AnnuAl RepoRt 2016-17 SpeciAl FeAtuRe Manfred Berg: "He Never Wanted War. Woodrow Wilson and America's Entry into World War I" ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17 IMPRINT Editor Detlef Junker Editorial Staff Wilfried Mausbach Felix Neuwerck Anja Schüler Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) Curt und Heidemarie Engelhorn Palais Hauptstraße 120 69117 Heidelberg Germany T + 49 6221/ 54 37 10 F + 49 6221/ 54 37 19
[email protected] Coverdesign Bernhard Pompey Adapted Design and Layout Barbara Grobe Christian Kempf © Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) 2017. All rights reserved. The HCA Annual Report is published yearly and is available free of charge. ISSN 1862-1201 CONTENTS Rector's Welcome 5 Preface 6 THE HEIDELBERG CENTER FOR AMERICAN STUDIES Mission Statement 10 Benefactors 10 Organization 12 Board of Trustees 13 Board of Directors 19 Foundation and Development 23 The Curt und Heidemarie Engelhorn Palais 26 People 2016-2017 28 Cooperation and Support 47 AN INSTITUTE FOR hiGHER EdUCATION Bachelor of Arts in American Studies (BAS) 50 The BAS Class of 2020 51 BAS Student Trip to Berlin 2017 52 Exchange Opportunities for BAS Students 53 Master of Arts in American Studies (MAS) 54 The MAS Class of 2017 55 The MAS Class of 2018 58 The MAS Class of 2019 60 HCA Commencement 2017 60 Valedictorian Speech 62 Students' Committee 64 HCA Social Activities 65 A CENTER FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH Ph.D. in American Studies 68 Ph.D. Candidates 71 Rolf Kentner Dissertation Prize 90 Graduiertenkolleg Authority and Trust (GKAT) 92 GKAT Grand Opening 93 GKAT Faculty 95 GKAT Researchers 98 HCA Research 110 HCA Spring Academy 2017 120 Conferences 127 The United States and World War I: Perspectives and Legacies 127 James W.C.