IS HOUSE of Itehleskntatlves
IS HOUSE OF ItEHlESKNTAtlVES. FEBRUARY 18, 1862. EXKCITIVI: DHI'AKTMKNT, | FRANKFORT, KY., February 18, 1862.) lion. It. A. BUCKNKR, Spuiker of the House of Representatives : Sm: I herewith transmit to you, for the use of the House of Repre sentatives, the report of the Adjutant General of the State. Respectfully, B. MAGOFFIN. VI)JUT ANT GENKRA.L'S RE-POUT. IlKADtlUARTERS KKNTUCKY Mll.lTIA, i Adjutant General's Office, \ ' FRANKFORT, Febi.'lH, 1862. ) To His Excellency, B. MAOOFFIN, Governor of the State of Kentucky: SIR; I herewith submit the following report of the Kontuoky Vol unteers. Some of the regiments are not entirely complete, and I will make a further report when all are completed. You will please lay the paihe before the Legislature at your earliest convenience. 1 am, sir, very respectfully, JOHN AV FINNI3LL, Adjutant General. FIRST REGIMENT INFANTRY. Colonel, David A. Knynrt. Assistant Surgeon, John Dixon. Lieutenant Colonel, HIII. C I.ciper. Chaplain, vacant. Major, Frank P. Ciiliiil. Sergeant Major, John 11. Fwin. A(ljut!mt,'?Joliii A. AVrifdit. (juarleritmsterVSerge-iui, Ruhurt H. Oxley. (iuiirterfhttster, Franklin AV. Fee. 'Commissary Sergeant, Charles Kobb. Surgeon, Samuel (J. Menzics. Hospital Steward, John Ditk-on. COMPANY A. COMPANY F. Cnptnih, Joseph T. Wheeler. Captain, Jesse Steeplelon. Firat Lieutenant, John J, Jackson. First Lieutenuiil, David M. Drytlen. Second Lieutenant, Byron I'mlcrhill. Second Lieutenant, Alfred II. Smith. t'.OMIMNV IJ. COMPANY 0. Captain, Alva R. lluillock. Captain, James W. Mitchell. First Lieutenant, Thomas K. Frazier. First Lieutenant, Joseph M. Lcipcr. Second Lioutenunt, John II. Waggoner Second Lieutenant, James Co/.ihe. Co.MPA.1V C.
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