Middle-aged woman with delayed diagnosis of severe mitro-aortic Valvular rheumatic heart disease following tachyarrhythmic event Mulher de média idade com diagnóstico tardio de valvulopatia mitro-aórtica remumática Andrés Ricardo Pérez-Riera M.D. Ph.D. Physician of Hospital do Coração (HCor) - Sao Paulo-Brazil In charge of Electro-vectorcardiogram sector – Cardiology Discipline –ABC Faculty of Medicine –ABC Foundation - Santo André –São Paulo – Brazil.
[email protected] Case report A 41-year-old Caucasian woman, housewife, natural of the countryside of São Paulo Brazil, from a low socioeconomic background presented in our clinical consultation after internment 2 Month ago consequence of tachyarrithtymic event At this time, her only symptom was intermittent palpitations. She had no recollection of previous rheumatic fever. History of Present Illness (HPI) She refer the last Month presented fatigue, especially during times of increased physical activity, progressive shortness of breath especially with exertion or when lie down a dry cough presented at rest and unique fast regular palpitation episode that its motives emergency internment and intra-hospitalar treatment with electric cardioversion and use of intravenous drugs The patient denied fever, chest pain, or other systemic symptoms. She has no recollection of any previous symptoms or antecedent of repetitive streptococcal throat infections, murmurs or joints pain in the pass. There was no personal or familial history of cardiovascular disease or rheumatic fever picture. Physical She was breathing well, acianotic, without fever and cored. She was in sinus rhythm, BP: normal systolic blood pressure and low diastolic=140/30-0 mmHg with Watson's water hammer pulse.