Trade Swells $12 Billion
U — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1988 HOMES HOMES APARTMENTS FOR SALE FOR SALE FDR RENT FURNITURE EAST Hartford. B«autl- MANCHESTER. Ready TWO 8i three room apart O N E Year old Queen-size Truancy B ig lo ss fullv maintained, for on offer. Cleon, % Soecioli^JPcftf! ments for rent In M an woterbed, waveless move-ln condition Co aluminum sided and > w chester. 529-7858 or mattress. Oak frame. lonial In desirable area trim, 6 room Ranch. 563-4438. Paid $250. Asking $150. Study is ordered A doctor who died offers you 3 spacious Near Buckley School. MANCHESTER. Two Com plete package. $14X900. Coll Dove, 649- bedrooms, eat-ln kit IK9^GLEAHIH8 PAIHTIH6/ ^ MMCELLANECUB MMCELLANECUB bedroom Townhouse, Coll 646-5511 otter 5pm. for his patients /20 chen, family room,for S048.T.J.Crockett,643- IVj baths, washer/d- of new proposal/3 mal dinina room, walk 1577._______________ SERVICES PAFERIH8 8EHVICE8 8ERVRE8 ryer, air conditioning, MUSICAL out basement, sun N E W Listing In South rec room, great loca porch plus patio lead Manchester near NAME your own reaso GSL Building Mainte tion. $750 plus utilities. ITEMS nable price. Father 8, HAWKES TREE SERVICE nance Co. Commercl- ing you to a fenced-ln Country Club. Athentic SOUTH BOLTON Buokst, truck S ohippsr. Atump 643-8519.____________ private yard. Call to Son Pointing and Pap al/ResIdentlal building BA N JO with case and G a r r is o n Colonial, CLEANING SERVICE. removal. Free sellmstst. BO LTO N . Lovely 4>/2 Instruction books. Ex day I Realty World, beautiful Insode and ering.
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