Monday —. Natonal Football American Football CriamptonsNp Championship January 22 Titles on the line, B3 Dallas Washington New York January 23 Miami The Daily Register Monmouth County's Great Home Newspaper VOL. 105 NO. 173 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1983 25 CENTS Official seeks probe into waste task force By W 1. HAACKKK job. I'm concerned not so much that it was a like this that have been turned up by 'outside' "While New Jersey is to be commended for problem of the past, but we ensure toxic waste congressional studies." its initiative in establishing the nation's first TRENTON -Assemblyman John 0. Bennett crimes in the state are not permitted to be Bennett said the Legislature had received a federal-state strike force to combat illegal III, R-Monmouth, said he would recommend repeated." report on all the "wonderful things" the task dumping, the subcommittee's review disclosed legislative hearings to investigate the state's The ranking Republican on the Assembly force would do, and both Houses had "repeated- serious administrative deficiencies in the opera- toxic waste task force, which came under fire Environmental Committee said it was "embar- ly asked for a list of the task force's track tion of the unit which hampered its effectiveness from a congressional subcommittee this week- rassing" to read about an alleged deficiency in a record." He said, however, no such reports were and thwarted the objectives of federal grants," end for top-level mismanagement. state agency from a congressional subcommit- submitted. the report, released yesterday, read. The House Energy and Commerce Commit- tee. Bennett also was critical of the Reagan The report criticized the management of the tee's subcommittee on investigations called the "I believe it would be appropriate — with administration for not "delivering on what it task force for failing to investigate reports of state task force formed to fight toxic waste the stories that have appeared in the papers — has promised," in regard to toxic waste illegal dumping promptly. crimes "mismanaged," "amateurish" and to have a legislative committee to hold a com- cleanup. The specific case cited occurred in May 1978 highlighted by "administrative deficiencies." plete review to determine what direction we "There is no Democratic way or Republican when a witness filed a complaint saying the Former Attorney General John J. Degnan should take (on toxic waste problems) in the way to clean up these messes — but the right company which he worked for was dumping called the committee's report "bipartisan in future. way," he said. hazardous chemicals illegally. Degnan Bennett its ignorance." "I think it would be proper to appoint a The subcommittee, conducting hearings Degnan, a partner with the Newark firm of "Once again," Bennett explained, "we see subcommittee to hold full hearings as a result of from I960 to 1961, focused on the state's in- Shanley and Fisher, said the subcommittee re- The federal government contributed $15 mil- port made "an appalling error" in its practices that the previous administrations had this report," Bennett said. "As a New Jersey teragency task force establish to handle the lion to the task force, the first of its kind in the heralded upon its inception as doing a proper legislator I don't like to read about problems hazardous waste problems. country. See Official, page A4 Papers claim Justice lawyers doubted key Abscam figure NEWARK (AP) - Justice Department law- The U.S. attorney's office in Newark had yers sent to examine New Jersey prosecutors' criticized Weinberg's failure to record key con- complaints about the FBI's chief Abscam infor- versations in the MacDonald investigation and mant came away convinced he could not be Weinberg's alleged acceptance of personal gifts trusted to tell the truth, according to govern- from other investigative targets. ment documents released to The Associated The Justice Department sent members of its Press. Public Integrity Section to Newark to review The documents, obtained by the AP in a 20- those objections. After taking over the in- month Freedom of Information Act effort, dis- vestigation from the New Jersey prosecutors, close new details of an internal Justice Depart- the Public Integrity Section lawyers also found ment fight over the controversial Abscam oper- Weinberg untrustworthy, according to the re- ation. leased documents. The documents also quote one lop Justice Department official as saying FBI agents would In January 1961, then-Attorney General Ben- not cooperate with New Jersey federal prose- jamin Civiletti summoned two of the New Jer- cutors who questioned Abscam's tactics sey prosecutors — Edward Plaza and Robert Weir — to Washington to explain their objection The undercover political corruption probe to Abscam tactics. became public in February I960, and has re- sulted in the conviction of former U.S. Sen. On