© o NILES HERALD- SPECTATOR Sl.50 Thursday, October 22, 2015 n i1esheraJdspectatoicom Expense reports released GO Nues Township D219 paid for extensive travel, high-end hotels.Page 4 KEVIN TANAKA/PIONEER PRESS Scary sounds The Park Ridge Civic Orchestra hosts its family Halloween concert at the Pickwick Theatre. Page 23 SPORTS Game. Set Match. Pioneer Press previews this weekend's girls tennis state tournament. ABEl. URIBE/CHICAGO TRIBUNE Page 39 KEVIN TANAKA/PIONEER Mies North High School campus seen from Old Orchard Road PRESS LiVING Ghoulish treats Spice up your Halloween meals with creative reci- pes, such as gnarly "witch fingers" (chicken fingers) served with "eye ofnewt" (cooked peas). Area cooks share that recipe and more.INSIDE JUDY BUCHENOT/NAPERVILLE SUN 2 SHOUT OUT NILEs HERALD-SPECTATOR nilesheraldspectator.com Usha Kamaria, community leader Bob Fleck, Publisher/General Manager Usha Kamaria has been an "Gravity," "Deep Sea" and "Monkey suburbs®chicagotribune.com important leader in Skokie and a Kingdom?' Q. Do you have children? John Puterbaugh, Editor. 312-222-3331
[email protected] positive advocate for the large Indian community of Niles Town- A. Yes, we have one daughter Georgia Garvey, Managing Editor 312-222-2398;
[email protected] ship. She sat on the Niles Township and one son. Q. Favorite charity? Matt Bute, Vice President of Advertising Board of Trustees and was a
[email protected] founding member of Coming To- A. I believe chaity starts from gether in Niles Township and the home - taldng care of our elderly Local News Editor MAILING ADDRESS Gandhi Memorial Trust Pioneer and taking care of the helpless and Richard Ray, 312-222-3339 435 N.