INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOTHERAPHY, VOL. 5, NO. 3, 2000 219 The self, the ® eld and the either-or JOHN ROWAN 70 Kings Head Hill, North Chingford, London N4 7LY, UK Abstract It has become fashionable both in psychoanalytic and in humanistic circles to talk about dialogue, the interpersonal ® eld, language and the socially constructed self, and to say that the old idea of the self as central, as real, as essence, is outdated and even patriarchal. But there is something strange about this. In discovering the ® eld (which perhaps we could liken to the wave function in physics) and in denying the individual (which perhaps we could liken to the particle) many people seem to be denying or ignoring the principle of complementarity. The whole point about the authentic self is that it can relate authentically. I see no contradiction between saying that and saying that authentic selves in relation form a ® eld, which has to be respected in its own right. Ken Wilber uses the idea (taken from Arthur Koestler) of a holon. A holon is a unit which is also a part of other units. Holons as a whole form a ® eld, within which are numbers of sub-® elds. In this way we can see how a holon can be regarded at one and the same time as a separable unit and as part of a larger ® eld. There is nothing dif® cult about this. We don’t have to give up one in order to have the other. It has become fashionable to talk about dialogue, the interpersonal ® eld, language and the socially constructed self.
Pioneering Cultural Initiatives by Esalen Centers for Theory
Esalen’s Half-Century of Pioneering Cultural Initiatives 1962 to 2012 For more information, please contact: Jane Hartford, Director of Development Center for Theory & Research and Special Projects Special Assistant to the Cofounder and Chairman Emeritus Michael Murphy Esalen Institute 1001 Bridgeway #247 Sausalito, CA 94965 415-459-5438 i Preface Most of us know Esalen mainly through public workshops advertised in the catalog. But there is another, usually quieter, Esalen that’s by invitation only: the hundreds of private initiatives sponsored now by Esalen’s Center for Theory and Research (CTR). Though not well publicized, this other Esalen has had a major impact on America and the world at large. From its programs in citizen diplomacy to its pioneering role in holistic health; from physics and philosophy to psychology, education and religion, Esalen has exercised a significant influence on our culture and society. CTR sponsors work in fields that think tanks and universities typically ignore, either because those fields are too controversial, too new, or because they fall between disciplinary silos. These initiatives have included diplomats and political leaders, such as Joseph Montville, the influential pioneer of citizen diplomacy, Jack Matlock and Arthur Hartman, former Ambassadors to the Soviet Union, and Claiborne Pell, former Chairman of the U.S. Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee; eminent Russian cultural leaders Vladimir Pozner, Sergei Kapitsa, and Victor Erofeyev; astronaut Rusty Schweickart; philosophers Jay Ogilvy, Sam
The Historical Roots of Gestalt Therapy Theory Rosemarie Wulf The theory of Gestalt therapy is itself a new Gestalt, though it does not contain many new thoughts. What its founders, Fritz and Laura Perls and Paul Goodman, did was to weave a new synthesis out of existing concepts. The background of this new Gestalt is composed of concepts and elements from different bodies of knowledge and disciplines. I would like to give you an idea of the cultural and historical situation that is the Zeitgeist (the spirit of the time) that prevailed during the lifetimes of the founders of Gestalt therapy. What kind of theories and traditions did Fritz and Laura come into contact with? Where did they find ideas that were in line with their own, what other ideas did they reject in their search for answers to the fundamental questions that are either implicitly or explicitly contained in every theory of psychotherapy? What is a human being? How does he or she function? Why do we exist? Is there a reason to exist? How should we behave toward each other? How does psychological illness develop? Firstly the background: the wider field, an overview of the Zeitgeist. In the second part, I will present the various contacts Fritz and Laura Perls had with specific persons and their ideas or theoretical models. The beginning of the 20th century was characterized by an explosive development of science and technology. The era of automation and cybernetics had begun. The rise of nuclear and quantum physics led to radical revolutionary change. Biology, chemistry and medicine also began to make rapid progress.
Ericksonian Hypnosis and the Enneagram About Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)
The Changeworks Consulting, Training, Books and CDs Workshops with Thomas Condon PO Box 5909, Bend, OR 97708 001-541-382-1894 email: Ericksonian Hypnosis and the Enneagram About Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) NLP is a set of distinctions and techniques for altering the structure of subjective experience. Created in the 1970’s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, NLP is based in linguistics, psychology and communication. Among other things it offers a model of good communication and good rapport. It has had extensive applications in the fields of business, education, training and health, as well as in therapeutic changework. NLP is based upon the premise that experience has structure, and that by altering the structure, you can alter the experience. NLP helps you analyze how you create your subjective experience through your senses. At any given moment, your internal experience has a visual part - what you see around you or in your mind’s eye; an auditory part - hearing the sounds in your environment or listening to internal voices; and a kinesthetic part - your emotions and body feelings. As you experience the world through your five senses, you interpret the information and then act on it. In broad strokes, NLP helps you recognize your primary sensory modality – whether you are generally visual or auditory or kinesthetic or favor a combination of those primary senses. Nobody is really purely auditory, visual or kinesthetic, but you might find that you have a favorite orientation. Once you’ve determined your existing sensory bias, NLP offers techniques to expand your experience of your other senses.
