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Refunds Today Tax Service Free Estimates All Certified Associates on Staff ✔ Cindy Grant 1 Refunds Today Tax Service Free Estimates All Certified Associates On Staff ✔ Cindy Grant 1. Have questions about how to file your taxes...Ask our professionals “Yes We Can” Ceo/Owner 2. How to maximize your refund... Ask our professionals Here at Refunds Today W-2 3. Where to file your taxes... At Refunds Today!!! where you make a difference 113 S. 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Ave. Ext.) Four U.S. government officials told The New York Times several high- ranking aides to Trump were in regular contact 2004 tOyOtA hiGhLAnder 2007 Jeep GrAnd CherOkee V6 , 2WD Trump ‘can live with’ 1-state or with senior Russian intel- 2-state solution in Middle East with 3rd- $ Laredo $ Page 4 ligence officials before Row Seat 11,995 2WD 10,995 the presidential election in November, based on 955 Brompton Lane • Greenville • (252) 321-8600 conversations intercepted Open: Mon.-Fri. 7:30am - 6pm Sat. 7:30am - 4pm and analyzed by U.S. intel- (At Frog Level on the corner of Brompton & Dickinson Ave. Ext.) ligence agencies. Several law enforce- ment, intelligence and ad- ministration officials told CNN that frequent com- munication during summer 2016 got the attention of DeMarcus Cousins pours in 40 points as Sacramento Kings agencies while they were edge Los Angeles Lakers collecting routine intelli- Page 8 gence on Russian officials and nationals. Former national security advisor Michael Flynn (C) and senior counselor to the president Steve Bannon sit The officials say the nearby as President Donald Trump speaks on the phone with Prime Minister of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull, communications were dis- in the Oval Office on January 28. High-ranking aides to Trump, including Flynn and Bannon, may have been President Barack Obama vetoedcovered Keystone as part XLof normalpipeline legislationin contact Tuesday. with known Photo Russian by Kevin agents Dietsch/UPI during and | License after the Photo presidential election, intelligence and government information gathering on Russia and they are still officials said late Tuesday night. Photo by Pete Marovich/UPI | License Photo trying to determine the Former national se- Trump’s top advisors dur- misinforming Vice Presi- sian diplomat, is among motive for the communi- curity advisor Michael ing the campaign and who dent Mike Pence about a the aides identified as hav- Obama cations.vetoes KeystoneFlynn, who was one of resigned XL Monday pipeline night for conversation with legislationa Rus- See RUSSIA, page 2 JimmyBy Danielle Vee to portray Haynes R2-D2 in called for the 1,179-mile was strong enough to over- “Because this act of Con- been signed by Obama, “It’s embarrassing when ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ UPIPage 9 pipeline’s construction to come a presidential veto. gress conflicts with estab- would have cost $8 billion. Russia and China are plow- transportChaffetz crude oil from The probes bill “attempts to lished Trump executive branch administrationSupporters said it would ing ahead on two massive WASHINGTON -- Pres- CanadaBy: to Stephen the Texas Feller Gulf circumventWhite House longstanding Press Secretary procedures and cuts short have created jobs in the pipelines and we can’t get ident Barack Obama on Coast. UPI and Seanproven Spicer processes said during for thethorough daily consideration of United States and reduced this one no-brainer of a Tuesday made good on his The House of Represen- determiningpress briefing whether Tuesday or afternoonissues that could bear on our the country’s dependence project off the ground,” he promise to veto legislation tativesAfter passed photos the and bill videowith notof thatbuilding no classified and operat information- national interest -- includ- on foreign oil. said in a statement. “The in support of the Keystone U.S.a vote President of 270-152 Donald earlier Trump ing ahad cross-border been exposed, pipeline in addition ing our to security, safety, and House Speaker John president is just too close to XL oil pipeline should it andthis month,Japanese and Prime the Senate Minister serves a secure the national area having interest,” been environment set up -- it has earned Boehner, R-Ohio, called environmental extremists to cross his desk. Shinzopassed itAbe with discussing a vote of a62- NorthObama said in his veto my veto,” Obama added. the veto a “national embar- -- and used twice -- for Trump to See VETO, page 3 He vetoed the bill that Korean36 in January. missile Neither test duringvote message. a receive updates on North KoreaThe project, had the bill rassment.” gathering at Mar-a-Lago last and other situations. Amber Rose explains Wiz Khalifa kiss after weekend, the chairman of a Images emerged online after Val Chmerkovskiy split Congressional committee is the gathering that showed resort Page 9 investigating whether classified members using cell phone flash- The dark side Nigerian informationarmy was mishandled.retakesSee CHAFFETZ,town page 2of Baga Chad’s military says it was not involved in the recapture of the town, which was assaulted of success By John Raye ever! by Boko Haram earlier this year in what many consider the worst attack by the group. CelebratingThe six-month One ban Have you ever said means Williams will lose By Fred Lambert The town was initial- dead bodies in Baga’s ise in late January to send something that youMan’s regret more Dream than for UPI ly seized and held since streets as most of the vil- 7,500 multinational troops saying? Or wish you half, $6.5 early January by Islamic lage was burned down. to fight the Boko Haram could take back?Liberty Well, million & Justiceto BAGA, Nigeria -- Ni- extremist group Boko The Nigerian govern- insurgency. I would not want to be be exact, geria’s military says it Haram, which has since ment puts the total death “I am deeply horri- walking in Brian Williams ofFor his $10All recaptured Baga, a town 2009 fought the Nigerian count at around 150, but fied by the tragedy Boko shoes these days because million an- in northeastern Nigeria government in pursuit of up to 2,000 missing vil- Haram continues to inflict there is no pain like the nual sal- where thousands of people an Islamic state in the lagers are feared dead. on our people, kidnapping pain of regret! ary. That’s went missing in the wake African nation. Several others fled into young girls from school, Unless you’ve been a huge hit of an assault by Boko While attacking a mili- neighboring Chad in or- torching villages, terror- sleeping under a rock, to his bank account but Haram militants in Janu- tary base near Baga on der to escape what was izing whole communities you know that Williams, it pales in comparison to ary. Jan. 3, the group sent considered Boko Haram’s and the senseless killing,” the face of NBC Nightly the hits on his name and Nigeria’s army on Sat- multinational troops deadliest attack ever. AU Chairwoman Nkosa- News, the nation’s number- reputation. urday said it had seized from Nigeria, Niger and A spokesman with zana Dlamini Zuma said one rated network news And the hits on his the town after sustaining Chad into retreat, leaving Chad’s army told the BBC at the time. program, has been shown mind, body and spirit! “heavy casualties” in a the village itself unguard- that no Chadian troops “We must act now, the front door and told to The long time anchor “fierce battle,” and that ed.www.dailydrummediagroup.comwere involved in the re- and act collectively go home and sit down for whose name and face is mop-up operations were A second attack on Jan. capture of Baga, despite against this progressing at least six months. familiar to millions was ongoing.
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