Ching-Hsing Wang

Hobby School of Public Affairs University of Houston McElhinney Hall Room 306 3623 Cullen Boulevard Houston, TX 77204-5021 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Education 2013 Ph. D. Political Science, University of Houston 2011 M.A. Political Science, University of Houston 2007 M.A. Political Science, National Chengchi University, 2001 B.A. Political Science, National Chengchi University, Taiwan

Current Position • Postdoctoral Fellow, Hobby School of Public Affairs, Universtiy of Houston, September 2014- present.

Research Interests Public opinion, political behavior, political institutions, political psychology, Asian politics, and research methods.

Publications Peer reviewed journal • Wang, Ching-Hsing, Dennis Lu-Chung Weng, and Vincent Wei-cheng Wang. “Does Candidate Nomination in Districts Increase Party Votes of Small Parties? Evidence from the 2016 Taiwan Legislative Elections.” Japanese Journal of Political Science Accepted. • Wang, Ching-Hsing, Dennis Lu-Chung Weng, Laura Barnstead, and Garrett Dumond. “Disrespect for Human Rights and Contentious Participation: Evidence from .” Journal of Chinese Political Science Forthcoming. • Wang, Ching-Hsing. “Gender Differences in the Effect of Personality Traits on Party Identification in the United States.” Journal of Women, Politics & Policy Forthcoming. • Wang, Ching-Hsing, Dennis Lu-Chung Weng, and Hyun-Jin Cha. 2017. “Personality Traits and Voter Turnout in South Korea: The Mediation Argument.” Japanese Journal of Political Science 18(3): 426-445.

- 1 - • Wang, Ching-Hsing and Dennis Lu-Chung Weng. 2017. “The Effects of Civic Consciousness and Civil Disobedience on Support for and Participation in Contentious Politics.” Japanese Journal of Political Science 18(2): 313-335. • Wang, Ching-Hsing. 2016. “Personality Traits, Political Attitudes and Vote Choice: Evidence from the United States.” Electoral Studies 44: 26-34. • Wang, Ching-Hsing. 2016 “Choice Preference, Civic Duty and Voter Turnout.” Journal of Political Science 44: 31-57. • Wang, Ching-Hsing. 2016. “Political Trust, Civic Duty and Voter Turnout: The Mediation Argument.” The Social Science Journal 53(3): 291-300. • Wang, Ching-Hsing. 2016. “Government Performance, Corruption and Political Trust in East Asia.” Social Science Quarterly 97(2): 211-231. • Granato, Jim, Cong Huang, Kwok Wai Wan, Ching-Hsing Wang, and M. C. Sunny Wong. 2015. “EITM: An Assessment with an Application to Economic Voting.” Electoral Studies 40: 372- 393. • Wang, Ching-Hsing. 2015. “A Deeper Look at the Relationship between Political Knowledge and Political Participation: Evidence from Taiwan Presidential and Legislative Elections.” Asian Journal of Political Science 23(3): 397-419. • Wang, Ching-Hsing. 2015. “The Effects of Information and Predisposition on Individual Responses to Hypothetical Survey Questions.” Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research 2(2): 71-102. • Wang, Ching-Hsing. 2015. “Social Networks, Interpersonal Trust, and Support for Democracy in East Asia.” International Journal of Social Science Studies 3(2): 1-10. • Wang, Ching-Hsing. 2014. “The Effects of Party Fractionalization and Party Polarization on Democracy.” Party Politics 20(5): 687-699. • Wang, Ching-Hsing. 2014. “Gender Differences in the Effects of Personality Traits on Voter Turnout.” Electoral Studies 34: 167-176. • Wang, Ching-Hsing. 2013. “Why Do People Vote? Rationality or Emotion.” International Political Science Review 34(5): 483-501. • Wang, Ching-Hsing. 2012. “A Study of Causal Order: Party Identification and Attitude toward the Independence-Unification Issue in Taiwan.” Issues & Studies 48(4): 145-169. • Wang, Ching-Hsing. 2009. “Analysis of Legislators’ Law-Making and Constituency Service: Continuity and Change After Party Turnover in the Year 2000.” Taiwanese Political Science Review 13(2): 113-169 (written in Chinese). • Wang, Ching-Hsing, and T. Y. Wang. 2007. “The Effects of Political Participation on Political Efficacy: An Analysis of Taiwan’s 2004 Presidential Election.” Taiwanese Political Science Review 11(1): 69-107 (written in Chinese).

