LARGE SCALE PV PLANTS – ALSO IN DENMARK Large Scale PV Plants – Also in Denmark 54 MW PV Plant in Moura Portugal; Photo: PA Energy Ltd. Project Report April 2011 PA Energy Ltd. SiCon EUDP-II J. Nr.: 64009-263 PA Energy Ltd. Peter Ahm, Director. |p| +45 86 933333. |e-mail|
[email protected] SiCon • Silicon & PV consulting. |m| +45 2345 6959. |e-mail|
[email protected] Page 1 LARGE SCALE PV PLANTS – ALSO IN DENMARK i. Colophon The project ”Large Scale PV Plants – Also in Denmark” (LPV) is supported by the Energy Research and Demonstration Programme (EUDP) of the Danish Energy Agency under ref. no.: EUDP-II J. Nr.: 64009-263, and has been carried out in the period December 2009 to March 2011. Large scale PV plants are increasingly established worldwide and in particular in the EU countries, but so far not in Denmark. The LPV project aims at describing the advantages and disadvantages of large scale PV plants in Denmark, investigation and analysis of the potential for same and recommendations for barrier removal, the target group being potential investors and developers as well as energy planning authorities and political decision makers. The LPV project recognizes the valuable data and input provided by a wide range of PV experts and institutions, in particular thanks are due to the IEA PVPS Task 8 on “Very Large Scale PV Systems” ( The LPV project further recognizes the valuable data provided via the,, PV Power Plants 2010 by RENI, EPIA, SEPA and others.