Yearbook Yearbookof the Baptstof Missionary the AssociatonBaptst Missionary of America Associaton of America Two Thousand Eighteen Sixty-NinthTwo Thousand Annual Eighteen Session Sixty-NinthJackson CivicAnnual Center Session JacksonJackson, Civic MSCenter AprilJackson, 16-18, MS 2018 April 16-18, 2018 Future Sessions Future Sessions 2019 — Rogers, Arkansas 20202019 — — Waxahachie, Rogers, Arkansas Texas 20202021 —— Waxahachie,Conway, Arkansas Texas 2021 — Conway, Arkansas Presiding Ofcers PresidingPresident Ofcers PaulPresident White Paul White First Vice-President First JefVice-President Swart Jef Swart Second Vice-President SecondMark Vice-President Livingston Mark Livingston Recording Secretaries RecJamesording Ray Secretaries Raines JamesGreg Medenwald Ray Raines GregJerome Medenwald Cooper JeromeTerry Kimbrow Cooper Terry Kimbrow

1 Contents Brotherhood ...... 167 Chronology ...... 4 Committee Personnel (all departments)...... 28 Committee Reports: DiscipleGuide Church Resources...... 199 Lifeword ...... 67 Ministers Resource Services ...... 104 Miscellaneous ...... 293 Missions ...... 257 Moral Action …………...... 57 Seminary...... 170 BMA Foundation ………...... 226 Doctrinal Statement ...... 10 Order of Business ...... 3 Principles of Cooperation ...... 10 Proceedings...... 46 Roster of Churches...... 301 Women’s Missionary Auxiliary ...... 137

2 Order of Business 1. Association Called to Order 2. Enrollment of Messengers: Report of Enrollment Committee 3. Election of Officers 4. Annual Sermon: Appointment of committees by president after election 5. Miscellaneous Business: Resolutions, Reports by Minor Committees, or Proposed Amendments may be attended to any time no other committee’s report or business is before the body. Matters referred to committees or churches the year before and involving matters of representation, organization or rules for the conduct of business take precedence over other committees. 6. Rules governing reports of major committees: (1) Committees shall report in the order listed below. The first committee reporting each year shall be placed at the bottom of the list next year, each committee shall take its turn in the order indicated. (2) No committee shall report out of order unless the committee that is due to report is not prepared; then the committee next in order shall be called for and the report of this committee shall not be interrupted except for points of order or emergency announcement, or unless it is not prepared to give a full report, or set orders of the day. (3) Any time a committee report is not before the body, the committee holding the priority in the Order of Business, if said committee is ready to report, shall take precedence, with the exceptions already stated over all other committees. (4) The recording secretaries shall be responsible for listing the committees in the order in which they shall report each succeeding year.

Order of Committee Reports 2018 Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary Ministers Resource Services Lifeword Media Ministries DiscipleGuide Moral Action BMA Foundation Coordinating Council Department of Missions

3 4 5 6 7 8 2015 2015 Spring Springfield, eld, MO MO Jason Jason Aultman Aultman James James Ray Ray Raines Raines Mark Mark Livingston Livingston Paul Paul White White Greg Greg Medenwald Medenwald Je Jeff Swart Swart Jerome Jerome Cooper Cooper

2016 Gatlinburg,Gatlinburg, TN TN Jason Jason Aultman Aultman James James Ray Ray Raines Raines Je Jeff Swart Swart Paul Paul White White Greg Greg Medenwald Medenwald Je Jeff Swart Swart Jerome Jerome Cooper Cooper

*Newly2017 electedArlington, ocers TX through 1968 assumed Paul White responsibilities immediately. James Ray A Raineser 1969 newly Donny elected Parrish ocers assumed oce at the end of the Jeffannual Swart session in which theyGreg were Medenwald elected.  is fact accounts 2015 Spring eld, MO Jason Aultman James Ray Raines Mark Livingston for the name of W.R. Speer appearing as Mark president Livingston over a three-year-period. Jerome Cooper Paul White Greg Medenwald Je Swart Jerome Cooper 2018 Jackson, MS Paul White James Ray Raines Terry Kimbrow Jeff Swart Greg Medenwald 2016 Gatlinburg, TN Jason Mark Aultman Livingston JamesJerome Ray Cooper Raines Je Swart Paul White Greg Medenwald Je Swart Jerome Cooper

*Newly elected ocers through 1968 assumed responsibilities immediately. Aer 1969 newly elected ocers assumed oce at the end of the annual session in which they were elected. is fact accounts for the name of W.R. Speer appearing as president over a three-year-period.





1010 DOCTRINAL STATEMENT I. GOD ere is one living and true God, the creator of the universe (Exod. 15:11; Isa. 45:11; Jer. 27:5). He is revealed in the unity of the Godhead as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, who are equal in every divine perfection (Exod. 15:11; Matt. 28:19; II Cor. 13:14).

A. God the Father is the supreme ruler of the universe. He providentially directs the aairs of history according to the purposes of His grace (Gen. 1; Ps. 19:1; Ps. 104; Heb. 1:1-3).

B. God the Son is the Savior of the world. Born of the virgin Mary (Matt. 1:18; Luke 1:26-35), He declared His deity among men (John 1:14, 18; Matt. 9:6), died on the cross as the only sacrifce for sin (Phil. 2:6-11), arose bodily from the grave (Luke 24:6, 7, 24-26; I Cor. 15:3-6), and ascended back to the Father (Acts 1:9-11; Mark 16:19). He is at the right hand of the Father, interceding for believers (Rom. 8:34; Heb. 7:25) until He returns to rapture them from the world (Acts 1:11; I ess. 4:16-18).

C. God the Holy Spirit is the manifest presence of deity. He convicts of sin (John 16:8-11), teaches spiritual truths according to the written Word (John 16:12-15), permanently indwells believers (Acts 5:32; John 14:16, 17, 20, 23), and confers on every believer at conversion the ability to render eective spiritual service (I Peter 4:10, 11).

II. THE SCRIPTURES A. e Scriptures are God’s inerrant revelation, complete in the Old and New Testaments, written by divinely inspired men as they were moved by the Holy Spirit (II Tim. 3:16; II Peter 1:21). ose men wrote not in words of human wisdom but in words taught by the Holy Spirit (I Cor. 2:13).

B. e Scriptures provide the standard for the believer’s faith and practice (II Tim. 3:16, 17), reveal the principles by which God will judge all (Heb. 4:12; John 12:48), and express the true basis of Christian fellowship (Gal. 1:8, 9; II John 9-11).

III. CREATION A. e World—God created all things for His own pleasure and glory, as revealed in the biblical account of creation (Gen. 1; Rev. 4:11; John 1:2, 3; Col. 1:16).

B. e Angels—God created an innumerable host of spirit beings called angels. Holy angels worship God and execute His will; while fallen angels serve Satan, seeking to hinder God’s purposes (Col. 1:16; Luke 20:35, 36; Matt. 22:29, 30; Ps. 103:20; Jude 6).

C. Man — As the crowning work of His creation, God created humankind (male and female) in His own image (Psa. 8; Gen. 1:27; 2:7). Consequently, every person from conception is of inherent dignity and worth and merits the respect of all other persons (Psa. 51:5; Psa. 139:13- 16; Gen. 9:6; Matt. 10:28-31; Jam. 3:9).

D. Marriage — God created marriage (Gen. 1:27-28; 2:23-24). Jesus Christ declared the Creator’s intention for marriage to be the inseparable and exclusive union 11 11 between a man and a woman (natural man and natural woman) (Matt. 19:4-6; Mark 10:6-9). Marriage testi es of the union between Christ and the church (Eph. 5:31-32; Rom. 1:25-27).

IV. SATAN Satan is a person rather than a personi cation of evil (John 8:44), and he with his demons opposes all that is true and godly by blinding the world to the gospel (II Cor.4:3, 4), tempting saints to do evil (Eph. 6:11; I Peter 5:8), and warring against the Son of God (Gen. 3:15; Rev. 20:1-10).

V. DEPRAVITY Although man was created in the image of God (Gen. 1:26; 2:17), he fell through sin and that image was marred (Rom. 5:12; James 3:9). In his unregenerate state, he is void of spiritual life, is under the in$uence of the devil, and lacks any power to save himself (Eph. 2:1-3; John 1:13). !e sin nature has been transmitted to every member of the human race, the man Jesus Christ alone being excepted (Rom. 3:23; I Peter 2:22). Because of the sin nature, man possesses no divine life and is essentially and unchangeably depraved apart from divine grace (Rom. 3:10-19; Jer. 17:9).

VI. SALVATION A. e Meaning of Salvation—Salvation is the gracious work of God whereby He delivers undeserving sinners from sin and its results (Matt. 1:21; Eph. 2:8, 9). In justi cation He declares righteous all who put faith in Christ as Savior (Rom. 3:20- 22), giving them freedom from condemnation, peace with God, and full assurance of future glori cation (Rom. 3:24-26).

B. e Way of Salvation—Salvation is based wholly on the grace of God apart from works (Titus 3:5; Eph. 2:9). Anyone who will exercise repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved (Acts 16:30-32; Luke 24:47; Rom. 10:17).

C. e Provision of Salvation—Christ died for the sins of the whole world (John 1:29; 3:16; I John 2:1, 2). rough His blood, atonement is made without respect of persons (I Tim. 2:4- 6). All sinners can be saved by this gracious provision (Heb. 2:9; John 3:18).


God’s sovereignty and man’s freedom are two inseparable factors in the salvation experience (Eph. 2:4-6). e two Bible truths are in no way contradictory, but they are amazingly complementary in the great salvation so freely provided. God, in His sovereignty purposed, planned and executed salvation in eternity while man’s freedom enables him to make a personal choice in time, either to receive this salvation and be saved, or to reject it and be damned (Eph. 1:9-12; 1:13, 14; John 1:12, 13).

VIII. SANCTIFICATION All believers are set apart unto God (Heb. 10:12-14) at the time of their regeneration (I Cor. 6:11). ey should grow in grace (II Peter 1:5-8) by allowing the Holy Spirit to apply God’s Word to their lives (I Peter 2:2), conforming them to the principles of

12 divine righteousness (Rom. 12:1, 2; I ess. 4:3-7) and making them partakers of the holiness of God (II Cor. 7:1; I Peter 1:15, 16).

IX. SECURITY All believers are eternally secure in Jesus Christ (John 10:24-30; Rom. 8:35-39). ey are born again (John 3:3-5; I John 5:1; I Peter 1:23), made new creatures in Christ (II Cor. 5:17; II Peter 1:4), and indwelt by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:9; I John 4:4), enabling their perseverance in good works (Eph. 2:10). A special providence watches over them (Rom. 8:28; I Cor. 10:13), and they are kept by the power of God (Phil. 1:6; 2:12, 13; I Peter 1:3-5; Heb. 13:5).

X. CHURCH A. e Nature of the Church—A New Testament church is a local congregation (Acts 16:5; I Cor. 4:17) of baptized believers in Jesus Christ (Acts 2:41) who are united by covenant in belief of what God has revealed and in obedience to what He has commanded (Acts 2:41, 42).

B. e Autonomy of the Church—She acknowledges Jesus as her only Head (Eph. 5:23; Col. 1:18) and the Holy Bible as her only rule of faith and practice (Isa. 8:20; II Tim. 3:16, 17), governing herself by democratic principles (Acts 6:1-6; I Cor. 5:1-5) under the oversight of her pastors (Acts 20:28; Heb. 13:7, 17, 24).

C. e Perpetuity of the Church—Instituted by Jesus during His personal ministry on earth (Matt. 16:18; Mark 3:13-19; John 1:35-51), true churches have continued to the present and will continue until Jesus returns (Matt. 16:18; 28:20).

D. e Ordinances of the Church—Her two ordinances are baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Baptism is the immersion in water of a believer as a confession of his faith in Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:19; Rom. 6:4) and is prerequisite to church membership and participation in the Lord’s Supper (Acts 2:41, 42). e Lord’s Supper is the sacred sharing of the bread of communion and the cup of blessing by the assembled church (Acts 20:7) as a memorial to the crucied body and shed blood of Jesus Christ (Luke 22:19, 20; I Cor. 11:23-26). Both ordinances must be administered by the authority of a New Testament church (Matt. 28:18-20; I Cor. 11:23-26).

E. e Ocers of the Church—Pastors and deacons are the permanent o%cers divinely ordained in a New Testament church (Phil. 1:1). Each church may select men of her choice to ll those oces under the leading of the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:1-6; 20:17, 18) according to the divinely given qualications (I Tim. 3:1-13). Pastors (elders, bishops) are authorized to oversee and teach the churches under the Lordship of Jesus Christ (Acts 20:28; Heb. 13:7, 17, 24; I Peter 5:1-4). Each church is responsible to follow them as they follow Christ (I Cor. 11:1; I !ess. 1:6; Heb. 13:17) and to provide a livelihood for them that they might fulll their ministries (I Tim. 5:17, 18; Phil. 4:15-18). Pastors are equal in the service of God (Matt. 23:8-12). Deacons (ministers, servants) are servants of the churches and assistants to the pastors, particularly in benevolent ministries. Each church may select her own deacons according to her needs, and no church is bound by the act of another church in that selection (Acts 6:1-6).

13 13 F. e Ministry of the Church—Her mission is evangelizing sinners by preaching the gospel (Matt. 28:19; Luke 24:45-47), baptizing those who believe (Acts 2:41; 8:12, 35- 38), and maturing them by instruction (Matt. 28:20; Acts 2:42) and discipline (Matt. 18:17, 18; I Cor. 5:1-5).

G. e Fellowship of the Church—She is free to associate with true churches in furthering the faith (II Cor. 11:8; Phil. 4:10, 15, 16) but is responsible to keep herself from those who hold doctrines or practices contrary to Holy Scripture (Gal. 1:8, 9; I John 2:19). In association with other churches, each church is equal and is the sole judge of the measure and method of her cooperation (Matt. 20:25-28). In all matters of polity and practice, the will of each church is nal (Matt. 18:18).

XI. CIVIL AUTHORITY Human government was instituted by God to protect the innocent and punish the guilty. It is separate from the church, though both church and state exercise complementary ministries for the benet of society (Matt. 22:21). Christians should submit to the authority of the government under which they live, obeying all laws which do not contradict the laws of God, respecting ocers of government, paying taxes, rendering military service, and praying for the welfare of the nation and its leaders (Rom. 13:1- 7; I Peter 2:13, 17; I Tim. 2:1, 2). ey should vote, hold oce, and exercise inuence to direct the nation aer the principles of Holy Scripture. Civil authority is not to interfere in matters of conscience or disturb the institutions of religion (Acts 4:18-20), but it should preserve for every citizen the free exercise of his religious convictions. Churches should receive no subsidy from the government, but they should be exempt from taxation on property and money used for the common good through worship, education, or benevolence. XII. LAST THINGS A. Return—Our risen Lord will return personally in bodily form to receive His redeemed unto Himself. His return is imminent (I !ess. 4:13-17; Rev. 22:20).

B. Resurrections—A&er Jesus returns, all of the dead will be raised bodily, each in his own order: the righteous dead in “the resurrection of life” and the wicked dead in “the resurrection of damnation” (John 5:24-29; I Cor. 15:20-28).

C. Judgments—Prior to the eternal state, God will judge everyone to confer rewards or to consign to punishment (Matt. 25:31-46; II Cor. 5:10; Rev. 20:11-15).

D. Eternal States—Heaven is the eternal home of the redeemed (John 14:1-3) who, in their gloried bodies (I Cor. 15:51-58), will live in the presence of God forever (I ess. 4:17) in ultimate blessing (Rev. 21, 22). Hell is the place of eternal punishment and suering (Luke 16:19-31) for the devil, his angels (Matt. 25:41), and the unredeemed (Rev. 20:10-15).

14 14 ADDENDUM NOTE: e following statements are not to be binding upon the churches already aliated with this association, or to require adoption by churches petitioning this body for privilege of cooperation, or to be a test of fellowship between brethren or churches. However, they do express the preponderance of opinion among the churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of America.

1. We believe in the premillennial return of Christ to earth, aer which He shall reign in peace upon the earth for a thousand years (Rev. 20:4-6).

2. We believe the Scriptures to teach two resurrections: the rst of the righteous at Christ’s coming; the second of the wicked at the close of the thousand-year reign (I ess. 4:13-17; Rev. 20:6, 12-15). We endorse the New Hampshire Confession of Faith as a representative compendium of what Baptists have historically believed through the centuries. is confession was consulted and provided a pattern and guide for the formulation of these doctrinal statements. As there are several versions and editions, we refer particularly to the edition in J. E. Cobb’s Church Manual third edition, published by the Baptist Publications Committee of Texarkana, TX.


PREAMBLE With a profound conviction of the Bible doctrines of church and ministerial equality, and with unbounded faith in God for leadership, protection, and blessing, and with unquestioning acceptance of the Word of God as our all-su cient rule of faith and practice, and with a strong desire for fellowship and cooperation with all Baptists who believe in the associational way of cooperation, we oer the following Statement of Principles of Cooperation.

ARTICLE I - NAME e name of this cooperative work is the Baptist Missionary Association of America.

ARTICLE II - PURPOSE e purpose of the Baptist Missionary Association of America, a distinct fellowship of Baptist churches, is to provide cooperating departments and agencies that will inspire a mission vision and assist each local church in carrying out the Great Commission, Matthew 28:19-20.

ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP Section 1. is association is composed of regular missionary Baptist churches which are in sympathy with its eorts in providing this medium of cooperation. By regular missionary Baptist churches is meant those churches which hold tenaciously to the doctrines of the New Testament, believe in the principles of cooperation, fellowship, or association as taught in the New Testament, and as dened in the Doctrinal Statement.

Section 2. Any church which knowingly and habitually practices or upholds heresies or other human innovations which are not in harmony with the Word of God, such as open communion, alien baptism, pulpit a liation with heretical churches, ecstatic speaking in tongues and other kindred evils arising from these unscriptural practices departs from the distinctive doctrines of this association and makes herself liable to exclusion from this association.

Section 3. e desire and willingness of any regular missionary Baptist church, as dened above, to cooperate will be expressed to the messenger body of this association in writing. e petitioning church will state that she has, in conference, duly adopted this Statement of Principles of Cooperation and the Doctrinal Statement of the Baptist Missionary Association of America, and is ready to work in harmony and in fellowship with all other churches of this association contingent upon a vote of the messengers.

Section 4. is association reserves the right to withdraw associational fellowship from any church which may be found to be out of harmony with this Statement of Principles of Cooperation and/or Doctrinal Statement. In the event a church within the membership of this body is challenged concerning her adherence to this Statement of Principles of Cooperation and/or Doctrinal Statement, a committee of three (3) shall be elected to investigate the charges and bring a report of their ndings at a subsequent session. Messengers of the challenged church shall remain seated until and if the challenge is proven and fellowship withdrawn.

17 16 Section 5. Each church in this association is entitled to three (3) messengers chosen from her own membership. e qualications of messengers are determined by the church electing them.

Section 6. In the event a church seeks membership in this body and a challenge is made concerning her being seated, the moderator shall appoint a committee of three (3) from the state in which the church challenged is located to investigate the charges against her. In the event there are no churches aliated with this association in the state in which the church is located, the committee may be appointed by the chair without regard to the states in which the members of the committee reside.

Section 7. Any church already seated challenging the seating of a church in this body must do so in writing, stating the grounds upon which the challenge is made, and the challenge must be signed by the challengers before an investigation is made or the seating of the church is denied.

ARTICLE IV - NATURE is association is, in its very nature, the cooperation and fellowship of the churches composing it. Each church has an equal voice in every enterprise sponsored by this association.

ARTICLE V - POLICY Section 1. is association recognizes that freedom of speech is essential to the highest achievement of its work. e association will stand or fall upon its own conformity to the truth. e association will in no way exercise ecclesiastical authority, but it will, by every precaution, recognize the autonomy and independence of each church. e association will encourage, on the part of the churches and the messengers, the greatest possible freedom of expression in discussing matters pertaining to its works, and it will stress the preeminence of missions, evangelism, Christian education, publications, and benevolence in the work of the churches.

Section 2. All questions are to be decided by a majority of the messengers present and voting, except the questions of amending the Statement of Principles of Cooperation, Doctrinal Statement, or as otherwise provided.

ARTICLE VI - POWERS e powers of this association are limited to the execution of the expressed will of the churches composing it according to the teachings of the New Testament. e association, in its annual sessions, will elect such ocers as are necessary for the expending of its deliberation and work, and will appoint such committees as are necessary, and transact any business as may be directed by the churches composing it.

ARTICLE VII - OFFICERS Section 1. e presiding ocers of this association are as follows: president, a rst vice-president and a second vice-president, elected annually to assume the duties of the respective oces at the conclusion of the annual session in which they were elected, whose terms of oce shall not exceed two (2) consecutive years.

18 1717 Section 2. e clerical ocers of this association are three (3) recording secretaries, elected on a staggered basis of three (3) years each. It is the duty of the recording secretaries to keep a true and accurate account of all proceedings of this association and to superintend the printing and distribution of minutes or annuals.

Section 3. Department and agency ocers are as follows: A. Department of Christian Education: e board of trustees of the Baptist Missionary Association eological Seminary shall, when necessary, elect a seminary president to supervise and promote the program of the institution. B. Department of Church Resources: Annually, this association shall elect an Executive Director of Church Resources to supervise and promote the Church Resources Department. C. Department of Lifeword Broadcast Ministries: Annually, this association shall elect an Executive Director of Lifeword Broadcast Ministries to supervise and promote the radio and television ministry of the association. D. Department of Missions: Annually, this association shall elect an Executive Director of Missions, who may recommend Directors of Operations to be approved by the Advisory Committee and the Association or Missionary Committee, who will work together in the promotion of missions and in the distribution, according to the will of the churches, of all funds submitted to them. E. Ministers Resource Services Agency: Annually, this association shall elect an Executive Director of Ministers Resource Services to supervise and promote the work of this agency in providing various benets for pastors and other employees of the churches. F. Moral Action Agency: Annually, this association shall elect an Executive Director of the Moral Action Agency to supervise and promote the work of the agency and to serve as treasurer, to receive and disburse funds as directed. G. BMAA Foundation: Annually, this association shall elect an Executive Director of the BMAA Foundation to supervise and promote the work of this agency.

Section 4. All ocers are elected by nomination and standing vote unless otherwise stated in this Statement of Principles of Cooperation. e election of presiding and clerical ocers shall be during the third business session of the annual messenger meeting. Ocers making annual reports shall be elected immediately aer their reports have been made to, and received by, the messenger body.

Section 5. Should a vacancy occur in any of the departmental or agency executive oces between annual sessions of the association, it shall be the duty of the applicable committee and/or board of trustees to ll said vacancy.

Section 6. All departmental and agency ocers shall make reports of their ministries to their respective committees or boards of trustees at regularly convened meetings. ese ocers will render reports to the association when convened in annual session.

ARTICLE VIII - COORDINATING COUNCIL Section 1. e Coordinating Council shall consist of seven (7) members: the three (3) presiding ocers, the immediate past-president and three (3) elected from the oor on a staggered basis for three (3)-year terms and may succeed themselves one (1)

19 1818 time. e immediate past-president shall serve as chairman. Four (4) members of the Coordinating Council shall constitute a quorum.

Section 2. e purpose of the council is to cast a unied vision and promote cooperation between the departments and/or agencies of the Baptist Missionary Association of America.

Section 3. e duties of the council: A. To review, at least annually, the specic mission of each department or agency in light of the purpose and policy of the association, in order to assure comprehensiveness and avoid duplications in ministry. B. To advise in the development of each department’s annual budget and fund- raising activities and make a report to the association. C. To recommend organizational changes in the departmental structure of the association. e council may recommend the establishment of additional departments, the elimination or consolidation of existing departments, or the transfer of responsibilities from one department to another. D. To report to the association annually.

Section 4. Duties of the Chairman: A. Call meetings as necessary to carry out the work of the council. B. Appoint a clerk to keep records of all proceedings.

ARTICLE IX - DEPARTMENT OF MISSIONS Section 1. Purpose Statement: In compliance with the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) our purpose is to evangelize, then baptize and disciple all converts. is being the New Testament method of missions, the focus of the Department of Missions is church planting. Following Christ’s example, we also engage in humanitarian and benevolent ministries.

Section 2. Missionary Committee: e Missionary Committee shall consist of one committeeman from each church. e committee shall have authority to act between sessions as an executive for the association in matters of missions.

Section 3. Advisory Committee: e Advisory Committee shall be a een member standing committee, three (3) of whom shall be elected annually to ve (5)-year terms. Eight (8) of this committee shall constitute a quorum. 1. e nature and duties of this committee are: a. To counsel with the Executive Director of Missions and the Directors of Operations in all matters pertaining to policy, operation and personnel and to report its recommendations to the Association. b. To consider processed missionary applications, to interview viable missionary candidates and to report to the Association or Missionary Committee those whom it recommends for election. c. To interview all Partnership Plan missionary applicants d. To periodically review the work of the missionaries, Executive Director of Missions and the Directors of Operations and to report its recommendations to the

20 19 Association. e. To evaluate the performance of the executive director and recommend annually to the association a compensation schedule based on tenure, merit, and cost of living increases for the executive director. 2. Missionaries may present matters to the Advisory Committee, a er consultation with the Executive Director of Missions and the appropriate Director of Operations. 3. In an emergency situation the Advisory Committee shall have the latitude to ll a vacancy on any mission eld, subject to the approval of the Association or Missionary Committee at the next meeting. 4. Organization a. Ocers i. Chairman ii. Assistant Chairman iii. Clerk iv. Assistant Clerk b. Sub-committees shall consist of three (3) members who are appointed by the chairman of the Advisory Committee. i. Promotion Committee shall work with the Executive Director and the appropriate Director of Operations in developing a sound acceptable approach to promoting missions among our churches. ii. Finance Committee shall work with the Executive Director and the appropriate Director of Operations in budget development and long-range planning. iii. Assessment Committee shall work with the Executive Director, the appropriate Director of Operations, the endorsing church, eld coordinators and/ or trainers in making assessments regarding all missionary applicants. iv. Field Committee shall work with the Executive Director and the appropriate Director of Operations to coordinate eld visits to all existing or proposed mission elds in order to encourage the missionary family and to analyze eld possibilities and needs. A er each visit, a written report will be provided to the Executive Director and the appropriate Director of Operations. Expenses for these visits will be paid by the participants. v. Counsel Committee shall work with the Executive Director and the appropriate Director of Operations in evaluating sta and the overall missions program. is committee should be available to provide counsel between sessions, as called upon by the Executive Director.

ARTICLE X - DEPARTMENT OF CHURCH RESOURCES Section 1. is association shall elect a Department of Church Resources Committee, which shall also serve as the corporation’s board of directors consisting of  een (15) members, eight (8) of whom shall constitute a quorum. e duties of the board of directors are: A. To act in its eld as an executive of the association between annual sessions, performing all duties entrusted to it by the association. B. To ll any vacancy between sessions that may occur in the Executive Director’s oce. C. To evaluate the performance of the executive director and recommend annually to the association a compensation schedule based on tenure, merit, and cost

21 2020 of living increases for the executive director.

Section 2. is department will provide resources to strengthen and encourage local church growth by: A. Providing a complete course of Sunday School and Christian Growth Ministry literature, and such other literature and publications as the association may deem advisable. B. Making consultants available to the local church for training. C. Developing and coordinating retreats, conferences, student ministries, and special events. D. Oering information services, including statistical data related to the association’s ministries.

ARTICLE XI - CHRISTIAN EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Section 1. is association shall elect a Christian Education Committee consisting of een (15) members, eight (8) of whom shall constitute a quorum, to act as a board of trustees for the Baptist Missionary Association eological Seminary.

Section 2. e duties of the board of trustees are: A. To act in its eld as an executive of the association, performing all duties that may be entrusted to it by the association. B. To promote the work of the Baptist Missionary Association eological Seminary. C. To make selection of the president, faculty and other members of the school sta in accordance with the instructions and purposes of the association. D. To evaluate the performance of the executive director and recommend annually to the association a compensation schedule based on tenure, merit, and cost of living increases for the executive director. E. To make whatever arrangements are necessary for the equipment and maintenance of the educational enterprise.

Section 3. e board of trustees is duly authorized to require each applicant for a position on the faculty to sign a statement that he/she is in agreement with the Statement of Principles of Cooperation and the Doctrinal Statement of this association before his/her election. Section 4. e board of trustees shall have charge of any and all properties acquired by the association for this department.

ARTICLE XII - LIFEWORD BROADCAST MINISTRIES DEPARTMENT Section 1. Governance: is association shall elect the Lifeword board of directors consisting of een (15) members, eight (8) of whom shall constitute a quorum. e duties of the board of directors are: A. To oversee the operation of this department between annual sessions of the association. B. To designate an interim director if a vacancy occurs in the oce of executive director between sessions and recommend a nominee for executive director in the annual session of the association. C. To report annually to the messenger body of this association.

22 2121 D. To evaluate the performance of the executive director and recommend annually to the association a compensation schedule based on tenure, merit, and cost of living increases for the executive director.

Section 2. Purpose: To use electronic media to extend the gospel outreach of local churches around the world and in their own communities. A. Priority will be given to people and language groups who have little or no authentic media witness with a view to preparing the way for missionary activity on the ground. B. Emphasis will be given to innovative formats designed to capture the attention of unsaved listeners and expose them to the gospel.

ARTICLE XIII - MINISTERS RESOURCE SERVICES AGENCY Section 1. is association shall elect a Ministers Resource Services board of trustees consisting of nine (9) members, ve (5) of whom shall constitute a quorum.

Section 2. e duties of the board of trustees are: A. To utilize sound business principles, establish and operate a retirement and protective program for the benet of ministers of the Gospel of the churches of the association, their widows and orphans and in like manner for the missionaries of such churches and for such laymen and laywomen of said denomination as shall be full- time salaried employees of such churches, the association or an activity of an aliated church or the association which is wholly owned or controlled by such churches or the association. B. To conduct the business and activities of the Ministers Benevolent Society as a part of the agency. C. To study, develop and institute such further programs and plans for the benet and welfare of those individuals referred to in paragraph “A” of this section, as may be deemed advisable from time to time. D. To employ such sta as necessary to conduct the activities of the agency. E. To evaluate the performance of the executive director and recommend annually to the association a compensation schedule based on tenure, merit, and cost of living increases for the executive director.

ARTICLE XIV - MORAL ACTION AGENCY Section 1. is association shall elect a Moral Action trustees board consisting of nine (9) members, ve (5) of whom shall constitute a quorum.

Section 2. e purpose of this agency is: A. To present Christ as Savior to all with whom it may come into contact. B. To be responsible for leading the churches of this association in the promotion of biblical morality in all areas of society and in opposition of evils of our time, such as: alcohol, drug abuse, pornography, sodomy, gambling, child abuse, abortion, and moral/political issues that endanger the human race, the church and the family. C. To be responsible for securing written or printed materials that present the biblical perspective on the issues mentioned in section 2B. D. To be responsible for an organized eort among the churches to present the

23 2222 biblical views on all that is found in section 2B. E. To be responsible and available to lead in study courses, clinics, and conferences to inform the churches of the above evils and how to deal with them biblically.

Section 3. e duties of the board of trustees are: A. To act in council with the director of this agency on all matters that concern Moral Action. B. To be representatives of this agency in their states. C. To be available to join the director and others in lobbying our state and national legislative bodies concerning the issues in section 2B. D. To carry out the wishes of the churches in all matters concerning this agency. E. To bring before the association recommendations they feel are in the best interests of this agency and the churches. F. To evaluate the performance of the executive director and recommend annually to the association a compensation schedule based on tenure, merit, and cost of living increases for the executive director.

ARTICLE XV - BMAA FOUNDATION Section 1. Purpose: e BMAA Foundation exists to endow participating departments and agencies of the Baptist Missionary Association of America with supplemental funding by investing gis to the Foundation and distributing the earnings annually. It is a repository for the endowment of funds invested to produce ongoing support for those ministries.

Section 2. Governance: is association shall elect a BMAA Foundation board of directors consisting of nine (9) members with one (1) board seat reserved for a representative, nominated by the executive director, of each of the BMAA departments/ agencies participating in the association’s estate planning program. Five (5) members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3. Board of Directors Duties: e duties of the board of directors are: A. To act in its eld as an executive of the association between annual sessions, performing all duties entrusted to it by the association. B. To utilize sound business principles in maintaining professional management of Foundation investments. C. To ll any vacancy between sessions that may occur in the oce of executive director. D. To evaluate the performance of the executive director and recommend annually to the association a compensation schedule based on tenure, merit, and cost of living increases for the executive director.

ARTICLE XVI - COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS/PRODUCTION Section 1. Committee shall consist of seven (7) members: President, 1st Vice-president, 2nd Vice-president, Director of Discipleguide Conference Division; three members of Committee on Arrangements.

Section 2. e duties of the committee are: A. Review facility recommendation from Committee on Arrangements.

24 2323 B. Plan the production of the national meeting (schedule, special guests, etc). C. Plan budget for national meeting, including the authorization of payments for the national meeting expenses from the Minute and Meeting Expense Fund. D. Promote the national meeting. E. To develop and maintain written requirements for acceptable meeting places and arrangements. F. Report their work to the association each year, including all invitations, and the committee recommendation as to the acceptable meeting place at least two (2) years in advance. G. A quorum for this committee shall be four (4).

Section 3. Committee on Arrangements shall serve as a sub-committee of the Committee on Arrangements/Production. A. is sub-committee shall consist of three (3) members elected to three (3)-year terms on a staggered basis, shall be elected annually by the association. B. To receive invitations for the annual meeting place at least six (6) months in advance of the meeting date in which the invitations are to be considered. C. To determine rst through correspondence and second through personal inspection by at least two (2) members of the sub-committee that the proposed sites meet the requirements for an acceptable meeting place. D. To be responsible for negotiating and signing all contracts for meeting site and facilities a er review, and approval, of Committee on Arrangements/Production. E. To determine exhibitors, allot display space, and assign committee meeting rooms.

ARTICLE XVII - STANDING COMMITTEES Section 1. e standing committees are: Arrangements, BMAA Foundation, Department of Christian Education, Department of Church Resources, Enrollment and Finance, Department of Lifeword Broadcast Ministries, Ministers Resource Services, Department of Missions Advisory, Moral Action Agency, Nominating, North American Revolving Loan Fund, and International Revolving Loan Fund.

Section 2. All standing committee members shall be elected on a staggered basis for ve (5)-year terms, three (3)-year terms for non-departmental committees, or as otherwise speci cally authorized, and may succeed themselves one time. No one may serve on more than one standing committee.

Section 3. No one who is an employee of the Baptist Missionary Association may serve on a committee under whose supervision he may come, except where legal status prohibits this rule.

ARTICLE XVIII - ENROLLMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Section 1. is association shall elect annually a chairman and assistant chairman who shall appoint an Enrollment and Finance Committee consisting of six (6) members, two (2) of whom shall constitute a quorum.


24 Section 2. e duties of the Enrollment and Finance Committee are: A. To enroll the messengers and visitors at all regular or called sessions of the association, and to receive such funds as may be tendered by the churches, and any other funds as directed by the presiding ocer of the association. B. To report to the body the number of messengers enrolled, and funds collected. e rst report will be given immediately aer the president announces the messengers are ready for permanent organization. A report shall be given at any time aer the committee is prepared, upon request of any presiding ocer or any messenger. A nal report shall be given near the close of the nal session of the association. C. e Enrollment and Finance Committee shall not enroll messengers while the association is in session.

Section 3. Any time the number of votes exceeds the number of messengers enrolled, the voting shall be suspended until the irregularity is checked and corrected.

Section 4. In the event any irregularity in voting cannot be corrected otherwise, a roll call of the churches shall be taken and the number of persons voting from each church shall be ascertained.

ARTICLE XIX - NOMINATING COMMITTEE Section 1. is association shall elect a Nominating Committee consisting of seven (7) members, four (4) of whom shall constitute a quorum. In annual session the association president and vice-presidents shall present nominees for the nominating committee, giving due consideration to representation from various regions of the association.

Section 2. e duties of the Nominating Committee are: A. To present to the association as nominees the names of persons to serve on all other standing committees (except the Missions Advisory Committee), boards of trustees, and any other committees, as directed by the association, as terms expire or as vacancies occur. B. To encourage the submission of the names of prospective members of committees and boards of trustees by the chief executive ocers of the departments and agencies as well as from the general constituency, including state and local associations. C. e Nominating Committee shall meet at least twice during the year. 1. e rst meeting shall be to collect and process names, including those suggested by the executive directors and the churches, and then to compile the lists of prospective nominees and send them to the directors of the appropriate departments or agencies for review. 2. Aer the department and agency directors have had a reasonable time to respond, the nominating committee shall meet the second time to nalize the list of nominees it will present at the next annual meeting. When the list is completed, the secretary of the nominating committee shall send a copy of the list to the recording secretaries for publication in the recommendations booklet.

ARTICLE XX - MEETINGS Section 1. e regular meeting of the messengers of the churches shall convene on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday following the third (3rd) Sunday of April, at such


25 place as the messengers may choose two (2) years in advance. e date and/or location of the meeting may be adjusted, if necessary, by vote of the messengers at least one (1) year in advance.

Section 2. ere will be six (6) sessions of the association. e initial session will convene Monday evening at 7:00 and is to be a worship service planned by the presiding ocers. Included in this session will be the president’s message and introduction of the theme. e second session will begin on Tuesday aernoon at 3:00. e third session will begin at 7:00 Tuesday evening and will include a worship service with the annual message. Business may be conducted at the discretion of the president. e fourth session will begin Wednesday morning at 8:30, and the h session will start Wednesday at 2:00 p.m.. e sixth session will start Wednesday evening and will include the Missions Department report.

Section 3. All departments and committees in Article VII, Section 3, except the Department of Missions, shall report annually to the association on a rotating basis with a thirty (30)-minute time limit for each report and no time limit for discussion of said report.

Section 4. e presiding ocers, the Baptist Music Fellowship president, and the Host Committee shall be responsible for the schedule of all related committee and auxiliary meetings, within the framework of Section 2 above, taking into consideration the wishes and requests of the various groups which require time and space for their meetings. Section 5. e presiding ocers may call a special session in case of an emergency.

ARTICLE XXI - FUNDS AND PROPERTIES Section 1. All funds of this association will be raised by voluntary contributions secured solely upon the merits of the cause for which appeals may be made. Such funds as may be derived from income from any property that may be acquired by purchase or donation, or any gi that may be made to the association, will be disbursed by vote of the association or its designated committee.

Section 2. Distribution of funds will be authorized by an act of this association, or by the act of properly authorized committees of the association. In no event will the association, or any of its committees, use funds in violation of the expressed will of the donors.

Section 3. All funds of this association will pass through the hands of the treasurer to which such funds belong. is includes money, deeds, or whatsoever may be entrusted to any committee.

Section 4. It will be the duty of the directors to receive and disburse all funds of this association according to the will of the association. ey will furnish bonds sucient for the due protection of the association, the expense of such bonds to be paid by the association. e directors will make true and full reports of all matters pertaining to their oces, and their reports are to be approved by certied auditors.

27 26 ARTICLE XXII - AMENDMENTS Section 1. Amendments to the Statement of Principles of Cooperation. A. Proposed amendments to this Statement of Principles of Cooperation must be submitted in writing to the clerks of the association no later than February 1 prior to the annual meeting. It shall be the responsibility of the clerks to provide a copy of each proposed amendment to the Publications Division of the Department of Church Resources no later than February 15 to be printed in the Recommendations Booklet to be mailed to the churches. Any additional expenses involved in printing the Recommendations Booklet shall be paid from the Minute and Meeting Expense Fund. B. Any proposed amendment may be presented in any annual business session and thoroughly discussed in that session. At a subsequent business session the vote will be taken without further discussion. Any change requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority of messengers present and voting. C. In the event a proposed amendment to this Statement of Principles of Cooperation is referred to the churches, and the churches send their vote either by letter or messenger, and a majority of the churches thus reporting express their desire for the amendment, the amendment shall pass. No particular form will be required.

Section 2. Amendments to the Doctrinal Statement. A. Proposed amendments to the Doctrinal Statement must be submitted by a cooperating church to the clerks of the association no later than February 1 prior to the annual meeting. It shall be the responsibility of the clerks to provide a copy of each proposed amendment to the Publications Department no later than February 15 to be printed in the Recommendations Booklet to be mailed to the churches. Any additional expense involved in printing the Recommendations Booklet shall be paid from the Minute and Meeting Expense Fund. B. A proposed amendment shall be presented and discussed in one annual meeting and voted on in the following annual meeting during its initial business session. Discussion will be permitted immediately before the vote is taken. Any change requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority of messengers present and voting. C. In the event a proposed change to the Doctrinal Statement is referred to the churches, and the churches send their vote either by letter or messenger, and a majority of the churches thus reporting express their desire for the amendment, the amendment shall pass. No particular form will be required.


27 Baptist Missionary Association of America

Department Trustees and Committees

Committee on Arrangements DiscipleGuide Church Resources Enrollment & Finance Committee Lifeword Media Ministries Ministers Resource Services Moral Action Missionary Advisory Committee Nominating Committee BMA Theological Seminary Coordinating Council BMA Foundation Missionary Committee

28 Committee On Arrangements Lifeword Media Ministries Term Ending 2019 Donny Parrish, Executive Director Jerome Cooper, AR P.O. Box 6 Conway, AR 75032 Term Ending 2020 501-329-6891 Bill Thornton, AR Term Ending 2019 Term Ending 2021 Winston Foster, AR Daniel Williams, AR Tommy Wallace, AR Donald Williams, AR DiscipleGuide Church Resources P.O. Box 1749 Term Ending 2020 Conway, AR 72033 Rodney Burns, LA 800-333-1442 Ross Burgess, AR Richard White Term Ending 2019 Zach Bowen, OK Term Ending 2021 Matt Johnson, MO Brad Wieneke, MO Lance Webb, LA Jeremy Riddle, AR Bryan Atwood Term Ending 2020 Kristen Riddle, AR Term Ending 2022 Tracy McMillen, MS Harold Barnard Charles Johnson Dr. David Martin, AR Steve Neal Term Ending 2021 Randy Crudgington, TX Term Ending 2023 Aaron Middleton, AR Sancy Faulk, AR Mike Green, Dwayne Orr, TX Darrell Spigner, AR Term Ending 2022 Keith Head, AR Ministers Resource Services Jessilyn Spence, AR Dr. Steve Crawley, Executive Director Travis Weaver P.O. Box 995 Conway, AR 72033 Term Ending 2023 844-262-8637 Clayton Edgar, OK Michael Treat, AR Term Ending 2019 Dustin Wisely, AR Kenneth Lott, MS Eddie Ballard, TX Enrollment & Finance Committee Grant Barnett, AR Term Ending 2020 Wes Hulvey, AR Dennis Clark, OK Dwayne Ashcraft, AR

29 Term Ending 2021 Richard Smith, TX David Pickard, TX Jeff Swart, KS Randy Shepherd, AR Term Ending 2022 Ron Ledford, LA Term Ending 2021 Jason Aultman, AR Ray Holland, LA Paul Mooney, KS Clif Johnson, AR Term Ending 2023 Charlie Legg, MS Term Ending 2022 Ed Ridge, TX Adam Thomas, AR Jason Goodwin, AR Moral Action Gary Lambright, AR Dr. John M. Adams, Executive Director P.O. Box 305 Term Ending 2023 Mantachie, MS 38855 Gary Longstaff Tony Crocker, AR Term Ending 2019 James Schoenrock, TX Sidney Davis, MS Randy Burk, CA International Revolving Loan Fund Committee Term Ending 2020 David Inzer, AR Dr. John David Smith Vernon Lee, TX Term Ending 2019 Term Ending 2021 Richard Payne, OK Cory McCaig, KY Term Ending 2020 Term Ending 2022 James Sprayberry, MS Dr. Kevin Clayton, MS George Reddin, AR Term Ending 2021 Sam Bradley, TX Term Ending 2023 Linda Dertinger, MS North American Revolving Loan Fund John Smith, CO Committee

Missionary Advisory Committee Dr. John David Smith — Larry Barker Dr. John David Smith, Executive Director P.O. Box 878 Term Ending 2019 Conway, AR 72033 Jeff Russell, AR 501-455-4977 Term Ending 2020 Term Ending 2019 Chris Driver Justin Rhodes, MS Gary O’Neal, AR Term Ending 2021 Preston Burton Paul Bearfield, Jr., AR David McMurray, NJ Term Ending 2020

30 Nominating Committee Justin Rhodes, MS (2nd Vice President) Term Ending 2019 Fred Vogel, KS Term Ending 2019 Mike McEuen, AR Jeff Richards, AR

Term Ending 2020 Term Ending 2020 Jordan Tew Randy Lingenfelter, AR Tom Lewis Term Ending 2021 Term Ending 2021 Ken Riley, MS Jeff Dixon, MS Rob Hager, IL BMA Foundation BMA Seminary Charles Attebery, Executive Director Dr. Charley Holmes, President P.O. Box 1188 P.O. Box 670 Conway, AR 72033 Jacksonville, TX 75766 501-329-6891 903-586-2501 Term Ending 2019 Term Ending 2019 Van Widger, MO Don Brown, MS Gary Murph, TX Term Ending 2020 Jamie Haguewood, MO Terry Milam, AR Pat McCown, TX Term Ending 2020 Ted Quinby, MS Term Ending 2021 Terry Bolton, TX Jonathan Baird, AR Dennis Knight, MS Craig Cloud, AR

Term Ending 2021 Term Ending 2022 Randy Veach, AR Greg Matthews Reggie Blake, TX Brian Gunnels Marvin Delk, AR Term Ending 2023 Term Ending 2022 Robert L. Welborn, MS Jake Vandenburg, AR Steve Martin, AR Sam Bradley Brent Summerhill, AR

Term Ending 2023 Dennis Baker, MO Elaine Beal, TX Tom Mitchell, AR

Coordinating Council Paul White, AR (Immediate Past President) Jeff Swart, KS (President) Mark Livingston, TX (1st Vice President)

31 Missionary Committee Members (Church Elected)

Adams, John M. P.O. Box 277, Mantachie, MS 38855 Adams, Je , 502 W. Vernon St., Nevada, MO 64772 Adams, Jerry, 2008 Indiana, Sikeston, MO 63801 Aho, Dennis, 5861 State Rd., Ft. Gratiot, MI 48059 Ainley, Jim, 10536 Westview Road, Potosi, MO 63664 Akers, Roger, 600 11th Ave. N., Amory, MS 38821 Albert, Fred, 7817 Park Dr., Russells Point, OH, 43348 Allcorn, Robert, 25906 Pepper Ridge, Spring , TX 77373 Allen, Wade, 1705 Berkley Ave., Rogers, AR 72758 Allen, Jack, 4150 Stefani Rd., Cantonment, FL 32533 Almand, Dale, 159 Nevada 401, Prescott, AR 71857 Anderson, Kenneth, P.O. Box 74, Gurdon, AR 7l743 Anderson, Eugene, 38 Anderson Rd., Perkinston, MS 39573 Anderson, Anthony R., 10898 Hwy 271 N., Gilmer, TX 75644 Ashcra, Dwayne, 590 Briant Rd., New Edinburg, AR 71660 Atwood, Bryan, 22407 Clark Lane, Gulfport, MS 39503 Aultman, Jason, 150 Amity Road, Conway, AR 72032 Autrey, Josh, 751 Oak Grove Rd., Mantachie, MS 38855 Ayres, John, 653 Mount Union Rd., El Dorado, AR 7l730 Ayres, omas, 203 W. Sarah Ave., Longview, TX 75604 Bain, Joseph, 7 Anderson Rd., Basseld, MS 39042 Bain, Dewitt, P.O. Box 512, Mt. Olive, MS 39119 Baker, Randy, 6305 Mayeld Drive, Pine Blu , AR 71603 Baker, Winfred, P.O. Box 1454, Covington, LA 70434 Baker, Dennis, 5146 Darkmoor Ln., Imperial, MO 63052 Ballard, Mark, 917 E. Calvin, Garland, TX 75041 Ballard, Eddie, 228 Bear TraIL Waxahachie, TX 75165 Bankston, Patricia, P.O. Box 1913, Livingston, TX 77351 Barbaree, Eric, 104 County Rd 54, Hope, AR 71801 Barber, Jamie, 30 Maple Springs Road, Rosie, AR 72571 Barnett, Grant, 3027 Hopewell Road, El Dorado, AR 71730 Bass, Robert E., 1491 Grant 18 lot #1, Grapevine, AR 72057 Bass, Je , 231 Fig Farm Rd., Lucedale, MS 39452 Batteneld, Michael, 163 Maxwell St., Clinton, AR 72031 Baucom, Herschel, 9720 Hwy 198 S., Mabank , TX 75147 Beareld, Paul, 768 Hwy 258, Bald Knob, AR 72010 Beasley, Ronald, 8141 Jo re Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32210 Beason, Charles, 31121 Balsa, Barstow, CA 92311 Bedingeld, omas, 1520 Woodcrest, Mesquite, TX 75149 Beirne, David, 421 S. Mill St. #186, Lewisville, TX 75057

32 Bennett, Stan, 65 Ten Mile Church Rd., Perkinston, MS 39573 Betts, Don H., 83 Greystone Dr., Greenbrier, AR 72058 Betts, Wayne, P.O. Box 38l, Cassville, MO 65625 Black, Dee, 12666 FM 395, Normangee, TX 77871 Blagg, Johnny, 3668 Hwy 69, Lake City, AR 72437 Blake, Reggie, 1301 Dendron Dr., Hewitt, TX 76643 Blankship, Roger, 1750 Hwy 349, Jonesboro, AR 72404 Blaylock, James C., 1105 Robs Rd., Jacksonville, TX 75766 Bolin, Rick, P.O. Box 283, Kingsland, AR 71652 Bolton, Terry, 123 Charles St., Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 Booker, Harriell, 16417 E. 34th St., Independence, MO 64055 Boone, Ray, 28 Jojo Lane, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 Bowen, Kevin, 9601 Honeysuckle Rd., Oklahoma City, OK 73159 Bowen, Michael, 1616 N. Bolton, Jacksonville, TX 75766 Bowman, Ray, 103 Mill Creek Dr., Greenbrier, AR 72058 Bradford, Bartt, 1420 Walker Drive, Atoka, OK 74525 Brake eld, Roy, 445 Hwy M, Park Hills, MO 63601 Brashear, Roy, 310 Myrtle Ave, Waxahachie, TX 75165 Breland, Keith, 2402 Hwy 29, Brooklyn, MS 39425 Brewer, Gary, 717 Pennington, Lowell, AR 72745 Bridges, Gerald, 1701 Duck Creek, Sanger, TX 76266 Britt, Richard, 1703 Monzingo, Magnolia, AR 71753 Brooks, Bobby, 1521 Hwy V, Harviell, MO 63945 Brown, Doug, 2304 W. Granite, Siloam Springs, AR 72761 Brown, Jim H., 2608 Shamrock, Magnolia, AR 71753 Brown, Donald, 175 Movella Church Rd., Lucedale, MS 39452 Brown, Nathan, 14170 Hwy 98, Lucedale, MS 39452 Brown, John E., 1004 Homan St., Leadwood, MO 63653 Brown, Jerry, 2305 Lesley, Mesquite, TX 75149 Brown, Robert Keith, 11476 Hollyridge, Tyler, TX 75703 Bumgardner, Nick, 434 Freidman, McGehee, AR 71654 Burdett, Charles, Rt. 4 Box 440, Lamesa, TX 79331 Burgess, Cecil 181 Hwy 285 N., Greenbrier, AR 72058 Burk, Randy, 14892 Pendleton St., Hesperia, CA 92345 Burke, Don, 704 Valley Rd., Potosi, MO 63664 Burleson, John, 43 Acklin Gap Rd., Conway, AR 72032 Burnett, Mitchell, 8033 Bell Road, Knoxville, TN, 37938 Burress, Jerry, 6973 W US Hwy 278, Hampton, AR 71744 Byers, Larry, 3918 Hwy 29 S., Hope, AR 71801 Calahan, Roy, 501 Clark, Potosi, MO 63664 Caldwell, Robbie, 11824 FM 724, Tyler, TX 75704 Calhoun, Charles, 103 Jamerson Rd, Longview, TX 75604 Callaway, Leland, 37 Chinquepin Dr., Magnolia, AR 71753 3333 Cameron, Justin, 98 Midway Church Rd, Leaksville, MS 39451 Camp, Coy, 815 Delmar, Blytheville, AR 72315 Cantrell, Mike, 401 W. Martin, N. Little Rock, AR 72117 Cantwell, Marty, P.O. Box 1169, Wynne, AR 72396 Carmical, Leon, 70 Jarrod Road, Ellisville, MS 39437 Carpenter, Mike, 906 W. Cholla Dr., Sa ord, AZ, 85546 Carroll, Jim, 14691 Horse Ave, Wayne, OK 73095 Casey, Jimmie, P.O. Box 2511, Forrest City, AR 72336 Casey, Edward, Route 71 Box 1444, Alton, MO 65606 Cashion, Lloyd, 1242 FM 2560, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 Cassady, David, 679 Hwy 355 N, Nashville, AR 7l852 Cate, Ernie, 392 W. Harbin Ave, Puxico, MO 63960 th Cater, Herbert, 19347 78 Road, Live Oak, FL 32060 Cates, David, 1821 N. 68th Dr., Phoenix, AZ, 85035 Cates, Roy, 1144 Red Oak LN, Corsicana, TX 75110 Chain, Craig, 18282 Farrah Road, Bastrop, LA 71220 Chamberlain, Donny, 1839 Lime Tree Rd, Gilmer, TX 75644 Chancery, William H., 61 Hwy 164, McDavid, FL 32568 Chandler, Don, 3515 Bay Berry Rd., Conway, AR 72034 Chapman, Timothy R., 303 Hackamore Lane, Fremont, CA 94538 Chapman, Mitch, 1709 Charlottesville, Ennis, TX 75119 Chesney, Conley, P.O. Box 226, Colcord, OK 74346 Clack, Marvin W. , 3001 Emmons Cir., Streetman, TX 75859 Clark, Steven, 420 Walnut Grove, Pearl, MS 39208 Clark, Dennis, 7l4 W. Main, Purcell, OK 73080 Clements, Jerry, 3132 Hwy 115, Imboden, AR 72434 Cole, Gib, Box 16, Cleveland, AR 72030 Cole, Roger, 609 CR 405, Carthage, TX 75633 Collom, Travis, 206 31st., Snyder, TX 79549 Colvin, Mike, 751 NCR 49, Manila, AR 72442 Colwell, Jackson, 4561 Dead Man Rd., Huntington, TX 75949 Comer, Jr., Jack, P.O. Box 184, Bridge City, TX 77611 Conrad, Robert A., 130 Hoxie Rd., Vicksburg, MS 39180 Cook, Jack, 1117 Judy St., Fort Worth, TX 76108 Cooper, Mike, 450 E. Hwy 8, Steelville, MO 65565 Cooper, Dean, 816 N. Irvington, Tulsa, OK 74115 Cooper, Jake, 1714 Tahiti Ln, Memphis, TN, 38117 Cooper, Bertram, P.O. Box 416, Lone Oak, TX 75453 Copeland, Gary, 888 Tram Cut O , Malvern, AR 72104 Cosby, Harold, 138 S. Lincoln Blvd., Battle Creek, MI 49015 Costlow, Mac A., 624 S. Walker St., Mesquite, TX 75149 Cox, Jarrod, 84 CR 106A, Corinth, MS 38834 Craig, Gene, 120 Roberts Lane, Bald Knob, AR 72010

3434 Craigmiles, Shawn, 1808 N. Peoria Ave., Peoria, IL 61603 Crank, Shane, 321 N. Je erson, Magnolia, AR 71753 Crank, Edwin, P.O. Box 1845, Jacksonville, TX 75766 Crawford, Carey, 13565 Webb Chapel Rd., Dallas, TX 75234 Crawford, Don, 216 Ames, Ferguson, MO 63135 Crawford, Gary, P.O. Box 1271, Harrison, AR 72602 Crews, James, 3530 S.E. 151st Ave., Portland, OR 97236 Crocker, Tony, P.O. Box 221, Greenbrier, AR 72058 Cross, Mike, 831 Daniels St, Healdton, OK 73438 Crump, Bill, 619 N.W. Ave. J, Hamlin, TX 79520 Cryer, Danny, Rt. 3 Box 294, Diboll, TX 75941 Cunningham, Rustin, 500 A Fairway Circle, Springdale, AR 72764 Dabney, Ronnie, 612 College, Italy, TX 76651 Dane, Jr., Alan, 531 S. Spruce, Bonne Terre, MO 6368 Daniell, Michael, 8414 Lazy Lane, Spring, TX 77389 Daughhetee, Ron, 2303 Township Line Rd., Poplar Blu , MO 63901 Davis, Alan, 3213 Hwy 71 N, Lockesburg, AR 71846 Davis, Lloyd, 19124 N E 22 Lane, Hawthorne, FL 32640 DeRuyscher, Donald, 57701 Ryan St., Mattawan, MI 49071 Devries, Edward, 2158 S Moseley, Wichita, KS 67211 Dial, Lincoln, 2719 3rd Street, LaVerne, CA 91750 Didier, Alfredo L., P.O. Box 372515, Cayey, PR 737 Dillon, Buddy, 925 Tenaha, Center, TX 75935 Dotson, Billy, 120 VZCR 3105, Canton, TX 75117 Dougherty, James, P.O. Box 9331, Greenville, TX 75404 Dover, Johnny, 1789 Peacock Rd., St. Clair, MO 63077 Dowd, Jim, RR 1, Box 97, Brosley, MO 63932 Downey, Jack, 514 Downey, Lancaster, TX 75134 Draney, Chris, 1608 Holly Way, Lansing, MI 48910 Dugger, Pete, 1393 Mora Road, Gilmer, TX 75644 Dulaney, Bill, 136 Hempstead 52, Hope, AR 71801 Dunn, Phillip, 2117 East 35th Street, Texarkana, AR 71854 Dunn, Ron, 119 Cayuga Dr., Athens, TX 75751 Dunsworth, Kenneth, 609 S. Ave. E, Portales, NM, 88130 Duvall, Edward, 8 Rose Lane, Cleveland, MS 38732 Eakin, Allan, 2415 Spring Creek Dr., Benton, AR 72015 Easley, Karry, 30 Lafayette 301, Stamps, AR 71860 Easterling, Robert , 12645 U. S. 259, Nacogdoches, TX 75965 Edmondson, Mike, 370 Angela Lane, Henderson, TX 75654 Edwards, Kevin, 6631 Hwy 19 South, Magnolia, AR 71753 Edwards, Larry, 136 Green Rd. 435, Marmaduke, AR 63901 Edwards, Sr, Larry, 156 Greene Rd 435, Marmaduke, AR 72443 Ellington, Rick, 227 CR 2426, Mineola, TX 75773 35 Enloe, Alva, 222 Sewell St., Sullivan, MO 63080 Erickson, David, 701 Erickson Dr., Rolla, MO 65401 Eubanks, eron, 902 E. Hickory, Muleshoe, TX 79347 Evans, Myles, 121 CR 660, Lake City, AR 72437 Evans, Claude, 14194 State Hwy P, Potosi, MO 63664 Everitt, Clinton, 3607 Oak Hill, Bryan, TX 77802 Exum, Byan, 7301 Tory Lane, Paragould, AR 72450 Fagala, Danny, 16 Greystone Drive, Greenbrier, AR 72058 Fagala, Sr., Dan, 14 Hillswick Dr., Bella Vista, AR 72715 Fenton, Donnie, 108 W. Redbud, Gilmer, TX 75644 Fish, Dale E., P.O. Box 66, Emerson, AR 71740 Fish, Dale G., HC 02 Box 379, Zalma, MO 63787 Fisher, Jim, 16884 State Highway 9, Norman , OK 73072 Fitzgerald, Jonathan, Porter, TX 77365 Flynn, Christopher, 11440 Magnolia Estate Ln, Gulfport, MS 39503 Flynt, Kenneth, 807 Soso Big Creek Rd, Soso, MS 39443 Ford, Jim, P.O. Box 436, Columbia, MO 65205 Foreman, Lester, P.O. Box 1405, Jacksonville, TX 75766 Forrest, Gary, 3532 FM 2109, Huntington, TX 75949 Foster, Jr., omas, 11940 State Route 154, Sparta, IL 62286 Foster, Sr., omas, 2498 Silver Run Road, Poplarville, MS 39470 Frachiseur, George, 897 Frachiseur Rd, Grannis, AR 71944 Franklin, Jeremy, 6315 Branch Hollow Ln., Arlington, TX 76001 Fulmer, John, P.O. Box 370, Rison, AR 71665 Fulton, Jerry, P.O. Box 2085, Waxahachie, TX 75165 Furby, Eddie, P.O. Box 2277, Bay St. Louis, MS 39521 Ganey, Curtis, 2966 Oak Creek Lane, Jacksonville, FL 3222l Garlington, Boyce, 720 Rowell Rd. West, Rison, AR 71665 Garner, Lane, 202 Church Rd. Hope, AR 71858 Gathright Jr., Dale, P.O. Box 156, Saratoga, AR 71859 Gibson, Larry, 3451 Hwy 163 S., Jonesboro, AR 72404 Gibson, Wayne N., 4000 Oakwood Court, Valles Mine, MO 63087 Gipson, Gary, 2492 Hwy 349, Jonesboro, AR 72404 Givens, Gerald, 17 DeKalb O’Neal Road, Perkinston, MS 39573 Glosup, Steve, 299 VZCR 2703, Mabank, TX 75147 Goble, Eric, 3711 Hwy 79 S., Emerson, AR 71740 Gonthier, Chris, 2393 Rocky Branch Road, Sumrall, MS 39482 Gosnell, James, 1388 Denies, Burton, MI 48509 Granberry, James, 2050 CR 430, Tenaha, TX 75974 Grantham, Matt, 409 West Main, Bradford, AR 72020 Gray, Jackie, 500 Loden Rd., Fulton, MS 38843 Grin, Jim, 5882 Holly Grove, Livingston, TX 77351 Griggs, David, 405 Homeister Ave., St. Louis, MO 63l25 36 Grubb, David, HC 1 Box 156, Van Buren, MO 63965 Guin, Mike, 1008 S. 26th St., Rogers, AR 72758 Gulley, W.H., 740 Guinn Rd, Zavalla, TX 75980 Gullick, Lee, 187 Tidwell Road, West Monroe, LA 71292 Gunnels, Robert, P.O. Box 134, Piggott, AR 72454 Haden, Lavon, 219 Maple St., Columbus, MS 39702 Hager, Jr., Robert, 5313 US Rt. 34, Oswego, IL 60543 Hale, Marvin, P.O. Box 415, Santa Anna, TX 76834 Hamblin, F. J., 537 Butler Blvd, Eureaka Springs, AR 72631 Hamilton, Roger, 2107 Windsor Street, Pekin, IL 61554 Hancock, Michael, 484 CR 292, Jasper, TX 75951 Hankins, Gene, 366 Shady Grove Rd, McAlester, OK 74501 Hanson, omas, 1491 Frye Road, Starkville, MS 39759 Hardesty, Brad, 645 CR 724, Wynne, AR 72396 Harper, Tim, 3914 Hwy East, Mena, AR 71953 Harper, Micheal, 16424 FM 2964, Whitehouse, TX 75791 Harris, Brad, P.O. Box 424, Prairie Grove, AR 72753 Harris, Joseph, 476 Hoy Rd., Laurel, MS 39443 Harris, Dean, 1809 Ave. M, Lubbock, TX 79401 Harvison, Sonny, 101 E Clion St. Morrilton, AR 72110 Hastings, Billy , P.O. Box 212, Hermitage, AR 71647 Hawkins, Andy, 648 Lafayette, Buckner, AR 71827 Haynes, Larry, 38 Fieldcrest Circle, Cabot, AR 72023 Hazell, C. E., P. O. Box 448, Malako, TX 75148 Heard, Larry, 26315 CR 3540, Ro, OK 74865 Hearst, Michael, 1032 LoMo Dr., Jeerson City, MO 65109 Hellwig, David, 1117 Moore St., Jacksonville, TX 75766 Henbest, Larry, 15795 State Hwy 37, Cassville, MO 65625 Henderson, Gary, P.O. Box 19066, Jonesboro, AR 72403 Hendley, C. Bob, 6954 Fisher Rd., Dallas, TX 75214 Hendren, Laney, P.O. Box 1536, Gentry, AR 72734 Hendricks, David, 2260 CR 1630, Quitman, TX 75783 Henry, Jimmy, 344 Hickory Creek Dr., Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 Heuermann, Paul, 736 FM 80 S., Teague, TX 75860 Hickey, Dallas, 39 Sycamore Rd., Caarriere, MS 39426 Hickman, Walter, 9145 Dauphin Island PKWY, eodore, Al, 36582 Hilburn, Donald, 1142 Eubanks, Lucedale, MS 39452 Hill, Roy, 89 Hill Farm Rd., Conway, AR 72032 Homan, Johnnie, 3 Mitchell Circle, Greenbrier, AR 72058 Holcombe, Terry, 7615 S. “A” St., Tacoma, WA, 98408 Holield, Vern D., 658 Joe Perrett Rd., Laurel, MS 39443 Holland, Derrell, 181 Peanut Wells Rd., Sterlington, LA 71280 Holland, Ray, 3609 Eastbrook, Natchez, MS 39120 37 37 Holloway, Adam, 435 Squires Rd., Spearsville, LA 71277 Hood, Bill, P.O. Box 724, Robert Lee, TX 76945 Houge, Tim, 1283 Tucker Store Rd, Spearsville, LA 71277 Hover, Tom, 363 E. Ralston, Farmington, AR 72730 Howell, Lonnie, 158 Llanview, Lucedale, MS 39452 Huddleston, J.C., 603 Nicholson, Potosi, MO 63664 Hudson, Matt, 1530 Loden Rd., Fulton, MS 38843 Hudson, B.J., 50 Summer St. CB 13, Lucedale, MS 39452 Huggmaster, Billy, 195 Dillon Drive, Cabot, AR 72023 Hughes, J.E., P.O. Box 90, Caldwell, AR 72322 Hughes, Buck, 14969 Old Hammond Hwy, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 Hughes, Richard, 9030 Hwy 34, Hammon, OK 73650 Hulvey, Wes, 904 S. 13th Street, Rogers, AR 72758 Idleman, Charles, P.O. Box 76, Sullivan, MO 63080 Inzer, David, 1816 Strait Place, Stuttgart, AR 72160 Ippolito, Tony, 182650 Oak Rd, Ft. Meyers, FL 33912 Ivey, Don, 325 Kimberly, Mesquite, TX 75149 Jacks , Joe, 126 Mockingbird, OsceoLA AR 72370 Jackson, Bobby, 413 Atkins Apt. 13, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 Jackson, Charles F., P.O. Box 549, DeWitt, AR 72042 Jackson, Rick, 7726 Uvalde Rd., Houston, TX 77049 Jameson, Martin, 27 Valmont, Greenbrier, AR 72058 Jenkins, Cli , 405 CR 79, Stringer, MS 39481 Jimmerson, David, 412 Lorena St., Jacksonville, TX 75766 Johnson, Art, 9 NW Wright Pkwy, Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548 Johnson, Buddy, 1000 Butcher Rd., Waxahachie, TX 75165 Johnson, Charles, 1044 S. Mimosa Rd., Gilmer, TX 75644 Johnson, Clif, 4111 E. 17th, Hope, AR 71801 Johnson, David, 14 Huntington Dr., Greenbrier, AR 72058 Johnson, Kelby, 1400 Greenwood Church Rd, Fulton, MS 38843 Johnson, Matt, 601 Perry Dr., Dexter, MO 63841 Johnson, Mike, 5 CR 518, Rienzi, MS 38865 Johnson, Perry, 623 E. 3rd St. S., Prescott, AR 71857 Johnson, Ricky, 548 Hwy 365, Booneville, MS 38829 Johnson, Ronnie, 185 CR 1422, Jacksonville, TX 75766 Johnstone, Johnny, 105 Ozark, El Dorado, AR 71730 Jones, Alton, 3510 Muldoon Rd., PensacoLA FL 32526 Jones, Colbey, 1067 CR 19, Stringer, MS 39481 Jones, Collin, 17430 FM 14, Tyler, TX 75706 Jones, Deryl, 862 Chalybeate Springs Rd., Plain Dealing, LA 71064 Jones, Eldon, 105 Stone St., Silsbee, TX 77656 Jones, Greg, 8751 Hwy 363, Mantachie, MS 38855 Jones, Jimmy D., 7380 CR 333, Jonesboro, AR 72401 38 Jones, Mark, 2024 Jacob Ln., Farmington, MO 60640 Jones, Norman G., 239 W. N. Loop Rd., San Antonio, TX 78216 Kearby, Craig, 205 FM 1643, Winnsboro, TX 75494 Keith, Rob, 8026 CR 258, Royce City, TX 75189 Kerr, Carl, 9 Harmonic Dr., Union, MO 63084 Kile, Bobby, 1020 RS County Rd 3235, Emory, TX 75440 King, Wynndel, 109 CR 418, Jonesboro, AR 72404 Kingston, Ben, 569 Bethel Church Road, Lonedell, MO 63060 Kizer, David, 2230 CR 1330, Pittsburg, TX 75686 Knight, Dennis, 2978 Hwy 15, Wiggins, MS 39577 Krisell, Ralph, 4467 Stevenson Blvd., Fremont, CA 94538 Lambright, Gary, 22208 Interstate 30, Bryant, AR 72022 Langley, Jeremy, 702 Carter St,, Fordyce, AR 71742 Langley, David, 211 West 18th St., Owasso , OK 74055 Lassiter, J.C., 218 Molly Lane, Mineola, TX 75773 Lawrence, Gary L., 6247 Summerhill Rd. Unit B, Abilene, TX 79601 Lazarine, Dock L., 299 CR 133, Gary, TX 75643 Lee, Derl, 916 Pinkerton St., Tyler, TX 75701 Lee, H.D., 6616 N.W. Pontiac, Kansas City, MO 64151 Lee, J. Earlon, 2113 FM 857, Grand Saline, TX 75140 Lee, Paul, 24090 Rd. 269, Picayune, MS 39466 Lee, Rico, 11160 Caesar-Necaise Rd., Picayune, MS 39466 Lee, Robert F., P.O. Box 179, San Augustine, TX 75972 Lee, Vernon, 210 Phillip St., Jacksonville, TX 75766 Lemons, Rick, P.O. Box 126, Forney, TX 75126 Leslie, Charles, 222 Little Flock Dr., Rogers, AR 72756 Lewis, Tom, 410 South Osage, Girard, KS, 66743 Lewis, Jr., L.R., P.O. Box 498, Violet, LA 70092 Lindsey, Fulton, 2920 Hopewell Keys Rd, Fulton, MS 38843 Lindsey, Dwight, 233 Lone Oak Rd, West Point, MS 39773 Linebarger, Rick, 1759 US Highway 59 S, Carthage, TX 75633 Lingelbach, Clyde, 436 S. Drury, Kansas City, MO 64123 Lingenfelter, Randy, 11223 Hwy 62 W., Imboden, AR 72434 Livingston, Mark, P.O. Box 3043, Lu in, TX 75903 Loden, Tim, 1256 Winwood Cove, Tupelo, MS 38801 Longsta, Gary, 729 W. Beverly Hills Dr., Springeld, MO 65803 Lott, Jason, 141 Brooke Lane, Nacogdoches, TX 75964 Loven, Floyd, P.O. Box 246, Trinidad, TX 75l63 Lowery, Kenneth, 620 E. Palmetto Ave, Plain Dealing, LA 71064 Lumpkin, Cedric, 326 Mount Carmel, Carriere, MS 39466 Maddox, B.J., 5560 Buncombe, Shreveport, LA 71129 Mallette, Eldon J., 16 Virginia Dr., Poplarville, MS 39474 Manasco, Jackie, 108 N Ella, Searcy, AR 72143

39 Manley, Webb, 811 Innsbruck Lane, Sikeston, MO 63801 Mars, Michael, P.O. Box 687, Talco, TX 75487 Martin, Paul, 8450 Hwy 8, New Edinburg, AR 71660 Martin, Jeremy, 248 Lovers Path, Springtown, TX 76082 Maxwell, T. Aaron, 3445 N. Central Avenue, Batesville, AR 72501 May eld, Leroy, l0258 Moss Lea Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 708l8 McAdams, Earnest, 1420 Oakland Bridge Rd., Spearsville, LA 71277 McCeig, Stephen, 301 E FM 489, Bualo, TX 75831 McClelland, H.A., Rt. 5, Box 2l4, Jasper, TX 7595l McCoy, Willie, 202 E. Fillmore, Sciota, IL 61475 McCrackin, William, 50865 C. R 652, Mattawan, MI 49071 McCraig, Cory, 215 Pleasant Place Way, Bowling Green KY 42104 McDaniel, Jim, 4025 Burke #1505, Pasadena, TX 77504 McDonald, Grady, 504 Paul, Garland, TX 75043 McEuen, Mike, 3217 Cardinal Creek Circle, Bentonville, AR 72712 McGee, James, 2009 S. Leslie, Independence, MO 64057 McGraw, Sidney, 1605 Ponderosa Dr., El Dorado, AR 71730 McKay, Wayne, 2235 Chinaberry Rd., Gilmer, TX 75645 McMasters, Joel, 1901 Paula Dr., Jonesboro, AR 72404 McMurray, Dave, P.O. Box 254, Blackwood, NJ 8012 Meade, Melvin, P.O. Box 4, Irondale, MO 63648 Meade, Brian, 15698 S. State Hwy 21, Potosi, MO 63664 Meadows, Ryan, 760 S. Katy Road, Atoka, OK 745225 Medenwald, Greg, 310 Quail Hollow Place, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 Merchant, Brian, 1000 Alice Street, Trinidad, TX 75163 Mericle, Wyatt W., 24530 FM 2090, Splendora, TX 77372 Middlestadt, David, 51900 Lawrence Rd., Marcellus, MI 49067 Milholland, Myron, 22 Smallwood Dr., Greenbrier, AR 72058 Miller, Lee, 226 Valley Drive, Farmington, MO 63640 Mills, Duane, P.O. Box 140X, Grapeland, TX 75844 Mills, James, 813 S. 58th, Paragould, AR 72450 Mitchell, Ricky, 322 Zelton Ingram Road, Seminary, MS 39479 Mitchell, Tom, 107 Cherry Bark Dr., Little Rock, AR 72211 Montgomery, Kenneth, P.O. Box 1531, Gilmer, TX 75454 Moody, Glenn, 1780 E. State Hwy 239, Blytheville, AR 72315 Moore, John, 28252 Berry Patch Rd., Picayune, MS 39466 Moore, Kerry A., 221 West Beltline, DeSoto, TX 75115 Moore, Michael, 1789 FM 2419, Palestin, TX 75801 Moore, Robert, 1865 CR 134, Success, AR 72470 Morgan, Ronald, 611 Butler St., Springhill, LA 7l075 Morris, Calvin, 11671 Hwy 31 East, Brownsboro, TX 75756 Morris, Bobby, Rt. 2, Box 29lH, Mt. Vernon, TX 75457 Mosley, Bill, 9724 Ann Ave., Tyler, TX 75706

