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To: Chairman and Members of the Public Services Committee: Council Offices Cllrs Mrs Collins DL, Dixon, Jarrett, Johnson, Lord, Marmara East Court (Chairman), Matthews, Mrs Waddingham (Vice Chairman), College Lane Mrs Wilson, Mayor and Deputy Mayor. (Other distribution for information only) RH19 3LT Tel: (01342) 323636 Fax: (01342) 327823 2 March 2005

Dear Sir/Madam,

Your attendance is requested at a meeting of the PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE to be held in the Council Chamber, East Court on THURSDAY, 10th March 2005, at 7.45 p.m.

Yours faithfully,

C J ROLLEY Town Clerk A G E N D A

1 Public Question Time.

2 To commence not later than 8 p.m. - Apologies for absence.

3 To receive Minutes of the meeting held on 13 January 2005 (previously circulated).

4 To receive Members’ Declarations of Prejudicial and Personal Interest.

5 To receive a presentation from Ian Burton, Head of Outdoor Business (Environment) with Mid Sussex District Council.

6 County Council Local Committees

7 Public Payphone in De La Warr Road (Min 52 10.06.04)

8 West Sussex Transport Plan Stakeholder Consultation 2006 - 2016 and North Mid Sussex Area Transport Issues (Mins 269 & 270 13.01.05).

9 People, Places and Prosperity – ODPM Reports

10 Highways Works Programme 2005/2006 & Forward Programme (Min 390 11.03.04)

11 Policing Issues in East Grinstead (Min 272 13.01.05)

12 Public Rights of Way Routine Maintenance (Min 311 08.01.04)

13 West Sussex Fire Service Integrated Risk Management Plan 2005/2006

14 Queen Victoria Hospital Burns Unit

15 Terms of Reference and Business Planning

16 Performance Indicators - Concessionary Rail Passes (Min 276 13.01.05).

17 Written Reports from Members of Mid Sussex District Council and West Sussex County Council. (Min 277 13.01.05).

18 Any Other Urgent Business.

NB The next meeting of the Committee will be held on THURSDAY, 9th June 2005 pdfMachine by Broadgun Software - a great PDF writer! - a great PDF creator! - http://www.pdfmachine.com http://www.broadgun.com


To: Chairman and Members of the Public Services Committee (10.3.05) (Other distribution for information only)


West Sussex County Council has been discussing for some time how best to engage better with local communities and their representatives and to ensure that their decision and policy making processes are better informed by local views and needs.

The County Council will consider the report attached as Appendix A on 18th March. It can also be viewed on the West Sussex County Council web site with the Governance Committee papers for 21 February 2005, www.westsussex.gov.uk If the recommendation contained therein is approved details of the proposals will be developed further before implementation in the summer. The Town Council has been asked to express views on the proposals.

Due to the timescale it is not possible to bring this report to the Finance & General Purposes Committee, which would be the normal course of action. It has been agreed with the Chairmen’s Group that this matter should be dealt with by Public Services Committee in their representational role. Any Member of the Council wishing to attend and speak on this item will be given permission to do so by the Chairman of Committee.

The Committee’s instructions are requested.

Agenda Item 7: PUBLIC PAYPHONE IN DE LA WARR ROAD (Min 52 10.6.04)

At the meeting of Committee on 10th June 2004, Members considered a detailed report following advice from BT Payphones that they were considering removing 6 payphones in East Grinstead on grounds of unprofitability. The Committee noted with regret this proposal and specifically objected to the proposed removal of the payphone, 01342 323559, adjacent to the car park in De La Warr Road, RH19 3BP, “as this payphone appears to be significantly well used and is close to centres of entertainment and two large car parks where visitors may not have access to mobile telephones or land lines.”

A letter has now been received from BT Payphones that advises that every payphone they consider for removal receives low usage, in many cases just a fraction of what they would normally expect from a public payphone. Accordingly they confirm that they are only targeting the very least used boxes and that in order to safeguard the future of the payphone network it is absolutely vital that they remove those payphones where there is no longer any demand for service. They go on to say that over half the payphones nationally now make a loss and as a business they need to be commercially aware of how the payphones are performing and they must act accordingly.