- 2 - • Wang, Ching-Hsing, and Tien-Long Shun. 2005. “An Analysis of Influential Factors of People’s Evaluation of Taiwan’s democracy.” Taiwan Democracy Quarterly 2(3): 55-80 (written in Chinese).

Book Chapters • Dennis Lu-Chung Weng and Ching-Hsing Wang. 2017. “Life Cycle Effects.” in Fathali M. Moghaddam (ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. • Wang, Ching-Hsing and Taofang Huang. 2009. “The Electorate’s Voting Participation.” in Lu- huei Chen, Ching-hsin Yu and Chi Huang (eds.), 2008 Presidential Election: the Critical Election of the Second Party Turnover. : Wu Nan Press (written in Chinese).

Book Reviews • Ching-Hsing Wang. 2017. “Review of Mixed-Member Electoral Systems in Constitutional Context: Taiwan, Japan, and Beyond, Nathan F. Batto, Chi Huang, Alexander C. Tan, and Gary W. Cox.” American Journal of Chinese Studies 24(1): 64-66.

Teaching Experience • Master of Public Policy Program, University of Houston . POLC 6314: Statistical Methods for Policy Research Ⅰ (co-teaching) (Fall 2015, Fall 2016, Fall 2017). . POLC 6315: Statistical Methods for Policy Research Ⅱ (Summer 2017). . POLC 6315: Statistical Methods for Policy Research Ⅱ (co-teaching) (Spring 2016, Spring 2017). . POLC 6316: Statistical Methods for Policy Research Ⅲ (co-teaching) (Fall 2016, Fall 2017). • Department of Social Sciences, Lone Star College – North Harris . GOVT 2305: Federal Government (Summer 2014). . GOVT 2306: Texas Government (Summer 2014).

Honors and Awards • 2017. The Postdoctoral Travel Award, University of Houston. • 2015. The Outstanding Paper Award for Young Scholar Development, Election Study Center, National Chengchi University. • 2015. Artinian Travel Award, Southern Political Science Association. • 2014. The third prize in the Mirador Open Data Competition.

- 3 - • 2013 (2013 spring). Doctoral Student Tuition Fellowship, University of Houston. • 2013. Prestage-Cook Travel Award, Southern Political Science Association. • 2013. Conference funding, Department of Political Science, University of Houston. • 2012 (2012 fall). Doctoral Student Tuition Fellowship, University of Houston. • 2012 (2012 spring). Doctoral Student Tuition Fellowship, University of Houston. • 2011 (2011 fall). Doctoral Student Tuition Fellowship, University of Houston. • 2011. Conference funding, Department of Political Science, University of Houston. • 2011 (2011 spring). Graduate Assistant Tuition Fellowship, University of Houston. • 2011. Funding for Winter Political Methodology Workshop, Department of Political Science, Texas A&M University. • 2010 (2010 fall). Graduate Assistant Tuition Fellowship, University of Houston. • 2010 (2010 summer). Graduate Assistant Tuition Fellowship, University of Houston. • 2010 (2010 spring). Graduate Assistant Tuition Fellowship, University of Houston. • 2009 (2009 fall). Graduate Assistant Tuition Fellowship, University of Houston. • 2009 (2009 summer). Graduate Assistant Tuition Fellowship, University of Houston. • 2009-2010. Studying Abroad Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Republic of China (Taiwan). • 2009 (2008 spring). Graduate Assistant Tuition Fellowship, University of Houston. • 2008 (2008 fall). Graduate Assistant Tuition Fellowship, University of Houston. • 2008. The outstanding administrative staff award in academic year 2007-2008, National Chengchi University. • 2005. Fellowship of the Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University. • 2005. Taiwan delegate of Harvard Project for Asia and International Relations (HPAIR), Harvard University and University of Tokyo in Tokyo, Japan. • 2004. Taiwan delegate of the visiting mission of Japan and Taiwan Youths, Interchange Association, Japan.