40 Mullin, David, 7905 E. 89th St., Kansas City, MO 64138 Mullins, Kelby, 7906 Straits, Rowlett, TX 75088 Mullins, Richard, 7429 Willow Wisp Dr. East, Lakeland, FL 33810 Murchison, Preston B., 1400 HB Mosley #303, Longview, TX 75604 Murphy, Randall, 1004 E. Walnut, Gurdon, AR 71743 Neal, Bobby, P.O. Box 558, Dierks, AR 71833 Neal, Sr., James, 2725 Wabash St., Michigan City, IN, 46360 Newsom, Larry, 203 N. 27th. St., Arkadelphia, AR 7l923 Nichols, Robert, 3228 Je cote, Conroe, TX 77303 Nicholson, Mark, 1806 Town & Country, Sand Springs, OK 74063 Norcross, Shane P., 209 Giles St., Avalon, TX 76623 Oglesbee, Willie, 7047 Hwy 113, Brewton, AL, 36426 Oglesby, Sam, 5002 W. 4th St., Hattiesburg, MS 39402 Oldenquest, William, 7500 Helton Rd., eodore, AL, 36582 Olds, Carter, 108 Mary Ann, Luin, TX 75901 Oliver, Dan E., 11650 Old Denton Rd, Ft. Worth, TX 76244 Oliver, Jim, 1405 Emory Street, Hot Springs, AR 71913 Orr, James, 496 CR 133, Bono, AR 72416 Ortiz, Pablo, P.O. Box 2621, Coamo, P.R. 737 Osman, Tommy, 1803 Cavanaugh Road, Ft. Smith, AR 72908 Owen, Ron, 364 Columbia Rd. 25, Magnolia, AR 71753 Owens, Joe, 762 Hwy 160, Magnolia, AR 71753 Pace, Glen M., 3202 W. 7th, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 Pacheco, Carlos, P.O. Box 1249, Guayama, PR, 714 Panky, Deshawn, P.O. Box 183, Lynn, AR 72440 Panzrino, Frank, P.O. Box 232, Neely, MS 39461 Parcher, Sr., Larry D., 722 E. Dolphin Ave., Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Parker, John, 3683 Parkway St., Ringgold, LA 71068 Parmer, Wexford, 467 Feemster Lake Rd., Tupelo, MS 38804 Patterson, Dale, P.O. Box 387, Bronte, TX 76933 Paul, Danny, 1466 Moss Point Dr., Southaven, MS 38671 Pearce, Roger, 1800 S. Knoxville, Russellville, AR 72802 Pearson, John, 42 Ti any Cr., Killeen, TX 76542 Pennington, Anthony, 3015 Datum St. SW, Albuquerque, NM, 87121 Pepper, Gerald, P.O. Box 37, Laneville, TX 75667 Perry, Bill, Rt. 20 Box 755C, Tyler, TX 75708 Philliber, John, #1 Quantock Hills Dr., Bella Vista, AR 72715 Phillips, Jerry, P.O. Box 359, Beckville, TX 75631 Pickard, David, 417 N. Trail, Crowley, TX 76036 Pickering, Rayburn, P.O. Box 1208, Jasper, TX 75951 Pitts, Danny, 4432 Hwy 15 N, Laurel, MS 39440 Plyler, Jr., Jonas, 44 Musgrove Rd., Murfreesboro, AR 71958 Pollard, Johnnie, 1294 CR 3270, Mineola, TX 75773 41 Polok, Aaron, 604 E. Centennial, Pittsburg, KS, 66762 Pool, Larry, 317 Skye Lane, Midlothian, TX 76065 Pope, Rhonda, Rt. 1 Box 358, Gilmer, TX 75644 Pope, James H., 1509 N. Westridge, Plainview, TX 79072 Portell, Ronald, Rt.2 Box 136, Eden, IL 62286 Porter, Jr., Virgil, 21 Autumnwood, Greenbrier, AR 72058 Powers, Bob, 320 W. Palace, Hobbs, NM, 88240 Prather, Roy, 103 Willow Circle, Levelland, TX 79336 Priest, Forrest, 70 Luster Street, Batesville, AR 72501 Proctor, Chris, 1103 Moore St., Jacksonville, TX 75766 Pugh, Ron, 2503 Hayes, Muskogee, OK 74403 Quinby, Ted, 77 Midway Church Rd, Sumrall, MS 39482 Raish, Carl , 5513 W. Jackson St., PensacoLA FL 32506 Ramsey, Max, Rt. 1 Box 64, Bradley, OK 73011 Redden, Jason, 840 Kings Highway, New Madrid, MO 63869 Reddin, George, 718 Encina Lane, Greenwood, AR 72936 Reddin, Tim, 2901 E. Sterling Ct., Fayetteville, AR 72703 Reese, Robert “Bubba,” 117 N. Parkview Drive, Trumann, AR 72472 Renfro, Dean, 20010 Kuykendahl Rd. Spring, TX 77379 Rhea, Randy, 40156 E. CR 1631, Wynnewood, OK 73098 Rhodes, Justin, 18 Big Creek Church Rd, Soso, MS 39480 Rice, Paul, 5705 No. Hills Blvd, N. Little Rock, AR 72116 Rice, Wayne, 310 Mitchell Street, Picayune, MS 39466 Richardson, Joey, P.O. Box 896, Kirbyville, TX 75956 Richardson, Jacob, 113 Romallen Dr., Palestine, TX 75801 Rickett, Brian, 21 Bryson St., Ward, AR 72176 Ricks, omas, 612 FM 49, Mineola, TX 75773 Riddle, Brent, 3855 Mark Ln, Conroe, TX 77303 Rivera, Juan R., P.O. Box 1053, Salinas, PR, 751 Roady, Jerry, HCR 65 Box 23, Pryor, OK 74361 Roberts, Lamar, 2959 Oak Ridge Rd, Vicksburg, MS 39183 Robinson, Richard, 4310 Sandydale Ln, Houston, TX 77039 Rose, Larry, P.O. Box 42, Stringtown, OK 74569 Ruggles, Dale, 31981 E. Co. Rd. 1640, Elmore City, OK 73433 Ryan, Ted, 70 CR 5331, Baldwyn, MS 38824 Sanders, Brock, 107 Jim Circle, Lorena, TX 76655 Savell, Medrick, 31 Meador Rd., Laurel, MS 39443 Sawyer, Drew, 2057 Krause Hill Place, Floeissant, MO 63031 Schafer, James H., 3548 Drexel Ave., Port Arthur, TX 77642 Schoenrock, James, 1921 Cochran Dr., Mesquite, TX 75149 Scifres, Leray, 2802 S. 10th., Abilene, TX 79605 Scott, Dwight, 41 Decker Dr., Morrilton, AR 72110 Scruggs, Jr., George, 38615 Tyler Ballard Rd, Walker, LA 70714 42 Sessions, Randy, 6707 Lair Rd., Amarillo, TX 79118 Shank, Wearthy, P.O. Box 177, Fox, OK 73435 Sharpe, Terry, 10186 E. Hwy 72, Bunker, MO 63629 Sheets, Vernon, 6773 Highway 67 N., Poplar Blu , MO 63901 Sheeld, Don, P.O. Box 661, Orange, TX 77630 Shelton, Kirk, 1410 N. Porter Rd, Fayetteville, AR 72703 Shelton, Emory, 625 South Road, Ellington, MO 63638 Shepherd, Randy, 5501 Cli wood, Texarkana, AR 71854 Sheppard, Brian, 1919 Arrowhead, N. Little Rock, AR 72118 Sherman, Rusty, P.O. Box 103, Maydelle, TX 75772 Short, David, 210 Holmes, Jonesboro, AR 72401 Shults, Glen, P.O. Box 12, Garner, AR 72052 Sikes, Joe, 775 Kenny St., St. Clair, MO 63077 Sikes, Larry, 1255 Diane St., St. Clair, MO 63084 Silvey, Paul, P.O. Box 948, Joaquin, TX 75954 Simpson, Floyd, 204 Rude Cemetery Rd, DeSoto, IL 62924 Singleton, Shane, 920 N. 10th Avenue, Laurel, MS 39440 Skinner, Terry, 351 FM 2547, Faireld, TX 75840 Sluder, Bill, 925 E. 7th St., Ada, OK 74820 Smith, Alice, 711 W. Washington, Artesia, NM, 82210 Smith, Billy, 205 Beacon, El Dorado, AR 71730 Smith, Gerald, 75025 S. 288 Rd., Wagoner, OK 74467 Smith, John R., 86 Taylor Hill Dr., Wetumpka, AL, 36092 Smith, John C., 241 Evelyn Ave., Wynne, AR 72396 Smith, John S., P.O. Box 490, Kiowa, CO, 80117 Smith, Lavelle, P.O. Box 24, Tremont, MS 38876 Smiley, Max H., P.O. Box 151 , Canton, TX 75103 Smith, Tom, 3201 West 48th Ave., Gary, IN, 46408 Smith, J. Richard, P.O. Box 383057, Duncanville, TX 75138 Smith, Richard W., 1116 Brown St., Waxahachie, TX 75165 Smith, Billy, 3080 FM 515, Emory, TX 75440 Soliz, Jr., Benjamin, 506 Ursaline, Lubbock, TX 79403 Son, John, 2717 Ross St., Highland, IN 46322 Sorrells, Ernie, 1537 Hempstead 7, Hope, AR 71801 South, om, 3614 Irby Dr., Conway, AR 72034 Southard, Gary, 1305 Anne Ave., Humble, TX 77338 Sprayberry, James, P.O. Drawer 0, Bay Springs, MS 39422 Spurlock, Jesse, 305 W. Jarman Dr., Midwest City, OK 73110 Steele, Ed, 1244 Purvis-Oloh Rd., Purvis, MS 39475 Stephenson, Ed, 14 Anabelle Ln, Greenbrier, AR 72058 Stone, Mike, 209 VZCR 3223, Wills Point, TX 75l69 Strickland, Bill, 1118 Oak Tree Ln, Weatherford, TX 76086 Strickland, Kenneth, 30 Russell Rd, Hattieville, AR 72063 43 Stuckey, Hal, Rt. 1 B ox 670, Normangee, TX 77861 Summerhill, Brent, P.O. Box 456, Magnolia, AR 7l753 Sursa, John, 904 Sanderswitch Rd., Ennis, TX 75119 Sutton, Tim, 140 Sandy Lake Rd., Scroggins, TX 75480 Swart, Je , 1220 S. State Line Rd., Galena, KS, 66739 Swinea, Jim, 5917 Megan Drive, Jonesboro, AR 72401 Swonke, Terry, 5442 S. Duck Creek Rd., Cleveland, TX 77328 Tate, Marvin, 105 Walnut St., Brookland, AR 72417 Taylor, Dennis, 13990 Cincinnati Creek Rd., Summers, AR 72769 Terry, Orliss, 6719 Napier, Benton Harbor, MI 49022 eis, Ron, 106 Huntington St Sw, Gravette, AR 72736 omas, Dwayne, 8 Louise Lane, Greenbrier, AR 72058 ompson, Ray, 11231 FM 852, Gilmer, TX 75644 ornton, Dale, 2012 Bu alo Bend Dr., Lewisville, TX 75067 urman, Ray, 11095 Allen Road, Potosi, MO 63664 Tilley, Roy L., 3124 Fern Cove South, Sherwood, AR 72117 Tilley, Allen, 255 South Market Street, Carthage, TX 75633 Tisdale, John W., 2609 Lakeshore Dr., Edinburg, TX 78539 Traylor, Tad, P.O. Box 483, Jewett, TX 75846 Tropp, Anthony, 2409 Mt. Holly Rd., Camden, AR 71701 Turner, Duane, 396 CR 4117, Hughes Springs, TX 75656 Turner, Raif M., 4601 82nd St., Lubbock, TX 79424 Turner, Royce, 8731 FM 1388, Kaufman, TX 75142 Upchurch, Frank, 11843 CR 1200, Malako , TX 75148 Upchurch, Brian, 10040 SWCR 4220, Purdon, TX 76679 Vandenberg, Jake, P.O. Box 196, Taylor, AR 71861 VanVolkinburg, Lonnie, 2ll5 Murphy, Joplin, MO 64804 Vaughn, Roger, 408 Maple, ree Rivers, MI 49093 Veretto, Johnny, P.O. Box 98, Bu alo, TX 75831 Vestal, Michael, 706 E. Main, Mexia, TX 76667 Vincent, Paul, 36 Winnebago Dr., Cherokee Village, AR 72529 Vines, Timothy, 233 Nev 5, Emmet , AR 71858 Walker, C.D., 10713 Meadowbrook Blvd, Forney, TX 75216 Walker, Kenneth, 4992 Leven Rd, Memphis, TN, 38118 Walters, Jason, P.O. Box 1442, Cortez, CO, 81321 Ward, Jim, 4 Wildwood Dr., Cabot, AR 72023 Way, John, 1402 Hwy 133N., Crossett, AR 7l635 Weaver, Kendall, 560 Brewer Rd., Sidney, AR 72577 Webb, David, 5512 Pike Ave, N. Little Rock, AR 72118 West, Todd, 7200 Windsong Dr., North Little Rock, AR 72113 Wheat, James, 135 CR 2310, MineoLA TX 75773 White, John, 2000 Cardinal, Ceres, CA 95307 Whitten, Bob , 1829 Bette Drive, Mesquite, TX 75149 44 Whitten, Doyce G., 1784 Tucker Store Rd., Spearsville, LA 71277 Whitten, J.B., 485 CR 3160, Quitman, TX 75773 Whitten, Ken, 418 Nathan Dr., Quitman, TX 75783 Wieneke, Brad , 69010 E. 60 Rd., Quapaw, OK 74363 Williams, Brian, 963 Ralph Nerren Rd., Huntington, TX 75949 Williams, Dana, P.O. Box 64, Bentonville, AR 72712 Williams, Daniel E. , 51 Oak Tree Rd., Damascus, AR 72039 Williams, James, P.O. Box 2077, Livingston, TX 77351 Williams, John Ben, 305 Martin Lane, Carthage, TX 75633 Williams, Larry, Rt. 4 Box 186, Jasper, TX 75951 Williams, Wallace, 12421 Oakview Court, Gulfport, MS 39503 Williamson, omas, 3131 S Archer Ave, Chicago, IL 60608 Willis, Danny, 5734-147th St., Lubbock, TX 79424 Wilson, Todd, 40 Huntington, Greenbrier, AR 72058 Wilson, Bryan, 122 Rd 1471, Mooreville, MS 38857 Wilson, James, Rt. 3 Box 1220, Chireno, TX 75964 Wilson, Jerry L., 2108 Westview Dr., Nacogdoches, TX 75964 Winskie, Mark, 1310 VZ CR 1803, Grand Saline, TX 75140 Wisely, Dan, 12391 US Hwy 61, New Madrid, MO 63869 Woodard, Charlie, 1461 Peacj Tree Rd., Mabank, TX 75147 Woods, Dennis, P.O. Box 846, Mabank, TX 75156 Wright, Bryan, 2352 Greene 516 Rd, Lafe, AR 72436 Wright, Wes, 608 CR 168, Jasper, TX 75951 Wychopen, Forrest, 223 Sulky Tr., Houston, TX 77060 Yager, Chris, 6273 Miller Rd., Swartz Creek, MI 48473 Young, Paul, 16887 Chickadee Lane, Gravette, AR 72736 Young, James, P.O. Box 1195, Gilmer, TX 75644 Young, Jr., Frank, 2921 Austin St., Orange, TX 77630 Yule, David, 1432 CR 202, Carthage, TX 75633 Zavala, Victor, 5100 Maple Rd., Vacaville, CA 95687 Zinn, Randy, P.O. Box 493, Bald Knob, AR 72010

45 Baptist Missionary Association of America

Proceedings 2018


President Paul White

Vice-Presidents First Vice President — Jeff Swart Second Vice President — Mark Livingston

Recording Secretaries James Ray Raines Greg Medenwald Jerome Cooper

President Elect Jeff Swart

Vice-Presidents Elect First Vice-President — Mark Livingston Second Vice-President — Justin Rhodes

46 69th Annual Session of the Baptist Missionary Association of America April 16-18, 2018 Jackson Convention Complex Jackson, Mississippi

President ...... Paul White First Vice-President ...... Jeff Swart Second Vice-President ...... Dr. Mark Livingston Recording Clerks ...... James Ray Raines Greg Medenwald Jerome Cooper

Monday Evening April 16, 2018 The first general session of the 69th annual meeting of the Baptist Mission- ary Association of America convened on April 16, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. at the Jackson Convention Complex in Jackson, Mississippi, with President Paul White presid- ing. The session began with music and worship under the leadership of Jeremy Wilkinson, music minister of Campground Baptist Church in Gulfport, Missis- sippi, and a group of singers from Campground Baptist Church. President Paul White, director of Arkansas State Missions, welcomed the messengers, guests, and people watching online to the associational meeting, and recognized Pastor Matt Hudson to introduce Mississippi Lieutenant Governor Tate Reeves, who officially welcomed the assembly to the State of Mississippi and the State Capitol of Jackson. President White recognized Dr. John Adams, executive director of BMAA and BMAM Moral Action and pastor of the First Baptist Church of Mantachie, Mississippi, to lead in a God and Country Service. Representatives of the Mis- sissippi National Guard presented the colors; Sabrina Clayton sang the national anthem; Dr. Scott Carson, BMAA Chaplaincy director and president of Southeast- ern Baptist College in Laurel, Mississippi, introduced Arkansas National Guard Chaplain Major Jeremy Miller to lead the assembly in the pledge of allegiance; Matt Hudson led the assembly in singing God Bless America; Dr. Charley Holmes, president of the BMA Theological Seminary in Jacksonville, Texas, led in prayer; Matt Hudson led the assembly in the Battle Hymn of the Republic; Ministers Re- source Services executive director-elect Dr. Steve Crawley read a Scripture text from Psalm 22:1-31; Director Dr. John Adams spoke about America and preached a patriotic message entitled 1969-2019; and Lifeword Executive Director Donny Parrish closed the God and Country Service in prayer. President White introduced the theme of the 2018 annual meeting, “Stand- ing in the Gap: Intercessory Prayer,” and Ezekiel 22:30 as a scripture reference.

47 President White then introduced Holly, Sarah, and April, three ladies from Con- nection Point Mission in Northeast Arkansas, to lead the assembly in a song salut- ing the thousands of church volunteers who serve in our churches, and afterwards addressed the assembly with the 2018 president’s message. President White, at the sound of the gavel, declared the sixty-ninth Baptist Missionary Association of America annual meeting to be officially in session for the transaction of business. President White introduced the members of the Committee on Arrange- ments, Charles Attebery, Jerome Cooper, and Bill Thornton, and expressed grati- tude to them, and then introduced first vice president Jeff Swart, second vice pres- ident Dr. Mark Livingston, clerks Jerome Cooper, Greg Medenwald, and James Ray Raines, parliamentarians James Schoenrock and Bobby Tucker, and Jeremy Wilkinson as the worship leader. President White gave instructions about the breakout sessions, the busi- ness sessions and reports, and the recognition of ministers who have sixty years or more of ministry experience on Wednesday afternoon. First vice president Jeff Swart, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Galena, Kansas, was recognized to give an announcement and to close the first general session prayer.

Tuesday Afternoon April 17, 2018 The second general session began on Tuesday, April 17, 2018, at 3:00 p.m. with president Paul White presiding. The seminary singers under the leadership of Reggie Blake led the assembly in singing songs of the church. President Paul White welcomed the assembly and spoke on matters relating to Article V – Policy of the Statement of Principles of Cooperation, and to speak- ing and conducting business on the floor of the association. President White recognized Enrollment Committee chairman Grant Bar- nett to give the initial report of the Enrollment Committee: 226 churches repre- sented by letter only, 198 churches represented by messengers; 421 messengers present, 137 visitors present, and 138 missionary committeemen present. A mo- tion was made and seconded to adopt the report. The motion passed. Chairman Barnett also reported two petitionary letters presented: Grace Baptist Church of Clinton, Mississippi, Danny Bartlett, pastor; and South Forest Baptist Church of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Sidney Farmer, pastor. A motion was made and seconded to receive the churches and seat their messengers. The motion passed, and Second vice president Dr. Mark Livingston officially welcomed the messengers to the association. The associational officers nominated pastor Jeff Dixon of Hillcrest Baptist Church in Yazoo City, Mississippi, and pastor Rob Hager of Jacob’s Well Baptist Church in Plano, Illinois to the 2019 term of the Nominating Committee, and there being no other nominations, Jeff Dixon and Rob Hager were elected by ac- clamation.

48 Recording clerk James Ray Raines was recognized to give the Recording Clerk’s report. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the report. The motion passed.

Master’s Builders Report Master’s Builders field coordinator Eddie Sikes was recognized to give the Master’s Builders report. Coordinator Sikes reported six projects since their last report, and 154 projects altogether. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the report. The motion passed.

Brotherhood Report Brotherhood representative James Laminack was recognized to give the Brotherhood report. He announced the Brotherhood project for the coming year to be 35% for the Philippines Bible College and missionaries-elect Jimmy and Julie Walker work fund, 30% for Romania missionaries elect Bryan and Pam Risner, 25% for the national Galilean program, and 10% for the Brotherhood general fund. He also announced the approval of continuing the Arthur Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund for the senior national Mr. Galilean to attend a BMA-sponsored school. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the report. The motion passed.

BMA Theological Seminary Report Trustee chairman Tom Mitchell was recognized to lead in the BMA Theological Seminary report, and he recognized Seminary president Dr. Charley Holmes to give his annual report, which he began by commenting on II Timothy 3:15 and leading the assembly in a doctrinal responsive reading. Dr. Holmes an- nounced that the seminary has approximately 150 students from fourteen differ- ent states and fourteen different countries. Two students were recognized by Dr. Holmes to speak about their experiences at the seminary: Ngoc Nguyen (Rose) from Vietnam, a future missionary to Cambodia, and Nvuka Kingsley from Ni- geria. Trustee secretary Don Brown read the recommendations of the seminary trustees. A motion was made and seconded to adopt their report and recommen- dations. The motion passed. Dr. Charley Holmes was reaffirmed as the president of the BMA Theological Seminary. Pastor Doug Brewer led in a special prayer for Dr. Holmes and the staff, students, and ministries of the seminary. Trustee Chair- man Tom Mitchell then gave an announcement about the seminary dinner and announced that Dr. Tony Cleaver, who has served in various seminary capacities, would be the recipient of this year’s Kellar Award.

Ministers Resource Services Report Trustee chairman Kenneth Lott was recognized to lead in the Ministers Resource Services report, and he began by speaking about the period of time 18 years ago in which Ron Chesser was first elected as the executive director of Ministers Resource Services. Executive director Chesser was then invited to

49 come and give his 19th and final report as the MRS executive director. Director Chesser spoke about his 18 years of service, which began in January of 2000, read the first paragraph of his report which appears on page 21 of the 2018 reports and recommendations booklet, highlighted Alice Griffin’s 38 years of service and Sharon Daniel’s 34 years of service to MRS, and addressed the BMA retirement portfolio which totaled $14,184,867.99 on December 31, 2017. Trustee chairman Kenneth Lott, on behalf of the MRS trustees, made presentations of appreciation to Ron and Gloria Chesser, and Trustee clerk Ron Ledford followed by reading the MRS recommendations. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the re- port and recommendations. The motion passed. Dr. Steve Crawley was elected as the new executive director of Ministers Resource Services. Pastor Roy Hill led in a special prayer. Trustee chairman Lott then spoke about the transition to a new executive director, the credentials of Dr. Steve Crawley and his history of service in the BMAA, and then recognized the newly-elected director to speak. A video presentation about the new Envoy 403b(9) retirement plan followed, and then director Crawley closed with complimentarily words of appreciation for all who preceded him in serving the BMAA through MRS all the way back to originator Ralph Cottrell.

President White recognized Tom Lewis of the Nominating Committee to read their list of nominees on page 2 of the 2018 Report and Recommendations booklet. Committee member Lewis read the list of nominees taking note that Dennis Baker (IL) is to replace Darin Dillaha (MO) for the 2023 term of BMA Seminary, Dustin Wisely (AR) to replace Aaron Wilson (TX) for the 2023 term of DiscipleGuide Church Resources, and Mike Green (TX) to replace Jimmy Elrod for the 2021 term of DiscipleGuide Church Resources. There being no other nominations from the floor, a motion was made and seconded to adopt the report and to elect the nominees on page 2 of the 2018 Report and Recommen- dations booklet as listed and amended by the committee. The motion passed and the nominees were elected. A motion was made and seconded to pay the Recording Clerks $1,000.00 each. The motion passed. Pastor Hershel Conley closed the second general session in prayer.

Tuesday Evening April 17, 2018 The third general session began on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. with first vice president Jeff Swart presiding. Jeremy Wilkinson and the singers of Campground Baptist Church opened the session with music and worship, and were eventually accompanied by the Central Baptist College Singers, and Jeremy Wilkinson led in prayer. Prior to the preaching of the annual message by Terry Kimbrow, president of Central Baptist College in Conway, Arkansas, the CBC Singers once again led the assembly in worship and music. President Kimbrow, after being introduced

50 by Lifeword executive director Donny Parrish, who was introduced by first vice president Swart, preached the annual message entitled “The Toughest Job I Ever Loved” which was taken from a selection of Scriptures in 2 Timothy 4 and 2 Corinthians 4 with three points: The Perils, Path, and Power of Leadership. Pastor Clif Johnson was recognized to extend gratitude to president Kim- brow on behalf of the association. First vice president Swart expressed gratitude to the Campground Singers and leader Jeremy Wilkinson and the CBC Singers and leader Jim Turner, made announcements, gave prayer requests, and called on pastor Paul Mooney to dis- miss the third session in prayer.

Wednesday Morning April 18, 2018 The fourth general session began on Wednesday, April 18, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. with First vice president Jeff Swart presiding. Music leader Jeremy Wilkinson and the Campground Singers opened the session with music and worship. First vice president Jeff Swart called the assembly to order, welcomed the messengers and visitors, asked Pastor Ron Fields to lead in prayer. First vice president Jeff Swart called for the Lifeword Media Ministries report.

Lifeword Media Ministries Report Trustee chairman John Ben Williams was recognized to lead in the Lifeword Media Ministries report, and he recognized Lifeword executive director Donny Parrish to give his annual report, which began with a video presentation of Lifeword ministries. Director Parrish spoke about broadcasting in 42 languages to one-fourth of the world’s population, and a video about the Lifeword cloud followed. Directors of Broadcasting Rick Russell (Director of Broadcast Equip- ping and Training) and Luis Ortega (Director of Operations) spoke about their ministries under new job descriptions, and Jon Dodson was also introduced as the new director on Internet broadcasting. Trustee John Ben Williams read their recommendations. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the report and recommendations. The motion passed. A rising vote of appreciation was given to Brice Martin, Dennis Rankin, and John Ben Williams for their service as trustees. Donny Parrish was reelected as the executive director of Lifeword Media Ministries. Pastor Kevin Clayton led in prayer for Donny Parrish and the personnel and ministries of Lifeword.

DiscipleGuide Church Resources Report Trustee chairman Aaron Middleton was recognized to lead in the DiscipleGuide Church Resources report, and he recognized DiscipleGuide executive direc- tor Dr. Scott Attebery to give his annual report. Dr. Attebery spoke about the ministries of DiscipleGuide, improvements to the grounds and buildings of

51 Daniel Springs Camp, the DiscipleGuide Conference Ministry, and announced that SOAR 2018 would focus on the local church and that Dr. Gary O’Neal would be the speaker for the 2018 Senior Adult Conference in Branson, Mis- souri. Dr. Attebery also announced that he was resigning from the position of executive director effective May 1, 2018, especially to spend quality time with his son, and proceeded to express gratitude to a host of fellow workers, related how each would keep the ministry going forward while a search for a new executive director was conducted by the trustees, and assured the assembly that he would maintain a heart for helping local churches to grow. Trustee chairman Aaron Middleton then spoke on behalf of all the trustees about the resignation of Dr. Attebery, commending him for a job well done during his years as the Disciple- Guide executive director and how he had personally enjoyed serving alongside of him as the trustee chairman. Chairman Middleton went on to announce that other department executive directors, Dr. John David Smith, Donny Parrish, and Dr. Steve Crawley, would also assist the trustees in maintaining the Disciple- Guide ministries on an interim basis and while the search was underway for another DiscipleGuide executive director. Chairman Middleton read Disciple- Guide recommendations 1 and 2, and announced that the trustees had rescinded recommendations 3-5 listed on page 38 of the 2018 Report and Recommenda- tions booklet. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the report and recom- mendations 1 and 2. The motion passed. Pastor Richard Smith led in a special prayer for Dr. Attebery, his son Bryce, the transition period and search for a new executive director, and for the personnel and ministries of DiscipleGuide.

Coordinating Council Report Coordinating Council Chairman Dr. Jason Aultman was recognized to give the Coordinating Council report which included two recommendations: one relating to Daniel Springs Camp, and one relating to January 2019 being recog- nized as Stewardship Emphasis Month. A motion was made and seconded to adopt their report and recommendations. The motion passed. Pastor Ken Riley was elected to serve on the 2021 term of the Coordinating Council. Pastor Brad Wieneke led in a special prayer for the personnel and ministry of the Coordinat- ing Council.

Committee on Arrangements Report Committee member Jerome Cooper was recognized to give the Commit- tee on Arrangements report. The committee recommended that the 2021 BMAA annual session be held on April 19-22 at the Antioch Baptist Church in Conway, Arkansas. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the report and recommen- dation. The motion passed. It was noted that Daniel Williams, as nominated by the Nominating Committee, had been elected to the 2021 term of the Committee on Arrangements.

(President Paul White Presiding)

52 A motion was made and seconded to reelect the officers of the Enrollment and Finance Committee. The motion passed, and Grant Barnett was elected as Chairman, and Wes Hulvey as Vice Chairman.

Women’s Missionary Auxiliary Report WMA President Jodi Rhea was recognized to give the Women’s Mission- ary Auxiliary report. She announced “We are FREE”, a faith-based organization dedicated to helping survivors of human trafficking, as their 2018-2019 project. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the report. The motion passed.

Moral Action Agency Report Trustee assistant chairman and clerk David Inzer was recognized to lead in the Moral Action Agency report, and he recognized executive director Dr. John Adams to give his annual report, which he began by asking for special prayer for trustee Vernon Lee and his health needs. A video presentation followed. Trustee Inzer read their recommendations, noting that a motion carried to clarify the wording of Resolution #5, paragraph 4, listed on page 51 of the 2018 Report and Recommendations booklet, by amending it to read “Whereas, our nation needs a spiritual revival, we publicly call for prayer for Donald Trump as the President of our Nation.” A motion was made and seconded to adopt their report and resolu- tions including Resolution #5 as amended. The motion passed. Dr. John Adams was reelected as the executive director of Moral Action Agency. Pastor Justin Rhodes led in a special prayer for Dr. Adams and the ministry of Moral Action Agency.

BMA Foundation Report Trustee Chairman Larry Welborn was recognized to lead in the BMA Foundation report, and he recognized executive director Charles Attebery to give his annual report. Director Attebery spoke about a church closing and how that could relate to the BMA Foundation, charitable gift annuities, their compli- mentary estate planning program, and the potential of the BMA Foundation. A motion was made and seconded to adopt their report and recommendations. The motion passed. Charles Attebery was reelected as the executive director of the BMA Foundation. Larry Barker, Director of Church Planting/North American Missions, led in a special prayer for Director Attebery and the ministry of the BMA Foundation.

(Second Vice President Dr. Mark Livingston Presiding)

Gary Longstaff, Tony Crocker, and James Schoenrock were elected to the 2023 term of the Missionary Advisory Committee, and Preston Burton was elected to replace Robbie Caldwell on the 2019 term of the Missionary Advisory Committee.

53 (President Paul White Presiding)

President Paul White called for miscellaneous business. No miscellaneous business was brought forward, and after announcements, Pastor Doug Brown was asked to conclude the fourth general session in prayer.

Wednesday Afternoon April 18, 2018

The fifth general session began on Wednesday, April 18, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. with second vice president Mark Livingston presiding. Music leader Jeremy Wilkinson and the Campground Singers opened the session in worship and music.

Missions Department Revolving Loan Fund Report Missions department executive director Dr. John David Smith was recog- nized to give the missions department Revolving Loan Fund report, and as a first item of business, he asked Gary Longstaff to lead in prayer for three families in a special time of need: the Herrin, Poulin, and Freeman families. Dr. Smith then reported on the International Loan Fund: five loans in four countries were made for a total of $58,500.00, and two, in Bolivia and Mexico, were paid off. In the North American Loan Fund no loans were made during the year and two were paid off. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the reports. The motion passed.

Dr. John David Smith was recognized to give a joint departments and agencies presentation announcing a new stewardship initiative called “Opened Hands: The Purpose behind God’s Blessings.” He referred to literature available in the display hall and asked the assembly to be ready to support the initiative as it develops in the near future.

Missions Department Report Advisory Committee chairman Justin Rhodes was recognized to lead in the missions department report, and he recognized committee member Clif Johnson to read their recommendations. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the recommendations. The motion passed. Dr. John David Smith was reelected as the executive director of the BMAA missions department. Pastor Jason Goodwin led in a special prayer for Dr. John David Smith and the personnel and ministries of the missions department. Chairman Justin Rhodes recognized Dr. John David Smith to give his annual report. Dr. Smith read the first two paragraphs of his report recorded on page 57 of the 2018 Report and Recommendations booklet, announced the winner of a mission trip to be the First Baptist Church of Palmer, Texas, and spoke about partnerships with EIM, Water for Christ, We are Free,

54 and Just the Crumbs, seven new missionary families, the missions budget and projections, monthly budgeted offerings, World Missions Day, the department building partnerships with churches, and the personal connection of missionar- ies with partnership churches. A motion was made and seconded to approve the executive director’s report. The motion passed. Chairman Rhodes made an announcement about an Advisory Committee meeting.

(President Paul White Presiding)

President Paul White called for the election of officers and the follow- ing were elected: president, Jeff Swart; first vice president, Dr. Mark Livingston; second vice president, Justin Rhodes; recording clerk for the 2021 term, Greg Medenwald; 2019 annual message speaker, Clif Johnson; 2019 annual message alternate speaker, Andy Comer.

(Second Vice-President Dr. Mark Livingston Presiding)

Second vice president Dr. Mark Livingston called for the final report of the Enrollment and Finance Committee, and committee member Wes Hulvey reported the following: 221 churches represented by letter, 204 churches repre- sented by messenger, 428 messengers present, 144 missionary committeemen present, 139 visitors present, and $2,225.00 received for the minutes and meeting fund. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the report. The motion passed. Dr. Scott Carson, president of Southeastern Baptist College in Laurel, Mis- sissippi, was recognized to speak about the college, and during the address he announced the restart of the SBC basketball program in the fall of 2018.

(President Paul White Presiding)

President Paul White recognized music leader Jeremy Wilkinson to as- semble an association-wide choir on the stage and to lead the assembly in wor- ship and music, which Jeremy Wilkinson concluded in prayer. President White, with the assistance of president-elect Jeff Swart, recog- nized the thirteen recipients of the Lifetime Achievement Awards for 60 or more years of service in the gospel ministry, and extended certificates to those who were present. President White led in prayer. President White recognized Jeff Swart as the newly elected president of the Baptist Missionary Association of America, and officially passed the associational gavel to him. President-elect Jeff Swart asked Dr. David Evans to lead in prayer. President-elect Jeff Swart expressed gratitude to president Paul White for his friendship and help to him personally, and for his service to the association in

55 his two years as president of the Baptist Missionary Association of America. President-elect Jeff Swart dismissed the session in prayer.

Wednesday Evening April 18, 2018 The sixth and final session began on Wednesday, April 18, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. with president Paul White presiding. Music leader Jeremy Wilkinson and the Campground singers led the as- sembly in music and worship. President White expressed gratitude to the Committee on Arrangements, the musicians and Campground Singers, the people of the BMA Creative Team and DiscipleGuide staff who made the necessary technical preparations for the sessions, the breakout presenters and speakers, the officers, recording clerks, parliamentarians, and the messengers and guests for their graciousness, patience, and encouragement during the sessions. At the sound of the gavel president White officially closed the 69th annual session of the Baptist Missionary Association of America, and announced the 2019 session to be held in Rogers, Arkansas. After a final song led by Jeremy Wilkinson and the Campground Singers, the service was turned over to Eric Johnson, director of International Missions, for the beginning of the BMAA Missions Department missionary commissioning service.

56 Baptist Missionary Association of America

Moral Action An Agency of the BMAA

Executive Director Dr. John M. Adams P.O. Box 305 Mantachie, MS

662-231-3863 [email protected]

57 Annual Report Moral Action Dr. John M. Adams, Executive Director

Moral Action continues to stand with our churches, pastors, and leaders through up-to-date articles in our State associational papers. We place articles in eleven publications, and we distribute free literature on current moral issues. Literature that we distribute as we visit churches and associational meetings are: American Family Association (AFA) Journal, Israel My Glory, The Judicial Watch- Verdict, One Voice United in Prayer, Family Research publications and the Focus on the Family magazines. We continue to provide access to our Moral Action website (www. This site provides our churches with tools for study and informa- tion related to the contact of elected officials. You will find Bible Gateway, Got, What Can One Person Do?, Reconstructing American History, and the Director’s reports, articles, and archives. Moral Action continues to champion the moral and spiritual causes that are so much a part of Associational Baptists. These are: (1) the battle to keep the words “In God We Trust” on our coins and paper monies and (2) to keep “under God” in our National Pledge. There are many who seek to have these words removed. We continue to travel to Washington D.C. and Jackson, MS, for activism in the long-term fight against abortion, gay/lesbian and homosexual rights and against the advancement of casinos. Since my election in 2008, I have spoken to and interviewed these elected officials and pastors in your behalf: Governor Phil Bryant, MS; Speaker of the MS House, Phillip Gunn; Dr. Jack Graham of Dallas/ Plano, TX; Dr. Bert Harper of American Family Radio; U.S. House Chaplain Pat Conroy; the late U.S. Congressman Alan Nunnelee of MS, 1st District; U.S. Congressman Dr. Tom Rice of 7th District South Carolina; U.S. Congressman Mark Meadows of 11th District North Carolina; Historian David Barton; U.S. Congressman 4th District, Robert Aderhold of Alabama; U.S. Congressman Joe Barton 6th District, Texas, U.S. Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma; U.S. Sena- tors Roger Wicker and Thad Cochran of MS; U.S. Congressman Jack Hensarling of 5th District TX; U.S. Congressman Greg Harper of 3rd District, MS (who gave Ms. Adams and myself a tour of the Congress Prayer Chapel); Presidential can- didate and U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, TX (who we interviewed twice); U.S. Speaker of the House 8th District, Ohio, John Boehner, as I had the privilege to lead in prayer before the Congress. Past U.S. Congresswoman, Michelle Bachmann, 6th District Minne- sota; U.S. Congressman and now Senator Tom Cotton, 4th District AR; past U.S. Senator Blanche Lincoln of AR; past MS Governor Haley Barbour; past Arkansas Governor and recent Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee; and MS Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann. With these personal contacts, Moral Action, has

58 also mailed, texted, and telephoned many other political, religious, and influen- tial leaders such as Donald Trump, Dr. Ben Carson, former President George W. Bush, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders and Candidate Hillary Clinton. You may ask what we discuss. Always with courtesy and respect, most topics center around (1) the need of a Godly, Christian nation, (2) the need to recognize God on our coins and in our national pledge, (3) the concern over Islam, and Muslim Sharia Law and its influence rising in America, and (4) the desire to protect and support God’s people “Israel”. My joy is to speak the name of Jesus before these political leaders. I always inform them that our churches and people are praying for them on a daily basis.

Out of the Closet/Out of the House Homosexuality is out of the closet completely today and liberals of America continue the steady push for abortion. These two current practices are ongoing and will continue progression. Our Holy Father detests these two “great abominations.” Proverbs 6:16-17 gives Biblical voice regarding God’s instruc- tions regarding the “shedding of innocent blood.” Leviticus 18:22, states plainly, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: It is abomination.”

Main Battle We continue our main battle for our children and students. It is true that whoever controls the children and teens, controls the future of our na- tion. Our BMA New Testament churches have unlimited opportunity to engage our children, teens, and college students in teaching, training, and discipleship. There are many avenues to do this, such as Sunday School, VBS, Galileans, GMA, Awana, church camps, mission trips, SOAR, enlivened church youth and college groups and Godly worship services. Our curriculum must include Biblical teachings of morality. We must stand against sin and stand for Godly living. We can do it! We must not give up!

Nominee for Prayer United States Senator Roger Wicker, MS, has invited Ms. Adams and me to be his guests in D.C. We are honored to be nominated to lead in prayer in the U.S. Senate. Senate Chaplain Barry Black will make the final decision in 2018.

The Support Our Moral Action recognizes the support of our churches, pastors, and individual groups throughout the Association. We thank each one who has sup- ported this ministry on either a monthly or annual basis. The July 4th Freedom Offering is always a success. This is evidence of your understanding of the moral needs our nation continues to face. Ms. Adams and I count it an honor to serve you. Your voice is being shared and heard. We thank First Baptist Church of Mantachie, MS for allowing us to travel and serve this agency.

59 Would you pray for us in this special ministry? Make your voice and concerns known to your elected officials and pray, pray, pray for them. Pray for a revival in America? Pray for God’s will in all elections. God bless the BMA of America churches, members, pastors, deacons, auxiliaries, teens and children.


1. That Dr. John M. Adams stand as a nominee for executive director of Moral Action. 2. That the proposed Moral Action budget be approved. 3. That our churches and pastors embrace and support our nation by partici- pating and promoting the National Day of Prayer, May 3, 2018, to join other Americans in praying for our nation. Meetings can be conducted at town halls, city halls, county courthouses and State houses. 4. That all our BMA churches schedule June 24 or July 1, 2018 as the Moral Ac- tion “Freedom Offering” Sunday. This is an opportunity to honor or give memo- rials for our soldiers, both past and present. 5. That our local associations, our local and state WMA and Brotherhoods, and our local churches be encouraged to give a financial gift or a budgeted monthly gift to Moral Action. 6. That Dr. John M. Adams, executive director, represent the BMA of America in Washington, D.C. by encouraging and contacting our United States Sena- tors, Congressmen, and other Christian moral/political organizations such as the American Family Association (AFA), Focus on the Family, Family Research Council, Alliance Defending Freedom, and Heritage Foundation. 7. That our Baptist Missionary Association of America reaffirm and approve these five (5) Moral Action resolutions and that they are mailed to the President, United States Senators, the United States House of Representatives, and the United States Supreme Court. 8. That we humbly request that these resolutions be printed in our BMA state newspapers. 9. That the BMA churches recognize and honor our grandparents and great- grandparents on Grandparents Day September 9, 2018. They have so often set the highest of morals. 10. That our churches, pastors, and church staff/deacons utilize the 2 Moral Ac- tion web pages:;

Ten Summary Statements of the Moral Action Committee

1. We are committed to the proclamation of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with paramount emphasis upon His virgin birth sinless life, and literal resurrec-

60 tion. 2. We believe in the sanctity of human life, and thus support a Human Life Amendment to protect the lives of innocent unborn. 3. We maintain that religious freedom must be regarded as one of the most im- portant human rights. 4. We support both a voluntary prayer amendment to the United States Constitu- tion and equal access legislation, in order to restore religious expression in our public schools. 5. We are committed to the civil rights of all citizens being guaranteed, but be- lieve that the creation of so-called “gay rights” for homosexuals is a threat to our nation’s family life and extends civil rights beyond what is appropriate. 6. We support enactment and enforcement of legislation to contain the moral blight of pornography in our land. 7. We contend that government must acknowledge that parents are responsible for the raising of their children. 8. We believe that parental choice of public, private, or home education should be available to all Americans. 9. We favor governmental assistance for the deserving poor, but only through programs which encourage individuals to be self-reliant, thus strengthening the family rather than weakening it. 10. We support a strong national defense as the surest way to protect the security and liberty of American citizens, and to assure peace and freedom in the world.

The Moral Action Committee is in existence to give a voice to millions of decent, law-abiding, God fearing Americans who want to do something about the moral decline of our country. The Moral Action Committee does not advocate the election or defeat of any candidate, and does not endorse any political party. The information provided by the committee of the Baptist Missionary Association of America, is provided as a tool to help you more effectively lobby your Congress- man, your Senators, and your President.

Resolution #1 Reaffirmation on Building Healthy Marriages

Whereas, we recognize the central importance of marriage to our Christian wit- ness today; and

Whereas, we encourage Christian living in the life of each married couple, and family; and

Whereas, our Baptist Missionary Association churches provide opportunity for couples to strengthen their marriage relationships; and

Whereas, we support pastors, ministers, deacons, church and associational staff

61 in their effort to be an example through their own marriage; and

Whereas, our BMA churches and ministers provide counseling and mentoring for engaged and newlywed couples; and

Whereas, we churches develop a Christian fellowship that provides a loving concern for each other’s welfare;

Therefore, Be It Resolved, that we, the messengers of the Baptist Missionary As- sociation of America, meeting in Jackson, Mississippi, in April, 2018, encourage our churches to be that vital institution where its married members faithfully live the Christian life and learn the importance and meaning of relationships and the Biblical significance of a holy marriage.

Resolution #2 Reaffirmation on the Use of Illicit Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco

Whereas, our Baptist Missionary Association Churches continue to see the rise of illicit drug, alcohol, and tobacco use among American adults and teens; and

Whereas, recent surveys conducted indicate that substance use trends among youth and adults continue to increase over recent years; and

Whereas, tobacco use among students was higher than for any other substance except alcohol and that the average age reported for first time use of tobacco among teens was 13.6 years and that tobacco use causes cancer and many other diseases; and

Whereas, alcohol continues to be the most widely used substance among teens and adults, and where curtailing alcohol consumption is most problematic and that the perception among many teens and adults that drinking alcoholic bever- ages is not as dangerous as using other drugs; and

Whereas, the long term use of marijuana, cocaine, and heroin continues to see an increase in drug induced deaths and continues to see the minds of users distorted for life;

Therefore, Be It Resolved, that we, the messengers of the Baptist Missionary Association of America, meeting in Jackson, Mississippi in April, 2018, urge our New Testament churches to preach and teach against these evils and to offer help for those who are under the influence of these and other illicit drugs.

62 Resolution #3 – Reaffirmation on Abortion and the Sacredness of Human Life

Whereas, the sacredness of human life is of great concern to our Baptist people; and

Whereas, abortion as a means of birth control violates the sacredness of human life; and

Whereas, more recently the procedures of partial birth abortions and the de- velopment of new drugs that will induce spontaneous abortions compound the tragedy of abortion as a means of birth control; and

Whereas, these procedures raise new moral and ethical issues that must be con- fronted by all those concerned about the sacredness of human life;

Therefore, Be It Resolved, that we strongly urge the Baptist Missionary Associa- tion messengers meeting in Jackson, Mississippi in April, 2018 to continue to publically oppose any type of abortion as a means of birth control.

Resolution #4 On A Call for Ethical Government

Whereas, honesty and integrity are foundational in the government of any de- mocracy; and

Whereas, there is a great call for ethical conduct, integrity, and moral develop- ment at all levels of public life; and

Whereas, concerned citizens are asking our elected public officials, President, Governors, Senators, Congressmen, etc. to seek higher standards of public con- duct,

Be It Therefore Resolved, that the Baptist Missionary Association of America meeting in Jackson, Mississippi in April, 2018 call upon all elected officials to set high, Biblical standards in their conduct and their ethics; and

Be It Further Resolved, that we urge all public and elected officials to demon- strate: care for the public trust, care for the use of contributions, and to not abuse their power given them; and care to follow the spirit as well as the let- ter of the law in honesty and trustworthiness.

63 Resolution #5 Open Prayer for President Donald Trump

Whereas, the need for prayer is constant in the Christian’s life, and

Whereas, our national, state, and local political leaders need and must have our prayers, and

Whereas, some of our elected leaders have shown a lack of Biblical values; and

Whereas, our nation needs a spiritual revival, we publicly call for prayer for President Donald Trump as the ultimate leader of our nation.

Therefore, Be It Resolved, that we, the Baptist Missionary Association of America meeting in Jackson, Mississippi in April, 2018 ask our churches to pray in great fervency for our public officials and President Trump as given instruc- tion in I Timothy 2:1-3; and

Be It Further Resolved, that we the Baptist Missionary of America in this ses- sion call for a silent prayer for our President, the Congress, and the United States Supreme Court.

Moral Action Book Recommendations By Dr. Adams The Day the President Was Shot Personal Faith Public Policy by Bill O’Reilly by Harry Jackson & Tony Perkins Henry Holt & Co., $19.99 Front Line, $21.99

Politics According to the Bible Core of Conviction by Wayne Grudem by Michele Bachmann Zondervan, $39.99 Sentinel, $21.99

Character Is the Issue Inside the Revolution by Mike Huckabee by Joel C. Rosenberg Broadman & Holman , $11.99 Tyndale House, $24.99

Radical Islam Embryo by James C. Denison, PhD, $13.99 by Robert George Doubleday, $23.95 Culture of Corruption by Michelle Malkin In Defense of Civility Regnery Publishing, $16.95 by James Davis Cokesbury, $20.00


Ronald Beasley 8141 Joffre Dr. Sidney Davis Jacksonville, FL 32210-2416 118 Lowe Road, (904) 783-0524 Laurel, MS 39443 [email protected] (601) 426-3928 [email protected] David Inzer 1816 Strait Place James Hoffman Stuttgart, AR 72160-5726 11229 Midland Blvd. (870) 673-4692 or (870) 673-1396 St. Louis, MO 63114-1116 [email protected] (314) 429-0714 [email protected] John Smith 11567 E. Broadview Doug Brewer Kiowa, CO 80117-8830 15200 Meadow Creek Lane (303) 621-2856, Oklahoma City, OK 73165-7232 [email protected] (405) 794-6646 [email protected] Paul Mooney 3019 S. Eiler Avenue Jerry Fulton Joplin, MO 64804-9101 P.O. Box 2085 (417) 448-7570 Waxahachie, TX 75168-2085 [email protected] (972) 923-0756 [email protected] Barry Huckabay 367 Doc Martin Rdoad Coushatta, LA 71019-7157 (318) 932-6890 [email protected]

65 Financial Report January – December 2017

Balance Brought Forward 25353.44 Receipts 49204.72 MAMS reimbursement 545.00 Total to Account For 75103.16 EXPENSES

Associational Expenses 1467.62 Office Supplies 1095.86 Postal 1239.00 Printing 3868.55 Promotion/Publications 1832.90 Retirement/Executive Director 429.98 Compensation Executive Director 14700.00 Compensation Office Personnel 6300.00 Taxes/Insurance 4410.00 Telephone/Web 1680.15 Travel Expenses Gas 2108.41 Meals 1684.67 Hotels 4346.85 Van Expenses 1061.10 TOTAL EXPENSES 46225.09 Balance checking account, 12/31/2017 28878.07

2018 Proposed Budget Associational Expenses 1500.00 Office Expenses 1200.00 Postal 3000.00 Printing 5000.00 Promotion/Publications 5000.00 Retirement/Executive Director 429.98 Compensation, Executive Director 14700.00 Compensation, Office Personnel 6300.00 Taxes/Insurance 4410.00 Telephone/Web 2000.00 Travel 20000.00 Van 1500.00


66 Baptist Missionary Association of America

Lifeword Media Ministries

Executive Director Donny Parrish P.O. Box 6 Conway, AR 72033



Executive Summary Donny Parrish

There is a greater work in the future for Lifeword. I’m convinced of that. It’s not because of what we can do, but because of what God can do…and what he’s promised us in his Word. Because Lifeword is a ministry whose entire purpose and focus is broadcast- ing the life-changing message of Jesus to a lost world, and because of the promise he gave in Isaiah 55:11 (“…my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it”), there is an assurance of a great future work. We cannot fail because his Word never fails.

2017 The past year has been a whirlwind of change and transition at Lifeword. Steve Crawley had done an incredible job of leading Lifeword. Under his leader- ship, Lifeword moved to heights of ministry never experienced before. Because of his financial expertise, Lifeword became positioned to accomplish more with greater financial stability than at any time in her history. And all of this was ac- complished during shaky economic times. Steve’s decision to step down from the executive director role would have been a lot tougher to take if he had not agreed to continue to assist our Lifeword financial team. The ministry of Lifeword is poised to do things that were only dreams several years ago. Because of internet technology, Lifeword truly has the potential to tell the entire world of the love of Jesus. We have a vision to do just that. It’s a big vision. It’s a God-sized vision. We believe that it’s a vision that he gave to us. We believe that this is God’s will for Lifeword. And we are in the process now of changing our ministry model and our structure, as well as reorganizing our hu- man resources to maximize efforts to fulfill his vision.

Where We Are Presently, Lifeword is producing gospel broadcasts in forty different lan- guages around the world. A Lifeword broadcast can be heard and understood in 121 countries. One fourth of the planet has an opportunity to be blessed by Life- word. Lifeword presently is debt free. All of this is good. No, all of this is great! When you take into consideration the budget of Lifeword and the capacity of the 68 staff in place, there is only one thing that can explain this sort of success: God has his hand on this ministry. We are claiming God’s promise in John 14:12: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” We want to do the greater works. We believe and are trusting him to do these greater works through us.

Where We Are Going Lifeword will become a diverse and decentralized ministry. To take the ministry of Lifeword to another level, we must be determined to make new leaders around the world and release ministry to them. There is no way for the eight team members at Lifeword’s Conway, Arkansas, headquarters to produce enough quality programming to tell all the people of the world about Jesus. To multiply our efforts we must reproduce ourselves around the world. Our goal will be to push ministry away from Conway and to directors, producers, creators and artists around the world. There is a world of broadcast talent out there. There are young, creative Christian broadcast artists waiting for us to use them to impact the world for Jesus. We must find them, cultivate them, inspire them, train them and empower them to produce, program and broadcast. The Internet will become the primary broadcast delivery vehicle for Life- word. Will our radio broadcasts go away? No. They will still be there. They are every much as viable today as they have ever been. But in many cases they will be delivered in a new way. In many areas of the world, traditional radio will still be our most effective option for sharing Christ. But in most places of the world, the Internet is or has become the most effective delivery method. We will leverage the power of the Internet for audio, video and print gospel presentation. There must be radio programs, video programs, social media pre- sentations, podcasts, and blogs…any media method that is available to share the message of Jesus must be used. And we must do that with professionalism and clarity. Our God is worthy of our best work. And people will only pay attention to media that is engaging and creative. To cut through the media clutter that is the Internet and to capture the attention of a lost world, Lifeword must move into their world and speak their language, both literally and culturally. We will use the Lifeword Cloud as an opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus in as many languages as possible. Very soon people from all around the world will be able to discover who this man Jesus is to them. will become the door that will open the teachings of Jesus to the people of the world. They will be able to follow that domain name to the website and hear the story of Jesus in their own languages. The Lifeword Cloud will also power LCR stations around the world. These radio stations, designed to assist BMA missionaries in planting new churches, will soon be able to stream programming directly from the Lifeword Cloud to broadcast to their listeners. The availability to interrupt the stream to do local

69 broadcasts will allow each local church to preach the gospel and introduce their church ministry to a local audience.

Who Will Be Leading A new ministry philosophy will necessitate a change in the Lifeword leader- ship structure. To decentralize the ministry of Lifeword will mean that identify- ing, training and shepherding new leaders will become a focus of the leadership in Conway. To move into the internet broadcasting arena will mean that expertise will need to emerge on the Lifeword team. And continuing to move toward the goal of reaching the world will mean fostering a relationship with the churches of the BMA.

The Time Is Now There is a greater work in the future for Lifeword. God has placed this min- istry in strategic position to move into the brave new world of internet broadcast- ing. He has given her a team that is talented and committed to making his name famous among the nations. He has given us a command to take his message of salvation to the world. He has given us a great strategic partnership with BMA Missions to help missionaries be more effective in planting new churches. He has put us in this position to do greater things. And, with his Spirit as our guide and source, we are determined to play our role in God’s great plan. Lifeword has a dynamic team of broadcast professionals and support staff at our headquarters in Conway, Arkansas. Each one has bought into our new para- digm and believes in our new direction. I cannot tell you how great it is to work with such talented, godly people. Lifeword is the ministry she is today because of the team that God has brought together. Almost every member of the team is taking on new responsibilities to allow the ministry of Lifeword to move toward the goals God has given us. Let me introduce to you our staff and the ministry areas they will lead: Luis Ortega - Director of Operations - Luis Ortega has sixteen years of broadcasting experience at Lifeword. His new responsibility will include identify- ing talent and leading our new broadcast structure around the world. Luis will essentially become the conductor for the “Lifeword Broadcast Orchestra.” Rick Russell - Director of Broadcast Equipping and Training - No person on the Lifeword team understands the art and science of broadcasting as does Rick Russell. Rick has been in the broadcast business for fifty years and has served at Lifeword for almost thirty years. Rick will have the responsibility of training broadcasters around the world in the “Lifeword Way” of producing and creating broadcasts. Jon Dodson - Director of Internet Broadcasting - Jon has been work- ing with Lifeword on a contract basis for over a year building the new Lifeword Cloud. Jon will be joining the Lifeword team full time in June as the Director of Internet Broadcasting. Jon will manage our operations on the Lifeword Cloud and oversee all internet broadcasting.

70 Holly Meriweather - Director of Church Connections - There is no one in the BMA who loves Lifeword and the people of the BMA like Holly. Holly taught English for many years before joining the Lifeword team. She will use her writing skills to inform our churches about the ministry of Lifeword and personally com- municate with our churches to keep them connected to their missionary media ministry. Dr. Steve Crawley – Finance - Steve Crawley is one of the BMA’s greatest assets. He is a leader and an expert financial analyst. He has been selected by the board of Ministers Resource Services as their Executive Director. Upon the ap- proval of our churches, Steve will serve our pastors at MRS and will also continue to assist our financial department at Lifeword. We are so blessed to have Steve on our team. Ellen Siler - Lifeword Lead Accountant - Ellen has served at Lifeword for ten years. Her organizational skills, financial acumen and love for the ministry of Lifeword make her an invaluable resource. Her daily reports to the executive director concerning individual donors and church support allow me to stay on top of Lifeword’s development efforts. Carol Gipson - Broadcast Assistant - Carol has been an employee at Lifeword since 1992. There is no one on staff that knows this ministry inside and out more than Carol. She is the first face visitors see when they come into the Lifeword suite. Her friendly disposition, loving spirit and diligent work ethic helps make Lifeword a great place to work. There is a greater work in the future for Lifeword. God has placed this min- istry in strategic position to move into the brave new world of internet broadcast- ing. He has given her a team that is talented and committed to making his name famous among the nations. He has given us a command to take his message of salvation to the world. He has given us a great strategic partnership with BMA Missions to help missionaries be more effective in planting new churches. He has put us in this position to do greater things. And with his Spirit as our Guide and Source, we are determined to play our role in God’s great plan.

Summary of Director of Operations Luis Ortega In 2017 God used the launching of Lifeword En Español to better inform, serve, and improve communication with Hispanic churches of the Baptist Mis- sionary Association. Within this effort, the Spanish version of Day by Day was launched, introducing missionaries to churches and vice versa and connecting local churches in praying for one another. Within a year, the video reports were informing nearly 5,500 followers with some posts reaching 30,000 individuals in the Americas and Caribbean. A secondary effort allowed Lifeword to pay personal visits to several Hispanic churches and pastors in Arkansas, Mississippi, Puerto Rico and Texas. Additionally, Lifeword successfully conducted multimedia trainings in Bolivia, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Peru, installing twenty-seven Lifeword

71 Community Radio (LCR) stations and helping launch young social media mis- sionaries in Peru, El Salvador, and Mexico. Lifeword is also playing a part in assisting BMA Puerto Rico in launching some of their online and multimedia initiatives. Preliminary work is underway preparing content for the launching of the Lifeword Cloud. Meanwhile, Lifeword is in the process of increasing online pres- ence with partners like TWR (TransWorld Radio) by making more languages available through their platform. This process will also pave the way for upload- ing media content to the Lifeword Cloud. Additionally, all LCR stations are being mapped so they can be seen at a glance on a world map (and heard in the near future). The biggest task yet will take years, but it has tremendous potential of worldwide impact. It is the task of collecting all programming in the forty languages that Lifeword currently produces around the world and getting those programs digitized, labeled, sorted, and uploaded to the cloud for both live streaming and on demand, searchable by title, topic, theme, scripture, speaker, and much more. The broadcast treasure trove will help power the network of LCR stations around the world. The Cloud will initially house content in English, Spanish, Arabic, Garifuna, and Swahili. The other thirty-five languages will be added in a methodical way later, even as new formats come online simultane- ously. Lifeword also prays that 2018-2019 will be when the Lord allows his Word to reach further by increasing the number of countries and formats in which his name is being proclaimed in the language of the hearer. Part of the plan is to add twenty new radio stations with a combination of those at the community level with low power and online via the web. Additionally, new languages will be identified that need a clear presentation of the gospel. Will you pray that the Lord allows Lifeword to work closely with BMA missionaries in reaching dozens upon dozens of new people groups in the next decade? May the Lord lead and help in identifying additional godly men and women around the world who are passionate about making disciples of Jesus Christ in all nations through their local churches and the use of every tool available. May many more join forces with the hundreds of team members who are already assisting the local church in running LCR stations and online radio programs, di- recting and producing evangelistic messages and discipleship programs, and even creating audio versions of the Bible for those who cannot read, so that they too can become disciples of Jesus Christ. Lifeword believes the task of making dis- ciples that Jesus gave to the local church will require armies of obedient believers working together through their local churches and using everything within their means. May local leaders, country leaders, and regional leaders band together to make the name of Jesus known through their efforts of facilitating LCR instal- lations, trainings, follow-up, programming, uploads, internet broadcasts, gospel program translations, productions, operations, and much more. If Lifeword´s tools can assist your local church in making disciples of Jesus 72 Christ, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Summary of Director of Equipping and Training Rick Russell Several communities in western Romania are enjoying the first generation of gypsy teenagers who have grown up in Christian homes. At the same time, the cost of smartphones with access to broadband internet has dropped so much that these teenagers are the first in their families to have access to fast internet connections. So last year we saw the opportunity to hold a training session in Romania for a dozen or so young people and a few of their older mentors. Our objective was to teach them to use their new smartphones to produce internet podcasts in their own Romany language that can help draw gypsy young people to Jesus. In Tanzania, our Swahili long-format Bible study broadcast has become very effective in helping Muslims understand God’s love. Our pastors there, most of whom actually participate in those broadcasts, tell us story after story of how Muslims from their own villages are hearing their Word of the Chief broad- casts in Swahili, accepting Jesus as Savior…and bringing their whole families to church! Last year we began introducing that same Word of the Chief format to our producers in West Africa, and in 2018, we expect to see that format expand to many new places around the world where that tribal worldview makes it a very effective tool. Also, last year many new LCR broadcasts went on the air. One of the great things about a community radio station is that it just lends itself to the creation of new programs and formats in many new languages. That is a key advantage, because as each new station goes on the air, it gives Lifeword an expanding num- ber of indigenous program producers. As we work with these stations around the world, we can capture those new programs and begin to upload them to the internet cloud where they will become available to people all over the world who speak those languages.

Summary of Director of Church Connections Holly Meriweather In the fall of 2013 Steve Crawley asked me to consider working part time at Lifeword as Walk coordinator. As a lifelong member of a BMA church, I thought I knew what Lifeword was all about, but to better understand the ministry, Bro. Steve asked me to sit in on weekly staff meetings a few weeks prior to my first day on the job. It was soon obvious that I really didn’t know much about Lifeword. During each meeting, staff members shared praises, prayer requests and on- going projects, and I became emotional every time! Incredible things were going on around the world, and I was honored to soon be a part of this team. Even in my fifth year at Lifeword, I’m still emotional. Gospel ministry work

73 is happening around the world by creative servant leaders, and part of my job is to make sure you know about that work which includes the following: • Visionary Leaders in the Americas, Europe, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region who search for unreached people groups and help establish Lifeword Commu- nity Radio (LCR) stations so they can hear gospel programming • Our partnership with BMA Missions pastors, missionaries and church plant- ers who need LCR to enhance and grow their mission work • The Lifeword Cloud, a new vision that God placed on Donny’s heart many months ago that will change the way Lifeword operates and deliver the good news to millions more people than ever before This year, I will plan my fifth Lifeword Sunday/Walk and encourage BMA churches to get involved in Lifeword’s flagship fundraiser by registering for this special emphasis day. Through the men and women we call “Team Lifeword” we will ask churches, both contributing and non-contributing, to learn about, pray for and give to Lifeword on October 21, 2018, then provide the media to help them do that. I also communicate with churches by traveling to camps, conferences, and meetings to tell groups like GMA and WMA what’s going on in their media min- istry. Donny and Luis travel for speaking engagements, and I support them with church data and materials for those visits. Finally, my favorite form of communication is writing, and I write articles and produce two monthly newsletters: an electronic one for Team Lifeword leaders and a print one for Faith Inner Circle subscribers. I’m grateful to have the job of communicating and connecting with these faithful people and our partnering churches and individuals.


1. We recommend that we adopt the proposed operating budget for 2018. 2. We recommend that Sunday, October 21, 2018, be set aside as Lifeword Sunday. 3. We recommend that the housing allowance be set at $2,500 per month for the Director of Operations, Director of Broadcast Equipping and the Executive Director, and $1,250 per month for the Financial Advisor for this year and beyond until amended. 4. We recommend that a rising vote of appreciation be given for the following Lifeword Board members completing their second term of service: Brice Martin, Dennis Rankin and John Ben Wil- liams. 5. We recommend that Donny Parrish stand as a nominee for Executive Director.

74 The Lifeword Executive Director salary is $81,050. Benefits include one half of Social Security/Medicare, health and dental insurance, retirement at 10% of salary and an auto allowance. Note: The compensation is based on an independent evaluation of the executive director position by Phillip Blount and Associates, an independent compensation consulting firm used by a number of Baptist groups. Compensation levels are determined through a three-step process – job analysis, job evaluations, and extensive market research. The amount is at the 50th percentile level.

75 76 77 78 79 80 Lifeword Board of Directors Minutes August 18, 2017 (9:00AM CST) BMA Global Ministry Center, Conway, Arkansas

Attended: Donald Williams John Ben Williams Brice Martin Sonny Foster Tommy Wallace Barry Davis Steve Neal Brian Atwood Richard White Jeremy Riddle David Martin

Opening and General • Opened with Prayers for Regina Burns-Cancer • Welcome Devotion by Donny Parrish • New Things • Energy and Focus required • Scripture calls us to new songs! Psalm 96:1-4, Psalm 98:1-2, Psalm 149:1, Isaiah 42:10 • Not forgetting old ways…….that is our foundation, but add a new dimension • Introduction of new members • Steve Neal (here today) • David Martin (here today) • Harold Barnard (not here) • Previous minutes reviewed • M/S/C to approve

Election of Officers for Fiscal 2018 • John Ben Williams nominated for President • M/S/C to approve • Brian Atwood nominated for Vice President • M/S/C to approve • Brice Martin nominated for Secretary • M/S/C to approve • Chad Davis nominated for Asst. Secretary • M/S/C to approve

81 Lifeword Reports • Rick Russell (Page 12 of Board Meeting Documentation) • Swahili Broadcast and “Word of the Chief” format is a great success • Transitioning to cell phone recording studios • LPFM Community Radio • 75 stations on the air! • Continue to cost approx. $1500.00/station and additional $350/ station required once base station setup (asking nationals to pay this final $350.) • Luis Ortega (Page 10 of Board Meeting Documentation) • Holly Meriweather (Page 13 of Board Meeting Documentation)

Departmental Reports • BMA Missions by John David Smith • Excited as we see continued success through the synergy and transition of BMA departments • Disciple making continues to be the key and the analogy given of: • “We are the scaffolding for the building………not the building. If the scaffolding is needed for 20 years………something wrong with the building.” • We have to continue to see new church plants self-supporting and self-sending • 700 Missionaries in 80 countries • Double in the last 4 years as we do a lot more with a lot less • Currently considering adding 4 Missionary families in United States and many International to total possibly 10 more this coming year. • Trying to develop new ways for Lifeword to be the conduit to help the Missionaries “tell their stories” and give their testimonies of what God is doing. ACTIVATE by Todd West (program through DiscipleGuide) • Primary goal is to be a Pastor to Pastors • 50 churches involved right now on a weekly or monthly interaction • Top Challenges • Failure for churches to be “in touch” with our communities and almost “locked up” in church • Can’t connect • Old Mentality of “Come and See” does not work • Especially if it is “Come and See”, plus “We won’t change”. • New vision has to be “Go and Show”. • Not necessarily to get them to come to church, but go to love them and share the good news • If you are not building a church for the next generation…… are not building a church • Concerning statistic: 13 Southern Baptist Churches have their last

82 service every Sunday. • Greatest need is funding for full-time assistant and around $36,000 needed

Lifeword Network and Operational Update- Donny Parrish • Donny shared the number of views and impressions from the Day by Day broadcast • New expansion of Day to Day to Spanish is underway • Lifeword Cloud will cost $75,000 and we need the capital raised to begin • Timeframe is anticipated to be one year to build Cloud • Then the goal will be to gather content and add • First phase will include approx. 5 languages • Goal is to build the new Cloud without interrupting our present budget! • The Board also agreed to adopt the Vision as stated on Page 7-9 of the Board Meeting Documentation • M/S/C Financials and Budget: Steve Crawley • We are changing to a new Fiscal Year of June 1st- May 31st • Discussion to utilize allocation of non-discretionary capital spending of $20,000 towards road closure • Financial and Budget report approved • M/S/C Open Discussion • New church connection database by John Meriweather anticipated to be done by end of 2017 to help with communication and contacting churches and donors • Next on site meeting in Conway, AR will be February 23, 2018 • M/S/C to adjourn Closing • Closed in Prayer

Lifeword Board of Directors Minutes February 23, 2018 (9:00AM CST) BMA Global Ministry Center, Conway, Arkansas Attended: Donald Williams John Ben Williams Brice Martin Tommy Wallace Steve Neal Jeremy Riddle David Martin

83 Rodney Burns Harold Barnard Dennis Rankin

Opening and General • Opened with Prayers for Bro Steve Crawley and family on the passing of his father-in-law • Welcome Devotion by Donny Parrish • John 14:12 • Expand and multiply, The greater things the Lord spoke of may very well be the worldwide reach of the gospel that we are engaged in • Previous minutes reviewed • M/S/C to approve Financial Report by CPA Conner & Sartain • All details given in the Financial Statement binder provided by Bo Conner at this meeting • $177,000 excess over expenses • Rough breakout of ownership of BMA LLC • 40% Lifeword • 40% Missions • 20% Discipleguide • Unqualified Clean Opinion given for the year- excellent • M/S/C to approve the Financial Report given by Bo Conner, CPA Financial Report by Steve Crawley (called in) • Key Employee Insurance review on Donnie • Discussed Salary Expense increases overall due to: • Intern • 16,000 in raises for 3 employees taking on more responsibility • Adding a director of Internet Broadcasting • Some salary reduction from reassignment • Working with potential client to replace the tenant at old Admin Building • Street closing continues to move forward. Cost still estimated at 20,000 and will be shared with other departments • M/S/C to approve the Financials and Budget review by Steve Crawley Executive Director Salary • Discussion of Board regarding compensation • M/S/C to increase Executive Director Salary to $81,051 which is merit based and also weighted for our goal to be in the 25Th percentile for best non-profit workplace study from last year • Discussion of a 3-year plan to continue to reassess salaries according to our workplace study results Lifeword Reports and Operational Updates • John David Smith/Missions Exec Director • Complimentary discussion to the Lifeword board about the continued 84 synergy and great working relationship between Lifeword and Missions • Currently sending 5 new missionaries • Discussed recent trip to Amazon where LPFM was being used • Donny Parrish/Lifeword Exec Director (pg 7-10 of Board Meeting Documentation) • Discussed our goal “Talk to the Whole World” • Current Traditional Platforms reach 50 languages, 70 formats, ¼ of the world in 121 countries • “New Day” Discussion of where we are going with Lifeword Cloud (given on page 9 of Board Meeting Binder) • is a new domain we hold that will point people to the new Lifeword Cloud ª Will also use the Cloud to service many of our community radio stations and supply broadcasts • Facebook Broadcasting Starting • First launch will be focused on stay at home moms with Lori Cline. Tues/Thurs show for now. • Will maintain traditional platforms as we grow the new digital plat forms and maintain 100% stability in our existing reach • Discussed the transition of Steve Crawley to primary role at MRS and Lifeword will be paying 2/3 of Steve Crawley salary and ½ by Minister’s Resource Services. Lifeword continues to invest in MRS as a blessing to our pastors. • Luis Ortega- Director of Operations (pg. 11-12 of Board Meeting Documentation) • Added 27 LPFM Stations and working towards 100 • Partnering more with Transworld Radio to spread the gospel • Shared a goal to have through the new digital initiatives 200 languages in next 10 years • Rick Russell- Director of Broadcast Equipping/Training • (Page 13 of Board Meeting Documentation) • Jon Dodson-Lifeword Cloud • Effective June 1st, 2018 he will be full-time • 5 language goal for the May 1, 2018 Lifeword Cloud launch • Using Amazon servers for stability • Will be aggressively evaluating how to transition Latter Day Saints/ Mormon control of pay per click and digital conversations about Jesus to new domain • Holly Meriweather- Director of Church Connections (Page 14 of Board Meeting Documentation) • Discussion of the WMA 2018/2019 national project • Will be presenting profile stories on Lifeword staff soon Open Discussion • Recommendations for the National Meeting Approved as written on

85 Pg. 22 of Board Meeting Documentations including Donny Parrish as the nominee for Executive Director • M/S/C to approve • Appreciation shared for the board members coming off this month: John Ben Williams, Dennis Rankin and Brice Martin. • M/S/C to designate Brian Atwood as moderator for next meeting so new officers can be elected • Next on-site meeting in Conway, AR will be August 24, 2018 • M/S/C to adjourn Closing • Closed in Prayer

86 Lifeword Broadcast Financial Statements Years Ended December 31, 2017 and 2016

87 88 89 Financial Statements

90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 Baptist Missionary Association of America

Ministers Resource Services Agency

Executive Director Dr. Steve Crawley P.O. Box 995 Conway, AR 72033



BMA Retirement Accounts Had A Return Of 12% In Growth For 2017

It is with a thankful heart that I share with you, the messengers of the BMA of America, my nineteenth annual report as Executive Director of Ministers Resource Services. This being my final report I want to give thanks to God for His many blessings upon this ministry during the past eighteen and one-half years while I served as director. Let me thank you the churches and messengers of the BMA of America for allowing me this opportunity to serve. A thank you also goes out to the current and former trustees of MRS for their support and encouragement to me during my eighteen plus years as director. I also want to recognize the many years of service that Alice Griffin and Sharon Daniels have given to Ministers Resource Services, Alice 38 years and Sharon 34 years. I pray God’s richest blessings upon these two ladies for their dedicated and faithful service through the years. The BMA Retirement accounts at Ministers Resource Services have averaged, net of fees, a growth of 7.42% each year for the past fifteen years. Our retirement accounts had a return of 12% in growth for the year 2017. During the past year we received from participants each month an average of $78,598.99 for deposit into their retirement accounts at Ministers Resource Services, a daily average of $2,584.08. The 2017 yearly total we received for deposit into retirement accounts for pastors, church staff and employees of the BMA was $943,187.91. As of December 31, 2017 there was a grand total of $14,184,867.99 on deposit in retirement funds at Ministers Resource Services, reflecting a growth in assets of $10,324,957.21 over the past fifteen years. The BMA Retirement portfolio in 2017 had an increase in assets of $1,443,874.19. These numbers represent people. These people are pastors, church staff and employees of the BMA who are diligently preparing for retirement hand in hand with the churches and entities of our association. The BMA Ministers Retirement Plan is approved by the Internal Revenue Service for tax-deferred income from the churches, departments and agencies of the BMA of America. As a participant in the BMA Ministers Retirement, a pastor, church staff or employee of the BMA may tax-defer up to 100% of their annual salary and compensation not to exceed $53,000 dollars each year. Manning and Napier Advisory Advantage Corporation of Rochester, NY professionally manage the BMA Retirement portfolio through our broker Fawcett and Company Investment Strategies. Enrollment in the Ministers Retirement Plan continues to grow at a consistent pace. Truly our churches and pastors are catching the vision for retirement.

Serving The Servants Of God No matter what ministry we are involved in we are challenged daily to make disciples of all nations. We who name the name of Jesus must remember it is all about living up to His call on our lives as we make a renewed firm commitment in seeing that others learn the disciplines of being a true follower of Jesus! The BMA of America as an association must hasten in carrying out the great commission for the cause of Christ; therefore, let’s pursue with diligence every God given opportunity for ministry. Ministers Resource Services is only one part of the whole in the ministry of the BMA of America. Our ministry is unique to any other in our association. We are not

105 planting churches, broadcasting the gospel or training individuals for ministry, but we are serving those who minister in every department, agency and church. We serve those who serve others; indeed, our slogan is true, “We Serve the Servants of God.” Our Missions Statement is to provide retirement and benevolent services to the pastors, churches and entities of the Baptist Missionary Association of America. Our mission is clear; therefore we are committed more than ever before about the opportunities God will continue to give us in serving others with their retirement and financial needs. The various ministries and programs of Ministers Resource Services confirm our purpose in the BMA of America. Working hand in hand with the BMA Ministers Retirement Plan is the Ministers Benevolent Society and Auxiliary. The Benevolent Society operates as a death benefit fund that is payable upon death to the survivors of enrolled ministers and wives by a voluntary contribution of $10.00 per member. Since its inception the Benevolent Society has paid out a total of over $1.8 million dollars to the families of deceased members. F.A.M.E. (Funds to Alleviate Ministers Emergencies) helps those ministers who have urgent financial needs. Contributions to this fund are received from individuals, groups and churches wishing to be of help to those ministers suffering an extreme financial crisis. Churches in selected states, as well as departments and agencies, are able to purchase Property and Casualty Insurance through the partnership plan between Ministers Resource Services and Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company. During the past year Brotherhood Mutual insured approximately two hundred twenty-five BMA churches and entities in seven states through the partnership plan with Ministers Resource Services.

Heartfelt Gratitude A sincere word of appreciation is expressed to our Board of Trustees: Dwayne Ashcraft, Eddie Ballard, Dennis Clark, Ray Holland, Ron Ledford, Kenneth Lott, David Pickard, Roy Prather and Ed Ridge for their dedication and faithfulness. Their expertise in the financial arena is a must to the ministry of Ministers Resource Services. I am extremely thankful that these men all share with me the same passion, helping pastors and church staff plan for retirement. Words are inadequate in expressing personal thanks to my Administrative Assistants Sharon Daniels, Alice Griffin and Jane Hoy. The work of Ministers Resource Services would not be what it is today without their faithfulness to this ministry. For Sharon, Alice and Jane it is not just a job, it is a calling. Without these ladies it would be impossible for me to do the work of MRS. Loving appreciation is also expressed to my wife, Gloria. Without her support and prayers it would be difficult for me to serve as Executive Director of Ministers Resource Services. If your church is supporting this ministry, we express our sincere appreciation. If your church is not supporting Ministers Resource Services, we ask you to give prayerful consideration to the financial support of this ministry. May God bless you for what you are able to do for MRS. My gratitude is expressed to all those pastors, churches and associations, in fifteen states, who over the past eighteen and one-half years have allowed me to share my vision of enrolling every pastor in the BMA Ministers Retirement Plan. During the past year it was my joy to travel across several states sharing the ministries of MRS with our churches and associations. Pastors, my thanks to you for allowing me to fulfill the call that God has placed upon my life

106 Recommendations 1. That Steve Crawley stand as nominee for Executive Director of Ministers Resource Services. 2. That the Executive Director’s annual salary be $40,000.00 with $15,000.00 of that amount being designated as housing allowance for IRS purposes. 3. That the MRS fiscal year be moved to June 1st through May 31st of each year. 4. That the budget for January 1 – May 31, 2018 in the amount of $145,182.22 be approved. 5. That the budget for June 1, 2018 – May 31, 2019 in the amount of $120,990.00 be approved. 6. We urge each church to include Ministers Resource Services in her monthly budgeted offerings to the various departments and agencies of the BMA.


INCOME: 2018 Proposed Contributions 18,000.00 Investments 110,000.00 TOTAL INCOME $128,000.00 EXPENSE: 2018 Proposed Administrative 114,332.22 Operational 30,850.00 TOTAL EXPENSES* $145,182.22

*Difference in Expenses over Income January 1 through May 31, 2018 includes compensation for Steve Crawley’s services as approved by MRS Board of Trustee.


The BMA Retirement accounts at Ministers Resource Services have averaged, net of fees, a growth of 7.42% each year for the past fifteen years. Each retirement participant had a return of 12% in growth posted to their account in the year 2017. In 2017 MRS received and deposited $943,187.91 to participants’ retirement accounts, a daily average of $2,584.08. The retirement portfolio in 2017 had an increase in assets of $1,443,874.19. The BMA Retirement portfolio over the past fifteen years has had a growth in assets of $10,324,957.21. The BMA Retirement portfolio assets totaled $14,184,867.99 on December 31, 2017.

MINISTERS RESOURCE SERVICES Annual Trustee Meeting February 23, 2017

The trustees of Ministers Resource Services met Thursday, February 23, 2017, at the Ministers Resource building in Texarkana, Arkansas. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM by chairman Kenneth Lott. The following trustees were present at today’s meeting:

107 Kenneth Lott, Eddie Ballard, Ron Ledford, Roy Prather, Ed Ridge, Dennis Clark, and Dwayne Ashcraft. Chairman Lott called on Roy Prather to open today’s meeting in prayer. Dennis Clark was recognized to give the devotional. His devotional was entitled “Questions.” He began by talking about the questions that Jesus asked of blind Bartimaus and the lame man before He healed them. Then he shared John 15:7 and made some applications regarding the questions we should ask ourselves if we desire personal revival and divine intervention in our lives. The first item of business was the election of officers. Eddie Ballard made a motion that all current officers serve for the 2017-2018 term. Seconded by Ed Ridge. Motion passed unanimously. The officers are as follows: Chairman: Kenneth Lott Vice Chairman: Dwayne Ashcraft Clerk: Ron Ledford Assistant Clerk: Eddie Ballard Chairman Lott asked Roy Prather to present the devotional at the next annual trustee meeting. Executive director Ron Chesser gave a summary of the Agency’s report which he will present at the annual association meeting convening in Arlington, Texas, May 1-3, 2017. The annual report reflects that the Long Term Growth accounts have averaged, net of fees, a growth of 6.3% each year for the past fourteen years. The portfolio, which is professionally managed through Manning & Napier, and our broker, Fawcett and Company Investment Strategies, reflects a growth of $8,881,083.02 over this same period of time. Ron Chesser informed the trustees of his plans to retire as the executive director of Ministers Resource Services to be effective May 31, 2018. The trustees discussed this issue in depth with the director. In light of this discussion the trustees entered into an executive session related to Ron Chesser’s retirement. David Moore, the CPA with the accounting firm Wilf & Henderson, was recognized to give the 2016 audit report. Following his report a motion was made by Eddie Ballard and seconded by Ed Ridge to authorize the transfer of $74,429.00 from the general fund to cover operational expenses for 2016. The report from Manning and Napier was given by broker, Bunn Fawcett. He introduced Rob Emrich, vice president of Manning and Napier, and portfolio strategist Chris McAvoy who discussed the strategy of our portfolio. A motion was made by Dwayne Ashcraft and seconded by Roy Prather that the director’s annual report and recommendations be approved along with the 2017 budget. Motion was passed unanimously. A motion was made by Eddie Ballard and seconded by Dennis Clark that $18,000.00 of the executive director’s annual salary be designated as housing allowance for IRS purposes for the year of 2017. In miscellaneous business the board appointed Dennis Clark to act as chairman and Ron Ledford will serve as clerk at the BMAA meeting in Arlington, Texas May 1-3, 2017. With no further business meeting was adjourned with Ed Ridge voicing the closing prayer.

Ron Ledford Clerk

108 109 110 Ministers Resource Services Annual Trustee Meeting February 22, 2018

The trustees of Ministers Resource Services met at 9:00 AM on February 22, 2018 at the department’s facilities in Texarkana, Arkansas. The following trustees were present: Kenneth Lott, Dwayne Ashcraft, David Pickard, Dennis Clark, Roy Prather, Ray Holland, Ed Ridge, Ron Ledford. Chairman, Kenneth Lott recognized Roy Prather to share a devotional thought from the scripture and lead in the opening prayer. Roy read Psalm 16:11 and talked briefly about “The Path of Life”. The first item of business was the election of board officers for 2018. The following officers were elected:

Chairman: Kenneth Lott Vice Chairman: Dwayne Ashcraft Clerk: Ron Ledford Assistant Clerk: Eddie Ballard

Retiring Executive Director, Ron Chesser gave his final report to the board. He began his report by expressing his sincere gratitude to his assistants in the of- fice for their many years of service to Ministers Resource Services. Alice Griffin has been with the department for 38 years, and Sharon Daniels has been with the department for 34 years. Jane Hoy has also faithfully served during her shorter tenure. Director Chesser expressed his appreciation to the board for the privilege of serving as the Executive Director of Ministers Resource Services for 18 years. He also offered his full support and prayers for Executive Director elect, Steve Crawley. Director Chesser reported that Ministers Resource Services had expe- rienced an average growth of 7.42% each year for the past fifteen years. He reported that the total retirement portfolio as of December 31, 2017 was $14,184,867.99. Chairman Lott recognized Steve Crawley for his report. He began by expressing appreciation to Executive Director, Ron Chesser for his assistance during this time of transition. A packet of materials summarizing the steps in converting Ministers Resource Services current 401 (a) to a 403 (b) plan was distributed to the board members. The following considerations were followed during the initial evalua- tion process: Cost for services provided and suitability of programs based on the needs of the constituency for which Ministers Resource Services provides services for. From a list of seven potential providers, three were selected to be interviewed at the BMA facilities in Conway, Arkansas on January 23, 2018. The following individuals were selected to serve as an evaluation panel:

111 Steve Crawley: Executive Director elect Ministers Resource Services Dwayne Ashcraft: Vice-Chairman Ministers Resource Services Boar of Trustees Charles Attebery: Executive Director BMA Foundation John Meriweather: BMA Director of Operations Glenda Sellers: Member of the BMA Human Resources team (with a financial background) Bryan Gunnels: Director of Operations, Antioch Baptist Church, Conway, Arkansas (20 years experience as a stoke broker)

From these three finalists, ENVOY FINANCIAL of Colorado Springs, CO was selected for further research by Steve Crawley. An on site visit to ENVOY was made by Steve Crawley and his wife, Daura, along with Glenda Sellers. The CEO and CEOO, along with the Third Party Administration Teams of ENVOY were interviewed. As a result of these meetings, Bro. Crawley is confident in recommending ENVOY FINANCIAL as the Third Party Administrator for Min- isters Resource Services’ 401 (a) plan to a 403 (b) retirement plan. The steps and timeline to facilitate the transition was clearly outlined to the Board of Trustees. After a brief recess, David Moore of Wilf & Henderson Accounting Firm was recognized to give a summary of the 2017 audit. Following his report, a motion was made by David Pickard and seconded by Roy Prather to authorize $54,910.00 from the general fund to cover the operating expenses for 2017. Mo- tion passed. A motion was offered by Dennis Clark and seconded by Ed Ridge to unre- strict $5,000.00 in the general fund that was originally restricted in 1997 effective December 31, 2017. Motion passed. The board expressed their appreciation to Mr. Moore for his many years of service as auditor for Ministers Resource Ser- vices. The board then reviewed the budget for January 1, 2018 through May 31, 2018, that was presented by retiring Executive Director, Ron Chesser. Steve Crawley presented an overview of the operating budget for fiscal 2019 year. A motion was made by Ed Ridge and seconded by Dewayne Ashcraft that the housing allowance for Executive Director, Ron Chesser be set at $18,000.00 for the year 2018 (January 1, 2018-May 31, 2018). Motion passed. Chairman Lott dismissed brethren Chesser and Crawley from the board room. The board then discussed compensating Steve Crawley for the work that he has done since January 1, 2018. A motion was offered by David Pickard and seconded by Dwayne Ashcraft that Steve Crawley’s salary as Executive Director become effective January 1, 2018. Motion passed. Ron Chesser and Steve Crawley were asked to rejoin the board meeting. Bro. Chesser was informed of the board’s motion to compensate Bro. Crawley for the work that he has done since January 1, 2018. The budget as proposed for January 1, 2018 to May 31, 2018 will be adjusted to reflect this.