Gestalt Therapy Allen Richard Barlow University of Wollongong
University of Wollongong Research Online University of Wollongong Thesis Collection University of Wollongong Thesis Collections 1983 The derivation of a psychological theory: Gestalt therapy Allen Richard Barlow University of Wollongong Recommended Citation Barlow, Allen Richard, The derivation of a psychological theory: Gestalt therapy, Doctor of Philosophy thesis, Department of Psychology, University of Wollongong, 1983. Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library: THE DERIVATION OF A PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORY : GESTALT THERAPY A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of » DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY from THE UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG by ALLEN RICHARD BARLOW, B.A. (Hons.l) DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY (1983) -i- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Tables xiv Acknowledgements xv xvi Abstract xvii CHAPTER 1: Introduction 1.1 The aim of this dissertation 1 1.2 Principles of Gestalt therapy 7 CHAPTER 2: Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis 2.1 Biography 12 2.2 Difficulties in comparing Freud's and Perls' works 13 2. 3 Freud ' s influence on Perls 16 2.4 Structure of the personality 20 2.4.1 Relationship between the three subsystems 22 2.5 Conscious/unconscious 24 2.6 Instincts 28 2. 7 Defence mechanism; 30 2.7.1 Regression 31 2.7.2 Repression 32 2.7.3 Reaction-formation 33 2.7.4 Introj ection 34 2.7.5 Proj ection , 35 2.7.6 Turning against the self (retroflection) 36 2.7.7 Rationalization 37 2.7.8 Denial 37 2.7.9 Identification 38 2.
Fundamentals of the Gestalt Approach to Counselling
2 Fundamentals of the Gestalt Approach to Counselling The therapeutic relationship Gestalt practitioners affirm the primary values of the living existential encounter between two real human beings, both of whom are risking themselves in the dialogue of the healing process. The central focus is the moment-by-moment process of the relationship between the client and the counsellor. In this encounter, the goal is a full and complete authen- tic meeting between these two people. (Naturally such a meeting may include each experiencing existential separation and essential aloneness.) The development of the capacity for genuine relationship forms the core of the healing process and has been described by Hycner (1985) as a rela- tionship basically characterised by dialogue – a dialogic relationship. As they work through the many stage-posts of their journey, the client gains emotional resources, security and freedom, and the counsellor comes to be seen more and more as a ‘real’ person. No longer is the counsellor experienced merely as a projective substitute for figures from the past, and no longer are past patterns habitually used in the present. Laura Perls has mentioned ‘that she was profoundly influenced by a personal meeting with Martin Buber, and that the true essence of Gestalt therapy was the relationship formed between therapist and client’ (Hycner, 1985: 27). Buber described this ‘I–Thou’ (‘Ich und Du’ in German) relationship as a genuine meeting between two unique people in which both openly respect the essential humanity of the other. Buber (1958/1984) 02-Clarkson with Cavicchia_Ch-02.indd 19 9/18/2013 11:58:42 AM 20 Gestalt Counselling in Action writes that there are two primary human attitudes, the ‘I–Thou’ relation- ship and the ‘I–It’ relationship.
Psychology 321-50 : Psychology of Personality Tuesdays 5:30-9:40
Psychology 321-50 : Psychology of Personality Tuesdays 5:30-9:40 Instructor: Ms . Dylan Ga.ffney, M.S .C .P. Office/Contact Phone: 682-4664 Home Phone: 834-2368 email : Required Text: Personality & Personal Growth by Frager & Fadiman; 4th edition, Longman Publishers Course Description: Personality Psychology can be defined as the scientific study of the psychological forces that make people uniquely themselves . In this course we will cover the various aspects of inquiry that lead to the major theorists and theories . You will also be looking at your own personality, and defining your own theory of personality used in making decisions about behavior, attitude, friendships, career choices, as well as other aspects of life. This course will extend beyond the usual confines of personality theory to include Eastern theories . Expectations and Objectives: Students are expected to attend all classes, to read the assigned material, participate in class discussions and activities and to ask questions when not clear. Student will demonstrate knowledge of covered topics through examination, reflective writing, research, presentations and group discussions. Students are also expected to be on time and alert.This is an experiential class, with many activities and discussion and your participation is vital. Not only for your own learning process, but for the whole class. Being on time and fully alert (drink caffeine ifneed be .) SYLLABUS (MAY CHANGE WITH NOTIC" Jan 12 Review course structure, guidelines, ground rules and syllabus Introductions Lecture: The History; Criteria and Development ofPersonality Theory Read for next. time Chap I & 2, and handout Jan 19 Sigmund Freud Lecture Journal Making Journal Writing: Recalling your first memory Read for next time: Ch= 3 Jan 26 Carl Gustav Jung: Lecture In class exercises: Archetypes, Shadow etc.
