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WEST RIDING YORKSHIRE. L506 l!.t.L WEST RIDING YORKSHIRE. l506 Ellisd'n M~, 'Fa(tfield hou~~ East para. Emt!'ley 'Migg, w ~ Yiew ,R!l*oow,'I.~iiS Brih.l!l J ollft'; u Bnrngrea•~e rdr Sbeffia Harro~rate Emslll,y Mrs. 86 Park tane', Bradfurd Evans Jn. Hgllin Royd teliJ Dewsbut-y Ellisoft Miss, M altby; Rotn~rhli.m Emsley Samuel,"' 4 Bntll Grtfv~ ph1ee, Enns .John. N etherfleld ho11.se,J Wood.J £UisoQ Mi38, The Lodge, Hmogate But'ngrea'f~road, Sbefficld ) house, Sheffield . .Eilison Mrs. 72 Cobonrg 8tr(.ret1 l.eetls Emsley Sluteon, l() ~ring' clifie, Man .. ·Evans J. 204 Alberti Id, Heeley-\ Sheffld :Ellison Mr$. 2-Lonl street', Keighley ningham, Bradford Evans Lewis Booth Ferry roadJ Goole .EIIison Mrs.G.Fero lea1 Harrogate wells Emsley Thoma~ ;r.P. Burle~ grangei Evans Luke( Elsecar,tBamsley EllillonSa.rrluel, W e»tfidd mount, Chapel- Hurley-in'-WhaHedale,. Leeds · Evans Mrs.9 Ward pi. U,ndon rd.ShefHd town road, Cbapel Allerton, Leeds E'msley William, Richtnond toad, Head• Evans Richard~ K1!odall1 Springfiald, Ellison Thomas, Barbott ball Greas- ingley, Leed~ Modrgateroad, Rotherhtl.m broogHj .Rotherham 1 Emsley Willialll Henr'yJ 31 .Albol road, Evans Robt. Ed~e ehd, Delph, M11chsttf ElllsonT.Sl Bl'uce at.NewWottley,Leeds Manningham, Brailford Evans Rubt. Johnf Bostou 'Villa; Boston Ellison Williarn, 3 Morningt{)n villas, EngelbardtMiss,28Ha.oo~er sq.Brhdford Castfe g-rove<, Retberham Manningbaln, fJradford Engels Gustav, fJ7 Drewton st. Bradford Evaos Samuel, 'Skellbank, Ripoh Ellison Willia111, 30 Victoria rd. Leedtt. England£has. Bar'kston Asb T&dco.ster Evans Samuel <Edwin 16 Kelshlill ter- 1 1 Eilwood Mrs. Marsh field lane, Goole England Charles1 45' Reginald terrace, race, Great Ho'rtdnJ' Bradford Ellwood Mr$. '1 Sed&field terrace, West- ChapPltown >road, Leed~ Evans "Villiam, 49 Reginald terrace, gate, Bradford EnglandDavfdB.31Park rd.ter.Bingley Chapeltown road, Leeds Elmhirst Rev. Robert, Farnbatn lodge~ England Frederick' Willlo.m, Imperial Evans William, Tarn 'villas, Ilkley Knaresbotough road, Edgertoll., Huddersfield Evans William Albert, Boston lVil!'a, Elmhirst Rev. William M.A. Eltnhir8t, England G. jun. Heber te:rr. Old Goole Boston Ca~tle grov-e, Rotherbam Worsborough, Barnsler England H. J. 38 New Porterst. Shfld ~vans William Hill M.D • .58 Little Elmhirst James1 'I' borne, Doncaster England I. White acre, Clayton,Bradfrd I Horton lane, Emdford Elmhirst Miss, Ouseltllwaite, Wors- England Mr!l. 4 Etmwood terrace,Camp E~ratt William, Bellevne ter. Goole b()I'Ough, BarnsleY' road, Leeds 'Everett Stephen, 44. William st. BhefHd Elmbirst Mrs.17 Springfl.eld pl.Bafnsley England R. A. Sprlngfld'.Park rd. Bingly Everitt Wm. 12 Palmerston at. Sheffield Blmsley Mrs. 27 Clarendon road, Leeds England Thomas, 107 Beancroft road, Ever!! Jn. Victoria gro. ArmleY', Leeds JF.lmsley Mrs.Craghill ter. Hors forth, Lds Castleford, N ormanton EversJ. H. West view,Dwsbury .rd.Leeds 'Elmsley Thomas, Clayton la. Bradford England 1'homas, 17 RhOdes Rt. Halifax Ewart Miss, Broad l:L Dalton, Hudrsfld . Elsby John, 61 Dolclitfe road, Mex- Engtand