112 A motion was made by Roy Prather and seconded by Dwayne Ashcraft that the budgets, along with Ron Chesser’s report and recommendations stand as approved by the board. Motion passed. Steve Crawley then discussed items that would need to be taken care of pursuant of the transition of Ministers Resource Services funds from Man- ning & Napier to Envoy Financial. Envoy has suggested that a Retirement Plan Oversight Committee be formed to review the investment accounts of Ministers Resource Services that are managed by Envoy. The board of Ministers Resource Services could appoint an Oversight Committee consisting of qualified individu- als with financial credentials to serve on a two-year term. After discussion a motion was offered by Dennis Clark and seconded by Ray Holland that a Retirement Plan Oversight Committee be formed consisting of the Executive Director of Ministers Resource Services, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Ministers Resource Services, and three additional individu- als who are recommended by the Executive Director and approved by the board of Ministers Resource Services. Motion passed. A motion was offered by Dwayne Ashcraft that necessary documents, including a Memorandum of Understanding between Envoy Financial and Min- isters Resource Services, along with a Certified Copy of Corporate Resolution between Manning & Napier be approved. The motion was seconded by David Pickard. Motion passed. A motion was offered by Roy Prather and seconded by Ed Ridge that these documents attached as copies to the minutes. Steve Crawley informed the board that representatives from Envoy Finan- cial would attend the national meeting of the BMA in April. Envoy also plans to have representatives available for various state meetings within the BMA. Ron Chesser informed that the Ministers Resource Services property in Texarkana, Arkansas would be listed with a realtor. All board members were encouraged to attend the national meeting of the BMA, which meets in Jackson, Mississippi on April 16-18, 2018. Kenneth Lott will introduce Ron Chesser to give his report. Ron Ledford will read the Ministers Resource Services recom- mendations to the association. Chairman Lott presented Roy Prather with a nice plaque in recognition of his five years of service on the Board of Trustees. Meeting was adjourned with Ed Ridge voicing the dismissal prayer.

Ron Ledford Clerk

113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 Baptist Missionary Association of America

Women’s Missionary Auxiliary

President Jodi Rhea Wynnewood, OK

501-472-9490 [email protected]

137 Women’s Missionary Auxiliary April 16, 2018

The national WMA met in Jackson, Mississippi at the Jackson Convention Center. Ruby Poteet, the president, was in charge. Beth Caldwell, Mississippi WMA president, gave a welcome and then presented Ruby Poteet with a gift of hand painted pillows. Judy Wallace led a medley of songs. The president called the business meeting to order. There were no petitionary letters. Pat Duncan gave the treasury report. Janet Widger made a motion to accept the recommendation that Kelly Wil- liams and Charlotte Johnson serve with a BMA minister, selected by the treasurer and the assistant treasurer, to review the financial records of the national WMA annually. Motion seconded by Charlotte Johnson and motion carried. Ann Pugh read the officers recommendations which were:

1. That Kelly Williams and Charlotte Johnson serve with a BMA minister, selected by the treasurer and assistant treasurer, to review the financial records of the national WMA annually. 2. To pay Hayely Manard $250.00 out of the Youth Fund for her work on the web page. 3. To change all wording in the Salary and Expense report from corresponding secretary and assistant corresponding secretary to treasurer and assistant treasurer. 4. That Judy Wallace and Jerene Reddin work on an additional song for use in our ladies meetings.

Janet Widger made motion to accept the recommendations, seconded by Charlotte Johnson and motion carried. Dian Lee gave a report on the Philippine College , which was the project for the past year. She showed a short video of students thanking the WMA for what they had done for them. Certificates were given out to the churches who had given $500 or more to the project. First Baptist Church of Springhill, , gave the most to the project, $5,456.00 Brother Freeman from the Philippians spoke to the group and thanked the WMA for what they do. Jodi Rhea read the recommendations for the officers for 2018-2019.

President, Jodi Rhea First V. President, Charlotte Johnson Second Vice President, Brenda Hornaday Third Vice President, Cindy Allen Recording Secretary, Linda Dertinger Assistant Recording Secretary, Jessica Haden Treasurer, Pat Duncan

138 Assistant Treasurer, Janet Widger Media Editor, Alicia Johnson Editor, Jackie Ricks Historian, Sandy Kennedy Director of Youth Auxiliaries, Mandi Townsend Assistant Director of Youth Auxiliaries, Laura Hicks GMA/YLA Promoter, Lisa Christian Assistant GMA/YLA Promoter, Lane Flint Sunbeam Promoter, Shirley Hoffpauir Assistant Sunbeam Promoter, Sandra Kizer Song Leader, Judy Wallace Pianist, Jerene Reddin Project Promotion Committee 2019, Diana Morris 2020, Kelly Williams 2021, Terri Adams Salary and Expense Committee 2019, Beth Caldwell 2020, Victory White 2021, Connie Reifsteckin; Study Book Committee 2019, Narita Roady 2020, Carolyn Colvert 2021, Glenda Chamberlain Advisory Council: Claude Evans, David Kizer, Randy Rhea

After no other nominations Jodi Rhea made motion to accept these. Motion seconded and carried. The registration committee gave their report: 89 messengers; 16 visitors; total 105. Churches represented: 67, Foreign countries: 1. Pat Duncan gave a report on the offerings. Project: $516.31; General fund: $1139.37. Mandi Townsend gave report on the youth auxiliaries. She said the project this year is Daniel Springs Baptist Encampment. Ruby Bynum gave the resolution report. It was as follows:

We the Ladies of the national BMA WMA do hereby resolve: As we make resolutions, first we should go to the Lord in genuine prayer and Bible study for we are unable to do anything without God’s help. We do humbly ask Him by His grace to enable us to keep the resolutions. To prayerfully consult God to reveal what He is asking from each of us. That we set the Christian example in our lives daily that family, friends and lost people may see Christ in us and that we may have a part in leading the lost to Christ. That daily we are faithful to set aside time for prayer and Bible study. That we are faithful to pray for our pastors, church members, and the lost.

139 Also that we attend faithfully the church where the Lord has put us to serve. That we are consistent in the financial support and prayer to the ministries of the BMA from the local to the national level. That we follow the example of the good Samaritan; that we love our neighbors and reach out to those in need. That we pray daily for our country, our president, his family and staff. That we speak out for the lives of unborn babies and take a stand against abortion. That we pray daily for our military, law enforcement agents, fire fighters, and first responders, who put themselves in harm’s way for our protection and safety. That we pray for our youth in our churches and community. That we set our standards high that we can be the example God expects us to be in order that His light can shine through us for His honor and glory.

The Sunbeam report was given by Sherry Laminack. She said their project was the shepherd’s bags. The goal is $10,000.00. Shirley Hoffpauir also reported on Sunbeams. Jodi Rhea entertained a motion to accept all of the reports, seconded by Charlotte Johnson and the motion carried. Charlotte Johnson installed the new officers. The theme was Being Coura- geous, Joshua 1:9. After the installation of officers Brother David Kizer led in prayer. Brenda Hornaday gave her report. Next year’s theme is “Catch the Vision.” The Project Nominations were given: 1. We Are Free, nominated by First Baptist Church, McNeil, Arkansas. Angela McMurray spoke on this. 2. Moral Action, nominated by Big Creek Baptist Church, Soso, Miss. Bro. John Adams spoke on this 3. The Lifeword Cloud, nominated by Springhill Baptist Church, Springhill, AR. Donny Parrish spoke on this.

Valerie Fish led in prayer before the vote. “We Are Free” was selected for the project. Janet Widger made motion to make the project a unanimous vote. Motion seconded and carried. A beautiful bowl was given to Ruby Poteet for serving as president. Ruby Poteet presented the gavel to Jodi Rhea and the service was dismissed.

April 17, 2018

The WMA resumed their meeting with Charlotte Johnson giving a welcome. She used Esther 4:14. She said watch for the time to share God’s Word because that is what it is all about. Charlotte introduced Debbie Powers, and she told about Kim Crabill’s book. Kim Crabill was the speaker.

140 Door prizes were given. Judy Wallace came and led the singing with Sabrina Clayton at the keyboard. Mandi Townsend came and introduced Miss GMA Sarah Landsford. Sarah brought a devotional challenging us to look at Job. She used Job 2:11-13; Job 32:1- 5; Job 33:6; Job 34:3-4; Job 37:5. She said 37:5 was her favorite scripture. She said what a mighty God we serve and used Job 38:16-18; Job 42:16-17. She said God is pleased with the humble. Learn to listen to good counseling.. She used John10:10. Stand courageous in your life. She closed in prayer. Charlotte asked a friend to come and speak. She was Sandra Jordan. She gave her testimony. Judy Wallace led “There is no Other Name” with Sabrina Clayton playing for her. She led several songs about Jesus’ name. Judy sang “Purified and Holy.“ This is a song that she and Jerene Reddin wrote. Charlotte Johnson introduced our speaker Kim Crabill. Charlotte thanked all that helped with the program. Sabrina Clayton sang “Choose Christ.” Kim Crabill came and spoke to us after a short video “Burdens to Blessings.” She said fear is real, 2 Timothy 1:7. Fear that is not from God but it can be used for God, Luke 22:42. Seek, Stand, and Be set Free. Be Outrageous Courageous. Go face our fear, Fight it or Flight it. She said run to Jesus. After an inspiring message she led in prayer. Jodi Rhea made some announcements and we were dismissed for lunch. Prayer was led by Sabrina Clayton. She prayed for Sam Freeman and his wife; they had just lost their son in a car accident. Bettye Wilson asked the blessings on the food. After the meal, which was in honor of the pastors’ wives and widows, Jodi Rhea said that we wanted to honor those wives and widows. Kim Crabill came and spoke to the wives. Kim gave all a rose, and Jodi gave all the pastors’ wives and widows a necklace made by her 92-year-old mother. Sabrina Clayton sang “Thank You,” and Judy Wallace led in prayer. In the afternoon we had breakout sessions.

• Sunbeams by Shirley Hoffpauir • From Final to First by Judy Wallace • Roundtable discussion by Kim Cambrill • Missions by Diana Morris

There were 200 in Tuesday’s attendance.

Ann Pugh, recording secretary Linda Dertinger, assistant recording secretary

141 President I am Jodi Rhea, the new president of the national WMA. It has been our goal the last three years to work hard to increase interest in the WMA from the local level to the na- tional level. Keeping this in mind, we made history this year by completing our business on Monday, April 16, and a Ladies Retreat on Tuesday the 17th. On Monday, President Ruby Poteet presided over the meeting. Reports were given and new officers were elected. As we closed out our project for this past year, which was the BMA College in the Philippines, Sister Diane Lee came to thank the WMA for their support. She was excited to report that in the last two semesters the students at the college had won 1,999 souls to the Lord. We need to continue to pray for Bro. Doug and Sister Di- ane Lee as they strive to keep the doors of this college open so they can continue to teach these wonderful students who have such a love for God and for winning souls for Him. The ladies elected “We are Free” as our new project for the coming year. FREE stands for Fostering Respect, Eradicating Exploitation. A faith-based comprehensive care facility is being built in southern Arkansas for survivors of human trafficking. The money raised for this project will be used to furnish this facility. On Tuesday, we had a wonderful time of worship with Judy Wallace leading the singing and Sabrina Clayton on the keyboard. Miss GMA, Sarah Lunsford of Arkansas, gave a devotional from the book of Job. Judy Wallace sang a beautiful song that she had written, “Purified and Holy,” and Sabrina Clayton stirred the hearts of all when she sang “I Choose C h r i s t .” Charlotte Johnson, 2nd Vice President introduced our speaker, Kim Crabill, president of Roses and Rainbow Ministries. She spoke vibrantly and earnestly from God’s word on how to be “Outragiously Courageous” and challenged us to live beyond our fears. We then had a luncheon for all the ladies, and pastor’s wives and widows were honored. Fol- lowing the luncheon we had breakout sessions taught by Shirley Hoffpauir, Judy Wallace, Diane Morris, and Kim Crabill. We had approximately 110 in attendance for our business meeting and almost 200 for the retreat. I make a motion this report be accepted. — Jodi Rhea, [email protected]

First Vice President What a year this has been; a year of challenges! It has been our heart’s desire as na- tional officers to see the WMA of the BMAA to grow. Our challenge: to get more ladies of all ages interested in the national WMA. We are making history this year by having our business on Monday and a retreat on Tuesday with a luncheon for all the ladies. Another challenge: informing EVERYBODY! This has been a real challenge for me as I am not very knowledgeable about technology, but I am learning. I am even on Facebook now! God can use it for good. We have tried hard to inform everyone. We hope no one has been missed. We want the WMA to grow from the national level all the way to the local level. I hope you have picked up that challenge at your church. Have you tried new things to get more ladies interested in WMA? If so, please let us know what they are. It might benefit someone else. We want to be a source of help to WMA groups with suggested resources and ideas. Stay in touch and informed through the WMA website ( which will provide study resources, information on our project, encouraging testimonies, contact information for officers, etc., and the Facebook page (National WMA of BMAA) which

142 will provide announcements, and updates. Of course, you can always contact an officer if you have questions or other needs. It has been a privilege serving as your first vice president. It has been a joy and a learn- ing experience. Thank you so much! God bless you! — Jodi Rhea, [email protected]

Second Vice President I am thankful for the privilege of serving as second vice-president for the last two years for the national WMA. These two years have been such a blessing for me. It has been a blessing to get to know each of you and share the love of Jesus with each of you. The theme for this year was “Fear Not! Finding the Courage Who God Wants us to Be!” The theme verse was Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and coura- geous. Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will go wherever you go.” When I have gone through hard times in life, I have had to rely on God otherwise I wouldn’t have made it. There have been times I wanted to give up. We have two choices. We can either lay down and give up, or we can get up and say “No to Satan” and his evil tactics. He is real and he’s out to destroy us! We need to tell Satan, “You can’t have me! You can’t have my family. You can’t have my peace. I am the Lord’s.” I have come to realize that God has been with me every step of the way while going through the hardships of life. I have learned to depend on God, read scriptures, pray constantly, and stay strong and coura- geous. I love getting to know ladies around our state and nation. I would love to share about Jesus with ladies in your area. Please call or email at [email protected] if you would like me to speak at your meetings. I pray that you will enjoy the ladies retreat and you will go home today with a desire to be “Outrageously Courageous: Dare to Live Beyond Your Fears.” — Charlotte Johnson, [email protected]

Third Vice President Thank you for allowing me to serve as your third vice president for the past two years. My prayer is that you have enjoyed reading, especially God’s Word, as much as I have. Please continue to take advantage of the various methods of daily Bible study that have worked the best for you. Some methods that have proven to be effective are reading the Bible through in a year, picking a topic and reading everything you can find in the Bible on that subject, picking a book of the Bible and reading it through several times over several weeks or months, and listening to the Bible on audio. You may also choose to read books by Christian authors to help inspire you in your Christian walk. Just be sure that they are scripturally sound and in keeping with our BMA doctrines and ideals. God’s Word is the best! “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the work of truth,” (2 Timothy 2:15). — Brenda Hornaday

Director of Youth Auxiliaries Once again, on behalf of all of the GMA directors, let me thank you for the honor to serve in this capacity. What a JOY it is to serve our Lord through GMA! Thank you for your continued concern and support of the GMA. Camp last year was once again refreshing and uplifting. With an attendance of over 300 we were able to enjoy sweet fellowship and make some lasting relationships. Due to your financial help, we were able

143 to once again complete a service project to fill hundreds of Shepherd’s bags. Our worship times were sweet as Brother John Herring, missionary in Missouri, shared the word and his ministry. We were able to raise a little over $14,000 for the orphanage in Peru. We have yet to reach our project goal of $25,000, so if you can encourage your GMA group or even your church to donate to our project that would be fabulous! Our project this year is Daniel Springs Camp. We have enjoyed the ministry of this camp for so many years, and it has been our project before for renovations, etc., but now, the thought of not having it brings tears to our eyes. Our camp dates this year are June 12-15. We are in the process of updating our website and have almost completed our curriculum updates. We covet your prayers for the Lord to speak to our girls about becoming officers, strengthening their walk with the Lord, as well as being a light and a voice for his kingdom. We continue to be encouraged by new groups beginning a GMA or restarting one that may have died out in years past. Please pray for our leadership as we face some questions about how to deal with the issue of some of our local GMA groups being the only one in their district; how to keep them encouraged and maybe even consolidating those. Although I am many times the voice of our national program and sometimes the only face you may see at the national meeting, believe me when I say it takes us all and I could not do this without the leader- ship team you have elected to assist. Thank you again for the opportunity to serve. — Mandi Townsend, Laurie Hicks, Lisa Christian, Sandra Kizer

Sunbeam Promoter Good things are happening in the BMAA Sunbeam work. We have had new Sun- beam groups started this year. This is great! God is blessing as ladies across the BMAA are dedicating themselves to teaching children about God through the Sunbeam curriculum. Lessons and visuals for each Sunbeam step are available to download on the Sun- beam website ( Visuals are available in both color and black and white. Updates for the Flicker, Ray 1, Beam 1 and Beam 2 are available on the old Sunbeam web- site ( Two mission videos are available on both websites. The Sunbeams raised $1,860.21 for the MORAL ACTION AGENCY OF THE BMAA project. Trophies were presented to each group who raised $500.00 or more, and certificates were presented to each group who raised $100.00 or more. Liberty Baptist Church, Stamps, AR $ 79.44 Amory Street Baptist Church, Providence, MS 13.24 United District WMA, AR 234.00 Pleasant Springs Baptist Church, McCaskill, AR 250.00 Myrtle Springs Baptist Church, Quitman, TX 558.53 Alicia Johnson, Jacksonville, TX 25.00 Grace Baptist Church, Russellville, AR 100.00 Denver Street Baptist Church, Greenwood, AR 500.00 Big Creek Baptist Church, Soso, MS 100.00 $1,860.21

Eight ladies attended the Sunbeam workshop at GMA camp. Sunbeam information and updates were presented by Shirley Hoffpauier, Sandra Kizer, and Sherry Laminack. Please pray for the Sunbeam work as ladies present God’s Word as they teach the

144 Sunbeam lessons. The lessons are filled with truths from God’s Word and need to be taught to boys and girls. Pray that boys and girls will come to accept Jesus as their per- sonal Savior as these lessons are taught. Thank you for the privilege to serve as national Sunbeam promoter. This year completes my term. I have received many blessings during my term and continue to have a burden for the Sunbeam work. My prayer is for God’s richest blessings to be upon this great work! — Sherry Laminack, [email protected], 870-543-9640

Assistant Sunbeam Promoter “Let’s Make A Lasting Investment” has been the national Sunbeam theme for this year. I consider it an honor and a huge blessing to get to “invest” in a child’s life through the local, district, state and national Sunbeam auxiliaries. We as Sunbeam sponsors invest not only our time, but our money, our energy, our love, our patience, and our lives to “train up a child in the way he should go.” The Sunbeam boys and girls are building a “good” foundation to build their lives on when they are taught God’s Word. Sharing ideas on how to improve our teaching skills, and the importance of being faithful and obedi- ent workers and worshippers of our Savior and Lord, has been a tremendous privilege of mine as I serve Him through the Sunbeam auxiliary. The Sunbeam workshop held at Daniel Springs, Gary, Texas, during the national GMA Retreat was truly a blessing. There were not many who attended, but Sherry Laminack inspired us all to make the necessary investment in the lives of our children. Thank you WMA ladies for allowing me to be able to serve you this year as your national Sunbeam promoter assistant. I am blessed! — Shirley Hoffpauir

Study Book Committee “How can a young [woman] cleanse [her] way? By taking heed according to Your word. With all my whole heart have I sought You; oh, let me not wander from Your com- mandments! Your word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You. Blessed are You, O Lord! With my lips I have declared all the judgments of Your mouth. I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies, as much as in all riches. I will meditate on Your pre- cepts, and contemplate Your ways. I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word.” (Psalm 119:9-16 NKJV) Studying the Bible is the main way to grow in knowledge and to help others as well as ourselves as we live. We need to know what we believe and that it comes directly from the scriptures. We can’t possibly teach others, especially our young Sunbeams and GMAs without learning from the Bible ourselves. Although study should not be just for a ritual, we must make it a habit or we will have a tendency not to do it. We should have personal Bible study daily. We may prefer a structured form or we may prefer to study whatever happens to be relevant to our lives at any given time. Either way, we should be in the Word daily. However, we should also study collectively. Only through interaction with others may we truly grow as much as we can. Sometimes the comments and gleanings from others may shed new light on a section of scripture that we hadn’t been able to understand. Our ladies’ groups are a good place to have this joint study. Of course, not everyone feels capable of teaching directly from the Word of God without some help. That’s where study books come in; they are tools to help us learn.

145 There may be good how-to books and other helps out there for one area or another of our lives. However, these must be Bible based in order to assure that we are not getting into something that could cause us and others to go astray. Along with searching the scrip- tures, we should pray about a particular study that the Lord may have led us to undertake. And always have someone study it first before accepting it for the whole group to use. Although we have no newly endorsed study books in our national WMA work, you may not have studied all of those that we’ve had in the past. These are no longer available in one central location. The last authorized study book, People Are People, is still avail- able on a limited basis from Jackie Ricks. She also has a couple of other study books that several groups have used. Other recent BMAA writers who still have some of the past study books available are: Valarie (Mrs. Dale) Fish, Taffy (Mrs. Buddy) Johnson, and Lynn (Mrs. Paul) Silvey. Some quantities are limited, but get in contact with each lady if you are interested in her book. Books by other Christian authors may also be used if you are careful to assure that they are biblically sound. Perhaps you have checked out the books that Beth Moore and others in other Baptist groups have written. Many of these now have videos to accompany the studies if you have the ability to include that. There may also be others that you may find based on scriptural truth even though they are not specifically Baptist. The Bible truth is the important thing. Although our groups study the scriptures, you may personally enjoy Christian fic- tion. There are several Christian authors now in more than one genre. You can especially find good, clean romance and suspense, with many even including the plan of salvation along the way as you enjoy the plot. We have writers within the BMAA who are Christian fiction authors. Sandy Jones and Jackie Ricks are two who have written Christian fiction series. There may be others of whom you know that you would be willing to share infor- mation with others. Make use of our national WMA website to post reviews or sugges- tions of good Bible studies and Christian fiction. God intends for us to keep His Word in our hearts and lives to show us the way to Him. He also wants us to teach the Word to others. Are you doing your part? Is your ladies group studying the Word? If not, find a good study today and begin, whether per- sonally or with your group. — WMA Study Book Committee: Jackie Ricks, Narita Roady, Carolyn Colvert

Project Promotion Committee Chairman The national WMA project committee for 2017-2018 began promoting the new project, the BMA Bible College in the Philippines by sending out 300+ bulk emails to the ladies and churches of the BMA. Kelly Williams designed the promotional brochure used in promoting our national project. Trumpet Printing in Arkansas produced 1500 brochures. The cost of printing the brochures was $400. Postage totaled $100. Carolyn Colvert prepared the video for the promotion of the project. This was put on our Facebook page. Articles with updates of offering amounts and ideas for promoting and raising funds were also sent to our state newspapers and passed out at our district and state WMA meetings. Total Expenses $500 — In His Service, Debbie Clark, Diana Morris, Kelly Williams

146 Salary And Expense Study Committee The Salary and Expense Committee recommends the following for 2018-2019:

Salaried Officers: • The salaried officers are: Corresponding Secretary and Assistant; Director of Youth Aux- iliaries and Assistant; GMA Promoter and Assistant; Sunbeam Director and Assistant. • The salaried officers are to be paid when working for the auxiliary, reimbursed for ex- penses incurred in the duties of the office to represent the Women’s Missionary Auxiliary. Expenses to be reimbursed are: travel, motel, meals and forty cents a mile (when traveling in her own car), office, mail, and phone expense with one exception: The Corresponding Secretary may be reimbursed for travel to the annual meeting of the Women’s Missionary Auxiliary of the BMAA. Officers may choose the mode of transportation (air or car) but reimbursement will only be for the least expensive. (Amounts noted in Chart of Expens- es).

Expenses Reimbursed: The office, mail, and phone expenses are to be paid for all elected officers in the perfor- mance of their duties, not to exceed $150.00 per year with the following exceptions: • The president’s expense of travel, motel, meals and mileage to the annual meeting of the Women’s Missionary Auxiliary of the BMAA, (when not provided by her church). • The first vice president as chairperson of the Growth and Development Committee will be allowed up to $300.00 per year. • The second vice president will be allowed up to $1,000.00 per year for program expense. (Program expense consists of props, speaker gratuities, gifts, etc.). • The Project Promotion Committee may not exceed $1,500.00 for promotion expense. • The Recording Secretaries, active and/or appointed, will receive $75.00 for each meeting.

Other Expenses: • The Miss GMA and Junior Miss GMA of the Girl’s Missionary Auxiliary, are to be reim- bursed for travel expense to the annual meeting of the Women’s Missionary Auxiliary of the BMAA (They should be advised of this at the time of invitation). • Nursery workers are to be provided when possible for the annual meeting of the Women’s Missionary Auxiliary of the BMAA. They are to be paid $15.00 per hour. • Expenses for the Minister’s Wives/Widows Recognition (when feasible) not to exceed $1,500.00. • That the expense of maintaining the national WMA website be paid. • That an honorarium of $200.00 be given to the video technician (appointed by the sitting president) to serve at the annual meeting.

We recommend that the balance In the Patsy Campbell Book Fund and the National Retreat Fund be transferred to the General Fund. All expense, including salaries, which are paid from Auxiliary funds, must be documented by receipts. Receipts must be submitted to the Corresponding Secretary for payment by February 28 each year or as soon as possible thereafter. (Request Expense Forms from the Corresponding Secretary).

Project Fund: • That the WMA general fund receive 15% and auxiliaries youth fund receive 5% of the project fund with the remaining 80% be designated by vote. That the selection be limited

147 to one project. • That nominations for the project must be presented in writing to the president and the project promotion committee chairperson by April 1 of the current year. The nomina- tions must be made by a local WMA group. Each nomination may have one person speak briefly giving a description of the ministry and the amount needed to complete the proj- ect. It must be a ministry of the Baptist Missionary Association of America. • That certificates be given to the auxiliary that contributes the most and to those who give $500.00 or more.

Chart Of Expenses

General Fund Expense Hourly Mileage

Corresponding Secretary $5.50 $0.40 Assistant Corresponding Secretary $4.60 $0.40

Recording Secretary $75.00 Recording Secretary $75.00

Not to Exceed Growth & Dev. Committee $300.00 Program Chairman Expense $1,000.00 Officer’s Expenses $150.00 Project Fund $1,500.00

Activities Widows-Wives Recognition $1,500.00 Nursery Worker (Hourly) $15.00

Youth Fund Expense Hourly Mileage

Director of Youth Auxiliaries $5.50 $0.40 Assistant Director of YA $4.60 $0.40

GMA Promoter $5.50 $0.40 Assistant GMA Promoter $4.60 $0.40

Sunbeam Director $5.50 $0.40 Assistant Sunbeam Director $4.60 $0.40

Miss GMA & Junior Miss Reimbursed travel to National Meeting



FEBRUARY 28, 2018



To the Officer’s of the National Women's Missionary Auxiliary of the BMA of America

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of National Women's Missionary Auxiliary of the BMA of America (a nonprofit organization), which comprise the statement of cash receipts and disbursements for the year ended February 28, 2018, and the related notes to the financial statements.

MANAGEMENT’S RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with the cash receipts and disbursements basis of accounting as described in Note A; this includes determining that the cash receipts and disbursements basis of accounting is an acceptable basis for the preparation of the financial statements in the circumstances. Management is also responsible for the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

AUDITOR’S RESPONSIBILITY Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

157 OPINION In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the receipts and disbursements of National Women's Missionary Auxiliary of the BMA of America for the year ended February 28, 2018, in accordance with the cash receipts and disbursements basis of accounting as described in Note A.

BASIS OF ACCOUNTING We draw attention to Note A of the financial statements, which describes the basis of accounting. The financial statements are prepared on the cash receipts and disbursements basis of accounting, which is a basis of accounting other than accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Our opinion is not modified with respect to that matter.

Murrey, Paschall & Caperton, P.C. Forney, Texas March 30, 2018





Receipts: General Fund: Regular Offerings and Project $ 2,464.03 2,464.03

Project: Youth Department 66.20 Computers for India Schools 7,569.51 College of the Philippines 30,417.47 38,053.18

Designated Funds: Lifeword 218.90 Widows/Wives Breakfast 1,790.00 Interstate Missions 88.90 Foreign Missions 88.90 Grady Johnson 45.00 Poirier Fund 45.00 2,276.70

Other Receipts: Sunbeam Project 1,634.84 1,634.84

Total Receipts $ 44,428.75

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.





General Fund Disbursements: Operating Expenses: Murrey Paschall & Caperton, P.C. (Auditing) $ 2,030.70 Website 742.00 National Meeting 1,060.00 Recording SEC 150.00 The Baptist Trumpet 607.82 4,590.52

Mrs. Ruby Poteet (President): Motel/Lodging 389.28 Meals 41.19 430.47

Mrs. Jodyi Rhea (1st VP): Motel/Lodging 282.25 Supplies 21.65 303.90

Mrs. Charlotte Johnson (2nd VP): Gifts 106.61 Printing 84.00 Supplies 70.53 261.14

Mrs. Janet Widger (Asst Treasurer): Mileage/Gas 192.80 Salary 36.80 229.60

Mrs. Pat Duncan (Corresponding Secretary/Treasurer) Mileage/Gas 384.00 Motel/Lodging/Parking 320.50 Meals 116.09 820.59

Total General Fund Disbursements $ 6,636.22

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.




Youth Department Disbursements:

Mrs. Mandi Townsend (National Director of Youth Auxiliaries): Salary $ 488.70 Motel/Lodging 424.15 Misc. Other 185.38 Mileage/Gas 289.10 Meals 47.82 Miss GMA (Emily Gentry) 192.78 Supplies 101.72 1,729.65

Mrs. Laurie Hicks (Asst Director Youth Auxiliaries): Motel/Lodging 131.95 Mileage/Gas 229.40 Supplies 99.97 461.32

Mrs. Lisa Christian (National GMA /YLA Promoter): Motel/Lodging 61.95 61.95

Other Disbursements: EIM - Shepherd Bags 6,000.00 6,000.00

Total Youth Department Disbursements $ 8,252.92

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.




Designated Funds Disbursements:

BMA of America: Computers for India Schools $ 4,573.98 College of the Philippines 8,538.89 13,112.87

Other Disbursements: Sunbeam Projects 1,543.53 1,543.53

Total Designated Fund Disbursements 14,656.40

Total Disbursements $ 29,545.54

Net Receipts over Disbursements 14,883.21

Cash Balance at 2/28/17 32,304.26

Cash Balance at 2/28/18 $ 47,187.47

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



Nature of Activities

The National Women’s Missionary Auxiliary (WMA) is a non-profit organization that cooperates with the Baptist Missionary Association of America (BMAA). The organization exists to plan, promote and organize the work of women and girls within the Baptist Missionary Association of America. The WMA promotes the furtherance of women’s and other ministries while assisting the BMAA with various mission and other outreach projects.

Basis of Accounting

The financial statement is presented on the cash receipts and disbursements basis of accounting, which is a comprehensive basis of accounting other than generally accepted accounting principles. Therefore, revenues are recorded when received instead of when earned and expenses are recorded when paid instead of when they are incurred. Accordingly, this statement is not intended to present the results of operations in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

Contributed Services

The WMA receives a substantial amount of services donated by its members in carrying out the WMA’s ministry. No amounts have been reflected in the financial statements for those services since they do not meet the criteria for recognition under SFAS No. 116, Accounting for Contributions Received and Contributions Made.

Income Taxes

The WMA is exempt from federal and state income taxes under Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c)(3) and is exempt from filing Form 990.


The WMA’s revenues are primarily donations received from various BMA churches and individuals. A substantial amount of the donations that the WMA receives are restricted by donors as to their use. Donations that do not have donor restrictions are used for general purposes. The WMA has a system in place to ensure that donor restrictions are met and that unrestricted funds are kept separate.


Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents include all monies in banks and highly liquid investments with maturity dates of less than one year. The carrying value of cash and cash equivalents approximates fair value because of the short maturities of those financial instruments.


2/28/17 Receipts Payments Transfers 2/28/18

General Fund $ 5,015.33 $ 2,464.03 $ 6,636.22 $ 1,589.68 $ 2,432.82 2016/2017 Project - 7,569.51 4,573.98 (1,143.50) 1,852.03 2017/2018 Project - 30,417.47 8,538.89 (2,035.86) 19,842.72 Youth Fund 24,598.21 66.20 8,252.92 906.77 17,318.26 Sunbeam Proj. (682.91) 1,634.84 1,543.53 682.91 91.31 Book Ministry 1,326.89 - - - 1,326.89 BMAA-Missions - 177.80 - - 177.80 Widows/Wives 574.94 1,790.00 - - 2,364.94 Other Designated 1,471.80 308.90 - - 1,780.70

Total $ 32,304.26 $ 44,428.75 $ 29,545.54 $ - $ 47,187.47

*Please note that the receipts above for the annual projects reflect transfers to General and Youth Funds of $3,179.36 which is approximately 8% of total received for the projects. **Also note that a 2017/2018 Project payment was made just after year end on March 7, 2018 in the amount of $15,874.18 to Mill Creek Baptist Church for the College of the Philippines.


Westbrook Endowment Fund CD $ 4,312.77 Maturity 5/15/18 Interest Rate 1.05%

This CD is an Endowment certificate for which the principal remains constant and according to the donor’s restrictions, the earnings may be used for general operating purposes. During the current year, interest income on the CD was $45 and was deposited in the general fund.


Management of the National Women’s Missionary Auxiliary of the Baptist Missionary Association of America has evaluated subsequent events through March 30, 2018, the date that the financial statement was available to be issued.

164 March 30, 2018

To the Officers of the Women’s Missionary Auxiliary of the Baptist Missionary Association of America

We have audited the financial statement of cash receipts and disbursements for the year ended February 28, 2018, and have issued our report thereon dated March 30, 2018. Professional standards require that we provide you with information about our responsibilities under generally accepted auditing standards, as well as certain information related to the planned scope and timing of our audit. We have communicated such information in our letter to you dated February 28, 2018. Professional standards also require that we communicate to you the following information related to our audit.

Significant Audit Findings

Qualitative Aspects of Accounting Practices

Management is responsible for the selection and use of appropriate accounting policies. The significant accounting policies used by the Women’s Missionary Auxiliary of the Baptist Missionary Association of America, are described in Note A to the financial statements. No new accounting policies were adopted and the application of existing policies was not changed during the year ended February 28, 2018. We noted no transactions entered into by the Organization during the year for which there is a lack of authoritative guidance or consensus. All significant transactions have been recognized in the financial statements in the proper period

Certain financial statement disclosures are particularly sensitive because of their significance to financial statement users. The most sensitive disclosure affecting the financial statements is the detailed changes in cash balances.

The disclosure of the changes in cash balances in Note B to the financial statements could be potentially significant to users of the financial statements because it provides a summarized analysis of the restricted donations received and the designated funds for their use.

Difficulties Encountered in Performing the Audit

We encountered no significant difficulties in dealing with management in performing and completing our audit.

Corrected and Uncorrected Misstatements

Professional standards require us to accumulate all known and likely misstatements identified during the audit, other than those that are trivial, and communicate them to the appropriate level of management. Management has corrected all such misstatements. In addition, none of the

165 misstatements detected as a result of audit procedures and corrected by management were material, either individually or in the aggregate, to the financial statements taken as a whole.

Disagreements with Management

For purposes of this letter, professional standards define a disagreement with management as a financial accounting reporting or auditing matter, whether or not resolved to our satisfaction, that could be significant to the financial statements or the auditor’s report. We are pleased to report that no such disagreements arose during the course of our audit.

Management Representations

We have requested certain representations from management that are included in the management representation letter dated March 30, 2018.

Other Audit Findings or Issues

We generally discuss a variety of matters, including the application of accounting principles and auditing standards, with management each year prior to retention as the Organization’s auditors. However, these discussions occurred in the normal course of our professional relationship and our responses were not a condition to our retention.

 Currently, there are no means of monitoring cash receipts and disbursements to determine whether receipts or disbursements are meeting or exceeding expectations. We recommend implementing budgeting policies and procedures to facilitate regular monitoring.

 There is currently only one person performing all bookkeeping functions of the Organization. This precludes the Organization’s ability to establish certain internal controls that would be preferred if personnel were available to provide optimum separation of duties. This situation dictates that the officers of the WMA remain actively involved in the financial affairs to provide oversight and independent review functions.

This information is intended solely for the use of the officers and management of the Women’s Missionary Auxiliary of the Baptist Missionary Association of America and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties.

Very truly yours,

Murrey Paschall & Caperton, P.C.

166 Baptist Missionary Association of America


President Mark Jones 5 Denton Road Mantachie, MS 38855-7567

662-231-1435 [email protected]

167 Brotherhood Jackson Civic Center April 17, 2018

The welcome was given by Mark Jones, president. Opening prayer was offered by Brother Kenneth Pollack. Bill Thornton led in the singing of “Here I Am to Worship” ac- companied by Brother Justin Rhodes. The treasurer’s report ($2,459.22 for Philippine Bible College and $945.85 for national Galileans) and minutes were approved. The executive committee report was received. Officers elected for 2019 are as follows.

President: Mark Jones First Vice President: Van Widger Second Vice President: James Laminack Third Vice President: Chris Hamilton Song Leader: Bill Thornton Assistant Song Leader: Matt Hudson Editor/Promoter: Richey Hester Secretary/Treasurer: Roy Caldwell Assistant Secretary/Treasurer: Jimmy Thompson Galilean Director: Kenneth Colvert Assistant Galilean Director: Dan Williams

The project selected for the coming year is:

35%: BMA Philippine Bible College/missionary-elect Jimmy Walker work fund 30%: Brian Risner, missionary-elect to Romania 25%: National Galileans 10%: Brotherhood general fund Approved continuing the Brother Arthur Smith Memorial Scholarship fund for the senior national Mr. Galilean to attend a BMA-sponsored school.

The Galilean report was presented by Kenneth Colvert and Dan Williams. The na- tional Galilean camp will be June 28-July1, 2018, at Stoneridge Baptist Camp, Smithville, Arkansas. The camp theme is “Separated” from 2 Corinthians 6:17. The Galilean report was approved. Larry Tramel offered prayer for the Galilean ministry. Bill Thornton led a song “In Christ Alone.” Stan Scroggins thanked the Brother- hood for the financial support of the Philippine Bible College. Jimmy Walker thanked the Brotherhood for selecting his work fund at the Philippine Bible College as a project. Prayer for these men was offered by Matt Hudson. A special in music was sung by Bill Thornton, “How Deep the Father’s Love.” The speaker was Brother Brian Risner, missionary-elect to Romania. His subject was “Mission Romania,” and he used Acts 1:10-11. An invitation, “I Have Decided,” was presented after his message. Brother Kevin Clayton gave Brother Risner the hand of appre- ciation for his message and offered prayer. An offering of $321.00 was received. Mark Jones, president, closed the meeting and closing prayer was given by David Lawrence.

168 National Brotherhood Officers 2018-2019

President Song Leader Mark Jones Bill Thornton 5 Denton Road 706 E. 53rd Place Mantachie, MS 38855-7567 North Little Rock, AR 72116 662-231-1435 501-771-7570 [email protected] [email protected]

First Vice President Assistant Song Leader Van Widger Matt Hudson P.O. Box 670 1530 Loden Road Jacksonville, TX 75766-0670 Fulton, MS 38843-8819 903-586-2501 662-862-2510 [email protected] [email protected]

Second Vice President Editor/Promoter James Laminack Richey Hester 1047 Maple Ridge Drive P.O. Box 483 Greenwood, AR 72936 Mantachie, MS 38855 479-252-6671 662-231-2686 [email protected] [email protected]

Third Vice President Galilean Director Chris Hamilton Kenneth Colvert 825 S. Alma School Road 2326 Skye Road Mesa, AZ 85210 Fort Smith, AR 72908-9167 501-472-6655 479-649-6122 [email protected] [email protected]

Secretary/Treasurer Assistant Galilean Director Roy D. Caldwell Dan Williams 66 Twin Creek Road 619 Mitchell Street Lucedale, MS 39452-2800 Conway, AR 72032-5110 601-947-6011 501-327-3269 [email protected] [email protected]

Asst. Secretary/Treasurer Jimmy Thompson 113 Kelly Drive Sarepta, LA 71071 318-847-4400

169 Baptist Missionary Association of America

BMA Theological Seminary

President Dr. Charley Holmes P.O. Box 670 Jacksonville, TX 75633


170 Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary Est. 1955 ANNUAL REPORT Dr. Charley Holmes, President

Never a man spake like this man – John 7:46 As a Great Commission institution one of our greatest responsibilities is to pro- mulgate the teachings of the Giver of the Commission – the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. New pastors and missionaries must learn to speak and teach what Jesus said with its intended meaning. Where is this ministry reaching? The reach of BMA Seminary seems to always be expanding. This year the undu- plicated headcount from the dean is 149. Among these students, fourteen (14) states are represented, along with students from fourteen (14) foreign countries (Cape Verde, Chile, China, Costa Rica, India, Iran, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Peru, South Korea, Tanzania, Viet- nam and Zambia). What is the impact? Examples of our graduates becoming leaders in Christ’s kingdom are numerous through the years. Most recently, one of our graduates, Joseph, returned home to Zambia to continue as the director of AWANA for all of the southern half of Africa. Cristian Martinez has graduated and is now planting a church in West Texas. This graduate’s father is also a BMA Seminary student and is director of all of Evangelism Explosion (EE) in Mexico. On my last visit to Tanzania, I returned with the leader of our work there, Renatus Kanunu. He will have a semester of intensive study in the United States and then return to Africa and finish his degree with online studies. On that trip, I was also able to connect with a former student, Alfred Njau. He has been serving for several years as the superin- tendent for all the Methodist churches (300+) in Tanzania. Additionally, one of the couples on campus is working as the primary translators for the Persian language Baptist materials with perhaps the only conservative publisher in that field. How is this work organized? BMA Seminary offers three primary tracks of study. First, the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) is the classic ninety (90) hour graduate degree for those who feel they want the most extensive studies of all the categories of ministe- rial teaching – including Hebrew and Greek. For those who are most eager to enter the ministry without relocating, we also have two degrees completely online – Master of Arts (Pastoral Theology) and Master of Arts (Religion). Both the M.A.P.T. and the M.A.R. are thirty-six (36) hour programs (2 years). How is this financed? Students from all of these far-flung areas are able to study with us because of the generosity of our BMAA churches. The regular monthly offerings of our churches and a number of individuals amount to approximately 70% of the cost of our operations. Because of this generosity, our tuition is perhaps the lowest of accredited seminaries in the United States. I estimate that only about half or fewer of our students could attend if they or their church were left to cover the expenses alone. To the end of keeping expenses low and tuition affordable, we are proposing a budget for the coming year which is basically unchanged.

171 What are some of the primary teachings of this man, Jesus, that no one spoke like, and which BMA Seminary teaches men today? Recently one of our chapel services featured three of these teachings that Jesus spoke. Students were taught from John chapter 2 to reclaim a biblical understanding of ministry. In John 2:16, as Jesus drove out those who would try to make His temple a place for commerce, He said, “make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise.” The point was not to attempt to exploit God’s work for personal gain. We strive to impress upon young men not to have the goal of building up their own ministry, but to plan and prepare to “feed His sheep.” Secondly, the service encouraged the students to learn and teach a biblical un- derstanding of regeneration. Jesus said, “except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” The point of that passage is that fallen humans cannot cause their own entry into Christ’s kingdom by their actions or intellectual affirmations. Many falsely believe today that regeneration is produced by their own decision or efforts at repentance and repetition of a pre- formulated prayer. Jesus’ point in this passage is that regeneration is a sovereign act of the Holy Spirit and that it produces or results in repentance and faith. A false understanding of regeneration promotes evangelism that relies on emotional ma- nipulation, adds tares to churches, and obscures the glory of God in the work of conver- sion and salvation. Thirdly, students were taught to hold to a regulative principle of worship. In John 4:24 we read, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” The regulative principle is the teaching that God’s Word contains all we need to guide our daily lives as well as our worship. Specifically in the realm of the public gather- ing of His churches, all elements of the service should be garnered from the Scriptures. In other words, God’s men do not ad lib. The impulse to mimic unbiblical elements and at- titudes observed in the arenas of sports or entertainment must be rejected. We must wor- ship “in truth” and as the Scriptures say in John 17:17, “Thy word is truth.” Men that teach these things may not have the most popular ministry, the most well-financed church, or be regarded as the most clever communicators. People won’t say that no one ever spoke as well as he did, but they will say that not many men speak the truths that Christ taught like the men of the BMA Seminary.

172 Income Proposed 2018-2019 Budget Auxiliary enterprises $83,736.00 Endowment income 18,528.00 Church offerings 524,142.48 Special gifts – All 232,036.08 Tuition and fees 535,344.00 All other income 48,684.00 Total $1,442,4720.56 Expenditures Academic Dean’s office $112,826.52 Biblical Studies department 115,009.56 Bookstore 2,520.00 Business office 62,441.88 Christian Education department 70,663.92 Church Ministries department 63,558.48 Development office 63,878.00 Distance Education 39,320.04 General administrative 265,105.32 Library operations 144,570.84 Plant operation and maintenance 104,290.92 President’s office 164,322.00 Recruitment 25,228.08 Student aid 84,764.00 Student housing 44,052.00 Student services 12,190.44 Theological-Historical department 60,486.24

Total $1,435,228.24


1. Affirmation of the proposed budget 2. Re-affirm the appointment of Dr. Charley Holmes as president 3. Each church observe Sunday, May 20, 2018, as Scholarship Sunday with: a. Special prayer for our graduates b. Receive a special scholarship offering to support the training of future BMA pas- tors and missionaries on that Sunday 4. Verify that the association believes BMA Seminary’s purpose statement clearly, ac- curately, and realistically articulates the mission of BMA Seminary and the expectations of the association.

The purpose of the Seminary’s divisions of undergraduate and graduate studies is to provide accredited undergraduate and graduate theological education for equipping individuals for Christ- centered service and leadership roles; to support the educational needs of the churches and agencies of the Baptist Missionary Association of America and other groups who share a like commitment to the authority of Scripture; and to serve as a resource center for critical thought and research in a context which nurtures the historical, doctrinal character of the churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of America. 173 BMATS Minutes of Trustee Meeting May 2, 2017 Arlington Convention Center, Arlington, Texas

The BMATS trustees met on May 2, 2017, at 9:30 a.m. in Room M-10 of the Arlington Convention Center, Arlington, Texas, in conjunction with the 2017 annual meeting of the Baptist Missionary Association of America. Those in attendance were Chairman Tom Mitchell, Clerk Don Brown, Elaine Beal, Reggie Blake, Terry Bolton, Dennis Knight, Gary Murph, Forrest Priest, Ted Quinby, Jerry Stacy and Jake Vandenberg along with President Charley Holmes, Dean Philip Attebery, and Administrative Assistant Keri Southern. Newly nominated mem- bers in attendance were Brent Summerhill and Sam Bradley. Chairman Tom Mitchell called the meeting to order with opening prayer led by Trustee Jake Vandenberg. Minutes of the February meeting were adopted as presented. President Holmes presented the following financial reports – Balance Sheet as of April 28, 2017 and Profit and Loss June 1, 2016 – April 28, 2017. Following a brief discussion, the positive financial report was approved. Dr. Holmes shared plans and progress concerning the renovation of Dorman Memorial Chapel. 300 new chairs are planned and funds have been received for 215 as of this report. The Trustee Challenge was discussed and update was given on the progress of those faculty members’ progress in their additional studies. Dean Philip Attebery presented the Academic Affairs report. The Trustees ap- proved the granting of degrees for the 2017 candidates. Trustee Forrest Priest led in prayer for the graduates. In a separate motion the board reasserted its expectation that the seminary teach and adhere to the Doctrinal Statement of the BMA of America and that modifi- cations made to the statement in accordance with the association’s Statement of Prin- ciples of Cooperation are to be included in the Seminary’s official catalog, handbooks, and institution manual. This specifically includes those made by the BMA of America in 2016. Dr. Attebery presented an overview of Title IX issues which the seminary needs to address. The board voted for the seminary to pursue Title IX exemption as present- ed in the Academic Affairs report and according to the statement in the law regarding religious tenets. Dean Attebery also reported on the Arkansas site and its current position. Chairman Mitchell offered thanks to the President and Dean for their services. New board nominees were introduced. Dr. Holmes commended retiring trustee Forrest Priest for his 20 years of service as a seminary trustee. Chairman Mitchell noted the 60 years of service of BMA Seminary and that this would be highlighted at the annual Seminary dinner.

174 The meeting was dismissed in prayer by trustee Dennis Knight.

Tom Mitchell, chairman Don Brown, clerk

BMATS Minutes of Trustee Meeting September 21-22, 2017 Jacksonville, Texas

The BMA Theological Seminary trustees met September 21-22, 2017, on the campus in Jacksonville, Texas. Present for the meeting were the following: Trustees Elaine Beal, Terry Bolton, Sam Bradley, Don Brown, Jamie Haguewood, Dennis Knight, Tom Mitchell, Gary Murph, Ted Quinby, Jerry Stacy, Brent Summerhill, and Jake Vandenberg. Also pres- ent were President Dr. Charley Holmes, Dean Dr. Philip Attebery, and Administrative Assistant Keri Southern. Seminary Professor Dr. Mark Livingston was also present to report on his ad- ditional studies. Professor Mark Livingston shared the progress of his academic work on a PhD. from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Livingston thanked the trustees for the support of his studies as the Trustee Challenge project. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tom Mitchell. He recognized Dr. Holmes for a devotional. His emphasis from Mark chapter one was on sharing the Gospel by covering three main points:

Who is Jesus? Why did He come? How do you follow Him?

Trustee Jake Vandenberg was elected as Vice-chairman of the board. President Holmes issued a charge to new trustees Sam Bradley and Brent Sum- merhill. He stressed the need for support of the Seminary and the great need for prayer and wisdom. Trustee Bradley was assigned to the Finance & Budget Committee and Trustee Summerhill was assigned to the Academic Committee by Chairman Mitchell. A mo- tion to approve these assignments was approved. Chairman Mitchell appointed Jamie Haguewood as chair of the Academic Af- fairs Committee and Dennis Knight as chair of the Finance and Budget Committee. The board elected Trustees Beal and Bolton to continue to serve on the Institu- tional Effectiveness Committee. The board then dismissed to individual committees for their meetings.

175 After the two committees completed their meetings, the Executive Committee convened and considered the bylaws. No changes were deemed necessary.

Friday, September 22, 2017 The board continued its meeting on Friday, September 22, 2017, at 8:00 a.m. A tour of the campus was led by Chris Proctor with the board viewing the main campus and certain buildings in particular. Student housing units were viewed with mainte- nance and repair needs shared. Dorman Chapel has undergone renovation including new flooring and seating. The board toured the facility and were in agreement it was a job well done. After the tour the board reassembled to continue business. The board heard a report from the Seminary’s auditor Gary Murrey. The audit was presented with the comment that there was no need to make any changes. The seminary finished in the black and there were no issues to address. He stated that it was a good audit and no issues to report. A motion to adopt the audit report with the note that it was a good, positive report was passed. The minutes and proceedings from the May 2, 2017 meeting were approved. There was no correspondence to be considered.

Committee Reports The Finance Committee report was presented to the whole board. A motion to accept and approve their report passed. The Academic Committee report was presented. After discussion of the Arkan- sas site, including current student enrollment, financial considerations, staffing and location, a motion was passed to elect a 3-member committee to evaluate all issues, including support from the Arkansas churches and Associations. Trustees Summer- hill, Haguewood, and Veach were elected and charged to bring a report at the board’s February 2018 meeting. The Academic Committee report was approved. The Institutional Effectiveness Committee report was presented and the min- utes of August 23, 2017 were adopted and approved. Dean Attebery addressed recruitment efforts. He shared current enrollment fig- ures including both on campus and online students. A motion to approve his report was passed. President Holmes gave his personal report and the content that will be shared with both churches and local associations as they hold their annual meetings in the Fall. This report was approved by a vote of the board. Chairman Mitchell appointed Trustee Elaine Beal to conduct the annual Evalu- ation of the President. This report will be presented at the board’s February 2018 meeting. The Trustee Challenge was discussed. A motion to recommit to the project of funding the educational costs of Dr. Livingston and Brian Rickett passed. Chairman Mitchell presented a request for a Scholarship Golf Tournament. He shared his experience in conducting a number of fundraising tournaments and details concerning organization and potential fund raising levels. The projected time

176 of the event would be from late Spring 2018 and before the Fall semester. A motion to grant approval for this effort was passed. The board agreed on the dates of February 15-16, 2018 for the next meeting. Chairman Mitchell complimented President Holmes, Dean Attebery and Ad- ministrative Assistant Keri Southern for their continued service and good work. The meeting was closed by a prayer led by Trustee Sam Bradley.

Tom Mitchell, Chairman Don Brown, Clerk

BMATS Minutes of Trustee Meeting February 15-16, 2018 Jacksonville, TX

The BMA Theological Seminary Trustees met February 15-16, 2018, on the campus in Jacksonville, Texas. Present were the following: Trustees Elaine Beal, Reggie Blake, Terry Bolton, Sam Bradley, Tom Mitchell, Gary Murph, Ted Quinby, Jerry Stacy, Brent Sum- merhill, Jake Vandenberg, and Randy Veach via remote access . Also present were Dr. Philip Attebery, Dr. Charley Holmes and Keri Southern, and Board of Visitors member J. T. Harris.

Thursday, February 15, 2018, 2:00 p.m. Chairman Tom Mitchell called the board of trustees to order. J. T. Harris led in opening prayer. Chairman Mitchell made the following committee assignments for the upcom- ing committee meetings: Elaine Beal was asked to serve as Chairman of the Academic Affairs Committee in the absence of Jamie Haguewood, and Jake Vandenberg was asked to serve as Chairman of the Finance and Budget Committee in the absence of Dennis Knight. The Executive Committee was scheduled to meet at 4:30 after the committee meetings. The Trustees were dismissed to their committees.

Friday, February 16, 2018, 8:00 a.m. Trustees reconvened. Chairman Tom Mitchell led in an opening prayer. A bereavement card for former Trustee G. Dean Soape was signed by all trustees present. Dr. Holmes then shared a brief message about the Scriptures as the “whole council of God” and our sole authority for faith and practice. Following Dr. Holmes remarks, Chairman Mitchell dismissed the trustees for a tour of the main seminary building, conducted by Business Manager Chris Proctor. Following the tour a motion and second were

177 made that progress is being made in accordance with the Five Year Planning Docu- ment. Motion carried. There was a motion and second that the minutes of the September 21-22, 2017 meeting be approved as written. Motion carried. Dr. Holmes addressed the time, location and cost of the upcoming Seminary Friends Dinner to be held in conjunction with the BMAA Annual Meeting in Jack- son, MS in April. He recommended that Dr. Tony Cleaver be presented the Kellar Award at the dinner. A motion and second were made to approve this recommenda- tion. Motion carried. Elaine Beal presented the annual evaluation of the President. A motion and second were made to approve the positive evaluation. Motion carried. A motion and second were made to reaffirm Dr. Holmes as the President of the Seminary. Motion carried. Dr. Holmes presented a positive evaluation of Dean Dr. Philip Attebery. Motion and second were made to accept the positive evaluation of the Dean. Motion carried. Dr. Holmes presented a positive evaluation of Business Manager Chris Proctor. A motion and second were made to accept the positive evaluation of the Business Manager. Motion carried. Dr. Holmes presented the schedule for the BMAA meeting, highlighting the sessions in which the trustees will be required to participate. The minutes of the Executive Committee meeting were presented by Assistant Secretary Gary Murph. A motion and second were made to adopt the report of the Executive Committee. Motion carried. Chairman Mitchell presented a report on the Trustee Challenge. Dr. Holmes gave a status report on the doctoral progress of Dr. Mark Livingston and Bro. Brian Rickett. Both men are progressing favorably in their doctoral programs. A motion and second were made to accept the report on Mark Livingston and Brian Rickett’s education. Motion carried. The Finance and Budget Committee report was presented by Jake Vandenberg. As part of this report, Dr. Holmes reviewed the current financial reports and the proposed budget for June 2018 thru May 2019. A motion and second were made to approve the report and adopt the proposed budget. Motion carried. Elaine Beal was recognized to present the Academic Affairs Committee report. Dr. Attebery was recognized to address the closure of the Arkansas Extension Cam- pus in Conway. Members of the sub-committee which formed the recommendation for closure, Brent Summerhill and Randy Veach, presented the details of the sub- committee report. A motion and second were made to recommend closure of the Arkansas Extension Site as soon as academically feasible. Motion carried. Dr. Attebery reviewed in detail the proposed Sexual Offense Policy. A motion and second were made to recommend approval of the Sexual Offense Policy. Motion carried. A motion and second were made to accept the Academic Affairs report as presented. Motion carried. Dr. Holmes presented the Seminary’s recommendations to be presented to the

178 BMA of America at the annual meeting on April 16-18, 2018. Motion and second were made to adopt the recommendations as presented. Motion carried. Dr. Holmes announced that Darin Dillaha of St. Charles, Missouri, would be recommended to serve on the board of trustees. If approved by the BMAA, he would fill the position being vacated by the retirement of Jerry Stacy. Chairman Mitchell announced that there would be a meeting concerning the Seminary Golf Tournament during lunch. The date for the next trustee meeting will be on Tuesday April 17, 2018 at the annual BMAA meeting in Jackson, MS. There was a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded and carried. Closing prayer was led by Sam Bradley.

Tom Mitchell, Chairman Gary Murph, Asst. Secretary

BMATS Minutes of Trustee Meeting April 17, 2018 Jackson, Mississippi

The Trustees of the BMA Theological Seminary met in Room 201 of the Jackson Convention Complex on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 9:30 am. Present were Trustees Don Brown, Brent Summerhill, Jamie Haguewood, Ted Quinby, Elaine Beal, Terry Bolton, Reggie Blake, Jerry Stacy, Sam Bradley, Gary Murph, Jake Vandenberg, and Tom Mitchell. Also attending were Trustee Nominee Dennis Baker, President Dr. Charley Holmes, Dean Dr. Philip Attebery, and Adminis- trative Assistant Keri Southern. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tom Mitchell who led in an opening prayer. He recognized President Charley Holmes who brought a short devo- tional. After his devotional he shared the time and location of the annual Seminary Dinner. The minutes of the February 15-16, 2018, trustee meeting were approved as presented. President Holmes reviewed the following financial reports in detail: Balance Sheet dated 04/11/18 and Profit and Loss Statement dated 04/11/18. A motion & second to approve the positive report and recognize the good management of the seminary’s finances passed. Dean Philip Attebery presented the Academic report. He presented the board with the 2018 candidates for graduation and recommended their approval. After sharing the names and degrees of each individual a motion was made and passed to approve the awarding of degrees upon completion of their individual requirements. Trustee Gary Murph led a prayer for the graduates, their families, and their future ministries. Dean Attebery shared information concerning the Arkansas site on the campus

179 of Central Baptist College, Conway, Arkansas. Motion and second to verify the board’s intention for the seminary’s Arkansas Extension Site to close August 1, 2018. Motion carried. In the academic affairs report to the Board, the dean reported on his March 13, 2018, visit with students and faculty affected by closure of the Arkansas Exten- sion Site. The report included details of a teach-out plan with customized options for the remaining Arkansas students. Motion and second to recognize the adequacy of the seminary’s teach-out plan for affected Arkansas site students to assist them with completing their degrees in a timely manner. Motion carried. The Board agreed with the administration’s decision to donate the Extension Site’s equipment, furniture, and office supplies to Central Baptist College since the Vice-President of Finance indicated that CBC could benefit from such a donation. The Board further affirmed that the Arkansas Extension Site has no financial indebt- edness or additional material assets. President Holmes introduced trustee nominee Dennis Baker, who is a BMATS graduate. Baker shared his appreciation for the opportunity to serve the seminary. Officers elected to serve for the 2018-19 year are as follows: Chairman Tom Mitchell, Assistant Chair Jake Vandenberg, Clerk Don Brown, Assistant Clerk Elaine Beal. A Fall meeting date of September 20-21, 2018, was set. The trustees will meet on campus in Jacksonville, Texas. Chairman Mitchell discussed the planned Scholarship Golf Tournament. Conflicts with dates and distance have caused the tournament to be postponed until a more suitable site and date can be decided. Chairman Mitchell discussed some roofing needs of the some of the buildings and will be having a contractor come and evaluate the need and best solution. He would like to also have the trustees with construction experience present when the contractor visits the campus. The business office submitted a memorandum dated April 11, 2018, recom- mending adjustments to general ledger accounts. A motion and second to approve all recommended adjustments was made and passed. President Holmes shared some general information concerning the use of some of the seminary property and the potential sale of a portion for commercial purposes. He will be investigating some possibilities President Holmes thanked the board of trustees for their willingness to serve and Dean Attebery for his diligence and service. He commended Administrative As- sistant Keri Southern for her loyal service. President Holmes reminded the board that May 20, 2018 is designated as Seminary Sunday. He encouraged the participation of each member of the board and all represented churches to pray for the seminary, her students, and to help raise funds for student scholarships. Retiring trustee Jerry Stacy led in closing prayer.

Tom Mitchell, Chairman Don Brown, Clerk



MAY 31, 2017 and 2016

MURREY PASCHALL & CAPERTON, P.C. Certified Public Accountants


Independent Auditor’s Report Page 1

Statement of Financial Position Page 2

Statement of Activity Page 3

Statement of Cash Flows Page 5

Notes to Financial Statements Page 6

Statement of Educational and General Expenses By Department and Functional Category Page 13

Report on Compliance and Internal Controls Page 14


To the Board of Trustees of Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary Jacksonville, Texas

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary (a nonprofit organization) which comprise the statement of financial position as of May 31, 2017 and 2016, and the related statements of activities and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements.

MANAGEMENT’S RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

AUDITOR’S RESPONSIBILITY Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

183 OPINION In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary as of May 31, 2017 and 2016, and the changes in its net assets and cash flows for the years then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

OTHER REPORTING REQUIRED BY GOVERNMENTAL AUDITING STANDARDS In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated September 18, 2017, on our consideration of Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary’s internal control over financial reporting and our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, grant agreements, and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary’ internal control over financial reporting and compliance.

REPORT ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial statements of Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary taken as a whole. The schedule of educational and general expenses by department and functional category on page 13 is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the basic financial statements. Such information is the responsibility of management and was derived from and relates directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements or to the financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the information is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements as a whole

Murrey Paschall & Caperton, P.C. Forney, Texas September 18, 2017


2017 2016 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 553,818 $ 501,808 Endowment fund-Note B 1,238,906 1,218,628 Accounts receivable 45,374 37,799 Notes Receivable-Note C 57,459 145,831 Inventory 922 16,660 Fixed assets, net of depreciation-Note D 647,178 570,813 Deposits 677 677

Total Assets $ 2,544,333 $ 2,492,216

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 20,413 $ 7,504 Rent and other deposits 21,389 22,912

Total Liabilities 41,802 30,416

Net Assets: Unrestricted 1,088,266 1,017,356 Temporarily restricted 349,391 385,070 Permanently restricted 1,064,874 1,059,374

Total Net Assets 2,502,531 2,461,800

Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 2,544,333 $ 2,492,216

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total Revenues: Educational and General: Student tuition and fees $ 486,753 $ - $ - $ 486,753 Gifts and private grants 729,630 149,930 5,500 885,060 Auxiliary enterprises 66,540 - - 66,540 Interest and dividend income 294 27,294 - 27,588 Federal financial aid 314,631 - - 314,631 Other sources 31,451 140 - 31,591 Net assets released from restrictions 233,260 (233,260) - - Realized gains/losses - 4,218 - 4,218 Unrealized gains/losses 5,353 15,999 - 21,352

Total Revenue 1,867,912 (35,679) 5,500 1,837,733

Expenses: Educational and general by department 1,797,002 - - 1,797,002

Total Expenses 1,797,002 - - 1,797,002

Changes in Net Assets 70,910 (35,679) 5,500 40,731

Net Assets - Beginning 1,017,356 385,070 1,059,374 2,461,800

Net Assets - Ending $ 1,088,266 $ 349,391 $ 1,064,874 $ 2,502,531

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total Revenues: Educational and General: Student tuition and fees $ 447,009 $ - $ - $ 447,009 Gifts and private grants 736,318 179,438 8,475 924,231 Auxiliary enterprises 57,020 - - 57,020 Interest and dividend income 816 28,922 - 29,738 Federal financial aid 387,780 - - 387,780 Other sources 18,162 45 - 18,207 Non cash contribution 117,165 - - 117,165 Net assets released from restrictions 176,090 (176,090) - - Realized gains/losses 1,004 3,481 - 4,485 Unrealized gains/losses 723 (14,040) - (13,317)

Total Revenue 1,942,087 21,756 8,475 1,972,318

Expenses: Educational and general by department 1,901,702 - - 1,901,702

Total Expenses 1,901,702 - - 1,901,702

Changes in Net Assets 40,385 21,756 8,475 70,616

Net Assets - Beginning 976,971 363,314 1,050,899 2,391,184

Net Assets - Ending $ 1,017,356 $ 385,070 $ 1,059,374 $ 2,461,800

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



2017 2016 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Excess revenue over expenses $ 40,731 $ 70,616 Adjustments to reconcile excess revenue over expenses to net cash provided (used) in operating activities Depreciation 37,114 44,408 (Increase) Decrease in accounts receivable (7,575) (3,360) (Increase) Decrease in inventory and other 15,738 1,439 Increase (Decrease) in accounts payable 12,909 (12,458) Increase (Decrease) in rent deposits and other liabilities 2,422 (983)

Net cash provided (used) by operating activities 101,339 99,662

CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Purchase of fixed assets (33,437) (10,259) (Increase) Decrease in endowment funds (20,278) (19,112)

Net cash provided (used) by investing activities (53,715) (29,371)

CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Principal collected notes receivable 4,386 6,916 Principal paid notes payable - (20,214)

Net cash provided (used) by financing activities 4,386 (13,298)

Net change in cash and cash equivalents 52,010 56,993

Cash and cash equivalents - beginning 501,808 444,814

Cash and cash equivalents - ending $ 553,818 $ 501,808

Supplemental Information: Interest Expense $ - $ 85

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.




Nature of Activities

Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary is located in Jacksonville, Texas and was organized in 1955. It is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. It is a member of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and in Canada. Its purpose is to provide accredited undergraduate and graduate theological education for the training of individuals for various forms of Christian service and leadership roles. The institution is a department of and owned by the Baptist Missionary Association of America.

Basis of Accounting

The financial statements are presented on the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The accrual basis of accounting recognizes contributions, at their fair value, when received or when an unconditional promise to give is made, and expenditures in the accounting period in which the liability incurred, if measurable.


Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary receives a substantial portion of its support from gifts and private grants primarily from individuals and churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of America. The remaining majority of its revenue is from tuition and fees. Contributions received are recorded as unrestricted, temporarily restricted, or permanently restricted support depending on existence and/or nature of any donor-imposed restrictions. Contributions received with donor-imposed restrictions that are met in the same year in which the contributions are received are classified as unrestricted contributions. Any contributions in which the donor-imposed restrictions have not been met have been disclosed on the face of the financial statements.

Accounts Receivable

Accounts receivable are stated at the amount management expects to collect from outstanding balances. Accounts receivable are not considered past due or delinquent if payments have been received or the student is still attending classes at the Seminary. Balances that remain outstanding after management has used reasonable collection efforts are written off to a bad debt expense account. Due to immaterial write offs in prior year an allowance for bad debt has not been established.

Fair Value of Financial Assets

The entity measures and discloses certain financial assets and liabilities at fair value. GAAP defines fair value as the exchange price that would be received for an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants on the measurement date. GAAP also establishes a fair value hierarchy which requires an entity to maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs when measuring fair value. GAAP describes three levels of inputs that may be used to measure fair value:

Level 1 – Quoted price in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.



Level 2 – Observable inputs other than Level 1 prices such as quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities; quoted prices in markets that are not active or other inputs that are observable or can be corroborated by observable market data for substantially the full term of the assets or liabilities.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs that are supported by little or no market activity and that are significant to the fair value of the assets or liabilities.

For disclosure purposes, assets and liabilities are classified in their entirety in the fair value hierarchy level based on the lowest level of input that is significant to the overall fair value measurement. The entity’s assessment of the significance of a particular input to the fair value measurement requires judgment and may affect the placement within the fair value hierarchy.

The entity uses the active market approach to measure fair value of financial assets and liabilities.


Inventories are recorded on the balance sheet at the lower of cost or market.

Fixed Assets

Fixed assets are recorded at purchase cost, unless donated, and then it is recorded at fair market value at the date of contribution. Donated fixed assets are reported as unrestricted contributions unless the donor has restricted the donated asset to a specific purpose. Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary generally capitalizes fixed asset purchases of $1,000 or more. Lesser amounts are expensed entirely. Depreciation is calculated over the estimated useful lives of the assets, which range from three to thirty nine years, using the straight-line method of depreciation. Depreciation for the years ending May 31, 2017 and 2016 amounted to $37,114 and $44,408.

Impairment of Long-lived Assets

The Seminary reviews potential impairments of long-lived assets when there is evidence that events or changes in circumstances have made the recovery of an asset’s carrying value unlikely. An impairment loss is recognized if the sum of the expected, undiscounted future cash flows is less than the net book value of the asset. Generally, the amount of the impairment loss is measured as the excess of the net book value of the assets over the estimated fair value. As of May 31, 2017, no impairment of long-lived assets is necessary.

Income Taxes

Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary is exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and did not conduct any unrelated business activities. Therefore, Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary has not made provision for federal income taxes in the accompanying financial statements. In addition, Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary has been determined by the Internal Revenue Service not to be a “private foundation” within the meaning of Section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.

The entity’s Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax, for the years ending 2014, 2015 and 2016 are subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service, generally for three years after they are filed.



Contributed Services

No amounts have been reflected in the financial statements for donated services. The Organization generally pays for services requiring specific expertise. However, many individuals volunteer their time and perform a variety of tasks that assist the Organization in various capacities, but these services do not meet the criteria for recognition as contributed services.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect certain reported amounts and disclosures. Accordingly, actual results could differ from those estimates.

Net Assets

The Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary classifies its net assets into one of three categories 1) Unrestricted, 2) Temporarily Restricted, 3) Permanently Restricted. The unrestricted net assets represent amounts available to meet the current needs of the Seminary. The temporarily restricted net assets represent the amounts received with donor imposed restrictions where the restrictions have not currently been achieved at the financial statement date. Permanently restricted net assets represent endowment funds where the principal has been permanently restricted by the donor.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

For the purpose of the statement of cash flows, Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary considers all unrestricted and all related highly liquid funds with initial maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents.


Permanently restricted net assets at May 31, 2017 and 2016 consist of an endowment fund established in multiple fiscal years to support various functions of the Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary. Contributions to the endowment fund are subject to donor restrictions that stipulate the original principal of the gift is to be held and invested by the Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary and income from the fund is to be used for operational or temporarily restricted purposes. The Organization has adopted investment policies and guidelines. As a result and in accordance with donor restrictions, contributions to the endowment fund are classified as permanently restricted net assets. The historic dollar value of those contributions must be maintained inviolate.

Endowment fund as of year-end consists of the following:

Valued 2017 2016 Banks and Credit Unions Market (Level 1 FMV) $ 676,389 $ 573,605 Brokerage Accounts Market (Level 1 FMV) 349,936 334,517 Notes Receivable Current Balance 138,781 150,039 Real Estate Historical Cost 73,800 160,468

Total $ 1,238,906 $ 1,218,628



The Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary uses the earnings from endowment assets in accordance with each donor’s wishes. Earnings on the endowment investments are reflected in the statement of activity. Investment return on endowment funds consists of the following components:

2017 2016

Earnings on endowment funds $ 27,294 $ 28,922 Realized Gain (Loss) 4,218 3,481 Unrealized Gain (Loss) 15,999 (14,040)

Total $ 47,511 $ 18,363

Endowment Fund transactions for the year ended May 31, 2017:

Balance at 5/31/16 $ 1,218,628 Investment Return: Investment Income 47,511 Contributions 5,500 Distributions / Withdrawals (32,732) Balance at 5/31/17 $ 1,238,906


Total notes receivable as of May 31, 2017 is $196,239. Of this amount, $138,781 (see note B) is owed to the endowment fund and $57,458 is owed to the general fund. The detail is as follows:

2017 2016

Due from an individual. Original amount of $72,000, payable in 240 monthly installments for $436.31 at 4.0% interest and maturing March 1, 2032. Secured by real estate. 57,458 60,447

Due from an individual. Original amount of $92,000, payable in 120 monthly installments for $659.12 at 6.0% interest and maturing January 1, 2024. Secured by real estate-See note below for removal of balance - 85,384

Total Notes Receivable-General Fund $ 57,458 $ 145,831



Due from an individual. Original amount of $50,000, payable in 120 monthly installments for $530.35 at 5.0% interest and maturing August 19, 2021. Secured by real estate. 24,321 28,924

Due from an individual. Original amount of $127,000, payable in 180 monthly installments for $923.57 at 3.75% interest and maturing July 5, 2030. Secured by real estate. 114,460 121,115

Total Notes Receivable-Endowment Fund $ 138,781 $ 150,039

Notes receivable determined by the trustees and management to be uncollectible are directly charged to expense. Notes receivable become past due or delinquent based on how recently payments have been received. There was one uncollectible account for the year ended May 31, 2017. The original note receivable in the amount of $92,000, which was secured by real estate, was foreclosed and repossessed on April 4, 2017. The house was added to fixed assets at Fair Market Value ($72,000) and the difference on the removal of the outstanding loan in the amount ($11,986) was charged to bad debt expense.


Balance Balance 5/31/16 Additions Dispositions 5/31/17

Land 13,750 - - 13,750 Buildings and Equipment 1,580,145 105,437 - 1,685,582 Vehicles 32,093 - - 32,093 Accum. Depr. (1,055,175) ( 37,114 ) 8,042 (1,084,247)

$ 570,813 $ 68,323 $ 8,042 $ 647,178

Balance Balance 5/31/15 Additions Dispositions 5/31/16

Land 13,750 - - 13,750 Buildings and Equipment 1,585,345 - (5,200) 1,580,145 Vehicles 47,460 32,106 (47,473) 32,093 Accum. Depr. (1,041,466) ( 44,408 ) 30,699 (1,055,175)

$ 605,089 $ (12,302) $ (21,974) $ 570,813


Retirement expense for the years ended May 31, 2017 and 2016 was $4,590 and $5,810. The retirement program is a 401(a) plan and is administered by Minister’s Resource Services. Per regulations, the maximum amount an employee and employer could contribute to the plan during 2017 was $54,000.




Earnings from endowment are available for use within general operations. As of May 31, 2017 and 2016 the endowment owes the general fund $174,190 and $159,254 for funds earned in the endowment but not yet transferred to the general fund.


During the years ended May 31, 2017 and 2016 the seminary spent an immaterial amount, respectively $14,214 and $12,486, on advertising primarily related to student recruitment via the internet.


Contributors provided funds to the seminary during the fiscal year with certain restrictions placed on the use of those funds. As of May 31, 2017, there are $349,391 in temporarily restricted funds to be expended subsequently to May 31, 2017. The funds are restricted to various purposes.

 Gift annuity - Koen – investment to be released to general use at a later date $ 60,000  Gift annuity - Endicott – investment to be released to general use at a later date $ 231,319  Various Donors – campus repairs and renovations $ 52,176  Various Donors – various student funds $ 5,896

As documented in the statement of activity, during the current fiscal year, the seminary received $149,930 of donor designated funds, along with other sources of funds such as interest, dividends and market changes. All of these funds were specifically tracked by the seminary business office and confirmed to be spent on their designated purpose.


The Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary has evaluated subsequent events through September 18, 2017, the date which the financial statements were available to be issued. Besides the related party note below, there were no other transactions needing disclosure.


On January 1, 2015, the President of Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary contributed his personal residence in Jacksonville, Texas to the endowment fund in exchange for a 60% undivided interest in a different property owned by the endowment fund. As a result, the President owned 60% and the endowment fund owned 40%, both undivided interest, of the residential property at 314 Pebble Beach, Jacksonville, Texas with total property value of $216,667. On December 31, 2016, Dr. Holmes purchased the additional 40% interest in the amount of $86,667, leaving him with 100% ownership of the home.




2017 2016

INSTRUCTIONAL Biblical studies $ 123,892 $ 171,246 Theological-historical 58,782 54,253 Church ministries 68,612 52,028 Christian education 64,581 65,375 Extension department 44,018 72,656 Distance Education 39,051 38,627 subtotal: 398,936 454,185

ACADEMIC SUPPORT Academic Dean's office 111,370 102,523 Librarian's office 62,023 64,672 Other library expense 77,796 75,000 subtotal: 251,189 242,195

INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT AND OPERATIONS President's office 167,129 150,868 Business office 56,705 62,910 Plant operations 96,489 106,521 Recruitment 24,036 27,029 Development office 59,501 57,381 General administration 226,381 225,744 Student housing 41,857 43,601 Rental property 15,735 3,336 Bookstore 1,202 384 Depreciation 37,114 44,408 subtotal: 726,149 722,182

STUDENT SERVICES AND SCHOLARSHIPS Student services 7,725 9,324 Scholarships 92,091 89,764 Financial aid 320,912 384,052 subtotal: 420,728 483,140

Total Expense $ 1,797,002 $ 1,901,702

See independent auditor's report.



To the Board of Trustees Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary Jacksonville, Texas

We have audited, in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, the financial statements of the Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary (a nonprofit organization), which comprise the statement of financial position for the years ended May 31, 2017 and 2016, and the related statement of activities, functional expenses, and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related


In planning and performing our audit, we considered Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary’s internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing our auditing procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary’s internal control. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary’s internal control.

A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct, misstatements on a timely basis. A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity’s financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected on a timely basis. A significant deficiency is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control that is less severe than a material weakness, yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance. Our consideration of internal control was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be material weaknesses or, significant deficiencies. Given these limitations, during our audit we did not identify any deficiencies in internal control that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, material weaknesses may exist that have not been identified.



As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary’s financial statements are free of material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statements amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit, and, accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards.

We noted certain matters that we reported to management of the Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary in a separate letter dated September 18, 2017.

PURPOSE OF THIS REPORT The purpose of this report is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control or on compliance. This report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the organization’s internal control and compliance. Accordingly, this communication is not suitable for any other purpose.