Methodological Workshops and Training • 2014. EITM Summer Institute, Hobby Center for Public Policy at the University of Houston, Houston. • 2014 Spring. Course audit: Experimental Design (Professor Rick K. Wilson). Department of Political Science at Rice University, Houston. • 2013. EITM Summer Institute, Hobby Center for Public Policy at the University of Houston, Houston. • 2012. EITM Summer Institute, Hobby Center for Public Policy at the University of Houston, Houston.

- 4 - • 2011. Summer Statistics Workshops, “Structural Equation Modeling,” Department of Educational Psychology at Texas A&M University, College Station. • 2011. Winter Political Methodology Workshop, “A Practical Introduction to Bayesian Statistical Modeling,” Department of Political Science at Texas A&M University, College Station. • 2006. Conflict Management Workshop, National Committee on United States-China Relations, San Diego (U.S. and financial support from U.S Department of State). • 2005. Categorical Data Analysis in the C.S.R Workshop on Survey Research Methods, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences , Taipei, Taiwan. • 2005. Summer Camp of Quantitative Methodology in Political Science, Institute of Political Science Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. • 2004. Summer Camp of Quantitative Methodology in Political Science, Institute of Political Science Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

Academic Employment • Research staff, Hobby Center for Public Policy, University of Houston, January 2014-August 2014 • Adjunct, Department of Social Sciences, Lone Star College – North Harris, June 2014- August 2014. • Research assistant, Hobby Center for Public Policy, University of Houston (September 2013- December 2013). • Teaching assistant, Department of Political Science, University of Houston (September 2008- May 2013). • Research Associate & Call Center Supervisor/Interviewer, Election Study Center, National Chengchi University (October 2003-January 2007). • Research assistant, National Science Council survey project: Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study, 2005-2008(Ⅰ): the Survey of Magistrate/City Mayoral Elections in 2005 (TEDS2005M) (January 2006-April 2006). • Area supervisor, National Science Council survey project: Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study, 2005-2008(Ⅰ): the Survey of County Magistrate/City Mayoral Elections in 2005 (TEDS2005M) (August 2005-July 2006). • Research assistant, National Science Council project: Sustenance and Change of Taiwan Undergraduates’ Political Values and Attitudes: The Research of Political Socialization of University (Ⅰ) (August 2004-July 2005). • Area supervisor, National Science Council survey project: Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study, 2002-2004( Ⅳ ): The Legislative Election, 2004 (TEDS 2004L)

- 5 - (January 2005-April 2005). • Professor T. Y. Wang’s Research assistant (T. Y. Wang is Professor of Political Science at Illinois State University and was a visiting professor at the Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University, Fall of 2005) (September 2005-January 2006).

Non-Academic Employment • Project Planner, Center of International Education and Exchange (Office of International Cooperation now), National Chengchi University, April 2007-July 2008. • Second Lieutenant, Republic of China Army, July 2001-March 2003. • Administrative Assistant, Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University, September 2003-September 2006.

Conference Presentation • Wang, Ching-Hsing and Dennis Lu-Chung Weng. 2017. “Social Regim under Tsai and DPP.” The conference on “The Maturation of a Mini-Dragon Seventy Years of the Republic of China on Taiwan.” University of St. Thomas, Houston, April 22. • Chang, Yi-Bin, Dennis Lu-Chung Weng, and Ching-Hsing Wang. 2017. “Personality Traits and the Propensity to Protest: A Cross-National Analysis.” The 75th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. The Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, April 6-9. • Wang, Ching-Hsing, Dennis Lu-Chung Weng, and Vincent Wei-cheng Wang. 2017. “Does Candidate Nomination in Districts Increase Party Votes of Small Parties? Evidence from the 2016 Taiwan Legislative Elections.” The 75th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. The Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, April 6-9. The 58th Annual Conference of the American Association for Chinese Studies. Pepperdine University, Malibu, October 7-9, 2016. The conference on “Taiwan in the Realm of East Asia.” Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, October 22-23, 2016. • Wang, Ching-Hsing and Dennis Lu-Chung Weng. 2016. “Do Election Polls Increase Individual Understanding of Politics?” The conference on “Election Polling and Democratic Consolidation in Taiwan and Korea.” University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, December 1. • Wang, Ching-Hsing and Dennis Lu-Chung Weng. 2016. “Personality Traits and Individual Feeling of National Pride in South Korea.” The 74th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. The Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, April 7-10. The 112th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Pennsylvania Convention Center/Marriott Downtown, Philadelphia, September 1-4.

