University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-3-1909 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-03-1909 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-03-1909." (1909). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/3759 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TEN PAGES ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. THIRTY-FIRS- T YEAR, VOL -, CXXIII. No. 65. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, ! SEPI EMHER f!, 11)0!) s.iii",lc tuples, ,1'iils. Ity Mull, Sltct. Mouth; liv n iff. no i nis it I i . will ne. i g . ii ll In he iv pi. u III h, half ,. In- gov nt. p ei line VISIT TO CD I I T li: I.IXI.s To Uls( ( TAFT'S ALBUQUERQUE ORLD HAILS COOK AS dim c i i : or Min i ii ñu i It. f rl v , Mas. ,s,.. pi. si.!, id u 'fall in I. idduig gnml-liv- i tnl.iv alter :iy Clark, w ho is p. he iu.uig-l-fi a a i .1 lilie.i u a- - gov in u ,,l A OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO askll, I Iftohl Mill, P. iz'd hy a .Hill. fd helievolenl ihuihling' lone proposed to go to in an air- vi-i- -- ihe Aivtic atdy would l tin- tar m o t h w i Willi I I icliiiij,-th- f regard to if Cook's ship, i ihe hing of Ihe initial North I e r r y in xt si ii i ii t It i. p 1' i pole. Tin- Figaro sayr: pole was a , I mailer of illiliff, life to licit If the plesulelii should g,. I,, A Ciink is a polar explore, of us. Mir "tr. main ol.Jcct was to show how veal, he , ins DISPOSITION cxpericn, NATION, aska ni.iv tin,l in;, such one i ami worth Hint a ililigll.le lalloou ii hi he llseil for STATE I., in. lude ihe Hawaii. .ii islands. HEW MEXICO S may safely Indi, vo in Hi,, , oniplf cxplnrat mu. tf Secret. of Stat, klC'X al.-- o vv a SUCCCS.s III' lii.s atl'IHpl. Inn on tlm "( Mir a ii sh In is intended for sur ey- pi. s, tit al the c.uil. i, nc. oth.r haml so fur ;ih v ran judge ing' ,.g t a and taking phot lis." N.I In r Ihe pi idem in, i S i from lw necessarily ..hasty telegraphic . K Ii. ix would N u ss Di I 'i k - .! i o news we must proclaim him success- .i.i;m ixi-- i EVERYWHERE xs dici AND CITY TO ell of tie- N'.llll pul, W If Ii t !,, ;n i iU- Upon by May Depend ful, ni he In i i i i . Impression Received President Success that wis niivr a mi sr. u i; nisi o tal a iv hat th. ..lit, ,.. , :tf, i In .lay s the GT.it K loini l i rs which I!f i lin. s. pt. ,1.. ,,.. l. Professor llelhuan. partineiit ought in Willi ih, or Failure of Forthcoming Fight for Statehood in Sixty-Fir- st separated thi- poli- Cap,- - Huh-Imi'i- l. from direct, ,i of the Koyal Meteorological lie 1.1 Ugll llg v r. pl I, d Such u, rurrcs-piiml.- s loog-raphiia- l Bever-idy- pcrforniu lice institute and president nt the "A nn.-- it, of , out c." Congress; Hostility of New Enylanders and e in no way to the experience of I sn iely. says that Dr. Conk's 'resilient Ta it had a I. un ,.i i.i other explorers, put il Is Must Be Overcome Largely by Showing Made Here. ISTOACCEPT nevertheless discuvciy will pinhial.ly not have any WELCOM E o a vv h ii Ii may ke. p him .11 ;;. quite piissihl,. Dr. fav-ori-- il that Cook was immediate scientific result. nk, the reina ind. r nt lio- wcik hy exccpliiiini link." "The of tin- N'oilh polo." Tin- Petite says: llt'puhlhpii' said Dr Hellman. "as such is merely a dmii: i. mi i i i "If Dr. Cook really put his foot on t secnii'larv significance torn a scienti- ( I AKI.s ls( I ; I m CHIEF MAGISTRATE SEEKING tlio polo thf natiif of this American fic standpoint. We to ll AMERICAN'S must wait learn 'hilad, Iphia, S. d '. All. ...1 citizen from today is famous. Wo what mi asm fun-ill- Dr. Cook made mg the dispvltches toil. iv am ni,, i, have realized hy which In- the dream hefnlc piasslllg- final