Iianri|Phtpr Leumng Lipralb Formerly of 34 Village St., Died of 12 Emerson St
PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Tues., Feb. 4,1975 OBITUARIES Mrs. Augusta Lamprecht Reinhold A. Rautenberg m • Mrs. Augusta Lamprecht, 95, Reinhold A. Rautenberg, 85, k iIanrI|PHtpr lEumng lipralb formerly of 34 Village St., died of 12 Emerson St. died Monday and brush fire on two acres off jured on lawn outside Monday at the Lutheran Home at Manchester Memorial MANCHESTER Manchester High School Manchester’s Town and Rt. 30, Tolland. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5.1K5- VOL. XaV, No, 107 in Clinton, N.Y. She was the Hospital. He was the husband of Monday, 5:32 p.m. — Field (Manchester Ambulance). Manchf!»ter-A City of Village Charm widow of Herman Lamprecht. Mrs. Minnie Pohl Rautenberg. Eighth District Fire TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES — TWO SECTIONS Departments, along with East and brush fire on two acres off Pitici:: KiiTEivN <;|.;,Ms Mrs. Lamprecht was bom He was born in West Prussia, Hunter Rd., Tolland. Nov. 24, 1879 in Germany and Germany, and lived here 65 Hartford firemen, responded to % a Monday morning report of a Monday, 6:37 p.m. — Brush had liv ^ most of her life in years. He was employed as a TOLLAND COUNTY grass fire near the town line at fire at Scott and Hemlock Drs., Manchester before entering the toolmaker at Cheney Bros, for Vernon. Monday, 7:07 p.m. — Lutheran Home three years 43 years before retiring 19 Wickham Park and took about half an hour to douse the blaze. Automobile accident at Rt. 30 ago. She was a charter member years ago. AMBULANCE CALLS and Dobson Rd., Vernon (Ver of Concordia Lutheran Church.
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