- 6 - • Wang, Ching-Hsing and Dennis Lu-Chung Weng. 2016. “Disrespect for Human Rights and Contentious Participation: Evidence from China.” The 74th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. The Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, April 7-10. • Chang, Yi-Bin and Ching-Hsing Wang. 2016. “The Effects of Egalitarianism and Humanitarianism on Support for Social Welfare Policy: A Comparison of Four East Asian Countries.” The 74th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. The Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, April 7-10. • Weng, Dennis Lu-Chung and Ching-Hsing Wang. 2016. “Is Newer Better? New Political Parties Formation and Strategic Voting in the 2016 Taiwan Election.” The Taiwan Democracy Symposium: Taiwan Elections in 2016 and Beyond. The University of Texas at Dallas, March 25. • Wang, Ching-Hsing and Dennis Lu-Chung Weng. 2015. “The Effects of Civic Consciousness and Civil Disobedience on Support for and Participation in Contentious Politics.” The conference on “A New Era in Taiwan: Domestic and International Implications.” The University of Texas at Austin, October 31-November 1. • Wang, Ching-Hsing, Yi-Bin Chang, and Cong Huang. 2015. “Hispanic Population Growth and Welfare Spending: Evidence from California and Texas.” The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. The Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, April 16-19. • Wang, Ching-Hsing. 2015. “A Deeper Look at the Relationship between Political Knowledge and Political Participation: Evidence from Taiwan Presidential and Legislative Elections.” The 86th Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association. The Hyatt Regency, New Orleans, January 15-17. • Yi-Bin Chang, and Ching-Hsing Wang. 2015. “Value Orientations, Political Trust, Justice Beliefs, and Attitudes toward Redistribution in East Asia.” The 86th Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association. The Hyatt Regency, New Orleans, January 15-17. • Wang, Ching-Hsing, and Marwa Shalaby. 2013. “Big Five Personality Traits and Political Participation: An EITM Approach toward Understanding the Impact of Personality on Political Behavior.” The 84th Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association. The Peabody Orlando, Orlando, January 3-5. • Wang, Ching-Hsing. 2011. “Social Networks, Interpersonal Trust and Support for Democracy in East Asia.” The 91st Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association. The Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas, March 16-March 19. The 69th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. The Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, March 31-April 3. • Wang, Ching-Hsing. 2011. “Why Do People Vote? Rationality or Affect.” The 91st Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association. The Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas, March 16-19.

- 7 - • Wang, Ching-Hsing. 2010. “Economic Evaluation and Democratic Support in Asia: A Cross National Analysis.” The 90th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association. Hyatt Regency and Double Tree, Houston, March 31-April 3. • Wang, Ching-Hsing. 2009. “The Effects of Political Knowledge on Political Participation in Taiwan.” The 15th Annual North American Taiwan Studies Conference. University of Texas at Austin, Austin, June 26-28. • Wang, Ching-Hsing, and Taofang Huang. 2009. “Why Vote? Voter Mobilization and Election Differential.” 2009 International Conference on Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Studies. National Chengchi University, Taipei, May 22-23. • Wang, T. Y., and Ching-Hsing Wang, 2009. “The Effects of Electoral Participation on Political Efficacy in South Korea and Taiwan.” The Conference on Electoral Politics in Taiwan: Origins and Consequences of the Electoral Reform. University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, February 6-8. • Wang, T. Y. , and Ching-Hsing Wang, 2006. “Electoral Participation and Political Efficacy: A Cross-National Analysis.” The International Conference on Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study 2006. National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, October 21. • Wang, Ching-Hsing. 2005. “An Analysis of Taiwan People’s Satisfaction with Democracy: Measurement, Meaning and Political Influence.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study 2005: Cross-national Survey Studies. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, November 12-13 (written in Chinese). • Wang, Ching-Hsing. 2005. “An Analysis of Influential Factors of Taiwan People’s Viewpoints about the Relation of Taiwan and China in Economy and Trade.” Paper presented at the Conference on Public Opinions and Cross-Strait Relations. National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, September 24 (written in Chinese). • Tsai, Chia-Hung, and Ching-Hsing Wang. 2005. “Standardization of Data Format.” Paper presented at Workshop of Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study. National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, March 26-27 (written in Chinese). • Wang, Ching-Hsing, and Tien-Long Shun. 2004. “An Analysis of Taiwan People’s Evaluation of Democracy.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study, 2004. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, September 25-26 (written in Chinese).