Murrey Paschall & Caperton, P.C. Forney, Texas September 18, 2017


198 Baptist Missionary Association of America

DiscipleGuide Church Resources

P.O. Box 1749 Conway, AR 72033


199 Annual Report DiscipleGuide Dr. Scott Attebery, Executive Director

Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus: “He put all things under His feet and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all” (Ephesians 1:22-23). Consider the magnitude of Christ as “all in all.” Jesus is the Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, Ruler, and King of all things! Every molecule in the universe relies fully upon Him. He “fills all in all.” Accordingly, Christ reigns “far above all rule and authority and power and domin- ion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but in the age to come” (Ephesians 1:21). Why is Paul drawing attention to this fact? Because the Father “put all things under His feet and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body…” (Ephe- sians 1:22a). The church is Christ’s body. What a marvelous thought! We are gifted by and indwelt by the Spirit to function in unity with Christ as our head. Just as Christ’s physical body walked a small region of the earth for thirty-three years, now His spiritual body fills the earth until His return! And what is the church’s function as the body of Christ? Paul says to display “the fullness of Him who fills all in all” (Ephesians 1:23). We don’t just point people to Christ, or just talk about Christ, but we actually manifest Christ—not with a small hint of our Savior, but with the fullness of Christ to the world, and beyond! That’s right. Our display of Christ reaches beyond creation to the cosmos! Ephesians 1:21 explains that we manifest Christ to all “rule and authority and power and dominion.” When we gather to worship, when we preach the good news, when we exercise the gifts given by the Spirit, and when we dwell together in unity the powers of darkness see a stark reminder that they have been defeated, that Jesus is alive and He reigns over all as King of kings and Lord of lords! If you want to know what Christ is doing in the world and in the universe—just look to His church. When your church gathers—no matter the size, location, or style—there is a cosmic phenomenon taking place! That’s why we need strong, healthy, Christ-centered, disciple- making churches. That’s why DiscipleGuide is committed to your church.

Church Revitalization Over the past year, God has used DiscipleGuide to invest in 35 churches through our Activate Church Revitalization service. Pastor Mike Book of Prospect Baptist Church in Jonesboro, Arkansas shared, “Activate has helped our church gain a good understanding of our strengths and weaknesses… and it is only by knowing and facing the reality of who we are that we can move toward being a healthy Body of Christ.” Exciting upgrades to give churches more options and resources for customization are being developed within Activate and at least ten churches will begin revitalization this spring.

Curriculum Compass, our Adult Bible Study curriculum, has expanded with the new “Compass Classic” line. If you enjoy a traditional Sunday School format, be sure to check out Classic.

200 It is available in regular and large print. Our publishing team has also been hard at work producing two new books this year. The Open Hands Bible Study explores the topic of biblical stewardship. ChangeMakers is a colorful look into the lives of BMA missionaries. Set it on your coffee table and it will make a great conversation piece. In addition to these new books, we are also beginning to launch our Heritage line of reprints from the past. Our first three titles are available now in attractive hardback bind- ing. E. Harold Henderson’s Journey Through the Bible and What We Believe are compila- tions of his classic Sunday School lessons. W.J. Burgess’s Baptists’ Faith and Martyrs’ Fires recounts the sacrifices endured by our forefathers to protect our faith.

Camp Ministry Over the past year, God has worked miraculously in our camp ministry. Last year, I reported Daniel Springs’ desperate financial situation. As a result of your overwhelming support, ongoing giving has increased by over $5,000 per month. In addition, we have received over $200,000 in one-time donations! On top of that, camp attendance exceeded expectations and expenses were kept under budget. Today, because of the hard work of Camp Director Jason Prewitt, and the generosity of our churches, I am pleased to report to you that Daniel Springs is financially stable. In fact, we will end the fiscal year with a net profit of over $126,000 which will help replenish cash reserves. Thanks to you, the camp has a balanced budget for 2018-2019 and is making major improvements to our facility including cabin renovations, kitchen renovations, and road repairs. Praise God and thank you for your support. At the request of our Trustees, the BMAA Coordinating Council has met regarding our current structure in which Daniel Springs is under the auspices of DiscipleGuide. At the time of this writing, we look forward to receiving the Coordinating Council’s opinion and recommendations.

Conferences Our conference ministry produced the first ever Church Leaders Cruise in Janu- ary. Ninety-Eight church leaders joined us for five days in the Caribbean as we gleaned from gifted speakers. Participants learned about gospel-centered leadership and biblical ministry for families, and were inspired by God’s Word. Our next Church Leaders Cruise will set sail next January from New Orleans. SOAR 2019 will focus on the LOCAL church. On July 3-5, almost 2,000 students will gather in Dallas, Texas to discover the treasure of their local congregation. Students need to know that no matter the size, location, style, or resources of their home church, it belongs to Christ—and therefore it is just as vital to His kingdom as any other church on earth. Students will be inspired to embrace the church in which Christ has placed them and to get involved in what God is doing there. Wouldn’t it be just like God to start a revival among our churches through our students? Let’s pray that SOAR 2019 will spark such a movement! Our Senior Adult Conference will take place November 12-14 at the Hilton Conven- tion Hotel in Branson, Missouri. Brother Gary O’neal will share from God’s Word as we enjoy the family atmosphere and enjoy singing classic songs of our faith together. Regis- tration includes tickets to Sight and Sound Theaters’ new production, Sampson.

201 New Developments Busy schedules prevent many leaders from sharpening their ministry skills. We are beginning to develop new resources for pastors, churches, and leaders. We have plans to offer a variety of web-based video, audio, and downloadable content focused on key issues local churches face. Our publishing team is working on plans to bring our children’s and student’s mate- rial back into print while developing a new young adult series of curriculum. We envision a full line of resources for every age that focuses on the same message in every lesson. We believe this will enable families to study and learn together—drawing them closer to each other and closer to Christ. Daniel Springs is preparing to remodel Daniel Dorm into a year-round retreat center complete with audio/visual capabilities, a large meeting room, dining facilities, and a kitchen. Churches will be excited to hold retreats for staff, students, senior adults, and other groups in the new facility. Our conference director, Thomas Mobly is developing new conference and work- shop initiatives including a parenting conference, ministry wives retreat, and church security team training. As you can see, your DiscipleGuide team is working hard to help your church maxi- mize its Great Com mission potential.

Thank You for Your Support This year 194 churches contributed nearly $227,000 to DiscipleGuide’s general fund through regular giving. We could not minister to churches without your generous giving. This past holiday season, churches raised over $30,000 to help DiscipleGuide invest in local churches with new resources through our World’s Largest Potluck fundraising effort. Because of your support, we are beginning to develop an intentional interim program, a pastoral search service, and bi-vocational ministry resources. Your support makes a difference in our churches. Without strong, healthy congrega- tions, from where will our next pastors and missionaries emerge? What will happen to the gospel witness in our communities? Who will support our mission efforts around the world? Local churches are the key to fulfilling the Great Commission. Please consider joining us this holiday season for our potluck fundraiser. The concept is simple: sched- ule a potluck dinner and take an offering for local churches. Just like at a potluck, when everyone brings something to the table, nobody walks away hungry. That’s the spirit of our association, and that’s the spirit of biblical ministry. On behalf of our DiscipleGuide team, thank you for the privilege of serving Christ’s churches, “the fullness of Him who fills all in all” (Ephesians 1:23).


1. That we adopt the proposed DiscipleGuide operating budget for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. 2. That we adopt the proposed Daniel Springs operating budget for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. 3. That the housing allowance be set at $3,750 per month for the executive director. 4. That the executive director be paid a base salary of $39,912, one-half of Social Se-

202 curity/Medicare, health and dental insurance, retirement at 10% of salary, and an auto allowance. Note: The recommended compensation is based on an independent evalua- tion of the executive director position by Phillip Blount and Associates, an independent compensation consulting firm used by a number of Baptist groups. Compensation levels are determined through a three-step process—job analysis, job evaluation, and extensive market research. The recommended amount is at the 25th percentile level. 5. That Scott Attebery stand as a nominee for executive director.

203 DiscipleGuide Summarized Operating Budget & Results (Unaudited)

Income Statement 2018-19 Budget 2017-18 Forecast 2016 Actual

Income General DiscipleGuide Income $ 293,000 $ 283,830 $ 219,670 Consulting (Church Solutions) Income 38,001 66,042 24,886 Conferences Income 284,470 267,515 297,331 Curriculum Income 350,545 400,732 512,329 Total Income………………………………… $ 966,017 $ 1,018,119 $ 1,054,215

Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) Consulting (Church Solutions) COGS $ 6,600 $ 4,770 $ 44,045 Conferences COGS 198,384 175,788 239,814 Curriculum COGS 191,132 187,008 242,593 Total Cost of Good Sold…………………….. $ 396,116 $ 367,566 $ 526,452

Gross Profit……………….………………….. $ 569,901 $ 650,553 $ 527,764

Total Operating Expenses………………….. $ 568,763 $ 609,632 $ 620,615

Operating Income/(Loss) $ 1,137 $ 40,921 $ (92,852) Plus: Depreciation 3,600 3,526 20,658 Operating Income/(Loss) + Depreciation…… $ 4,737 $ 44,447 $ (72,194)

Other Income / Expenses / Transfers $ - $ - $ (8,260)

Net Income/(Loss)…………………...………….. $ 1,137 $ 40,921 $ (101,112)

Balance Sheet 2018-19 Budget 2017-18 Forecast 2016 Actual

Assets Checking & Cash $ 77,382 $ 141,972 $ 90,445 Current Assets 90,000 90,000 48,901 Net Fixed Assets 826,118 792,028 741,394 Total Assets…………………………………. $ 993,500 $ 1,024,000 $ 880,740

Liabilities Current Liabilities $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 12,578 Long Term Liabilities - - - Total Liabilities………………………………. $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 12,578

Net Equity……………………………………. $ 843,500 $ 874,000 $ 868,161

Total Liabilities & Equity……………………. $ 993,500 $ 1,024,000 $ 880,740

*Beginning June 1, 2017, the fiscal year (FY) runs from June 1 through May 31. Prior fiscal years matched the calendar year (CY), January 1 through December 31.

204 Daniel Springs Baptist Camp Summarized Operating Budget & Results (Unaudited)

Income Statement 2018-19 Budget 2017-18 Forecast 2016 Actual

Income Camp Income $ 310,040 $ 291,984 $ 303,942 Other Income 240,000 308,547 209,522 Total Income………………………………… $ 550,040 $ 600,532 $ 513,463

Cost of Goods Sold Camp Variable Expenses $ 100,025 $ 97,575 $ 134,453 Camp Fixed Expenses 88,522 73,206 86,758 Total Cost of Good Sold…………………….. $ 188,547 $ 170,781 $ 221,211

Gross Profit………………………………….. $ 361,493 $ 429,751 $ 292,252

Total Operating Expenses ………………….. $ 379,554 $ 350,108 $ 393,182

Total Operating Income/(Loss) $ (18,060) $ 79,643 $ (100,930) Plus: Depreciation 60,000 59,691 63,589 Operating Income/(Loss) + Depreciation…… $ 41,940 $ 139,334 $ (37,340)

Other Income / Other Expenses $ 24,000 46,832 72,502

Net Income/(Loss)………………….………….. $ 5,940 $ 126,475 $ (28,428)

Balance Sheet 2018-19 Budget 2017-18 Forecast 2016 Actual

Assets Checking & Cash $ 222,249 $ 180,309 $ 37,883 Current Assets 11,000 11,000 - Net Fixed Assets 773,562 809,562 833,681 Total Assets…………………………………. $ 1,006,811 $ 1,000,872 $ 871,565

Liabilities Current Liabilities $ 72,000 $ 72,000 $ 43,012 Long Term Liabilities - - - Total Liabilities………………………………. $ 72,000 $ 72,000 $ 43,012

Net Equity……………………………………. $ 934,811 $ 928,872 $ 828,552

Total Liabilities & Equity……………………. $ 1,006,811 $ 1,000,872 $ 871,565

*Beginning June 1, 2017, the fiscal year (FY) runs from June 1 through May 31. Prior fiscal years matched the calendar year (CY), January 1 through December 31.

205 Board of Trustees Minutes May 2, 2017 BMA National Meeting Arlington, TX

The meeting could not be held because not enough members were present to consti- tute a quorum.

Board of Trustees Minutes July 28, 2017 Meeting Conducted Online

The trustees of DiscipleGuide met for a board meeting on July 28, 2017 online. Chairman Aaron Middleton opened the meeting and acknowledged Executive Di- rector, Scott Attebery, to give his report. He discussed the success of the SOAR conference, visiting churches through the summer, potluck fundraiser that will take place in the fall, contract editor for curriculum, and the newest addition to the DiscipleGuide team, Mati Spencer, who focuses on social media/blogs. Committee Chairs were recognized to give their reports.

The Personnel Committee was recognized and had no updates.

The Conference Committee was recognized and gave the following updates: SOAR 2018 will be at the Omni, and Gaylord has good proposals coming in for 2019; the Church Leaders Cruise is a combined conference and has had good responses; and Senior Adult Conference will be in Branson.

The Church Solutions Committee was recognized and gave the following updates: 50 churches are currently in Activate; a team is being developed to help with the program; one day trainings have started; a pastor’s retreat is scheduled for October; and handwritten letters have gone out for pastors to request support for Activate.

The Curriculum Committee was recognized and gave the following update: new format of Compass overall has been well received; commentary has been pushed to many churches; August outbound calls have been made.

The Finance Committee was recognized and gave the following updates: will vote on budget at September meeting, and fiscal year has changed; will vote on budget again in February.

There were no old business items to discuss. New business included 2018 SOAR theme will be ‘Local’ and focus on the impor- tance of participation of the local church body. The next meeting will be held September 28-29, 2017, in Conway, AR. A motion and second was made to adjourn. The motion passed, and the meeting was dismissed.

206 Board of Trustees Minutes September 29, 2017 BMA Headquarters Facility Conway, Arkansas

The DiscipleGuide Church Resources (DiscipleGuide) trustees met at the BMA headquarters facility on Friday, September 29, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. for the fourth quarter meeting of 2017. Trustees Aaron Middleton (Chairman), Jesslynn Hale (Clerk), Michael Treat, Keith Head, Tracy McMillen, Travis Weaver, Lamar Lee, Lance Webb, and Randy Crudgington were present with DiscipleGuide executive director Scott Attebery. Chairman Middleton called the meeting to order, and opened with a word of prayer. Director Attebery gave the executive director’s report. Praise was given for both the DiscipleGuide budget and the camp budget being in the black. Motion and second was made to approve the executive director’s report. Motion passed with no opposition.

Financial Committee Report was given by Sarah Parks, DiscipleGuide accountant. • Recommendation No. 1: The Financial Committee recommends to revoke the 2011 resolution that reads, “Our standing policy is that offerings received that are undesignated be automatically divided in the following manner: 50% to publishing ministry; 25% to conferences ministry; and 25% to camp ministry.” In place of the 2011 resolution, the Finance Committee recommends that all undesignated offerings remain with DiscipleGuide. The Board reserves the right to reevaluate in the future how offerings are handled by both Daniel Springs and DiscipleGuide based upon their financial positions, and to recommend sharing offerings by one and/or the other entity if the need arises. Motion and second to accept recommendation. Discussion. Vote passed with no opposi- tion. • Recommendation No. 2: The Financial Committee recommends on executive di- rector’s housing and retirement to increasing housing to $45,000 (annual) and retirement stays unchanged at 6%. Motion and second to accept recommendation. No discussion. Vote passed with no opposition • Budget for fiscal 2018 presented. In the black for 2018.

Motion and second to accept budget. No discussion. Vote passed with no opposition.

Motion and second to adjourn for the morning at 10:00 AM. Motion passed with no opposition. The board reconvened at 11:30 AM and Chairman Middleton called the meeting to order.

Personnel committee report was given by Aaron Middelton • There has been a change with Activate. Todd West is working full time for the missions department and is no longer the director for Activate. Scott Attebery will assume those duties for now.

207 Motion and second to accept the report. No discussion. Vote passed with no opposi- tion

Conference • Looking at reformatting SOAR

• Senior Adult conference: attendance is up, block of rooms is already sold out

• Leadership cruise has exceeded attendance project

• Looking at adding conferences – possibly men’s, possibly college, possibly women’s

• No recommendations.

Motion and second to accept the report. No discussion. Vote passed with no opposi- tion.

Church Solutions committee report was given by Scott Attebery • Scott Attebery will assume the duties of Director of Activate.

Motion and second to accept the report. No discussion. Vote passed with no opposi- tion

Curriculum committee report was given by Scott Attebery • Compass Classic will be offered for the Spring 2018 quarter. Asking for pre-orders for Compass Classic.

Motion and second to accept the report. No discussion. Vote passed with no opposi- tion.

Old Business: none The board evaluated the Executive Director

• Overall assessment is that Scott Attebery is doing a phenomenal job.

• The board recommended for 2018 that he set measurable goals (by January 2018) for the year that can be used by the board for the 2018 evaluation. Motion and second to adjourn. Motion passed and Keith Head closed the meeting with prayer.

Aaron Middleton, Chairman Jesslynn Hale, Clerk

208 Board of Trustees Minutes February 2, 2018 BMA Headquarters Facility Conway, Arkansas

The DiscipleGuide trustees met at the BMA headquarters facility on Friday, Febru- ary 2, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. for the first quarter meeting of 2018. Trustees Aaron Middleton (Chairman), Jesslynn Hale (Clerk), Michael Treat, Keith Head, Lance Webb, Jimmy Elrod, Charles Johnson, Travis Weaver, Lamar Lee, and Randy Crudgington were present with DiscipleGuide executive director Scott Attebery. Chairman Middleton called the meeting to order, and opened with a word of prayer. Scott Attebery gave the Executive Director’s report. Presented goals for 2018, gave status on goals. Motion and second was made to approve the executive director’s report. Motion passed with no opposition.

Financial Committee Report: Given by Sarah Parks, DiscipleGuide accountant • Potluck fundraiser: $30,000 • Church solutions: have raised $6K over what expected, while expenses fell slightly under budget. • Conference income fell below expectations. • Curriculum income is slightly under budget. • Conference expenses fell under budget • Curriculum expenses fell under budget due to shipping and printing costs being less than expected. • Operating expenses fell below budget. • Balance sheet: Cash on Hand is around $20,000 higher than budget, and this is primarily tied to the Potluck Fundraiser and fewer open accounts in receivables. • Budget for fiscal 2019 presented Motion and second to accept budget. No discussion. Vote passed with no opposition. DG board will send a recommendation to the BMA national meeting for Director Attebery’s housing and retirement that was voted on at the last meeting.

Personnel committee report did not meet; therefore, no report.

Conference committee report was given by Scott Attebery via an email from Thomas Mobly • Leadership cruise: attendance was up for the 2018 cruise. Next cruise is set for January 2019. • SOAR: They did a SOAR first look event using Facebook live on January 3, 2018. SOAR speaker, Adam Thomas, gave a preview of the theme “Local.” SOAR is set for July 3-5, 2018, at Omni in Dallas. The feedback from SOAR 2017 was “more content” and that has been stepped up for 2018 with added sessions and breakout sessions. Looking at adding additional conference for 2019 that meets the various needs of church members. The Conference committee had no recommendations to present to the board.

Church Solutions committee report was given by Scott Attebery. Scott has talked to all churches involved in the program. The goal is to make the

209 program more customizable for the churches and make it so that churches are helping churches. Working with the preaching labs. The Church Solutions committee had no recommendations to present to the board.

Curriculum committee report was given by Scott Attebery • Looking at a Compass for young adults. • Have an archive of old material that could possibly be used for Day by Day videos that Donny Parrish is creating. • Print on demand books. The Curriculum committee had no recommendations to present to the board

Old Business: none New Business Scott Attebery made a recommendation for the proposed communication policy and proposed volunteer policy.

Proposed Communication Policy DiscipleGuide reserves the right to choose what information may or may not be provided upon request. DiscipleGuide strives to maintain transparency in dealing with BMAA churches while also protecting potentially sensitive material. Information requests outside of standard communication regarding services offered must be presented by a BMAA pastor in order to protect sensitive information. DiscipleGuide also reserves the right to require a signed non-disclosure agreement from the recipient of sensitive information.

Proposed Volunteer Policy DiscipleGuide reserves the right to require individuals to submit an application, submit to a background check, and/or sign a non-disclosure agreement in order to volunteer in any of DiscipleGuide’s ministries. Further, DiscipleGuide reserves the rights to deny individuals the opportunity to volunteer for any reason deemed prudent by DiscipleGuide staff or trustees.

Motion to accept the recommendation, second, no discussion. Motion passed. The board self-evaluation forms were handed out. There were completed and turned into Sarah Parks. Evaluation results will be compiled and the results will be present either by email or at the next board meeting. Next board meeting date: April 17, 2018 at the BMAA national meeting, Jackson MS. Motion and second to adjourn. Motion passed and Keith Head closed the meeting with prayer.

Aaron Middleton, Chairman Jesslynn Hale, Clerk

210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 Baptist Missionary Association of America

BMA Foundation

Executive Director Charles Attebery P.O. Box 1188 Conway, AR 72033


226 Annual Report BMA Foundation Charles Attebery, Executive Director

Our Purpose The BMA Foundation exists to develop a significant endowment fund for the benefit of the departments and agencies of the Baptist Missionary Association of America. Contributions, unless designated for operating expenses, are never spent. They are invested and only the earnings from the investments are used to provide supplemental funding to BMA departments or agencies as specified by the donor.

If It Should Happen Although it is never pleasant to hear that a church has found it necessary to discontinue having services and sell its property, the BMA Foundation provides a way to continue that church’s ministry if that should happen. All or a percentage of the proceeds from the sale of the property can be contributed to the Founda- tion and will never be spent. It will be invested and the annual earnings will be distributed among the various BMA departments/agencies as specified by the church. This means that the church’s ministry of spreading the gospel will con- tinue until the Lord returns. I encourage you to prayerfully consider that if your church should find itself in that situation.

Charitable Gift Annuities Charitable gift annuities became available through the BMA Foundation in January, 2017. These annuities offer an opportunity for a lifetime income at a fixed amount in exchange for a gift of $10,000 or more to the Foundation. At the time of the donor’s death, the balance of the gift is added to the Foundation’s endowment fund to increase supplemental funding to BMA departments. Donors receive a federal income tax deduction the year the gift is made, if they itemize their deductions, and a portion of the income they receive for life is income tax free. The annuities are issued on behalf of the BMA Foundation by the National 227 Christian Foundation which was organized in 1982 by the late Larry Burkett and others. It has grown into a very stable organization during its thirty six year his- tory with assets totaling $3.1 billion as of December 31, 2016. Charitable gift annuities provide very favorable rates. For example, a person 65 years of age would qualify for a rate of 4.7%, a 75 year old a rate of 5.8% and an 85 year old a rate of 7.8%. Rates for other ages are available by contacting the BMA Foundation office.

Estate Planning Program Update Our complimentary estate planning program continues as our primary service to BMA church members. Seventy- six families have completed the process since it began in 2013 and 68% of those families have included bequests in their estate plans to one or more BMA departments and/or agencies totaling $7,311,244. They have also included bequests totaling $4,839,174 to other chari- ties. The bequests have been designated as follows:

Cumulative Estate Planning Results 2013-2017

BMA Lifeword Missions DiscipleGuide BMA Other Seminary Foundation Charities $2,761,730 $1,513,679 $1,473,690 $1,023,369 $538,776 $4,839,174

Incidentally, the six churches which have hosted the estate planning program for their membership, have combined bequest designations totaling $900,669. That amount is included in the total for other charities. Most individu- als who go through the program include something for their church in their estate plans. Please understand that you do not have to go through our estate planning program in order to include the BMA Foundation in your estate plan. You just need to instruct your attorney to specify whatever amount or percentage you wish to leave to the BMA Foundation, Inc. located at 611 Locust Ave. in Conway, Arkansas.

Endowment Potential Conservatively speaking, what is the potential for our endowment? Let’s assume that just ten percent of BMA of America families decide to designate just ten percent of their net worth to the BMA Foundation (not their tithe). How much value would that add to the endowment? Consider the following: According to the most recent BMAA Directory & Handbook, (with just 41% of 1,216 churches reporting that statistic), we have a membership of 105,406.

228 Assuming the average family is composed of three people that means we have 35,135 families. Ten percent of that number is 3,513. In its latest census, the US Census Bureau reported the median net worth of United States families as $68,828. Ten percent of that amount is $6,883. When $6,883 (10% of the median net worth) is multiplied by 3,513 (10% of estimated BMAA families) the total value of just ten percent leaving just ten per- cent would be $24,179,979. That much value could be added to the BMA Foun- dation endowment fund. If that amount generated a return of just 5% it would produce $1,208,998 annually to provide much needed supplemental funding to our departments. The potential is great! Will your family be one of the ten percent to help build that significant endowment for God’s glory?

It Doesn’t Happen Over Night Although building a significant endowment for the benefit of our depart- ments and agencies is a long term endeavor, I believe the need to do so is very important. Money from bequests being made today may not be received for several years to come, but it will eventually and the resulting income will be a great bless- ing to our denominational work. We must do the work now, if we are to reap the benefits later. Let’s be faithful to our task!

Prayer Request Please pray for God’s continued blessings upon this ministry and prayerfully consider including the BMA Foundation in your estate plans.


1. That the proposed 2018-2019 operating budget be approved. 2. That the executive director’s compensation be set at $9,600. 3. That $7,200 of the executive director’s compensation be designated as housing allowance for income tax purposes. 4. That Charles Attebery stand as a nominee as executive director. 5. That BMAA church members prayerfully consider including the BMA Foun- dation in their estate plans. An undesignated bequest will benefit all BMA of America departments and agencies or individuals may designate their bequests as desired.

229 BMA Foundation Fiscal 2019 Operating Budget and Fiscal 2018 Statement of Financial Condition

Income & Expenses Balance Sheet F2019 F2018 F2018 Budget Budget Forecast

Operating Income Assets

Department / Agency Assessments (a) $104,505 $105,215 Checking & Cash $17,554 General Offerings - - Accounts Receivable 8,014 Administrative Fees 13,410 12,700 BMA Foundation Investment 873,650 Total Income………………… $117,915 $117,915 Total Assets……………………………… $899,218

Operating Expenses Liabilities Salaries & Benefits $10,335 $10,335 Accounts Payable & Accrued Liabilities $7,841 Planned Giving Consultant Fee 66,000 66,000 Total Liabilities...………………………… $7,841 Planned Giving Consultant Travel 6,000 6,000 Planned Giving Staff Travel 8,200 7,417 Equity - Contributed Capital Advertising 2,000 2,000 BMA of America $310 Promotional Travel 5,500 5,491 DiscipleGuide 921 Promotional Items 1,200 1,000 Lifeword (b) 720,876 Promotional-Other 2,500 2,500 Missions 1,020 Printing Expense 1,300 1,300 Seminary 43,326 Audit 3,200 3,200 Undistributed Earnings 107,198 Other Travel Expense 300 500 Total Foundation Investment…....………………………… $873,650 Training Expenses 900 900 Office Supplies 247 250 Net Income $17,727 Insurance 1,700 1,600 Rent, Secretarial, Accounting, Etc. 3,183 3,372 Total Equity $891,377 BMA Recommendations Booklet 500 500 Office Equipment 1,000 1,000 Total Liabilities & Equity……………….. $899,218 Telephone Expense 750 750 Board Meeting Expenses 1,500 2,000 Legal 500 500 Web Page 200 300 Miscellaneous Expenses 900 1,000 Total Expense………………. $117,915 $117,915

Net Income $- $-


The BMA Foundation Board of Trustees conducted an email vote on October 13, 2017 to con- sider the following recommendation:

That Lifeword’s request for a $40,000 distribution from their unused prior year earnings be approved. This distribution is to be used to offset the costs of a new ministry initiative.

Seven of nine board members responded by email; all seven voted to approve the above recommendation.

Respectfully Submitted,

Greg Matthews Secretary


The BMA Foundation Board of Trustees conducted an email vote on February 17, 2018 to con- sider the following recommendations:

1. That the proposed 2018-2019 operating budget be approved.

2. That the Executive Director’s compensation be set at $9,600.

3. That $7,200 of the Executive Director’s compensation be designated as housing allowance for income tax purposes.

4. That Charles Attebery stand as a nominee as Executive Director.

5. That BMAA church members prayerfully consider including the BMA Foundation in their es- tate plans. An undesignated bequest will benefit all BMA of America departments and agencies or individuals may designate their bequests as desired.

Eight of nine board members responded by email; all eight voted to approve the above rec- ommendations.

Respectfully Submitted,


The BMA Foundation Board of Trustees met in the board room of the BMA Global Ministries Center in Conway, AR on April 13, 2018 at 8:30 a.m.

Board Members present were President Steve Martin, Greg Matthews, Larry Welborn, Terry Milam, Van Widger, Jonathan Baird, and Brian Gunnels. Also present was Bro. Charles Attebery, Foundation Executive Director.

President Martin called the meeting to order while Greg Matthews opened with prayer.

Jonathan Baird brought a devotional thought on “Manner of Delivering Truth” from Proverbs 26:9.

Bun Fawcett and Rob Emrich from Castleview Partners (formerly of Manning & Napier) gave a presentation on the importance of an investment management process using their four-step investment approach. This was for informational purposes and no action was taken.

Bo Conner from Conner & Sartain presented 2017 Audit Review results.

A motion was made and approved to accept the minutes from the previous board meeting of June 9, 2017 as well as the minutes from email votes from October 13, 2017 and February 17, 2018.

Bro. Charles Attebery provided a BMA Foundation update to include investment analysis, detailed balance sheet, Income & expense report, estate planning program, and the charitable gift annuity program.

Reports were received from the Budget Committee, the Investment Committee, & the Personnel Committee. Each committee met the evening of April 12, 2018 at the BMA Global Ministries Center in Conway, AR.

The Budget Committee, consisting of Van Widger, Larry Welborn, & Terry Milam proposed the following:

1. That the Executive Director’s salary remain at $9,600 and that 75% of the salary be designated as housing allowance for income tax purposes. Recommendation was approved. 2. That a Christmas bonus of $400 for 2017 be paid to the Executive Director in May of 2018 and an additional $400 for 2018 be paid in December. Recommendation was approved. 3. That the 2018-2019 proposed operating budget be approved. Recommendation was approved.

The Investment Committee, consisting of Johnathan Baird and Brian Gunnels, proposed the following:

235 After reviewing the 2017 results from our investment firm, Manning & Napier, it was proposed that the board investigate the possibility of securing the services of Envoy Financial located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Note: this recommendation was later amended to send request for proposals to a few different firms.

The Personnel Committee, consisting of Chairman Steve Martin and Secretary Greg Matthews, reported as follows:

1. The Executive Director was given an excellent rating after having been evaluated in the following areas:

a. His relationship with the board

b. His management skills and abilities

c. His financial management

d. His relationships with the community and BMA churches.

2. A recommendation was made and approved that Bro. Charles Attebery’s service as Executive Director be extended for another year.

The Executive Director provided the following recommendations:

1. That the month for our annual meeting be changed from April to January. Motion was made and approved.

2. That Article IV, Section 3 of the BMA Foundation By-Laws be amended to reflect the new month of meeting. Motion was made and approved.

3. That our annual meeting be held the third Friday of January and committee meetings be held the evening prior to the board meeting. Motion was made and approved.

4. That we extend our contract with Thompson & Associates for estate planning services through the 2018-2019 fiscal year at a cost of $66,000. Motion was made and approved.

5. That a distribution of $40,000 to Lifeword for the 2018-2019 fiscal year be approved. Motion was made and approved.

Board Recommendations to the Baptist Missionary Association of America were discussed and approved as follows:

1. That the proposed 2018-2019 operating budget be approved.

2. That the executive director's compensation be set at $9,600.

3. That $7,200 of the executive director's compensation be designated as housing allowance for income tax purposes.

4. That Charles Attebery stand as nominee as executive director.

236 5. That BMAA church members prayerfully consider including the BMA Foundation in their estate plans. An undesignated bequest will benefit all BMA of America departments and agencies or individuals may designate bequests as desired.

The current slate of officers were unanimously approved to serve another year. President: Steve Martin Vice President: Craig Cloud Secretary: Greg Matthews Assistant Secretary: Van Widger

Charles Attebery asked that board members update their personal information on file.

Hearing no further business, a motion to adjourn was approved unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,

Greg Matthews Secretary

237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 Baptist Missionary Association of America

Department of Missions

Executive Director Dr. John David Smith P.O. Box 878 Conway, AR 72033


257 258 259 260 Missionary Advisory Committee Recommendations

1. We recommend the election of Stephen and Candice Schroeder as BMA missionaries. (PNG)

2. We recommend the election of Jimmy and Julie Walker as BMA missionaries. (Philippines)

3. We recommend the election of Larry and Tammy Wood as BMA missionaries. (Ukraine)

4. We recommend that Paige Ferrell be endorsed by the BMA. (Nicaragua)

5. We recommend the election of Bryan and Pam Risner as BMA missionaries. (Romania)

6. We recommend accepting Bro. Phil Knott as the coordinator of the BMA work in Africa.

7. We recommend giving a 3% increase of base salary to missionaries. Those missionaries on 65/35 will take the increase out of what they raise. Those who raise 100% will take the raise out of what they raise.

8. We recommend the 2018 budget as presented by the Missions Department.

9. We recommend the re-election of Dr. John David Smith as the Executive Director of Missions.

10. We recommend that the Executive Director’s salary be set at $57,000 and all director’s housing allowance set at $24,000.

261 BMA Missions Detail of Income & Expenses 2018-2019 Proposed Budget

1st 2nd 3rd 4th Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Total

Non-Designated Income: Contributions 596,762 575,586 658,821 657,487 2,488,656 World Mission Sunday Campaign 2,864 25 21,687 324,462 349,038 Interest Income 8,750 8,750 8,750 8,750 35,000 Lease Income 12,870 - - - 12,870 Sub-total Non-Designated Income 621,246 584,361 689,258 990,699 2,885,564

Designated Budget Income: International Literature 13,150 13,150 13,150 13,150 52,600 Other Designated Income India Nt'l Salaries 110 110 110 110 440 Sub-total Designated Income 13,260 13,260 13,260 13,260 53,040 Total Income 634,506 597,621 702,518 1,003,959 2,938,604

General Expenses Associational Expense 1,000 - - 5,000 6,000 Audit 10,000 - 10,000 - 20,000 Auto Expense-Office Vehicles 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6,000 Conferences for Directors 500 500 500 500 2,000 Cottage Expense 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 20,000 General & Administrative (1,650) (1,650) (1,650) (1,650) (6,600) General Miscellaneous Expense 1,200 5,200 1,200 1,200 8,800 Supplies 750 750 750 750 3,000 Insurance - Workers Compensation - - - 7,500 7,500 Insurance - Vehicle-Office 600 600 600 600 2,400 Missionary Assessment, Orientation 4,625 4,625 4,625 4,625 18,500 Activate 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 30,000 Office Equipment 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 5,000 Postage Expense 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 8,000 Promotional Expense 4,000 6,000 10,000 - 20,000 Repairs & Maintenance 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 15,000 Salaries & Benefits 84,518 84,381 79,960 87,232 336,092 Severance Pay Fund 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 20,000 Travel Expense Executive Director 1,875 1,875 1,875 1,875 7,500 Coordinating Council Expense 750 - - 250 1,000 Other General Travel 600 600 600 600 2,400 Missions Advisory Committee - 4,000 2,000 2,000 8,000 Sub-total - Travel Expense 3,225 6,475 4,475 4,725 18,900 Telephone Expense 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 5,000

262 BMA Missions Detail of Income & Expenses 2018-2019 Proposed Budget

1st 2nd 3rd 4th Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Total Training 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 5,000 Warehouse Expense 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 12,000 Website Expense 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 8,000 BMA Foundation Allocation 8,844 8,844 8,844 8,844 35,375 BMA Service Team Allocation 94,834 94,834 94,834 94,834 379,335 Sub-total - General Expenses 245,946 244,059 247,638 247,660 985,302

International Expenses Auto Insurance 750 750 750 750 3,000 Auto Repairs Int'l-Furlough Vehicles 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 5,000 Benevolence Ministry India - School in Gulbarga 3,260 3,260 3,260 3,260 13,039 Sub-total Benevolence Ministry 3,260 3,260 3,260 3,260 13,039 Miscellaneous 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 5,000 Publications Brazil Publications 501 501 501 501 2,004 Filipino Publications 4,500 - 4,500 - 9,000 Portuguese Publications 2,286 2,286 2,286 2,286 9,144 Spanish Publications 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 36,000 Sub-total - Publications 16,287 11,787 16,287 11,787 56,148 Salaries Salaries / Benefits 241,522 241,522 241,522 241,522 966,089 Argentina 1,800 - 1,800 - 3,600 Bolivia 11,535 11,535 11,535 11,535 46,140 Brazil 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 54,000 Cape Verde 2,961 2,961 2,961 2,961 11,844 Chile 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 18,000 Costa Rica 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 13,200 Czech Republic 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 12,000 Dominican Republic 3,468 3,468 3,468 3,468 13,872 Egypt 5,520 5,520 5,520 5,520 22,080 El Salvador 5,580 5,580 5,580 5,580 22,320 Guatemala 6,276 6,276 6,276 6,276 25,104 Honduras 6,948 6,948 6,948 6,948 27,792 Hong Kong 3,588 3,988 3,588 3,588 14,752 India 11,850 11,850 11,850 11,850 47,400 Jordan 5,520 5,520 5,520 5,520 22,080 Lebanon 18,060 18,060 18,060 18,060 72,240 Mauritania 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 9,600 Mexico 4,356 4,356 4,356 4,356 17,424 Myanmar 5,415 5,415 5,415 5,415 21,660

263 BMA Missions Detail of Income & Expenses 2018-2019 Proposed Budget

1st 2nd 3rd 4th Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Total Nicaragua 4,940 4,940 4,940 4,940 19,759 Paraguay 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 18,000 Peru 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 9,600 Philippines 9,112 10,072 9,112 9,112 37,408 Portugal 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 15,360 Puerto Rico 9,393 9,393 9,393 9,393 37,572 Romania 6,576 6,576 6,576 6,576 26,304 Sudan 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 4,800 Syria 2,880 2,880 2,880 2,880 11,520 Venezuela 2,250 2,250 2,250 2,250 9,000 Vietnam 750 750 750 750 3,000 Sub-total - Salaries 408,940 408,500 408,940 407,140 1,633,520 Seminaries / Bible Institutes Bolivia Seminary 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 14,400 Sub-total - Seminaries / Bible Institutes 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 14,400 Travel Expense Missionaries - Other Travel/nationals 2,750 2,750 2,750 2,750 11,000 International Director 6,250 6,250 6,250 6,250 25,000 Sub-total - Travel Expense 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 36,000 Sub-total - International Expenses 444,337 439,397 444,337 438,037 1,766,108

North American Expenses Coaching 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 12,000 Miscellaneous 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 5,000 Salary & Benefits 149,802 149,802 149,802 149,802 599,209 Training - Domestic & Conferences 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 10,000 Travel Expense - NA Director/Catalysts 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 12,000 Sub-total - North American Expenses 159,552 159,552 159,552 159,552 638,209

Grand-total Expense 849,835 843,008 851,527 845,249 3,389,619

Net Income / (Loss) (215,329) (245,387) (149,009) 158,710 (451,014)

264 BMA Missions Summarized Operating Statements

Operating Income & Expenses 2018-19 2017-18 2016 Fiscal Budget Forecast* Actual Income: General Fund Income (a) 2,837,693 2,837,263 3,748,917 Designated Income 53,040 52,961 67,300 Other Income-Estates/Transfers 210,000 340,561 Lease Income 12,870 77,220 18,276 Interest Income 35,000 42,290 40,121 Total Income 2,938,604 3,219,734 4,215,175

Expense: General Expenses 234,500 197,037 233,163 BMA LLC Allocation (b) 379,335 369,876 308,891 BMA Foundation Allocation 35,375 33,543 29,153 International Expenses 132,587 135,008 264,708 North American Expenses 39,000 34,792 31,202 Salaries & Benefits 2,568,822 2,608,488 3,361,444 Total Expense 3,389,619 3,378,744 4,228,561

Net Income (451,015) (159,010) (13,386)

Balance Sheet 2018-19 Budget 2017-18 Forecast 2016 Actual Cash 4,365,083 4,852,705 4,971,482 Current Assets 0 1,804 18,804 Net Fixed Assets 1,682,167 1,643,757 1,594,469 Total Assets 6,047,250 6,498,267 6,584,755

Current Liabilities 1,087,492 1,087,492 1,045,093 Long Term Liabilities 2,809,625 2,809,625 2,939,022 Total Liabilities 3,897,117 3,897,117 3,984,115

Net Equity 2,150,134 2,601,150 2,600,640

Total Liabilities & Equity 6,047,251 6,498,267 6,584,755

*Feb-May 2018 Forecasted. Excludes Depreciation

265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 Baptist Missionary Association of America

Miscellaneous Reports

Recording Secretary Committee on Arrangements Enrollment and Finance Nominating Committee Coordinating Council Master’s Builders


BMA Foundation Term to expire 2023 Steve Martin (AR) Robert Welborn (MS)

BMA Missions International Revolving Loan Fund Term to expire 2020 Sam Bradley (TX)

North American Revolving Loan Fund Term to expire 2020 Paul Bearfield, Jr. (AR) David McMurray (NJ)

BMA Theological Seminary Term to expire 2023 Elaine Beal (TX) Darin Dillaha (MO) Tom Mitchell (AR)

Committee On Arrangements Term to expire in 2021 Daniel Williams (AR)

DiscipleGuide Church Resources Term to expire 2023 Clayton Edgar (OK) Michael Treat (AR) Aaron Wilson (TX)

Lifeword Term to expire 2020 Ross Burgess (AR) (Replacing Chad Davis)

Term to expire 2021 Brad Wieneke (MO) (Replacing Barry Davis)

Term to expire 2023 Sancy Faulk (AR) Dwayne Orr (TX) Darrell Spigner (AR)

294 Ministers Resource Services Term to expire 2023 Charlie Legg (MS) Ed Ridge (TX)

Moral Action Term to expire in 2023 Linda Dertinger (MS) John Smith (CO)

295 Recording Secretary’s Financial Report Baptst Missionary Associaton of America Statement of Receipts and Disbursements January 1, 2017 — December 31, 2017

Balance 1/1/17 Iberia Bank, NLR, AR $5,963.74

RECEIPTS Churches by mail $36,540.69 Hotel Room Rebates 3,495.00 Vendors Rental 6,005.00 Departmental Reimbursement 3,231.80 Tax Refund (Convention Center) 273.05


TOTAL FUNDS $55,701.32

DISBURSEMENTS Trumpet Printing 3,497.46 Committee on Arrangements 1,050.05 Clerk’s Salaries 3,000.00 Secretary’s Salary 563.50 Recommendations Booklet 6,533.09 Postage & Supplies 206.00 Meeting Expense 27,791.01 Yearbook (2017) Printing and Mailing 4,514.26



BALANCE ON HAND (12/31/2017) $7,245.71

296 Committee On Arrangements

Your Committee on Arrangements visited the following prospective site for the 2021 annual meeting of the BMAA.

• Antioch Baptist Church, Conway, Arkansas

Our recommendation to our churches is that the 2021 meeting be held at the An- tioch Baptist Church, Conway, Arkansas, April 19-22, 2021.

Jerome Cooper Charles Attebery Bill Thornton

297 Annual Report Coordinating Council Dr. Jason Aultman, Coordinating Council Chairman

It is my pleasure to offer this report to you on behalf of the Coordinating Council. In short, we commend our departments and directors for the outstanding job they are doing in leading in the various ministries of the BMA. While I cannot speak with first-hand knowledge as to how things have been throughout the history of our associa- tion, I doubt if a greater spirit of teamwork has ever existed among these groups. Each is committed to their role, in partnership with others, to be the most effective possible at fulfilling the Great Commission and serving the churches of the BMA. Last year it was reported that the financial condition of Daniel Springs Camp had reached a critical level. The DiscipleGuide board asked the Coordinating Council to help evaluate the financial condition and the organizational relationship between camp and DiscipleGuide. Thankfully, the response to the camp’s financial needs has been very positive and things are on a more sound footing now than a year ago. What is not known is whether this represents a new financial trajectory, or simply a short term response. Af- ter consultation with leaders of DiscipleGuide, Daniel Springs Camp, and representatives of their board, the members of the council agreed that it would be best at this point to not change the structure. We believe this evaluation should be ongoing over the coming year so that, with the benefit of more time, it can be better determined whether the financial condition seems to be bending toward continued improvement, or back toward critical need. Daniel Springs Camp provides a vital ministry and all those involved want to do whatever can be done to help the camp thrive well into the future. The Council would like to encourage the churches across our association to designate January, 2019, as stewardship emphasis month. DiscipleGuide has recently produced a stewardship series entitled “Open Hands.” We encourage our churches to consider utilizing this material in teaching about the important biblical principle of faith- ful stewardship. A greater understanding and obedience in this area would certainly bless and benefit individual church members, churches as a whole, and by extension, the entire work of the BMA. Tom Landry, the legendary coach of the Dallas Cowboys, told in his autobiogra- phy of a quote that hung in the Cowboys’ locker room. It said, “The quality of a man’s life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence.” Paul spoke of a similar commit- ment to an even higher cause. He said, “Whatever you do, do it with all your heart as unto the Lord” (Col. 3:23). We believe such a commitment to serving the Lord with excellence exists among those in our various departments, and for that we are grateful.

Recommendations 1. We recommend that no structural changes be made at this time to the relationship be- tween DiscipleGuide and Daniel Springs Camp. We recommend that this matter continue to be evaluated over the coming year. We further recommend that Camp Director, Jason Prewitt, be encouraged to make contacts and visits among the churches of the association to raise awareness of the camp ministry and needs of the camp. 2. We recommend that January, 2019, be designated as Stewardship Emphasis Month among the churches of the BMA. We encourage our churches to utilize the “Open Hands” material produced by DiscipleGuide as a resource in this emphasis.

298 Enrollment and Finance Committee

Churches Represented by Messenger 204 Churches Represented by Letter 221 Messengers Registered 428 Missionary Committee Members 144 Visitors Registered 139 Total Attendance 567 Minute/Meeting Funds Received $2,225.00

Churches Petitioning for Membership

Grace, Clinton, MS South Forest, Hattiesburg, MS

299 The Master’s Builders 2018 Annual Report

Five charter members of The Master’s Builders headed for Delores, Colorado. That was our first project of “Raising Roofs for Christ.” That has been twenty-seven years ago. In those twenty-seven years, The Master’s Builders has worked on 154 projects. Since our last report we have worked on six projects.

May 2017 — Jacksonville Baptist College June 2017 — Summers Baptist Church September 2017 — College Heights Baptist Church October 2017 — Oak Hill Baptist Church March 2018 — Stone Ridge Baptist Camp April 2018 — Daniel Springs Baptist Camp

Our group has grown, however we are in need of new members. Fun, food, and fellowship are the benefits we enjoy. We laugh together, and we cry together. We truly are one big happy family who enjoy working for the Lord. Our next building project will be helping the We Are Free project in June. This will be a very large project, and we would welcome any help. If you have any questions, are interested in joining our group, or if your church needs help in a building project, please contact John Mangum or Eddie Sikes. We can also be contacted through Paul White or Diane Spriggs in Little Rock. We have a table in the exhibit hall; please come by for information.

Respectfully submitted,

Eddie Sikes

300 Baptist Missionary Association of America

Roster Of Participating Churches

Baptist Missionary Association of America April 2018

Listing State, City, Name of Church, Pastor, Pastor’s Address & Phone, Clerk, Clerk’s Address


BIRMINGHAM Trinity, 2731 Arnett St, AL 35214-1553, (205) 798-0395 Keith Brakefield, 2731 Arnett St, Birmingham, AL 35214-1553, (205) 798-3330 Sue Bentley, 904 Garnett Cir, Adamsville, AL 35005-1027, (205) 674-9057

CREOLA Fountain Of Faith, 1287-C Dead Lake Rd, AL 36525-4301, (251) 599-3758 Al Moore, 207 W Canal Dr. Gulf Shores, AL 36542-3003, (251) 968-8254 Donna Richardson, 1408 Holmes Rd, Creola, AL 36525-4202, (251) 675-9441

GRAND BAY , 10890 Lockwood Dr. AL 36541-3920, (334) 957-1161 John Womack, 10890 Lockwood Dr. AL 36541-3920, (334) 865-4083 Tammy S. Womack, 10890 Lockwood Dr. AL 36541-3920, (334) 865-4083

GUIN Green Springs, 1055 County Highway 67, AL 35563-4740, (205) 468-2613 Eric McKinney, 37713 Highway 24, Russellville AL 35563-4422, (205) 412-4557 Emily Smith, 10991 Highway 43, Guin, AL 35563-4606, (205) 412-9195

MOBILE Bethel, 3150 Newman Rd, AL 36695-9414, (251) 633-9791 Charles E. Wyckoff, 12751 Smith Young Rd, Mobile, AL 36695-8603, (251) 633-9791 Alice Holloway, 2841 Busby Rd, Mobile, AL 36695-9401, (251) 639-9663

Westwood, 1101 Snow Rd S, AL 36695-8426, (251) 633-6280 Winford Smith, 5873 Chunn Dr, Eight Mile, AL 36613-7505, (251) 402-0136 Dinah Belcher, PO Box 2714, Semmes, AL 36675-2714, (251) 244-0109

MONTGOMERY Rigby Street, 2066 Rigby St, AL 36110-2443, (334) 262-3734 John R. Smith, 86 Taylor Hill Dr, Wetumpka, AL 36092-4602, (334) 514-7341 Church Clerk, 3054 Brevard Ave, Montgomery, AL 36109-2137, (334) 213-2530

Wares Ferry Road, 4355 Wares Ferry Rd, AL 36109-3116, (334) 271-0335 Lenny Bolton, 6205 Wynfrey Pl, Montgomery, AL 36117-4813, (334) 273-8779 Linda Penn, 1615 Sandstone Ct., Montgomery, AL 36117-1703

ROCKFORD Proctor Creek, RR 1 Box 179, AL 35136-9621, (256) 377-4799 C/O Church Clerk, RR 1 Box 179, Rockford, AL 35136-9621 Church Clerk, RR 1 Box 179, Rockford, AL 35136-9621,

SEMMES Harmony, 5204 Bannister Pl., AL 36608-2705, (334) 649-0060 Troy Bland, 1158 Ellison Ave, Creola, AL 36525-4204, (251) 649-0060 Deborah Stewart, 5204 Bannister Pl, Mobile, AL 36608-2705, (251) 344-0776

THEODORE Belle Fontaine, 9135 Dauphin Island Pkwy, AL 36582-8299 Robert Solley, 1287 Dead Lake Rd, Creola, AL 36525-4301, (251) 675-4137 Shirley Johnson, 9135 Dauphin Island Pkwy, AL 36582-8299, (251) 443-5993

Helton Road, 7500 Helton Rd, AL 36582-9693, (251) 653-1030 William, Oldenquist, 7500 Helton Rd, Theodore, AL 36582-9693, (251) 653-1030 Sylvia Rankin, 5026 Gunn Rd, Mobile, AL 36619-9110, (251) 666-5618

302 TITUS Lebanon, 17877 US Highway 231, AL 36080-3587, (334) 567-9818 Danny Robbins, 3561 Prince George Dr., Montgomery, AL 36109-1527, (334) 235-3993 Laniece Allen, 351 John Wood Road, Titus, AL 36080-5101, (334) 567-8594

VERNON Oakes Chapel, 335 Oaks Chapel Dr, AL 35592-3605, (205) 695-9203 Scott Stovall, 3410 County Road 44, Eldridge, AL 35554-4058, (205) 487-4498 Church Clerk, 335 Oaks Chapel Dr, Vernon, AL 35592-3605

WINFIELD Siloam, 1896 County Road 36, AL 35594-4337 Delbert G. Preuniger, 792 County Road 36, Winfield, AL 35594-4335, (205) 495-7416 Anita C. Ray, 7468 Highway 107, Fayette, AL 35555-5933, (205) 412-0663

ARIZONA PHOENIX June Gardens, 4138 N 31st Dr, AZ, 85017-4004, (623) 225-7708 David Cates, 1821 N 68 Dr, Phoenix, AZ, 85035-4609, (623) 225-7708 Patricia Cates, 1821 N 68 Dr, Phoenix, AZ, 85035-4609, (623) 873-6124

SAFFORD Mount Carmel, 2302 S 1st Ave., AZ, 85546-2208, (928) 428-8922 Mike Carpenter, 906 W Cholla Dr, Safford, AZ, 85546-8312, (928) 428-8922 Treyci Jones, 2302 S 1st Ave, Safford, AZ, 85546-2208, (928) 965-5288

TUCSON Westside Landmark, 1509 N Yavapai, AZ, 85745-2056 Bill R. Walker, 1509 N Yavapai, Tucson, AZ, 85745-2056, (520) 628-2842 Martha Reyes, 1402 N Hualapai St, Tucson, AZ, 85745-2366, (520) 628-2842

ARKANSAS ALMA Mustard Seed Mission, PO Box 1466, AR 72921-1466, (870) 370-3938 Jim Tollison, 2510 Griffin St, Van Buren, AR 72956-6679, (870) 370-3938

ALMYRA Rising Sun, 100 Gosa Lane, AR 72003-8143, (870) 946-0005 Homer Campbell, 3963 Highway 130 E, Almyra, AR 72003-8147 Linda Gosa, 100 Gosa Lane, Almyra, AR 72003-8143, (870) 946-0005

ARKADELPHIA Cornerstone, 2502 Walnut St, AR 71923-6504, (870) 246-5773 Larry Newsom, 203 N 27th St, Arkadelphia, AR 71923-4201, (870) 246-5043 Aileen Boyer, 799 Copeland Ridge Rd, Arkadelphia, AR 71923-8626, (870) 246-5031

Gum Springs, 235 Gum St, AR 71923-9406 Kenneth E. Anderson, PO Box 74, Gurdon, AR 71743-0074, (870) 353-2970 Mildred M. Roberson, 1347 Lee St, Arkadelphia, AR 71923-3817, (870) 246-7470

ASHDOWN Central, PO Box 706, AR 71822-0706, (870) 898-2616 Don Embry, 311 W Dougherty St, Ashdown, AR 71822-3315, (870) 313-4308 Sandy Wray, 1545 Peacock Cir, Ashdown, AR 71822-9523, (903) 701-4567

ATKINS Blackwell, 695 Highway 64, AR 72823-7612, (501) 354-0749 303 Charles Hall, 118 S Broadway St, Damascus, AR 72039-9239, (501) 940-0318 Kim Russell, 695 Highway 64, Atkins, AR 72823-7612, (501) 354-0749

BALD KNOB First, PO Box 367, AR 72010-0367, (501) 724-5756 Mike C. Ball, PO Box 316, Rosie, AR 72571-0316, (870) 251-6770 Rose Ann Houston, 4150 Meadow Lake Rd, Bradford, AR 72020-9382, (501) 283-1204

Worden, PO Box 811, AR 72010-0811, (501) 724-6268 Paul Bearfield, 768 Highway 258, Bald Knob, AR 72010-9721, (479) 531-7835 Gale Bell, 1643 Highway 64 E, Bald Knob, AR 72010-3938, (501) 724-6356

BANKS Banks, PO Box 35, Banks, AR 71631-0035 Tony Rinehart, PO Box 35, Banks, AR 71631-0035, (870) 798-3475 Lanella Peek, 599 Bradley 7 Rd S, Warren, AR 71671-8945, (870) 866-8463

BATESVILLE Ramsey Heights, 449 Heber Springs Rd, AR 72501-8045, (870) 569-4378 Aaron Maxwell, 3445 N Central Ave, Batesville, AR 72501-8660, (870) 834-0100 Glenita Anderson, 180 Lacy Lane, Batesville, AR 72501-9001, (870) 251-1747

Southside, 1846 Batesville Blvd, AR 72501-7895 Ross Sturch, 2 Rick Road, Batesville, AR 72501-9037, (870) 251-2939 Malinda Head, 640 Camp Tahkodah Rd, Batesville, AR 72501-9072, (870) 251-2439

Twentieth Street, 425 20th St, AR 72501-4826, (870) 698-1668 Mike Kidd, 1187 Jackson 2, Bradford, AR 72020-9413, (501) 344-8354 Dorma Talburt, 1634 Brian St., Batesville, AR 72501-7715, (870) 262-7763

BAY Broadway Avenue, PO Box 10, AR 72411-0010, (870) 781-3721 Rick Jensen, 961 CR 620, Jonesboro, AR 72404-8626, (870) 268-0943 Diana Rawls, PO Box 804, Bay, AR 72411-0804, (870) 781-3289

BEARDEN Bearden, PO Box 268, AR 71720-0268, (870) 687-2988 Jerry Arnold, PO Box 268, Bearden, AR 71720-0268, (870) 352-3838 Deborah Burgess, PO Box 378, Bearden, AR 71720-0378, (870) 687-2988

Macedonia, PO Box 5, AR 71652-0005, (870) 348-5310 Paul L. Martin, 8450 Highway 8, New Edinburg, AR 71660-8017, (870) 352-2446 Delores Granderson, PO Box 5, Kingsland, AR 71652-0005, (870) 348-5310

BEE BRANCH Grace, 118 S Broadway St, AR 72039-9239 David Johnson, 14 Huntington Dr., Greenbrier, AR 72058-9566, (501) 679-4143 Lois Lunsford, 118 S Broadway St, Damascus, AR 72039-9239, (501) 335-7821

BEEBE Bible Church Of Beebe, PO Box 749, AR 72012-0749 Brian Rickett, 21 Bryson Dr., Ward, AR 72176-9639, (501) 259-6959 Melvin Delk, 1921 W. Union St., Bald Knob, AR 72010-3328, (870) 724-5524

Harrison Chapel, PO Box 709, AR 72012-0709, (501) 288-3232 Robin McClure, 604 Nevada St, Beebe, AR 72012-2752, (501) 288-3232 Roland Bumpas, PO Box 709, Beebe, AR 72012-0709, (501) 882-3224 304 BELLA VISTA Fellowship, 502 W Lancashire Blvd., AR 72714-3054, (479) 855-9761 Dan Fagala, Sr., 14 Hillswick Dr, Bella Vista, AR 72715-5706, (479) 268-4102 Kathy Lovvorn, 502 W Lancashire Blvd, Bella Vista, AR 72715-3054, (479) 855-9761

BENTON Bethel, PO Box 2283, AR 72018-2283, (501) 778-3396 Carl Higgs, PO Box 2283, Benton, AR 72018-2283, (501) 776-2607 Lola Covell, 2724 Tatum St, Little Rock, AR 72204-3320, (501) 225-0046

BENTONVILLE Bethel, 2907 N Walton Blvd., AR 72712-3937, (479) 273-2759 C/O Gina Tynes, 2907 N Walton Blvd, AR 72712-3937, (479) 621-7618 Gina Tynes, 2907 N Walton Blvd., AR 72712-3937, (479) 621-7618

Cornerstone, PO Box 64, AR 72712-0064, (479) 464-5050 Dana Williams, PO Box 64, Bentonville, AR 72712-0064, (479) 464-5050 Amber Fulmer, 6 Fyfield Cir., Bella Vista, AR 72715-8815, (479) 276-8030

Grace Hills, 3511 SE J St., STE 9 #330 Brandon Cox, 1442 Sweetbriar Way, Centerton, AR 72719 Danny Kirk, 3511 SE J St., STE 9 #330

BLACK ROCK Pleasant Grove, PO Box 186, AR 72434-0186, (870) 869-1894 Jerry T. Clements, 3132 Highway 115, Imboden, AR 72434-9309, (870) 869-2273 Sharon Hickman, 11546 Highway 62 W, Imboden, AR 72434-9552, (870) 869-2889

BLEVINS Union Grove, PO Box 141, AR 71825-0141 C/O Sidney Zimmer, 267 Hempstead 17, Prescott, AR 71857-9019, (870) 703-2773 Sidney Zimmer, 267 Hempstead 17, Prescott, AR 71857-9019, (870) 703-2773

BLYTHEVILLE Beacon, PO Box 224, AR 72316-0224, (870) 762-2145 Richard Louercy, PO Box 224, Blytheville, AR 72316-0224, (870) 598-4167 Linda Plunkett, 816 Lauderdale Rd, Blytheville, AR 72315-2216, (870) 623-0950

Fairview, PO Box 1198, AR 72315-1198, (870) 763-5824 Coy Camp, 815 Delmar St, Blytheville, AR 72315-2015, (870) 838-4209 Marilyn Roberts, 450 Crestmont Cir, Blytheville, AR 72315-5801, (870) 532-5388

Lone Oak, 1780 E State Highway 239, AR 72315-8608, (870) 762-2780 Mitchell King, Jr., 1780 E St Highway 239, Blytheville, AR 72315-8608, (870) 532-8909 Ashley Bowdler, 1780 E St Highway 239, Blytheville, AR 72315-8608, (870) 762-2780

BONO Herman, 1412 County Road 118, AR 72416-8801, (870) 972-0040 Shawn Brandon, 149 County Road 436, Jonesboro, AR 72404-7630, (870) 219-6218 Janet Watkins, 1412 County Road 118, Bono, AR 72416-8801, (870) 935-8163

305 BOONEVILLE Eastwood, 383 Lowder Road, AR 72927-6988 Shane Cooper, 290 Old Sandy Rd, , AR 72855-2297, (479) 963-6100 Joyce Cole, 383 Lowder Rd, Booneville, AR 72927-6988, (479) 675-5702

BRADFORD Bradford, PO Box 216, AR 72020-0216, (501) 344-2414 Matthew Grantham, 409 Main St., Bradford, AR 72020-8806 Karen Reed, 3638 Jackson 5, Bradford, AR 72020-9012, (501) 344-2325

BROOKLAND Connection Point Mission, 325 County Road 726, AR 72401-8266, (870) 931-1076 Chad White, 325 County Road 726, Jonesboro, AR 72401-8266, (870) 931-1076

BRYANT La Gran Comisión Mission, 323 Gathering House Dr., AR 72015-9636 Michael Hight, 323 Gathering House Dr., Benton, AR 72015-9636, (501) 326-0198 Church Clerk, 323 Gathering House Dr, Benton, AR 72015-9636

Park Place, PO Box 761, AR 72089-0761, (501) 653-0088 Gary A. Lambright, PO Box 761, Bryant, AR 72089-0761, (501) 315-9578 Lisa Moziesek, PO Box 761, Bryant, AR 72089-0761, (501) 653-0088

BUCKNER First, PO Box 88, AR 71827-0088 Andy Hawkins, 648 Lafayette 23, Buckner, AR 71827-9515 Sandy Sands, 671 Highway 344, Waldo, AR 71770-9083, (870) 693-5770

Liberty, 700 Lafayette 21, AR 71860-8527, (870) 533-2671 Adam Rogers, 180 Lafayette 23, Buckner, AR 71827-9515 Nancy Grimmett, 700 Lafayette 21, Stamps, AR 71860-8527, (870) 533-2671

Shiloh Union, PO Box 55, AR 71827-0055 C/O Jessica Reeves, PO Box 55, Buckner, AR 71827-0055 Jessica Reeves, PO Box 55, Buckner, AR 71827-0055

CALDWELL First, PO Box 56, AR 72322-0056, (870) 633-1318 Sam Higgs, PO Box 56, Caldwell, AR 72322-0056, (870) 633-1392 Janet Duffel, PO Box 268, Caldwell, AR 72322-0268, (870) 633-1119

CAMDEN Immanuel, 2409 Mount Holly Rd, AR 71701-6534, (870) 231-6494 Anthony Tropp, 1077 Toltec St, Camden, AR 71701-7053, (870) 231-6494 Gwen Downey, 3130 Cherokee, Camden, AR 71701-7062

Maul Community, 323 Berg Ave, AR 71701-3672, (870) 836-5059 Mike Rogers, Interim, 174 Hempstead 12, Hope, AR 71801-8804, (870) 777-3644 Catherine Bradford, 323 Berg Ave, Camden, AR 71701-3672, (870) 836-5059

CARLISLE Pleasant Grove, 649 Raborn Rd, AR 72024-9381 C/O Phyllis Munnerlyn, 8074 Highway 381, Carlisle, AR 72024-9192, (501) 412-8417 Phyllis Munnerlyn, 8074 Highway 381, Carlisle, AR 72024-9192,

306 (501) 412-8417

CAVE CITY Eutopia, 70 Rainbow Lane, AR 72521-9812 Troy Driggers, 400 Grey Fox Ln., Batesville, AR 72501-9127, (870) 283-6392 Glenna Lassiter, 70 Rainbow Lane, Cave City, AR 72521-9812, (870) 283-6392

Hillcrest, PO Box 346, AR 72521-0346 Mitchell Kazzee, 747 Matlock Rd, Cave City, AR 72521-9028, (870) 612-4167 Valerie Gann, 614 S James St, Cave City, AR 72521-9034, (870) 283-5309

CAVE SPRINGS First, PO Box 175, AR 72718-0175, (479) 248-7398 Gary Brewer, 717 Pennington St, Lowell, AR 72745-9590, (479) 856-3901 Karen Loyd, 12453 Haden Rd, Bentonville, AR 72712-6993, (479) 248-1902

CLARENDON Friendship, 14711 Highway 79, AR 72029-9534 C/O Alma Young, 10 Casey Lane, De Witt, AR 72042-3471, (870) 509-1543 Alma Young, 10 Casey Lane, De Witt, AR 72042-3471, (870) 509-0696

CLARKSVILLE Twin Oaks, PO Box 1306, AR 72830-1306, (479) 754-2967 Gaylon King, Interim, PO Box 221, Greenbrier, AR 72058-0221, (501) 679-2612 Kim Thomas, 416 N Brown St, Clarksville, AR 72830-1306, (479) 774-3964

CLEVELAND Cleveland, PO Box 16, AR 72030-0016, (501) 669-2958 Gibson ‘Gib’ Cole, PO Box 16, Cleveland, AR 72030-0016, (501) 669-2958 Jennifer Jones, 62 Lentz Rd, Cleveland, AR 72030-9510, (501) 669-2535

CLINTON Mountain View, 362 Woolverton Mountain Rd, AR 72031-8913 Cleo Young, 1060 Ada Valley Rd, Adona, AR 72001-8712, (501) 727-5260 Rhonda Shipp, 362 Woolverton Mountain Rd, Clinton, AR 72031-8913, (501) 893-2729

New Hope, PO Box 787, AR 72031-0787, (501) 745-3440 Michael Battenfield, 163 Maxwell St, Clinton, AR 72031-7083, (501) 745-6401 Christa Griffith, 387 Steep Rd, Clinton, AR 72031-6698,

CONCORD Concord, PO Box 145, AR 72523-0145, (870) 283-6928 C/O Tiffany Hallmark, PO Box 151, Concord, AR 72523-0151, (870) 613-8961 Tiffany Hallmark, PO Box 151, Concord, AR 72523-0151, (870) 613-8961

C ONWAY Antioch, 150 Amity Rd, AR 72032-9754, (501) 329-5153 Jason Aultman, 600 Bristol Lane, Conway, AR 72034-8506, (501) 327-0637 Alan Luck, 956 Joseph Dr, Conway, AR 72034-8302, (501) 329-7774

Calvary, 4755 Prince St, AR 72032-9387 Roy Hill, 89 Hill Farm Rd, Conway, AR 72032-9041, (501) 231-5221 Martha White, 4755 Prince St. Conway, AR 72032-9387 (501) 472-7537

Central, 3333 Dave Ward Dr., AR 72034-9355, (501) 329-9283 Don R. Chandler, 3515 Bayberry Rd, Conway, AR 72032-5557, (501) 329-3555 Wanda May, 3333 Dave Ward Dr., AR 72034-9355, (501) 470-1211

Eastside, PO Box 2728, AR 72033-2728, (501) 329-6232 307 Thom South, 3614 Irby Dr, Conway, AR 72034-7315, (501) 764-1133 Larry Jones, PO Box 2728, Conway, AR 72033-2728, (501) 205-0241

Old Liberty, PO Box 467, AR 72173-0467 C/O Peggy Francis, 15 Fern Lane, Conway, AR 72032-9421, (501) 329-3015 Peggy Francis, 15 Fern Lane, Conway, AR 72032-9421, (501) 329-3015

CORD Center Grove, 8070 White Dr., AR 72524-9607 Charles Bullington, 240 Shamrock Lane, Sulphur Rock, AR 72579-9666, (870) 799-8558 Marie Priest, 70 Luster Dr, Batesville, AR 72501-8043, (870) 793-7492

Philadelphia, 6425 White Dr, AR 72522-9718 Tracy Grissom, 735 Grey Fox Lane, Batesville, AR 72501-9171, (870) 698-9482 Marsha Rounds, 1195 Rounds Rd, Batesville, AR 72501-9671, (870) 307-3717

CORNING Landmark, 1109 County Road 176, AR 72470-8032 Robert Moore, 1865 County Road 134, Success, AR 72470-8007 (870) 276-5820 Carol Jordan, 1109 County Road 176, Success, AR 72470-8032, (870) 450-2701

CROCKETTS BLUFF Crocketts Bluff, 714 W 1st St, AR 72038-9500 Charles F. Jackson, PO Box 549, De Witt, AR 72042-0549, (870) 946-1293 Shirley Jackson, PO Box 549, De Witt, AR 72042-0549

CROSSETT Beech Street, 500 Beech St, AR 71635-3033, (870) 364-5807 Donnie Dubose 1406 Chestnut St, Crossett, AR 71635-4016, (870) 364-3668 Ann Phillips, 108 Jeffress Curve Rd, Crossett, AR 71635-8669, (870) 364-6883

DAMASCUS First, PO Box 338, AR 72039-0338, (501) 335-7440 Daniel Williams, 51 Oak Tree Rd, Damascus, AR 72039-8500, (501) 358-1553 Sherri Stewart, 183 Old Highway 65, Damascus, AR 72039-9234, (501) 335-7842

Sand Springs, PO Box 557, AR 72039-0557 Dwayne Thomas, PO Box 557, Damascus, AR 72039-0557, (318) 719-9993 Glenda McGinty, 193 Jackson Rd. N, Damascus, AR 72039-8049,

DARDANELLE Unity, 13206 Harkey Valley Rd, AR 72834-7997 Michael Owens, 1507 S Cleveland, Russellville, AR 72801-7239, (479) 280-0642 Glinda Carroll, 14164 Harkey Valley Rd, Dardanelle, AR 72834-8003, (479) 229-2563

DE QUEEN Friendship, PO Box 1049, AR 71832-1049, (870) 642-5055 George Frachiseur, 897 Frachiseur Rd, Grannis, AR 71944-9492, (870) 584-2890 Cassie Hale, 198 Red Bud Rd, De Queen, AR 71832-9060, (870) 784-2435

Old Time, PO Box 495, AR 71832-0495, (870) 584-3970 Joe Carlton, 163 MARcoNE Dr, De Queen, AR 71832-4030, (870) 584-2251 Deborah L Bailey, 189 Johnson Bridge Rd, De Queen, AR 71832-2944, (870) 584-4924

308 DE VALLS BLUFF Hurricane, 9650 Scott Rd, AR 72041-9883 C/O Frances, Scott, 9650 Scott Rd, De Valls Bluff, AR 72041-9883, (870) 241-3435 Frances Scott, 9650 Scott Rd, De Valls Bluff, AR 72041-9883, (870) 241-3435

DE WITT Forks Lagrue, 180 Allen Watkins Rd, AR 72042-9505 Ron Eichmeyer, 136 Paul Addition Rd, Searcy, AR 72143-9425, (501) 827-8807 Teresa Ann Coley, 180 Allen Watkins Rd, De Witt, AR 72042-9505, (870) 946-5401

Sunny Side, 41 Crescent Park Dr, AR 72042-3403 Harvey Brock, 5813 Sorrells Rd., Pine Bluff, AR 71603-7486 Gladys Hearn, 41 Crescent Park Dr, De Witt, AR 72042-3403,

DIERKS Bethany, 199 Wynn Rd, AR 71833-9504, (870) 557-1066 Larry Eason, PO Box 244, Lockesburg, AR 71846-0244, (870) 289-2782 Lana Holley, 199 Wynn Rd, Dierks, AR 71833-9504, (870) 557-1026

Fellowship, PO Box 427, AR 71833-0427 Gary Welch, 275 Harris Rd, Dierks, AR 71833-8807, (870) 285-5189 Gwyn Hartin, 171 Bearden Lane, Dierks, AR 71833-8900, (870) 286-2085

DUMAS Northside, PO Box 664, AR 71639-0664 Robert E ‘Bobby’, Bass, 1491 Grant 18 Lot 1, Grapevine, AR 72057-8908, (870) 942-1761 Theda Smallwood, 113 N Crestview St, Dumas, AR 71639-2527, (870) 382-4847

EL DORADO Grace, 803 E Main St, AR 71730-6317 Terrel W. Langley, 301 Sims Langley Trl, Junction City, AR 71749-8683, (870) 862-6498 Peggy Plummer, 804 Parkers Ridge Rd, El Dorado, AR 71730-2131, (870) 862-2396

Hopewell, 3027 Hopewell Rd, AR 71730-8610, (870) 863-5093 Grant Barnett, 3027 Hopewell Rd, El Dorado, AR 71730-8610, (870) 863-5093 Larry W. Taylor, 758 Featherston Rd, Homer, La, 71040-6834,

Mount Union, 653 Mount Union Rd, AR 71730-9088, (870) 862-0085 John Ayers, 653 Mt Union Rd, El Dorado, AR 71730-9088, (870) 669-1662 John A. Owens, 449 Union Road 540, El Dorado, AR 71730-9071, (870) 862-5910

Murmill Heights, 203 Beacon Hill Dr, AR 71730-8303, (870) 863-3282 Billy G, Smith, 205 Beacon Hill Dr, El Dorado, AR 71730-8303, (870) 863-3282 Venita Smith, 203 Beacon Hill Dr, El Dorado, AR 71730-8303, (870) 864-8831

New Beginnings, 7200 Junction City Hwy, AR 71730-2226, (870) 924-5300 Doyce G. Whitten, 1784 Tucker Store Rd, Spearsville, LA, 71277-3808, (318) 986-5286 Linda Murray, 2368 Baileytown Rd, Haynesville, LA, 71038-6817,

Pleasant Grove, 2175 Pleasant Grove Rd, AR 71730-9599, (870) 862-0063 C/O Martha Lee, 3525 Hibanks Rd, El Dorado, AR 71730-2011, (870) 862-1441 Martha Lee, 3525 Hibanks Rd, El Dorado, AR 71730-2011, (870) 862-1441

309 Wyatt, 4621 W Hillsboro St, AR 71730-6768, (870) 862-2619 C/O Donny Hymer, 4621 W Hillsboro St, El Dorado, AR 71730-6768, (870) 862-4422 Donny Hymer, 4621 W Hillsboro St, El Dorado, AR 71730-6768, (870) 862-2619

ELIZABETH Landmark, PO Box 55, AR 72531-0055 Mac Kennedy, PO Box 55, Elizabeth, AR 72531-0055 Church Clerk, PO Box 55, AR 72531-0055

EMERSON Atlanta, 15261 Highway 98, AR 71753-9803 C/O Kathy Roberson, 15261 Highway 98, Magnolia, AR 71753-9803 Kathy Roberson, 15261 Highway 98, Magnolia, AR 71753-9803,

Brister, 3711 Highway 79 S, AR 71740-9223, (870) 547-2010 Eric Goble, 3711 Highway 79 S, Emerson, AR 71740-9223, (870) 547-2411 Becky Fitzpatrick, 4481 Columbia Road 7, Emerson, AR 71740-9808, (870) 547-3462

First, PO Box 66, AR 71740-0066, (870) 547-2857 Dale E. Fish, PO Box 66, Emerson, AR 71740-0066, (870) 949-1268 Sue Robison, PO Box 116, Emerson, AR 71740-0116, (570) 547-2495

Western, 1760 Columbia Road 3, AR 71740-9408 Tommy Parker, 4701 Highway 371 N, Waldo, AR 71770-9124, (870) 299-3698 Danita Lee, 61 E Columbia Road 4, Emerson, AR 71740-9411, (870) 696-3864

EMMET Antioch, 172 Nevada 31, AR 71835-9043, (870) 887-5090 Kenneth Grant, 2106 Wilkins St, Hope, AR 71801-6103, (870) 777-4484 Nell Campbell, 172 Nevada 31, Emmet, AR 71835-9043, (870) 887-5090

Bodcaw #1, 1934 Highway 32, AR 71835-8935, (870) 899-2403 Lane Garner, 202 Church Dr, Hope, AR 71801-6051, (870) 722-1972 Marilyn Carlton, 1934 Highway 32, Emmet, AR 71835-8935, (870) 899-2403

Forest Hill, 5479 Highway 73, AR 71835-8922, (870) 887-6440 Rodney Langston, 5479 Highway 73, Emmet, AR 71835-8922, (870) 887-6440 Rebecca Langston, 5479 Highway 73, Emmet, AR 71835-8922, (870) 887-6440

New Liberty, 2695 Nevada 14, AR 71835-8918 James Cox, 1198 Nevada 287, Rosston, AR 71858-8056, (870) 899-2316 Lora Snell, 916 Highway 299 E, Emmet, AR 71835-9042, (870) 703-2478

ENGLAND Landmark, PO Box 177, AR 72046-0177, (501) 842-2391 Reagan Shearer, 108 Catalpa St, England, AR 72046-1525, (501) 207-2852 Patricia Stewart, 1005 E Homan St, England, AR 72046-2219, (501) 680-4526

Southside, PO Box 135, AR 72046-0135 Robert Alberson, 504 Jordan Brake Rd, England, AR 72046-8630, (501) 275-3492 Barbara Billings, 510 SW 2nd St, England, AR 72046-1949, (501) 842-3547

Union Valley, 11969 Highway 31 S, AR 72046-9128 William David Gammel, 91 Johnson Rd, Scott, AR 72142-9286, (501) 961-9374 Deborah Gammel, 91 Johnson Rd, Scott, AR 72142-9286, (501) 961-9374

310 ENOLA Barney, 594 Highway 107 N, AR 72047-8204 C/O Ruth Blake, 130 6th St, Conway, AR 72032-5823, (501) 329-0026 Ruth Blake, 130 6th St, Conway, AR 72032-5823, (501) 329-0026

Marcus Hill, 82 John T Rd, AR 72047-8115 David Cook, 82 John T Rd, Enola, AR 72047-8115 Church Clerk, 12 Tucker Creek Rd., Conway, AR 72034-2910

EUREKA SPRINGS Mountain View, PO Box 101, Beaver, AR 72613-0101 Billy Brace, 10498 W High Meadow Dr, Rogers, AR 72756-9221, (479) 381-6608 F. T. Hamblin, PO Box 101, Beaver, AR 72613-0101, (479) 253-8396

FAYETTEVILLE Calvary, 1410 N Porter Rd, AR 72703-1113, (479) 442-4634 Kirk Shelton, 436 Twin Falls Pl, Farmington, AR 72730-2801, (972) 935-6898 Shirley Wilson, 1936 Lawson St, Fayetteville, AR 72703-1319, (479) 443-2052

Eastside, 325 S Crossover Rd, AR 72701-4632, (479) 444-0802 Larry J. Hendren, Interim, PO Box 1536, Gentry, AR 72734-1536, (479) 238-4510 Judy Faulkner, 198 Ruth St, Farmington, AR 72730-3007, (479) 236-8807

Round Mountain, 18901 Two Wells Rd, AR 72701-9544, (479) 443-1768 David Evans, 8762 E Wagon Wheel Rd, Springdale, AR 72762-9782, (479) 601-3617 Butch Pond, 18901 Two Wells Rd, Fayetteville, AR 72701-9544, (479) 879-5594

Township, PO Box 199, AR 72702-0199, (479) 442-2345 Rustin Cunningham, 500a Fairway Cir, Springdale, AR 72764-1071, (479) 790-2720 Carol Cunningham, 500a Fairway Cir, Springdale, AR 72764-1071, (479) 790-2721

Weddington, 682 N Elkins Rd, AR 72704-9105 Doug Brown, 2304 W Granite, Siloam Springs, AR 72761-3318, (479) 790-8186 Tamara Ellenbecker, 682 N Elkins Rd, Fayetteville, AR 72704-9105, (479) 524-3098

FORDYCE Pine Crest, PO Box 995, AR 71742-0995 C/O Lucille Williams, PO Box 995, Fordyce, AR 71742-0995 Lucille Williams, PO Box 995, Fordyce, AR 71742-0995,

Sulphur Springs, PO Box 804, AR 71742-0804 Harold Harper, PO Box 804, Fordyce, AR 71742-0804, (870) 352-3937 Tammy Harper, PO Box 804, Fordyce, AR 71742-0804, (870) 352-3937

Temple, 200 Graham St, AR 71742-3229, (870) 352-7502 Jeremy Horton, 200 Graham St, Fordyce, AR 71742-3229 Kay Garlington, PO Box 95, Ivan, AR 71748-0095,

Zion, 989 Highway 229, AR 71742-7063, (870) 352-3335 Nick Flowers, 987 Highway 229, Fordyce, AR 71742-7063, (870) 352-7391 Stacie Adair, 457 Highway 229, Fordyce, AR 71742-7047, (870) 723-4514

