Unitarian-Universalist Church 4605 Cass at Forest Detroit, MI 48201
Sat., 4/16/2016 UNITARIANS AND UNIVERSALISTS IN DETROIT Sat., 4/16/2016 First Unitarian-Universalist Church 4605 Cass at Forest Detroit, MI 48201 www.1stuu.org Centennial Celebration of our Sanctuary April 16-17, 1916 April 16-17, 2016 Centennial Celebration - First UU Detroit Sat., 4/16/2016 WELCOME! We’re delighted We’re going to trace you’ve joined us our Unitarian and (either in person or Universalist roots back by reading this tour 185 years – to the booklet) to look 1830s – when free back at how thinkers first began to Unitarians and dream of a liberal Universalists came to religious Detroit and how we denomination in made our way to the Detroit corner of Cass and Forest, together Centennial Celebration - First UU Detroit 3 Sat., 4/16/2016 WHO, WHICH, WHAT, WHY? WHERE, HOW? Who organized first, the Where did civil rights Unitarians or the martyrs, ground-breaking Universalists? African-Americans, icons of Which major figures in women’s and workers’ Detroit's early history were rights movements, involved in the founding politicians, poets and and leadership of our peace activists worship, liberal churches? meet and organize? What locations did they How long have we actively choose? Why? supported the LGBTQ community? FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELTS, HERE WE GO! Centennial Celebration - First UU Detroit 4 Detroit - 1831 Sat., 4/16/2016 Centennial Celebration - First UU Detroit 5 Sat.,1830s 4/16/2016 1831: Universalists purchase a building [NW corner of Bates and Michigan Grand Ave – now Cadillac Square] 1833: Unitarians hold their first service at the Courtroom of the Capitol [now Capitol Park] 1836: Universalist circuit- riders preach at City Hall [east of Woodward in the middle of “Michigan Grand Ave”] * 1836-38: Unitarian “missionaries” visit Michigan Centennial Celebration - First UU Detroit 6 6 Sat., 4/16/2016 WHO WAS FIRST? 1831 1833 John Farrar, and two Rev.
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