Technical Reports (single or co-authored) • 2017 “The Texas Voter ID Law and the 2016 Election: A Study of Harris County and Congressional District 23.” • 2017 “The Texas Appraisers and Appraisal Management Company Survey, 2017.”

- 8 - • 2017 “University of Houston Students and the 2016 Election.” • 2017 “The Texas Real Estate Commission License Survey, 2016.” • 2016 “When Engineering Solutions to Coastal Surge and Flooding Are Not Sufficient to Meet the Threat.” • 2016 “Demographic Survey of Texas Lottery Players.” Report to the Texas Lottery Commission.” • 2015 “Statistical Analysis of the 2015 City of Pearland Employee Engagement Survey.” • 2015 “Demographic Survey of Texas Lottery Players.” Report to the Texas Lottery Commission.” • 2015 “The 2015 Texas Voter ID Survey.” • 2015 “The Texas Appraisers and Appraisal Management Company Survey, 2015.” • 2015 “The City of West University Place Survey.” • 2014 “Demographic Survey of Texas Lottery Players.” Report to the Texas Lottery Commission.” • 2014 “Service Evaluation Survey for the Viva Mi Casa Financial Program.” • 2014 “The 2014 NRG Astrodome Survey.” • 2013 “Demographic Survey of Texas Lottery Players.” Report to the Texas Lottery Commission.” • 2013 “The Houston Housing Survey.”

Professional Service Journal reviewer: American Journal of Political Science (2017), American Politics Research (2012, 2014), Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research (2014), Cogent Business & Management (2016), Cogent Social Sciences (2016), Electoral Studies (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017), International Political Science Review (2012, 2014, 2017), Journal of Asian and African Studies (2015, 2016), Journal of Chinese Political Science (2017), Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (2016), New Media & Society (2015), Party Politics (2013), Political Behavior (2017), Political Psychology (2013), Politics & Gender (2016, 2017), Research & Politics (2016), SAGE Open (2016), Terrorism and Political Violence (2016), The Journal of Politics (2014, 2015, 2016), The Social Science Journal (2014). Chair: The 2016 Annual Meeting of American Political Science Association The 2016 Annual Meeting of Midwest Political Science Association Discussant: The 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Association for Chinese Studies

- 9 - The 2016 Annual Meeting of Midwest Political Science Association The 2017 Annual Meeting of Midwest Political Science Association

Professional Memberships American Association for Chinese Studies, 2016-current. American Political Science Association, 2008-current. Midwest Political Science Association, 2008-current. Southwestern Social Science Association, 2010-current.

Language Skills English, Japanese, Chinese (Native speaker).

References Scott J. Basinger Jim Granato Associate professor Executive Director Department of Political Science Hobby School of Public Affairs University of Houston, U.S.A. Professor, Department of Political Science Email: [email protected] University of Houston, U.S.A Tel: (713) 743-3911 Email: [email protected] Tel: (713) 743-3887

T. Y. Wang Min-Hua Huang Professor and Chair Associate Professor Department of Politics and Government Department of Political Science Illinois State University National Taiwan University, Taiwan Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Tel: (309) 438-7880 Tel: (02)2351-9641 ext. 388

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