311 FOREMAN Wallace First, PO Box 594, AR 71836-0594, (870) 542-6453 Hershell R. Lee, PO Box 190, Foreman, AR 71836-0190, (870) 542-6566 Velva Lansdell, 175 Highway 108 Spur, Foreman, AR 71836-9056, (870) 542-7491

FORREST CITY Bethel, PO Box 321, AR 72336-0321 Marty Cantwell, PO Box 321, Forrest City, AR 72336-0321 Susan Brown, 62 County Road 743, Wynne, AR 72396-8149, (870) 208-3872

FORT SMITH New Liberty, 1803 Cavanaugh Rd, AR 72908-7719, (479) 646-8440 Tommy Osman, 3114 Osman Lane, Rudy, AR 72952-9051, (479) 651-5631 Jeannie Norton, 7500 Jenny Lind Rd Apt 113, Fort Smith, AR 72908-7755, (479) 651-9980

FOUKE New Hope, 486 Miller County 217, AR 71837-9597 Doug Frost, Interim, 121 Lemley Dr, Texarkana, AR 71854-8724, (870) 774-9654 J. W. Martin, 226 Miller County Road 405, Fouke, AR 71837-9397, (903) 278-9250

FULTON Riverside, PO Box 179, AR 71838-0179 Larry Byers, 3918 Highway 29 S, Hope, AR 71801-8938, (870) 777-9284 Jane Struckman, 4425 Highway 67 W, Fulton, AR 71838-9028, (870) 899-2698

GARFIELD New Prospect, 17891 Sugar Creek Rd, AR 72732-9630, (479) 359-3014 Ronald L. Shults, 2010 Chapman Lane, Pea Ridge, AR 72751-2025, (479) 451-1057 Michelle Dye, 17891 Sugar Creek Rd, Garfield, AR 72732-9630, (479) 359-3014

GARNER Garner, PO Box 86, AR 72052-0086, (501) 726-3360 Glen Shults, PO Box 12, Garner, AR 72052-0012, (870) 722-8944 Pearlene Arthur, 326 Highway 11 S, Higginson, AR 72068-9102, (501) 726-3360 GENTRY Victory, PO Box 206, AR 72734-0206, (479) 736-2900 Dennis Taylor, 13990 Cincinnati Creek Rd, Summers, AR 72769-9754 Shirley Shook, PO Box 564, Gentry, AR 72734-0564, (479) 736-4620

GRANNIS Holly Grove, 716 W Stilwell, AR 71832-2708 John Gilbert, 628 Mt Carmel Rd, Dierks, AR 71833-9514, (870) 286-9151 Roberta Youngblood, 452 Brushy Ridge Rd., Watson, OK, 74963-5081, (580) 244-7475

GRAVETTE Beacon, 805 1st Ave SW, AR 72736-9760, (479) 787-6824 Ron Theis, 106 Huntington Rd SW, Gravette, AR 72736-9734, (501) 499-2645 Debra Russow, 12289 Shady Grove Rd, Gravette, AR 72736-9017, (479) 787-0419

Bethlehem, PO Box 291, AR 72719-0291 Marvin Lloyd, 12541 Haden Rd, Bentonville, AR 72712-7249, (479) 248-2701 Lavon Torix, 15115 W Highway 102, Decatur, AR 72722-9692, (479) 903-2987

Mount Pleasant, 14529 Fielding Rd, AR 72739-9609, (479) 787-5883

312 Ernest Lastovica, 12036 Mill Dam Rd, Bentonville, AR 72712-7307, (479) 248-7373 Cathleen Spears, 14529 Fielding Rd, Hiwasse AR 72739-9609, (479) 787-5883

GREENBRIER Bethlehem, 505 Highway 225 W, AR 72058-9455, (501) 679-3974 Martin Jameson, 27 Valmont St., Greenbrier, AR 72058-9183, (501) 581-9856 Patricia Daniels, 19 Valley Meadows Dr, Greenbrier, AR 72058-9170, (501) 679-3069

Friendship, 170 Cash Springs Rd, AR 72058-9429, (501) 679-5026 John Burleson, 43 Acklin Gap Rd, Greenbrier, AR 72032-9518, (501) 581-8580 Kathy Mallett, 610 W Republican Rd, Greenbrier, AR 72058-9302, (501) 679-5959

Immanuel, PO Box 221, AR 72058-0221, (501) 679-2612 Tony Crocker, PO Box 221, Greenbrier, AR 72058-0221, (501) 499-0309 Lisa Rust, PO Box 221, Greenbrier, AR 72058-0221, (501) 679-2612

Lifesong Mission, PO Box 1336, AR 72058-1336 Freddie Mark Wilcox, 217 Highway 285 N, Greenbrier, AR 72058-9456, (501) 679-2770 Mary Henry, 5 Fourth St, Greenbrier, AR 72058-9474,

Needs Creek, PO Box 8, AR 72058-0008, (501) 679-3429 Myron Milholland, 22 Smallwood Lane, Greenbrier, AR 72058-9531, (501) 679-5519 Jim Atkinson, 11 Sarah Ct, Greenbrier, AR 72058-9122, (501) 581-7607

Pleasant Valley, 3 Pleasant Valley Rd E, AR 72058-9698, (501) 679-3793 Virgil Porter, Jr., PO Box 2584, Conway, AR 72033-2584, (501) 314-9911 Brenda Southerland, 3 Pleasant Valley Rd E, Greenbrier, AR 72058-9698

Springhill, 25 Highway 287, AR 72058-9676, (501) 679-2320 Ed Stephenson, 14 Annabelle Lane, Greenbrier, AR 72058-5002, (501) 679-5848 Brenda Mahan, 53 Highway 287, Greenbrier, AR 72058-9676, (501) 679-3415

GREENWOOD Denver Street, PO Box 1669, AR 72936-1669, (479) 996-7544 George Reddin, 718 Encina Lane, Greenwood, AR 72936-3823, (501) 472-0516 Sherry Laminack, 1047 Maple Ridge Dr, Greenwood, AR 72936-3103, (479) 252-6671

GREERS FERRY Greers Ferry, PO Box 1367, AR 72067-1367, (501) 825-7103 Gene Craig, 120 Roberts Lane, Bald Knob, AR 72010-9620, (501) 281-1342 Ellen Johnson, 1099 Inez Lane, Alexander, AR 72002-1815, (501) 317-2139

GURDON First, 209 E Pine St, AR 71743-1249, (870) 353-4421 Randal Murphy, 209 E Pine St, Gurdon, AR 71743-1249, (870) 226-3447 Mary Ricketts, 503 Sticky Rd, Gurdon, AR 71743-2902, (870) 353-7038

New Caney, 224 Highway 53 N, AR 71743-8880, (870) 353-2781 Ken Beaver, 224 Highway 53 N, Gurdon, AR 71743-8880, (870) 353-2781 Shellie Stroud, 901 Sticky Rd, Gurdon, AR 71743-2910, (870) 353-4928

GUY Mount Olive, PO Box 128, AR 72061-0128, (501) 679-2872 Tim Brewer, 11 Lilly Cove, Greenbrier, AR 72058-9095, (501) 581-3670 Sue Clark, 41 E Republican Rd, Greenbrier, AR 72058-9438, (501) 581-5287

HAMBURG North Main Street, 1105 N Main St, AR 71646-2617, (870) 940-0548 James Thompson, 289 Ashley Road 471, Hamburg, AR 71646-9797, (870) 853-9102

313 Patsy Jo Tomerlin, 218 Ashley Road 72, Hamburg, AR 71646-8530, (870) 853-8529

HAMPTON Antioch, PO Box 726, Hampton, AR 71744-0726, (870) 798-4223 Mike Nutt, PO Box 265, Hampton, AR 71744-0265, (870) 798-4892 Shirley Lambert, 1037 W Calhoun 24, Hampton, AR 71744-8880, (870) 798-3742

Faustina, PO Box 195, AR 71745-0195, (870) 798-2030 Carrold ‘Gene’ Boyette, 375 Highway 160 W, Banks, AR 71631-9271, (870) 463-8309 Shirley Hollis, PO Box 195, Hampton, AR 71744-0195,

Locust Bayou, 11641 W Highway 278, AR 71744-9128 Jeromy M. Roberson, Interim, 2949 Ouachita Road 67, Louann, AR 71751-8633, (870) 639-3156 Shirley Profitt, 14514 Highway 278 W, Camden, AR 71701-7289, (870) 574-0492

Victory, PO Box 1215, AR 71744-1215, (870) 798-3616 Eddie Raines, 106 N Munn, Warren, AR 71671-2952, (870) 226-9062 Mary Beth Kilgore, 971 Calhoun 186, Hampton, AR 71744-9080, (870) 798-3430

Woodberry, PO Box 948, AR 71744-1215, (870) 798-4881 Robbie Duncan, PO Box 948, Hampton, AR 71744-1215, (870) 798-3586 Sharon K. Wilson, 7032 Calhoun 219, Hampton, AR 71744-9243, (870) 798-3536

HARRELL Canaan, PO Box 131, AR 71745-0131, (870) 798-3085 Brent Day, 989 Highway 229, Fordyce, AR 71742-7063, (870) 352-3335 Lane Reynolds, PO Box 809, Hampton, AR 71744-0809,

Dickinson, PO Box 484, AR 71744-0484, (870) 798-2290 C/O Sonya Harrell, PO Box 151, Harrell, AR 71745-0151, Sonya Harrell, PO Box 151, Harrell, AR 71745-0151,

HARRISON Red Oak, PO Box 2174, AR 72601-2174, (870) 741-4674 Gary Crawford, PO Box 127, Harrison, AR 72602-0127, (870) 416-0200 Lena Wolf, PO Box 2174, Harrison, AR 72601-2174, (870) 426-5318

HASKELL Celebration, 4601 Highway 229, AR 72015-7221, (501) 416-5539 William Allan Eakin, 2415 Spring Creek Dr., Benton, AR 72015-0761, (501) 416-5539 Robin McKnight, 7020 Highway 229, Traskwood, AR 72167-9014, (501) 840-5129

HATTIEVILLE Hattieville, PO Box 240, AR 72063-0240, (501) 354-6453 Kenneth Strickland, 30 Russell Rd, Hattieville, AR 72063-8900, (501) 354-6453 Anna Halbrook, 41 Halbrook Lane, Morrilton, AR 72110-9069, (501) 354-4639

Old Hickory, PO Box 88, AR 72063-0088 Johnnie Hoffmann, 3 Mitchell Cir, Greenbrier, AR 72058-9124, (501) 733-2565 Annette Williams, 1558 Highway 213, Hattieville, AR 72063-8005, (501) 669-2932

HAYNES Haynes, PO Box 551, AR 72341-0551, (870) 633-4992 David Yates, 906 Block St S, Wynne, AR 72396-3417, (870) 208-6946 Carolyn Henard, 2324 Lee Rd 303, Marianna, AR 72360-8422, (870) 295-2286

314 HEBER SPRINGS Calvary, PO Box 782, AR 72543-0782, (501) 362-5046 Homer Branscum, 325 Lone Star Lane, Greers Ferry, AR 72067-8885, (501) 362-5046 Lesa Jernigan, PO Box 782, Heber Springs, AR 72543-0782, (501) 362-5046

HERMITAGE Landmark, PO Box 295, AR 71647-0295, (870) 463-8220 Don Smith, 155 Bradley 186, Hermitage, AR 71647-9101, (870) 463-2725 Joanie Mauldin, PO Box 417, Hermitage, AR 71647-0417, (870) 463-8834

HIGHLAND Highland Hills, 2021 Highway 62 412, AR 72542-9465, (870) 856-4060 Paul Vincent, 36 Winnebago Dr, Cherokee Village, AR 72529-4012, (870) 955-3839 Melinda Vincent, 8 N Lakeshore Dr, Cherokee Village, AR 72529-4121, (870) 219-0766

HOPE Bethany, 589 Highway 355 W, AR 71801-9034, (870) 777-2044 Eric Fisher, 448 Highway 355 W, Hope, AR 71801-8916, (870) 777-3008 Sandra Hill, 145 Morris Lane, Hope, AR 71801-8977, (870) 777-1396

Emanuel Hispanic Mission, 217 S Gannaway St, AR 71671-2956, (870) 350-6878 Javier Gonzalez, 217 S Gannaway St, Warren, AR 71671-2956, (870) 350-6878 Vera Gonzalez, 217 S Gannaway St, Warren, AR 71671-2956, (870) 350-6878

Garrett Memorial, PO Box 223, AR 71802-0223, (870) 777-3256 Clif Johnson, PO Box 223, Hope, AR 71801-0223, (870) 777-3256 Jessica Trauger, PO Box 223, Hope, AR 71802-0223, (870) 777-3256

Mount Nebo, 911 Par Cir, AR 71801-8621 Bruce Porter, 911 Par Cir, Hope, AR 71801-8621, (870) 777-3858 Teresa Porter, 911 Par Cir, Hope, AR 71801-8621, (870) 777-3858

New Hope, 3719 Highway 278 W, AR 71801-8832, (870) 777-3090 Neal Ridling, 3719 Highway 278 W, Hope, AR 71801-8832, (870) 887-0244 Opal Hatfield, 140 Hatfield Hollow Rd, Washington, AR 71862-9018, (870) 983-2551

Providence, 108 Hempstead 161 W, AR 71801-6162, (870) 777-6299 Kenneth Bobo, 876 Hempstead 5, Hope, AR 71801-8906, (870) 777-2973 Angel Otis, 5196 Highway 29 S, Hope, AR 71801-1093, (870) 331-0306

Shover Springs, 110 County Road 54, AR 71801-6162, (870) 777-2919 Eric Barbaree, 110 County Road 54, Hope, AR 71801-6162, (870) 777-2919 Laura Sue England, 2410 E Plainview St, Hope, AR 71801-8609, (870) 777-6866

Southside, 2805 Highway 29 S, AR 71801-8946, (870) 777-6272 Ernie Sorrells, 1537 Hempstead 7, Hope, AR 71801-9079, (870) 772-2444 Diane Hunt, 5228 Hempstead 3, Hope, AR 71801-9368, (870) 777-3862

Unity, 402 S Hervey St, AR 71801-5120, (870) 777-4078 Glen E. Tropp, 715 E 28th St, Hope, AR 71801-1111, (870) 722-9911 Quetta Smith, 1713 E 7th St, Hope, AR 71801-5910, (870) 777-6009

HOT SPRINGS Charity Heights, 1315 Leonard St, AR 71913-5634, (501) 321-1646 Jim Oliver, 1405 Emory St, Hot Springs, AR 71913-5640 Linda C. Black, 2060 Mtn Pine Rd, Hot Springs, AR 71913-8109, (501) 767-3703

HUGHES Central, PO Box 903, AR 72348-0903, (870) 339-2503

315 Lee Roberts, 168 Lakeview Dr, Hughes, AR 72348-9085, (870) 339-3847 Bobbie Crisp, PO Box 31, Caldwell, AR 72322-0031, (870) 633-3041

HUMNOKE Rowes Chapel, PO Box 125, AR 72072-0125, (501) 275-1006 Patrick Fulmer, 380 Center St, Humnoke, AR 72072-8709, (870) 703-1499 Patricia Alberson, 14235 Highway 13 S, England, AR 72046-8540, (501) 275-3437

JACKSONVILLE Westside, 417 Dupree Dr, AR 72076-4310, (870) 830-2490 Ronnie Johnson, PO Box 407, Bald Knob, AR 72010-0407, (870) 830-2490 Rita Gresham, 607 S Spring St, Jacksonville, AR 72076-4534, (501) 772-0561

JERSEY Shady Grove, 1625 Highway 160 W, AR 71651-9201 Everett Smith, PO Box 46, Hampton, AR 71744-0046, (870) 250-0283 Mary Anders, 1625 Highway 160 W, Jersey, AR 71651-9201,

JONESBORO Bethany, PO Box 17034, AR 72403-6718, (870) 935-5318 Jim Swinea, 5917 Megan Dr, Jonesboro, AR 72401-8465, (870) 395-1282 Barbara Harrell, 1916 Sandbrook Dr, Jonesboro, AR 72404-0678, (870) 935-3651

Big Creek Valley, 2805 Neely Rd, AR 72404-8966 Gary D. Gipson, 2492 Highway 349, Jonesboro, AR 72404-9238, (870) 931-7333 Carolyn Thompson, 2805 Neely Rd, Jonesboro, AR 72401-9005, (870) 935-2326

Cathedral, 2706 Alexander Dr, AR 72404-7070, (870) 935-9370 Douglas Welborn, 4103 Kents Pl, Jonesboro, AR 72404-8142, (870) 933-9370 Marc McDonald, 476 Greene 705 Rd, Jonesboro, AR 72401-0315, (870) 935-9370

Center Hill, 7341 County Road 333, AR 72401-0357 John D. Travis, 6994 County Road 333, Jonesboro, AR 72401-0210 Jackie Lynn, 117 County Road 123, Bono, AR 72416-8653,

Fairview, 3203 Race St, AR 72401-7439, (870) 935-0266 Jerry Jolly, 2901 Woodsprings Rd., Jonesboro, AR 72404-9200, (870) 932-8293 Flossie Baggett, 1800 Bernard St, Jonesboro, AR 72401-5209, (870) 932-9456

Harmony, 1910 County Road 730, AR 72401-0509, (870) 932-1992 Rickey Boling, 1910 County Road 730, AR 72401-0509 Geraldine Gibbs, 1910 County Road 730, Jonesboro, AR 72401-0509, (870) 932-1992

Immanuel, PO Box 355, AR 72403-0355, (870) 932-1570 Marvin Tate, 105 Walnut St, Brookland, AR 72417-8841, (870) 243-3171 Laura Ward, 613 Billy Lane, Jonesboro, AR 72401-9542, (870) 253-2217

Lorado, 3765 Highway 141 N, AR 72401-9006, (870) 935-4049 Bryan Exum, 7301 Tory Lane, ParRagould, AR 72450-8547, (870) 239-0348 Doris Burdyshaw, 3765 Highway 141 N, Jonesboro, AR 72401-9006, (870) 935-4049

Macedonia, 1940 County Road 712, AR 72401-8010, (870) 935-2985 Bobby Southard, PO Box 404-A, Bay, AR 72441-0404, (870) 919-4157 Bert Cole, 1940 County Road 712, Jonesboro, AR 72401-8010, (870) 935-2985

Nueva Esperanza/New Hope Spanish Mission, 3203 Race St, AR 72401-7439 Salvadore Barumen, 2407 Chastain Dr, Jonesboro, AR 72401-8069, (870) 316-2238 Church Clerk, PO Box 606, Lake City, AR 72437-0606,

316 Oak Grove, 2187 Highway 349, AR 72401-9236, (870) 935-9877 Wynndel B. King, 109 County Road 418, Jonesboro, AR 72402-7593, (870) 926-4635 Donna Gallion, 1314 County Road 104, Jonesboro, AR 72404-6813, (870) 275-8096

Prospect, 4200 E Johnson Ave, AR 72401-8838, (870) 932-6026 Michael E. Book, 146 County Road 964, Brookland, AR 72417-8595, (870) 598-7232 Norma Meridith, 901 Freeman St, Jonesboro, AR 72401-3672, (870) 275-7667

Ridgecrest, PO Box 17197, AR 72403-6721, (870) 935-5848 Robbie McMasters, 1609 Cedar Ridge Lane, Jonesboro, AR 72404-8437, (870) 931-6609 Tamara Best, 3817 Friendly Hope Rd., Jonesboro, AR 72404-6989, (870) 935-0270

Rock Hill, 246 County Road 777, AR 72401-0686, (870) 932-6483 Ray Broadaway, 5006 Woodsprings Rd, Jonesboro, AR 72404-9242, (870) 932-6483 Lesia Brown, 1000 S Patrick St, Jonesboro, AR 72401-4259, (870) 931-1723

Temple, 2405 Stadium Blvd, AR 72403-6363, (870) 935-7250 Andy Neal, 2405 Stadium Blvd, Jonesboro, AR 72403-6363, (870) 935-7250 Lisa Coots, 2405 Stadium Blvd, Jonesboro, AR 72403-6363, (870) 935-7250

Union Grove, 5217 Richardson Dr, AR 72404-8162, (870) 935-5356 C/O Jackie, Lynn, 117 County Road 123, Bono, AR 72416-8653, (870) 897-8589 Jackie Lynn, 117 County Road 123, Bono, AR 72416-8653, (870) 897-8589

Unity, 77 County Road 131, AR 72404-9227 Daniel I. Elrod, 77 County Road 131, Jonesboro, AR 72404-9227, (870) 253-4526 Alta Roberts, 2049 Highway 91 W, Jonesboro, AR 72404-9288, (870) 932-0158

Valley View, 5924 Southwest Dr, AR 72404-9445, (870) 933-8132 Randy Stimach, 5407 Shad Dr, Jonesboro, AR 72404-9419, (870) 761-9714 Kay Fulmer, 20 County Road 478, Jonesboro, AR 72404-7549, (870) 703-4886

JUDSONIA Highway, PO Box 722, AR 72081-0722, (501) 729-5255 James M. Mills, 218 Buck Rd, Judsonia, AR 72081-9555, (501) 729-0822 Patsy Collins, 415 Oakdale Church Rd, Judsonia, AR 72081-9145,

JUNCTION CITY Blanchard Springs, PO Box 717, AR 71749-0717, (870) 924-4879 Tim Hogue, 1283 Tucker Store Rd., Spearsville, LA 71277-3611, (318) 986-5248 Angela Reynolds, PO Box 717, Junction City, AR 71749-0717, (870) 310-2573

Corney Creek, 10129 Haynesville Hwy, AR 71749-9399 Ernest McAdams, 1420 Oakland Bridge Rd, Spearsville, LA, 71277-2137, (318) 778-0957 Melissa Moss, 229 Moss Rd., Junction City, AR 71749-8989, (870) 599-4330

Mount Moriah, RR 1 Box 177, AR 71749-9008 C/O Terrie McKenzie, 842 CP Davis Rd, Junction City, AR 71749-9506 Terrie McKenzie, 842 CP Davis Rd, Junction City, AR 71749-9506

New Hope, 825 Salem Rd, AR 71749-8725 Johnny C. Johnstone, 105 Ozark St, El Dorado, AR 71730-3740, (870) 862-4314 Kim Waller, 2747 Haynesville Hwy, El Dorado, AR 71730-9720, (870) 315-2007

KINGSLAND Kingsland, PO Box 31, AR 71652-0031, (870) 348-5420 Richard G. ‘Rick’ Bolin, PO Box 283, Kingsland, AR 71652-0283, (870) 348-5609 Delain Steelman, 300 Steelman Lane, Kingsland, AR 71652-9190, (870) 818-0408

317 Mount Elba, PO Box 33, AR 71652-0033 C/O Sarah Rowland, PO Box 94, Kingsland, AR 71652-0094 Sarah Rowland, PO Box 94, Kingsland, AR 71652-0094,

New Friendship, 1630 Hampton Garner Rd, AR 71652-8201 Justin Wagnon, 1320 Harrelson Rd, New Edinburg, AR 71660-8148, (870) 820-5480 Lorena Plunkett, 711 Highway 190 E, Grapevine, AR 72057-8986, (870) 942-9092

LAKE CITY Elm Grove, 2331 Highway 69, AR 72437-8600 Dal Hogan, 2331 Highway 69, Lake City, AR 72437-8600, (870) 219-9462 Mary Clanton, 111 Esther Cir, Trumann, AR 72472-1001, (870) 284-0183

Trinity, 1240 County Road 995, AR 72437-8874, (870) 761-7673 Larry Merrell, 1609 Shady Grove Rd, Jonesboro, AR 72401-5663, (870) 802-4129 Beverly Cochran, 1147 County Road 995, Lake City, AR 72437-8875, (870) 761-7673

Walnut Grove, 3329 Highway 135, AR 72437-8829, (870) 237-4377 Leon Harvey, 3329 Highway 135, Lake City, AR 72437-8829, (870) 237-4377 Brenda Flinn, 1015 Oriole Dr, Jonesboro, AR 72401-8461, (870) 932-2241

LETONA Letona, PO Box 38, AR 72085-0038, (501) 728-4953 C/O Vicki Tarpley, PO Box 81, Letona, AR 72085-0081, Vicki Tarpley, PO Box 81, Letona, AR 72085-0081,

LEWISVILLE Knighton Chapel, 255 Lafayette 40, AR 71845-8833 Bill Dulaney, 136 Hempstead 52, Hope, AR 71801-9216, (870) 777-5808 Mae Dulaney, 136 Hempstead 52, Hope, AR 71801-9216, (870) 777-5808

North Lewisville First, PO Box 156, AR 71845-0156, (870) 921-4727 Dee Ruple, 350 Hempstead 7, Hope, AR 71801-9059, (870) 777-3535 Mary Jo Rogers, 986 Lafayette 31, Stamps, AR 71860-9052, (870) 533-2919

LEXA Rondo, 201 Estes St, AR 72355-8778 Jim Casey, PO Box 2511, Forrest City, AR 72336-2511, (870) 630-1284 Jeanie Boals, 11614 Highway 121 S, Lexa, AR 72355-8744, (870) 295-3718

LITTLE ROCK Chenal Valley, PO Box 241550, AR 72223-0011, (501) 821-6252 Tom Mitchell, 107 Cherrybark Dr, Little Rock, AR 72211-2952, (501) 228-4091 Tanya Hicks, 1619 Calgary Tr, Little Rock, AR 72211-4165, (501) 607-3120

El Faro Baptist Mission, PO Box 190902, AR 72219-0902, (501) 565-6155 Jorge Vasquez, 1512 N Highway 229, Benton, AR 72015-7596, (501) 350-6878 Church Clerk, PO Box 190902, Little Rock, AR 72219-0902,

Oak Park, 8200 Flintridge Rd, AR 72210-4014, (501) 455-3995 Gary O’Neal, 5445 William Lane, Bryant, AR 72022-9253, (662) 322-5846 Peggy Harris, 12733 Rivercrest Dr, Little Rock, AR 72212-1443, (501) 224-9135

Perry Street, 1918 Perry St, AR 72205-6653 C/O Enid Jolly, 3 Shepard Cove Apt 128, Little Rock, AR 72205-7072, (501) 219-4585 Enid Jolly, 3 Shepard Cove Apt 128, Little Rock, AR 72205-7072, (501) 219-4585

Temple, 10710 Interstate 30, AR 72209-5835, (501) 565-4966 Jerry Kidd, 3102 Travis Parkway, Bryant, AR 72022-8502, (501) 766-3630

318 Irene Baxley, 2304 Bridgewater, Bryant, AR 72022-8123, (501) 847-2123

LONOKE Eastside, PO Box 407, AR 72086-0407 Farrell Eoff, 31 Frostwood Dr, Sherwood, AR 72120-1846, (501) 791-6036 Mary Rhoades, 517 E 8th St, Lonoke, AR 72086-2601, (501) 676-6656

MABELVALE Village Creek, 13224 Sardis Rd, AR 72103-2028, (501) 455-8777 Nathan Winiecki, 309 W High St, Sheridan, AR 72150-2120, (870) 942-7558 Linda Johnson, 11000 Shannon Hills Dr, Mabelvale, AR 72103-3058,

MAGNOLIA Antioch East, 370 Columbia Road 25, AR 71753-9141, (870) 234-4223 Ron Owen, 364 Columbia Road 25, Magnolia, AR 71753-9141, (870) 234-2186 Genia Harrell, 1560 Columbia Road 44, Emerson, AR 71740-9577, (870) 547-2076

Antioch West, 1857 Columbia Road 27 S, AR 71753-8900, (870) 234-7356 Chris Lucy, 1859 Columbia 27 S, Magnolia, AR 71753-8900, (870) 234-4208 Becky Palmer, 1805 Hillcrest, Magnolia, AR 71753-2667, (870) 234-7356

Bethlehem, 920 Columbia Road 40, AR 71753-9699, (870) 312-0299 Jeff Mock, 5521 Red Oak Dr, El Dorado, AR 71730-8513, (870) 312-0299 Shirey Roberson, 920 Columbia Road 40, Magnolia, AR 71753-9699, (870) 596-2960

College View, 2121 N Washington St, AR 71753-9766, (870) 234-2658 Mike Silvey, 2 Broadmoor Dr, Magnolia, AR 71753-4381, (870) 949-2757 Peggy Lee, 1051 Columbia Road 36, Magnolia, AR 71753-9620, (870) 234-6185

Corinth, 5020 Highway 160, AR 71753-8240 Wayne Raines, 7001 E 6th St, Springhill, LA, 71075-2811, (318) 539-4004 Polly Hartsfield, 511 Columbia Road 219, Magnolia, AR 71753-8538, (870) 696-3546

First, PO Box 456, AR 71753-0456, (870) 234-3595 Brent Summerhill, PO Box 456, Magnolia, AR 71753-0456 Bill Fullenwider, 523 E Union, Magnolia, AR 71753-3662, (870) 234-2266

Macedonia, 760 Highway 160, AR 71753-9410, (870) 696-3781 Joe Owens, 762 Highway 160, Magnolia, AR 71753-9410, (870) 696-3781 Kerry Franks, 471 E Columbia Road 79, Magnolia, AR 71753-8657, (870) 696-3853

Pilgrims Rest, 215 Columbia Road 200, AR 71753-8557, (870) 904-0814 Kevin Edwards, 6631 Highway 19 S, Magnolia, AR 71753-9487, (870) 696-4007 Polly Gatlin, 213 Columbia Road 200, Magnolia, AR 71753-8559, (870) 234-2995

Trinity, PO Box 1213, AR 71754-1213, (870) 234-5395 Leland D. Callaway, 37 Chinquepin Dr, Magnolia, AR 71753-4505, (870) 234-2071 Laura Layton, 1604 S Lakewood, Magnolia, AR 71753-2216, (870) 234-0102

Victory, PO Box 48, AR 71752-0048, (870) 695-3339 Lonnie Warren, 205 Columbia 59, McNeil, AR 71752-6219, (870) 695-3339 Jewell Hinshaw, 4546 Highway 57, Stephens, AR 71764-8328, (870) 756-5053

MALVERN New Beginnings, PO Box 987, AR 72104-0987, (501) 332-4242 Scott Efird, 707 Ledbetter Tr, Malvern, AR 72104-8278, (501) 337-7191 Gary Butler, 1426 E Mill St, Malvern, AR 72104-5543,

Sharon Rose, 920 Cherry Lane, AR 72104-4624, (501) 337-1311

319 Derwin Harris, 5018 Highway 298, Benton, AR 72019-8065 Debbie Carson, 405 Grandstaff Dr, Hot Springs, AR 71913-8790, (501) 463-9424

South Main, 2027 S Main St, AR 72104-5805, (501) 332-5537 Arlis East, Interim, 20 Charlotte Dr, Sheridan, AR 72150-7209, (870) 942-9924 Theresa Herrington, 272 Butterfield Dr, Malvern, AR 72104-2129, (501) 732-1300

MANILA Calvary, PO Box 581, AR 72442-0581, (870) 561-4873 Roy Kelems, PO Box 581, Manila, AR 72442-0581 Anita Cole, PO Box 1312, Manila, AR 72442-1312, (870) 561-3946

Little River, 1204 N County Road 309, Manila, AR 72442-9079, (870) 564-2524 Jeff Cravens, 1204 N. County Road 309, Manila, AR 72442-9079, (501) 940-1469 Thelma Veach, 2129 W County Road 442, Manila, AR 72442-9089, (870) 564-2528

Milligan Ridge, 751 N County Road 49, AR 72442-8107, (870) 561-4677 Monte Anderson, 798 N County Road 49, Manila, AR 72442-8107 Donna Jackson, PO Box 372, Manila, AR 72442-0372, (870) 561-3501

MARION Fellowship, PO Box 66, AR 72364-0066, (870) 514-6226 Josh Wollberg, 6683 Windflower Lane, Memphis, TN, 38134-6060 Mary Houchin, 28702 Houchin Rd., Trumann, AR 72472-8768, (970) 919-5444

MARKED TREE Sneed Street, PO Box 603, AR 72365-0603, (870) 358-3650 Ron Lovins, 117 Sneed St, Marked Tree, AR 72365-1941, (870) 358-3650 Church Clerk, PO Box 603, MARked Tree, AR 72365-0603,

MARSHALL Thola, 2179 Thola Loop, AR 72650-8471, (870) 447-2311 Dan Wingo, 2179 Thola Loop, Marshall, AR 72650-8471, (870) 447-2311 Betty Wingo, 2179 Thola Loop, Marshall, AR 72650-8471, (870) 447-2311

MARVELL Calvary, PO Box 220, AR 72366-0220, (870) 829-2014 J. E. Hughes, PO Box 90, Caldwell, AR 72322-0090, (870) 270-6414 Christine Bartlett, 2677 Highway 243 N, MARvell, AR 72366-9744, (870) 829-2718

County Line, PO Box 1206, AR 72366-1206, (501) 628-1959 Joey McIntosh, PO Box 1206, Marvell, AR 72366-1206 Connie Cavette, PO Box 1171, Marvell, AR 72366-1171, (870) 829-3097

Salem, 2925 Highway 318, AR 72366-9476 C/O John W. Hall, 3062 Highway 318, Marvell, AR 72366-9622, (870) 829-2439 John W. Hall, 3062 Highway 318, Marvell, AR 72366-9622, (870) 829-2439

MAYFLOWER Grace Pointe Mission, 6 Pine Tree Loop, Mayflower, AR 72106-9590, (501) 827-9665 William “BJ” Wright, 6 Pine Tree Loop, Mayflower, AR 72106-9590, (501) 827-9665

MAYSVILLE Maysville, PO Box 95, AR 72747-0095 Raymond Scott, 12553 Scott Rd, Gravette, AR 72736-8984 Rosetta Selby, 20361 W Highway 72, Gravette, AR 72736-9002, (479) 787-6510

MCCASKILL Pleasant Springs, 2965 Highway 195 N, AR 71847-9020, (870) 874-2893

320 Jarod Hendry, 149 Pleasant Hill Rd, Nashville, AR 71852-8271, (870) 845-3766 Linda Walters, 2965 Highway 195 N, Mc Caskill, AR 71847-9020, (870) 874-2893

MC CRORY Calvary, 13802 Highway 37 S, AR 72101-9600, (870) 697-2389 Ferrell Wiggins, PO Box 345, McCrory, AR 72101-0345, (870) 919-6538 Judy Williamson, 12222 Highway 37 S, McCrory, AR 72101-0181, (870) 697-2170

MC DOUGAL True Light, PO Box 28, AR 72441-0028, (870) 259-3737 Scott Small, 15 County Road 438, Rector, AR 72461-9059, (870) 566-2821 Velma Rigdon, 142 Highway 62, Corning, AR 72422-7733,

MC GEHEE Antioch, PO Box 807, AR 71654-0807, (870) 222-5499 Nick Bumgardner, PO Box 807, McGehee, AR 71654-0807, (870) 690-7060 Aundie Shopher, PO Box 372, McGehee, AR 71654-0372, (870) 222-7648

MC NEIL College Hill, PO Box 1737, AR 71754-1737 C/O Penny Calhoun, 1121 Columbia Road 64, McNeil, AR 71752-6206, (870) 695-3301 Penny Calhoun, 1121 Columbia Road 64, McNeil, AR 71752-6206, (870) 695-3301

First, PO Box 400, AR 71752-0400, (870) 695-3391 David Watkins, Interim, 29 Olde Oakes Cir, Magnolia, AR 71753-9322, (870) 234-4292 Jacky Gunter, 2061 Columbia Road 62 W, McNeil, AR 71752-6206, (870) 695-3301

MC RAE Shiloh, 460 Shiloh Rd, AR 72102-9771 Bill Watson, 701 W Center Ave, Searcy, AR 72143-5235, (501) 286-6773 Omiejean Carey, 435 Tweedy Rd, McRae, AR 72102-9793, (501) 882-6895

MENA Faith, 2407 Sutherland Ave, AR 71953-2752, (479) 394-5294 Tim Harper, 3914 Highway 88 E, Mena, AR 71953-8973, (870) 703-4711 Kathy Smallwood, 310 Red Oak Lane, Mena, AR 71953-8341, (479) 394-6381

MINERAL SPRINGS New Mount Zion, 1291 Bluff Springs Rd, AR 71851-8982 Wayne Reed, 557 Mt. Carmel Rd, Dierks, AR 71833-9515, (870) 286-2422 Robbie Dallas, 1291 Bluff Springs Rd, Mineral Springs, AR 71851-8982, (870) 287-5527

New Shiloh, PO Box 62, AR 71851-0062, (870) 287-5252 David Raulerson, 360 Hempstead 35 N, Fulton, AR 71838-9080, (870) 388-9504 Marnell Pierce, PO Box 62, Mineral Springs, AR 71851-0062, (870) 287-5252

MONTICELLO East Side, 1479 Highway 35 S, AR 71655-9006, (870) 367-3031 David McDougald, 1479 Highway 35 S, Monticello, AR 71655-9006 Norma Jean Miles, 1616 Highway 278 E, Monticello, AR 71655-9001, (870) 367-3344

New Bethel, 1718 Florence Rd, AR 71655-4497, (870) 367-0709 Jeramie Brown, 174 Jose Chapel Cutoff Rd, Monticello, AR 71655-4485, (870) 367-2196 Saundra Williams, 2888 Florence Rd, Monticello, AR 71655-9092, (870) 367-1793

MORRILTON Calvary, 101 E Clifton St, AR 72110-2819, (501) 354-2117 Claude ‘Sonny’ Harvison, 101 E Clifton St, Morrilton, AR 72110-2819 Sheila Andrews, 1210 Branch St, Morrilton, AR 72110-3108, (501) 354-0512

321 MOUNT VERNON Mount Nebo, 1154 Highway 36, AR 72111-9669, (501) 849-2145 Howard R. Neal, 159 Silver Ridge Rd, Drasco, AR 72530-9421, (501) 206-2610 Martha Garrison, 1154 Highway 36, Mt Vernon, AR 72111-9669, (501) 849-2145

MOUNTAIN HOME The Bridge, 3368 Highway 62 W, AR 72653-6544, (870) 404-7742 Hershel Conley, 54 Olympic Dr., Mountain Home, AR 72653-4169, (870) 508-0111 Kathryn Smith, 3368 Highway 62 SW, Mountain Home, AR 72653-6544

Westside, 639 W Main St, AR 72635-8855, (870) 778-0877 Jim Wallis, 639 W Main St, Gassville, AR 72635-8855, (870) 778-0877 Linda Plumlee, 3537 Buford Cutoff, Mountain Home, AR 72653-7770, (870) 568-6988

MURFREESBORO Temple, 600 N School St, AR 71958-8840 C/O Peggy Pennington, 16 Caddo Dr., Murfreesboro, AR 71958-8805, (870) 285-3303 Peggy Pennington, 16 Caddo Dr., Murfreesboro, AR 71958-8805, (870) 285-3303

NASHVILLE Antioch, PO Box 1583, AR 71852-1583, (870) 557-2729 Bobby Neal, PO Box 558, Dierks, AR 71833-0558, (870) 286-2371 Scott Millward, 153 Jones Rd, Nashville, AR 71852-8015, (870) 451-4395

Center Point, 157 Madison St, AR 71852-7440, (870) 845-2606 Alan Davis, 3213 Highway 71, Lockesburg, AR 71846-9641, (870) 289-6849 Paul Kemp, 157 Madison St, Nashville, AR 71852-7440, (870) 845-2497

County Line, 196 Hempstead 351, AR 71852-8420, (870) 845-4340 Charles Jones, PO Box 28, Hope, AR 71802-0028, (870) 703-3996 Kathy Rogers, 943 Yorks Chapel Rd, Nashville, AR 71852-7540,

Grace, 391 Hempstead 348, AR 71852-8826, (870) 845-5948 Ronald Gilbert, 679 Green Plains Rd, Dierks, AR 71833-8820, (870) 200-1324 Kim Gilbert, 679 Green Plains Rd, Dierks, AR 71833-8820, (479) 215-6730

Immanuel, PO Box 212, AR 71852-0212, (870) 845-3414 Paul Bullock, 148 Pleasant Hill Rd, Nashville, AR 71852-8271, (870) 234-1174 Carol Mitchell, 206 S 10th St., Nashville, AR 71852-2305, (870) 845-5366

Maple Springs, 158 Rankin Rd, AR 71852-8916 C/O Dean Rankin, 158 Rankin Rd, Nashville, AR 71852-8916 Dean Rankin, 158 Rankin Rd, Nashville, AR 71852-8916,

Temperanceville, 482 Yorks Chapel Rd, AR 71852-7522 Calvin Parker, 618 Mt Carmel Rd, Dierks, AR 71833-9514, (870) 286-3180 Brenda White, 482 Yorks Chapel Rd, Nashville, AR 71852-7522, (870) 845-2198

Unity, 1986 Hempstead 342, AR 71852-8846, (870) 845-4378 David L. Cassady, 679 Highway 355 N, Nashville, AR 71852-8727, (870) 845-4378 Lisa Young, 1986 Hempstead 342, Nashville, AR 71852-8846, (870) 845-4896

NEW EDINBURG Chapel Hill, 590 Briant Rd, AR 71660-8034 Dwayne Ashcraft, 590 Briant Rd, New Edinburg, AR 71660-8034, (870) 226-3046 Martha Ann Heflin, 190 Shady Grove Rd, New Edinburg, AR 71660-8105, (870) 226-7352

Emmaus, 16130 Highway 189, AR 71660-8062, (870) 226-5340 Tim Williams, 142 Bradley 360, Wilmar AR 71675-8902, (870) 226-2312

322 Freddy Gullett, 240 Gullett Lane, New Edinburg, AR 71660-8138, (870) 226-7572

First, 1240 Mount Lebanon Rd, AR 71660-8217 Tony Atkins, PO Box 42, Kingsland, AR 71652-0042, (870) 348-5326 Sheila Towery, 1240 Mt Lebanon Rd, New Edinburg, AR 71660-8217,

Mount Lebanon, 2670 Mount Lebanon Rd, AR 71660-8213 Ware Russell, 186 Ouachita Rd 88, Camden, AR 71701-9477, (870) 574-2169 Sondra Parker, 2670 Mt Lebanon Rd, New Edinburg, AR 71660-8213,

NEWARK First, PO Box 205, AR 72562-0205, (870) 799-3498 Bill Goodwin, 8 Royal Cir, Batesville, AR 72501-9191, (870) 793-3035 Debbie Brooks, 1455 Shug Rd, NewARk, AR 72562-9335, (870) 920-7428

NEWPORT Lakeside, 1108 Dill St, AR 72112-4017, (870) 523-2549 Albert Mullins, 1111 Jackson 248, Newport, AR 72112-9661, (870) 664-6843 Debbie Brooks, 1455 Shug Rd., Newark, AR 72562-9335, (870) 920-7428

NORTH LITTLE ROCK Berean, 5512 Pike Ave, AR 72118-3052, (501) 753-3166 David Webb, 5512 Pike Ave, North Little Rock, AR 72118-3052 Glenda Tipton, 407 W 51st St, North Little Rock, AR 72118-4127, (501) 758-1969

Church At Willow Beach, 11200 Highway 165, AR 72117-9727, (501) 955-7679 Roy L. Tilley, 3124 Fern Cove S, Sherwood, AR 72120-4076, (501) 425-9685 Jan Lambert, 212 Prairie View Dr, North Little Rock, AR 72117-3814, (501) 945-9469

Kellogg Valley, 9516 Bamboo Lane, AR 72120-1604, (501) 835-7221 Paul Rice, 5705 N Hills Blvd, North Little Rock, AR 72116-6417, (501) 834-2256 Beth Riddling, 36 Sheila Dr, North Little Rock, AR 72120-1841, (501) 835-1026

North View, PO Box 17836, AR 72117-0836, (501) 945-2640 Mike Cantrell, 401 W Martin St., Jacksonville, AR 72076-3242, (510) 977-4282 Anita Coffey, 13007 Willow Beach Rd, North Little Rock, AR 72117-9308, (501) 945-2365

Oak Grove, 12118 MacArthur Dr, AR 72118-1625, (501) 851-2029 C/O Ardeth Oliger, 5709 Marion St, North Little Rock, AR 72118-3069, (501) 753-8898 Ardeth Oliger, 5709 MARion St, North Little Rock, AR 72118-3069, (501) 753-8898

Oasis, 7318 Windsong Dr, AR 72113-9512, (501) 851-3992 Todd West, 7200 Windsong Dr, North Little Rock, AR 72113-9518, (501) 851-3992 Cindy Mickan, 25 Pin Oak Loop, Maumelle, AR 72113-6854, (501) 851-3992

Park View, 900 Donovan Briley Blvd, AR 72118-3984, (501) 753-0474 Brian Sheppard, 1919 Arrowhead Rd, North Little Rock, AR 72118-3713, (479) 206-3006 Brenda Tapley, 3807 Maple St. North Little Rock, AR 72118-4643, (510) 753-0163

OIL TROUGH Meadow Lake, 1570 Meadow Lake Rd, AR 72564-9799 C/O Kay Edwards, PO Box 295, Oil Trough, AR 72564-0295 Kay Edwards, PO Box 295, Oil Trough, AR 72564-0295,

OSCEOLA Westside, PO Box 852, AR 72370-0852, (870) 563-6348 John Adam Lewis, Interim, PO Box 852, Osceola, AR 72370-0852, (903) 701-2659 Jan Jacks, 126 Mockingbird Lane, Osceola, AR 72370-2227, (870) 563-2899

323 OZARK West Park, PO Box 541, AR 72949-0541, (479) 667-3880 Troy Vaughn, PO Box 541, Ozark, AR 72949-0541, (479) 667-0477 Mildred Clift, 2601 Mossey Rd, OzARk, AR 72949-3928,

PARAGOULD Grace Temple, 7110 Highway 135, AR 72437-8911 Gary Henderson, PO Box 19066, Jonesboro, AR 72403-9066, (870) 974-1996 Shirley McNatt, 7110 Highway 135, Lake City, AR 72437-8911, (870) 335-6749

Tenth Street, 1018 Greene Rd 707, AR 72450-8241, (870) 239-8671 Boyce Cate, 1018 Greene Rd 707, Paragould, AR 72450-8241, (870) 476-3220 Emma Cate, 1018 Greene Rd 707, Paragould, AR 72450-8241,

PIGGOTT Shady Grove, 970 E Maxine St, AR 72454-2301, (870) 634-6595 Robert Gunnels, PO Box 134, Piggott, AR 72454-0134, (870) 926-8353 Evanell Turner, 970 E Maxine St, Piggott, AR 72454-2301, (870) 598-3890

PINE BLUFF Commerce Road, 270 Rowell Rd W, AR 71665-8136, (870) 536-5636 Boyce L. Garlington, 270 Rowell Rd W, Rison, AR 71665-8136, (870) 357-2838 Myron Calhoun, 1152 Avalon Rd, Star City, AR 71667-8980

Liberty, 8454 Highway 79 S, Pine Bluff, AR, 71603-4546, (870) 489-6546 Shawn, Cuthbertson, 8454 Highway 79 S, Pine Bluff, AR, 71603-4546, (870) 489-6546 Church Clerk, 8454 Highway 79 S, Pine Bluff, AR, 71603-4546

Meadowview, 7900 Middle Warren Rd, AR 71603-8224, (870) 879-9616 Billy Huffmaster, Interim, 195 Dillon Dr, Cabot, AR 72023-8977, (601) 540-0380 Ruby Poteet, 8303 Middle Warren Rd, Pine Bluff, AR 71603-9232, (870) 879-1378

Oakland Heights, 9620 Highway 270, AR 71602-9493, (870) 247-1664 Rusty Womble, 1011 W Hadley Rd, White Hall, AR 71602-9680, (501) 352-7502 Carolyn Gamble, 337 Regal Oaks Cir, Pine Bluff, AR 71602-3053, (870) 329-4623

PLUMERVILLE Bald Knob, 106 Highway 287, AR 72127-8868, (501) 208-2609 Billy Duncan, 25 Duncan Kay Dr, Greenbrier, AR 72058-9579, (870) 919-6570 Tammie Darter, 104 Simms St, Plumerville, AR 72127-8804, (501) 208-2609

Caney Valley, 80 Garrett Lane, AR 72127-8704 Cecil H. Burgess, 181 Highway 285 N, Greenbrier, AR 72058-9675, (501) 679-3471 Carma Garrett, 80 Garrett Lane, Plumerville, AR 72127-8704, (501) 354-5786

Mount Pleasant, 896 Highway 92, AR 72127-8879, (501) 354-6365 Jeff Russell, 94 Johnny Walker Rd., Plumerville, AR 72127-8881 Stacey Bell, 28 York Dr, Morrilton, AR 72110-9227, (501) 289-0750

POCAHONTAS Pocahontas, 2719 Thomasville Rd, AR 72455-1201, (870) 892-8631 Randy Lingenfelter, 11223 Highway 62 W, Imboden, AR 72434-9549, (870) 378-5482 Michele Sullivan, 2719 Thomasville Rd, Pocahontas, AR 72455-1201, (870) 892-8631

POPLAR GROVE Trenton, PO Box 515, AR 72366-0515 Mike Shelley, 4047 Highway 316 S, Poplar Grove, AR 72374-9523, (870) 228-2808 Doris Crisp, 453 Phillips Rd 626, Marvell, AR 72366-8885, (870) 829-2066

324 PRAIRIE GROVE Prairie Oaks, PO Box 424, AR 72753-0424, (479) 846-4318 Brad Harris, 507 Westwood Ave, Prairie Grove, AR 72753-7903, (479) 236-7446 Linda Bessinger, PO Box 582, Prairie Grove, AR 72753-0582, (479) 846-4041

PRESCOTT Central, 615 E 2nd St S, AR 71857-2117, (870) 887-5031 Perry G. Johnson, 623 E 3rd St, Prescott, AR 71857-2125, (870) 887-3599 Sherry Williams, 615 E 2nd St S, Prescott, AR 71857-2117, (870) 887-5031

Laneburg, 153 Nevada 00, AR 71857-7071, (870) 899-2360 David Hampton, 2530 Highway 355, Rosston, AR 71858-8143, (870) 899-2360 Nelwyn Almand, 153 Nevada 00, Prescott, AR 71857-7071, (870) 887-3854

Missionary Grove, 643 Nevada 66 E, AR 71857-8122 C/O Jo Ridling, 643 Nevada 66 E, Prescott, AR 71857-8122 Jo Ridling, 643 Nevada 66 E, Prescott, AR 71857-8122,

Shady Grove, 502 Nevada 246, AR 71857-8225 Mike Puckett, PO Box 738, Hope, AR 71801-0738, (870) 777-8762 Frances Swift, 749 Nevada 249, Prescott, AR 71857-7707, (870) 887-3713

QUITMAN Flat Rock, 1849 Quitman Rd, AR 72131-9802 Preston Kelso, Interim, 20 Acres Cir, Greenbrier, AR 72058-9406, (501) 679-4807 Tammy Jones, 1849 Quitman Rd, Quitman, AR 721-31-9802, (501) 362-1710

Kaley Hill, 399 Jefferson Cir, AR 72131-9221 Nicholas Parish, 3 Cherokee Cir, Conway, AR 72034-4901, (870) 584-6324 Twilla Ann Snyder, 449 Wilderness Dr, Quitman, AR 72131-9173, (501) 589-3466

New Home, 75 Buck Branch Rd, AR 72131-7213 Don Betts, 83 Graystone Dr, Greenbrier, AR 72058-9382, (501) 679-3706 Paula Herring, 73 Buck Branch Rd, Quitman, AR 72131-7213, (501) 691-6113

Sulphur Springs, 20 Old Springfield Rd, AR 72131-8936 Todd Wilson, 40 Huntington Dr, Greenbrier, AR 72058-9566, (501) 679-5428 Katie Stephens, 67 Herring Rd, Quitman, AR 72131-8919, (501) 679-1480

RAVENDEN Lone Oak, 1304 Lawrence Road 145, AR 72459-8911 William ‘Bill’ Teague, 135 Highway 67, Alicia, AR 72410-8914, (870) 679-0305 Catherine Hughes, 13413 Highway 62 E, Ash Flat, AR 72513-9710, (870) 994-2163

RECTOR Antioch, 101 E 1st St, AR 72461-1401 Josh Vangilder, 329 E Nettleton Ave, Jonesboro, AR 72401-4124 Joyce Huggins, 267 Susan Cir, Rector, AR 72461-1128, (870) 595-3805

Blooming Grove, 207 N Fairview St, AR 72461-1423 Owen Little, 102 N Lincoln Ave, Corning, AR 72422-2037, (870) 857-3239 Martha Thompson, 207 N Fairview St, Rector, AR 72461-1423, (870) 595-3805

RISON Bethel #1, PO Box 370, AR 71665-0370, (870) 325-7484 John Fulmer, PO Box 370, Rison, AR 71665-0370, (870) 325-7484 Sharon K. Gray, 50 White Oak Bluff Rd, Rison, AR 71665-9223, (870) 325-6567

325 ROE Roe Missionary, 9140 Walton Rd, AR 72041-9889, (870) 830-6031 C/O Tracy Smith, 9140 Walton Rd, De Valls Bluff, AR 72041-9889, (870) 830-6031 Tracy Smith, 9140 Walton Rd, De Valls Bluff, AR 72041-9889, (870) 830-6031

ROGERS Grace Hills Mission, 2800 SW 14th St Ste 10, AR 72712-3418, (479) 259-2450 Brandon Cox, 3900 SW Flatrock Ave, Bentonville, AR 72712-5679, (479) 426-6575 Angie Cox, 3900 SW Flatrock Ave, Bentonville, AR 72712-5679, (479) 426-6575

Nueva Esperanza Mission, 1812 S Dixieland Rd, AR 72756-5735, (479) 903-6021 Alfredo Martinez, 1102 Longview Dr, Rogers, AR 72756-0517, (479) 986-0856 Francisca Martinez, 1812 S Dixieland Rd, Rogers, AR 72756-5735

Temple, 1812 S Dixieland Rd, AR 72758-5735, (479) 636-1064 Wade Allen, 1812 S Dixieland Rd, Rogers, AR 72758-5735, (419) 903-2792 Elaine Simpson, 2603 Graham Dr, Rogers, AR 72758-9601, (479) 631-1124

ROSSTON Bluff Springs, 694 Nevada 289, AR 71858-8024 Donnie Dillard, 4772 Highway 278 E, Emmet, AR 71835-8805, (870) 899-2714 Alexis Rothenberger, 518 E 3rd St S, Prescott, AR 71857-2122, (870) 703-5812

Bodcaw, 2469 Highway 53, AR 71858-8108, (870) 703-5679 Tim Vines, 233 Nevada 5, Emmet, AR 71835-8941, (870) 703-5679 Clifton O. Butler, 2535 Highway 53, Rosston, AR 71858-8115, (870) 899-2473

Corinth, 3590 Highway 32, AR 71858-8157 C/O Ernestine McCord, 980 Nevada 7, Buckner, AR 71827-9322, (870) 899-2707 Ernestine McCord, 980 Nevada 7, Buckner, AR 71827-9322, (870) 899-2707

First, PO Box 36, AR 71858-0036 Claude Wells, 440 N Main St, Buckner, AR 71827-9533, (870) 904-9420 Kathy Johnson, 2950 US Highway 371, Prescott, AR 71857-7049, (870) 703-6676

Union, 103 Nevada 9, AR 71858-8041, (870) 899-2424 Joe Brown, 103 Nevada 9, Rosston, AR 71858-8041, (870) 899-2760 Mary Jones, 167 Nevada 2781, Emmet, AR 71835-8831, (870) 899-2962

White’s Chapel, 654 Nevada 120, AR 71858-8060 David Paul Heckman, 2317 U S Highway 67 N, Prescott, AR 71857-7756, (870) 887-0393 Joyce Mason, 2749 Highway 53, Rosston, AR 71858-8131, (870) 899-2876

RUSSELL Russell, 690 N Taylor Rd, AR 72010-9564, (501) 724-8713 J. W. Wright, PO Box 54, Russell, AR 72139-0054, (870) 397-4016 Lottie James, 214 Hillcrest Rd, Bradford, AR 72020-9240, (501) 258-1640

RUSSELLVILLE Grace, 1800 S Knoxville Ave, AR 72802-2668, (479) 968-4115 Roger D. Pearce, 1800 S Knoxville Ave, Russellville, AR 72802-2668, (479) 264-5423 Carol South, 121 Cain Ave, Russellville, AR 72801-8339, (479) 967-3913

SAINT CHARLES First, PO Box 53, AR 72140-0053, (870) 282-3243 Todd Smith, PO Box 194, Roe, AR 72134-0194, (870) 241-3412 Patricia Wade, PO Box 24, St Charles, AR 72140-0024, (870) 282-3741

326 SARATOGA Community, PO Box 74, AR 71859-0074, (870) 388-9200 C/O Terri Gray, 1747 Highway 355 S, Saratoga, AR 71859-9001, (870) 388-9284 Terri Gray, 1747 Highway 355 S, Saratoga, AR 71859-9001, (870) 388-9284

SEARCY Foster’s Chapel, PO Box 1254, AR 72145-1254, (501) 279-2097 Jamie Barber, PO Box 1254, Searcy, AR 72145-1254 Kena Taylor, 114 S Symrna Rd, Searcy, AR 72143, (501) 230-0012

Park Avenue, 211 E Park Ave, AR 72143-6815, (501) 268-8251 Keith V. Lunceford, 44 Indian Trail, Searcy, AR 72143-5918, (501) 268-2009 Madelyn Hopper, PO Box 138, Kensett, AR 72082-0138, (501) 593-9262

Tabernacle, 1510 E Moore Ave, AR 72143-4631, (501) 279-6536 Joseph McElyea, 294 Smith Rd, Searcy, AR 72143-8623, (501) 268-1225 Lenora Britton, 1510 E Moore Ave, Searcy, AR 72143-4631, (501) 268-2331

West Race, 1009 W Race Ave, AR 72143-3446, (501) 268-2312 Jackie Manasco, 108 N Ella St, Searcy, AR 72143-5123, (501) 268-2998 Linda Brandon, 105 N College St, Searcy, AR 72143-5142, (501) 268-2348

SHERIDAN Immanuel, 206 E Holly St, AR 72150-2538, (870) 942-4891 Gary Copeland, 206 E Holly St, Sheridan, AR 72150-2538, (870) 942-4891 Gail Earnhart, 5055 Highway 167 N, Sheridan, AR 72150-8240, (870) 942-4341

SHERWOOD Cherrywood, PO Box 6246, AR 72124-6246, (501) 835-1970 Rick Hershberger, PO Box 1163, Greenbrier, AR 72058-1163, (501) 250-4116 Beth Phillips, 2001 Sage Meadows Cir, Sherwood, AR 72120-4373, (501) 835-4613

North Hills, 9618 Highway 107, AR 72120-2637, (501) 835-6221 Jim Ward, 4 Wildwood Dr, Cabot, AR 72023-9327, (501) 416-7842 Myrle Swope, 34811 Highway 107, Cabot, AR 72023-7926, (501) 988-9760

North Little Rock, Hispanic Mission, 9018 Barber St, Sherwood, AR 72120-2916, (501) 712-8752 Juan Carlos Posadas, 9018 Barber St, Sherwood, AR 72120-2916, (501) 712-8752

SILOAM SPRINGS East Kenwood, PO Box 593, AR 72761-0593, (479) 524-6858 Jeremy Wiginton, PO Box 418, Bentonville, AR 72712-0418, (479) 426-0113 Church Clerk, PO Box 593, AR 72761-0593

SMACKOVER Calvary, PO Box 2, AR 71762-0002, (870) 725-1171 C/O Larry Preston, 2236 Pershing Hwy, Smackover, AR 71762-9549, (870) 725-2854 Larry Preston, 2236 Pershing Hwy, Smackover, AR 71762-9549, (870) 725-2854

SPRINGDALE Spring Creek, 8762 E Wagon Wheel Rd, AR 72762-9782 Allen Akin, 614 Westin Cir, Cave Springs, AR 72718-8453, (479) 636-2506 Roy Grimsley, 8551 Carrie Smith Rd, Springdale, AR 72762-8057, (479) 248-1596

Springdale, 2844 McRay Ave, AR 72762-3825, (479) 756-3631 Wes Hulvey, 904 S 13th St, Rogers, AR 72758-5118, (479) 419-0122 Jean Ann Pinkston, 3750 Colburn Lane, Springdale, AR 72762-2738, (479) 466-3493

327 Turner Street, 4305 S Turner St, AR 72764-7443 Tim Reddin, 2901 E Sterling Ct, Fayetteville, AR 72703-4513, (479) 200-3492 Karen Ward, 8326 Carrie Smith Rd, Springdale, AR 72764-9803, (479) 248-1552

STAMPS Calvary, PO Box 155, AR 71860-0155, (870) 826-3169 Roy Johnson, 1222 Ridge Road Dr, Stamps, AR 71860-2212, (870) 826-3169 Amy Riley, 543 Nevada 49, Buckner, AR 71827-9328, (870) 571-5510

Pleasant Grove, 102 Lafayette 27, AR 71860-9041, (870) 533-2137 Andrew Coleman, 806 Central Ave, Stamps, AR 71860-2616 Carrol Rollins, 102 Lafayette 27, Stamps, AR 71860-9041, (870) 533-4603

STAR CITY Canaan, 510 W Wiley St, AR 71667-5111, (870) 628-4292 C/O Dottie, Ryker, 510 W Wiley St, Star City, AR 71667-5111, (870) 628-4292 Dottie Ryker, 510 W Wiley St, Star City, AR 71667-5111,

STRAWBERRY Bold Springs, PO Box 144, AR 72469-0144, (870) 528-4981 Deshawn Pankey, PO Box 183, Lynn, AR 72440-0183, (870) 528-4981 Beverly Fisher, 231 Lawrence Road 280, Smithville, AR 72466-8047, (870) 897-4130

STUTTGART Harmony, 910 E 19th St, AR 72160-6815, (870) 673-1396 David Inzer, 1816 Strait Pl, Stuttgart, AR 72160-5726, (870) 673-4692 Wanda Tiner, 910 E 19th St, Stuttgart, AR 72160-6815,

SULPHUR SPRINGS Mount Zion, PO Box 99, AR 72768-0099, (479) 822-5233 Jheri Roberts, 10 Doon Cir, Bella Vista, AR 72715-5226, (479) 752-7082 Jill Winkler, 499 Winkler Rd, Noel, Mo, 64854-7401, (417) 475-6916

SUMMERS Summers, PO Box 27, AR 72769-0027, (479) 824-3436 Paul W. Young, 16887 Chickadee Lane, Gravette, AR 72736-9178, (479) 640-3659 Doyle Barnes, 24589 Lake Francis Rd, Siloam Springs, AR 72761-5294, (479) 524-8355

TAYLOR Beacon, PO Box 94, AR 71861-0094, (870) 696-4018 Karry Easley, 30 Lafayette 301, Stamps, AR 71860-8849, (870) 533-2004 Vickie Griffin, 48 Columbia Road 247, Taylor, AR 71861-9340, (870) 694-6342

First, PO Box 60, AR 71861-0060, (870) 694-4271 Randy Wilson, 6153 Columbia 1, Taylor, AR 71861-9403, (870) 696-3996 Peggy Bland, 502 N Hays St, Taylor, AR 71861-9230, (870) 299-0617

Spring Branch, 94 Columbia Road 229, AR 71861-9624 Rufus Stuart, PO Box 14, Taylor, AR 71861-0014, (870) 904-9630 Linda Cheatham, 94 Columbia Road 229, Taylor, AR 71861-9624, (318) 578-2313

TEXARKANA Central, 2117 E 35th St, AR 71854-2404 Phillip C. Dunn, 2117 E 35th St, Texarkana, AR 71854-2404, (870) 773-1947 Janet Green, 2117 E 35th St, Texarkana, AR 71854-2404,

TICHNOR New Zion, PO Box 4, AR 72166-0004 Steven Mannis, 739 McAdams Rd, De Witt, AR 72042-9321, (870) 946-9387

328 Scott Shepherd, PO Box 21, Tichnor, AR 72166-0021, (870) 509-0512

TRUMANN Central, 610 W Speedway St, AR 72472-2225, (870) 483-5562 Michael Willard, 119 Summer Leigh Cv, Bay, AR 72411-9462, (870) 974-2733 Bailey, 625 Honeysuckle Lane, Trumann, AR 72472-1041, (870) 483-6649

Parkview, PO Box 1042, AR 72472-1042, (870) 483-7660 Robert ‘Bubba’ Reese, 117 N Parkview Dr, Trumann, AR 72472-1325, (870) 483-7660 Carolyn Fletcher, 413 Blanton Dr, Trumann, AR 72472-3907, (870) 483-2516

Trumann, PO Box 454, AR 72472-0454 Myles Evans, 121 County Road 660, Lake City, AR 72437-8563, (870) 284-0810 Reba Ussery, PO Box 417, Trumann, AR 72472-0417, (870) 687-4700

VIOLET HILL Fairview, PO Box 4, AR 72584-0004, (870) 322-7316 Randy Bailey, PO Box 24, Violet Hill, AR 72584-0004, (870) 759-2341 Teresa Kelly, PO Box 232, Brockwell, AR 72584-0232, (870) 291-2326

WALDO First, PO Box 385, AR 71770-0385, (870) 693-5318 Shane Crank, Interim, PO Box 385, Waldo, AR 71770-0385, (870) 904-5192 Jerry D Hicks, 511 Warnock Spgs Rd, Magnolia, AR 71753-9005, (870) 234-4009

Mount Vernon, 771 Highway 344, AR 71770-9089 Jim H. Brown, 6020 Highway 160, Magnolia, AR 71753-8250, (870) 696-3713 Phyllis Stevens, 1153 Highway 344, Waldo, AR 71770-9093

Pleasant Hill, 2160 Columbia Road 12, AR 71753-8593, (870) 696-3917 Gordon Rodgers, 5342 US Highway 371, Rosston, AR 71858-8900, (870) 871-2726 Mary Jo Rogers, 508 W University, Magnolia, AR 71753-9341, (870) 234-1463

Shiloh Lamartine, 420 Columbia Road 60 E, AR 71770-9320, (870) 693-2726 Kenneth ‘Petie’ Ward, Jr, 242 Nevada 49, Rosston, AR 71858-8164, (870) 693-2726 Edward Winberry, 4800 Highway 371 N, Waldo, AR 71770-9125, (870) 693-5134

WALNUT RIDGE Fellowship, PO Box 442, AR 72476-0442 John Durham, 130 NE Brewer Dr, Walnut Ridge, AR 72476-3408, (870) 886-3684 Patricia Douglas, 414 SE Hayes St, Hoxie, AR 72433-2513, (870) 637-2751

WARD Charity, PO Box 286, AR 72176-0286, (501) 843-2425 Keith Lewis, 130 Underhill Rd, Beebe, AR 72012-9751, (501) 230-2900 Lynn Taylor, 114 E Florida St, Beebe, AR 72012-3302, (501) 281-3049

WARREN Calvary, 605 Sturgis St, AR 71671-2535, (870) 226-5422 C/O Aimee Morgan, 605 Sturgis St, AR 71671-2535, (870) 226-5422 Aimee Morgan, 605 Sturgis St, AR 71671-2535, (870) 226-5422

Cross Roads, 169 Bradley 232 Rd, AR 71671-9195 Sidney McGraw, 109 Scotta St, Warren, AR 71671-2829, (870) 315-0646 Steven Dawkins, 608 Highway 278 W, Warren, AR 71671-9184, (870) 226-6969

Farmville, 118 Bradley 297 Rd, AR 71671-8990, (870) 463-8195 Billy Biggs, 1509 W Pine St, Warren, AR 71671-1813, (870) 308-5232 Anna Grider, 118 Bradley 297 Rd, Warren, AR 71671-8990, (870) 463-8195

329 WEST HELENA Fourth Street, 1226 N Fourth, AR 72390-9312, (870) 572-1155 Lance Madden, PO Box 2245, West Helena, AR 72390-2245, (870) 995-5017 Paula Walker, PO Box 5, Aubrey, AR 72311-0005, (870) 295-0806

Harmony, 801 Airport Rd, AR 72390-1717, (870) 572-9342 Fred Garrison, 56 Phillips Rd 314, Lexa, AR 72355-8388, (870) 572-3593 Mary Frances Batchelor, 43 Phillips Road 323, West Helena, AR 72390-9598, (870) 572-3580

WHITE HALL Calvary, PO Box 4, AR 72079-0004, (870) 247-2633 Rodney Castleberry, 2202 Richmond St, Pine Bluff, AR 71603-7522, (501) 977-4772 Thelma Dunlap, PO Box 4, Jefferson, AR 72079-0004, (501) 200-2075

Lemonwood, 920 Shepherd Dr, AR 71602-5439, (870) 247-2777 Steven Drye, Interim, 350 Drye Rd, Rison, AR 71665-9691, (870) 325-6008 Shirley McClain, 920 Shephard Dr, White Hall, AR 71602-5439,

WYNNE Grace, PO Box 553, AR 72396-0553, (870) 238-8508 Mac Pierce, PO Box 553, Wynne, AR 72396-0553 Teressa Davis, 722 County Road 532, Wynne, AR 72396-7554, (870) 238-3987

New Hope, 644 County Road 724, AR 72396-8124, (870) 238-2544 Brad Hardesty, 644 County Road 724, Wynne, AR 72396-8124, (870) 740-3884 Phyllis Latham, 2 County Road 771, Wynne, AR 72396-8118, (870) 238-8909

CALIFORNIA BARSTOW Oasis, 165 W Grace St, CA, 92311-2104, (760) 256-5292 Charles Beason, 31121 Balsa Ave, Barstow, CA, 92311-2104, (760) 256-5292 Mary C. Reynolds, 31110 Balsa Ave, Barstow, CA, 92311-2104,

BLOOMINGTON Calvary, PO Box 283, CA, 92316-0283, (909) 877-0597 Darrell Cast, 21850 Standing Rock, Apple Valley, CA, 92307-4034, (760) 247-0859 Bobi Morgan, 9446 Lime Ave, Fontana, CA, 92335-2566, (909) 829-8328

CERES Mitchell Road, 2109 Mitchell Rd, CA, 95307-2429, (209) 537-7490 Jessee Garrido, Interim, 2000 Cardinal Dr, Ceres, CA 95307-2402, (626) 8278-3909 Sandra Thompson, PO Box 2655, Ceres, CA, 95307-2655

ESCALON First Missionary, 2145 Jackson Ave, CA, 95320-2051, (209) 691-6074 Robert Weible, 2123 Jackson Ave, Escalon, CA, 95320-2051, (209) 740-3222 Mary S. Brannon, 10324 Victory Ave, Oakdale, CA, 95361-9724, (209) 847-3268

FREMONT Memorial, 4467 Stevenson Blvd, CA, 94538-2645, (510) 656-5522 Ralph M. Krisell, 4467 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont, CA, 94538-7445, (510) 656-8360 Gloria Krisell, 4467 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont, CA, 94538-7445, (510) 656-8360

GARDENA First Missionary, 1429 W 182nd St, CA, 90248-3948, (310) 323-9173 C/O Lori Kinzie, 1606 W 259th St, Harbor City, CA, 90710-3216, (310) 918-3223 Lori Kinzie, 1606 W 259th St, Harbor City, CA, 90710-3216, (310) 918-3223

330 HESPERIA Temple, 14892 Pendleton St, CA, 92345-2455, (760) 244-1122 Randy L. Burk, 14892 Pendleton St, Hesperia, CA, 92345-2455, (760) 244-1122 Brenda Hawk, 11222 Maple Rd, Hesperia, CA, 92345-9998

LA VERNE Calvary, 2990 Damien Ave, CA, 91750-4110, (909) 593-4672 Lincoln A. Dial, 2719 Grove St, La Verne, CA, 91750-4650, (909) 596-9053 Jean Sullivan, 1495 Third St, La Verne, CA, 91750-5204, (909) 593-3355

PHELAN Cornerstone Mission, PO Box 293536, CA, 92329-3536, (760) 868-1519 Jon R. Sparlin, 11522 Hacienda Rd, Phelan, CA, 92371-8007, (760) 868-8332 Cheran Smith, PO Box 293536, Phelan, CA, 92329-3536,

RIDGECREST Bethel, 722 E Dolphin Ave, CA, 93555-8100, (760) 375-8664 Larry D. Parcher, Sr, 722 E Dolphin Ave, Ridgecrest, CA, 93555-8100, (760) 375-8664 Lisa Baker, 709 W Coral St, Ridgecrest, CA, 93555-5215

VACAVILLE Faith, PO Box 928, CA, 95696-0928, (707) 448-1794 Victor Zavalla, 5100 Maple Rd, Vacaville, CA, 95687-9475, (707) 455-7581 Judy Boykin, 330 Grand Canyon Dr, Vacaville, CA, 95687-3481, (707) 448-6919

COLORADO EATON Grace Community Mission, 310 Juniper Ave, CO, 80615-3604, James Adams, 310 Juniper Ave, Eaton, CO, 80615-3604, (970) 454-9146 Church Clerk, 310 Juniper Ave, Eaton, CO, 80615-3604

ELIZABETH Majestic Valley, PO Box 593, CO, 80117-0593, (303) 621-2540 Rick Mills, PO Box 593, Kiowa, CO, 80117-0593, (303) 621-2540 Donna Gibson, 23552 Glenmoor Dr, Parker, CO, 80138-3111, (303) 840-0010

FOUNTAIN Fusion Church, PO Box 296, CO, 80817-0296, (719) 238-7330 Jake Norman, 1075 Clogger Lane, Fountain, CO, 80817-4187, (719) 238-7330 Church Clerk, PO Box 296, Fountain, CO, 80817-0296

KIOWA Majestic View, PO Box 490, CO, 80117-0490, (303) 621-2856 John S. Smith, PO Box 490, Kiowa, CO, 80117-0490, (303) 621-2856 Irene Neighbors, PO Box 490, Kiowa, CO, 80117-0490, (303) 621-2856

PUEBLO WEST River Of Grace, 84 S Masters Dr, CO, 81007-5600, (719) 647-9686 Paul Medved, 2001 Court St, Pueblo, CO, 81003-2528, (719) 248-0965

THORNTON Crossroots Mission, PO Box 1586, Eastlake, CO 80614-1586, (720) 409-6992 Brian Cleary, 13528 Albion St. Thornton, CO 80241-1571, (720 409-6992

FLORIDA DESTIN Living Stone Russian Mission, 105 Harbeson Ave, FL, 32548-5507, (850) 796-2916 Boris Lebedev, 105 Harbeson Ave, Ft Walton Beach, FL, 32548-5507, (850) 796-2916

331 FT. WALTON BEACH Ark Of Salvation Russian Mission, 105 Harbeson Ave, FL, 32548-5507, (850) 796-2916 Boris Lebedev, 105 Harbeson Ave, Ft Walton Beach, FL, 32548-5507, (850) 796-2916 Church Clerk, 105 Harbeson Ave, Ft Walton Beach, FL, 32548-5507

JACKSONVILLE Rolling Hills, 840 Permento Ave, FL, 32221-4412, (904) 783-0524 Ronald J. Beasley, 8141 Joffre Dr, Jacksonville, FL, 32210-2416, (904) 786-0964 Janice Keene, 840 Permento Ave, Jacksonville, FL, 32221-4412, (904) 783-0524

Temple Gate, 2966 Oak Creek Lane, FL, 32221-2062, (904) 781-4887 Curtis E. Ganey, 2966 Oak Creek Lane, Jacksonville, FL, 32221-2062, (904) 781-4887 Joan L. Ganey, 2966 Oak Creek Lane, Jacksonville, FL, 32221-2062, (904) 781-4887

LAKE CITY Beth Haven, 5187 216th St, FL, 32024-2231, (386) 935-3452 Herbert C. Cater, 19347 78th Terrace, Live Oak, FL, 32060-7723, (386) 330-2224 Jenelle Holt, 21403 33rd Rd, Lake City, FL, 32024-2423, (386) 935-1209

LAKELAND Christina Park, 445 W County Road 540a, FL, 33813-3430, (863) 644-3440 Gene Burdette, 445 W County Road 540a, Lakeland, FL, 33813-3430, (850) 274-1782 Mary Powell, 3255 Royal Oaks Dr S, Mulberry, FL, 33860-9470, (863) 425-4149

North Lakeland, PO Box 93233, FL, 33804-3233, (863) 660-6262 Richard Mullins, 7429 Willow Wisp Dr E, Lakeland, FL, 33809-4524, (863) 660-6262 Frances Cook, 5821 Bambi Ct, Lakeland, FL, 33809-3574, (863) 859-5703

LEHIGH ACRES Trinity, 4102 Lee Blvd, FL, 33971-1722, (239) 368-3191 Tony Ippolito, 18265 Oak Rd, Ft Myers, FL, 33967-3174, (239) 368-3191 Robin Winegard, 4102 Lee Blvd, Lehigh Acres, FL, 33971-1722, (239) 368-3191

MC DAVID Grace, 1410 N Century Blvd, FL, 32568-2814 Willie Oglesbee, 7047 Highway 113, Brewton, Al, 36426-6125, (251) 296-0217 Mary Watson, 1100 N Century Blvd, McDavid, FL, 32568-2811, (850) 256-3384

PALATKA Silver Lake, PO Box 1638, FL, 32178-1638 D. Virgil Harper, 6059 Cedar Point Rd, Jacksonville, FL, 32226-1484, (904) 757-0103 Louvenia C. Williams, PO Box 408, FLorahome, FL, 32140-0408, (386) 659-2494

PENSACOLA Jackson Heights Russian, 4116 W Jackson St, FL, 32505-7232, (850) 477-1890 Yuriy Lebedev, 711 Underwood Ave Apt 411-C, Pensacola, FL, 32504-8836, (850) 477-1890 Irina N. Dunayeva, 219 Willow St, Pensacola, FL, 32506-5441

Parkview, 119 Rosalyn Way, FL, 32505-3357 William H. Chancery, 61 Highway 164, Mc David, FL, 32568-2822, (850) 256-4372 Betty L. Sims, 62 Camelia Dr, Pensacola, FL, 32505-2547, (850) 438-8751

HAWAII EWA BEACH Ali’i, 91-1520 Kaikoi Pl, HI, 96706-4610, (808) 685-3388 Hugh F. Dusza, 91-1021 Kaileolea Dr., Apt. H5, Ewa Beach, HI, 96706-6038, (808) 859-4556 Etta Nobriga, PO Box 970702, Waipahu, HI 96797-0702

332 WAIPAHU Waipahu Mission, Na Koa, 98-503 Kaamilo St, Aida, HI, 96701-4435 William Flores, 98-530 Kaamilo St, Aiea, HI, 96701-4435, (808) 358-9947


POST FALLS Grace, 13329 W Hayden Ave, ID, 83854-6216, (208) 773-8702 James A. Crews, 4946 W Candlewood Lane, Post Falls, ID, 83854-7955, (208) 777-8060 Jennifer Crews, 4946 W Candlewood Lane, Post Falls, ID, 83854-7955, (208) 777-8060


ALMA Calvary, 6504 Sullivan Rd, IL, 62854-3104 John Son, 2717 Ross St, Highland, In, 46322-1118, (219) 923-0862 Naomi Sullivan, 6504 Sullivan Rd, Kinmundy, IL, 62854-3104, (618) 547-7179

BUSHNELL Emmanuel, 202 E Fillmore St, IL, 61475-7508, (309) 456-3650 Willie R. McCoy, 202 E Fillmore St, Sciota, IL, 61475-7508, (309) 456-3650 Betty A. Williams, 308 S Downen St, Industry, IL, 61440-9114

CASEYVILLE Friendship, 909 Bethel Mine Rd, IL, 62232-2249, (573) 380-3842 Ron Beardsley, 909 Bethel Mine Rd, Caseyville, IL, 62232-2249, (573) 380-3842 Deena Williams, 28 Geneva Dr, Caseyville, IL, 62232-2263, (618) 344-3243

HARDIN Lighthouse, 2 Oakridge Lane, IL, 62047-2007, (618) 576-9085 Roy D. Marlow Jr., 2 Oakridge Lane, Hardin, IL, 62047-2007, (618) 576-9085 Roy D. Marlow Jr., 2 Oakridge Lane, Hardin, IL, 62047-2007, (618) 576-9085

Lake Villa, Fairfield Road, 37510 N Fairfield Rd, IL, 60046-9102, (847) 356-5776 C/O Debbie Anderson, 36759 Oakwood Dr, Lake Villa, IL, 60046-7775 Debbie Anderson, 36759 Oakwood Dr, Lake Villa, IL, 60046-7775

MELROSE PARK Seventeenth Avenue, 1804 N 17th Ave, IL, 60160-2002 C/O Lavonne Schmidt, 1330 Rand Rd, Des Plains, IL, 60016-3425, (847) 827-2804 Lavonne Schmidt, 1330 Rand Rd, Des Plains, IL, 60016-3425, (847) 827-2804