Notwithstanding the above it is pleasing to report that they have, in the light of Town Council objections, reviewed this particular payphone in De La Warr Road and have decided to cancel the proposed removal. They will, however, keep this payphone under review and should it be reintroduced back into the removals programme at a later date they will write to us again.

Members are requested to note the content of this report.



It will be recalled that consideration of the above documents was deferred at the last meeting to give Members the opportunity to consider the documents in detail and then to register their views to either the Chairman of Committee or Leader of Council so that a response could be submitted by those Members under delegated powers. At the time of writing this report no Member responses have been received by either Chairman and therefore they will now be formulating a response based upon their own views and this will be the subject of a verbal report to the meeting.


At the above conference in Manchester in late January the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) launched a number of strategy documents. The first “Citizen Engagement and Public Services: Why Neighbourhoods Matter”, the second “Vibrant Local Leadership”. These reports can be downloaded from the website www.odpm.gov.uk or if members want a hard copy this can be obtained from ODPM Free Literature, PO Box 236, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS23 7NB, tel 0870 1226 236 or e-mail [email protected] These documents form part of a series of documents being published to inform the overall vision of what local government in should look like in ten years time and the specific issues that need to be considered.

Central Government is developing a ten-year vision for local Government - local:vision. At its heart is a vision of central and local Government working together to deliver better outcomes for people and places.

The Citizen Engagement discussion document offers new opportunities for people to take action in their neighbourhoods to help shape the local services they receive. It is published as part of the development of local:vision - the strategy for the future of local government. This document discusses why neighbourhoods matter, explores new governance opportunities with a view to securing improvements in public services, outlines ways in which people in neighbourhoods can act (and this includes mention of parish and neighbourhood arrangements) and considers issues of resource and capacity. The report acknowledges (paragraph 68) that “parishes are a level of local representative democracy which offers opportunities to develop neighbourhood engagement.” It lauds the Quality Parish Scheme which has sought to boost the role of parish councils and has “helped parishes to take on service functions, typically exercised at county and district level, which have a significant impact on local people.” Importantly the ODPM recognises (paragraph 70) “there should be opportunities everywhere for communities to set up a parish council if there is sufficient demand. We should therefore seek to remove the existing barrier on urban parishes which currently exists in .” Members are encouraged to read the full document which recognises that local civic engagement can help create sustainable communities and that there is no one size fits all solution in relation to neighbourhood governance opportunities and solutions.

The Local Leadership paper considers how to achieve more visible, representative and responsive local leadership. It covers the role of the local authority and councillors and considers the implications for the future. Issues addressed include the roles of councillors and councils, political leadership of the locality as a whole and of neighbourhoods and communities, and the future supply and development of local political leaders. Whilst it is

2 clear that the main focus appears to be directed towards principal authorities, paragraph 64 specifically refers to first tier councils. “In a number of areas, effective parish or town councils already operate, serving a range of purposes and, in some cases, delivering delegated functions. Such councils clearly have a role and democratic mandate to represent their communities. Councillors from principal authorities will need to work with and through parish and town councils.” In summary the ODPM wants to encourage strong, self-confident local government that leads communities and enables quality services. Councils have unique potential to bring people together and encourage them to work in partnership and that is why the ODPM places importance upon councillors and officers working with others who have leading roles in communities.

Members are invited to consider this report.

Agenda Item 10: HIGHWAYS WORKS PROGRAMME 2005/2006 & FORWARD PROGRAMME (Min 390 11.3.04)

A communication has been received from West Sussex County Council confirming details of their highways works programme 2005/2006 and forward programme for 2006/2007. Consultation on this fell between the last and present meeting of Public Services Committee.