judgment. , on v in .I than v ,i ih, p,,i ,, man has hccn hanntcil for thf last ter. M in c.eimaiiv lor North polar ex- - FIRST HAND INFORMATION d is, ov el of Ihe Ninth 1. ,le is ,, If five cc ii t ii l i i phu, it;..!! has dilllillisllfd sine,- ihe , was th,. emphatic ilei lara i. in nl lp.ii ili-i'i- expedition of I sx:: " CLAIMS I AN AX I OKI IÍ New Yoik Ph; f.Lihoiate MM fi-- llo is ilia!ifi-i- to n Ill I'll i a i 1) I st ii:oi:x xoistii i:sKIMiS II A Home Coming f Nnrti, pol.. estions. hcaus. -- L. ' Festivities or o c a Citizens Alive to Necessity of Putting Best Foot Forward - I l I V ( t Montreal. Sept. 2. Si.nn- is I'll lK. DDK. in una h l !n- inn i ii t :inictv - mni,. felt in . Daiiiii- Exploiei w ii.- Commcr-gie.- suvrniini nl marine circles over cu le lili, g. Swi-i- ii Sept. --'. Dr. Whose Feat wen as i,is himiiiaiuv it h - on Momentous Fifteenth of October: Energetic s tin disappearance of Captain Heriihr. (HI., N,.i deiiskjold. an i xploii-r- who ,,i xpiditn.iK .luring .i, . i,s, Has Astonished Wide Woild, at Work on Admiral Melville and Few Lon- Canada's Arctic explorer, who Lit has just returned from an Arctic v,.y-cig- Committee Plans for Entertainment: (..'l.fh.'c oil a voyage (o Ihe llortllfl'll iles, lilies interview he had "I do not IM.-.- 11 tn sa thai Dr don GeoArapheis Alone Re- all Liberal Contributions Indispensible to Success of Program seas ill July. JUS. The last wi.nl Willi K.ishiusm n, a Danish mu- Cook is a fa k ir. d" in u know him main Unconvinced of Au- of him was last iicloher when llein in dree nlathl, who passed a win- PRESIDENT TAFT MAY peisouallv Hut f'i'in inv expcinme-- I Mapped Out. returning wha If rs reported Unit he' had ter with Un- Cape York and would sa (hat tinte nnthiug t" - EXTEND THE GLAD HAND de-pa- thenticity of Announcement, iieeii planting the iiii'.on jack on many Dr. 'nnk. Kasniusseii told Dr. Noi confu ni the original l, h. Soim islands in dm Arctic seas. Sime then that llie i;skimus at first of Ho- heft eiilllppod Xn .1 i! ii HIS have ii v I .í ;, I'l T.llV- - d tile. c s (u ,HitlilKTitIC is nothing has In n hinid of him. IPt- - a .si y dei lined to follow up r. cost from ii. nun ., í nn ilTt;li;lll I la.-- h- - ier went a equipped Cook, to At ! Men Dr Conk im in 'ti-n- i -- WARM PRAISE FOR north with well uiving the iisk. sonic Who Have Biawd Tenors know that is vii!i n nil ii-- i. i.ir n-.i- limo .i c, ici Kf in New Mexico. 'Xpedition to iii;ik surveys and to young nun ile.laic.l tin inselv i s will- . of ar I H i!ip tin- it-- DARING ACHIEVEMENT collect customs from American whal ing n aid him in Ins tempt to reach Frozen North ('nmiiui from "Tiiiii- nothing in Iln stmv tlni-l- hi miit I'ssi, in thai i'iil will receive iliinn' his st;iy ers, was ; to go th, pole and moment of .start- told to indie al.- hat I u i 'ook ha-fo- n tie ivva.vs anxious in at the All Nations to Participate in in ilit.-- cil will ilepeiiil. in a f met-t- e, the success ut the next si ai. h of tic ,df ami il is thought ing. ..eviial highly expeiienced men ml a nv I hing in-- ml. .il. I .an- d saying- they would -- Why -- laieli, ,.i,l. p, N'ew Astionomieal Notes Fi that alter concluding his regula r work join, Hie party Ovation to Dr, (.nk. nul il- tile lepollcil .t'OV ol his iiolu fur lie is tniiniio minian liinwelf aliuiit lie f; i , r; e - Hot sons would not i xpeil il ion ou Id not ha vv i it lltav have found oliliol- leave their all. hen . -- Mexp.tit c. 1, i aial ci 'iniiiercial. ilt'sires vv vv ni 'lis iliinal, mial lie liiSl'l UlldiSpiltC'd Pi ÜOf, s',"""" ..n a uw, oldis- - I'm s.i i his m,i a In, had rusted n hv a li mi, who had r, a licl il Inn If in.
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