Tabernaculo Metropolitano, 1804 N 17th Ave, IL, 60160-2002 Hector Crespo, 1639 N Monticello Ave, Chicago, IL, 60647-4718, (773) 272-5640 Thomas Williamson, 3131 S Archer Ave, Chicago, IL, 60608-6223, (773) 523-4139

MURPHYSBORO Trinity, 371 Health Department Rd, IL, 62966-6107, (618) 687-3703 David Pinkerton, 4328 US Highway 45 S, Harrisburg, IL, 62946-4414, (618) 253-8069 Church Clerk, 371 Health Department Rd, Murphysboro, IL, 62966-6107

PEKIN New Testament, 2107 Windsor St, IL, 61554-3930, (309) 346-1200 Roger D. Hamilton, 2107 Windsor St, Pekin, IL, 61554-3930, (309) 346-1200 Church Clerk, 2107 Windsor St, Pekin, IL, 61554-3930

PLANO Jacob’s Well, PO Box 54, IL, 60545-0054, (630) 212-3557 Robert W. Hager Jr. 614 Fowler St, Millington, IL, 60537-1037, (630) 212-3557

333 Church Clerk, 614 Fowler St, Millington, IL, 60537-1037

SPARTA Loyalty, 11940 St Rt 154, IL, 62286-3648, (618) 443-3364 Thomas E. Foster, Jr, 11940 St Rt 154, Sparta, IL, 62286-3648, (618) 443-3364 Gina Lawless, 6748 Foxglove, Coulterville, IL, 62237-3415


BLOOMINGTON Calvary, 3501 N Prow Rd, IN, 47404-1615, (812) 332-3409 Brian Stewart, 4182 W Broadway Ave, Bloomington, IN 47404-4883, (812) 369-1046 Ginnie Phero, 210 W Gordon Pike, Bloomington, IN 47403-4521, (812) 333-8105

GARY Liberty, 3437 Burr St, IN 46406-3447 C/O June Fraker, 4643 W 41st Ave, Gary, IN 46408-3018 June Tallant, 2665 Poplar St, Portage, IN 46368-2940, (219) 763-1853

MICHIGAN CITY Freedom Missionary, 426 Ogden Ave, IN 46350-6964, (219) 879-5043 Terry L. McKinney, 326 Dewey St, Michigan City, IN 46360-5244, (219) 393-5404 Linda M. McKinney, 6309 S Range Rd, Laporte, IN 46350-7213


GALENA First Regular, PO Box 218, KS, 66739-0218, (620) 783-1618 Jeff Swart, 1220 S Stateline Rd, Galena, KS 66739-4209, (620) 783-5168 Leigh Ann Ryan, 217 W 19th St, Galena, KS 66739-1550, (620) 202-0894

GARLAND Mount Zion, 2629 Eagle Rd, KS 64728-5103, (620) 223-5610 Rick Womack, 18352 S 2350 Rd, Nevada, MO 64772-7974, (417) 465-2527 Marilyn Webster, 3027 E Trestle Rd, Bronaugh, MO 64728-7502, (417) 228-1070

GIRARD Mount Olive, PO Box 244, KS 66743-0244, (620) 724-4067 Tom W. Lewis, 410 S Osage St, Girard, KS 66743-1630, (620) 724-8731 Judy Boore, 114 E Elm St, Girard, KS 66743-1711, (620) 724-4748

LANSING Lansing, 599 E Eisenhower Rd, KS 66043-1114, (913) 727-3603 C/O Paula, Lilleston, 601 E Eisenhower Rd, Lansing, KS 66043-1112, (913) 727-3606 Paula Lilleston, 601 E Eisenhower Rd, Lansing, KS 66043-1112

PITTSBURG Meadowside, 1406 S Rouse St, KS 66762-6617, (620) 231-3418 C/O Kelley L. Thompson, 621 E Oak St, Weir, KS 66781-4078, (620) 396-8962 Kelley L. Thompson, 621 E Oak St, Weir, KS 66781-4078, (620) 396-8962

WICHITA Fellowship, 2200 S Mosley St, KS 67211-5028, (316) 529-1947 Stanley E. Allen, 3540 S St Francis St, Wichita, KS 67216-1612, (316) 529-1947 Stanley E. Allen, 3540 S St Francis St, Wichita, KS 67216-1612, (316) 529-1947

KENTUCKY BOWLING GREEN Scottsville Road, 6330 Scottsville Rd, KY 42104-0389, (270) 843-6645 334 Cory McCaig, 215 Pleasant Place Way, Bowling Green, KY 42104-0379, (270) 799-1284 Regina Goodman, 394 Martinsville Rd, Oakland, KY 42159-9736, (270) 563-4327

LOUISIANA ABITA SPRINGS Trinity, PO Box 1454, LA 70434-1454, (985) 898-0130 Winfred W. Baker, PO Box 1454, Covington, LA 70434-1454, (985) 898-0130 Mike Waters, PO Box 1454, Covington, LA 70434-1454,

AMITE Shady Grove, 22064 Highway 1061, LA 70422-6316 Harold Bankston, 22064 Highway 1061, Amite, LA 70422-6316 Church Clerk, 48178 Norman McCain Rd, Franklinton, LA 70438-5868,

BAKER Harding Street, 4345 Harding St, LA 70714-3939, (225) 775-7870 George Scruggs, Jr., 3016 Groom Rd, Baker, LA 70714-2244, (225) 774-2322 Bertie Thomas, 904 Patricia St, Baker, LA 70714-3520, (225) 775-4274

BASTROP Bethany, 10447 Boswell St, LA 71220-3312, (318) 281-4104 Jimmy Yocum, 10308 States St, Bastrop, LA 71220-9723, (318) 281-5666 Norma Atwell, 10071 Atwell Lane, Mer Rouge, LA 71261-9585, (318) 647-3317

BATON ROUGE River Oaks, 14969 Old Hammond Hwy, LA 70816-8416 Buck Hughes, 14969 Old Hammond Hwy, Baton Rouge, LA 70816-1242, (225) 454-8138 Kerri Bennett, 14969 Old Hammond Highway, Trlr 115, Baton Roughe, LA 70816-1242

BERNICE Mount Sterling, 209 Patrick Church Rd, LA 71222-4805 C/O Barbara Pilgreen, 1265 Newman Rd, Bernice, LA 71222-4960, (318) 285-7109 Barbara Pilgreen, 1265 Newman Rd, Bernice, LA 71222-4960, (318) 285-7109

CAMPTI Coulee Bethel, 2146 Highway 486, LA 71411-4826, (318) 476-2180 Ronny Moore, 144 Messick Rd, Coushatta, LA 71019-4130, (318) 476-3631 Donna Horn, 4405 Harrisonburg Rd, Montgomery, LA 71454-5100

CLINTON Old Paths Baptist Mission, 12080 Wildwood Lane, LA 70722-4249, (225) 683-9261 David Tero, 12080 Wildwood Lane, Clinton, LA 70722-4249, (225) 683-9261

COUSHATTA Freedom Worship, PO Box 773, LA 71019-0773 Clyde Miley, 826 Highway 486, Campti, LA 71411-4848 Peggy Burckett, PO Box 773, Coushatta, LA 71019-0773

New Grace, PO Box 662, LA 71019-0662, (318) 932-0500 C/O Arthur Lindsey, 912 Howard St, Coushatta, LA 71019-9295, (318) 932-0500 Church Clerk, PO Box 662, Coushatta, LA 71019-0662

DENHAM SPRINGS Cane Market Rd, 35652 Cane Market Rd, LA 70706-1098, (225) 665-6846 Don Rock, 35652 Cane Market Rd, Denham Springs, LA 70706-1098, (225) 665-6846 Waleah Bergeron, 12852 Florida Blvd, Livingston, LA 70754-2307, (225) 485-7381

Plainview, 25162 Joe May Rd, LA 70726-6521, (225) 665-6969 Tommy Shipp, Interim, 25162 Joe May Rd, Denham Springs, LA 70726-6521 335 Darlene Chachere, 21987 Walker South Rd, Denham Springs, LA 70726-7469, (225) 644-1802

FARMERVILLE Franklin Street, PO Box 268, LA 71241-0268, (318) 368-9041 Robert Davis, PO Box 268, Farmerville, LA 71241-0268 Donna Johnson, PO Box 483, Farmerville, LA 71241-0483, (318) 368-3282

FRANKLINTON Canaan, 18486 Sanders Rd, LA 70438-5921 Rico Lee, 18486 Sanders Rd, Franklinton, LA 70438-5921, (601) 916-9863 Margaret A. Seal, 37568 Wilton Seal Rd, Franklinton, LA 70438-3414, (985) 839-3941

Immanuel Mission, 46105 Highway 10, LA 70438-5813, (985) 795-0535 Mike Stafford, 46105 Highway 10, Franklinton, LA 70438-5813 Gail Clark, 46105 Highway 10, Franklinton, LA 70438-5813

HALL SUMMIT Hall Summit, PO Box 116, LA 71034-0116, (318) 932-4787 Carl Don Word, PO Box 216, Hall Summit, LA 71034-0216, (318) 932-4787 Kimberly Page, 5361 Highway 783, Coushatta, LA 71019-5653

KENTWOOD Bolivar 18329 Highway 440, LA 70444-6829 Dan Bond, 84 Fred Strain Rd, Carriere, MS 39426-7506, (601) 798-9728 Susanne Crowe, 18329 Highway 440, Kentwood, LA 70444-6829

MONROE Eastside, PO Box 5068, LA 71211-5068, (318) 343-2914 Robert Smith, 402 Highway 852, Rayville, LA 71269-6023, (318) 728-2914 Theresa Johnston, 502 80th St, Monroe, LA 71203-4110, (318) 307-5228

PEARL RIVER The Crossing, 300 Butternut Dr, LA 70458-5494, (985) 201-7099 Samuel D. Husser, 300 Butternut Dr, Slidell, LA 70458-5494, (985) 201-7099 Sue Husser, 300 Butternut Dr, Slidell, LA 70458-5494, (985) 201-7099

PLAIN DEALING Chalybeate Springs, 862 Chalybeate Springs Rd, LA 71064-3741, (318) 326-5312 Deryl J. Jones, 862 Chalybeate Springs Rd, Plain Dealing, LA 71064-3741, (318) 326-5312 Patsy McGuire, PO Box 717, Plain Dealing, LA 71064-0717, (318) 326-5630

Immanuel, PO Box 386, LA 71064-0386 Kenneth L. Lowery, 620 E Palmetto Ave, Plain Dealing, LA 71064-4202, (318) 326-4443 Lou Ella Lowery, 620 E Palmetto Ave, Plain Dealing, LA 71064-4202, (318) 326-4443

RINGGOLD Faith, PO Box 56, LA 71068-0056 John Parker, 3683 Parkway St, Ringgold, LA 71068-8258, (318) 732-8345 Barbara Batchelor, PO Box 56, Ringgold, LA 71068-0056, (318) 894-8244

SAREPTA Blocker, PO Box 183, LA 71021-0183 Bruce Thornton, 136 Angela Dr, Springhill, LA 71075-4781 Bertha Rhymes, PO Box 63, Cullen, LA 71021-0063, (318) 994-2594

SHREVEPORT Rose Park, 5560 Buncombe Rd, LA 71129-2606, (318) 687-8272 B. J. ‘Rocky’ Maddox, 561 Demery Blvd, Shreveport, LA 71115-3648, (318) 797-1916 Betty Phillips, 5560 Buncombe Rd, Shreveport, LA 71129-2606

336 SPEARSVILLE Liberty, 115 Paul Beaird Rd, LA 71277-2065 Mike Wallace, 1613 Tucker Store Rd, Spearsville, LA 71277-3811, (318) 986-4088 Evelyn Beaird, 115 Paul Beaird Rd, Spearsville, LA 71277-2065, (318) 788-3341

Mount Olive, 569 Green Bridge Rd, LA 71277-2215, (318) 778-4235 C/O Sally Knight, 542 Gatson Rd, Spearsville, LA 71277-2164, (318) 778-4235 Sally Knight, 542 Gatson Rd, Spearsville, LA 71277-2164, (318) 778-4235

Pilgrims Rest, 902 Pilgrims Rest Church Rd, LA 71277-3612, (318) 986-5236 C/O Nelda Hogue, 264 Pilgrims Rest Church Rd, Spearsville, LA 71277-3771, (318) 986-5493 Nelda Hogue, 264 Pilgrims Rest Church Rd, Spearsville, LA 71277-3771, (318) 986-5493

SPRINGHILL Dorcheat Acres, 710 Reynolds St, LA 71075-3546 C/O Charlene Budwah, 710 Reynolds St, Springhill, LA 71705-3546 Charlene Budwah, 710 Reynolds St, Springhill, LA 71075-3546

Eastside, PO Box 637, LA 71075-0637 Jeremy Young, 1951 w Columbia Road 8, Everson, AR 71740-9449, (479) 301-6323 Gloria Waits, 1372 Machen Dr, Springhill, LA 71075-4773,

First, PO Box 208, LA 71075-0208, (318) 539-2610 Ronald Morgan, 611 Butler St, Springhill, LA 71075-2305, (318) 539-5824 Mary Williams, 704 6th St NW, Springhill, LA 71075-2402, (318) 539-5764

Walnut Road, 24012 Highway 157, LA 71075-4521, (318) 539-5085 Jake Vandenburg, PO Box 196, Taylor, AR 71861-0196, (870) 694-7400 Joyce Butler, 505 10th St NE, Springhill, LA 71075-4521, (318) 539-5085

VIDALIA Calvary, PO Box 68, LA 71373-0068, (318) 336-5829 Ron Ledford, 214 Terry Cir, Vidalia, LA 71373-2909, (318) 336-4195 Lang Fleming, 100 Stuart Dr, Vidalia, LA 71373-3706, (318) 336-9220

WEST MONROE Evergreen Park, 506 Sandal St, LA 71292-6526, (318) 323-5249 John Mangum, 871 Rouge Edge Rd, Ruston, LA 71270-3060, (318) 202-5155 Nell Hall, 207 Monroe Dr, Monroe, LA 71203-2320, (318) 343-4440

MAINE THOMASTON Trinity, PO Box 25, ME 04861-0025, (207) 354-6991 Larry Wheelis, 844 Depot Rd, Union, ME 04862-4049, (207) 785-4077 Ethel Powell, 682 St George Rd, South Thomaston, ME 04858-3115, (207) 354-6719

MICHIGAN ALGONAC Majesty, 12240 W Sharon Rd, MI 48649-9718 Jason Georges, 12240 W Sharon Rd, Oakley, MI 48649-9718, (989) 472-1718 Church Clerk, 12240 W Sharon Rd, Oakley, MI 48649-9718

BATTLE CREEK Harmony, 292 Mcallister Rd, MI 49014-8453, (269) 963-6995 Harold R. Cosby, 138 S Lincoln Blvd, Battle Creek, MI 49015-3926, (269) 964-1095 Barbara Vantrease 292 McAllister Rd, Battle Creek, MI 49014-8453, (269) 969-2363

BENTON HARBOR Salem, 1749 Maple Lane, MI 49022-9507, (269) 270-5695

337 Donald Deruyscher, 57701 Ryan St, Mattawan, MI 49071-9565, (269) 668-3002 Brenda Deruyscher, 57701 Ryan St, Mattawan, MI 49071-9565, (269) 599-2958

BURTON Bethany, 2350 E Hemphill Rd, MI 48529-1372, (810) 742-2688 Mark Lasley, 2107 Amy St, Burton, MI 48519-1107, (810) 743-6542 Shelly King, 1155 S Graham Rd, Flint, MI 48532-3534, (810) 845-0223

DOWAGIAC Dowagiac, PO Box 482, MI 49047-0482 Orliss Terry, 6719 E Napier Ave, Benton Harbor, MI 49022-9677, (269) 944-1702 Lavada Snow, 307 Pennsylvania Ave, Dowagiac, MI 49047-1722, (269) 782-2220

FLINT Shiloh, 5224 N Belsay Rd, MI 48506-1675, (810) 736-7770 James N. Gosnell, 1388 Denies St, Burton, MI 48509-2123, (810) 744-9302 Marva Gosnell, 1388 Denies St, Burton, MI 48509-2123, (810) 744-9302

FORT GRATIOT Lighthouse 5879 State Rd, MI 48059-2614, (810) 385-6381 Jason Douglas, 5879 State Rd, Fort Gratiot, MI 48059-2614 Yolanda Guenther, 5879 State Rd, Fort Gratiot, MI 48059-2614

HEMLOCK Calvary, 247 N Fordney Rd, MI 48626-9450, (989) 642-8444 Gary Shooltz, 247 N Fordney Rd, Hemlock, MI 48626-9450, (517) 642-8444 Ruth Marino, PO Box 192, Hemlock, MI 48626-0192

KALAMAZOO Twelfth Street, 3911 S 12th St, MI 49009-9540, (269) 353-8133 C/O Patricia L. Otto, 1810 Colchester Ave, Portage, MI 49002-4112, (269) 323-0073 Patricia L. Otto, 1810 Colchester Ave, Portage, MI 49002-4112, (269) 323-0073

LANSING New Home, 3133 Pleasant Grove Rd, MI 48910-2398, (517) 882-0300 Dave Barger, 1608 Holly Way, Lansing, MI 48910-2541, (417) 425-6306 June A. Mankey, 8605 Wintergreen St, Lansing, MI 48917-8801, (517) 627-4885

PAW PAW Unity Missionary, 47391 County Road 665, MI 49079-9646, (269) 668-2263 Archie W. Lhamon, Sr, 55647 Giddings Ct, Mattawan, MI 49071-9301, (269) 668-2263 Dorothy Lhamon, 55647 Giddings Ct, Mattawan, MI 49071-9301, (269) 668-2263

SWARTZ CREEK Cornerstone, 6273 Miller Rd, MI 48473-1518, (810) 635-4845 Chris Yager, 6273 Miller Rd, Swartz Creek, MI 48473-1518 Natalie Epperson, 6273 Miller Rd, Swartz Creek, MI 48473-1518, (810) 630-6021

Master’s Hands Deaf Mission, 6299 Miller Rd, MI 48473-1518, (810) 394-0094 John Bienlein, 6299 Miller Rd, Swartz Creek, MI 48473-1518, (810) 394-0094 Church Clerk, 6299 Miller Rd, Swartz Creek, MI 48473-1518,

MINNESOTA Brooklyn Park New Life Mission, 2316 Kirkwood Lane, MN 55441-4173, (763) 559-5964 Alexander Chepurnoy, 2316 Kirkwood Lane, Plymouth, Mn 55441-4173, (763) 559-5964 Church Clerk, 2316 Kirkwood Lane, Plymouth, Mn 55441-4173


338 AMORY East Amory, 905 Hatley Rd, MS 38821-4607, (662) 256-5650 Roger Akers, 600 11th Ave N, Amory, MS 38821-1840, (662) 257-9839 Peggy Fooshee, 60011 Highland St, Amory, MS 38821-8980, (662) 315-5067

Providence, 1311 Highland Dr, MS 38821-1006, (662) 256-3623 Scott Johnson, 50014 Robbie Gregg Dr, Aberdeen, MS 39730-9072, (662) 436-6518 Martha Parker, 50276 Becker Bottom Rd, Amory, MS 38821-8631, (662) 256-5112

ANGUILLA Zion, 3599 Sunflower River Rd, MS 39159-2166 C/O Pamela Phillips, 3599 Sunflower River Rd, Rolling Fork, MS 39159-2166, (662) 907-0136 Pamela Phillips, 3599 Sunflower River Rd, Rolling Fork, MS 39159-2166, (662) 907-0136

BALDWYN Friendship, 1032 Road 2578, MS 38824-6828, (662) 348-5869 Mike Johnson, 1032 Road 2578, Baldwyn, MS 38824-6828, (662) 416-3271 Earl Stone, 1032 Road 2578, Baldwyn, MS 38824-6828, (662) 348-5374

Parkview, 239 County Road 911, MS 38849-9712, (662) 365-3153 Paul Reynolds, 10025 Highway 363, Mantachie, MS 38855-8366, (662) 282-4568 Bonny M. Moore, 239 County Road 911, Guntown, MS 38849-6710, (662) 397-6730

South Prentiss, 95 County Road 5331, MS 38824-8253 Dan Mobley, 132 Sleepy Hollow Dr, Baldwyn, MS 38824-9028, (662) 365-3309 Cori James, 95 County Road 5331, Baldwyn, MS 38824-8253, (662) 365-9150

BASSFIELD Bethel, 7 Anderson Rd, MS 39421-9053, (601) 736-1859 Joseph Bain, 7 Anderson Rd, Bassfield, MS 39421-9053, (601) 736-1859 Freida McNeese 342 Miller Rd, Bassfield, MS 39421-9574, (601) 736-3732

BAY SPRINGS First, PO Drawer O, MS 39422-1915, (601) 764-2492 James Sprayberry, PO Drawer O, Bay Springs, MS 39422-1915, (601) 764-6573 Brianna Fall, 366 County Rd 5331, Baldwyn, MS 38824-8253, (662) 365-9150

Salem, 723 County Road 17, MS 39422-9482, (601) 764-3777 Harold Floyd, Interim, 19 Pat Holifield Rd, Laurel, MS 39443-8557, (601) 729-8171 Tim Upton, 116 County Road 1723, Bay Springs, MS 39422-9008, (601) 764-4840

Union, 620 SCR 13, MS 39422-8103, (601) 785-9640 Adam Sloan, 115 Downs Rd, Bay Springs, MS 39168-9586, (601) 785-9640 Bobby Blackwell, 3432 Highway 531, Bay Springs, MS 39422-9391, (601) 764-3756

BEAUMONT Fairhope, 260 Arlington Loop, MS 39423-2648 Wendell Helton, 245 Pine Level Rd, Leakesville, MS 39451-5476 Yeslita Jordon, 260 Arlington Loop, Beaumont, MS 39423-2648, (601) 784-3824

BENTONIA Scotland, 5617 Scotland Rd, MS 39040-9358, (662) 673-8258 Glenn Allen, 206 E Semmes St, Canton, MS 39046-4530, (601) 850-0072 Gina Allen, 407 E Center St, Canton, MS 39046-3805, (601) 941-2674

BILOXI El Camino Mission - Biloxi, 4113 Highway 15 N, MS 39440-1029, (601) 433-0085 Lorenzo Mendoza, 4113 Highway 15 N, Laurel, MS 39440-1029, (601) 433-0085

339 Heritage, PO Box 6705, MS 39540-6705, (228) 396-8574 Jerry Eastes, 16294 Mayhaw Dr, Biloxi, MS 39532-7610, (228) 396-8574 Anglia Goss, 15439 Lanfair Rd, Biloxi, MS 39532-9057, (228) 669-2647

Temple, 1860 Popps Ferry Rd, MS 39532-2104, (228) 388-3077 Clell Allen, 1860 Popps Ferry Rd, Biloxi, MS 39532-2104, (228) 388-3077 Lorna Shoemaker, 20132 Scarborough Rd, Saucier, MS 39574-7041, (228) 669-7559

BOONEVILLE Forked Oak, 12 County Road 3501, MS 38829-8838 Ricky D. Johnson, 548 Highway 365, Booneville, MS 38829-8171, (662) 462-7511 Carolyn McCombs, 12 County Road 3501, Booneville, MS 38829-8838, (662) 728-3674

BRANDON Calvary, 1233 Highway 471 N, MS 39042-8754, (601) 825-2864 Adair Jernigan, 1233 Highway 471 N, Brandon, MS 39042-8754, (601) 825-2864 Delores Ladd, 107 Tiffany Dr, Brandon, MS 39042-8897, (601) 825-8403

BROOKLYN Cypress Creek, 2731 Highway 29, MS 39425-9405, (601) 598-2297 Kenneth Shelton, 39 Three Oaks Rd, Perkinston, MS 39573-5715, (573) 990-6046 Jolene O’Neal, 1487 Benndale Rd, McLain, MS 39456-9262, (601) 945-2617

BURNSVILLE Freedom Mission, 491 County Road 313, MS 38833-9375, (662) 423-8373 Bobby Elliott, 491 County Road 313, Burnsville, MS 38833-9375, (662) 423-8373

Rowland Mills, 203 S Highway 365, MS 36633-9734, (662) 279-9283 Franky Smith, 210 County Road 169, Iuka, MS 38852-7347, (662) 423-5601 Linda Roberts, 57 County Road 206, Burnsville, MS 38833-9107, (662) 427-9059

CARRIERE First Of Henleyfield, 60 Joseph Burks Rd, MS 39426-8738 Vernon Watts, 60 Joseph Burks Rd, Carriere, MS 39426-8738, (601) 916-2869 Jack Burks, 5283 Highway 43 N, Carriere, MS 39426-8792, (601) 590-0690

Lee’s Chapel #1, PO Box 379, MS 39426-0379, (601) 799-1753 Randall Childs, 11 Herb Lee-Fred Spiers Rd, Carriere, MS 39426-7433 Yvonne Penton, 68 Guy Penton Rd, Carriere, MS 39426-7434, (601) 798-2853

Mount Carmel, 326 Mount Carmel Rd, MS 39426-3502, (601) 798-1215 Cedric Lumpkin, 326 Mount Carmel Rd, Carriere, MS 39426-3502, (601) 798-1215 Brenda W Johnson, 93 Fred Johnson Rd, Carriere, MS 39426-9123, (601) 798-7908

CLEVELAND Homestretch, PO Box 233, MS 38732-0233, (662) 402-8222 Edward Duvall, 8 Rose Lane, Cleveland, MS 38732-9611, (662) 843-9979 Juanita W. Green, 39 Happy St Apt 7, Cleveland, MS 38732-9702, (662) 719-0247

CLINTON Grace Baptist Mission, 465 E. Northside Drive, Clinton, MS 39056, (601) 218-0735 Daniel Bartlett, 903 Newitt Vick Dr, Vicksburg, MS 39183-8781, (601) 218-0735

COLLINSVILLE New Hope, 11642 Highway 494, MS 39325-8904 C/O Martin E. Dooley, Jr., 11642 Highway 494, Collinsville, MS 39325-8904, (601) 626-8104 Martin E. Dooley, Jr., 11642 Highway 494, Collinsville, MS 39325-8904, (601) 626-8104

340 COLUMBIA Good Hope, 208 Good Hope Rd, MS 39429-8377, (601) 736-6187 Denny Patterson, 208 Good Hope Rd, Columbia, MS 39429-8377, (601) 736-7252 Gwen Anthony, 1004 Conerly Rd, Columbia, MS 39429-6953, (601) 441-0688

Mount Gilead, 12 Lott Lane, MS 39429-9476, (601) 736-5002 David E. Steele, 1244 Purvis Oloh Rd, Purvis, MS 39475-4257, (601) 794-8861 Jesse Ramshur, 12 Lott Lane, Columbia, MS 39429-9476, (601) 736-6232

Temple, 402 Chinaberry Ave, MS 39429-8258, (601) 736-1965 Clay Smith, 4931 Old Highway 1, Hattiesburg, MS 39402-9769, (601) 264-5237 Martha Ellis, 402 Chinaberry Ave, Columbia, MS 39429-8258, (601) 736-0697

COLUMBUS Caledonia Mission, 7840 Wolf Rd, MS 39705-9694, (601) 323-2795 Robert D ‘Bob’ Burch, PO Box 301, Caledonia, MS 39740-0301, (601) 323-2795

Maple Street, 219 Maple St, MS 39702-5370 Joseph Oyeleye, 219 Maple St, Columbus, MS 39702-5370, (662) 796-1234 Matthew Gabriel, 219 Maple St, Columbus, MS 39702-5370

CORINTH Central, 241 County Road 218, MS 38834-7601 Frank Wilson, 241 County Road 218, Corinth, MS 38834-7601, (662) 462-7200 Linda Sellers, 113a County Road 306, Corinth, MS 38834-8874, (662) 462-5803

Farmington, 84 County Road 106, MS 38834-8934, (662) 286-8855 Jarrod Cox, 66 County Road 257, Corinth, MS 38846-9733 Tina Moss, 13 County Road 118, Corinth, MS 38834-7637, (662) 212-3363

ELLISVILLE Central, 77 Neil Rd, MS 39437-9087 Joey Harris, 77 Neil Rd, Ellisville, MS 39437-9087, (601) 477-1191 Linda Smith, 77 Neil Rd, Ellisville, MS 39437-9087, (601) 477-8880

Mount Moriah, 1164 Old Highway 15 S, MS 39437-4306, (601) 428-8004 Ray Matthews, 1164 Old Highway 15 S, Ellisville, MS 39437-4306, (601) 428-8004 Sherry Shows, 122 Jeans Dr, Ovett, MS 39464-3446, (601) 344-5888

New Bethany, 2798 Highway 588, MS 39437-8964, (601) 763-7300 Rickey Owens, 385 Old Highway 49, Seminary, MS393479-9463, (601) 297-1748 Kathy Hinton, PO Box 356, Ellisville, MS 39437-0356, (601) 580-0995

Riverside, 383 Riverside Church Rd, MS 39437-8837 Medrick H. Savell, 31 Meador Rd, Laurel, MS 39440-9315, (601) 426-6453 Shellie Galjour, 566 River Rd, Ellisville, MS 39437-8804, (601) 752-5651

White Oak, 224 Ira G Odom Rd, MS 39437-4210 Allen Busby, Interim, PO Box 7, Richton, MS 39423-0007, (601) 428-1775 James M. Lawrence, 793 Ira G Odom Rd, Ellisville, MS 39437-9655, (601) 425-3772

ESCATAWPA Faith, 6212 Grierson St, MS 39563-4750, (601) 310-4549 Randall Knight, 6212 Grierson St, Moss Point, MS 39563-4750, (601) 310-4549 Sherry Mccoy, 6212 Grierson St, Moss Point, MS 39563-4750

FLORENCE Trinity, 128 Highway 469 N, MS 39073-8917, (601) 845-2328 James W. Brown, 21 Carriage Ct, Brandon, MS 39042-2135, (601) 209-1502

341 Debbie Willoughby, 2262 Woodland Pl, Florence, MS 39073-9771, (601) 421-0324

FOREST Magnolia Heights, 19229 Highway 80, MS 39074-9701 Christopher Sledge, 19229 Highway 80, Forest, MS 39074-9701, (601) 416-3491 Jeremy Ezell, 6903 Old Hillsboro Rd, Forest, MS 39074-9297, (601) 900-5700

FULTON Bethel, 445 Bethel Church Rd, MS 38843-7729, (662) 862-7375 Kevin Clayton, 475 Bethel Church Rd, Fulton, MS 38843-7729, (662) 862-7329 David G. Loague, 445 Bethel Church Rd, Fulton, MS 38843-7729, (662) 862-7375

Big Oak, 42 Wilburn Cir, MS 38843-7644 Doug Bridges, Interim, 42 Wilburn Cir, Fulton, MS 38843-7644 Robert Wilburn, 42 Wilburn Cir, Fulton, MS 38843-7644, (662) 862-3640

East Fulton, 105 Digby Dr, MS 38843-9402, (662) 862-3963 C/O Beverly Beane, 10348 Highway 25 S, Fulton, MS 38843-9169, (662)n 862-9277 Beverly Beane, 10348 Highway 25 S, Fulton, MS 38843-9169, (662)n 862-9277

Greenwood, 1400 Greenwood Church Rd, MS 38843-9005, (662) 862-2361 Kelby Johnson, 1416 Greenwood Church Rd, Fulton, MS 38843-9007, (662) 862-9074 Merrie Comer, 1400 Greenwood Church Rd, MS 38843-9005

Hopewell, 1132 Hopewell Keys Rd, MS 38843-9064 Matt Hudson, 1530 Loden Rd, Fulton, MS 38843-8819, (662) 862-2510 James McMillen, 1132 Hopewell Keys Rd, Fulton, MS 38843-9064, (662) 862-9819

Mount Pisgah, 3598 Nita Lake Rd, MS 38843-7100, (662) 652-3533 Scott Bryant, PO Box 484, Fulton, MS 38843-0484, (662) 862-6388 Gwyndola Umfress, 3598 Nita Lake Rd, Fulton, MS 38843-7100, (662) 652-3533

Mount Pleasant, PO Box 901, MS 38843-0901, (662) 585-4283 Jackie L. Gray, 500 Loden Rd, Fulton, MS 38843-9014, (662) 862-7895 Vicki Hamm, 101 Drake Dr, Fulton, MS 38843-9782, (662) 862-5540

Walnut Grove, 1906 S Adams St, MS 38843-8465, (662) 652-3703 James Wilson, 7650 Highway 178 E, Fulton, MS 38843-7318, (662) 652-3703 Angie Palmer, 265 Victoria Dr, Fulton, MS 38843-6347, (662) 862-3064

GAUTIER North Gautier, 2405 Callie Rd, MS 39553-4200, (228) 497-2373 Johnny Williams, 4007 Crestwood Ct, Gautier, MS 39553-5204, (228) 234-3121 Bud Bloom, 1216 Saint Ann, Gautier MS MS 39553-4020, (228) 497-2610

GREENVILLE Harmony, PO Box 4512, MS 38704-4512 Stephen Ramsey, 2602 Highway 1 S, Greenville, MS 38701-8372, (662) 332-5605 Sarah S. Harris, 221 Lakeview Dr, Leland, MS 38756-3005, (662) 822-5978

GULFPORT Campground, 20577 Highway 53, MS 39503-9037, (228) 832-9016 Bryan Atwood, 22407 Clark Lane, Gulfport, MS 39503-7626, (228) 224-6466 Donna Tapp, 15160 Christy Lane, Gulfport, MS 39503-8601, (228) 697-1440

First Of Orange Grove, 15486 Orange Grove Rd, MS 39503-2649, (228) 832-2991 Chris Flynn, 11440 Magnolia Estates Lane, Gulfport, MS 39503-8164, (228) 297-3562 Linda Foster, 12343 Dedeaux Rd, Gulfport, MS 39503-3822, (228) 832-8175

342 O’Neal Road, 14049 O’Neal Rd, MS 39503-2567, (228) 832-4246 Marion Greene, 121 N Railroad Ave, Petal, MS 39465-2139, (601) 583-0534 Diane Reed, 21184 28th St, Long Beach, MS 39560-8806, (228) 297-6186

GUNTOWN Grace, 126 Sleepy Hollow Dr, MS 38824-9028, (662) 348-2002 Neil Murphy, 126 Sleepy Hollow Dr, Baldwyn, MS 38824-9028, (662) 231-1827 Andrea Parker, 2327 Highway 370, Baldwyn, MS 38824-8415

Unity, 925 County Road 1303, MS 38849-4655, (662) 869-5258 Eddie Boutwell, 363 Oak Grove Rd, Mantachie, MS 38855-9416, (662) 282-4966 David Long, 250 County Road 2256, Baldwyn, MS 38824-6403, (662) 869-5662

HATTIESBURG Bethel, 204 Mahned Rd, MS 39462-9727 Virgil Ainsworth, 477 Highway 533, Laurel, MS 39443-8859, (228) 729-8059 Brandi Houston, 204 Mahned Rd, New Augusta, MS 39462-9727, (601) 964-8306

Cornerstone, 3202 W 7th St, MS 39401-5621, (601) 264-6646 Glen M. Pace, 202 E Reservoir Rd, Columbia, MS 39429-7835, (601) 520-5376 Marion Greene, 121 N Railroad Ave, Petal, MS 39465-2139, (601) 583-0534

El Camino Mission - Hattiesburg, 4113 Highway 15 N, MS 39440-1029 Inocencio Rivera, 4113 Highway 15 N, Laurel, MS 39440-1029, (601) 433-0085

First Of Oak Grove, 4931 Old Highway 11, MS 39402-9769, (601) 264-9279 Gregory Bennett, 4931 Old Highway 11, Hattiesburg, MS 39402-9769, (601) 264-9279 Wanda Stringer, 70 Warren Lott Rd, Sumrall, MS 39482-3957

Magnolia, PO Box 15907, MS 39404-5907, (601) 264-8087 Greg Medenwald, 310 Quail Hollow Pl, Hattiesburg, MS 39402-8974, (601) 264-8987 Ellen Reece, 11 Monarch Blvd, Hattiesburg, MS 39402-7200, (601) 271-2606

New Heart, 4229 U S Highway 11, MS 39402-8024, (601) 934-3661 Ray Boone, 28 Jo Jo Lane, Hattiesburg, MS 39402-7044, (601) 934-3661 Randy Salmon, 70 Woodridge, Purvis, MS 39475-3304

South Forrest, 760 Churchwell Rd, MS 39401-9358, (601) 596-1004 Sidney Farmer, 464 Churchwell Rd, Hattiesburg, MS 39401-9358, (601) 596-1004

Westover, 5002 W 4th St, MS 39402-1000, (601) 264-4843 Sam Oglesby, 5002 W 4th St, Hattiesburg, MS 39402-1000, (601) 550-8513 Carolyn Hagler, 219 Springhill Dr, Hattiesburg, MS 39402-1233, (601) 264-8240

HERNANDO Life Pointe, 50 Getwell Rd S, MS 38632-9500, (901) 830-6351 Kevin Marr, 8899 Turkey Creek Dr, Olive Branch, MS 38654-9813, (901) 830-6351 Laura Walker, 1584 Hillshire N, Hernando, MS 38632-9017, (901) 493-4796

HORN LAKE Calvary, 5145 Highway 51 N, MS 38637-4105, (662) 393-3239 Gregory Cook, 5145 Highway 51 N, Horn Lake, MS 38637-4105, (901) 831-7812 Church Clerk, 5145 Highway 51 N, Horn Lake, MS 38637-4105, (662) 393-3239

HURLEY Inspire, PO Box 188, MS 39555-0188, (228) 588-6489 Wade Ivey, PO Box 188, Hurley, MS 39555-0188 Margaret Everett, 19032 Goff Farm Rd, Moss Point, MS 39562-8914, (228) 588-6090

343 INDIANOLA All Nations, 103 French Rd, MS 38751-9667 Donnie Logan, 205 Gillespie Dr, Indianola, MS 38751-2212, (662) 207-1448

ISOLA Liberty, PO Box 675, MS 39038-0675 Jimmy Cresswell, 5999 Scotland Rd, Bentonia, MS 39049-9353, (662) 673-9168 Connie Paxton, 211 Waco Rd, Inverness, MS 38753-9532, (662) 265-5950

IUKA Mount Glory, 303 County Road 144, MS 38873-9717, (662) 423-1451 Neil Edmondson, 275 County Road 992, Iuka, MS 38852-8109 Monica Moss, 303 County Road 144, Tishomingo, MS 38873-9717, (662) 660-2224

Sardis, 18 County Road 435, MS 38852-7247, (662) 427-9254 Tony Lambert, 17 County Road 90, Dennis, MS 38838-9509, (662) 660-4862 Kathleen Kiddy, 18 County Road 4351, Iuka, MS 38852-7247, (662) 427-9254

JACKSON Westhaven, 1613 Westhaven Blvd, MS 39209-5817, (601) 922-2171 Junior Strickland, 1456 Westhaven Blvd, Jackson, MS 39209-5817, (601) 624-4208 Tracy Strickland, 1456 Westhaven Blvd, Jackson, MS 39209-5817, (601) 624-4099

KILN Wolf Creek, 29280 Deschamp Rd, Pass Christian, MS 39571-9953, (228) 255-6633 C/O E. J. Martin, 29280 Deschamp Rd, Pass Christian, MS 39571-9953, (228) 255-9437 E. J. Martin, 29280 Deschamp Rd, Pass Christian, MS 39571-9953, (228) 255-9437

KOSCIUSKO Shiloh, 7136 Attala Rd 2247, MS 39067-5974, (662) 289-7521 C/O Beth Burkes, 7136 Attala Rd 2247, Ethel, MS 39067-5974, (662) 289-7634 Beth Burkes, 7136 Attala Rd 2247, Ethel, MS 39067-5974, (662) 289-7634

LAUREL El Camino, 4113 Highway 15 N, MS 39440-1029, (601) 425-5980 Estuardo Marroquin, 4113 Highway 15 N, Laurel, MS 39440-1029, (601) 433-0085 Church Clerk, 4113 Highway 15 N, Laurel, MS 39440-1029

Fairview, 58 Poole Creek Ballfield Rd, MS 39440-6222 Andy Miller, PO Box 152, Ellisville, MS 39437-0152, (601) 670-6082 Eleanor Burge, 502a White Chapel Rd, Carriere, MS 39426-9295, (601) 799-9998

Fifth Avenue, 2917 N 5th Ave, MS 39440-1709, (601) 428-1577 Xavier Joshua, 2917 N 5th Ave, Laurel, MS 39440-1709, (601) 470-1251 Zina Joshua, 2917 N 5th Ave, Laurel, MS 39440-1709, (601) 342-2518

First Of Calhoun, 14 Calhoun Cemetery Rd, MS 39440-7841 Leon Carmical, 70 Jarrod Rd, Ellisville, MS 39437-8208, (601) 268-9406 Cherrie Dearman, 178 Dogwood Hills Rd, Laurel, MS 39443-2966, (601) 651-6020

First Of Shady Grove, 4514 Highway 15 N, MS 39443-7428, (601) 426-6098 C/O David Parker, 316 Watermill Rd, Laurel, MS 39443-9431, (601) 426-3976 David Parker, 316 Watermill Rd, Laurel, MS 39443-9431, (601) 426-3976

Hopewell, 95 Jasper Highway 533, MS 39443-8849, (601) 729-3637 Kenneth Flynt, Interim, 807 Soso-Big Creek Rd, Soso, MS 39480-5098, (601) 729-2613 Judy Welch, 128 Pleasant Home Rd, Laurel, MS 39443-8938, (601) 729-3637

Lebanon, 460 Lebanon Rd, MS 39443-4938, (601) 729-2436

344 Ken Riley, 454 Lebanon Rd, Laurel, MS 39443-4938, (601) 729-2123 Janice Bryant, 99 Iris Lane, Laurel, MS 39443-8560, (601) 729-2530

Parkview, 930 N 10th Ave, MS 39440-3338, (601) 428-7354 Shane Singleton, 920 N 10th Ave, Laurel, MS 39440-3338, (601) 319-0344 Judy Eavenson, 31 Calhoun Estates Rd, Laurel, MS 39443-7834, (601) 428-1014

Pine Ridge, 15 Stephanie Dr, MS 39443-5761 Brandon Wilson, 3130 Old Amy Rd, Laurel, MS 39443-9078, (601) 580-1304 Michelle Blackwell, 15 Stephanie Dr, Laurel, MS 39443-7822, (601) 319-8466

Sharon Missionary, 4346 Sharon Rd, MS 39443-8637 Joe Watson, 4346 Sharon Rd, Laurel, MS 39443-8637, (601) 649-5488 Nancy Dearman, 61 Melvin Welborn Rd, Laurel, MS 39443-8023, (601) 649-0377

Springhill, 558 Springhill Rd, MS 39443-9017, (601) 729-8019 Chris Freeman, 558 Springhill Rd, Laurel, MS 39443-9017, (601) 729-8019 Glenda Goodwin, 455 Service Rd, Laurel, MS 39443-5758, (601) 729-2408

Temple, 12 Hillcrest Dr, MS 39440-3714 Cliff Jenkins, 18 Hillcrest Dr, Laurel, MS 39440-3714, (601) 498-2748 Patsy Ruffin, 421 Fairway Pl, Laurel, MS 39440-3746, (601) 344-8229

LEAKESVILLE Calvary, PO Box 727, MS 39451-0727, (601) 394-4516 Greg Hillman, 126 Cow Lot Rd, Leakesville, MS 39451-5352, (601) 525-3847 Stacey Pipkins, 3502 Jenkins Rd, Neely, MS 39461-2691, (601) 525-6482

Leakesville Missionary, PO Box 1273, MS 39451-1273, (601) 394-5610 C/O Gail Hamilton, PO Box 1122, Leakesville, MS 39451-1122, (601) 394-2851 Gail Hamilton, PO Box 1122, Leakesville, MS 39451-1122, (601) 394-2851

Pilgrim Rest, 125 Pilgrims Rest Rd, MS 39451-2718, (601) 947-2304 Darnell Minyard, 131 Gay Pierce Rd, Lucedale, MS 39452-5617, (601) 947-2304 Vickie Everett, 125 Pilgrims Rest Rd, Leakesville, MS 39451-2718

LONG BEACH Central, PO Box 687, MS 39560-0687, (228) 863-0360 Jeff Arrington, PO Box 687, Long Beach, MS 39560-0687, (228) 575-8334 Angela Arrington, PO Box 687, Long Beach, MS 39560-0687

Divine Grace, PO Box 1392, MS 39560-1392, (228) 669-8969 Wallace Williams, 12421 Oakview Ct, Gulf Port, MS 39503-7687, (228) 669-8969 Debbie Mauffray, 10137 Lake Breeze Lane, Pass Christian, MS 39571-9040, (228) 861-0741

LOUIN First, 52 County Road 15390, MS 39338-4613, (601) 739-3116 Tim Shelby, 2233 SCR 80 E, Taylorsville, MS 39168-5215, (601) 764-2560 Tyrone Butler, PO Box 35, Bay Springs, MS 39422-0035, (601) 739-3255

Palestine, 1430 32nd St, MS 39440-1415 C/O Anna R. Roberts, 5367 Highway 15, Louin, MS 39338-4226, (601) 739-3407 Anna R Roberts, 5367 Highway 15, Louin, MS 39338-4226, (601) 739-3407

LOUISE Bethel, PO Box 43, MS 39097-0043, (662) 836-6450 Jim Ingram, 33 Strause Lane, Mt Olive, MS 39119-5309, (601) 797-9933 Renee Pruden, 929 Pruden Rd, Louise MS 39097-3200, (662) 836-6450

345 LUCEDALE Calvary, 292 Old Highway 26, MS 39452-4373, (601) 788-7800 Kelly Byrd, 450 Camp Eight Rd, Richton, MS 39476-9414, (601) 788-7800 Colleen Murray, 45200 E Wilkerson Ferry, Lucedale, MS 39452-4366, (601) 310-2298

Canaan, 139 Henry Howell Loop, MS 39452-4560, (601) 947-8858 John Loftin, 139 Henry Howell Loop, Lucedale, MS 39452-4560, (318) 573-5628 Judy Havard, 108 Gavin Havard Rd, Lucedale, MS 39452-3780, (601) 947-4573

Corinth, 231 Fig Farm Rd, MS 39452-3741, (601) 947-7595 Jeff Bass, 231 Fig Farm Rd, Lucedale, MS 39452-3741, (601) 947-7595 Jackie Pierce, 139 Gay Pierce Rd, Lucedale, MS 39452-5617, (601) 947-2589

Movella, 175 Movella Church Rd, MS 39452-9736 Donald Brown, 175 Movella Church Rd, Lucedale, MS 39452-9736, (601) 947-2396 Robin Cochran, 3206 Dean Nursery Rd, Lucedale, MS 39452-9740, (601) 947-7485

Oak Grove, 14170 Highway 98 E, MS 39452-7883, (601) 947-7109 John Grimes, 14170 Highway 98 E, Lucedale, MS 39452-7883, (601) 171-3743 Joanie Evans, 175 Davis Wade Rd, Lucedale, MS 39452-7862, (601) 947-8636

Pineview, 120 Bennie Wall Rd, MS 39452-6279, (601) 766-1428 John Mills, 120 Bennie Wall Rd, Lucedale, MS 39452-6279, (601) 766-1428 Church Clerk, 120 Bennie Wall Rd, Lucedale, MS 39452-6279

Red Creek, 200 Red Creek Church Rd, MS 39452-7526, (601) 947-7737 Charles McClure, 2230 Highway 612, Lucedale, MS 39452-4149, (601) 947-2200 Amy McClure, 117 Mcmahan Dr, Lucedale, MS 39452-9721, (601) 947-9914

Rhymes, 1056 Lamar St, MS 39452-6732 Colin Powell, 1056 Lamar St, Lucedale, MS 39452-6732 Bill Cooley, 113 Lee Anderson Rd, Lucedale, MS 39452-8400, (601) 947-1689

Sand Hill, 4195 Highway 63 N, MS 39452-5165, (601) 947-2422 Bryan Williamson, 4181 Highway 63 N, Lucedale, MS 39452-5165, (601) 528-0642 Mary Mallette, 2164 Cooks Corner Rd, Lucedale, MS 39452-3437, (601) 947-8639

Temple, 88 Summer St, MS 39452-5952, (601) 947-2928 B. J. Hudson, 50 Summer St Cb 13, Lucedale, MS 39452-5952, (601) 770-4550 Louise Helton, 2119 Hopper Rd Lot 27, Lucedale, MS 39452-8512

LUMBERTON East Main, 307 E Main Ave, MS 39455-2609 C/O Priscilla McGill, 146 DuboSE Rd, Lumberton, MS 39455-8722, (601) 794-7885 Priscilla McGill, 146 DuboSE Rd, Lumberton, MS 39455-8722, (601) 794-7885

Hickory Grove, PO Box 261, MS 39455-0261 Tommy Jones, 39 Hickory Grove Church Rd, Lumberton, MS 39455-5563 Patricia Nall, 16 Jerry Nall Rd, Lumberton, MS 39455-5512, (601) 723-0519

MANTACHIE Centerville, 8751 Highway 363, MS 38855-8353, (662) 282-4921 Greg Jones, 8751 Highway 363, Mantachie, MS 38855-8353, (662) 282-4921 Linda Curtiss, 970 Centerville Rd, Mantachie, MS 38855-8259, (662) 282-4486

First, PO Box 159, MS 38855-0159, (662) 282-7425 John M. Adams, PO Box 277, Mantachie, MS 38855-0277, (662) 282-4923 Wanda K. Grimes, 405 Bud Isaiah Rd, Mantachie, MS 38855-9557, (662) 282-4308

346 New Hope, 591 New Hope Church Rd, MS 38855-7450 Cody Tucker, 591 New Hope Church Rd, Mantachie, MS 38855-7450, (662) 660-3577 Casey J. Clayton, 2570 River Rd, Mantachie, MS 38855-9533, (662) 397-7010

Oak Grove, PO Box 276, MS 38855-0276, (662) 282-4364 Josh Awtrey, 797 Oak Grove Rd, Mantachie, MS 38855-8420, (662) 601-5908 Juanita Farrar, 350 Centerville Rd, Mantachie, MS 38855-8253, (662) 282-4364

Tombigbee, 335 Tombigbee Church Rd, MS 38855-7923, (662) 282-5176 Mike Reeves, 335 Tombigbee Church Rd, Mantachie, MS 38855-7923, (662) 282-5176 James T. Jones, 6900 Highway 363, Mantachie, MS 38855-8308, (662) 282-4608

MC HENRY Unity, 236 Highway 49, MS 39561-6162, (601) 528-5985 Neil Tapp, 24252 Orchard Park, Gulfport, MS 39503-9467, (228) 861-4536 Debra Dedeaux, 21094 28th St, Long Beach, MS 39560-9072, (228) 669-1116

MC LAIN Buffalo, 2219 Old Highway 24, MS 39456-2532, (601) 525-3828 A. W. Kirkland, 95 Mike Breland Rd, Perkinston, MS 39573-4984, (601) 928-5284 Regina Breland, 2219 Old Highway 24, Mc Lain, MS 39456-2532, (601) 525-3770

Midway, 30 Shorty O’Neal Rd, MS 39451-5068, (601) 753-9229 John Burge, 30 Shorty O’Neal Rd, Leakesville, MS 39451-5068, (601) 788-2361 Diane Helton, 30 Shorty O’Neal Dr, Leakesville, MS 39451-5068, (601) 947-4412

MERIDIAN Broadmoor, 5426 Highway 39 N, MS 39305-2105, (601) 482-2229 Chris Floyd, 5312 Highway 39 N, Meridian, MS 39305-2103, (601) 483-4149 Stephanie Holifield, 9034 Ross Dr, Collinsville, MS 39325-9171, (601) 626-0068

MONTICELLO Southgate, 705 W McPherson Dr, MS 39654-3705, (601) 587-4802 James McKneely, 27 Lee Hedgepeth Rd, Monticello, MS 39654-9049, (601) 587-8054 Debbie McKneely, 27 Lee Hedgepeth Rd, Monticello, MS 39654-9049,

MOOREVILLE Koinonia, 494 County Road 1310, MS 38857-7222 C/O Carol Morris, 494 County Road 1310, Mooreville, MS 38857-7222, (662) 401-7491 Carol Morris, 494 County Road 1310, Mooreville, MS 38857-7222

MOUNT OLIVE Shiloh, 175 Keys And Clark Rd, MS 39119-4731, (601) 797-4597 Bryson Haden, 795 Highway 532, Mount Olive, MS 39119-4672, (601) 797-4597 Wanda Clark, 175 Keys and Clark Rd, Mount Olive, MS 39119-4731, (601) 797-4384

NATCHEZ Trace City, PO Box 814, MS 39121-0814, (601) 422-0198 Jacob Howington, PO Box 814, Natchez, MS 39121-0232, (601) 525-3769 Ruby Roberts, 1962 Poole Rd, Vidalia, LA, 71373-5713, (318) 335-5351

NEELY Washington, PO Box 232, MS 39461-0232, (601) 525-3769 Frank Panzrino, PO Box 232, Neely, MS 39461-0232, (601) 525-3769 Joy Hillman, 585 Old Denco Rd, Neely, MS 39461-2622, (601) 525-3729

OCEAN SPRINGS First Of Windsor Park, PO Box 826, MS 39566-0826, (228) 875-6870 Eddie Lambert, 6108 N Washington Ave, Ocean Springs, MS 39564-2651, (228) 382-2658

347 Betty Jean Hilton, 6628 Columbus Cir, Ocean Springs, MS 39564-2311, (228) 875-6062

Springhill, 4500 Gibson Rd, MS 39564-6027 Duane Ledlow, 17401 Indian Lane, Vancleve, MS 39565-6561, (228) 217-7607 Kelly Hutchersen, 17403 Indian Lane, Vancleave, MS 39565-6561, (228) 217-0355

OLIVE BRANCH Harvest Mission, PO Box 863, MS 38654-0863, (901) 233-1851 James Cook, Jr., PO Box 863, Olive Branch, MS 38654-0863, (901) 233-1851

New Beginnings, 6125 Pleasant Hill Rd, MS 38654-9506, (662) 895-0822 Allan Lunyou, 4845 Cherry Tree Rd, Olive Branch, MS 38654-7273, (901) 336-5293 Wanda Tuck, 794 Autumn Woods Cv, Southaven, MS 38671-5471

OVETT Bible, 725 Will Young Rd, MS 39464-9712, (601) 649-7659 Edward Williams, 138 County Road 237, Laurel, MS 39443-8616, (601) 433-1060 Bonnie J. Wilson, 725 Will Young Rd, Ovett, MS 39464-9712, (601) 344-7120

Good Hope, 2304 Highway 15 S, MS 39464-3725, (601) 422-0713 Ricky Mitchell, 1388 Moselle Seminary Rd, Seminary, MS 39479-4045, (601) 752-2099 Raymond Landrum, 2133 Highway 15 S, Ovett, MS 39464-3741, (601) 319-6544

Tiger Creek, 694 Tiger Creek Rd, MS 39476-7430, (601) 344-7331 Wilkie Parker, 694 Tiger Creek Rd, Richton, MS 39476-7430, (601) 344-3535 Earlene Scarbrough, 87 Stroud Rd, Laurel, MS 39443-6126, (601) 649-2934

OXFORD Way, Truth, Life Mission - Oxford, 144 Bails Rd, MS 38663-1264, (662) 587-2148 Erlin Pech, 144 Bails Rd, Ripley, MS 38663-1264, (662) 587-2148

Westview, 435 Highway 6 W, MS 38655-9068, (662) 236-1971 Tommy Shroads, Interim, 435 Highway 6 W, MS 38655-9068 Dorothy Shroads, 2691 Eureka Rd, Batesville, MS 38606-8383, (662) 563-4810

PASCAGOULA Spencer Memorial, 3607 Lanier Ave, MS 39581-3724 Terry Ray Lee, 23013 Road 262, PicayuNE, MS 39466-9523, (601) 916-4415 Lynne Jones, PO Box 1795, Lucedale, MS 39452-1795, (601) 508-6714

Woodlawn, 2919 Old Mobile Ave, MS 39581-3640, (228) 762-8536 Danny K. Cresswell, PO Box 1908, Fairhope, AL 36533-1908, (251) 533-3102 Wanda Davis, 2308 11th St, Pascagoula, MS 39567-5820

PEARL Skyway Hills, 3790 Highway 80 E, MS 39208-4257, (601) 939-5373 Steven Clark, 420 Walnut Grove Dr, Pearl, MS 39208-9303, (601) 498-1827 Emily Phillips, 120 Trojan Dr, Pearl, MS 39208-3721, (601) 940-3383

PERKINSTON Biloxi Creek, PO Box 375, MS 39573-0375 C/O James Lizana, 27639 Highway 53, Saucier, MS 39574-8906, (228) 831-2567 James Lizana, 27639 Highway 53, Saucier, MS 39574-8906, (228) 831-2567

Little Creek, 43 Walker Rd, MS 39573-3305 C/O Johnetta Bond, 320 Cable Bridge Rd, Perkinston, MS 39573-3340, (601) 528-5943 Johnetta Bond, 320 Cable Bridge Rd, Perkinston, MS 39573-3340, (601) 528-5943

Paramount, 63 Paramount Church Dr, MS 39573-3522, (601) 928-7170

348 Dennis H. Knight, 2978 Highway 15, Wiggins, MS 39577-9429, (601) 928-3764 Gavin Cochran, 860 Benndale Rd, Wiggins, MS 39577-9306, (601) 598-2234

Shiloh, 28391 Highway 603, MS 39573-3723 Josh Daniels, 29145 Highway 603, Perkinston, MS 39573-3899, (228) 216-3064 Carol Ladner, 4307 Road 386, KiLane, MS 39556-6186, (228) 255-1134

Ten Mile, 366 J B Brown Rd, MS 39573-5833, (601) 928-2230 Stan Bennett, 65 Ten Mile Church Rd, Perkinston, MS 39573-4963, (601) 928-2230 Louise Breland, 366 J B Brown Rd, Perkinston, MS 39573-5833, (601) 528-0187

PETAL Parkway, PO Box 183, MS 39465-0183 Tray Lamkin, 1524 Highway 42 E, Petal, MS 39465-9504, (601) 545-6499 Becky Holcomb, 207 Albert St, Petal, MS 39465-3007, (601) 596-4971

PICAYUNE Antioch, 2000 E Canal St, MS 39466-4809, (601) 798-2320 Robert Osbourn, 2000 E Canal St, Picayune, MS 39466-4809, (601) 799-3938 Clara Howard, 102 Teague St, Picayune, MS 39466-3800, (601) 798-3365

Benville, 22391 Mitchell Rd, MS 39466-9594 Willie A. Tebo, 12471 Old Kiln Rd, Picayune, MS 39466-9387, (601) 916-3574 Michelle Tebo, 12471 Old Kiln Rd, Picayune, MS 39466-9387

Catahoula, 22140 Highway 43, MS 39466-9699, (228) 469-0352 Donnie Smith, 22140 Highway 43, Picayune, MS 39466-9699 Gala Necaise, 22140 Highway 43, Picayune, MS 39466-9699, (228) 255-1784

Lee’s Chapel #2, 27015 Leetown Rd, MS 39466-8566 Jarrad Lee, 16 R T Lee Rd, Carriere, MS 39426-7347, (228) 547-6159 Ann Hester, 158 Hester Loop, Perkinston, MS 39573-5969

Mill Creek, 11 Old Kiln Rd, MS 39466-5559, (601) 337-4501 Arthur H. Lee, 5 Old Kiln Rd, Picayune, MS 39466-5559, (601) 799-4501 Marcele Cutrer, 11 Old Kiln Rd, Picayune, MS 39466-5559, (601) 798-1783

Mount Calvary, 310 Mitchell St, MS 39466-4542, (601) 798-4897 C/O Judy Henderson, 158 Grover Barrett Rd, Picayune, MS 39466-7554, (601) 798-1126 Judy Henderson, 158 Grover Barrett Rd, Picayune, MS 39466-7554, (601) 798-1126

Westlawn, 2703 Jackson Landing Rd, MS 39466-8054, (601) 798-2320 James Reeves, 11192 Willie Lee Rd, Picayune, MS 39466-8572, (601) 798-9334 Jean Dunn, 225 Grover Barrett Rd, Picayune, MS 39466-7594, (601) 798-8537

POPLARVILLE College Heights, PO Box 389, MS 39470-0389, (601) 795-8766 Walter Pierce, Sr., 476 Restertown Rd, Poplarville, MS 39470-3420, (601) 795-0261 Church Clerk, PO Box 389, Poplarville, MS 39470-0389, (301) 795-2932

Community, 2498 Silver Run Rd, MS 39470-3491 Sam Freeman, 2498 Silver Run Rd, Poplarville, MS 39470-3491, (601) 795-3990 Gail Ladner, 550 Connie Hariel Rd, Perkinston, MS 39573-4317, (228) 697-4381

Derby Place, 9675 Highway 11, MS 39470-4012 Nick Freeman, 13 Jerry Lott Rd, Sumrall, MS 39482-3621, (601) 394-7202 Barbara A Smith, 103 Homestead Lane, Poplarville, MS 39470-4222, (601) 795-8885

Plainview, 2506 Silver Run Rd, MS 39470-3660, (601) 795-8291

349 Tom Foster, Sr., 2498 Silver Run Rd, Poplarville, MS 39470-3491 Wendall Smith, 204 Jess Williams Rd, Poplarville, MS 39470-3513, (601) 528-2426

PURVIS Calvary, PO Box 393, MS 39475-0393, (601) 794-8898 David Parker, 324 Carroll Rd, Lumberton, MS 39455-9292, (601) 810-3783 Lainey Lott, 89 Boggy Hollow Rd, Purvis, MS 39475-4333, (601) 325-7047

Canaan, PO Box 874, MS 39478-0874 Mickey Steele, 581 Lookout Tower Rd, Purvis, MS 39475-4299, (601) 436-0664 Gloria Steele, 20 Lookout Tower Rd, Purvis, MS 39475-5310, (601) 794-6060

Pine Grove, 40 Johnson Lane, MS 39475-4167, (601) 270-3261 Charles Lee, 77 Morrow Rd, Purvis, MS 39475-4222, (601) 596-3416 Mayme Johnson, 40 Johnson Lane, Purvis, MS 39475-4167, (601) 270-3261

RICHTON Canaan, 672 Lovewell Rd, MS 39476-7900, (601) 394-8723 Jason Howard, 13623 Brushy Creek Rd, Lucedale, MS 39452-2735, (601) 394-8723 Vanessa Freeman, 672 Lovewell Rd, Richton, MS 39476-7900, (601) 525-6174

Central, PO Box 791, MS 39476-0791 I. L. Stinson, 91529 Highway 42 E, Richton, MS 39476-9707, (601) 788-4643 Evelyn Stinson, 91529 Highway 42 E, Richton, MS 39476-9707, (601) 788-7114

Dykes Chapel, PO Box 631, MS 39476-0631 J. R. Hartfield, 507 Max White Rd, Purvis, MS 39475-5339, (601) 794-7031 Linda Dykes, PO Box 215, Richton, MS 39476-0215, (601) 788-4055

Mulberry, 40 Willie Mae Pitts Rd, MS 39476-9454, (601) 735-6489 Phillip Reynolds, 20936 Mennonite Rd, Gulfport, MS 39503-9206, (601) 716-4300 Jamie Stevison, 40 Willie Mae Pitts Rd, Richton, MS 39476-9454, (601) 671-8790

Zion’s Rest, 1378 Freeman Town Rd, MS 39476-2697 C/O Jimmie Freeman, 1596 Freeman Town Rd, Richton, MS 39476-2714 Jimmie Freeman, 1596 Freeman Town Rd, Richton, MS 39476-2714

RIPLEY Way, Truth & Life - Ripley, 144 Bails Rd, MS 38663-1264 Elvis Garcia, 144 Bails Rd, Ripley, MS 38663-0847, (662) 587-2148 Wendy Garcia, 144 Bails Rd, Ripley, MS 38663-1264, (662) 587-2148

ROXIE New Hope, 53 Smith Ln NW, MS 39653-7508, (601) 870-4046 Richard C. Arceneaux, 53 Smith Ln NW, Meadville, MS 39653-7508, (601) 384-5703 Helen Foster, 8 Nations Rd, Roxie, MS 39661-7707, (601) 807-7574

RUNNELSTOWN Corinth, 276 Corinth Church Rd, MS 39465-8605 John Miller, 429 Leeville Rd, Petal, MS 39465-9321, (601) 545-7179 J. H. Brown, 276 Corinth Church Rd, Petal, MS 39465-8605, (601) 583-2119

SALTILLO Fellowship, PO Box 449, MS 38866-0449 C/O David deVaughn, 1100 Pine Lake Dr, Corinth, MS 38834-9100, (662) 415-7172 David deVaughn, 1100 Pine Lake Dr, Corinth, MS 38834-9100, (662) 415-7172

SAUCIER Grace, 196 Hester Loop, MS 39573-5969, (601) 528-1344

350 Keith Owen, 6386 Beatline Rd, Long Beach, MS 39560-2107, (228) 861-1866 Margie Hester, 196 Hester Loop, Perkinston, MS 39573-5969, (601) 528-1344

Pleasant Hill, 23146 Highway 49 Frontage Rd, MS 39574-9126, (228) 832-0108 Jerry Anderson, 23146 Highway 49 Frontage Rd, Saucier, MS 39574-9126, (601) 928-8993 Geraldine Necaise, 13254 Cleveland Ladner Rd, Pass Christian, MS 39571-9540, (228) 223-1166

Ramsey Creek, 4547 Bethel Rd, MS 39574-9047 Kirk Ladner, 191 Cable Bridge Rd, Perkinston, MS 39573-3353, (601) 528-9586 Dorthy Williamson, 14373 T Bird Rd, Biloxi, MS 39532-9092, (228) 392-3868

SEMINARY Bethel, 322 Zelton Ingram Rd, MS 39479-8918, (601) 752-3507 Kevin Sanford, 951 Old Highway 24, Sumrall, MS 39482-3829, (601) 408-1519 Debbie Smith, 37 Peach Tree Lane, Seminary, MS 39479-9045, (601) 752-3507

Evergreen, 77 Evergreen Church Rd, MS 39479-8712, (601) 722-3796 Chad Cummings, 220 Service Rd, Laurel, MS 39443-5761, (601) 580-7037 Cherie Humphrey, 37 Ray Harvey Rd, Seminary, MS 39479-8723, (601) 722-4546

SOSO Antioch, 2054 Highway 28 W, MS 39168-4312, (601) 764-2285 Robert White, 127 County Road 1515, Bay Springs, MS 39422-9446, (601) 764-2285 Gary Ward, 348 McVey Rd, Soso, MS 39480-5572, (601) 729-4595

Berean, PO Box 238, MS 39481-0238, (601) 729-4363 Wayne Rice, Interim, 1306 Laurelwood Cir. Apt 13F, Laurel, MS 39440-1869, (601) 916-9020 Kristen Welborn, 17 Josh Hinton Rd, Soso, MS 39480-5501, (601) 319-9766

Big Creek, 28 Big Creek Church Rd, MS 39480-5065, (601) 763-8100 Justin Rhodes, 103 Hannah Dr, Clinton, MS 39056-5106, (601) 218-3364 Ronald Faircloth, 103 Tressies Lane, Laurel, MS 39443-4951, (601) 670-1501

SOUTHAVEN Central Mission, PO Box 344, MS 38671-0344, (901) 343-3293 Anders Lee, PO Box 344, Southaven, MS 38671-0344, (901) 343-3293

STEENS Shiloh, 1131 Woodlawn Rd, MS 39766-9514 C/O David D. Lawrence, 1621 Hildreth Rd, Columbus, MS 39702-8619, (662) 328-4645 David D. Lawrence, 1621 Hildreth Rd, Columbus, MS 39702-8619, (662) 328-4645

STRINGER Good Hope, 1067 County Road 19, MS 39481-4434, (601) 428-0921 Corbey Jones, 1067 County Road 19, Stringer, MS 39481-4434, (601) 428-0921 Barbara McCarty, 61 County Road 155, Stringer, MS 39481-4224, (601) 425-5384

SUMRALL Day Star Mission, 652 N Slade Rd, MS 39482-3572, (601) 670-6191 Phillip Burns, 652 N Slade Rd, Sumrall, MS 39482-3572, (601) 670-6191

Midway First, 77 Midway Church Rd, MS 39482-3841, (601) 264-6647 Blake McCain, 77 Midway Church Rd, Sumrall, MS 39482-3841 Elizabeth Lott, 77 Midway Church Rd, Sumrall, MS 39482-3841, (601) 264-6647

Rocky Branch, 2401 Rocky Branch Rd, MS 39482-9123 Robert Arinder, 414 Farve Rd, Sumrall, MS 39482-3552, (601) 517-1551 Leah D Moore, 312 Porter Hudson Rd, Sumrall, MS 39482-4229, (601) 758-4930

351 TAYLORSVILLE Calvary, 3717 SCR 70, MS 39168-4707, (601) 335-1663 John L. Riles, 1500 Highway 29 N, Ellisville, MS 39437-5126, (601) 763-7776 Judy Eubanks, 3717 SCR 70, Taylorsville, MS 39168-4707, (601) 785-4221

Mineral Springs, 1611 SCR 19, MS 39168-4832, (601) 782-4616 Adam Wade, 1611 SCR 19, Taylorsville, MS 39168-4832, (601) 782-4966 Catherine Ivey, 1231 SCR 19, Taylorsville, MS 39168-4832, (601) 782-9437

TISHOMINGO Shady Grove, 481 Highway 365, MS 38873-9341, (256) 460-9241 Mike Smith, 2311 Highway 40, Phil Campbell, AL, 35581-5132, (256) 460-9241 Anna Sparks, 481 Highway 365, Tishomingo, MS 38873-9341, (662) 660-3357

TUPELO Ballardsville, 260 Road 1589, MS 38804-8345, (662) 862-7486 Jimmy Daugherty, 140 Ballardsville Church Rd, Tupelo, MS 38804-7320, Sue Walton, 245 Walton Rd SW, Fulton, MS 38804-7325, (662) 862-9482

Emmanuel, 955 Scott St, MS 38801-5922 George Rodgers, Sr., 1806 Briar Ridge Rd, Tupelo, MS 38804-5902 Amanda Sanderford, 880 Road 1409, Mooreville, MS 38857-7320, (662) 255-7763

Pleasant Hill, 1169 State Park Rd, MS 38804-8339 Wexford Parmer, 467 Feemster Lake Rd, Tupelo, MS 38804-5219, (662) 840-9555 Bobby Norris, 316 County Rd. 931, Satillo, MS 38866-7218, (662) 255-7763

South Green, 3185 S Green St, MS 38801-6454, (662) 842-8447 Guyton Hinds, 205 Ratliff Rd, Mantachie, MS 38855-8419, (662) 871-0627 Marcelle Bethany, 2721 Lawndate Dr Tupelo, MS 38801-6722, (662) 680-3160

Way, Truth & Life Mission - Tupelo, 144 Bails Rd, MS 38663-1264, (662) 587-2148 Humberto Regalado, 144 Bails Rd, Ripley, MS 38663-1264, (662) 587-2148

UNION Mount Olive, 1935 Eshee Rd, MS 39337-9527, (601) 656-3417 William E. ‘Bill’ Raines, 1935 Eshee Rd, Little Rock, MS 39337-9527, (601) 774-7405 Sue Edwards, 12931 County Road 298, Collinsville, MS 39325-9637, (601) 678-3811

Rock Creek, 523 Rock Creek Rd, MS 39365-9105, (601) 663-6160 Robert Wayne Stockstill, Interim, 10381 Rd 240, Union, MS 39365-9588, (601) 416-7118 Hollie Smith, 523 Rock Creek Rd, Union, MS 39365-9105, (601) 663-6160

VICKSBURG Oakland, 2959 Oak Ridge Rd, MS 39183-7929, (601) 638-6724 Dwight Sibley, 4669 Redwood Rd, Vicksburg, MS 39183-7936, (601) 218-5190 Melda McBroom, 4630 Smith Station Rd, Edwards, MS 39066-9604, (601) 994-3137

Wilderness, 5415-C Gibson Rd, MS 39180-6315, (601) 636-3525 Robert Conrad, 130 Hoxie Rd, Vicksburg, MS 39180-6339, (601) 415-8124 Nita Brown, 5415-C Gibson Rd, Vicksburg, MS 39180-6315, (601) 636-3525

WEST POINT Lone Oak, 1261 Lone Oak Rd, MS 39773-8932, (662) 494-1125 Fulton Lindsey, 1261 Lone Oak Rd, West Point, MS 39773-8932, (662) 494-1125 Carolyn Trull, 2081 Lone Oak Rd, West Point, MS 39773-8931, (662) 494-4533

WIGGINS Bethel, PO Box 1001, MS 39577-1001, (601) 928-7280

352 Freddie Wegner, 50 Carl O’Neal Rd, Perkinson, MS 39573-5072, (601) 928-9680 Kathy Stringer, 68 Stringer Rd, Wiggins, MS 39577-8749, (601) 582-2962

Red Creek, 630 Smithtown Rd, MS 39577-9642, (601) 928-5260 Scotty Rayburn, 1642 Highway 26, Wiggins, MS 39577-9215, (601) 928-9886 Pam Davis, 569 County Farm Rd, Lumberton, MS 39455-5614, (601) 796-2574

Vardaman Street, PO Box 1, MS 39577-0001, (601) 928-3943 Eugene Anderson, 38 Anderson Rd, Perkinston, MS 39573-4951, (601) 528-1779 Louise Crawley, 32 Bobby Hunt Rd, Wiggins, MS 39577-8205

YAZOO CITY Good Hope, 1530 Gaywood Ave, MS 39194-2209, (662) 746-5654 C/O Patricia Cranston, 4825 Lake City Rd, YAZoo City, MS 39194-9463, (662) 746-5364 Patricia Cranston, 4825 Lake City Rd, YAZoo City, MS 39194-9463, (662) 746-5364

Hillcrest, 353 Bus Station Rd, MS 39194-8298, (662) 746-3030 Jeffrey Dixon, 2030 E Sunset Dr, Yazoo City, MS 39194-2527, (662) 998-0546 Barbara Grey, 4765 Judkins Rd, Yazoo City, MS 39194-5320, (662) 571-2035

MISSOURI ALTON Oak Hill, RR 3 Box 3270, MO 65606-9505, (417) 778-1725 Edward L. Casey, RR 1 Box 1444, Alton, MO 65606-9730, (417) 778-6615 Glenda Cooley, RR 3 Box 3270, Alton, MO 65606-9505, (417) 778-6178

Pennwood, RR 3 Box 3428, MO 65606-9535 Donnie Finley, RR 3 Box 3428, Alton, MO 65606-9535, (417) 778-2004 Patty Finley, RR 3 Box 3428, Alton, MO 65606-9535, (417) 778-2004

ARNOLD Parkview, 1004 Hoffman St, MO 63653-1206, (573) 562-2040 John Earl Brown, 1004 Hoffman St, Leadwood, MO 63653-1206, (573) 562-2040 Joann Brown, 1004 Hoffman St, Leadwood, MO 63653-1206, (573) 701-5258

BELGRADE Temple, PO Box 18, MO 63622-0018, (573) 766-5467 Thomas McCanless, 12709 St Highway C, Belgrade, MO 63622-9241, (573) 766-5219 Roberta Pierce, 11724 St Highway Bb, Caledonia, MO 63631-9449, (573) 766-5373

BISMARCK Charity Landmark, 4170 Frye Rd, MO 63640-3549 Lee Miller, 226 Valley Dr, Farmington, MO 63640-1061, (573) 701-6223 Tammy Lenox, 745 Vineyard Lake Rd, Bismarck, MO 63624-9678, (573) 366-3258

BOURBON First, PO Box 386, MO 65441-0386, (573) 732-5420, Roy Fikac, 401 Walnut St, Bourbon, MO 65441-6222, (512) 426-7027 Laurie Tucker, PO Box 386, Bourbon, MO 65441-0386, (573) 732-5420

BUNKER Ohlman, 10186 Highway 72, MO 63629-8135, (573) 689-2707 Terry Sharpe, 10186 Highway 72, Bunker, MO 63629-8135, (573) 689-2707 Sheryl Wisdom, 213 County Road 738, Bunker, MO 63629-8183, (573) 689-2750

CALEDONIA Pleasant Grove, 10069 Seabourne St, MO 63622-9231, (573) 766-8424 C/O Patricia Johnson, 11893 Webster Rd, Caledonia, MO 63631-9459 Patricia Johnson, 11893 Webster Rd, Caledonia, MO 63631-9459

353 CARTHAGE Landmark, 803 W Chestnut St, MO 64836-2124 Loma Burrell, 408 E 2nd St, Carthage, MO 64836-1522, (417) 358-3903 Helen L. Hall, 1308 Regan Ave, Carthage, MO 64836-2953, (417) 358-4675

CASSVILLE Antioch, 9649 Farm Rd 2160, MO 65625-7177 C/O Charles Buehler, 9649 Farm Rd 2160, Cassville, MO 65625-7177, (417) 847-0205 Charles Buehler, 9649 Farm Rd 2160, Cassville, MO 65625-7177, (417) 847-0205

Bethany, PO Box 381, MO 65625-0381 Wayne L. Betts, PO Box 381, Cassville, MO 65625-0381 Carolyn Betts, PO Box 381, Cassville, MO 65625-0381, (417) 442-7815

Oak Ridge, 14230 State Highway Y, MO 65625-8289 Larry Henbest, 15795 St Highway 37, Cassville, MO 65625-8661, (417) 847-2552 Vicky Henbest, 15795 St Highway 37, Cassville, MO 65625-8661, (417) 847-2552

CHARLESTON Abundant Life In Christ, PO Box 195, MO 63834-0195, (573) 427-4000 Rodney Dunlap, 709 E Cypress St, Charleston, MO 63834-1212, (573) 427-4000 Church Clerk, PO Box 195, Charleston, MO 63834-0195

COLUMBIA Charity, PO Box 436, MO 65205-0436, (573) 474-6895 Joe Ginter, PO Box 436, Columbia, MO 65205-0436 Janet Danklef, 5539 Bradley Dr, Jefferson City, MO 65109-5414, (573) 636-5871

DE SOTO Landmark, 1215 Boyd St, MO 63020-1815, (636) 586-3218 Wayne N. Gibson, 4000 Oak Wood Ct, Valles Mines, MO 63087-1241, (636) 586-2104 Catherine S. Rudloff, 118 Northview Dr, Crystal City, MO 63019-1015, (636) 937-1440

DONIPHAN Amity, 402 N Green St, MO 63935-1521, (573) 996-5586 C/O Sandra Harvey, 402 N Green St, Doniphan, MO 63935-1521, (573) 996-5586 Sandra Harvey, 402 N Green St, Doniphan, MO 63935-1521, (573) 996-5586

Bethlehem, Rt 3 Box 7799, MO 63935-8740, (573) 996-2448 C/O Dian Decker, Rt 3 Box 7799, Doniphan, MO 63935-8740, (573) 351-8708 Dian Decker, Rt 3 Box 7799, Doniphan, MO 63935-8740, (573) 351-8708

Briar, HC 7 Box 159k, MO 63935-8901, (573) 996-4714 C/O Elaine Hollomon, HC 7 Box 380, Doniphan, MO 63935-8918, (573) 996-3795 Elaine Hollomon, HC 7 Box 380, Doniphan, MO 63935-8918, (573) 996-3795

West Doniphan, HC 7 Box 40, MO 63935-8901, (573) 996-3968 David Grubb, HC 1 Box 156, Van Buren, MO 63965-9715, (573) 593-4407 Geneva Honeycutt, HC 7 Box 40, Doniphan, MO 63935-8901, (573) 996-3968

ELLINGTON Antioch, PO Box 145, MO 63638-0145, (573) 663-3488 Michael Huddleston, 603 Nicholson Dr, Potosi, MO 63664-1126, (573) 435-6171 Minnie Asberry, 918 State Rt 137, Willow Springs, MO 65793-8910, (417) 469-2986

Lower Doe Run, PO Box 355, MO 63638-0355, (573) 461-2266 Melvin Meade, PO Box 4, Irondale, MO 63648-0004, (573) 749-3333 Frieda Williams, PO Box 355, Ellington, MO 63638-0355, (573) 663-2764

354 ELLSINORE Mount Carmel, PO Box 1111, MO 63965-1111, (573) 323-8761 Eddie Conover, 12917 Highway Pp, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901-4793, (573) 785-7970 Leann Woodard, PO Box 1111, Van Buren, MO 63965-1111, (573) 323-8761

FAIRDEALING Springhill, HC 1 Box 387, MO 63939-9712, (573) 857-2034 Sean Kallner, HC 1 Box 387, Fairdealing, MO 63939-9712, (573) 857-2731 Sonia Kallner, HC 1 Box 387, Fairdealing, MO 63939-9712, (573) 857-2731

FARMINGTON Heritage Missionary, 3389 Highway H, MO 63640-7051, (573) 760-9082 Lynn Todd, 504 E Chestnut, Desloge, MO 63601-3308, (573) 631-5752 Cynthia Todd, 504 E Chestnut, Desloge, MO 63601-3308, (573) 631-5752

