Around the world – . España.

Known for – Its culture, architecture, food and drink, festivals and beautiful beaches. National Emblem – On each side of Spain's coat of arms is the Pillars of Hercules. Capital – . Patron Saint - James the Great. National day - Monday, 12 October Around the world – Spain. España. Around the world – Spain. España.

English Spanish Hello Hola Good morning Buenos días Goodbye Adiós Please Por favor Thank you Gracias My name is Mi nombre es What is your name? Cómo te llamas? I live in Vivo en I would like an ice cream please Me gustaría un helado por favor How much is that? Cuánto es que? Around the world – Spain. España.

English Spanish Hello Hola Can you write the following in Spanish. Good morning Buenos días Goodbye Adiós Good morning, my name is …… Please Por favor Thank you Gracias What is your name? My name is Mi nombre es What is your name? Cómo te llamas? I would like an ice cream please, how I live in Vivo en much is that? Thank you. I would like an ice cream please Me gustaría un helado por favor How much is that? Cuánto es que? Good bye. Key facts about Spain. Population: 48 million people live in Spain Where is Spain? Spain is in Southern Europe. A flight to Madrid take roughly 2.5 hours from London/England. Currency: Euro. Mount Teide is the highest mountain in Spain (3718 m, 12198 ft) and an active volcano. The Spanish tourism industry is one of the largest in the world, bringing in billions of Euros into the Spanish economy. Football is the most popular sport in Spain. Spain produces a large amount of renewable energy, including wind power and solar power. Spain has a variety of foods and unique dishes such as paella (a type of rice dish) and (a range of small snacks or appetizers).


There’s no tooth fairy in Spain!! But don’t worry – those teeth don’t get wasted! Instead of the famous tooth fairy, when Spanish children lose a tooth they put it under their pillow for a magical mouse called Ratoncito Pérez. Just like the tooth fairy, little Pérez collects the tooth and leaves money or a small gift in its place. The Spanish love to chill out. The Spanish enjoy taking things a little easier, the average Spaniard devotes 16 out of the 24 hours every day to leisure, including eating, drinking and sleeping. La siesta The well-known nap of two to three hours in the heat of the afternoon sun is a long and popular tradition practised across Southern Europe and the Mediterranean; a chance for farm workers to sleep off their heavy lunch and avoid working in the hottest hours of the day.

BEST FOR You 6 ORGANICS COMPANY Traditions. Going for Tapas – Tapas is extremely popular with tourists who visit Spain. A tapa is not a type of food, it's a way of eating it. Tapas are small portions, but they can be of any of Spain's many traditional dishes. Flamenco - Flamenco is the most famous Spanish tradition but also one that is often misunderstood. Flamenco is not a dance but does sometimes have dancing in it, rather it's a musical style with far more emphasis on the guitar, vocals, and rhythm than on the dancing. - Bullfighting, the most controversial of Spanish traditions, is a mixed blessing for Spain. Many tourists are very curious to see it and view it as a fascinating insight into Spanish culture, but it is also a stain on the country's reputation for others. Bullfighting is nowhere near as popular as it used to be.

BEST FOR You 7 ORGANICS COMPANY Festivals. Spain holds many festivals throughout the year, we’re going to look into just a few of them.  Semana Santa  San Fermin (Pamplona Bull Run)  ‘La Tomatina’ - Tomato Fight.  Las Fallas  Feria de Sevilla  Carnival

BEST FOR You 8 ORGANICS COMPANY Festivals. Semana Santa. Known more commonly as Holy Week. Throughout many parts of Spain, decorative parades take to the streets every day throughout the week leading up to Easter. Members of local parishes and religious brotherhoods parade floats depicting Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary throughout the city. These processions have been taking place throughout Spain for centuries, and look much the same as they did hundreds of years ago. The elaborate floats, traditional costumes, and somber music played by live bands make for an Easter celebration unlike any other.

BEST FOR You 9 ORGANICS COMPANY Festivals. San Fermin (Pamplona Bull Run) A controversial yet popular festival that draws hundreds of reckless people and hundreds more eager spectators, Pamplona's Bull Run might just be the most action-packed traditional festival in Spain. Each morning throughout the duration of the festival, participants and bulls take to the streets in a nail-biting race to the bull ring, where a bullfight will take place later in the day. The first official documented celebration of San Fermín took place in 1591.

BEST FOR You 10 ORGANICS COMPANY Festivals. ‘La Tomatina’ - Tomato Fight. The food of choice at ‘La Tomatina’ is, unsurprisingly, tomatoes. Messy? Yes. Unforgettably fun? Also yes. It all started in 1945, when a disruption during a parade resulted in spectators and participants throwing tomatoes from a nearby fruit stand at each other. The tradition caught on, and now every year on the fourth Wednesday in August, Buñol transforms from a sleepy village into party central.