The Early History of Psychoanalysis in San Francisco
Benveniste, D. (2006) The Early History of Psychoanalysis in San Francisco. Psychoanalysis and History. 8(2) July 2006. The Early History of Psychoanalysis in San Francisco Daniel Benveniste, Ph.D. Caracas, Venezuela The early history of psychoanalysis in San Francisco formally begins with the opening of Alfred Kroeber’s psychoanalytic office in 1918 and ends with the death of Siegfried Bernfeld in 1953. Between those years, San Francisco witnessed a small group of Americans and European émigrés coming together and creating the foundation of psychoanalysis in San Francisco. The issues dominating the day were those of lay analysis, psychoanalytic training models and World War II. Within this small psychoanalytic community, there were a number of extremely creative analysts who, along with the rest, participated in some rare moments in which a creative and ecumenical spirit prevailed and others in which divisiveness limited them. Without a historical context, those of us in the depth psychologies tend to become arrogant and assert the ahistorical and timeless truth of our views. We fall victim to "the narcissism of minor differences" and project our dreaded other onto the various others around us whether they be pop psychology innovators, old guard upholders of the dogma, or just our theoretical cousins. But psychoanalysis is not a natural science. It is a historical science. Nathan Adler used to say, "Every generation must rediscover psychoanalysis for itself." And I would add that we must contextualize our discoveries and re-discoveries in the social, historical and economic moment in which we are situated. There are many reasons for recalling the early history of the depth psychologies in San Francisco.
Contents Acknowledgements vi About the author vii Introduction viii 1 Key aspects of counselling 10 Introduction 11 Some defi nitions 14 Therapeutic counselling and counselling skills 15 Problems of advice giving 21 Issues which bring people to counselling 22 Self-development and self-awareness in counsellor training 34 Skills training 37 Contents Summary 40 References/Further reading/Resources 41 2 Skills and approaches 43 Introduction 44 The structure of counselling 44 Theoretical approaches in counselling 47 Counselling skills 50 Summary 73 References/Further reading/Resources 73 3 Psychodynamic counselling 75 Introduction 76 Psychodynamic counselling: key concepts 76 The psychosexual stages of development 80 The importance of the past and childhood experience 84 The use of ego defence mechanisms 85 Transference and the nature of the therapeutic relationship 89 Skills used in psychodynamic counselling 95 iii BBookook IInteriornterior LLayout.indbayout.indb iiiiii 33/26/14/26/14 55:11:11 PPMM Summary 104 References/Further reading/Resources 105 4 Post-Freudian psychodynamic counselling 107 Introduction 108 Alfred Adler (1870–1937) 108 Carl Jung (1875–1961) 113 Ego psychology and object relations theory 120 Ego psychology 120 Object relations theory 124 Other views 130 Object relations theory and its infl uence on therapy and counselling 134 Summary 138 References/Further reading/Resources 139 Counselling Skills and Theory, 4th edition and Theory, 4th Skills Counselling 5 Phenomenological and humanistic approaches 142 Introduction 143 The meaning of phenomenology in relation to counselling 143 Rogers and the person-centred approach 145 The person-centred approach in other contexts 155 Maslow and humanism 159 The existential approach 165 Transpersonal psychology 171 Summary 173 References/ Further reading /Resources 174 6 Gestalt therapy and psychodrama 176 Introduction 177 Gestalt therapy: Fritz Perls (1893–1970) 177 Evolution of Gestalt counselling and psychotherapy 194 Psychodrama and the work of J.
Confederation for Analytical Psychology presents JUNGIAN ANALYSIS AND HUMANISTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY: CRITICAL CONNECTIONS – PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE 5th biennial Andrew Samuels Lecture Saturday 25th October 2014 10 am – 5.30 pm (registration 9.30 am) followed by drinks courtesy of CAP Resource for London 356 Holloway Road, London N7 5PA (formerly LVSRC - next to Waitrose) Costs (inclusive of lunch): CAP members and concessions: £65 Early bird to June 30th: £70 Full price: £85 This unique and innovative conference is the first to openly celebrate the fact that Humanistic Psychotherapy and Jungian Analysis have many features in common. For example, the idea that all elements in a dream are part of the dreamer’s personality or psyche is found in Fritz Perls and also in Jung. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Jung’s ideas about individuation have similarities. One could go on and on about it. As far as therapy work is concerned, common features include trust that the patient/client knows at depth what is needed from the therapy, a recognition that the therapist is in the process as a person, and that therapy needs to struggle to maintain a distance from the conformist and materialist values that are present in contemporary society. Both traditions have pioneered the exploration of a variety of collective approaches to psychology, ranging from the transpersonal and spiritual to the socio-political. Yet both traditions have had to revise and develop the seminal insights of their founders, and problems of mourning – for Jung, Rogers, Berne, Perls, Maslow, Reich and others – are freely acknowledged still to be there.
Fritz Perls (1883–1970), Codeveloper (With His Wife, Linda Perls) of Gestalt Therapy, Was Born to Lower-Middle-Class German Jewish Parents in Berlin, Germany