FENTON Springdale, PO Box 623, MO 63026-0623, (636) 343-5866 Carl Kerr, 9 Harmonie Dr, Union, MO 63084-2064, (636) 584-5567 Nancy Kerr, 9 Harmonie Dr, Union, MO 63084-2064, (636) 584-5567

FESTUS Berean, 2249 Berean Lane, MO 63028-3353, (636) 937-9219 C/O Carla J. Sohn, 2949 Victoria Rd, Festus, MO 63028-3848, (636) 937-0018 Carla J Sohn, 2949 Victoria Rd, Festus, MO 63028-3848, (636) 937-0018

FLORISSANT Lindsay Lane, 920 Lindsay Lane, MO 63031-4103, (314) 921-2378 C/O Loleta Shell, 3305 Saddleridge Dr, St Charles, MO 63301-0199, (314) 947-4604 Loleta Shell, 3305 Saddleridge Dr, St Charles, MO 63301-0199, (314) 947-4604

FREDERICKTOWN Hill, 2588 Highway C, MO 63645-6922 Roy L. Callahan, 148 Brilliant Lane, St Louis, MO 63125-3713, (573) 321-6518 Pamela Callahan, 148 Brilliant Lane, St Louis, MO 63125-3713, (573) 321-6518

HARVIELL Friendship, 3395 Highway V, MO 63945-7120, (573) 222-6018 Ernie L. Cate, 392 W Harbin Ave, Puxico, MO 63960-8459, (573) 778-8647 Becky Cate, 392 W Harbin Ave, Puxico, MO 63960-8459, (573) 778-8647

INDEPENDENCE Faith, 17245 E Kentucky Rd, MO 64058-1598, (816) 257-6922 C/O Tori Smith, 18302 E Shoshone Dr, Independence, MO 64058-1147, (816) 446-6249 Tori Smith, 18302 E Shoshone Dr, Independence, MO 64058-1147, (816) 446-6249

Glenview, 3101 S Shrank Rd, MO 64055-2847, (816) 373-2746 Dan McGee, 19312 E 27th St S, Independence, MO 64057-1413, (816) 510-6783 Joan McGee, 2009 S Leslie, Independence, MO 64055-1871, (816) 461-3365

Harmony Heights, 1701 N Salem Dr, MO 64056-1324, (816) 796-3682 Ronald Keogh, 1512 Glen Ellyn St, Independence, MO 64056-1330, (816) 810-6291 Nelda Hurd, 16401 E Cogan Dr, Independence, MO 64055-2258, (816) 373-9057

JEFFERSON CITY Westview, 1036 Lomo Dr, MO 65109-6317, (573) 893-5125 Michael Hearst, 1032 Lomo Dr, Jefferson City, MO 65109-6317, (573) 893-4988 Karen Smith, 1036 Lomo Dr, Jefferson City, MO 65109-6317, (573) 782-3248

355 JOPLIN Grace, 3130 S Wall Ave, MO 64804-2675, (417) 623-1924 Brad Wieneke, 3130 S Wall Ave, Joplin, MO 94804-2675 Angie Cullen, 2402 W 4th St, Joplin, MO 64801-3304

KANSAS CITY Calvary, 9505 E 47th St, MO 64133-1804, (816) 353-5355 David Mullin, 7905 E 89th St, Kansas City, MO 64138-4144, (816) 761-4796 Helen Blalock, 3016 Hunter Ave, Kansas City, MO 64129-1460, (816) 254-0720

KENNETT Puerta Del Cielo Mission, 19677 State Highway 25, MO 63857-8201 Ivan Lopez, 19677 State Highway 25, Kennett, MO 63857-8201, (573) 888-4334 Church Clerk, 19677 State Highway 25, Kennett, MO 63857-8201

Twin Oaks, PO Box 514, Kennett, MO 63857-0514 Matt Baker, PO Box 514, Kennett, MO 63857-0514 Marina Ramirez, PO Box 186, Clarkton, MO 63837-0186, (573) 276-8972

LONEDELL Bethel, 569 Bethel Church Rd, MO 63060-1011, (636) 629-2978 Ben A. Kingston, 569 Bethel Church Rd, Lonedell, MO 63060-1011, (636) 629-2526 Betsy Read, 555 Turkey Run, St. Clair, MO 63077-4558, (636) 667-6216

Elmwood, 2310 Elmwood Church Rd, Lonedell, MO 63060-1613 Jamie Haguewood, 14074 State Highway U, Mineral Point, MO 63660, (573) 436-0884 Bonnie Marsh, 2911 Huff Rd, Lonedell, MO 63060-1906

MALDEN Lighthouse, 1001 Pittman Rd, MO 63863-1121 Randy Zinn, 1001 Pittman Rd, Malden, MO 63863-1121 Esther Cooper, 311 S Graham St, Malden, MO 63863-2236, (573) 276-3464

MATTHEWS First, PO Box 187, MO 63867-0187 Chris Polk, PO Box 271, Matthews, MO 63867-0187, (573) 472-1038 Grace Brown, 108 Paula Dr, Sikeston, MO 63801-3936, (573) 472-0613

MIDDLEBROOK First Of Middlebrook, 445 Highway M, MO 63601-9345, (573) 546-4020 Roy Brakefield, 445 Highway M, Park Hills, MO 63601-9345, (573) 562-7773 Julie Estes, 415 E Chestnut St, Desloge, MO 63601-2918

MINERAL POINT Stony Point Landmark, 13209 Old 8 E, MO 63660-9464, (573) 562-7036 Claude A. Evans, 14194 State Highway P, Potosi, MO 63664-9331, (573) 562-7036 Sherry Hamby-Vance, 6398 Winch Rd, Bonne Terre, MO 63628-3742, (573) 631-2218

NAYLOR Naylor, RR 1 Box 110, MO 63954-9501, (573) 399-2801 C/O Tiffany Bunn, RR 1 Box 110, Neelyville, MO 63954-9501 Tiffany Bunn, RR 1 Box 110, Neelyville, MO 63954-9501

NEELYVILLE Independence, 1521 Highway V, MO 63945-7140, (573) 989-3939 Bobby Brooks, 1521 Highway V, Harviell, MO 63945-7140, (573) 989-6401 Peggy Reinbott, RR 2 Box 7058, Doniphan, MO 63935-9251, (573) 996-2747

356 NEVADA Heritage, 927 N Olive St, MO 64772-1235, (417) 667-7572 Jeff Adams, 502 W Vernon, Nevada, MO 64772-1350, (417) 321-0276 Melanie Adams, 502 W Vernon, Nevada, MO 64772-1350, (417) 321-4904

NEW MADRID Kewanee, PO Box 36, Kewanee, MO 63860-0036, (573) 748-5449 Daniel R. Wisely, 12391 Highway 61, New Madrid, MO 63869-9167, (573) 748-5220 Terri Adams, 1450 State Highway HH, Matthews, MO 63867-9174, (573) 380-0331

NIXA Refuge Mission, 1107 Verna Lane, Nixa, MO 65714-8205 John Herring, 1107 Verna Lane, Nixa, MO 65714-8205, (501) 413-1208

OXLY Antioch, HC 1 Box 3653, Oxly, MO 63955-9722, (573) 354-2636 Larry Edwards, Sr., 154 Greene Road 435, Marmaduke, AR 72443-8581, (870) 323-3446 Tracy Hodo, Rt 1 Box 1910, Doniphan, MO 63953-9737, (573) 660-3306

PARK HILLS Bethesda Landmark, 104 5th St, Park Hills, MO 63601-2359 Alan Dane, Jr., 531 S Spruce St, Bonne Terre, MO 63628-1847, (573) 358-2706 Barbara Sue Marlar, 15 Ash St, Bonne Terre, MO 63628-1001, (573) 358-5707

POPLAR BLUFF Black Creek, 57 Peach Ct, Dexter, MO 63841-1283 Troy Sisk, 15757 County Road 624, Dexter, MO 63841-8903, (573) 421-2396 Ashley Sisk, 57 Peach Ct, Dexter, MO 63841-1283, (573) 614-2500

Emmanuel, 61 County Road 4705, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901-6689 C/O Jacqueline Baker, 61 County Road 4705, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901-6689, (573) 686-0076 Jacqueline Baker, 61 County Road 4705, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901-6689, (573) 686-0076

Mount Zion, 1600 S 11th St, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901-6432, (573) 785-1792 Matt Johnson, 601 Perry, Dexter, MO 63841-2816, (870) 703-3784 Janice Winters, 3401 Township Line Rd, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901-1519, (573) 785-2640

POTOSI Bates Creek, 10061 Mayhew Rd, Potosi, MO 63664-8393 J. C. Huddleston, 603 Nicholson Dr, Potosi, MO 63664-1126, (573) 438-6171 Gail Rasnic, 10061 Mayhew Rd, Potosi, MO 63664-8393, (573) 438-2063

Breton Creek, PO Box 305, Potosi, MO 63664-0305, (573) 438-1072 Don Burke, 704 Valley Rd, Potosi, MO 63664-2008, (573) 438-8899 Kathy Akers, 509 Raymond St, Potosi, MO 63664-1536, (573) 438-3591

Fellowship, PO Box 291, Potosi, MO 63664-0291, (573) 436-8808 Michael D. Jarvis, 900 Wolfe St, Potosi, MO 63664-2010, (573) 436-1077 Diana Brand, PO Box 291, Potosi, MO 63664-0291, (573) 438-5970

First, 10479 State Highway P, Potosi, MO 63664-3181, (573) 438-2389 Jim Ainley, 10479 State Highway P, Potosi, MO 63664-3181, (636) 208-6934 James Simpson, 10165 Weber Rd, Potosi, MO 63664-8375, (573) 438-2400

Lakewood, 10013 Nestor Rd, Potosi, MO 63664-5666, (573) 438-8812 Alva Enloe, Sr., 222 Sewell St, Sullivan, MO 63080-2024, (573) 468-4239 Fredia C. Wilson, 10013 Nestor Rd, Potosi, MO 63664-5666, (573) 779-3393

Ozark Heights, 15698 S State Highway 21, Potosi, MO 63664-3030, (573) 779-3763

357 Brian Meade, 15698 S State Highway 21, Potosi, MO 63664-3030, (573) 779-3763 Loretta Wilkinson, 12628 Delbridge Rd, Potosi, MO 63664-3074, (573) 438-2289

White Oak Grove, 305-A E High St, Potosi, MO 63664-1924, (573) 438-2724 Jeff Richards, Interim, 287 Crescent Lake Rd, St Clair, MO 63077-1920, (636) 629-6280 Janice Coleman-Eye, 305-A E High St, Potosi, MO 63664-1924, (573) 210-7428

POTTERSVILLE First Missionary, 9415 County Road 7670, Pottersville, MO 65790-9666 James Pool, RR 1 Box 3100, Dora, MO 65637-9404, (417) 261-2257 Michelle Jackson, 632 State Route KK, Pottersville, MO 65790-9630

PUXICO Providence, 6485 State Highway J, Puxico, MO 63960-8206 Larry Tucker, 2109 State Highway FF, Sikeston, MO 63801-8650, (573) 471-7922 Tammy Wheetley, 6485 State Highway J, Puxico, MO 63960-8206

QULIN Black River, 281 County Road 2021, Qulin, MO 63961-8250 Brian Whitlock, 664 Highway CC, Broseley, MO 63932-8139, (513) 712-6649 Krissey L Whitlock, 664 Highway CC, Broseley, MO 63932-8139, (513) 712-6648

RAYMORE Cornerstone, PO Box 733, MO 64083-0733, (816) 318-0116 Chris Aery, Interim, PO Box 733, Raymore, MO 64083-0733 Barbara Adams, 1708 Stasi Ave, Raymore, MO 64083-8131, (816) 803-4368

SALEM Mount Olive, 2467 W Highway 32, MO 65560-6365, (573) 729-7646 Ray Thurman, 11095 Allen Rd, Potosi, MO 63664-3124, (573) 438-2195 Joyce Ann Brown, 6201 E 211th St, Belton, MO 64012-9188, (816) 718-4627

SIKESTON Bethel, PO Box 932, Sikeston, MO 63801-0932, (573) 471-3750 Jerry Adams, 2008 Indiana Ave, Sikeston, MO 63801-3724, (573) 472-1892 Tanya Hutton, 222 W Murray Lane, Sikeston, MO 63801-4517, (573) 703-4966

Emmanuel, PO Box 1325, Sikeston, MO 63801-1325, (573) 471-7687 Jason Redden, 840 Kings Highway, New Madrid, MO 63869-1109, (573) 521-7325 Jan Davis, 220 Depro Ave, Sikeston, MO 63801-9370, (573) 380-6810

SMITHVILLE North Lake Mission, PO Box 704, Smithville, MO 64089-0704, (816) 866-4646 Jamie Jones, 5155 County Road KK, Smithville, MO 64089-8653, (816) 769-4992 Rebekah Jones, 5155 County Road KK, Smithville, MO 64089-8653

SPRINGFIELD Grandview, 3504 E State Highway AA, Springfield, MO 65803-5821, (417) 833-3620 Gary Longstaff, 729 W Beverly Hills Dr, Springfield, MO 65803-5560, (417) 833-4806 Rhonda Meador, 3854 N Fr 165, Springfield, MO 65803-8037, (417) 833-2653

Palmer Heights, 913 N Farmer Ave, Springfield, MO 65802-1611, (417) 831-0161 Marty Thompson, 22 Route Y, Arcola, MO 65603-7700 Lisa Thompson, 22 Route Y, Arcola, MO 65603-7700

ST CHARLES Faith, 2310 Muegge Rd, St. Charles, MO 63303-3152, (636) 940-8880 Justin Arender, 2310 Muegge Rd, St Charles, MO 63303-3152, (636) 697-1037 Carol Slattery, 740 Mayer Dr, St Charles, MO 63301-1511, (636) 946-1296

358 ST CLAIR Friendship Landmark, 630 N Commercial Ave, St. Clair, MO 63077-1104, (636) 629-1180 Johnny R. Dover, 1789 Peacock Rd, St Clair, MO 63077-1812, (314) 550-0656 Diana Tesar, 1116 Peacock Rd, St Clair, MO 63077-1801, (636) 629-5221

ST LOUIS Bethany, 11211 Midland Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63114-1116, (314) 429-2195 Nick Dunn, Interim, 11211 Midland Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63114-1116 Pam Viehland, 11211 Midland Blvd, St Louis, MO 63114-1116, (314) 429-2195

Emmanuel, 405 Hoffmeister Ave, St. Louis, MO 63125-1630, (314) 631-2213 David E. Griggs, 405 Hoffmeister Ave, St Louis, MO 63125-1630, (314) 631-2213 Barbara Williams, 10245 Schuessler Rd, Saint Louis, MO 63128-3234, (314) 843-8311

Zion, 3485 Baumgartner Rd, MO 63129-4004, (314) 846-1867 Dennis Baker, 5146 Darkmoor Lane, Imperial, MO 63052-3031, (636) 461-1625 Connie Reifsteck, PO Box 190496, St Louis, MO 63119-6496, (314) 832-6245

STEELVILLE Straightway, PO Box 535, Steelville, MO 65565-0535, (573) 775-2433 David Bates, 315 Oak Hill Ave, Cuba, MO 65453-1024, (573) 885-0790 Laura Martin, 147 Trails End Rd, Steelville, MO 65565-4545, (573) 775-5012

SULLIVAN Cave Springs, PO Box 3024, Sullivan, MO 63056-3024, (573) 860-4847 Brian Dixon, 3274 Lollar Branch Rd, Sullivan, MO 63080-4053, (573) 927-7040 Susan E Scott, PO Box 3024, Leslie, MO 63056-3024, (573) 520-0580

New Testament, PO Box 578, Sullivan, MO 63080-0578, (573) 468-3334 Charles Idleman, PO Box 76, Sullivan, MO 63080-0076, (573) 468-3345 Carmen Briggs, 3111 Sleepy Hollow Rd, Sullivan, MO 63080-4253, (573) 468-4656

UNION Central, 730 S Highway 47, Union, MO 63084-2412, (636) 583-2953 Joe Sikes, 775 Kenny St, Saint Clair, MO 63077-1504, (636) 629-1991 Gordon L. Chitwood, 730 S Highway 47, Saint Clair, MO 63077-4568, (636) 584-3905

Moselle, 2601 Highway Ah, Union, MO 63084-4729, (636) 629-8036 Larry E. Sikes, PO Box 532, St Clair, MO 63077-0532, (636) 629-6244 Wilma Wideman, 2169 Denmark Rd, Union, MO 63084-4435, (636) 583-3083

ZALMA Zalma, HC 2 Box 379, Zalma, MO 63787-9610 Dale G. Fish, HC 2 Box 379, Zalma, MO 63787-9610, (573) 722-3449 Judy Fish, HC 2 Box 379, Zalma, MO 63787-9610, (573) 722-3449

MONTANA STEVENSVILLE Life Way, PO Box 490, Mt, 59870-0490, (406) 777-3570 C/O Nanette Andrews, 4425 Pony Rd, Stevensville, MT 59870-6261, (406) 777-3251 Nanette Andrews, 4425 Pony Rd, Stevensville, MT 59870-6261, (406) 777-3251

NEVADA LAS VEGAS Lamb Boulevard, 6495 Cedar Breaks Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89156-7518, (702) 452-9146 Harold Hamilton, 6495 Cedar Breaks Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89156-7518, (702) 437-1033 Patricia Butler-Brown, 867 N Lamb Blvd Spc 22, Las Vegas, NV 89110-2313, (702) 982-5921

359 BLACKWOOD First, PO Box 254, Blackwood, NJ 08012-0254, (856) 228-0020 David L. McMurray, PO Box 254, Blackwood, NJ 08012-0254, (856) 228-0988 Laura Dolhansley, PO Box 254, Blackwood, NJ 08012-0254

FORDS Grace, 811 King Georges Rd, NJ 08863-1961, (732) 738-1421 Curtis L. Murray, 2 Conerly Rd, Somerset, NJ 08873-2302, (732) 846-7256 Joann Murray, 2 Conerly Rd, Somerset, NJ 08873-2302

NEW MEXICO ALBUQUERQUE All Nations Indian, 3010 23rd Ave SE, NM 87124-1620, (575) 899-5108 Sean Bennally, 4501 Sprint Blvd NE, Apt. 8114, Rio Rancho, NM 87144-9128, (575) 319-5770 Rhonda Jusrez, 3010 23rd Ave SE, Pio Rancho, NM 87124-1620

Neighborhood Mercy Church Mission, 3015 Datum St SW, NM 87121-5397, (505) 803-8161 Anthony Pennington, 3015 Datum St SW, Albuquerque, NM 87121-5397, (806) 223-8161 Mary Pennington, 3015 Datum St SW, Albuquerque, NM 87121-5397, (505) 312-8551

ARTESIA Calvary, 711 W Washington Ave, NM 88210-2361, (575) 746-2694 Rick Smith, 707 W Washington Ave, Artesia, NM 88210-2361, (903) 746-2694 Judy Ramsey, 443 Anita Rd, Lake Arthur, NM 88253-9602, (575) 365-5688

Victory, 1602 W Washington Ave Ste 100, NM 88210-1761, (575) 746-7473 Michael A. Maurer, 1602 W Washington Ave, Artesia, NM 88210-1761, (575) 748-3966 Glenda Maurer, 1602 W Washington Ave, Artesia, NM 88210-1761, (575) 748-3966

CLOVIS Oak Street, 1217 N Oak St, NM 88101-6146 Kenneth Dunsworth, 609 S Avenue E, Portales, NM 88130-6441, (575) 356-4794 Church Clerk, 1217 N Oak St, Clovis, NM 88101-6146

HOBBS Northern Heights, 720 W Church St, NM 88242-9736, (575) 392-5250 Keenan Witcher, 720 W Church St, Hobbs, NM 88242-9736, (575) 392-5250 Shirley Baird, 336 E Cherokee Dr, Hobbs, NM 88240-9304, (575) 492-1387

LAS CRUCES Hacienda, 5506 Hacienda Ave, NM 88011-6936, (575) 373-9441 Raymond Rodriquez, 5208 Hacienda Ave, Las Cruces, NM 88011-6936 Florence Schrader, 105 W Ethel Ave, Las Cruces, NM 88005-1713, (575) 524-0659

NEWCOMB Newcomb, PO Box 1442, CO 81321-1442, (970) 739-6288 Jason Walters, PO Box 1442, Cortez, CO 81321-1442, (970) 739-6288 Tammy Walters, PO Box 1442, Cortez, CO 81321-1442

NEW YORK COHOES Heritage, 50 St Ritas Lane, NY 12047-4522, (518) 506-2993 Steve Kuiper, 50 St Ritas Lane, Cohoes, NY 12047-4522, (518) 506-2993 Carla Clark, 50 St Ritas Lane, Cohoes, NY 12047-4522, (518) 506-2993

360 OHIO HOLLAND First Missionary, 1129 Clark St, OH 43528-8766, (419) 865-6235 Bill Milton, 1733 Vosper Ct, Toledo, OH 43614-1959, (419) 389-0863 Gwenn Partin, 6924 Wharton Dr, Holland, OH 43528-9657,

LEWISTOWN Hope Harbor Mission, 7817 Park Dr, OH 43348-9646 Fred Albert, 7817 Park Dr, Russells Point, Oh, 43348-9646, (937) 843-6919 Kandy Bailey, 505 Lincoln Blvd, Russels Point, Oh, 43348-9547

OKLAHOMA ADA College Heights, 925 E 7th St, OK 74820-4001, (580) 332-2661 Bill Sluder, 925 E 7th St, Ada, OK 74820-4001, (580) 332-2661 Pat Anderson, 725 W 21st St, Ada, OK 74820-8015, (580) 421-6556

ALEX First, PO Box 7, Alex, OK 73002-0007 Bobby Ayres, PO Box 7, Alex, OK 73002-2637, (580) 788-4687 Darla Gage, PO Box 7, Alex, OK 73002-2637

ALLEN Rocky Point, 28405 County Road 1600, OK 74572-5020, (580) 889-1547 Steve J. Henry, 350 W Mt Carmel Rd, Caney, OK 74535-2417 Donald R. Brooks, RR 1 Box 276, Allen, OK 74825-9735, (580) 265-9337

ARDMORE New Heights, PO Box 5171, OK 73403-5171, (580) 220-7534 David D. Dawson, 836 Bethel Rd, Ardmore, OK 73401-7499, (580) 504-5334 Emaline Roberts, 411 10th Ave NW, Ardmore, OK 73401-5823, (580) 220-7534

ATOKA High Hill, 191 High Hill Church Rd, OK 74525-7306, (580) 889-2594 Ryan Meadows, 760 S Katy Rd, Atoka, OK 74525-7311, (580) 364-6515 Sherri Meadows, 760 S Katy Rd, Atoka, OK 74525-7311, (580) 364-4690

BETHANY Peniel, 6600 NW 30th St, Bethany, OK 73008-4042 Mark Hamilton, 218 N Maryella Ter, Mustang, OK 73064-4509 Church Clerk, 6600 NW 30th St, Bethany, OK 73008-4042

BLANCHARD Pleasant Hill, PO Box 238, OK 73010-0238, (405) 485-3584 C/O Shirley Southard, 26746 County Line Ave, Blanchard, OK 73010-3326, (405) 485-2781 Shirley Southard, 26746 County Line Ave, Blanchard, OK 73010-3326, (405) 485-2781

CATOOSA Pine Street, PO Box 803, Catoosa, OK 74015-0803, (918) 266-1972 Ron Pugh, 2503 Hayes St, Muskogee, OK 74403-3834, (918) 683-5974 Mickey Westbrook, 7020 S 232nd East Ave, Broken Arrow, OK 74014-2131, (918) 357-1801

CHICKASHA Faith, 719 County Road 1350, OK 73018-8018, (405) 224-7989 C/O Rose Marie Crumm, 1328 S 11th St, Chickasha, OK 73018-4321, (405) 224-0721 Rose Marie Crumm, 1328 S 11th St, Chickasha, OK 73018-4321, (405) 224-0721

First Missionary, 1401 S 12th St, OK 73018-5617, (405) 222-5435 Wayne D. Cunningham, 2768 County St 2780, Chickasha, OK 73018-8135, (405) 222-5435

361 Gayle Cunningham, 2768 County St 2780, Chickasha, OK 73018-8135, (405) 222-5435

Pleasant Hill, PO Box 277, OK 73023-0277, (405) 222-3403 Eddie Cox, PO Box 277, Chickasha, OK 73023-0277, (405) 224-4843 Lavonn Blalock, PO Box 277, Chickasha, OK 73023-0277, (580) 464-3367

COALGATE Coalgate, PO Box 227, OK 74538-0227, (580) 927-3306 Larry D. Rose, PO Box 42, Stringtown, OK 74569-0042 Shelby J. Stephens, RR 4 Box 1950, Coalgate, OK 74538-9676, (580) 927-3306

ELMORE CITY Satterwhite, 26446 E County Road 1690, Elmore City, OK 73433-8804 C/O Jeanetta Tillery, PO Box 174, Elmore City, OK 73433-0174, (580) 788-2292 Jeanetta Tillery, PO Box 174, Elmore City, OK 73433-0174, (580) 788-2292

FILLMORE Fillmore, PO Box 226, OK 73432-0226, (580) 380-8570 Mike Horath, PO Box 133, Coleman, OK 73432-0133, (580) 380-6769 Sondra Horath, PO Box 133, Coleman, OK 73432-0133, (580) 380-8570

GERTY Harmony, 3659 Highway 48, OK 74848-6011, (405) 379-6002 David Wilbanks, 7689 E 151 Rd, Calvin, OK 74531-5062, (580) 892-3202 Peggy Tatum, 3659 Highway 48, Holdenville, OK 74848-6011, (405) 509-0242

HOWE First Missionary, PO Box 222, OK 74940-0222, (918) 658-3993 C/O Darlene Thompson, 11287 Mode Lane, Poteau, OK 74953-7484, (918) 658-2339 Darlene Thompson, 11287 Mode Lane, Poteau, OK 74953-7484, (918) 658-2339

JAY Plainview, 16740 E 430 Rd, OK 74346-3671 Conley Chesney, PO Box 226, Colcord, OK 74338-0226, (918) 326-0334 Betty Bowles, 16740 E 430 Rd, Jay, OK 74346-3671, (918) 253-4661

LEEDEY Moorewood, 8789 N 2043 Rd, OK 73654-6206, (580) 488-3803 Richard D. Hughes, 9030 Highway 34, Hammon, OK 73650-5060, (580) 473-2716 Darla Britton, 20713 E 890 Rd, Leedey, OK 73654-6011, (580) 488-3583

LINDSAY Lindsay Missionary, 903 S Main St, OK 73052-7429, (405) 756-2414 C/O Faye Mitchell, 201 SW 11th St, Lindsay, OK 73052-5005, (405) 756-2947 Faye Mitchell, 201 SW 11th St, Lindsay, OK 73052-5005, (405) 756-2947

MC ALESTER Shady Grove, 106 Shady Grove Rd, OK 74501-8327, (918) 426-2830 Gene Hankins, 366 Shady Grove Rd, Mcalester, OK 74501-8785, (405) 320-8888 Beverly Brady, 1103 Easy St, McAlester, OK 74501-7138, (918) 423-7658

MIDWEST CITY Highland Park, PO Box 10778, OK 73140-1778, (405) 737-0390 Jesse R. Spurlock, 305 W Jarman Dr, Midwest City, OK 73110-4424, (405) 733-5434 Lelia M Spurlock, 305 W Jarman Dr, Midwest City, OK 73110-4424, (405) 733-5434

MOORE Southgate, 740 SW 4th St, OK 73160-2478, (405) 794-6646 Doug Brewer, 15200 Meadow Creek Lane, Oklahoma City, OK 73165-7232, (405) 794-7072

362 Church Clerk, 740 SW 4th St, Moore, OK 73160-2478

MUSKOGEE Ash Street, 1521 E Ash St, OK 74403-2002, (918) 687-5383 C/O Kathy Kennedy, 905 N Utah St, Muskogee, OK 74403-3122, (918) 441-5261 Kathy Kennedy, 905 N Utah St, Muskogee, OK 74403-3122, (918) 441-5261

NEWCASTLE Calvary, PO Box 1444, OK 73065-1444, (405) 387-5535 Danny Barnwell, 204 Edde Lane, Newcastle, OK 73065-5538, (580) 747-7197 Doris Brandenburg, PO Box 1256, Tuttle, OK 73089-1256, (405) 381-0928

NORMAN New Generation Baptist Mission, PO Box 238, OK 73010-0238, (405) 760-9839 Steve Puckett, PO Box 238, Blanchard, OK 73010-0238, (405) 570-8325

OKLAHOMA CITY New Heights, 1414 SW 119th St, OK 73170-4904, (405) 735-9541 Kevin Bowen, 9601 Honeysuckle Rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73159-6870, (405) 692-4789 Stella Ruth Craft, 6600 S Douglas Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73139-1329, (405) 632-1879

Trucking In Christ Mission, 25490 County Line Ave, OK 73010-3323, (405) 485-3087 Barry McLead, 25490 County Line Ave, Blanchard, OK 73010-3323, (405) 485-3087

PRYOR Our Oasis, 865 SE 22nd St, OK 74361-8721, (918) 803-1763 C/O Brenda Weller, 808 SE 11th, Pryor, OK 74361-7202, (918) 825-6379 Brenda Weller, 808 SE 11th, Pryor, OK 74361-7202, (918) 825-6379

PURCELL Sunray, 2223 N 9th Ave, OK 73080-1740, (405) 527-6808 Dennis Clark, 714 W Main St, Purcell, OK 73080-4006, (405) 527-2510 Pam Kyzer, 846 W Apache St, Purcell, OK 73080-5016, (405) 527-3871

ROFF Sunshine, 26315 County Road 3540, OK 74865-3501, (918) 207-5402 Wayne Edgar, 365 Shepherd Hills Rd, Sulphur, OK 73086-8997, (580) 622-3877 Rita Dunn, 1433 Lakehurst Dr, Ada, OK 74820-8504, (580) 371-5271

ROLAND First, PO Box 855, OK 74954-0855, (918) 427-6062 C/O Dennis Wood, PO Box 83, Roland, OK 74954-0083, (918) 427-5832 Dennis Wood, PO Box 83, Roland, OK 74954-0083, (918) 427-5832

SAND SPRINGS Delaware, 6808 N Highway 97, OK 74063-8219, (918) 241-3873 Tim Darrow, 1203 N Mckinley Ave, Sand Springs, OK 74063-7727, (918) 894-9375 Sherry Pearson, 12311 Rock School Rd, SkiatoOK OK 74070-6467, (918) 241-3873

SAPULPA Emmanuel, PO Box 2006, OK 74066-2006, (918) 224-1172 Mark Nicholson, 20900 S 223rd Rd, Henryetta, OK 74437-7546, (918) 550-9963 Cherrie Nicholson, 20900 S 223rd Rd, Henryetta, OK 74437-7546, (918) 550-9962

Southern Hills, PO Box 151, OK 74066-0151, (918) 224-7358 C/O Van Mantooth, 9709 Frankoma Rd, Sapulpa, OK 74066-8313, (918) 224-1336 Van Mantooth, 9709 Frankoma Rd, Sapulpa, OK 74066-8313, (918) 224-1336

363 STRINGTOWN Mount Olive, PO Box 114, OK 74569-0114, (580) 378-2107 Bartt Bradford, 5380 High Hill Rd, Mcalester, OK 74501-7831, (918) 302-0409 Sarah Moore, PO Box 114, Stringtown, IK 74569-0114, (580) 346-7440

SULPHUR Dolberg, 2 E Norma Ave, OK 73086-2835 Clayton Edgar, 1017 Ash Dr, Sulphur, OK 73086-1215, (580) 618-6199 Anita Carr, 2 E Norma Ave, Sulphur, OK 73086-2835, (580) 622-2725

TULSA Bethany, 211 W 18th St, OK 74055-4640, (918) 695-5336 David Langley, 211 W 18th St, Owasso, OK 74055-4640, (918) 695-5336 Sarah E. Jones, 306 E 19th St, Owasso, OK 74055-4612, (918) 272-1627

Eastside, 53951 S 510 Rd, OK 74364-1137, (918) 437-2157 C/O Sonny Bullett, 53951 S 510 Rd, Rose, OK 74364-1137, (918) 809-3032 Darlene Bullett, 53951 S 510 Rd, Rose, OK 74364-1137, (918) 809-3637

WAYNE Unity, 25035 State Highway 59, OK 73095-3300 Randy S. Rhea, 40156 E County Road 1631, Wynnewood, OK 73098-9582, (501) 339-3732 Jacinda Carrol, 25692 150th St, Wayne, IK 73095-3049, (405) 527-2816

WESTVILLE Old Baptist Missionary, RR 1 Box 421, OK 74965-9751, (918) 723-5967 Tim Bailey, 66039 S 4760 Rd, Westville, OK 74965-5239 Sherrie Williams, Rt 2 Box 619, Westville, OK 74965-5289, (918) 723-5611

WYNNEWOOD Eastern Gate, PO Box 137, OK 73098-0137, (405) 665-5398 Lloyd Christenson, PO Box 137, Wynnewood, OK 73098-0137, (405) 227-1683 Carolyn Davis, 23087 N County Road 3310, Wynnewood, OK 73098-9273, (405) 665-9921

Hillcrest, PO Box 546, OK 73098-0546, (405) 665-2525 Dale Ruggles, PO Box 546, Wynnewood, OK 73098-0546, (405) 665-4071 Donna Wright, 31411 E County Road 1660, Wynnewood, OK 73098-9395

OREGON EUGENE New Hope, 2030 Wisconsin St, Or, 97402-1026, (541) 895-5816 Clinton Purdue, 669 Creswood Dr, Creswell, OR 97426-9886, (541) 895-5816 Crystal Perdue, 669 Creswood Dr, Creswell, OR 97426-9886, (541) 895-5816

PORTLAND Heritage, 5527 SE Jenne Rd, Or, 97236-1636, (503) 661-7894 Bob Nakamura, 985 SE 10th Cir, Troutdale, OR 97060-3209, (503) 661-6084 Gail Parsons, 1943 SE 154th Ave, Portland, OR 97233-3365, (503) 255-3713

SALEM Mount Olive, 2325 4th St NE, OR 97303-6729, (503) 363-7265 Robert L. Hornaday, 1240 Columbia St NE, Salem, Or, 97303-5111, (503) 363-7265 Shelly Bernier, 1102 Drift Creek Rd SE Silverton, Or, 97385-9669, (503) 874-9232

SWEET HOME Mount Calvary, PO Box 491, OR 97386-0491 Pete Taraski, 1789 Cedar St, Sweet Home, OR 97386-2628, (936) 522-0033 Doris Sitton, 1321 Sunset Ln Apt B1, Sweet Home, OR 97386-1378, (541) 367-3529

364 PUERTO RICO CAYEY Iglesia Sin Paredes De Cayey, PO Box 372515, Cayey, PR 00737-2515, (787) 406-6464 Alfredo ‘Freddy’ Didier, PO Box 372515, Cayey, PR 00737-2515, (787) 406-6464 Norma Rodriguez, PO Box 372515, Cayey, PR 00737-2515, (787) 738-5458

COAMO Iglesia Sin Paredes De Coamo Mission, PO Box 1348, PR 00785-1348 Angel De Jesus, Urb. Valle Arriba, Calle Yagrumo, A-2, Coamo, PR 00769-, (787) 825-0264 Church Clerk, Urb. Valle Arriba, Calle Yagrumo, A-2, Coamo, PR 00769

GUAYAMA Iglesia Sin Paredes, PO Box 1348, PR 00785-1348, (787) 866-7777 Carlos Pacheco, PO Box 1348, Guayama, PR 00785-1348 Beatriz Castillo Zayas, Urb Rex Manor, Calle 5, C-13, Guayama, PR 00784-, (787) 864-7202

JUANA DIAZ Iglesia Bautista El Mesias, HC-5 Box 5769, PR 00795-9722 Victor Morales, Marquez, HC-5 Box 5769, Juana Diaz, PR 00795-9722, (939) 286-5524 Maria Mercedes Rios Mercados, PO Box 1641, Juana Diaz, PR 00795-4641,

MAYAGÜEZ Iglesia Sin Paredes De Mayagüez, PO Box 372515, PR 00737-2515 Pablo Ortiz, PO Box 372515, Cayey, PR 00737-2515, (787) 479-6460

SALINAS Iglesia Sin Paredes De Salinas, PO Box 1053, PR 00751-1053 Juan Ramon Rivera Ayala, PO Box 1053, Salinas, PR 00751-1053, (787) 432-0187 Isabelita Santiago, PO Box 1053, Salinas, PR 00751-1053, (787) 824-2790

TENNESSEE BARTLETT Crystal Springs, 6740 St Elmo Rd, TN 38135-9470, (901) 372-0246 Danny Linville, 7416 S Beaman Cir #307, Cordova, TN 38016-3649, (901) 590-7898 Janet Wyse, 311 Anita Dr, Atoka, TN 38004-7142, (901) 837-0374

CLEVELAND Philadelphia, 910 30th St SE, TN 37323-0431, (423) 479-7849 C/O Charles Edward Ruth, 363 Parkwood Dr NE, Cleveland, TN 37323-5209, (423) 479-7849 Church Clerk, 910 30th St SE, Cleveland, TN 37323-0431

KNOXVILLE Shannondale, 5208 Villa Rd, TN 37918-3658, (865) 689-3339 Greg Raines, 6621 E Emory Rd, Knoxville, TN 37918-3330, (865) 922-5190 Sharon Largent, 4039 Longwood Dr, Knoxville, TN 37918-3574,

Sixth Avenue, 1129 N 6th Ave, TN 37917-6754, (865) 524-8680 C/O Julia Burnett, 8033 Bell Rd, Knoxville, TN 37938-3000, (865) 922-8050 Julia Burnett, 8033 Bell Rd, Knoxville, TN 37938-3000, (865) 922-8050

Springhill, 513 Cedar Ave, TN 37917-4208, (865) 524-0102 Clyde C. Lakin, 4721 Mildred Dr, Knoxville, TN 37914-2926, (865) 524-0102 Rick Ferguson, 1910 Martha Berry Dr, Knoxville, TN 37918-3726, (865) 689-7774

Walridge, PO Box 12596, TN 37912-0596, (865) 522-4233 Charles V. Whitson, 7105 Ridgeview Dr, Corryton, TN 37721-3919, (865) 687-0414 Sharon Coppinger, 7316 Hallbrook Rd, Knoxville, TN 37918-9452

365 MEMPHIS Cornerstone Institutional, 7641 Mineral Crest Dr N, TN 38125-4765, (901) 751-0333 Brodie I. Johnson, 7641 Mineral Crest Dr N, Memphis, TN 38125-4765, (901) 755-4820 Barbara B Herbert, 7641 Mineral Crest Dr N, Memphis, TN 38115-5912

Liberty Memorial, 4170 Riverdale Rd, TN 38115-5391, (901) 755-8660 Jake Cooper, 8589 Bell Brook Dr, Olive Branch, MS 38654-6228, (901) 490-9991 Angie Champion, 10086 Curtis Dr, Olive Branch, MS 38654-1848, (901) 489-4882

MUNFORD First, PO Box X, TN 38058-1923, (901) 837-1559 C/O Winnie Simmons, 6497 Campground Rd, Munford, TN 38058-3444, (901) 837-8443 Winnie Simmons, 6497 Campground Rd, Munford, TN 38058-3444, (901) 837-8443

STRAWBERRY PLAINS New Found, 601 Atchley Lane, TN 37871-1494 Bill La Roy, 2211 Howard St, Knoxville, TN 37917-4710, (865) 637-6041 Kim Coleman, 2301 Coker Ave, Knoxville, TN 37917-3953, (865) 414-9899

TEXAS ABILENE Centro De Vida Mission, 1442 Yorktown Dr, TX 79603-1453 Oscar Alfaro, 1442 Yorktown Dr, Abilene, TX 79603-1453, (325) 676-4307 Church Clerk, 1442 Yorktown Dr, Abilene, TX 79603-1453

Southern Hills, 1741 Edgemont Dr, TX 79602-6711 James Mack Peacock, 997 FM 2404, Abilene, TX 79601-9201, (940) 200-0281 Lenora Hernandez, 6247 Summerhill Rd, Abilene, TX 79601-9335, (325) 677-8858

ALBA Pilgrim Rest #2, PO Box 99, TX 75444-0099, (903) 768-2653 Craig Kearby, 205 FM 1643, Winnsboro, TX 75494-5599, (903) 967-2142 Sue Reed, PO Box 63, Golden, TX 75444-0063, (903) 768-2379

ALLEN Journey Community Mission, 1712 Grand Canyon Way, TX 75002-8396, (972) 678-0277 Cecil Linke, Jr, 1712 Grand Canyon Way, Allen, TX 75002-8396, (972) 678-0277 Church Clerk, 1712 Grand Canyon Way, Allen, TX 75002-8396

AMARILLO Calvary, 1300 E Central Ave, TX 79108-4708, (806) 383-2619 Hershel L. Smith, 111 N Front St, Lelia Lake, TX 79240-1902, (806) 874-9222 Barbara Frisbie, PO Box 93, Fritch, TX 79036-0093, (806) 857-2048

Celebration, 5612 Tranquil Cir, TX 79109-5825, (806) 359-3025 C/O Malinda Patrick, 5612 Tranquil Cir, Amarillo, TX 79109-5825, (806) 359-3025 Malinda Patrick, 5612 Tranquil Cir, Amarillo, TX 79109-5825, (806) 359-3025

Cornerstone, 2511 Paramount Blvd Unit C4, TX 79109-1749, (806) 352-2011 Don Speedy, 1915 Cherry St, Amarillo, TX 79106-4509, (806) 352-0263 Charla Williams, 6612 Roxton, Amarillo, TX 79109-5040, (806) 352-0846

Forest Hill, PO Box 5900, TX 79117-5900, (806) 383-5593 Walter D. Ellis, 5404 NE 24th Ave, Amarillo, TX 79107-7541, (806) 383-5960 Janie Castro, 3209 Hodges St, Amarillo, TX 79103-7323, (806) 376-8757

Green Tree Baptist Fellowship, 3301 Tyndale, TX 79118-5052, (806) 236-1899 Joshua Kamau-Njenga, 3301 Tyndale, Amarillo, TX 79118-5052, (806) 236-1899

366 Lucy Kamau, 3301 Tyndale, Amarillo, TX 79118-5052, (806) 584-5498

ANSON Northside, PO Box 229, TX 79501-0229, (325) 823-2131 Alton Hughes, 5906 FM 600 S, Abilene, TX 79601-9134, (325) 228-4407 Jimmie Hughes, 5906 FM 600 S, Abilene, TX 79601-9134, (325) 228-4407

ARLINGTON Calvary, 2101 S Davis Dr, TX 76013-6262, (817) 275-7941 Jerry L. Phillips, 2101 S Davis Dr, Arlington, TX 76013-6262, (469) 964-4600 Peggy Kennedy, 1008 W Tucker Blvd, Arlington, TX 76013-5109, (817) 261-8377

Oasis, 1211 E Sublett Rd, TX 76018-2801, (817) 557-1133 Jeremy Franklin, 6315 Branch Hollow Lane, Arlington, TX 76001-5602, (817) 557-1133 Cynthia Tatlock, 6611 W Lynn Creek Dr, Arlington, TX 76001-7487, (817) 557-1133

ARP Omen, 17912 County Road 285, TX 75750-5002 Scotty Short, 16849 County Road 223, Arp, TX 75750-9799, (903) 565-9081 Mary Reynolds, 18291 County Road 2106, Arp, TX 75750-5007, (903) 859-9173

ASPERMONT Central, PO Box 517, TX 79502-0517, (940) 989-3172 Robby Harris, PO Box 517, Aspermont, TX 79502-0517, (940) 988-3172 Mittie Dunham, 5801 FM 1835, Old Glory, TX 79540-2301, (940) 989-2816

ATHENS Bethel, 107 Aaron St, TX 75751-2205 J. R. Pruett, 10488 State Highway 31 W, Malakoff, TX 75148-6939, (903) 675-8954 Elsie Smith, 311 Mitchell St, Athens, TX 75751-2711,

First Of Cross Roads, 9274 FM 59, TX 75751-8148, (903) 489-0625 Frank Upchurch, 11843 County Road 1200, Malakoff, TX 75148-7713, (903) 489-3643 Mark Davis, 11919 County Road 1200, Malakiff, TX 75148-7715, (903) 681-4230

AVALON First, PO Box 206, TX 76623-0206 Cleve Clark, 4801 FM 877, Waxahachie, TX 75165-8817, (214) 533-4340 Denise Wimbish, PO Box 460, Avalon, TX 76623-0460, (972) 627-3266

BARDWELL Bardwell, PO Box 67, TX 75101-0067, (972) 268-5002 Kevin L. Lewis, 612 Union Hill Rd, Ennis, TX 75119-0297, (972) 268-2005 Dale Brewer, 1100 S Paris St, Ennis, TX 75119-6617, (972) 875-5215

BECKVILLE First, PO Box 329, TX 75631-0329, (903) 678-3769 Ray Holland, PO Box 329, Beckville, TX 75631-0329, (601) 597-2354 Barbara Johnson, 611 W Sabine St, Carthage, TX 75633-2425, (903) 658-3400

BEN WHEELER Grace, 800 VZ County Road 4810, TX 75754-5352, (903) 852-6883 Tommy Weems, Interim, 514 Susie St, Chandler, TX 75758-2324, (903) 219-7780 Rose Wilson, 12712 Morningside Dr, Tyler, TX 75704-7826, (903) 597-0318

BIG SANDY Little Mound, PO Box 1387, TX 75644-1387, (903) 725-6603 Joe White, PO Box 1387, Gilmer, TX 75644-1387 Audrey Shipp, 10037 FM 1795, Big Sandy, TX 75755-3801, (903) 769-2777

367 BLOOMING GROVE First, PO Box 289, TX 76626-0289, (903) 695-2593 Grady Cashion, PO Box 289, Blooming Grove, TX 76626-0289, (903) 695-2949 Beth Wallen, 2500 FM 3041, Corsicana, TX 75109-8431, (903) 641-3412

BOWIE Union Hill, 700 Roberts St, TX 76230-4124 James Kittrell, PO Box 188, Montague, TX 76250-0188, (940) 894-6630 Gracie Wood, 700 Roberts St, Bowie, TX 76230-4124, (940) 872-2773

BRENHAM Centro De Vida, 505 Clinton St, TX 77833-3728 Bruno Franco, 1004 Seelhorst St, Brenham, TX 77833-4372, (832) 231-5284 Gloria Vela, 609 Kerr St, Brenham, TX 77833-4345,

BRIDGE CITY Circle Drive, PO Box 184, TX 77611-0184, (409) 735-4819 Jack Comer, Jr., 5015 Stately Ct, Orange, TX 77630-8916, (409) 363-1582 Victoria Labauve, PO Box 458, Bridge City, TX 77611-0458,

BRONSON Sandy Creek Missionary, PO Box 147, TX 75930-0147 C/O Misti Duffey, 860 Whitetail Rd, Bronson, TX 75930-3416 Misti Duffey, 860 Whitetail Rd, Bronson, TX 75930-3416

BRONTE Central, PO Box 387, TX 76933-0387, (325) 473-4811 Dale Patterson, PO Box 387, Bronte, TX 76933-0387, (325) 473-4811 Martha Patterson, PO Box 387, Bronte, TX 76933-0387, (325) 473-4811

BROOKELAND Brookeland, PO Box 41, TX 75931-0041, (409) 698-2865 Gary Harper, 245 Barrow Dr, Brookeland, TX 75931-3443, (409) 698-2275 Denise Smith, 126 Brenda St N, Brookeland, TX 75931-4020

BROWNSBORO Opelika, 10972 County Road 3520, TX 75756-2540, (903) 469-3305 Richard Fairbanks, 10972 County Road 3520, Brownsboro, TX 75756-2540, (903) 469-3305 Peggy Miller, 11431 County Road 3520, Brownsboro, TX 75756-2547, (903) 469-3692

Union Hill, PO Box 316, TX 75756-0316, (903) 852-5043 Chris Driver, PO Box 316, Brownsboro, TX 75756-0316, (903) 286-2061 Church Clerk, PO Box 316, Brownsboro, TX 75756-0316

BRYAN Beacon, 2001 Villa Maria Rd, TX 77802-2541, (979) 776-1337 Clinton Everitt, 3607 Oak Hill Dr, Bryan, TX 77802-4622, (979) 846-4449 Renda Sexton, 14614 FM 3090, Anderson, TX 77830-7129, (936) 825-2515

BUFFALO Buffalo Missionary, PO Box 898, TX 75831-0898, (903) 322-2922 C/O Sandy Langford, 580 US Highway 84 W, Teague, TX 75860-5102, (254) 739-5008 Sandy Langford, 580 US Highway 84 W, Teague, TX 75860-5102, (254) 739-5008

Mount Zion, 17133 FM 832, TX 75831-6211 Richard Dahlgren, 18521 County Road 224, Oakwood, TX 75855-3582, (903) 322-2625 Margaret Waters, 124 Private Road 379, Oakwood, TX 75855-7027, (903) 322-9331

368 BULLARD Mount Selman, 47408 Highway 69 N, TX 75757-5547, (903) 586-6217 Michael Bowen, 1616 N Bolton, Jacksonville, TX 75766-5104, (903) 586-6217 Carol A. Wiggins, 780 County Road 3305, Jacksonville, TX 75766-6157, (903) 589-5825

BUNA Faith Missionary, PO Box 1630, TX 77612-1630, (409) 994-4013 C/O Gene Maddox, PO Box 1630, Buna, TX 77612-1630, (409) 381-1350 Shirley Baxter, PO Box 1630, Buna, TX 77612-1630,

Grace, PO Box 1627, TX 77612-1627, (409) 994-2958 Mike Ivey, RR 5 Box 178, Jasper, TX 75951-9218, (409) 383-0533 Ann Bennett, 187 County Road 773, Buna, TX 77612-6485, (409) 994-2108

CANTON Jackson, PO Box 897, TX 75103-0897, (903) 848-1133 Robert ‘Butch’ Cunningham, 351 VZ County Road 3207, Wills Point, TX 75147-5815, (903) 896-1422 Deborah Cunningham, 351 VZ County Road 3207, Wills Point, TX 75147-5815, (903) 896-1422

Oak Grove, 1480 S Buffalo St, TX 75103-2704, (903) 567-4859 Randy Crudgington, 1877 VZ County Road 2512, Canton, TX 75103-8609, (903) 848-0539 Kimberly Crudgington, 1877 VZ County Road 2512, Canton, TX 75103-8609, (903) 848-0539

Old Bethel, 446 VZ County Road 2313, TX 75103-4803 Adam Key, 17304 County Road 2854, Eustace, TX 75124-5186, (903) 451-1929 Ashlee Norrell, 446 VZ County Road 2313, Canton, TX 75103-4803, (817) 239-5859

Tundra, 2313 FM 1651, TX 75103-5217, (903) 848-7671 C/O Brenda Gutierrez, 430 FM 316, Mabank, TX 75147-4508, (903) 887-3492 Brenda Gutierrez, 430 FM 316, Mabank, TX 75147-4508, (903) 887-3492

CARLOS Carlos, PO Box 319, TX 77830-0319 J. J. Wilson, 13700 Fawn Oaks Trl, Iola, TX 77861-4063, (936) 394-8783 Marvinee Hare, PO Box 319, Anderson, TX 77830-0319, (936) 873-2338

CARROLLTON Regenesis, 975 Fox Ave, TX 75067-4548, (972) 239-6555 Carey Crawford, 2254 Valley Mill, Carrollton, TX 75006-1910, (972) 418-0177 Church Clerk, 975 Fox Ave, Lewisville, TX 75067-4548

CARTHAGE Antioch, 3218 FM 699, TX 75633-4710, (903) 693-7217 Rodger D. Cole, 609 County Road 405, Carthage, TX 75633-4671, (903) 690-0165 Linda Abernathy, 3218 FM 699, Carthage, TX 75633-4710, (903) 754-1761

El Buen Pastor, 531 W Hayden, TX 75633-2942, (903) 690-9260 Thomas Monroe, Interim, 1417 Stonebriar Dr, Carthage, TX 75633-2133, (903) 452-1155 Mario Rafael, 307 Riggs St, Center, TX 75935-4071, (936) 488-9105

First, PO Box 548, TX 75633-0548, (903) 693-3569 Allen L. Tilley, 259 County Road 1081, Carthage, TX 75633-5242, (903) 694-2874 Elaine Palmer, 216 County Road 492, Carthage, TX 75633-5241, (903) 693-5402

Mount Calvary, 1765 US Highway 59 S, TX 75633-4901, (903) 693-579 Rick Linebarger, 1759 US Highway 59 S, Carthage, TX 75633-4901, (903) 693-9656 Iva Nell Soape, 4180 FM 1970, Carthage, TX 75633-5168, (903) 693-3450

369 Panola, 1060 County Road 446, TX 75633-8555, (903) 693-0600 Billy Shoffner, 200 E Neal St, Carthage, TX 75633-1618, (903) 693-2894 Joann Hicks, 1060 County Road 446, Carthage, TX 75633-8555

CELINA The Bridge Mission, PO Box 1443, TX 75009-1443, (469) 296-8557 Matthew Prather, PO Box 1443, Celina, TX 75009-1443, (903) 388-9641

CENTERVILLE Calvary, PO Box 416, TX 75833-0416, (903) 536-2647 Dean Easterling, PO Box 416, Centerville, TX 75833-0416, (903) 536-3053 Chyrel Stafford, 16655 W County Road 344, Marquez, TX 77865-5029, (903) 529-3027

New Salem, 7593 FM 811, TX 75833-2369, (903) 536-2430 C/O Cathy Hoyt, 7593 FM 811, Centerville, TX 75833-2369, (903) 536-3349 Cathy Hoyt, 7593 FM 811, Centerville, TX 75833-2369, (903) 536-3349

Victory, 10584 Highway 7 E, TX 75833-3018 James R. Gunnels, Sr., 1879 County Road 121, Centerville, TX 75833-2615, (903) 536-2729 Patricia Gunnels, 1879 County Road 121, Centerville, TX 75833-2615, (903) 536-2729

CHANNELVIEW Channelview, PO Box 882, TX 77530-0882, (281) 452-7324 C/O Verna Webb, PO Box 882, Channelview, TX 77560-0882, (281) 452-7652 Verna Webb, PO Box 882, Channelview, TX 77530-0882,

CHIRENO Little’s Chapel, 2456 County Road 438, TX 75937-4063, (936) 362-2331 Allen Chaney, PO Box 75, Mt Enterprise, TX 75681-0075, (903) 822-3543 Carolyn Wingate, 2377 County Road 434, Chireno, TX 75937-3766, (936) 615-3303

CLAYTON Bethel, PO Box 52, TX 75637-0052, (903) 693-3764 Dock Lazarine, 299 County Road 133, Gary, TX 75643-5255, (903) 685-3005 Kay Moritzen, 2372 FM 1970, Carthage, TX 75633-5269, (903) 693-8257

CLEBURNE First Missionary, PO Box 259, TX 76033-0259 Jack McNeeley, 3117 Spruce Ct, Granbury, TX 76049-3116, (903) 363-6377 Debbie Rice, 301 Gatrix Ave, CleburNE, TX 76033-8720,

CLEVELAND New Salem, PO Box 627, TX 77326-0627, (281) 592-0621 C/O Beverly Presnull, PO Box 627, Ace, TX 77326-0627 Beverly Presnull, PO Box 627, Ace, TX 77326-0627

Security Calvary, 5442 S Duck Creek Rd, TX 77328-6470 Charnick G. Droddy, 4512 Grand Oaks Dr, Willis, TX 77378-3535, (936) 890-0125 Janice Watkins, 406 N Walker Rd, Cleveland, TX 77328-2315, (281) 592-2223

Southline, PO Box 924, TX 77327-0924, (281) 592-3959 Paul Gothard, 701 Parkhurst, Cleveland, TX 77327-5417, (281) 592-3959 Paula Patrick, 808 Charles Barker Ave Apt 314, Cleveland, TX 77327-5666,

CLYDE Southside, PO Box 747, TX 79510-0747, (915) 893-4611 Billy Sellers, 933 Hillside Rd, Abilene, TX 79603-9005, (915) 698-7274 Joyce Montgomery, PO Box 333, Lueders, TX 79533-0333,

370 COMMERCE Faith, 210 E Maple St, TX 75428-3637 Bill Garmon, 108 Royal Lane, Commerce, TX 75428-3834 Vickie Shirlie, 210 E Maple St, Commerce, TX 75428-3637

COMO Elm Ridge, PO Box 72, TX 75431-0072, (903) 488-3706 Randy Boyte, 1720 County Road 2375, Pickton, TX 75471-4109, (903) 860-3588 Margaret Boyte, RR 1 Box 119, Pickton, TX 75471-9705

Greenpond, 1242 Farm Road 2560, TX 75482-7708 Lloyd A. Cashion, 1242 Farm Road 2560, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482-7708, (903) 885-2572 Melisa Harris, 1911 County Road 2324, Como, TX 75431-3805

CONROE Northside, 1115 N Houston St, TX 77301-2354, (936) 756-4630 Wes Pratt, 403 Shadywood Cir, Conroe, TX 77304-1905, (936) 648-8609 Dot Stafford, 713 Forest LaNE Ct, Conroe, TX 77302-1210, (936) 756-4630

COOPER Calvary, PO Box 5, TX 75432-0005, (903) 395-2727 Randy Hartwell, PO Box 5, Cooper, TX 75432-0005, (903) 395-2727 Ella Turner, 305 E Dallas Ave, Cooper, TX 75432-2008

CORRIGAN Damascus, RR 1 Box 79c, TX 75939-9737 Curtis E. Jordan, 4396 FM 1987, Corrigan, TX 75939-6664, (936) 398-5109 Linda Parrish, 196 W Laurelia Rd, Corrigan, TX 75939-7817, (936) 398-4931

Union Springs, PO Box 151, TX 75939-0151, (936) 398-2733 Lesly Wilkinson, 147 Lewellin Pl, Lufkin, TX 75904-6977, (936) 875-3356 Church Clerk, PO Box 151, Corrigan, TX 75939-0151

CORSICANA Community, 125 SW County Road 3040, TX 75151-9801 David Spann, 18217 FM 1126, Corsicana, TX 75110-8557, (903) 851-9190 Sharron Griggs, 2517 W 4th Ave, Corsicana, TX 75110-4054, (903) 872-1027

Corsicana Spanish Mission, PO Box 2217, TX 75151-2217 C/O Church Clerk, PO Box 2217, Corsicana, TX 75151-2217 Church Clerk, PO Box 2217, Corsicana, TX 75151-2217,

First Of Eureka, 8718 S Highway 287, TX 75109-0656, (903) 875-9884 Eddie Jones, 8718 S Highway 287, Corsicana, TX 75109-0656, (972) 937-1188 Vicky Moore, 3870 SE County Road 60, Corsicana, TX 75109-9006, (903) 229-8294

CRANDALL First, PO Box 207, TX 75114-0207, (972) 427-3687 Mike Waits, Sr., 409 Creekside Dr, Crandall, TX 75114-2703, (972) 427-6684 Betty Payne, 6411 FM 1390, Kaufman, TX 75142-6204, (972) 452-8888

CROCKETT Calvary, 210 S 8th St, TX 75835-2111, (936) 544-7569 C/O Mary Bolton, 210 S 8th St, Crockett, TX 75835-2111 Mary Bolton, 210 S 8th St, Crockett, TX 75835-2111,

CUSHING Glenfawn, PO Box 126, TX 75667-0126 Bart Herrington, Interim, 1119 Moore St, Jacksonville, TX 75766-5405, (501) 827-0475

371 Isabel Pepper, PO Box 37, Laneville, TX 75667-0037, (903) 863-5338

Landmark, PO Box 414, TX 75760-0414, (936) 326-4550 David Snelson, PO Box 414, Cushing, TX 75760-0414, (936) 326-4550 Sharon Ramsey, 11151 FM 343, Nacogdoches, TX 75964-4847, (936) 569-0410

Lilbert, 275 County Road 873, TX 75760-5137 C/O Deborah Miller, 275 County Road 873, Cushing, TX 75760-5137, (936) 326-4117 Deborah Miller, 275 County Road 873, Cushing, TX 75760-5137, (936) 326-4117

Nat, PO Box 630884, TX 75963-0884, (936) 560-6084 Dale Wier, 125 Smith St, Alto, TX 75925-2132, (936) 554-0834 Monna Albea, PO Box 630884, Nacogdoches, TX 75963-0884, (936) 560-6084

CUT AND SHOOT New Bethlehem, 14630 Millmac Rd, TX 77303-4757, (936) 264-2112 Paul Morehouse 14630 Millmac Rd, Cut And Shoot, TX 77303-4757, (281) 610-5099 Patty Mullinax, 5998 Forest Dr, Cleveland, TX 77328-2606, (281) 592-5283

DALLAS Bethel Of White Rock, 9314 Ferguson Rd, TX 75228-4698, (214) 328-8571 C. D. Walker, 10713 Meadowbrook Blvd, Forney, TX 75126-6665, (972) 564-3339 Marjorie Gilmer, 8421 Londonderry Lane, Dallas, TX 75228-6030, (214) 328-5955

Dallas Park, 1010 S Brighton Ave, TX 75208-7407, (214) 333-3445 Philip E. Cook, 1921 Timber Ridge Dr, Cedar Hill, TX 75104-7821, (972) 291-1953 Peggy Davis, 1010 S Brighton Ave, Dallas, TX 75208-7407,

Family Of God Mission, 9314 Ferguson Rd, TX 75228-4698, (214) 328-8571 Israel Arredondo, 9314 Ferguson Rd, Dallas, TX 75228-4698, (214) 328-8571

First Of Cockrell Hill, 1128 S Cockrell Hill Rd, TX 75211-4918, (214) 337-2232 Robert E. Keith, 913 Sunnyside Ave, Dallas, TX 75211-4968, (214) 337-2232 Callie Knight, 1128 Keats Dr, Dallas, TX 75211-6031, (214) 337-3213

Iglesia Bautista Hispana De Cockrell Hill, 1128 S Cockrell Hill Rd, TX 75211-4918, (214) 274-5165 Jose Jorkin, 913 NW 7th St, Grand Prairie, TX 75050-3460, (214) 274-516 Church Clerk, 1128 S Cockrell Hill Rd, Dallas, TX 75211-4918

Mount Zion, 6569 County Road 122b, TX 75142-4915 Danny E. Boles, 6569 County Road 122b, Kaufman, TX 75142-4915 Temple Boles, 8622 Stonehurst St, Dallas, TX 75217-2203,

New Haven, 10110 Rylie Rd, TX 75217-8235, (972) 286-3533 Darrell Howerton, 10110 Rylie Rd, Dallas, TX 75217-8235 Francille Ramsey, 653 ElwayNE Ave, Dallas, TX 75217-5153, (214) 391-7182

Pleasant Oaks, 412 N Masters Dr, TX 75217-7611, (972) 286-2885 Dwight Prather, 412 N Masters Dr, Dallas, TX 75217-7611, (972) 286-2885 Anna Houston, 412 N Masters Dr, Dallas, TX 75217-7611

Shekinah, 3108 Valley View Lane, TX 75234-5018, (972) 221-5783 Rene Gustavo Ramirez, 3108 Valley View Lane, Dallas, TX 75234-5018, (972) 221-5783 Church Clerk, 3108 Valley View Lane, Dallas, TX 75234-5018

DE BERRY Shady Grove, 110 County Road 314, TX 75639-2984, (903) 622-4574 C/O Beth Ray, 665 County Road 317, De Berry, TX 75639-2973, (903) 692-0255

372 Beth Ray, 665 County Road 317, De Berry, TX 75639-2973, (903) 692-0255

Walnut Springs, 1806 FM 1186, TX 75639-2142, (903) 693-7053 E. C. ‘Buddy’ Briggs, 516 County Road 307, De Berry, TX 75639-3020, (903) 693-7053 Robbie Sutlive, 551 County Road 310, De Berry, TX 75639-2153, (903) 930-8143

DESOTO First, 221 W Beltline Rd, TX 75115-4942, (972) 223-7448 Kerry A. Moore, 221 W Beltline Rd, Desoto, TX 75115-4942, (972) 679-3501 Linora Moore, 221 W Beltline Rd, Desoto, TX 75115-4942, (972) 223-7448

Wintergreen, 1336 Hubert Dr, TX 75115-3216, (214) 289-7492 Chris Sizemore, 214 Wallace, Garland, TX 75041-1957, (214) 289-7492 Marilyn Buckholtz, 1336 Hubert Dr, Desoto, TX 75115-3216, (469) 337-5280

DIANA Simmons Hill, PO Box 224, TX 75640-0224, (903) 777-3817 Gabriel Knopp, 1270 Simmons Rd, Diana, TX 75640-3827, (903) 777-0142 Cindy Clark, 4818 Simmons Rd, Diana, TX 75640-3891,

DIBOLL Pine Grove, 5632 FM 1818, TX 75941-4042 Matthew Faircloth, 5632 FM 1818, Diboll, TX 75941-4042 Darwin Blake, 5638 FM 1818, Diboll, TX 75941-4042, (936) 635-9727

DUNCANVILLE Fairmeadows, PO Box 383057, TX 75116-3057, (972) 298-1286 Dee Carlisle, PO Box 383057, Duncanville, TX 75116-3057 Sue Carlile, PO Box 211252, Dallas, TX 75211-4304

EDGEWOOD Good Hope, PO Box 734, TX 75117-0734 Harium Harris, 125 Private Road 7136, Canton, TX 75103-3590, (903) 312-6766 Aliene Goff, 345 VZ County Road 3105, Edgewood, TX 75117-5072, (903) 896-4900

EDINBURG Fellowship, 308 Alamo St, TX 78541-9481, (956) 381-4885 Ray Potter, 904 N 16th St, Mcallen, TX 78501-4415, (956) 381-4885 Alicia Muniz, 904 N 16th St, Mcallen, TX 78501-4415, (956) 687-5730

ELKHART First Of Slocum, 5875 E State Highway 294, TX 75839-3137, (903) 478-2354 John Day, 240 An County Road 1221, Grapeland, TX 75844-3419, (903) 478-9919 Lavon Lively, 370 An County Road 1210, Grapeland, TX 75844-4609, (903) 478-3383

Lakeside, 4202 E State Highway 294, TX 75839-4408 Justin Neal, 1790 FM 2022, Elkhart, TX 75839-4518, (903) 478-2693 Diane Casto, 1259 An County Road 1535, Elkhart, TX 75839-4305, (903) 478-3112

EMORY Pilgrim Rest #1, 1020 RS County Road 3235, TX 75440-4628, (903) 473-3591 Todd McGahee, 232 County Road 1515, Alba, TX 75410-2587, (903) 473-2130 Joan Kile, 1020 Rs County Road 3235, Emory, TX 75440-4628, (903) 473-2360

ENNIS Anthony Drive, PO Box 9, TX 75120-0009, (972) 875-3632 C/O Norma J Bain, PO Box 9, Ennis, TX 75120-0009, (972) 875-3632 Norma J Bain, PO Box 9, Ennis, TX 75120-0009, (972) 875-3632

373 Bristol, 553 Union Hill Rd, TX 75119-0280, (972) 666-2811 David Futral, 553 Union Hill Rd, Ennis, TX 75119-0280, (972) 666-2530 Renee Davis, 750 Union Hill Rd, Ennis, TX 75119-0254

Calvary, PO Box 1402, TX 75120-1402, (972) 875-8495 Kenneth Cashion, PO Box 1402, Ennis, TX 75120-1402, (972) 921-8982 Darla Tucker, PO Box 1402, Ennis, TX 75120-1402,

First, PO Box 54, TX 75120-0054, (972) 875-3305 Mitch Chapman, 1709 Charlottsville Dr, Ennis, TX 75119-2103, (972) 878-6639 Donna Wisdom, 400 Highland Dr, Ennis, TX 75119-3510,

ETOILE Macedonia, PO Box 125, TX 75944-0125, (936) 854-2228 Skipper Eberlan, 338 Private Road 7730, San AugustiNE, TX 75972-7262, (936) 872-3809 Darlene King, PO Box 43, Etoile, TX 75944-0043, (936) 854-2260

EULESS Sheppard Drive, 219 N Sheppard Dr, TX 76039-3557, (817) 267-0928 James V. Schoenrock, 1921 Cochran Dr, Mesquite, TX 75149-5497, (972) 285-8922 Cleva Jo Lilly, 2300 TimberliNE Dr Apt 167, GrapeviNE, TX 76051-4364, (817) 781-4134

EUSTACE China Grove, 110 VZ County Road 2918, TX 75124-7341, (903) 473-3398 David Harkins, 732 VZ County Road 4310, Ben Wheeler, TX 75754-7106, (903) 479-3666 Linda Weatherford, PO Box 817, Canton, TX 75103-0817, (903) 479-3342

FAIRFIELD Antioch, PO Box 477, TX 75840-0008 Max Martin, 519 W Point Tap Rd, Palestine, TX 75803-5648, (903) 723-3350 Tara Anderson, PO Box 477, Fairfield, TX 75840-0008, (903) 388-5889

Calvary, PO Box 878, TX 75840-0016, (903) 389-2613 Terry D. Skinner, 351 FM 2547, Fairfield, TX 75840-5225, (903) 389-2661 Charlotte Mullen, 149 Private Road 515, Fairfield, TX 75840-5793, (903) 389-2393

Round Prairie, 932 E Main St, TX 75840-2238, (903) 389-4842 Marvin Wittenburg, Interim, 524 Brookwood Dr, Waco, TX 767122-3213, (254) 7238811 Sandra McAdams, 792 Robindale Ln, Fairfield, TX 75840-1936, (903) 389-2479

Ward Prairie, 600 Reed St, TX 75840-1900 Louis Simpson, RR 2 Box 62, Teague, TX 75860-9622, (903) 389-7498 Deana C. McAdams, 600 Reed St, Fairfield, TX 75840-1900, (903) 389-3344

FERRIS First, PO Box 253, TX 75125-0253, (972) 842-3374 Brian Smith, 311 W 5th St, Ferris, TX 75125-2023 Donna Shaw, PO Box 253, Ferris, TX 75125-0253

New Beginnings Bible, PO Box 558, TX 75125-0558, (972) 842-2800 Mike McEuen, PO Box 558, Ferris, TX 75125-0558, (972) 842-2800 Debbie Horton, PO Box 558, Ferris, TX 75125-0558, (972) 842-2800

FLYNN First, PO Box 13, TX 77855-0013, (936) 396-6611 Dee Black, 12666 FM 39 S, Normangee, TX 77871-6012, (936) 396-1480 Kay Baskett, 10335 Private Road 4311, Marquez, TX 77865-4702, (936) 396-2304

374 FORNEY Fellowship, PO Box 126, TX 75126-0126, (972) 564-9553 Rick Lemons, PO Box 126, Forney, TX 75126-0126, (972) 564-2534 Ann Lemons, PO Box 126, Forney, TX 75126-0126, (972) 564-9553

FORT WORTH Maranatha, 12600 Meadow Green Lane, TX 76247-8546, (817) 626-8964 Ricky B. Gordon, 12600 Meadow Green Lane, Justin, TX 76247-8546, (817) 757-5117 Le Dale Moore, 12600 Meadow Green Lane, Justin, TX 76247-8546

Monte De Las Olivas Mission, 3327 Deen Rd, TX 76106-6511 Alfred Cadena, 1216 De Ridder St, Fort Worth, TX 76106-2929, (817) 626-5313 Cruz Cadena, 1216 De Ridder St, Fort Worth, TX 76106-2929

South Park, 7201 Crowley Rd, TX 76134-3504, (817) 293-2760 David Pickard, 417 N Trail St, Crowley, TX 76036-2323, (817) 371-9238 Julie Thames, 4712 Primrose St, Crowley, TX 76036-5418, (817) 297-3342

Wyatt Drive, 8306 Wyatt Dr, TX 76108-2800, (817) 246-4461 Jack L. Cook, 1117 Judy St, Fort Worth, TX 76108-2928, (817) 246-0899 Lucy Cook, 1117 Judy St, Fort Worth, TX 76108-2928

FRED Midway, 5810 Ben D Smith Rd, TX 77656-6910, (409) 429-3841 Eldon Jones, 5810 Ben D Smith Rd, Silsbee, TX 77656-6910, (409) 386-0693 Jean Jones, 5810 Ben D Smith Rd, Silsbee, TX 77656-6910

FRISCO Genesis Metro, 9750 John W Elliott Dr, TX 75033-3262, (469) 287-5995 Tim Bourne, 9750 John W Elliott Dr, Frisco, TX 75033-3262, (469) 287-5995 Church Clerk, 9750 John W Elliott Dr, Frisco, TX 75033-3262

GARLAND Emmanuel, 721 Wallace Dr, TX 75041-2041, (972) 271-1215 Mark Ballard, 917 E Calvin Dr, Garland, TX 75041-3607, (972) 278-2864 Terry Blount, 213 E Ridgewood Dr, Garland, TX 75041-3143, (972) 278-8631

Grace, 4509 Tranquility Dr, TX 75043-3367, (972) 240-6713 Paul Allison, PO Box 207, Fate, TX 75132-0207, (214) 215-9751 Church Clerk, 4509 Tranquility Dr, Garland, TX 75043-3367

Lakewood, 1514 Lakewood Dr, TX 75042-5817 Jimmy Russell, 1509 W Walnut St, Garland, TX 75042-5844, (469) 774-3831 Courtney Howard, 1800 Morningside Dr, Garland, TX 75041-8317, (972) 840-6045

Northside, 2510 N Glenbrook Dr, TX 75046-3620, (972) 495-2986 Kenneth Williams, 905 Bromwich, Garland, TX 75040-3303, (815) 978-1106 Linda Arnold, 1802 Warwick, Garland, TX 75044-7686, (972) 495-4544

GARRISON Walnut Grove, 751 Red Springs Rd, TX 75946-2403, (936) 347-5040 C/O Martha Wright, 21023 N US Highway 59, Garrison, TX 75946-6325, (936) 569-6845 Martha Wright, 21023 N US Highway 59, Garrison, TX 75946-6325, (936) 569-6845

GARY First, PO Box 205, TX 75643-0205, (903) 685-2307 Richard Plunkett, Sr., 810 County Road 3605, Joaquin, TX 75954-5754, (936) 269-4053 Jan Downing, PO Box 284, Gary, TX 75643-0284, (903) 685-2866

375 GILMER Antioch, PO Box 688, TX 75644-0688, (903) 725-5458 Michael Pool, 1192 Jaguar Rd, Big Sandy, TX 75755-3550, (903) 725-3036 Jackie Cox, 6356 Giraffe Rd, Gilmer, TX 75644-7543, (903) 725-7195

Cherokee, 1805 Bear Rd, TX 75644-5172, (903) 797-6598 C/O Peggy Lange, PO Box 703, Gilmer, TX 76440-0703, (903) 843-5206 Peggy Lange, PO Box 703, Gilmer, TX 76440-0703, (903) 843-5206

Concord, PO Box 1192, TX 75644-1192 Clay Potter, 2758 W Ferguson Rd, Mount Pleasant, TX 75455-6516, (903) 575-0293 Nelda Gipson, PO Box 1192, Gilmer, TX 75644-1192, (903) 762-2471

Enon, PO Box 973, TX 75644-0973, (903) 725-5386 Ray Thompson, 11231 FM 852, Gilmer, TX 75644-5097, (903) 725-5366 Peggy Thornton, 211 Calvert Lane, Gilmer, TX 75645-6373

Glade Creek, 2896 Locust Rd, TX 75645-2793, (903) 734-3113 Raymond Tenpenny, 6622 FM 2685, Gilmer, TX 75645-2997, (903) 734-4260 Marcelene Clemens, 4607 Crabapple Rd, Gilmer, TX 75645-7635

Latch, 1050 Box Oak Rd, TX 75644-4415, (903) 725-5602 Leon Ross, 1050 Box Oak Rd, Gilmer, TX 75644-4415, (903) 725-0444 Valerie Burgin, 3140 Holly Rd, Gilmer, TX 75644-8781,

Oak Hill, PO Box 1437, TX 75644-1437, (903) 762-2205 Dicky Mauk, Interim, 8566 Coyote Rd, Gilmer, TX 75644-5534, (903) 762-2361 Glenda Cox, 3618 FM 2088, Gilmer, TX 76544-5572, (903) 762-6262

Olde Tyme, 6637 FM 7265, Gilmer, TX 76645 Jim Crump, 6637 FM 7265, Gilmer, TX 76645 Nila Nelson, 6637 FM 7265, Gilmer, TX 76645

Pine Acres, 189 FM 555, TX 75645-6431, (903) 797-6561 Michael Manis, 1501 N Marshall St, Henderson, TX 75652-5629, (903) 657-5351 Kate Curtis-Montgomery, 525 Buffalo St, Gilmer, TX 75644-2112, (903) 680-2363

Pritchett, PO Box 605, TX 75644-0605, (903) 734-4195 Randall Hodges, 218 Texas Ave, Gilmer, TX 75645-6732, (903) 241-2585 Norma Tomlin, 5571 Red Oak Rd, Gilmer, TX 75644-8755, (903) 734-1760

Rosewood, PO Box 1193, TX 75644-1193, (903) 725-5135 Charles M. Johnson, 1044 S Mimosa Rd, Gilmer, TX 75644-7494, (903) 725-6366 Robin Crossland, 11716 Groundhog Rd, Gilmer, TX 75644-7553, (903) 424-6224

Willow Oak, 1568 Sun Flower Rd, TX 75644-5849, (903) 762-6185 Anthony Anderson II, 10898 US Highway 271 N, Gilmer, TX 75644-5434, (903) 434-2841 Joey Dunn, 11465 Poinsettia Rd, Gilmer, TX 75644-5928

Woodland, 6049 FM 3358, TX 75645-8270, (903) 734-5123 David Mayhan, 9880 FM 726 S, Gilmer, TX 75645-7443, (903) 734-6411 Evelyn Daniels, 9854 FM 726 S, Gilmer, TX 75645-7550, (903) 734-0452

GLENN HEIGHTS First, 512 E Bear Creek Rd, TX 75154-8300, (972) 223-1316 Mike Thornhill, 217 S Young Blvd, Desoto, TX 75115-5523, (972) 223-2087 Tammy Stanley, 307 West Ct, Glenn Heights, TX 75154-8561, (972) 748-2144

376 GRAND PRAIRIE Centro De Vida Mission, 602 NE 32nd St, TX 75050-4708, (972) 642-7391 Jose Luis Ortega, Sr., 4014 Dawes Dr, Dallas, TX 75211-6321, (214) 331-4323 Ana Sierra, 602 NE 32nd St, Grand Prairie, TX 75050-4708, (214) 412-3318

Eighth Street, 705 Skyline Rd, TX 75051-2051, (972) 262-4297 Jordan Tew, 2955 Alouette Dr Apt 226, Grand Prairie, TX 75052-8133 Maudeen McCormick, 1818 SE 4th St, Grand Prairie, TX 75051-4001, (972) 264-5430

GRAND SALINE Corinth, 9734 FM 1255, TX 75140-5030, (903) 962-3336 Billy Smith, 3080 FM 515, Emory, TX 75440-4739, (903) 439-4579 Patti Tabraham, 20840 St Highway 64, Canton, TX 75103-6128, (903) 567-4455

East Center, 4523 FM 1652, TX 75140-4712, (903) 962-5247 Danny Laprade, 451 VZ County Road 1213, Canton, TX 75103-6550, (903) 829-2043 Dee Dee Laprade, 451 VZ County Road 1213, Canton, TX 75103-6550

First, 316 N Houston St, TX 75140-2306, (903) 962-4948 James Neidholt, 709 County Road 1660, Alba, TX 75410-5518, (903) 768-2205 Vickie Campbell, PO Box 419, Grand SaliNE, TX 75140-0419, (903) 372-2427

Lawrence Springs, 2989 VZ County Road 1110, TX 75140-4547, (903) 962-4467 Steven Swaim, 1621 Lemonwood Cir, Mesquite, TX 75149-6270, (972) 222-6281 Darlene Laprade, 2162 VZ County Road 1806, Grand Saline, TX 75140-3012, (903) 962-3504

Mount Lebanon, 750 VZ County Road 1117, TX 75140-4385, (903) 829-2112 Brent Corn, 8335 State Highway 198, Mabank, TX 75147-6747, (903) 451-4774 Lenda Guthrie, 8333 State Highway 198, Mabank, TX 75156-6747, (903) 880-8059

Richland Heights, PO Box 306, TX 75140-0306, (903) 962-4314 Mark W. Winskie, 1310 VZ County Road 1803, Grand Saline, TX 75140-3492, (903) 962-4314 Norma Winskie, 1310 VZ County Road 1803, Grand Saline, TX 75140-3492, (903) 962-4314