BEST FOR You 11 ORGANICS COMPANY Festivals. Las Fallas Throughout several nights in mid-March, the streets of come alive with giant paper sculptures, painstakingly handcrafted in ornate detail. Then, on the last night, most of the sculptures, or fallas, are burned in epic bonfires throughout the city. A select few are saved from the blazes every year and end up in Valencia's Fallas Museum. The first documented Las Fallas celebration took place in 1784, and each year it's grown bigger and better than ever. It takes place every year from March 15–19, featuring more than 700 incredible fallas.

BEST FOR You 12 ORGANICS COMPANY Festivals. Feria de Sevilla With lavishly costumed men and women riding in horse-drawn carriages among the casetas, or tents. Many casetas are private, but several public tents are available, so anyone can enjoy the party. During the day, Feria is a wholesome family affair, with children enjoying the fair rides and families sitting down for long, leisurely meals inside their casetas as traditional music fills the air. At night, however, the event changes, with free-flowing alcohol and parties continuing long after the sun has gone down.

BEST FOR You 13 ORGANICS COMPANY Festivals. Carnival Before the somber solemnity of Lent and Holy Week, most cities throughout Spain erupt into vibrant, happening celebrations. No matter where you find yourself in the country, you'll be able to find a Carnival celebration nearby. While each city's celebration retains its own distinct vibe, in general, expect extravagant costumes, exciting parades, and plenty of music and alcohol.

BEST FOR You 14 ORGANICS COMPANY Creative writing – Task 1. Holiday brochure.

Based on the information you have learned about Spain so far, your task is to create a Brochure, advertising Spain and the wonderful things it has to offer. Creative writing – Task 2. My ideal Holiday.

Based on the information you have learned about Spain so far, your task is to write at least a paragraph explaining why Spain would be your ideal holiday. Scientific discoveries from Spain.

Over the next few slides, we’re going to have a look into just some of the many scientific discoveries from Spain.

» Discovery of elements. » Meteorology discoveries. » Physics and Astronomy » Task 1 » Volcanoes » Task 2

BEST FOR You 17 ORGANICS COMPANY Discovery of Elements.

Spain has many famous scientific discoveries, these are some of the elements that were discovered. Vanadium (as Vanadinite) in 1801 by geologist and chemist Andrés Manuel del Río (1764–1849) Vanadium is a hard, silvery-grey, flexible metal. Tungsten by Fausto Elhuyar and his brother Juan José Elhuyar in 1783. Tungsten is a rare metal found naturally on Earth. Platinum by scientist, soldier and author Antonio de Ulloa (1716–1795) with Jorge Juan y Santacilia (1713– 1773). It is a flexible, highly unreactive, precious, silver white metal Carbon monoxide and pure alcohol by alchemist and physician Arnold of Villanova (c. 1235–1311) It is a colourless, odourless, and tasteless flammable gas that is slightly less dense than air. BEST FOR You 18 ORGANICS COMPANY Meteorology

José María Algué – Invented the following:

Nephoscope - A nephoscope was an instrument for measuring the altitude, direction, and velocity of clouds in the 19th century

Barocyclonometer - designed to help mariners to read the markings of the barometer so they can determine the existence of a violent storm at a distance of several hundred miles.

Microseismograph - produces a graphic record.

BEST FOR You 19 ORGANICS COMPANY Physics and Astronomy

Discoveries. » Magnetic wormhole - first ever manmade wormhole created at the Universitat Autonoma de by Spanish physicist Jordi Prat-Camps. The magnetic wormhole makes the magnetic field invisible. » The first telescope was invented by Catalan spectacle maker, Juan Roget. » First full-pressured astronaut suit, called the ‘Escafandra Estratonáutica’, designed and made by Emilio Herrera Linares, in 1935. The Russians then used a model of Herrera's suit when first flying into space of which the Americans would then later adopt when creating their own space program. » Equatorium - An equatorium (plural, equatoria) is an astronomical calculating instrument. It can be used for finding the positions of the Moon, Sun, and planets without calculation.

BEST FOR You 20 ORGANICS COMPANY Scientific discovery - Task

If you made a scientific discovery… » What would it be?

» What would you call it?

» Can you draw what it would look like?

» Would it help people?


