Special Libraries, September 1970
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San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1970 Special Libraries, 1970s 9-1-1970 Special Libraries, September 1970 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1970 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, September 1970" (1970). Special Libraries, 1970. 7. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1970/7 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1970s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1970 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The big ones are even bigger this year. BOOKS IN PRINT 1970. Nearly 3 10,000 books are listed by author and by title - a net increase of 35,000 over the 1969 edition. Provides complete ordering infor- mation, in most cases including International Standard Book Numbers. The title index also features a directory of all known U.S. publishers. ISBN: 0-8352-0419-7. LC: 4-12648. Cloth. Postpaid price for the two-volume set: $27.50 net in U.S. and Canada; $30.25 elsewhere. Ready late October. SUBJECT GUIDE TO BOOKS IN PRINT 1970. Lists some 270,000 books from 1900 U.S. publishers and indexes them under 42,500 subject headings with 47,000 cross references. Helps you track down books on nearly every conceivable subject - popular or obscure. Entries include full bibliographic information. ISBN: 0-8352-0420-0. LC: 4-12648. Cloth. Postpaid price for the two-volume set: $23.50 net in U.S. and Canada; $25.85 elsewhere. Ready November. PUBLISHERS' TRADE LIST ANNUAL 1970. Now published in six volumes the same size as its companions, BOOKS IN PRINT and SUBJECT GUIDE. Includes the trade order lists of some 1900 U.S. publishers. Gives descriptions of books, series, and bindings; gives International Standard Book Numbers; outlines discount policies. ISBN: 0-8352-0421-9. LC: 4-12648. Cloth. Postpaid price for the six-volume set: $17.50 net in U.S. and Canada; $19.25 elsewhere. Ready Now. In New York please add applicable sales tax. R. R. BOWKER COMPANY, 1180 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036 As many of you know, a number of our long-time "standing orders" were inadvertently dropped last year. Please do not assume that your "standing orders" are active. Start afresh by indicating your present "standing order7' requirements. We will take special pains to see that this "fresh start" is not duplicated with any past "standing order" request now on file. AN0 MATHEMATlCAl LINGUISTICS Selected articles from Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya lnformatsiya (Institute of Scientific and Technical lnformation of the USSR - VINITI) Faraday Advisory Editor: L. Cohan, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn Soviet Editor: A. I. Mikhailov Focuses on experimental methods of analyzing, translating, encoding, searching and correlating scientific and technical information. Covers problems in the development of information languages, classification and indexing, and automatic analysis of texts. Describes new projects in automatic documentation, mechanical translation, mathematical linguistics and information retrieval. Sample contents include: Preparation of Secondary Scientific Documents Improving the Format of Scientific Documents A Linguistic Description of the Nomenclature of Organic Chern~stry Some Causes of Loss and Noise in Document lnformat~onRe- trieval - The Concepts "lnformation" and "Sign" = Fundamentals of Scientific Abstracting Methods The Problem of Translation and Modern Linguistics Documentation and Problems of Classi- fying Sciences Problems of lnformation Storage and Retrieval Grammars Describing the Relationships between Natural Lan- guages Automatic Textual Analysis Analysis of lnformation Flow as a Means for Predicting the Future of Research Projects Research on Qualifications for lnformation Speclalists In Chemis- try Optimal Structures for Subject Indexes of Abstract Journals A Distributive Theory of Sentences with Bound Regions An Ap- proach to Definition of Certain Fundamental Notions in Informa- tion-Retrieval Languages Syntactical Homonymy in Russian (from the Viewpoint of Automatic Analysis and Synthesis). Annual subscription (4 issues): $145.00 TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN THE FARADAY PRESS, INC. 84 FIFTH AVENUE. NEW YORK. N. Y. 10011 swets & zeitlinger over 80.000 titles over 3.000.000 volumes in stock 5 international journals manographs and congress proceedings write or call for information: reprints SWETS & ZElTLlNGER over 600 titles in print keizersgracht 471 & 487 arnsterdam, the netherlands telephone: 020-223 226 cable address: swezeit, arnsierdarn telex: 14149 over 100.000 titles 19 waterloo avenue berwyn, pa. 19312, u.s.a. telephone: 21 5-644-4944 21 5-647-6236 telex: 084-5392 [WX: 510-668-5481 59 aka vista drive ;ants cruz, cal. 95060, u.s.a. :elephone: 408-426-21 98 SEPTEMBER1970 3n special Mbraries VOLUME61, NUMBER Letters ll~ Editorial 351 William E. Stafford Consultant in Poetry in English to the Library of Congress 353 Catalog Retrieval Systems on Microfiche 357 Joseph M. Dagnese Fired! 