Received: 19 December 2018 | Revised: 3 February 2019 | Accepted: 5 February 2019 DOI: 10.1002/sce.21506 GENERAL SECTION Toward a more humane genetics education: Learning about the social and quantitative complexities of human genetic variation research could reduce racial bias in adolescent and adult populations Brian M. Donovan1 | Rob Semmens2 | Phillip Keck3 | Elizabeth Brimhall4 | K. C. Busch5 | Monica Weindling1 | Alex Duncan1 | Molly Stuhlsatz1 | Zoë Buck Bracey1 | Mark Bloom1 | Susan Kowalski1 | Brae Salazar1 1Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS) Science Learning, Colorado Springs, Colorado Abstract 2Department of Systems Engineering, Naval When people are exposed to information that leads them to Post Graduate School, Monterey, California overestimate the actual amount of genetic difference 3The Live Oak School, San Francisco, California between racial groups, it can augment their racial biases. 4Palo Alto Unified School District, Palo Alto, However, there is apparently no research that explores if California the reverse is possible. Does teaching adolescents scienti- 5College of Education, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina fically accurate information about genetic variation within and between US census races reduce their racial biases? We Correspondence th th Brian M. Donovan, Biological Sciences randomized 8 and 9 grade students (n = 166) into Curriculum Study (BSCS) Science Learning, separate classrooms to learn for an entire week either 5415 Mark Dabling Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO 80918. about the topics of (a) human genetic variation or (b) climate Email:
[email protected] variation. In a cross‐over randomized trial with clustering, Funding information we demonstrate that when students learn about genetic National Science Foundation, Grant/Award variation within and between racial groups it significantly Number: 1660985 changes their perceptions of human genetic variation, thereby causing a significant decrease in their scores on instruments assessing cognitive forms of prejudice.