina & David Henry MusIc fuNd you for adding meaning to the Family Worship and activities. Fran TBI is now in its 100th year as an institution. We are a community Alyce Heman ...... In appreciation of rAbbI ErNsT M. LOrGE Provides funds for music programs Meyer, Sisterhood Co-Vice President of Youth and School Activities striving to create personal connections within our membership. We have . . the challah bag from the Mitzvah Corps sANcTuAry fuNd flourished with steady membership and a growing school. We have donor In honor of made arrangements for all the food supplies needed for the children’s Linda Crohn & Jonathan Shimberg ...... Provides for the continued maintenance many traditions like Shabbat at the Park, Purim Shpiel, our annual Gala, programming. David Henry, Laura Ferrigno and family, Dan and Emily ...... Jane & Al Page on their Laura Cooper & Bruce Crane . . . .Wedding of and beautification of our sanctuary Likrat Shabbat/Kabbalat Shabbat, and Pizza in the Hut. There are also Miller and family, Max and Gavi Goldstein, and Cary Weinstein saw to ...... 50th Wedding Anniversary ...... Rebecca Henry to Alan Berger, ($18.00 minimum) the distribution of bags for the ARK. unique educational opportunities and discussions. Yet all of what we ...... daughter of Nina & Henry donor In honor of Lee Schur . . .Dr. Rebecca Schur receiving her have done began with the foundation of previous generations who built Outstanding efforts by our office staff: Anne Richtman-Kaplan, Roz & Ernie Heiman ...... Laura & Leon Finkel ...... Michael Lorge, Temple Beth Israel and put in place a community worth cherishing...... PhD in Biomedical Engineering Eunice Burns, and Tanya Frid saw to the details of all the communica - ...... Marla Aviva & Newell Bentley...... thank you for all your help with Carol & Benjamin Shames . . . .Bar Mitzvah of tion regarding tickets, money, aliyot, and the myriad of questions. Extra As I reflect on what a community is and what that means, I think of ...... Thanks for Havdalah in the Sukkah...... the Houston hurricane initiative ...... Josh Agrest hands in the office to help with these tasks were Phyllis Cantor, Alyce an old story that I happened to see in the new prayer books we are using Diane Alfille & Matt Arden ...... donor In Memory of Meryl & John Smyth ...... Maggie Smyth Heman, Ina Hill, Karen Gray-Keeler, Ione Novak, Kathy Passman, Mary this year. The story goes that Harry Golden is wondering why his father, ...... Marla Aviva Bentley Martha Garber ...... Rosalie Garber a devoted atheist, goes to synagogue every week. He says, “Dad, why ...... surviving Hurricane Maria – Roth, and Sue Schneider. Linda Perlin did her usual superb job as Book Laura & Leon Finkel Martha Garber ...... Edward Garber do you keep going to shul?” His dad replies, “Garfinkel goes to talk to ...... Thanks for any & all prayers of Remembrance chair. Ira Satyr handled all aspects of the High Holy Mary Roth ...... Marla Aviva Bentley for God; I go to talk to Garfinkel.” donor In Memory of Days Appeal mailing...... the High Holy Day Music hErZL b. MENdELsOhN LIbrAry fuNd There are many legitimate reasons to come to synagogue, not having Carole & Robert Arenson ...... Tess Arenson Special thanks to Rachel Willens for scheduling and coordinating Nina & David Henry ...... The birth of This fund is used exclusively for the purchase to do with prayer, yet Jewish tradition does insist that the individual the assignment of Ushers. Mark Fine, Steve Friedland, Karen Gray- Steven Bookshester . . . .Blanche Bookshester ...... Jack and Hannah, of books, periodicals, furnishing needs a minyan with whom to pray. This tradition is yet another Keeler, and Richard Rotberg, our Head Ushers, ably assisted by all the Elayne Dunn ...... David Shapiro . . . .Marty Rabinovitz’s new grandchildren and supplies for our library. important function of synagogues generally. The Jewish community Ushers, helped our congregants as they entered and moved about ETHS. Iris & Jim Friedlieb ...... Irene Friedlieb Marty Rabinovitz ...... Temple Beth Israel donor In honor of Continued on page 6 Continued on page 6 Deana Hoffman ...... Mayer Cohen ...... High Holy Day Choir Janice & Mark Samberg ...... Max Zell PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT SKOKIE, IL Change Service Requested Temple Beth Israel Bulletin (USPS 53 7-480) Published Monthly by