William Grove hol Pontefract Ewing Adam P. 28 Studley 1mrace., borough• Rotherham England Williarn,1 Lanl! bottom, Wool- Leopold street, New Leeds ""'Eistob Rev. John George B.A. 31 Vie- dale, Huddersfield Ewing Alex .. Gilfillan;' 2() Studi~y ter. l:oria cte!lcent, Barnsle;t · EnglandW.. Prospectcot.Bramhpe.Otley Leopold street, New Leeds Ef&tobJohn,Wheedoo lio.Metbley,teeds England W. Springfield Pk. Fd. Bingley Ewing- Henry, 35 College st. Roth!ham _ Eltoft Alfred, Springclifft:~house, HeatoJJ England William Henry, Bankfield, Ewsle:y H. Greenside, Ctaytcm,Bradford road, Bradford Ki.rkstall road, Burlev, Leeds Exelby G. Alexanrlra. park) Harrogate .El ton Rev. Frerlerick, Shireland house, England William Paul: Imperial roail, Exeley Saml. Croft ho.- Mehston~, Leeds Baltic road, Atterclifie, Sheffield Edgerton, Huddersfield Exell Edmund, l() Pyebank, Sheffield Elsworth J obn, Thotner, Leeds- English John William, 14 Sp'rirtgfl.eld :E:xley George, Holmleigh, Palmei'S'ton Elsw&rtkJ. tramington Yil. Wortley ,Lds tel'l':tce, Nip pet lane, L€~ds road, Brincliffe, Sb.effield Elsworth Seth1 EhBt Keswick, Wetherby English Mrs.Ra~enscllffe,Savile pk.IIlfx Exley George) 1 Park !>treet, LeedS! Elswertb William, 66 GeU ~t. Sheffield Ehglisb !Thomas; 2t Queen gq. Leeds Exley Jn. Ivy oot. .Eiland, Norma.,Jton Elvidge Mrs. Askem, Doncaste1' Ensoli Rev. Rubt. S7 Albel't rd. DBrnall Exley John, 44 Moomouth st, !Sheffield Elviage Robert, Askern, Odncascer _ Entwistl6 G. H. M Zetlllnd" gt, I:htdsfld Exley l. Fournes8 ho. 1\'Ienstone, Leeds Elwis John, Avenue house, Doncaster Entwi:!tle Gulden, 71 Montgomery Exley Misses, Fourness ho.Menstone,Lds Ely Williarn, M old Green, Huddersfield Terrace toad, Sheffield Exley Mrs. Cleveland villa, Shipley .Emberton Rev. John, Southlands, Ha· Entwistle Mrs. 9 Tanfield st. Leeds Exley Mrs l Fair monnt, North Park worth, Keighley Entwistle 'I'hos.-24 Zetland st. Hudsfld road, Bradford £mbjetonT.W.TheCedal'!l, Methley,Lds Ephraim Morris, 23 Victoria pl. Leeds E:tley Robert, Eldoh teiTace, Boston £mbleton Thomas William, jun. The Epworth Mrs, 20 Gelhtreet, Sheffield Spa, Tadcastert Cedars Methley, Leeds Errington William, Cheapside, Wakefld Exley R. The Gran~, Horsfortb~ Leeds ·£ml\rsonAmos,Gledholt banl<, Huddrsfld Erson Edwal'd Geo. L~ger, l & 2 'York. Exshall.James, Sawley hall, Ripon Emerson John Wm.122 North "St. Leeds pl. Ntw North road, Huddersfi~ld Eyre Rev. Chas.l WeHtworth ter.WakfiJ EmeryW. 9 Glen rd. Nether edge, Shffid Erson W, R. Acre !Vil.Lindley, H ndsfield Eyre Rev1 Thomas, Station rd. Masbro', Emett John, 13 Devonshire st. Keighley Esam Misses, 1 Peel terrace, W ilkinson Rotherham .Etninson r.iiss, 11 Royal <!res. Harrogate street, Sheffield Eyre Rev. William .\lfd. 83 Wood Royd Emmerson Joseph, Went'worth lodge, Esam Wm. 231 Western bank, Sheffield 'l'olld~ West Bowling, Bradford Wentworth terrace, Wakefield EsamWm.Burnett,43 Wilkin~ll st.Shfld Eyre C. K. 79 Fihwilliam st. Hudrsfield £mtnetLewis E.22 Clarkson si!, Sheffieid EscotJ E. R. S. lt Olifton M. Halifal!l Eyre George, ~5 Crooks road, Sheffield Emmett Miss, Oakwelllw. Bramley,Lds Eskhdlme Geotge, Reech-en-Hurst, Eyre Isaac, 140 Cemetery rd. Sheffield . Emmett Mrs. 2 Park Road villas, Halifax Moorgate road) Rotherha.m !Eyre Johrt J <257 Glossep rrl, Sheffield JEmmett Mrs. W. King Cross rd. Halifax Eskholme W. We1lltate mount,Rot'ham EyreJsph. 