Sand Flat, 4494 FM 857, TX 75140-5448, (903) 962-3804 Dennis, Morris, Jr., 4494 FM 857, Grand Saline, TX 75140-5448, (903) 288-9462 Jessica Autry, 2432 VZ County Road 1703, Grand Saline, TX 75140-6027, (903) 603-5201

GRAPELAND New Hope Missionary, 396 County Road 2335, TX 75844-5842 Charles Pyle, 396 County Road 2335, Grapeland, TX 75844-5842, (936) 687-5279 Church Clerk, 396 County Road 2335, Grapeland, TX 75844-5842

GROESBECK Bethel, 206 S Grayson St, TX 76642-1425 Daryl Hatley, Interim, 132 Private Road 5501, Groesbeck, TX 76642-2894 Bonnie Noel, 206 S Grayson St, Groesbeck, TX 76642-1425,

Lost Prairie, 514 FM 3371, TX 76642-2541 J. R. Tapley, 3894 Highway 164 E, Groesbeck, TX 76642-2581, (254) 729-5331 Church Clerk, 514 FM 3371, Groesbeck, TX 76642-2541

GUN BARREL CITY Liberty, PO Box 1776, TX 75147-1776, (903) 887-4873 Dennis Ray Woods, PO Box 846, Mabank, TX 75147-0846, (903) 386-6771 Sharon Woods, PO Box 846, Mabank, TX 75147-0846, (903) 386-6771

HEMPHILL East Mayfield, PO Box 357, TX 75948-0357, (409) 787-3349

377 Ronald L. Dunn, PO Box 357, Hemphill, TX 75948-0357, (409) 787-3349 Kathy McGraw, 4065 Dorsey Rd, Bronson, TX 75930-8004

Friendship, 11500 Highway 87 N, TX 75959-2318 Micheal Dickerson, 11500 Highway 87 N, Milam, TX 75959-2318, (409) 625-0844 Troy G. Smith, PO Box 908, Hemphill, TX 75948-0908, (409) 579-3931

Yellowpine Macedonia, 368 Ross Youngblood Trl, TX 75948-6227 T. A. ‘Tracy’ Lane, PO Box 65, Pineland, TX 75968-0065, (409) 584-1144 Ollie Faye Sparks, PO Box 1110, Hemphill, TX 75948-1110, (409) 579-3072

HENDERSON Liberty, 12025 County Road 397 E, TX 75652-8025, (903) 889-2565 Jerry C. Phillips, PO Box 359, Beckville, TX 75631-0359, (903) 678-3769 Samantha Jones, 4555 FM 959, Beckville, TX 75631-6863, (903) 754-2430

New Salem, 18597 FM 839 S, TX 75654-6321 Chris Proctor, 1103 Moore St, Jacksonville, TX 75766-7352, (903) 393-5898 Michelle Wilkerson, 15968 County Road 4256 S, Henderson, TX 75654-6172, (903) 722-1441

Sardis, 13174 County Road 4187 S, TX 75654-6042, (903) 854-4521 Marc Sharp, 13174 County Road 4187 S, Henderson, TX 75654-6042, (903) 854-4521 Sherry Nichols, 16372 FM 839 S, Henderson, TX 75654-6170, (903) 854-3554

HOUSTON Bauman Road, 10709 Bauman Rd, TX 77076-2638, (713) 697-5094 Adam Johnson, 260 Cooper Rd, Houston, TX 77076-2544, (713) 697-5094 Norma Holman, 250 Cooper Rd, Houston, TX 77076-2544, (713) 697-0589

Center Of Life, 11250 Bentley Rd, TX 77092-2700, (281) 442-5433 C/O Laura Harrison, 20643 Ravenwood Ct, Porter, TX 77365-4892, (281) 354-6177 Laura Harrison, 20643 Ravenwood Ct, Porter, TX 77365-4892, (281) 354-6177

Centro De Vida, 10709 Bauman Rd, TX 77076-2638, (713) 697-5094 Richard Robinson, 4310 Sandydale Lane, Houston, TX 77039-4720, (281) 686-3883 Enoc Tinoco, 5746 Oakham St, Houston, TX 77085-3326

Community, 11710 Lockwood, TX 77044-5540, (281) 303-5491 Paul La Bonte’, 13630 Elm Shores, Houston, TX 77044-5612, (281) 458-6878 Barbarah Dominy, 11710 Lockwood, Houston, TX 77044-5540, (281) 303-5491

First Beltway, 7730 Uvalde Rd, TX 77049-3018, (281) 458-4102 Rick Jackson, 7730 Uvalde Rd, Houston, TX 77049-3018, (281) 459-8370 Harriet Elliott, 13410 Whitchurch Way, Houston, TX 77015-1316, (713) 451-0325

Rio Jordan, 10062 LAZy Oaks, TX 77080-7510, (281) 442-3444 Armando Rodriguez, 10062 LAZy Oaks, Houston, TX 77080-7510, (713) 467-2559 Olga Rodriguez, 10062 LAZy Oaks, Houston, TX 77080-7510

HUMBLE Suburban Wood, PO Box 1597, TX 77347-1597, (281) 441-3959 Dean Renfro, PO Box 1597, Humble, TX 77347-1597, (281) 226-0867 Jane Meyers, PO Box 8617, Grangerland, TX 77302-0617, (936) 231-3149

HUNTINGTON First Ora, 544 Ora Church Rd, TX 75949-0544, (936) 876-4922 Danny Cryer, 254 Stringer Rd, Diboll, TX 75941-3501, (936) 676-2347 Darlene Letney, 204 Englewood Dr, Lufkin, TX 75901-5806, (936) 414-6849

378 Harmony Odell, PO Box 860, TX 75949-0860 Jackson Colwell, 4561 Dead Man Rd, Huntington, TX 75949-4408, (936) 876-3170 Judy Runnels, 2163 Pahal Rd, Huntington, TX 75949-4259, (936) 422-4293

Pine Forest, PO Box 1196, TX 75949-1196 Burl McBride III, PO Box 1014, Pineland, TX 75968-1014, (936) 671-0440 Nancy Lee Hoch, 3595 Tom Holland Rd, Lufkin, TX 75901-0738, (936) 422-4320

Rocky Hill, 4040 Harley Golden Rd, TX 75949-2643, (936) 632-2811 Bobby Russell, 199 Russellville Rd, Nacogdoches, TX 75964-5452, (936) 553-4628 Pat Williams, 521 John W Wallace Rd, Huntington, TX 75949-2710, (936) 632-2811

Salem, 965 Ralph Nerren Rd, TX 75949-4373, (936) 876-3211 Brian Williams, 963 Ralph Nerren Rd, Huntington, TX 75949-4373, (936) 876-3211 Wanda Arnold, PO Box 1557, Huntington, TX 75949-1557, (936) 876-5267

Shawnee Prairie, PO Box 1480, TX 75949-1480, (936) 422-3769 Jeffery Connor, PO Box 427, Groveton, TX 75845-0427, (936) 215-1187 Shelley Cook, PO Box 938, Huntington, TX 75949-0938, (936) 876-3418

HUNTSVILLE Ebenezer, 9980 Lake Shore Dr, TX 77316-9133, (936) 597-5760 Edwin Crank, PO Box 1845, Jacksonville, TX 75766-1845, (903) 586-2763 Deborah Wells, 9980 Lake Shore Dr, Montgomery, TX 77316-9133, (936) 597-5760

Open Door, PO Box 366, TX 77367-0366, (936) 293-1645 Clyde Loll, 10740 Shepard Hill Rd, Willis, TX 77318-7104, (936) 293-1645 Kathy Beauchamp, PO Box 1130, New Waverly, TX 77358-1130

IOLA Enon First, 9337 County Road 106, TX 77861-9802, (936) 394-5122 Larry D. Andrews, PO Box 1085, Hilltop Lakes, TX 77871-1085, (936) 855-2006 Betty Webb, 9337 County Road 106, Iola, TX 77861-5100, (936) 394-2022

Martin’s Prairie, 4248 County Road 183, TX 77830-7881, (936) 873-2934 John Free, 3604 Dorchester Ct, Bryan, TX 77802-5862, (979) 774-5074 Mary Lavender, 4248 County Road 183, Anderson, TX 77830-7881, (936) 873-2934

IRVING Las Colinas First, 1930 Gateway Dr, TX 75038-2405, (972) 550-0218 Dale Thornton, 2012 Buffalo Bend Rd, Lewisville, TX 75067-7412, (817) 316-2193 Melody Joy Preuninger, 304 S Heights Dr, Crowley, TX 76036-3304, (817) 723-4801

Village, 224 E Grauwyler Rd, TX 75061-2642, (972) 579-7988 Mark Jenkins, 224 E Grauwyler Rd, Irving, TX 75061-2642, (817) 784-3840 Sandra Mintz, 1922 Dory Lane, Irving, TX 75061-2835

ITALY First, PO Box 387, TX 76651-0387, (972) 483-6302 Ronnie D. Dabney, PO Box 387, Italy, TX 76651-0387, (972) 483-6735 Sandra R. Bryan, PO Box 702, Italy, TX 76651-0702

ITASCA First, PO Box 57, TX 76055-0057, (254) 687-2783 James McCarty, PO Box 57, Itasca, TX 76055-0057, (972) 921-8844 Sandy Leamons, 504 E Main St, Itasca, TX 76055-2317, (254) 687-2213

JACINTO CITY Munn Street, 10137 Pillot St, TX 77029-2629, (713) 455-4341

379 Leonard Ward, Interim, 10917 La CrosSE St, Houston, TX 77029-2237, (713) 455-4447 Norma Holman, 10137 Pillot St, Houston, TX 77029-2629, (713) 674-2736

JACKSBORO Mountain Home, 221 Mountain Home Rd, TX 76458-3539, (940) 567-5455 Frank Hefner, 222 Mountain Home Rd, Jacksboro, TX 76458-3539, (940) 567-5455 Lelia Vine Cozart, 8625 US Highway 380 W, Jacksboro, TX 76458-3816, (940) 392-4241

JACKSONVILLE Afton Grove, 360 County Road 4208, TX 75766-7755, (903) 586-2819 David W. Hallum, 1025 Palestine St, Jacksonville, TX 75766-3231, (903) 589-3633 Suzanne Joyce, 687 County Road 4901, Jacksonville, TX 75766-0119, (903) 586-2819

Calvary, 122 W Tena St, TX 75766-3334, (903) 586-1081 Michael Mathis, 822 College Ave, Jacksonville, TX 75766-2930, (903) 625-0776 Jerrie Frazier, 1608 Tremont St, Jacksonville, TX 75766-5722, (903) 284-0961

Corinth, 928 County Road 1404, TX 75766-9738 James C. Blaylock, 1105 Robs Rd, Jacksonville, TX 75766-3527, (903) 586-4594 Lorene Harvey, 928 County Road 1404, Jacksonville, TX 75766-9738, (903) 586-4636

Cornerstone, PO Box 1412, TX 75766-1412, (903) 586-9431 Larry Barker, PO Box 1412, Jacksonville, TX 75766-1412, (903) 586-9431 Lesa Leinback, PO Box 1412, Jacksonville, TX 75766-1412

Craft, PO Box 1644, TX 75766-1644, (903) 586-2616 James Dorman, PO Bo 1644, Jacksonville, TX 75766-6144 Jean Galyean, 462 County Road 3203, Jacksonville, TX 75766-6833, (903) 721-5027

Enterprise, 1109 County Road 3301, TX 75766-6088, (903) 586-3190 James D. ‘Jim’ Shine, 2302 Briarwood Dr, Jacksonville, TX 75766-9215, (903) 586-1066 Shirley McAnally, 2965 County Road 4101, Jacksonville, TX 75766-8096, (903) 586-8784

First, 210 Philip St, TX 75766-5516, (903) 586-4844 Vernon R. Lee, 210 Philip St, Jacksonville, TX 75766-5516, (903) 586-4844 Jan Lybrand, 805 Kickapoo, Jacksonville, TX 75766-4625, (903) 589-0059

Friendship, 6065 County Road 3305, TX 75766-6084 Larry G. Smith, 1030 FM 768 N, Rusk, TX 75785-3749, (903) 683-3232 Janice Patton, PO Box 2221, Jacksonville, TX 75766-2221, (903) 586-8962

New Hope, PO Box 994, TX 75766-0994, (903) 586-8669 James M. Morris, 955 County Road 4120, Jacksonville, TX 75766-5158, (903) 721-1599 Janie Driver, 2621 Oak Point Dr, Jacksonville, TX 75766-8998, (903) 586-8669

Tabernacle, PO Box 2081, TX 75766-2081, (903) 586-2111 David Moore, 150 County Road 4904, Jacksonville, TX 75766-0900, (903) 586-1936 James Spivey, 1012 Bryan St, Jacksonville, TX 75766-3272, (903) 586-4228

JASPER Beech Grove, PO Box 1377, TX 75951-1377, (409) 384-9343 C/O Joy Martindale, 845 County Road 138 E, Jasper, TX 75951-8274 Joy Martindale, 845 County Road 138 E, Jasper, TX 75951-8274

Bishop Chapel, 907 FM 1738, TX 75951-6648, (409) 384-3734 Wes Wright, 608 County Road 168, Jasper, TX 75951-9276, (409) 384-3275 Doylene Gary, 907 FM 1738, Jasper, TX 75951-6648, (409) 384-2689

Cornerstone, 591 Calvert St, TX 75951-3160, (409) 384-5379

380 Willie B. Thompson, Jr, HC 5 Box 85b, Kirbyville, TX 75956-9368, (409) 423-4698 Yvonne Smith, 1206 N Hemphill St, Jasper, TX 75951-2720

Ebenezer, 1277 County Road 044, TX 75951-6292, (409) 384-8155 Curtis Herrington, 222 County Road 044, Jasper, TX 75951-6219, (409) 384-8039 Debbie Gary, 7480 US Highway 190 E, Jasper, TX 75951-6720, (409) 384-9008

Springhill, 3148 County Road 480, TX 75956-4328, (409) 423-3308 Timothy R. Rule, 3148 County Road 480, Kirbyville, TX 75956-4328, (409) 423-3308 Yvonne Kibodeaux, PO Box 764, Jasper, TX 75951-0764

Zion Hill, PO Box 1723, TX 75951-1723, (409) 383-0014 Robert Wall, PO Box 1723, Jasper, TX 75951-1723, (409) 379-4113 Fred Morgan, PO Box 1723, Jasper, TX 75951-1723, (409) 384-8656

JEFFERSON Heritage, PO Box 911, TX 75657-0911, (903) 665-8865 Gene Lee, 4312 FM 2208, Jefferson, TX 75657-4330, (903) 665-9971 Jane Laster, 901 S Line Ave, Jefferson, TX 75657-2413

JEWETT Little Flock, PO Box 897, TX 75846-0897, (903) 626-5175 Tad Traylor, PO Box 897, Jewett, TX 75846-0897, (903) 626-5441 Ruby Willis, 175 Private Road 5885, Jewett, TX 75846-5764, (903) 626-5484

Sardis, PO Box 207, TX 75846-0207 Jeremy Wilson, Interim, 635 FM 1848, Buffalo, TX 75831-6843, (469) 615-0175 Maurine Mullins, PO Box 716, Jewett, TX 75846-0716, (903) 626-4627

JOAQUIN First, PO Box 948, TX 75954-0948, (936) 269-3582 J. Paul Silvey, PO Box 948, Joaquin, TX 75954-0948, (936) 269-3954 Mary Edwards, PO Box 948, Joaquin, TX 75954-0948,

Jackson, 11120 State Highway 7 E, TX 75954-3973, (936) 269-3370 David Long, 11167 State Highway 7 E, Joaquin, TX 75954-3974, (936) 269-3346 Nancy Keath, 2630 County Road 3182, Joaquin, TX 75954-4413, (936) 269-9014

Old Home, 3098 County Road 4550, TX 75954-2862, (936) 248-3025 Hollis Bass, 1195 County Road 4855, Timpson, TX 75954-2830, (936) 652-5760 Wendy Watson, 3192 County Road 3550, Joachin, TX 75954-2900, (936) 248-5402

JUDSON First, PO Box 53, TX 75660-0053, (903) 663-0539 Tim Smith, 508 Pine Burr Ln, Kilgore, TX 75662-2340 Judy Kieffer, 225 Kieffer Rd, Longview, TX 75605-4205

KAUFMAN Blackjack, 12173 County Road 124, TX 75142-4808, (972) 932-6026 Tommy Jenkins, Jr., 1423 Red Wolf Cir, Rockwall, TX 75087-7380, (972) 771-2707 Tommie Myers, 14843 E St Highway 243, Kaufman, TX 75142-7052, (972) 932-7080

KELLER Northridge, 11910 Old Denton Rd, TX 76244-5284, (682) 597-4691 Dan E. Oliver, 11910 Old Denton Rd, Keller, TX 76244-5284, (682) 597-4691 Beverly Heath, 3411 Lakeview Dr, Grapevine, TX 76051-4610, (817) 481-2665

Rockhouse, 1305 Castlegar Lane, TX 76247-5758 Cody Montandon, 1305 Castlegar Lane, Justin, TX 76247-5758, (817) 905-9459

381 Church Clerk, 1305 Castlegar Lane, Justin, TX 76247-5758,

KEMP New Hope, 15989 County Road 2501, TX 75124-4303 Greg Thomas, 15989 County Road 2501, Eustace, TX 75124-4303, (903) 887-7815 Mona Thomas, 15989 County Road 2501, Eustace, TX 75124-4303, (903) 887-7815

KENNARD Piney Creek, PO Box 216, TX 75856-0216 Paul David Gillham, 1611 Countyline Rd, Kennard, TX 75847-2323, (936) 546-1116 Sandra Henderson, PO Box 216, Pennington, TX 75856-0216, (936) 638-4304

KERENS Kerens, 200 N Bonner Ave, TX 75144-2504, (903) 396-2465 C/O Naomi Johnston, 518 Darby Dr Apt 22, Kerens, TX 75144-3610 Naomi Johnston, 518 Darby Dr Apt 22, Kerens, TX 75144-3610

KILGORE Stone Ridge, PO Box 2975, TX 75662-2975, (903) 984-9341 John W. Gradberg, PO Box 176, Beckville, TX 75631-0176, (903) 678-0101 Mary Lynn Latham, PO Box 1817, Kilgore, TX 75663-1817, (903) 981-9019

LAKEVIEW Lakeview, PO Box 142, TX 79239-0142 C/O Rosa Castillo, PO Box 142, Lakeview, TX 79239-0142, (806) 867-2025 Rosa Castillo, PO Box 142, Lakeview, TX 79239-0142

LAMESA Sunset, PO Box 59, TX 79331-0059, (806) 872-8122 Gerald D. Parsons, PO Box 59, Lamesa, TX 79331-0059, (806) 872-2467 Judith Holladay, PO Box 90, Lamesa, TX 75331-0090, (806) 872-8200

LANCASTER Central, 912 Randlett St, TX 75146-1648, (972) 227-2782 Jim Lang, 2850 S Beltline Rd Lot 188, Dallas, TX 75253-4654, (214) 415-0822 Nancy Williams, 912 Randlett St, Lancaster, TX 75146-1648

LATEXO Ephesus, PO Box 1011, TX 75849-1011 Stephen D. McCeig, 301 E FM 489, Buffalo, TX 75831-6811, (903) 389-7039 Angela Graham, 1161 County Road 1835, Crockett, TX 75835-6119, (936) 544-8875

LEGGETT Leggett, PO Box 142, TX 77350-0142, (936) 327-0917 Timothy Thompson, 487 H Armitage Rd, Livingston, TX 77351-4823, (936) 327-5406 Debra J. Powell, 895 Galloway Lane, Livingston, TX 77351-6138

LEVELLAND College Avenue, PO Box 1244, TX 79336-1244, (806) 894-4550 Brian Simon, 310 Cottonwood Lane, Levelland, TX 79336-6832, (806) 894-7005 Brenda Davis, PO Box 1244, Levelland, TX 79336-1244, (806) 894-4550

Fifth Street, PO Box 1212, TX 79336-1212, (806) 894-3712 Roy Prather, PO Box 1212, Levelland, TX 79336-1212, (806) 894-3434 Sherry Phillips, PO Box 1212, Levelland, TX 79336-1212, (806) 894-3712

LEWISVILLE Community Life Mission, 975 Fox Ave, TX 75067-4548, (254) 221-1400 George Martinez, 1693 Niagara Falls Blvd, Lewisville, TX 75077-2463, (972) 317-5269

382 Nicole Martinez, 1693 Niagara Falls Blvd, Lewisville, TX 75077-2463, (972) 317-5269

Dulce Refugio, 975 Fox Ave, TX 75067-4548, (972) 436-5684 Enrique Sanchez, 1035 Kings Manor Dr, Lake Dallas, TX 75065-2641, (214) 532-7743 Kacey Sanchez, 975 Fox Ave, Lewisville, TX 75067-4548, (972) 436-5684

LINDALE East Foothills, PO Box 835, TX 75771-0835, (903) 882-4227 Charles Gilmore, PO Box 221, Lindale, TX 75771-0221, (903) 882-9457 Sharon Crockett, 18142 County Road 452, Lindale, TX 75771-3630, (903) 881-0912

LITTLEFIELD Sunset Avenue, 1720 E 18th St, Littlefield, TX 79339-5444, (806) 778-0103 Ryan Burchett, 112 E 14th St, Littlefield, TX 79339-4428, (806) 778-0103 Kenneth Ray, 1720 E 18th St, Littlefield, TX 79339-5444, (806) 385-4802

LIVINGSTON Ace, PO Box 381, TX 77326-0381, (936) 685-4644 John A. Taylor, 2897 FM 2610, Livingston, TX 77351-0772, (936) 685-4639 Jean Taylor, PO Box 305, Ace, TX 77326-0381, (936) 685-4639

Bethel, 8815 FM 350 N, TX 77351-0048, (936) 646-4888 Dicky L. Boddie, 7434 State Highway 146 S, Livingston, TX 77351-7476, (936) 327-5761 David Chalker, 8715 FM 350 N, Livingston, TX 77351-0048, (936) 646-3444

Chesswood, PO Box 343, TX 77351-0343, (936) 327-8870 Howard, Daniel, Jr, 160 Bishop, Livingston, TX 77351-8038, (936) 365-2210 Martha O’Banion, 387 Burchfield Rd, Livingston, TX 77351-6786

East Tempe, 958 Pridgen Rd, TX 77351-1371 Dewayne Clark, 127 Hefner Ave, Livingston, TX 77351-6336, (936) 967-0510 Pauline Maze, 958 Pridgen Rd, Livingston, TX 77351-1371, (936) 967-4327

First, PO Box 2077, TX 77351-0040, (936) 327-4417 Brett Lester, PO Box 2077, Livingston, TX 77351-0040, (936) 327-4417 Lori Jones, PO Box 2077, Livingston, TX 77351-0040, (936) 327-4417

First Of Providence, PO Box 1713, TX 77351-1713, (936) 327-5395 Jerry Smith, Interim, PO Box 1713, TX 77351-1713 Mary L Moore, PO Box 1577, Livingston, TX 77351-1577, (936) 329-0721

Holly Grove, 5086 Holly Grove Rd, TX 77351-5551, (936) 685-5143 Denton Maze, 1253 FM 2798, Livingston, TX 77351-7630, (936) 685-4838 Gloria Richardson, 5086 Holly Grove Rd, Livingston, TX 77351-5551, (936) 685-4825

Magnolia Hill, 9269 FM 943, TX 77351-7204, (936) 685-4212 Billy Brackin, 4665 Menard Chapel, Livingston, TX 77351-5570, (936) 685-7567 Dianna Robinson, 16130 FM 943, Livingston, TX 77351-2069, (936) 685-4192

Soda, 8135 U S Highway 190 E, TX 77351-1832, (936) 563-2453 Wayne Bickley, 8105 US Highway 190 E, Livingston, TX 77351-1832, (936) 563-2453 Carolyn Ann Woods, 488 Soda Loop W, Livingston, TX 77351-0414, (936) 563-4212

Sunflower, 3350 Camp Ruby Rd, TX 77351-0487, (936) 563-2560 Mitchell Murphy, 517 Hooks Rd, Livingston, TX 77351-4257, (936) 685-7552 Loyce Flowers, 3350 Camp Ruby Rd, Livingston, TX 77351-0487, (936) 685-7552

LONE OAK Believers Fellowship, PO Box 416, TX 75453-0416, (903) 662-0988

383 C/O Church Clerk, PO Box 416, LoNE Oak, TX 75453-0416, (903) 662-0988 Church Clerk, PO Box 416, LoNE Oak, TX 75474-0416

LONGVIEW Camille Acres, 2920 Gilmer Rd, TX 75604-1832, (903) 759-8679 Thomas L. Ayres, 203 W Sarah Ave, Longview, TX 75604-1938, (903) 759-8679 Ann Bergman, 408 Helane Lane, Longview, TX 75604-1413, (903) 653-4967

Faith, 3040 Monroe St, TX 75602-9740, (903) 753-2299 David L. Webber, 102 Sherwood Dr, Longview, TX 75605-1938, (903) 295-3618 Mona Reeves, 3040 Monroe St, Longview, TX 75602-9740,

Liberty, 5357 S FM 2087, TX 75603-4001, (903) 759-6672 Preston Murchison, 1500 W Loop 281, Longview, TX 75604-2819, (903) 216-0647 Ruth Brogden, 5357 S FM 2087, Longview, TX 75603-4001

LOOP Ashmore, HC 1 Box 23, TX 79342-9711, (806) 487-6771 C/O Kathy Halbrooks, HC 1 Box 23, Loop, TX 79342-9711 Kathy Halbrooks, HC 1 Box 23, Loop, TX 79342-9711

LUBBOCK Lake Ridge, 4601 82nd St, TX 79424-3234, (806) 771-0514 Raif Turner, 4601 82nd St, Lubbock, TX 79424-3234, (806) 789-8334 Marjorie Jeter, 4601 82nd St, Lubbock, TX 79424-3234, (806) 771-0514

Lighthouse 2102 49th St, TX 79412-2130, (806) 763-0794 Danny Willis, 2822 56th St, Lubbock, TX 79413-2822, (806) 549-1966 Jeanette Willis, 1504 27th St, Lubbock, TX 79411-2436, (806) 241-3904

Monte Olivo, 1103 E Queens St, TX 79403-1629, (806) 762-5570 Benjamin Soliz, Sr., 1109 E Queens St, Lubbock, TX 79403-2401, (806) 749-0006 Jeannie Soliz, 506 Ursuline Ave, Lubbock, TX 79403-506, (806) 283-5256

LUFKIN Fairview, 3742 FM 2108, TX 75901-2008, (936) 637-1466 Gene Hazell, 2655 FM 2108, Diboll, TX 75941-3474, (936) 238-2406 Joyce Carr, 105 Garden Walk Lane, Lufkin, TX 75901-5979, (936) 699-4633

Fuller Springs, PO Box 1341, TX 75902-1341, (936) 824-3212 Lester Foreman, PO Box 1405, Jacksonville, TX 75766-1405, (903) 586-2728 Tammy Hampton, 102 Grace, Lufkin, TX 75901-9603, (936) 824-2839

Harvest, 6565 S Highway 69, TX 75901-8313, (936) 229-9053 Jeremy Campbell, 223 Mount Carmel Rd Apt 115, Lufkin, TX 75901-6348, (936) 229-9053 Paula Campbell, 223 Mount Carmel Rd Apt 115, Lufkin, TX 75901-6348, (936) 229-9053

Keltys First, PO Box 3043, TX 75903-3043, (936) 634-4019 Mark Livingston, PO Box 3043, Lufkin, TX 75903-3043, (936) 634-4019 Ann Browning, PO Box 3043, Lufkin, TX 75903-3043, (936) 634-4019

Little Flock, 2769 FM 1475, TX 75901-1866, (936) 824-3633 Ken Donaghue, PO Box 154205, Lufkin, TX 75915-4205, (936) 404-9895 Jo Ann Rhodes, 3632 FM 1475, Lufkin, TX 75901-1872, (936) 824-2351

McKindree, 559 McKindree Rd, TX 75901-7609, (936) 634-2063 David L. Merritt, 557 McKindree Rd, Lufkin, TX 75901-7609, (936) 632-6377 Carla Merritt, 557 McKindree Rd, Lufkin, TX 75901-7609, (936) 632-6377

384 New Hope, PO Box 135, TX 75926-0135 Bill Bailey, PO Box 135, Apple Springs, TX 75926-0135, (936) 635-9007 Church Clerk, PO Box 135, Apple Springs, TX 75926-0135

Wallace Chapel, 103 Brooks Hendry Rd, TX 75904-6877 Billy Joe Knight, 571 Richardson Rd, Lufkin, TX 75904-7846, (936) 632-5047 Connie Gipson, 258 Penn Bonner Rd, Lufkin, TX 75904-6914, (936) 875-3651

MABANK Lighthouse PO Box 158, TX 75778-0158, (903) 451-4787 Jack Bragg, PO Box 158, Murchison, TX 75778-0158, (903) 681-1897 Betty Meador, PO Box 158, Murchison, TX 75778-0158, (903) 451-2878

Payne Springs, 9720 State Highway 198, TX 75147-6436, (903) 451-2443 Danny Denny, 9720 State Highway 198, Mabank, TX 75147-6436, (903) 451-2443 Louise Byers, 9720 State Highway 198, Mabank, TX 75147-6436

MAGNOLIA SPRINGS Fellowship, 8123 FM 1005, TX 75956-3636 Andy Rogers, 1389 County Road 029, Jasper, TX 75951-6265, (409) 384-4773 Robbie Peek, 2611 County Road 509, Magnolia Springs, TX 75956-3940, (409) 594-6680

MALAKOFF Crescent Heights, 5127 County Road 1221, TX 75148-6905, (903) 675-3904 Charles Gurley, 5127 County Road 1221, Malakoff, TX 75148-6905, (903) 675-3904 Diane Garrett, 31 Sunset Blvd, Malakoff, TX 75148-4743

Parkview, PO Box 448, TX 75148-0448, (903) 489-1138 C/O Erma Monroe, PO Box 233, Malakoff, TX 75148-0233, (903) 489-0237 Erma Monroe, PO Box 233, Malakoff, TX 75148-0233, (903) 489-0237

MANSFIELD New Beginnings, 1002 Walnut Pl, TX 76063-2558, (817) 453-9959 Brian Merchant, 1002 Walnut Pl, Mansfield, TX 76063-2558, (817) 291-6727 Sharon Estes, 1218 Lake Grove Loop, Midlothian, TX 76065-5641, (817) 475-4825

MARQUEZ Clear Creek, 9315 Highway 7 W, TX 77865-4773 Ross Newton, PO Box 1, Flynn, TX 77855-0001, (936) 396-6673 Christie Stanford, 9315 Highway 7 W, Marquez, TX 77865-4773

MAYDELLE First, PO Box 103, TX 75772-0103, (903) 795-3303 Rusty Sherman, PO Box 175, Maydelle, TX 75772-0175, (903) 262-5395 Janet Roach, PO Box 5, Maydelle, TX 75772-0005, (903) 795-3341

MC ADOO First, PO Box 76, TX 79243-0076 Merle Fulmer, 407 Justice Ave, Lubbock, TX 79416-4192, (806) 780-8328 Wilma Hickman, 391 County Road 255, Mcadoo, TX 79243-3501, (806) 697-2718

MESQUITE Calvary First, 2850 E Glen Blvd, TX 75185-1108, (972) 289-1661 Ron Hand, 1002 S Peachtree Rd, Mesquite, TX 75149-5519 Nora Costlow, 833 Applegate, Dallas, TX 75253-3102, (972) 557-0507

Caminando Con Cristo, 10524 Sand Springs Ave, TX 75227-7113 Jesus Terrazas, 10524 Sand Springs Ave, Dallas, TX 75227-7113, (972) 289-3063 Mrs. Jesus Terrazas, 10524 San Springs Ave, Dallas, TX 75227-7113

385 Friendship, 820 Pioneer Rd, TX 75149-5259, (972) 285-4544 Bob D. Whitten, 1829 Bette Dr, Mesquite, TX 75149-6203, (972) 222-3880 Georgia Williams, 2621 Bluebird Ln, esquite, T 75149-2929, (972) 285-7045

Gethsemane, 2523 Clay Mathis Rd, TX 75181-1811, (972) 222-0864 Jerry D. Brown, 2305 Lesley Lane, Mesquite, TX 75181-2213, (972) 289-4938 Jane Kennemer, 707 Lindo Dr, Mesquite, TX 75149-5160, (972) 285-1230

Shiloh Road, 4105 Ashwood Dr, TX 75150-1910, (972) 270-7070 Thomas O. Bedingfield, 760 Pebble Creek Lane, Rockwall, TX 75032-6853, (972) 722-7569 Jo Gillmen, 4527 Preston Trail Dr, Mesquite, TX 75150-1989, (972) 948-3112

MEXIA Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana Mission, PO Box 565, TX 76667-0565, (254) 562-7903 Alejo Salas, 1029 E Titus, Mexia, TX 76607-3484, (254) 562-7903 Church Clerk, PO Box 565, Mexia, TX 76667-0565

Temple, 719 S Red River St, TX 76667-3456, (254) 562-6314 Michael Vestal, 706 E Main, Mexia, TX 76667-3348, (254) 472-9093 Cynthia O’pry, 704 S Wallace St, Mexia, TX 76667-3626, (254) 747-2252

MIDLOTHIAN Calvary, PO Box 943, TX 76065-0943, (972) 775-8722 Larry Pool, 111 Sequoia Ct, Midlothian, TX 76065-7207, (972) 723-1775 Sherrie Hutson, 1591 S 9th St, Midlothian, TX 76065-1992, (972) 775-8722

Hopewell, PO Box 523, TX 76065-0523, (214) 460-7933 George Ketcham, 3414 Kent St, Midlothian, TX 76065-8712, (972) 775-5685 Julie Gary, 1517 Ridgecrest Dr, Midlothian, TX 76065-2020, (972) 723-3874


Calvary, 2803 FM 779, TX 75773-3295, (903) 967-2210 Donald Ray Masters, PO Box 824, Quitman, TX 75783-0824, (903) 763-2309 Jan Owens, 1044 County Road 2220, Mineola, TX 75773-6660, (903) 569-9387

Central, 602 N Line St, TX 75773-1230, (903) 569-3203 Merle Parker, 1605 N US Highway 69, Mineola, TX 75773-3733, (903) 569-3568 Berenda Mewborn, 720 County Road 2774, Mineola, TX 75773-5036, (903) 569-9303

Macedonia, 1555 County Road 3875, TX 75773-5173, (903) 769-5618 Thomas Ricks, 612 FM 49, Mineola, TX 75773-3432, (903) 569-5548 Deborah A Peek, 1555 County Road 3875, Mineola, TX 75773-5173, (903) 857-2242

Mount Enterprise, 1638 County Road 2954, TX 75410-5547, (903) 569-2124 C/O Charles Meyers, Jr, 1638 County Road 2954, Alba, TX 75410-5547, (903) 569-2124 Church Clerk, PO Box 162, Mineola, TX 75773-0162

Mount Pisgah, 4995 FM 49, TX 75773-3811, (903) 857-2541 Randy Johnson, PO Box 691, Quitman, TX 75783-0691, (903) 967-2588 Carol Taylor, PO Box 1424, Quitman, TX 75783-1424, (903) 967-3205

New Hope, 3855 FM 1801, TX 75773-4756, (903) 569-3760 Fred Morrow, PO Box 554, Quitman, TX 75783-0554, (903) 967-3433 Patti Sparkman, 1805 County Road 2700, Mineola, TX 75773-4923, (903) 569-3763

Rose Hill, 1420 County Road 2460, TX 75773-6840, (903) 780-5702 Roy Stephens, 227 Sue Lane, Mineola, TX 75773-1331, (903) 780-5702 Jennifer Davidson, 213 Private Road 6624, Mineola, TX 75773-4600, (903) 497-7233

Sand Springs, PO Box 467, TX 75773-0467, (903) 569-9350 Nick Kerry, PO Box 97, Golden, TX 75444-0097, (903) 768-3239 386 Patricia Damron, 167 County Road 2333, Mineola, TX 75773-3229, (903) 569-3504

MORTON First Missionary, PO Box 981, TX 79346-0981, (806) 266-5286 C/O Betty Hudson, 506 E Garfield Ave, Morton, TX 79346-4105, (806) 266-5705 Betty Hudson, 506 E Garfield Ave, Morton, TX 79346-4105, (806) 266-5705

MT PLEASANT Calvary, PO Box 1142, TX 75456-1142, (903) 572-7677 Jay Miller, PO Box 1063, Mt Vernon, TX 75457-1063, (903) 632-9027 Betty Reese, 155 County Road 1609, Mt Pleasant, TX 75455-7546, (903) 572-7641

South Jefferson, PO Box 928, TX 75456-0928, (903) 572-2006 Tommy Oglesby, PO Box 928, Mt Pleasant, TX 75456-0928, (903) 572-8351 Nancy Taylor, 2846 County Road 4660, Mt Pleasant, TX 75455-8239, (903) 575-7903

MT VERNON Meadow Park, PO Box 545, TX 75457-0545, (903) 537-4867 Craig Stuart, 1550 County Road 3385, Saltillo, TX 75478-4436, (903) 466-3597 Traci Stuart, 1550 County Road 3385, Saltillo, TX 75478-4436, (903) 537-2200

MULESHOE Richland Hills, PO Box 352, TX 79347-0352, (806) 272-4813 Larry Thornton, 1908 W Avenue F, Muleshoe, TX 79347-4238, (806) 272-3784 Jimmie Kay Moore, PO Box 352, Muleshoe, TX 79347-0352, (806) 272-8966

MURCHISON Pleasant Ridge, 8810 County Road 3816, TX 75752-6807, (903) 469-3553 Bobby Myers, PO Box 163, Bullard, TX 75757-0163, (903) 894-3608 Ann McCall, 8810 County Road 3816, Athens, TX 75752-6807

NACOGDOCHES Antioch, 217 County Road 392, TX 75961-7189, (936) 362-2372 Stephen Price, 3526 W Meadow St, Nacogdoches, TX 75965-2423, (903) 456-5946 Connie Curtis, PO Box 494, Chireno, TX 75937-0494, (936) 362-9276

Faithview, 5105 Old Lufkin Rd, TX 75964-7556 C/O Deloris Brandon, 5105 Old Lufkin Rd, Nacogdoches, TX 75964-7556 Deloris Brandon, 5105 Old Lufkin Rd, Nacogdoches, TX 75964-7556,

Gravel Ridge, 2897 County Road 723, TX 75964-1928, (936) 564-5972 Jerry Manis, 7971 State Highway 315, Longbranch, TX 75669-0335, (936) 615-6219 Becki Collins, 2897 County Road 723, Nacogdoches, TX 75964-1928, (936) 564-5972

Harmony, PO Box 635072, TX 75964-5072, (936) 569-7381 Tim Brewer, 177 County Road 5023, Nacogdoches, TX 75964-8734, (936) 569-4785 B. J. Pitts, 17617 N US Highway 59, Garrison, TX 75946-7917, (936) 462-9290

Mahl, 12304 US Highway 259, TX 75965-8226, (936) 564-7006 Robert B. Easterling, 12645 US Highway 259, Nacogdoches, TX 75965-8222, (936) 564-5332 Pat Tarpley, 9617 US Highway 259, Nacogdoches, TX 75965-0820, (936) 564-6973

Pleasant Hill, PO Box 632070, TX 75963-2070, (936) 559-5445 John Spurgeon, 4850 FM 2864, Nacogdoches, TX 75965-8462, (936) 552-6806 Nancy Frederick, 11805 US Highway 59 N, Nacogdoches, TX 75965-8260, (936) 559-8674

Red Flat, 1918 County Road 833, TX 75964-4789, (936) 564-4248 C/O Katha Lock, 17151 County Road 3155, Mt Enterprise, TX 75681-6826, (903) 822-3648 Katha Lock, 17151 County Road 3155, Mt Enterprise, TX 75681-6826, (903) 822-3648

Spring Hill, 1648 County Road 384, TX 75961-7150 Don Chumley, 2054 County Road 234, Nacogdoches, TX 75961-0365, (936) 462-2408 387 Ozeda Lynch, 1648 County Road 384, Nacogdoches, TX 75961-7150, (936) 362-2101

University, 2505 North St, TX 75965-3500, (936) 564-7122 Jason Lott, 141 Brooks Lane, Brookeland, TX 75964-1786, (936) 275-6565 Sheryl Hunter, 177 County Road 8211, Nacogdoches, TX 75964-2726, (936) 569-9609

West Side, 3109 Durst St, TX 75964-5603, (936) 564-0713 Jerry L. Wilson, 2018 Westview Dr, Nacogdoches, TX 75964-4877, (936) 564-9774 Angie King, 3109 Durst St, Nacogdoches, TX 75964-5603, (936) 564-0713

NEW BOSTON Faith Missionary, 301 N Bowie, TX 75570-2506, (903) 628-3395 Brent Riddle, 303 N Bowie, New Boston, TX 75570-2506, (903) 628-3395 Beverly Strickland, 510 Southlawn St, New Boston, TX 75570-2741, (903) 628-2446

NEW CANEY First, PO Box 1027, TX 77357-1027, (281) 399-9930 Jonathan W. Fitzgerald, 22502 Foster Park Ct, Porter, TX 77365-7404 Karen Rice, 10754 White Rock Rd, Conroe, TX 77306-7667, (936) 231-3203

NEW SUMMERFIELD First, PO Box 277, TX 75780-0277, (903) 726-3398 David Hellwig, 1117 Moore St, Jacksonville, TX 75766-5405, (501) 626-0156 Amy Fickey, 1382 FM 856 N, Troup, TX 75780-0254, (903) 726-3345

NEW WAVERLY New Hope, 3400 FM 2693 W, TX 77358-5669, (936) 767-4742 Paul Corley, 118 Pine Ridge Lane, Huntsville, TX 77340-2549, (936) 295-5092 Vida Teel, 252 Teel Lane, New Waverly, TX 77358-5840, (936) 767-8185

Pine Valley, 500 Big Woods Rd, TX 77358-9504 Bob Hunt, 500 Big Woods Rd, New Waverly, TX 77358-9504, (936) 377-4206 Tammy Pursley, 4991 FM 2693 W, New Waverly, TX 77358-5696

NEWTON Newton Missionary, PO Box D, TX 75966-1330, (409) 379-5859 C/O Paula Odom, 267 County Road 3059, Kirbyville, TX 75956-5328, (409) 382-3859 Paula Odom, 267 County Road 3059, Kirbyville, TX 75956-5328, (409) 382-3859

NOCONA Northside Landmark, PO Box 225, TX 76255-0225 C/O Minnie Corley, PO Box 234, Nocona, TX 76255-0234, (940) 825-6761 Minnie Corley, PO Box 234, Nocona, TX 76255-0234, (940) 825-6761

NORMANGEE Harmony, PO Box 388, TX 77871-0388, (936) 396-6300 Donald Swindol, 4110 N Texas Ave, Bryan, TX 77803-0559, (979) 778-4679 Bertha Hammock, 2276 King Rd, North Zulch, TX 77872-6016, (936) 399-2577

Sand Prairie, PO Box 100, TX 77872-0100 Johnnie Lee Crocker, 1200 Springfield Rd, Normangee, TX 77871-4130, (936) 399-4716 Beverly A. Plotts, 1514 Holomon Lane, Normangee, TX 77871-4230, (936) 396-3801

Union, PO Box 216, TX 77871-0216, (936) 396-3213 Kerry Stroud, 2230 Musgrove Rd, Normangee, TX 77871-5272, (936) 422-2492 Jessica Dainty, 4189 Quiet Waters, North Zulch, TX 77872-6638

OAKHURST Center Hill, PO Box 190, TX 77359-0190, (936) 377-4465 Bryan Waddell, 230 Waterwood, Huntsville, TX 77320-9646 Peggy Pierce, 1701 Pierce Rd, Oakhurst, TX 77359-4249, (936) 377-4731

388 ORANGE Bethel, 2906 Western Ave, TX 77630-6174, (409) 883-4822 Frank Young, 2921 Austin, St, West Orange, TX 77630-6147, (936) 465-1203 Lola Day, 3106 Elm St, Orange, TX 77630-1276, (409) 886-0280

ORE CITY Coffeeville, 13621 State Highway 155 N, TX 75683-3689, (903) 968-6255 Jack Hoffpauir, 106 Summit Dr, Gilmer, TX 75644-7908, (903) 843-3388 Janice Walker, 13621 St Highway 155 N, Ore City, TX 75683-3689, (903) 968-6705

PADUCAH Missionary, PO Box 843, TX 79248-0843, (806) 492-3261 Ronnie Valentine, PO Box 836, Paducah, TX 79248-0836, (806) 492-2727 Rue Young, PO Box 564, Paducah, TX 79248-0564, (806) 492-3224

PALESTINE Antioch, 139 An County Road 389, TX 75801-1812, (903) 724-5633 Chad Ray, 139 County Road 389, Palestine, TX 75801-1812, (903) 269-7667 Kathy Nichols, 761 FM 1137, Palestine, TX 75801-1988, (903) 729-5249

Sheridan Terrace, 117 Romallen Dr, TX 75801-4039, (903) 723-0159 Jacob Richardson, 113 Romallen Dr, Palestine, TX 75801-4039, (903) 723-1567 Barbara Brown, 116 Clearview Dr, Palestine, TX 75803-5616, (903) 729-6218

Walston Springs, 1789 FM 2419, TX 75801-0807, (903) 729-4484 Michael W. Moore, Interim, 7015 Pinetex, Humble, TX 77396-2657, (281) 441-3068 Ruth Ann Moore, 2159 W FM 320, Palestine, TX 75803-4559, (903) 729-3547

PALMER First, PO Box 70, TX 75152-0070, (972) 845-2199 Paul Guantt, 1116 Brown, Waxahachie, TX 75165-1953, (972) 937-4603 Teel Witt, PO Box 503, Palmer, TX 75152-0503, (972) 935-2473

PHARR Anchor Bible, PO Box 4494, TX 78504-4494, (956) 687-9060 John Tisdale, 2609 Lake Shore Dr, Edinburg, TX 78539-7711, (956) 330-2298 Debbie Grant, 1418 Larkspur Ave, Mcallen, TX 78501-3847

PICKTON Caney, 344 Hickory Creek Dr, TX 75482-1306, (903) 438-0240 James A. Henry, 344 Hickory Creek Dr, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482-1306, (903) 438-0240 Patsy Bolton, 600 Vonda Dr, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482-5046, (903) 885-4504

Winterfield, 1675 County Road 2400, TX 75471-4124 Jack Culpepper, 947 County Road 2400, Pickton, TX 75471-4120, (903) 866-0409 June Brumley, 1675 County Road 2400, Pickton, TX 75471-4124

PITTSBURG Bethel, PO Box 924, TX 75686-0924, (903) 856-5650 Chris Jones, 611 Cypress St, Pittsburg, TX 75686-1107, (903) 245-5668 Janice McKee, 32 County Road 2613, Pittsburg, TX 75686-3742, (903) 856-6889

Brumley, 3816 Turtle Rd, TX 75686-7957, (903) 762-2427 Jody Simmons, 310 County Road 1315, Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455-6533, (903) 241-3752 Stephanie Mitcham, 11439 Wolverine Rd, Pittsburg, TX 75686-6961, (903) 285-2172

County Line #2, 14992 FM 557 E, TX 75686-5468 Larry R. Smith, PO Box 131, Gilmer, TX 75644-0131, (903) 797-6345 Ethel Thomas, 15067 FM 557, Pittsburg, TX 75686-5469, (903) 968-8544

Cross Roads, 200 Highland Dr, TX 75686-9070, (903) 856-2749

389 Greg Miller, 503 Lafayette St, Pittsburg, TX 75686-1713, (903) 399-6100 Patsy Bishop, 200 Highland Dr, Pittsburg, TX 75686-9070, (903) 856-2749

Ebenezer Friendship, 1597 County Road 2120, TX 75686-3697 Mike Hall, 210 County Road 4231, Mount Pleasant, TX 75455-8876, (903) 767-5620 Linda Richardson, 1597 County Road 2120, Pittsburg, TX 75686-3697, (903) 856-6455

Fellowship, PO Box 1120, TX 75686-1120, (903) 856-5270 David Kizer, 2230 County Road 1330, Pittsburg, TX 75686-6272, (903) 856-9255 Belinda Busbee, 275 County Road 1310, Pittsburg, TX 75686-6112, (903) 856-6329

Macedonia, PO Box 685, TX 75686-0685, (903) 856-3557 Randy Stracener, 1298 FM 2088, Gilmer, TX 75644-5540, (903) 762-6338 Margie Horn, 24 Private Rd 52042, Pittsburg, TX 75686-4371, (903) 856-0290

Matinburg, PO Box 502, TX 75686-0502 Roy Elledge, 8302 Cherokee Trace, Gilmer, TX 75744-5502, (903) 762-6158 Rose Mary Elledge, 2308 Bear Rd, Gilmer, TX 75644-5178

PLAINVIEW Colonial, 910 Kokomo St, TX 79072-7020, (806) 296-2525 C/O Michelle White, 4109 Villa Dr, Plainview, TX 79072-1303, (806) 296-2525 Michelle White, 4109 Villa Dr, Plainview, TX 79072-1303, (806) 296-2525

PLANO Chinese Gospel Mission, 405 Waterford Cir, TX 76014-1140 Jack Bateman, 405 Waterford Cir, Arlington, TX 76014-1140, (817) 265-0978 Church Clerk, 405 Waterford Cir, Arlington, TX 76014-1140

POLLOK O’Quinn, 7433 US Highway 69 N, TX 75969-4579, (936) 853-2319 Keith Wolf, 7433 US Highway 69 N, Pollok, TX 75969-4579, (936) 853-2319 Linda Thigpen, 7433 US Highway 69 N, Pollok, TX 75969-4579, (936) 853-2319

Redtown, PO Box 268, TX 75969-0268, (936) 853-2414 Ross Black, PO Box 151222, Lufkin, TX 75915-1222, (936) 853-2395 Brenda Black, PO Box 151222, Lufkin, TX 75915-1222, (936) 853-2395

PORT ARTHUR Bethel, 6247 Garnet Ave, TX 77640-1303, (409) 736-2672 Jim Lea, 6249 Garnet Ave, Port Arthur, TX 77640-1303, (409) 736-2672 Druella Guy, 3243 58th St, Port Arthur, TX 77640-1080, (409) 736-2151

First Berean, PO Box 805, TX 77642-2105, (409) 962-1190 James H. Schafer, 3548 Drexel Ave, Port Arthur, TX 77642-2430, (409) 960-6677 Elizabeth Baxley, PO Box 805, Groves, TX 77619-0805, (409) 962-1190

PORTER Church At Valley Ranch Mission, PO Box 1730, TX 77365-1730, (832) 799-3513 Gary Southard, 18366 Hollow Oaks Cir, Porter, TX 77365-6510, (832) 231-6056

Evergreen, PO Box 1314, TX 77365-1314, (281) 354-5055 Ralph Salinas, PO Box 1314, Porter, TX 77365-1314, (713) 681-0627 Frankie Milley, PO Box 1314, Porter, TX 77365-1314, (713) 444-1074

Lifequest Community Church, PO Box 1730, TX 77365-1730, (281) 354-5445 Russell Johnston, 18402 Yellowstone Trl, Humble, TX 77346-3045, (713) 367-5840 Church Clerk, PO Box 1730, Porter, TX 77365-1730

PURDON Shady Grove, 10040 SW County Road 4220, TX 76679-3157, (903) 673-2301 Brian Upchurch, 10040 SW County Road 4220, Purdon, TX 76679-3157, (903) 673-2301 390 Holly Upchurch, 10040 SW County Road 4220, Purdon, TX 76679-3157, (903) 673-2301

QUITMAN Clover Hill, PO Box 1426, TX 75783-1426 Mark Bradberry, 1521 FM 2225, Quitman, TX 75783-3400, (903) 878-2438 Debra Kinsey, 135 County Road 3220, Quitman, TX 75783-5399, (903) 967-2584

Ebenezer, PO Box 995, TX 75783-0995, (903) 967-2848 John Skelton, 1560 County Road 4490, Winnsboro, TX 75494-8922, (903) 365-2465 Helen Blair, 539 County Road 3160, Quitman, TX 75783-5721, (903) 967-2461

Forest Hill, 1880 N State Highway 37, TX 75783-5191, (903) 967-3420 Keith Prather, 1880 N State Highway 37, Quitman, TX 75783-51591, Clara Ziegler, 738 County Road 4800, Winnsboro, TX 75494-4616, (903) 629-7825

Hubbard Chapel, PO Box 1520, TX 75783-1520, (903) 967-2210 Rick Ellington, PO Box 1520, Quitman, TX 75783-1520 Carolyn Saxon, 2970 County Road 3250, Quitman, TX 75783-5264, (903) 967-2423

Myrtle Springs, 2185 FM 2225, TX 75783-3407, (903) 878-2504 Heith Mitchell, 2190 FM 2225, Quitman, TX 75783-3407, (903) 878-2837 Pam Ziegler, 1309 W State Highway 154, Quitman, TX 75783-5608, (903) 878-2588

RED OAK First, 103 W Red Oak Rd, TX 75154-8335, (972) 617-3591 Rusty Shuler, 103 W Red Oak Rd, Red Oak, TX 75154-8335, (972) 617-3591 Melva Sutherland, 103 W Red Oak Rd, Red Oak, TX 75154-8335, (972) 617-3591

RICE First, PO Box 188, TX 75155-0188, (903) 326-4529 Eddie Ballard, 228 Bear Trail, Waxahachie, TX 75165-8770, (936) 635-4195 Gale Greeson, PO Box 188, Rice, TX 75155-0188, (214) 799-9244

ROBERT LEE Pecan, PO Box 542, TX 76945-0542, (325) 456-2065 Bill Hood, PO Box 724, Robert Lee, TX 76945-0724, (325) 453-2065 Donna Waldrop, PO Box 542, Robert Lee, TX 76945-0542, (325) 453-2381

ROSSER First, PO Box 39, TX 75157-0039 Bill Calloway, 2802 Lake Bardwell Dr, Ennis, TX 75119-9507, (214) 725-4658 Billie Samford, PO Box 277, Rosser, TX 75158-0277, (972) 452-8748

ROWLETT Crossroads, PO Box 1018, TX 75030-1018, (972) 475-1678 C/O Gene Wilkerson, 3506 Amber Ave, Rowlett, TX 75088-5859, (214) 771-2771 Gene Wilkerson, 3506 Amber Ave, Rowlett, TX 75088-5859, (214) 771-2771

Lighthouse Missionary, 8000 Miller Rd, TX 75088-6613, (972) 412-5732 Tommy Jenkins, Sr., 3102 University Dr, Rowlett, TX 75088-5638, (972) 475-0220 Ann Parsons, 8000 Miller Rd, Rowlett, TX 75088-6613

Woodcreek Bible, 3200 S FM 548, TX 75030-4778, (214) 957-8622 Aaron Ott, 3200 S FM 548, Royse City, TX 75030-4778, (214) 543-9836 Charles Bryant, 2340 Drain Dr, St Paul, TX 75098-7838, (972) 429-5610

RUSK Mount Cove, 447 County Road 2522, TX 75785-5516, (903) 683-5640 Floyd R. Gaston, 12409 State Highway 135 N, Troup, TX 75789-8117, (903) 842-4203 Vivian Vaught, 447 County Road 2522, Rusk, TX 75785-5516, (903) 683-5640

391 SACUL Sacul, PO Box 8, TX 75788-0008 Marshall Ratliff, 2708 N FM 225, Douglass, TX 75943-3509, (936) 715-9130 Virginia Mixon, 23050 FM 343, Cushing, TX 75760-4954, (936) 326-4256

SAINT JO Saint Jo Landmark, PO Box 338, TX 76265-0338 Ricky L. Kerr, 1091 County Road 345, Forestburg, TX 76239-2152, (940) 964-2325 Lottie Pitman, 601 S Line St, Saint Jo, TX 79265-2148, (940) 995-2879

SAN ANGELO Grace Temple, 105 Guthrie St, TX 76901-3527 George F. Cooper, 105 Guthrie St, San Angelo, TX 76901-3527, (325) 658-7352 Chelsea Smith, 105 Guthrie St, San Angelo, TX 76901-3527, (325) 949-0713

SAN ANTONIO Celebration Bible Church, 110 Yosemite Dr, TX 78232-1323, (210) 494-2667 Kenneth J. Johnson, 110 Yosemite Dr, San Antonio, TX 78232-1323, (210) 723-9673 Rhonda Johnson, 110 Yosemite Dr, San Antonio, TX 78232-1323, (210) 494-2552

SAN AUGUSTINE Attoyac, RR 4 Box 5595, TX 75972-9161 Milton Poindexter, RR 4 Box 5595, San Augustine, TX 75972-9161 James Norton, 172 County Road 3122, San Augustine, TX 75972-5661, (936) 275-9863

Bethel, 4839 FM 1992, TX 75972-6628, (936) 275-5740 Gerald Sowell, 4839 FM 1992, San Augustine, TX 75972-6628, (936) 275-2282 Margaret Chambless, 2593 FM 1992, San Augustine, TX 75972-9126, (936) 275-2061

Chinquapin, 395 County Road 4205, TX 75930-4906 Wayne L. Fowler, PO Box 550, Pineland, TX 75968-0550 Juanita Hall, 395 County Road 4205, Bronson, TX 75930-4906

Macune, PO Box 774, TX 75972-0774 Robert Lee, PO Box 774, San Augustine, TX 75972-0774 Mary Woods, RR 4 Box 2450, San Augustine, TX 75972-9114, (936) 275-9485

Shiloh, RR 3 Box 291, TX 75972-9234, (936) 275-5463 Randy Mills, RR 3 Box 291, San Augustine, TX 75972-9234, (936) 275-5490 Rose Oliver, 215 County Road 243, Center, TX 75935-2940, (936) 275-5693

SANTA ANNA Northside, PO Box 415, TX 76878-0415, (325) 348-3440 Marvin J. Hale, 309 W Walnut St, Coleman, TX 76834-4141, (325) 625-5320 Cathy Hale, PO Box 415, Santa Anna, TX 76878-0415, (325) 636-3396

SCURRY Beautiful Acres, 15113 N 2nd St, TX 75158-4140, (903) 498-2020 Shawn Garrett, 15653 S 2nd St, Scurry, TX 75158-5141, (903) 498-2021 Linda Maston, 15351 S 3rd, Scurry, TX 75158-5119, (903) 498-7253

Grays Prairie, 12217 S FM 148, TX 75158-3770, (972) 452-8901 C/O Estelle Sutton, 9360 Poe Lane, Scurry, TX 75158-4752 Estelle Sutton, 9360 Poe Lane, Scurry, TX 75158-4752,

Mount Olive, PO Box 99, TX 75158-0099, (972) 452-8585 Garris Baggett, PO Box 99, Scurry, TX 75158-0099, (972) 452-8745 Robin Andrews, 815 S 4th St, Crandall, TX 75114-2815, (214) 796-0106

SEAGOVILLE Bethel, 601 N Kaufman St, TX 75159-3747, (972) 287-7219 Terry Moore, 601 N Kaufman St, Seagoville, TX 75159-3747, (940) 337-8584 392 Margrette Traister, 3190 Bois D’arc Rd, Seagoville, TX 75159-4742

SEVEN POINTS First, PO Box 43785, TX 75143-8511, (903) 432-2074 David Lewis, 401 Mary Joe Rd, Kemp, TX 75143-8358, (903) 432-2930 Joyce McCollum, PO Box 43785, Seven Points, TX 75143-8511

Friendship, PO Box 43560, TX 75143-3560, (903) 432-4499 Curtis Mathis, PO Box 43560, Seven Points, TX 75143-3560 Vicki Hatcher, PO Box 43560, Seven Points, TX 75143-3560

SHERMAN Merriman Hills, 2105 S Dewey Ave, TX 75090-8206, (903) 893-5731 Michael W. Perry, 1018 S Crockett St, Sherman, TX 75092-8512, (903) 892-4317 Virginia Perry, 1018 S Crockett St, Sherman, TX 75090-8512, (903) 892-4317

SOMERVILLE Centro De Vida, 101 Shady Acres Ln Apt 19a, TX 77833-1428 Francisco Carrillo, 101 Shady Acres Ln Apt 19a, Brenham, TX 77833-1428, (979) 224-4123 Claudia Saldierna, 101 Shady Acres Ln Apt 19a, Brenham, TX 77833-1428

SOUTHLAKE Lonesome Dove, 2380 Lonesome Dove Rd, TX 76092-3318, (817) 488-9568 Jason Daughtry, 2380 Lonesome Dove Rd, Southlake, TX 76092-3318, (619) 578-1317 Cherie Johnson, 2380 Lonesome Dove Rd, Southlake, TX 76092-3318, (817) 488-9568

SPLENDORA First Missionary, PO Box 412, TX 77372-0412, (281) 689-6396 William V. Whaley, PO Box 412, Splendora, TX 77372-0412, (713) 697-1001 Karen Moody, 18060 Pickering Rd, Conroe, TX 77302-6330,

Woodland, PO Box 611, TX 77372-0611, (281) 689-3835 Wyatt Mericle, 24530 FM 2090, Splendora, TX 77372-3716, (281) 689-1186 Margaret Keen, PO Box 991, Splendora, TX 77372-0991, (281) 593-1547

SPRING Church At Creeks End, 20010 Kuykendahl Rd, TX 77379-3306, (281) 353-7887 Bobby Martin, 20010 Kuykendahl Rd, Spring, TX 77379-3306, (281) 353-7887 Paulette Cato, 20010 Kuykendahl Rd, Spring, TX 77379-3306, (281) 353-7887

SPRINGTOWN Bethel, PO Box 8, TX 76082-0008, (817) 220-4238 Bobby Evans, PO Box 8 Springtown, TX 76082-0008 Linda Autry, PO Box 1561, Springtown, TX 76082-1561, (817) 629-1822

Union, 3451 Sarra Lane, TX 76082-7603, (817) 613-1441 Joel Swofford, PO Box 762, Springtown, TX 76082-0762, (817) 673-9346 Stella Nickolson, 208 Kelly Brook Lane, Weatherford, TX 76087-5401, (817) 594-2317

STREETMAN, Caney, 432 County Road 1090, TX 75859-5204 Dan Vail, 230 County Road 185, Streetman, TX 75859-0000, (903) 599-2707 Pam Elliott, 432 County Road 1090, Streetman, TX 75859-2219, (903) 599-2212

New Hope, PO Box 215, TX 75859-0215, (903) 599-3364 Elton B. McCann, 15675 US Highway 79 E, Jacksonville, TX 75766-8001, (903) 586-0133 Lynette Engelholm, 181 Jan Dr, Streetman, TX 75859-3275, (903) 389-5935

SULPHUR SPRINGS Beckham, 375 County Road 4763, TX 75482-1276, (903) 885-6760 Gary C. Thompson, 375 County Road 4763, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482-1276, (903) 885-6760 Bonnie Chester, 1625 County Road 4586, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482-0834, (903) 945-2710 393 Davis Street, 427 Gilmer St, TX 75482-4048, (903) 885-5991 C/O Sandra Pierson, 109 Hollie Cir, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482-4870, (903) 243-7189 Sandra Pierson, 109 Hollie Cir, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482-4870, (903) 243-7189

Lake Highlands, PO Box 441, TX 75483-0441, (903) 885-9188 C/O Mary Fleming, 1608 Irwin Lane, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482-4849, (903) 885-2980 Mary Fleming, 1608 Irwin Lane, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482-4849, (903) 885-2980

North Liberty, 1101 County Road 3506, TX 75482-1552 James B. Tomlinson, 4204 FM 3236, Dike, TX 75437-3453, (903) 945-3348 Frankie Miller, 105 County Road 3515, Dike, TX 75437-4828

Peerless, 5385 County Road 4744, TX 75482-0955 Troy L. Martin, 5385 County Road 4744, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482-0955, (903) 885-8564 Opal Scott, 5385 County Road 4744, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482-0955

Rockdale, 6346 County Road 1100, TX 75482-7112, (903) 885-5647 Paul D. Sartor, 6346 County Road 1100, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482-7112, (903) 348-4290 Madeline Sue Sartor, 6346 County Road 1100, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482-7112

SUNNYVALE Long Creek, PO Box 850121, TX 75185-0121, (972) 226-1969 Donald R. Ivey, 325 Kimberly Dr, Mesquite, TX 75149-2522, (972) 289-8139 Jeriann Lee, 405 Futrelle St, Mesquite, TX 75149-4425

TALCO First, PO Box 687, TX 75487-0687, (903) 379-3321 Michael Mars, PO Box 687, Talco, TX 75487-0687, (903) 379-3321 Ann Roberts, 7099 County Road 1905, Talco, TX 75487-5416, (903) 379-6421

TEAGUE Cedar Creek, PO Box 746, TX 75860-0746, (254) 739-3147 Johnny Veretto, PO Box 98, Buffalo, TX 75831-0098, (903) 386-8277 Donna Eubanks, 410 S FM 80, Teague, TX 75860-6062, (254) 739-3795

Eighth Avenue, 201 S 8th Ave, TX 75860-1807, (254) 739-2450 Steve Cowart, 720 Elm St, Teague, TX 75860-1818, (254) 739-2164 Caron Winfree, 225 County Road 712, Teague, TX 75860-3089, (254) 739-3624

Freestone, 738 FM 80 S, TX 75860-9634, (254) 739-5664 Paul D. Heuermann, 736 FM 80 S, Teague, TX 75860-9634, (254) 739-5664 Nora Atchley, 281 County Road 701, Teague, TX 75860-3019, (903) 389-5768

TENAHA Folsom, 6411 FM 2026, TX 75974-2546 Bob Russell, 6411 FM 2026, Tenaha, TX 75974-2546 Angela Latham, RR 1 Box 144, Tenaha, TX 75974-9749

Old Center, 7086 FM 699, TX 75974-6852, (936) 248-2796 James Granberry, 2050 County Road 430, Tenaha, TX 75974-6297, (936) 248-4222 Kristy Essery, 7233 FM 699, Tenaha, TX 75974-6857, (936) 248-3834

Ramah, 131 County Road 4475, TX 75974-4515, (936) 248-6432 Keith Keele, 131 County Road 4475, Teneha, TX 75974-4515, (936) 248-6432 Vonda Black, 1126 W Sabine, Carthage, TX 75633-2838, (903) 692-9495

TERRELL First Missionary, PO Box 728, TX 75160-0011, (972) 563-6000 Buddy Sadler, 837 Beverly Dr, Terrell, TX 75160-1514, (972) 524-1599 Sylvia Weaver, 11073 County Road 378, Terrell, TX 75032-5436, (469) 877-7552

The Refuge, PO Box 2068, TX 75160-2068 394 Darren Lemons, 2000 Sterling Gate Dr, Heartland, TX 75126-8340, (972) 822-1690 Dianne Lemons, PO Box 2068, TX 75160-2068

TEXARKANA First Bikers, PO Box 3614, TX 75504-3614, (903) 838-6319 Matthew Butler, PO Box 3614, Texarkana, TX 75504-3614, (903) 908-4656 Debbie Taylor, 921 Shorthorn Dr, Texarkana, AR 71854-9372, (870) 772-7105

Hillcrest, 5501 W 7th St, TX 75501-5935, (903) 838-7035 Marty Claiborne, 5501 W Seventh St, Texarkana, TX 75501-9521, (903) 838-7035 Sheila Mahar, 2302 E Ave B, Hooks, TX 75561-5222, (903) 701-1009

Richmond Road, 5805 Richmond Rd, TX 75503-0454, (903) 832-2063 Joshua McDonald, 9010 Holmes Ln Unit 14, Texarkana, TX 75503-1058, (817) 233-4049 Beth Fischer, 317 Edgewood Lane, Wake Village, TX 75501-8609, (903) 838-0965

Spring Lake, 4601 Texas Blvd, TX 75503-3075, (903) 794-5327 Randy Shepherd, 5501 Cliffwood Dr, Texarkana, AR 71854-9491, (870) 772-2444 Kristie Lambert, 1734 Coca Cola Lake Rd, Texarkana, AR 71854-7154, (903) 826-4276

TIMPSON Buena Vista, 2904 County Road 4323, TX 75974-2003, (936) 254-3413 James Hall, 1149 County Road 4688, Gary, TX 75643-5339, (936) 254-3596 Deb Hall, 1149 County Road 4688, Gary, TX 75643-5339, (936) 254-3596

Good Hope, 1070 County Road 4778, TX 75975-3084 C/O Linsey Campbell, 285 County Road 4778, Timpson, TX 75975-3186, (936) 554-1309 Linsey Campbell, 285 County Road 4778, Timpson, TX 75975-3186, (936) 554-1309

Mount Olive, PO Box 513, TX 75975-0513, (903) 254-2822 C/O Kay Sanders, 7875 FM 415, Timpson, TX 75975-3482, (936) 254-3597 Kay Sanders, 7875 FM 415, Timpson, TX 75975-3482, (936) 254-3597

TOMBALL Carrell Street, 819 Carrell St, TX 77375-4810, (281) 351-1013 Clarence Yordy, Interim, 156 Cutter Dr, Trinity, TX 75862-9214, (936) 594-2600 Melba Sanders, 14828 Olin Rd, Tomball, TX 77375-7779, (281) 516-4461

TRINIDAD Calvary, PO Box 233, TX 75163-0233, (903) 778-2660 Jim Farmer, 429 SE County Road 3040, Corsicana, TX 75109-9582, (903) 874-6776 Sharon Martin, 209 Lynn St, Trinidad, TX 75163-7149

Lakeside, PO Box 471, TX 75163-0471, (903) 778-2873 Floyd C. Loven, PO Box 246, Trinidad, TX 75163-0246, (903) 778-2873 Judi Langford, PO Box 471, Trinidad, TX 75163-0471, (903) 778-2024

TROUP Blackjack, PO Box 605, TX 75789-0605, (903) 842-2226 Clint Covington, PO Box 472, Troup, TX 75789-0472, (903) 842-4176 Peggy Hearn, 468 FM 2750 E, Troup, TX 75789-7156

Mixon, 8764 State Highway 135 N, TX 75789-8163, (903) 842-3208 Matthew Dean, 1500 Marvin St, Jacksonville, TX 75766-5409, (817) 564-1808 Frances King, 8764 State Highway 135 N, Troup, TX 75789-8163, (903) 842-3208

New Emmaus, 3140 FM 856 N, TX 75789-7966 Charles McFarland Jr, 4495 FM 856 N, Troup, TX 75789-8080, (903) 842-4387 Elizabeth Carpenter, 7355 County Road 4701, Troup, TX 75789-7922, (903) 842-4390

West Duval, PO Box 574, TX 75789-0574, (903) 842-3744 Kenneth Buchanan, 603 W Duval St, Troup, TX 75789-1815, (903) 539-4560 395 Evelyn George, 22464 Old Tyler Hwy, Troup, TX 75789-5704

TYLER Centro De Vida Mission, 1013 S Robertson Ave, TX 75701-2928, (903) 597-4999 Jaime Lengua, 1013 S Robertson Ave, Tyler, TX 75701-2928, (903) 592-8528 Church Clerk, 1013 S Robertson Ave, Tyler, TX 75701-2928

Fair Park, 301 S Bruck Ave, TX 75702-6706 Keith Brown, 11476 Hollyridge Dr, Tyler, TX 75703-7808, (903) 581-9954 Lois M. Tucker, 818 Neches Dr, Tyler, TX 75702-8715, (903) 593-3547

New Harmony, 10251 FM 724, TX 75704-3405, (903) 593-5811 Robbie K. Caldwell, 11824 FM 724, Tyler, TX 75704-3430, (903) 539-7662 Gary Gilmore, 11330 County Road 42, Tyler, TX 75704-2622, (903) 530-2729

Pine Brook, 3606 Highway 110 N, TX 75704-6160, (903) 597-8608 David Martin, PO Box 494, Lindale, TX 75771-0494 Sue Grindle, 15298 Highway 64 W, Tyler, TX 75704-6432

Red Springs, 131 FM 16 W, TX 75706-2226, (903) 858-2365 Collin Jones, 17430 FM 14, Tyler, TX 75706-2404, (903) 363-8434 Flo Downing, 2963 FM 16 W, Tyler, TX 75706-2238, (903) 858-2268

WAC O Beacon Hill, PO Box 9080, TX 76714-9080, (254) 756-1649 Reggie Blake, 1301 Dendron Dr, Hewitt, TX 76643-3926, (254) 666-7550 Bettye Gordon, 305 Fannin Dr, Hewitt, TX 76643-3145, (254) 420-4233

WALLER Faith Missionary, 20315 Stokes Rd, TX 77484-8757, (936) 372-5465 Ronald Namanny, 20315 Stokes Rd, Waller, TX 77484-8757, (423) 322-1705 Debra Petalcu, 20135 Stokes Rd, Waller, TX 77484-8725

WAXAHACHIE Farley Street, 1116 Brown St, TX 75165-1953, (972) 937-4603 Richard W. Smith, 1116 Brown St, Waxahachie, TX 75165-1953, (972) 937-4603 Diane Nicol, 1231 W Highway 287 Byp Apt 105, Waxahachie, TX 75165-5033, (214) 455-5042

Heritage, 1000 Butcher Rd, TX 75165-6078, (972) 938-1463 Sam Bradley, 1000 Butcher Rd, Waxahachie, TX 75165-6078, (972) 938-1463 Stephanie Rhynes, 1000 Butcher Rd, Waxahachie, TX 75165-6078, (972) 938-1463

Sardis, 118 Juniper St, TX 76063-1813 Roy Brashear, 310 Myrtle Ave, Waxahachie, TX 75165-4515, (972) 973-9863 Pam Whiteside, 118 Juniper St, Mansfield, TX 76063-1813, (817) 473-1709

WEATHERFORD Freedom Baptist Fellowship, 1118 Oak Tree Lane, TX 76086-3958, (817) 613-8881 C/O Leighann Amerson, 201 Blue Sky Lane, Springtown, TX 76082-7557, (817) 613-8881 Leighann Amerson, 201 Blue Sky Lane, Springtown, TX 76082-7557, (817) 613-8881

WHITE OAK Fellowship Missionary, 806 S Superior Rd, TX 75693-1920 David Whitfield, 604 Sceyne Rd, Kilgore, TX 75662-6116, (903) 986-3803 Linda Jones, 3651 FM 12552 W, Kilgore, TX 75662-4842

WHITEHOUSE Hill Creek, PO Box 1287, TX 75791-1287 James C. Perryman, PO Box 1287, Whitehouse TX 75791-1287 Katy Perryman, PO Box 1287, Whitehouse TX 75791-1287

396 WHITNEY Prairie Valley, 741 HCR 2101, TX 76692-4860, (254) 694-2056 Russell Penney, 216a S San Antonio St, Whitney, TX 76692-2539, (254) 694-0252 Thelma Garner, 101 S San Antonio St, Whitney, TX 766922-2669, (214) 918-2480

Triangle Park, PO Box 1282, TX 76692-1282, (254) 694-2201 William T. ‘Bill’ Mayfield, PO Box 1282, Whitney, TX 76692-1282, (254) 694-3721 Jan Ward, PO Box 1282, Whitney, TX 76692-1282

WIERGATE Weeks Chapel, PO Box 360, Jasper, TX 75951-0360 Oddie Powell, 654 County Road 102, Jasper, TX 75951-6580, (832) 693-2860 Dennis Maxwell, 183 Private Road 5019, Wiergate, TX 75977-4905, (409) 565-2866

WILLS POINT Elwood, PO Box 536, TX 75169-0536, (903) 873-3156 C/O Yvette Lovell, 3921 VZ County Road 3710, Wills Point, TX 75169-6369, (903) 896-4954 Yvette Lovell, 3921 VZ County Road 3710, Wills Point, TX 75169-6369, (903) 896-4954

Lifehouse Fellowship, PO Box 1486, TX 75103-8821, (903) 865-6111 Michael Stone, 334 Private Road 7005, Edgewood, TX 75117-5212, (903) 279-5868 Shirley Shaw, PO Box 1486, Canton, TX 75103-8821

Locust Grove, 13422 Hiram Rd, TX 75169-8659, (972) 551-1956 Mathew Ward, 15393 Armstrong Rd, Terrell, TX 75160-5902, (214) 477-8962 Helen Boothe, 14228 Hiram Rd, Wills Point, TX 75169-8636, (972) 563-3011

WINNSBORO Coldwater, 1861 County Road 4510, TX 75494-8161 Donny Chamberlain, 1839 Lime Tree Rd, Gilmer, TX 75644-3706, (903) 725-5683 Wanda Patterson, 1861 County Road 4510, Winnsboro, TX 75494-8161, (903) 365-7139

Cross Roads, 1314 County Road 4870, TX 75494-5543, (903) 629-3784 Terry Bolton, 123 Charles St, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482-3501, (903) 885-8827 Charles R Busby, 185 County Road 1490, Como, TX 75431-2408, (903) 629-3609

East Point, PO Box 496, TX 75494-0496, (903) 629-3464 Bill Miller, 104 Royal Lane, Pittsburg, TX 75686-2112, (903) 855-0992 Diana McGovern, 5206 FM 2088, Winnsboro, TX 75494-5905, (903) 629-3541

Fellowship, 6347 FM 2088, TX 75494-5961, (903) 629-7852 Paul Chandler, 588 St Highway 155 N Lot 22, Gilmer, TX 75644-5717, (903) 797-2466 Debbie Bunch, 1598 County Road 3978, Winnsboro, TX 75494-5220, (903) 857-2544

Little Hope, 621 N FM 312, TX 75494-7628 James Young, Jr., 621 N FM 312, Winnsboro, TX 75494-7628 Barbara Tramel, 1943 County Road 3990, Winnsboro, TX 75494-5882, (903) 857-2407

Pineview, 553 FM 1647, TX 75494-8945, (903) 365-2247 Ronny Spence, 1579 County Road 4490, Winnsboro, TX 75494-9998, (903) 365-7296 Barbara Shirley, 553 FM 1647, Winnsboro, TX 75494-8945, (903) 725-5700

Sharon, 4496 N State Highway 37, TX 75494-6498, (903) 629-7207 Perry Shirley, 6940 State Highway 11 W, Pittsburg, TX 75686-7444, (906) 563-1984 Janelle Safford, 1067 County Road 4636, Winnsboro, TX 75494-7357, (903) 588-0073

Smyrna, PO Box 701, TX 75494-0701, (903) 365-7357 David W. Hendricks, 2260 County Road 1630, Quitman, TX 75783-5518, (903) 474-3373 Katie Thornton, 1782 County Road 4536, Winnsboro, TX 75494-7919, (903) 365-7357

Walnut Street, PO Box 587, TX 75494-0587, (903) 342-6193 David Taylor, 105 E Pine St, Winnsboro, TX 75494-2626, (903) 342-6193 397 Amanda Banks, 2518 W FM 852, Winnsboro, TX 75494-4511, (903) 342-6193

ZAVALLA Johnson, PO Box 23, TX 75980-0023, (936) 897-8147 Robert Horn, PO Box 282, Zavalla, TX 75980-0282, (936) 897-8147 Linda Jacks, 101 County Road 4645 E, Broaddus, TX 75929-3116, (936) 872-3514

Solid Rock, PO Box 375, TX 75980-0375 Joel Hitchcock, PO Box 375, Zavalla, TX 75980-0375, (936) 897-2284 Terry Haight, 406 Parker St, Zavalla, TX 75980-3638, (936) 671-1865

VIRGINIA HAMPTON Peninsula, 24 Mary Ann Dr, VA 23666-1840, (757) 827-9016 Ralph Suggs, 24 Mary Ann Dr, Hampton, VA 23666-1840, (757) 876-8650 Brenda Suggs, 24 Mary Ann Dr, Hampton, VA 23666-1840,

WASHINGTON PASCO Summit Baptist Mission, 5810 Austin Ct, WA 99301-9656 Brad Faulk, 5805 Thistledown Dr, Pasco, WA 99301-6025, (509) 542-5091 Church Clerk, 6626 Chapel Hill Blvd Apt I-105, Pasco, WA 99301-3770

PORT ORCHARD Northwest, 1894 SE Sedgwick Rd Ste 104, WA 98366-9501, (360) 674-3483 Mike Rogers, 1894 SE Sedgwick Rd Ste 104, Port Orchard, WA 98366-9501 Church Clerk, 1894 SE Sedgwick Rd Ste 104, Port Orchard, WA 98366-9501

TACOMA Grace, 7615 South A St, WA 98408-7006, (253) 475-6185 Michael Kelley, 7615 South A St, Tacoma, WA 98408-7006 Jaye Allen, 619 175th St S, Spanaway, WA 98387-9108, (253) 339-0658

WALLA WALLA Eastgate, 1937 Portland Ave, WA 99362-2247, (509) 522-7778 Todd Blevins, 1937 Portland Ave, Walla Walla, WA 99362-2247, (509) 240-2889 Linda Jenkins, 9375 Mill Creek Rd, Walla Walla, WA 99362-8443, (509) 525-9316