Jan. 30, Weir, who continues to serve as Harrison Williams Jr. of New Jersey and six an attorney on the Organized Crime Strike congressmen. Their convictions are being ap- Force in Newark, told Justice department of- pealed. ficials that Reid Weingarten, one of the Public Melvin Weinberg acted as the chief under- Integrity lawyers sent to Newark, also had IKttiUf Mtato kv TMnai •>. CaWk cover Abscam operative after being granted a doubts about Weinberg's credibility and told FINAL FAREWELL — Pallbearers carry the casket of John C. Lulev, a Middletown probationary sentence for a 1977 mail fraud him he had decided not to use Weinberg's testi- resident shot and killed in an irvington bank holdup Thursday. The Rev. Richard L. conviction. Weinberg was deeply involved in the mony in the MacDonald investigation. Abscam prosecutions, and has been regarded as Wilson escorts the group from the church after services yesterday. MhXVIN WEINBERG He had decided that Weinberg was 'in- a key figure in the entire operation. The Justice credible,' and he could not trust him to testify to Department tried to corroborate Weinberg's Questions surrounding Weinberg's credibili- the truth in the grand jury," Weir said, accord- court testimony with tapes of politicians dis- ty arose during the Abscam investigation of Family, friends mourn cussing and accepting bribes. Kenneth MacDonald, vice chairman of the New ing to the documents. Critics of Abscam claim Weinberg's method Jersey Casino Control Commission. The documents show that Plaza, then first of luring politicians with bribe money violated MacDonald was indicted on charges of con- assistant U.S. attorney in New Jersey, also their constitutional rights. Defense attorneys spiracy and extortion; he died before his trial. recalled Weingarten as saying he found Wein- slain Middletown man repeatedly challenged Weinberg's credibility. In an unrelated case last week, a federal judge berg "totally incredible" and that Weingarten The objections of New Jersey federal prose- ruled that MacDonald's family can continue a and his colleague, Eric Holder, "have in many MIDDLETOWN - The pews of the Mid- when three gunmen entered the bank early cutors to Weinberg also became known during libel, suit he filed against Time Inc. before his instances corroborated" their assertions about dletown United Methodist Church were filled Thursday morning and announced the holdup. Abscam trials. death. Weinberg's conduct. yesterday afternoon as more than 200 As the bank manager turned to see the com- mourners gathered to bid a final farewell to motion, one of the robbers fired a single shot, John C. Luley, a bank manager for Investors hitting Luley in the chest. Savings and Loan Association who was lulled Luley lived with his family on Elmwood Flurries flirt Thursday during a holdup at the Irvington Avenue in Leonardo. branch of the bank. "This man was our friend and family," "He was killed by a bullet while he was in Wilson said in his eulogy of his friend. "He with county; full stride working at his desk," said Rev. died too young, too suddenly, and too need- Richard L. Wilson, Luley's pastor, who con- lessly." ducted the funeral. "He died, one might say, The 36-year-old bank manager was known snow forecast in the line of duty." to many in the community. At the time of his The gathering remained somberly still, death, he was president of the Middletown For the second straight day, a winter storm each person reflecting on the friend, co- Kiwanis Club and was active in church ac- system that dumped nearly a foot of snow in the worker, neighbor, father and husband who tivities. Luley and his family joined the northern section of the state and up to 27 inches tragically died just four days before. Methodist church in 1977. in upstate New York has bypassed Monmouth Luley was reportedly on the telephone See Family, page A4 County. The weekend storm — which had threatened to bury the area with up to a foot of snow — just dusted the area with a maximum of three inches 9 of snow that was mostly melted by yesterday Expo 83 shows Manalapan afternoon. However, the extended forecast, calls for cold, windy weather with a slight chance that youth dreams can come true Witt><»- Nstyrt ">fgM 4e!iv?r en what she h»« '.eis«J die irea with for the past lew days — namely, snow flurries. By KATHLEEN STANLEY slip of paper into a big box, the winner ex- plained. Each form had to have at least five While the system was short-lived in Mon- MANALAPAN - Sixth grader Rob Peters valid stamps obtained from different booths mouth County, it was responsible for a few minor "fender benders," according to area has proven that with a lot of determination and a participating in Expo '83, he added. police departments and one early morning acci- The highlight of the five-day, four-night little luck dreams really can come true.
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