» There are several volcanic areas in mainland Spain, such as: » Cabo de Gata, Almería. » Campo de Calatrava, Ciudad Real. » Cofrentes, Valencia. » Columbretes Islands, Castellón. » Garrotxa Volcanic Zone, Girona. » Campos de Cartagena, Cartagena (Upper Miocene).


» But what is a Volcano? » A volcano is a mountain that has lava (hot, liquid rock) coming out from a magma chamber under the ground, or did have in the past. Volcanoes are formed by the movement of tectonic plates. The Earth's crust is broken into 17 major, rigid tectonic plates. These float on a hotter, softer layer in its mantle.


» Can you make your own Volcano?

» You will need: » Bicarbonate of soda » Washing up liquid » Food colouring » Vinegar » Bowls


Method: 1. Take four bowls and arrange them neatly on the work table or work place. It is suggested to take the bowls in a wide and big plate so that the eruption will flow or spread wide area and be within the plate. 2. Add bicarbonate of soda to each bowl. 3. Add different food colours to four different bowls so that it gives different coloured volcanoes. 4. Now add dish soap liquid in required amounts to each of the bowls. 5. Finally add vinegar to get the volcano eruption in the bowls.


Number English Spanish 1 One Uno 2 Two Dos 3 Three Tres 4 Four Cuatro 5 Five Cinco 6 Six Seis 7 Seven Siete 8 Eight Ocho 9 Nine Nueve 10 Ten Diez Basic Maths

Number English Spanish 1 One Uno • Cuatro x Siete = • Nueve + Diez = 2 Two Dos • Ocho ÷ Dos = 3 Three Tres • Siete + Diez = 4 Four Cuatro • Nueve x Cinco = 5 Five Cinco • Seis x Tres = • Nueve + Uno = 6 Six Seis • Cuatro x Diez = 7 Seven Siete • Cinco x Diez = 8 Eight Ocho • Tres x Ocho = 9 Nine Nueve 10 Ten Diez Maths

1 Euro = 0.87p

Based on the knowledge of the currency rate above, can you work out the prices of the following?

£269.95 £55.00 £1.50

321.50 Euro 10.32 Euro 17.21 Euro Maths More than 410 million people speak Spanish as their native language and this total no. of Spanish native speakers covers a 5.85% of the world population.

Compared to…

Out of the world’s approximately 7.5 billion habitants, 1.5 billion speak English — that’s 20% of the Earth’s population. Maths

Spain is about 2.1 times bigger than United Kingdom.

United Kingdom is approximately 243,610 sq km, while Spain is approximately 505,370 sq km, making Spain 107% larger than United Kingdom.


The population of United Kingdom is higher than Spain.15.5 million fewer people live in Spain. Maths - Task

Spain is about 2.1 times bigger than United Kingdom.

• If the United Kingdom was approximately 467,000km, • What sq km would Spain be? • If Spain was 657,987 sq km what would the UK be?

The population of United Kingdom is higher than Spain.15.5 million fewer people live in Spain. Based on the above information…

• If 152 million people live in the UK how many live in Spain? • If 32 million people live in the UK, how many live in Spain? • If 62 million people live in Spain, how many live in the UK? • If 85 million people live in Spain, how many live in the UK? Creative arts.

Spain has produced many famous artists, singers and actors. We are going to take a look into a few of them and some of the work that they have produced over the next few slides. Creative arts – Actors.

Javier Bardem – Actor/Producer Known for his work in the following films: • Skyfall – Silva (2012) • Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge – Captain Salazar (2017) • Eat Pray Love - Felipe (2010) Creative arts – Actors.

Antonio Banderas – Actor/Singer/Producer Known for his work in the following films: • The Mask of Zorro – (1998) • Dolittle – King Rassouli (2020) • Shrek – Puss in Boots • Spy Kids - Gregorio Cortez Creative arts – Task.

• Choose a scene from one of your favourite movies and act it out for your family.

• Make it fun, can they guess the movie without you telling them? Creative arts – Singers.

Enrique Iglesias – Singer Most known songs: • Hero (2001) • Bailamos (1999) • Escape (2001) • Could I Have This Kiss Forever (1999) Creative arts – Task.

Could you create a song to inspire positivity in these hard times? • Start with a few lines and build from there. Creative arts - Artists Pablo Picasso (1881 – 1973) Painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist and theatre designer. Creative arts - Artists Francisco Goya (1746-1828) Painter and printmaker Creative arts - Artists Salvador Dalí (1904-1989) Painter. Creative arts -Tasks

From the three artists I have shown you either: • Replicate your choice of their works or, • Create your own work in the same style.

Do as many as you wish, be creative! Hope you have enjoyed learning about Spain.

Looking forward to seeing what you decide to create!