shabbat services shAbbAT friday Evening, November 3* Rabb i’s olumn On Yom Kippur, IC spoke with our congrega - 5:30 P.M. – Likrat Shabbat See box below for additional contributors tion about racism. I invited us to take this 3601 W. Dempster Street • Skokie, Illinois 60076 day of introspection to look inside ourselves 6:15 P.M. – Kabbalat Shabbat 847.675.0951 • ww w.tbiskokie .org and try to ferret out any unconscious racism, November Birthday Blessings any inadvertent discrimination, in thought or Michael A. Weinberg, Rabbi shAbbAT saturday Morning, November 4 at 10:30 A.M. in deed, in attitude or in demeanor. Racism Lori B. Sagarin, RJE, Director of Congregational Learning Bat Mitzvah of Jaclyn Manning begins, after all, in seeing someone as Marla Aviva Bentley, Director of Music other. Racism begins with an inner fear or Daughter of Lisa Gelfond and Garry Manning Amber Wood, Director of Operations apprehension that someone who appears different than me is somehow Jon Schneider, President Torah Portion “Vayera” worth less, somehow inferior, somehow secondary or subordinate – and maybe even dangerous. Racism begins when we assume that we can Ernst M. Lorge, Rabbi Emeritus* shAbbAT friday Evening, November 10 at 7:30 P.M. correctly know something about another just by looking at them. S. Felix Mendelsohn, Founding Rabbi* 6:00 P.M. – Shalom Shabbat *of Blessed Memory 7:30 P.M. – Veteran’s Shabbat with Koleynu I shared with you my conviction that the first stage of our intro- spection needs to be an acknowledgement and an examination of DATED MATERIAL — PLEASE RUSH Sponsored by Brotherhood Printed by Total Graphics the degree of privilege that most of us experience as white Americans. shAbbAT saturday Morning, November 11 at 10:30 A.M. In this country, just being white gives us the benefit of the doubt. It gives Torah Portion “Chayei Sarah” us entrée, it gives us acceptance. We rarely need to justify our presence shAbbAT friday Evening, November 17* or worry about being challenged. 5:30 P.M. – Likrat Shabbat We Jews ought to be especially sensitive to this issue. Deep within Sponsored by Lillian Rubenstein our collective unconscious is the memory of having been strangers in Egypt. And closer to the surface of our collective awareness is the 6:15 P.M. – Kabbalat Shabbat memory of the degradation and devastation of the Shoah. But it is Participation by second grade and younger students important to acknowledge that for the vast majority of us, those shAbbAT saturday Morning, November 18 at 10:30 A.M. experiences of degradation are memory; and for the vast majority of Torah Portion “Toldot” African Americans, racism is a regular part of everyday life. The Torah teaches us that we know the heart of the stranger having been shAbbAT friday Evening, November 24* strangers in the Land of Egypt – but most of us experience the shAbbAT saturday Morning, November 25 at 10:30 A.M. advantages of white privilege much more than we experience being Torah Portion “Vayeitzei” outsiders. shAbbAT friday Evening, december 1* Now, I want to invite you to join me in taking the next small step 5:30 P.M. – Likrat Shabbat towards the long and arduous task of eradicating this wrong in our society. In partnership with the Second Baptist Church of Evanston, we 6:15 P.M. – Kabbalat Shabbat would like to convene a series of conversation circles. Each circle December Birthday Blessings will be comprised of an equal number of members from each of our shAbbAT saturday Morning, december 2 at 10:30 A.M. congregations. Each circle will be facilitated by a pair of specially Torah Portion “Vayishlach” trained facilitators. At the outset, each circle will likely meet about once *Please note time a month for about five or six months. Then we will evaluate to determine next steps. Our goal is to foster relationships, to listen and learn, ATTENTION: PArENTs Of to share our stories – and then to broaden the conversation, the understanding, and the action. 5Th GrAdE sTudENTs If you would like to participate in one of these circles of conver- The time has come to begin sation about race, please contact me: either through the Temple office making plans for our Bar and 847-675-0951 or via email [email protected] Bat Mitzvah celebrations for those who are currently in 5th grade. Please complete a Date Request Form and return it to T’kiah G’dolah: Sukkot: Rabbi Weinberg no later than Monday, November 27, 2017. A LIkrAT shAbbAT In honor of our Centennial Year, we concluded our Yom It has been our tradition to build our congregational sukkot preliminary orientation meeting Kippur N’ilah service with the sound of 100 shofarot immediately after Yom Kippur. The multi-generational for the 5th grade students and parents will be held on Wednesday, We would like to thank Jane Page who made a donation for December 6, 2017 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. At that time parents the Likrat Shabbat on November 3 in honor of her November signaling the end of the fast and the beginning of a new team that builds and decorates the outdoor sukkah and will receive Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation information and their child's year. The sound was glorious and, while we didn’t count, the sukkah in the sanctuary does a wonderful job and assigned date. If you have questions, please contact Anne in the birthday. we know that there were at least 100 hearts and souls who everyone has a great time doing it. The result is festive and Temple office. participated. beautiful. November 2017 Cheshvan – Kislev 5778 Volume 101 Number 2