65 Swallow st. Hudtktosfield , Emmitt ~rs. Sherburn, South Milford, Essington Miss, Sister's hou'Ser Ftil- Eyre Miss, lOO Rock street, Sheffield R.S.O neck', Leeds- · Eyre Mrs. 8 Collegiate cres. Sheffield EmmottJ. A. 47 Undercliffe st.llradford Etchells Thomas, 118 New Hey road, Ey~"« S5dney, 2'27 Peuietone rd. Sheffield ~mmott Mrs. New Road side, lngrow- Lind1eyj Huddcrsfield Eyre Wml il Hav{!lot:k fsq. Sheffield cum-Hainworth, Keighley Etchells W. G. 78 Fitzwilliam st.IJ:ludsfld iEyres John, The Terrace. Boston Spa, Emmott William, Addingham, Leeds Eteson Mrs. Yorktlouse,Knaresbo:tough Tadcaster · 'Emmott-Rawdon Maj.-Gen. Edward Eteson William D. 9 Oliff'sli. Keighley Fagan James, 11 Ramsden terrace, Alfred, The Grange, Rawdon, Leeds; Etherington Wiltiam,. Bridge' Muse, North street, Leeds ~ l:J Princes square w. & East India Elland Normanton I Fagan P:. 2B5 Abbeyd11.le \'oad, Sheffield United Service club, St. James's Euler Harry, 2 Walmer placB1 Man- Pah Jspbo. V. l!J Wilkinson st. SheffieiJ 'Square, London s.w.: & teeds club & ningham lane, Bradford FaherRE!V.A.H.SprotbOrmigh,Doncastel' Bradford Conservative club, Brad- Eurich Richard, V Selborne -villa~~ Nllrtb Fair bairn Sir A:ndrew Jl.P., 1.P . .A:sk-+ ford Park road, Bradford ham hall, York~ & 15 Portman square EmJDB Daniel, 31A, ~urle:y l'oad, teeds EvamJ Rll?. Jamas, Polemore, Seam- w. & Reform, United, Unrverlrity & EmpsallC.6 Kingston, Hopwd.la.Halifx' monden, Huddersfield Brooks' clubs, London 8.'1n Empsall Samuel, 3 Craven edge, Hop-- Evans Re"'t". Uohrl Hy.1 B.A, St. Peteros Fairbaim Rev1 A. M. 'D. D. AiredaiJ wood lane, Halifax vicarage, Dew!!!bury \"oad, Leeds ~Hege, Heaton, Bradford Empsall Thomas, 32 Ash grove, Horton Evans Rev.J. M. ~r.A. Denaby1Rot'Mm Fairbank Benjamin, 2CJ Duckworth lane~ road, Bradford Evans Re11. Tl M.A. Broughton, Leeds Manningham, Bradford • EmpsonC.Be~ch wood,Sowerby,Halifax Evans Rev.Wm.~.B.A.Ulley,.,Rothetham Fairbank David, Lower grange, Aller­ Empson Rbt. Cornelius z P, Goole hall, .Evans Edwd. 8 Castle View ter. Skiptn ton, Bradford 1 Ll Goole; & Onsefleet grang&, ~le Evans Evan', 7 Ella' li!treet, Leeds 'FalrbankF.R.M.D'.IJ.6 Hallgate,Doncastt- EmsleyH.W.Whiston grove,Rotherham Evans F. 48 Peel"uq.Lumbla.Bradford Fairbank Henryi 24 Duckworth lanet Ems}eyJ .53H us tier st.Otley rd. Bradfrd Ev'ans Fredk1 19 Moorland rood1 Leeds I Mannidgbam, Bradford Emsley' Joseph, 27 Westgate, Barnsley Evans G.Canklow ho.Wlli!ttorl, Rothrhm FllirbankJ.Warren pY; Gilstead,Bingl'ey Emsley Matthew Henry, Hartley build~ Evans- Geotge, 120 Upperthorpe, ShfHd Fairbank J. 35 Whetley lane, Bradford ings, Heckmondwike, Normanton Evans Hadrain, Ingle bank,Otley'road, Fairbank Mr~. 'Josepb, Farsle!f J,eeds EmsleyMiss,45Highst.Gt.Horton,Brdfd Headin~le'y/Leeds ,Fairbank Samuel, '14 Back HI. Sldpt611. .
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