The Spear of Destiny

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The Spear of Destiny The Spear of Destiny The Occult Power Behind the Spear which pierced the Side of Christ ... ... and how Hitler Inverted the force in a bid to Conquer the World. Trevor Ravenscroft PROLOGUE THE MOULD OF A LEGEND “But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water. “And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe. “For these things were done that the scripture should be fulfilled, ‘a bone of Him shall not be broken*. “And again another scripture saith, ‘They shall look on Him whom they have pierced*.” S a i n t J o h n 1 9 , 3 4 - 3 7 In the final chapters of the Gospel of Saint John it is told how a soldier pierced the side of Christ with a Spear. The name of this soldier was Gaius Cassius and he attended the crucifixion as the official Roman representative for the Pro-Consul, Pontius Pilate. Cataracts in both eyes prevented this veteran officer from battle service with his Legion and instead he reported on the religious and political scene in Jerusalem. For two years Gaius Cassius had followed the activities of a certain Jesus of Nazareth who claimed to be the Messiah and looked like undermining the authority of the Roman occupation of Israel. The Roman centurion watched the Legionaries carry out the execution of Jesus Christ and like them, too, he was impressed by the courage, dignity and bearing of the Nazarene on the Cross. Isaiah had prophesied of the Messiah, “A bone of Him shall not be broken.” Annas, the aged advisor to the Sanhedrin, and Caiaphas, the High Priest, were intent on mutilating the body of Christ to prove to the masses of the people that Jesus was not the Messiah, but merely a heretic and potential usurper of their own power. The hours were passing and this presented the excuse they needed. For Annas was an authority on the Law, and the Jewish Law decreed that no man should be executed on the Sabbath Day. Straightway, they petitioned Pontius Pilate for the authority to break the limbs of the crucified men so that they should die before dusk on that Friday afternoon (5th April, 33 A.D.). A party from the Temple Guard was sent out for this purpose to the mount on Golgotha, which means the Place of the Skull. At their head, the Captain carried the Spear of Herod Antipas, King of the Jews, which was the symbol of the authority to perform the act; or else the Roman soldiers would not have permitted him to lift a finger to the men when he reached the place of execution. Phineas, the ancient Prophet, had caused this Spear to be forged to symbolise the magical powers inherent in the blood of God’s Chosen People. Already old as a talisman of power, it had been raised in the hand of Joshua when he signalled his soldiers to shout the great shout which crumbled the walls of Jericho. The very* same Spear was hurled at the young David by King Saul in a fit of jealousy. Herod The Great had held this insignia of power over life and death when he ordered the massacre of the innocent babes throughout Judea in his attempt to slay the Christ child who would grow up to be called the “King of the Jews”. Now the Spear was carried on behalf of the son of Herod The Great, as a symbol of authority to break the bones of Jesus Christ. When the party from the Temple Guard arrived at the scene of crucifixion the Roman soldiers turned their backs in disgust. Only Gaius Cassius remained to witness how these vassals of the High Priests clubbed and crushed the skulls and limbs of Gestas and Dismas nailed to Crosses on either side of Jesus Christ. The Roman centurion was so repelled by the sight of the dreadful mutilation of the bodies of the two thieves and so touched by Christ’s humble and fearless submission to the cruel nailing that he decided to protect the body of the Nazarene. Charging his horse towards the high central Cross, the Roman centurion thrust a Spear into the right side of Jesus Christ, piercing the chest between the fourth and fifth ribs. Such a manner of piercing was the custom of Roman soldiers on the field of battle when they sought to prove that a wounded enemy was dead; for the blood no longer flows from a lifeless body. Yet “forthwith came there out blood and water”, and, in this moment of the miraculous flowing of the redemptive blood of the Saviour, the failing sight of Gaius Cassius was completely restored. It is not known whether this veteran officer grasped the talisman of power from the hands of the Israelite Captain to perform this deed, or whether he carried out this spontaneous act of mercy with his own Spear. There is no historical proof to indicate with which weapon it was that he unwittingly fulfilled the prophecy of Ezekiel: “They shall look upon Him whom they have pierced.” In the.Temple where Caiaphas and Annas awaited news of the mutilation of the body of the Messiah, the Veil of the Holy of Holies was rent from top to bottom to expose the Black Cube of the Old Covenant which now split along its edges to open out into the form of the Cross. The imageless cult of Jehovah was ended; the religion of the “Open Heavens” had begun. The Spear, like a catalyst of revelation, furnished the living proof of the resurrection for the physical wound from its tapering point was mysteriously sealed upon the risen Christ when he appeared to the spiritual vision of his gathered Apostles. Only the doubting Thomas, trusting solely to the outer appearances of physical sight, failed to perceive the God-Man who passed through closed doors to appear to him. “Then saith He to Thomas, ‘Reach higher thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless but believing.* ” Because the earthly wounds from the Spear and the nailing appeared upon the Phantom Body of the risen Christ, the first Christians believed that had his bones been shattered on the Cross, the Resurrection as we know it could never have been accomplished; for this was the meaning they attributed to the mysterious words of Isaiah: “A bone of Him shall not be broken.” Gaius Cassius, who had performed a martial deed out of the compassionate motive to protect the body of Jesus Christ, became known as Longinus The Spearman. A convert to Christianity, he came to be revered as a great hero and saint by the first Christian community in Jerusalem, and a prime witness of the shedding of the Blood of the New Covenant for which the Spear became the symbol. It was said that for a moment in Time he had held the destiny of the whole of mankind in his hands. The Spear with which he had pierced the side of Christ became one of the great treasures of Christendom and a unique legend attached itself to this weapon in which one of the nails from the Cross was later placed. The legend grew around it, gaining strength with the passing of the centuries, that whoever possessed it and understood the powers it served, held the destiny of the world in his hands for good or evil. This legend, which has persisted throughout two millennia of Christendom, has seen its most dreadful fulfilment in the twentieth century. INTRODUCTION IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE MEMORY The man who would have written this book but for his untimely death was a certain Dr. Walter Johannes Stein, a Vienna-born scientist and Doctor of Philosophy, who acted during World War II as confidential adviser to Sir Winston Churchill regarding the minds and motivation of Adolf Hitler and the leading members of the Nazi Party. Very considerable pressure was brought to bear to dissuade Dr. Stein from revealing what is now presented as the content of this book, but in the final issue he was not influenced in any way by such external persuasion, not even in this instance by Sir Winston Churchill himself who was insistent that the occultism of the Nazi Party should not under any circumstances be revealed to the general public. The failure of the Nuremberg Trials to identify the nature of the evil at work behind the outer facade of National Socialism convinced him that another three decades must pass before a large enough readership would be present to comprehend the initiation rites and black magic practices of the inner core of the Nazi leadership. He sadly witnessed the extent to which the Allied Prosecutors at these trials for crimes against humanity lacked the moral imagination to perceive the apocalyptic countenance of the civilisation that had arisen in Germany between the two world wars—a civilisation based upon a magical Weltanschauung which ... had substituted the Swastika for the Cross. He understood why a unanimous agreement had been made among the Judges to treat the accused as though they were an integral part of the accepted Humanist and Cartesian system of the Western world. To have admitted even for an instant what their defeated enemies were really like, to have lifted the veil to reveal the real motives for such an astonishing reversal of values, might have opened millions of people to the risk of a terrible corruption.
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