362 Beartha Cupp When a Library Job Ends . Find Another 363 Paula M. Strain The Stone & Webster Library 1900-1970 374 Richard S. Huleatt Shared Cataloging 377 Joseph Z. Nitecki Acquisition Policy 381 Helen L. DeVore Intramural Alerting Services 385 Donald A. Windsor Diane M. Windsor SLA News SLAIASIS Merger Members in the News 395 Discussions 387 Vistas LTP Reports to SLA 397 Coming Events 404 Have You Seen? 398 Reviews 405 Have You Heard? 402 Pubs 406 Placement 21~ Reports of Committees and Special Index to Advertisers 24~ instructions for Contributors 25~ Editor: F. E. MCKENNA Assistant Editor: JANET D. SHAPIRO Special Libraries is published by Special Libraries Association, 235 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10003. @ 1970 by Special Libraries Association. Monthly except double issues for May/Jun and Jul/Aug. Annual index in December issue. Second class poslage paid at Brattleboro, Vermont 05301. POSTMASTER:Send Form 3579 to Special Libraries Association, 235 Park Avenue South. New York, N.Y. 10003. Special Libraries Association President Directors (1768/71) FLORINE OLTMAN ROSEMARYR. DEMAREST Air University Library Price Waterhouse & Co. Maxwell Air Force Base 60 Broad Street Alabama 36112 New York 10004 President-Elect EFRENW. GONZALEZ BCJRTONE. LAMKIN Bristol-Myers Products Bureau of Library and Scientific Division Educational Technology 1330 Liberty Avenue HEW, Office of Education, Room 5901 Hillside, New Jersey 07207 K'ashington, D. C. 20540 Advisory Council Chairman Directors (1969/72) KEITHG. BLAIR General Dynamics EDYTHEMOORE Convair Division Library (Secretary of the Boavdl Post Office Box 12009 The Aerospace Corporation San Diego, California 921 12 Charles C. Lauritsen Library (A4/108) Post Office Box 95085 Advisory Council Chairman-Elect Los Angeles, California 90045 MRS. JEANNEB. NORTH Stanford Research Institute LOYDR. RATHBUN Augmentation Research Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Menlo Park, California 94025 Lincoln Laboratory Library Treasurer (1970/73) Lexington, Massachusetts 02 173 JANET RIGNEY M. Ilirectors (1970/73) Foreign Relations Library 58 East 68th Street JOHN P. BINNINGTON New York, N.Y. 10021 Brookhaven National Laboratory Research Library Past President Ypton, N.Y. 11973 ROBERTW. GIBSON,JR. General Motors Corporation MIRIAMH. TEES Rcsearch Laboratories Library The Royal Bank of Canada 12 Mile & Mound Roads Warren, Michigan 48090 Montreal 3, P.Q. p~ Subscription Rates. Free to SLA members. Non- Claims for missing numbers will not be allowed if members, USA and Canada, $20.00 per calendar received more than 90 days from date of mailing year; add $1.50 postage for other countries. Single plus the time normally required for postal delivery copies (recent years) $2.75. of the issue and the claim. No claims are allowed Back Issues & Hard Cover Reprints: Inquire Kraus because of failure to notify the Membership Depart- Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St., New York, N. Y. ment or the Subscription Department (see above) of a change of address, or because copy is "missing from Microfilm & Microfiche Editions (1909 to date): files." Inquire University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Changes of Address. Allow six weeks for all changes Special Libraries Association assumes no responsi- to become effective. All communications should in- bility for the statements and opinions advanced by clude both old and new addresses (with ZIP Codes) the contributors to the Association's publications and should be accompanied by a mailing label from a Editorial views do not necessarily represent the offi- recent issue. Members should send their communica- cial position of Special Libraries Association. tions to the SLA Membership Department, 235 Park Indexed in: Business Periodicals Index, Documenta- Avenue South, New York, N. Y. 10003. hTonmember tion Absrracts, Historical Abstracts, Hospital Literature Snbscribers should send their communications to the Index. Library Literature, Library Science Abstracts, S1.A Subscription Department, 235 Park Avenue Alana~ernent Index, and Public Affairs Information South, New York, N. Y. 10003. Sert,tre. Membership DUES.Member or Associate $30; Student $5 ; Emeritus $5 ; Sustaining $100 The one-time payment for Member (Paid for Life) is $350. NEW REFERENCE