The West Sussex County Council proposals include the following schemes for East Grinstead:-

* National Cycle Network 20 at East Grinstead Station:- New steps and wheeling ramp 2006/2007

* A22 East Grinstead to border:- Road safety schemes 2005/2006

* A22 - East Grinstead Railway Station:- Further design and implementation of interchange enhancements 2006/2007

* B2110 Turners Hill Road:- Drainage improvements 2005/2006

* C332 Woodbury Avenue:- Carriageway resurfacing 2006/2007

* D188 Harvest Hill and adjacent Closes and Ridgeway:- Footway resurfacing 2005/2006

* Fairlawn Crescent/Drive:- Phase 2 footway reconstruction 2005/2006

Details of the aforementioned programme have been acknowledged back to West Sussex County Council and in this it has been noted that there are a smaller number of schemes identified for East Grinstead than in previous years. Concerns have been expressed about the state of many of the roads and pavements around the town centre that are deteriorating at a rapid rate. We have also asked them to look closely at the surface of the roadway in Southlands about which public representations have been received. The County Council has now confirmed in response that a thin surfacing will be applied to Southlands in the late summer/early autumn.

3 The importance of completing the footway reconstruction in Fairlawn Crescent/Drive has been acknowledged and the need for positive progress in partnership with other agencies in undertaking an holistic enhancement to the public transport interchange improvements at East Grinstead Railway station is supported. In this context Mid Sussex District Council has previously agreed to undertake a planning brief for this whole area.

With regard to the A22 road safety schemes between East Grinstead and the East Sussex border, a plan has been received from West Sussex County Council for consultation purposes showing what is proposed. Between the Road roundabout and the County boundary there are extensive proposals for enhanced signage, central hatching in places, coloured surfacing, a new pedestrian refuge island between the Bourg-de-Peage Avenue and Herontye junctions and other improvements. This plan will be displayed at the meeting and a copy is attached for Members as Appendix B. It will be noted that some of the proposals relate to East Grinstead civil parish and others to .

Members are invited to give consideration to this report and to instruct accordingly.

Agenda Item 11: POLICING ISSUES IN EAST GRINSTEAD (Min 272 13.1.05)

Town Council Members who are members of the Local Action Teams (LAT’s), run under the aegis of Sussex Police, will make verbal presentations on any meetings that have been held since the last meeting of Public Services Committee.

It is pleasing to report that the 3 speed guns authorised at the last meeting have been received. These are waiting upon Sussex Police for training of the volunteers. Again representatives on the LAT's are requested to report back on this.


West Sussex County Council completed the annual routine maintenance on the East Grinstead Public Rights of Way network during the winter. The following is a summary of the works undertaken:-

6 new wooden way markers 15 repaired wooden way markers 10 repaired stiles 6,087 metres of vegetation clearance 4 bridges repaired 1 overhanging branch removed 1 fallen tree removed

It is again emphasised that regular use and walking of the Public Rights of Way network helps to keep this both accessible and in good order. Committee is asked to note.


Risk management planning is at the heart of good governance and central government sees it as an important element in modernising the Fire and Rescue Service. Essentially the Plan is about putting people first and bringing about significant reductions in deaths and injuries from fires and other emergencies through a bigger emphasis on community fire safety. The detailed Plan can be viewed on the West Sussex County Council web site www.westsussex.gov.uk but Members are also welcome to view the hard copy of the Plan that can be obtained from the Town Clerk any time prior to the meeting. Key aspects of the Plan include the following:- 4

* In partnership with Sussex Ambulance Service to encourage and promote a joint system that assists in getting life saving defibrillators to heart attack victims quickly;

* Reviewing the location of all resources throughout the County;

* A review of intervention capability based upon the location of personnel;

* Investigation of the need for a fast reaction fire engine with a greater ability to put out fires;

* To implement governmental proposals to safeguard the community from acts of terrorism or major disasters;

* To review current “hoax” call reduction strategy;

* To develop a Countywide attendances time standard for fire and other emergencies;

* To review the role of retained fire fighters and improve recruitment procedures generally;

* To adopt a policy of responding to automatic fire alarm systems;

* To ensure fire engines and fire fighters are located at the best possible point and in this regard to relocate the Horsham and Fire Stations to more appropriate locations.

In addition to the above there will be enhanced emphasis on home fire safety checks, targeting community fire safety resources and fire safety enforcement generally. They are also setting up a local Arson Task Force and intend to develop one within each District. They will be developing their “Voluntary Fire Cadet” and “Fire Break” schemes. They will also be working in crime and disorder reduction partnerships, enhanced working with other fire and risk authorities and developing, with other agencies, a road traffic accidents reduction strategy for the County.

Members are asked to note.


In early February the Town Council was apprised of the review of services for patients with burns injuries across England and Wales that is being conducted at arms length from the Department of Health. The National Burns Centre Review aims to grade existing services and nominate a limited number of hospitals as centres for burns care. It has been understood that the Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust was not named as one of the centres of excellence despite its strategic importance in emergencies and its international reputation in the fields of patient care, training and research.

Consequent upon this a letter was sent from the Town Council requesting the Secretary of State to carefully review the existing designation process and urging that centre of excellence status be given to the QVH. It is known that similar letters were sent by the Hospital’s Chief Executive, Mr Bergman, and the Town’s MP, Mr Soames, amongst others.

It is now believed there may be a further consultation on this matter in the near future. Members will be kept informed of any developments. Committee is asked to note.



Arising from the organisational and structure review it is necessary for all committees in the current cycle to review their terms of reference, corporate objectives and programme policies and strategy statements to ensure these are now appropriate given the changes in cost centre responsibilities that were agreed during the January/February cycle of meetings.

As members will appreciate the Public Services Committee will from April 2005 fulfil a totally representational role with no direct operational service responsibilities. This should ensure an enhanced focus to the work of the committee. The Terms of Reference now drafted together with the policy and strategy statements, all set out below, have been considered by the Chairmen’s Group and they have recommended them for approval. To note the changes Members may wish to refer back to their copies of the current BVPP, which clearly shows the current wording. The single corporate objective for the committee has required no alteration and is recommended as it currently stands.

Proposed Terms of Reference for the Public Services Committee:

(a) The making of representations to the appropriate authority in respect of highways matters.

(b) The making of representations to the appropriate authority in respect of public transport services.

(c) The making of representations to the appropriate authority in respect of all health care/service matters.

(d) The making of representations to Sussex Police Authority and other appropriate police personnel in respect of all local policing matters, including the establishment of joint partnership initiatives.

(e) The making of representations to Mid Sussex District Council regarding Public Entertainment Licensing and Licensed Premises generally.

(f) All other matters (except planning) which are the responsibility of third party agencies and directly affect the town’s basic infrastructure

Public Services Committee Corporate Objective:

To provide effective, coherent and timely representational responses about services provided by other councils, agencies and organisations that have direct impact and relevance to the public of East Grinstead, to monitor the quality and scope of such services and to seek to influence the initiation of new services as appropriate.

Public Services Committee Strategy and Policy Statements:

Strategy Statement No. 1

Fulfil a positive, dynamic and effective local role and liaison in respect of all matters affecting the town community that are the responsibility of other local authorities and agencies.

Policy Statement No. 1 6

The Committee will: -

(i) Develop its existing role as the major local community catalyst seeking to maintain existing services and secure improved services, achievements and benefits for the town and a greater awareness and understanding of the town's needs.

(ii) Encourage closer relationships with other local authorities, Sussex police, public transport undertakings, health services and other agencies, including the establishment of regular opportunities/meetings for objective discussion and liaison.

Strategy Statement No. 2

To provide a range of public information services to educate and inform local residents and others with regard to Council policies that are relevant to the work of the Committee.

Policy Statement No. 2

(i) To maintain positive and constructive working relationships with the local press and other media regarding all aspects of the Committee's operations and policies, and

(ii) To have published, and issued as appropriate, publications relevant to the work of the Committee providing information about local services.

Committee is invited to give consideration to this report and recommend to F&GP accordingly.


The relevant information, focusing upon the period December 2004 and January 2005 is set out below with the same months for the previous two years also shown for comparative purposes .

Rail Passes December 2002 17 December 2003 12 December 2004 19 January 2003 30 January 2004 34 January 2005 27


At the time of preparing this agenda no written representations have been received from any local Member of Mid Sussex District Council or West Sussex County Council. Any reports received subsequently will be tabled at the meeting.

TOWN CLERK’s Report Ends