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Abkürzungsverzeichnis 625 Abkrzungsverzeichnis Quellen – Quelleneditionen – Zeitschriften und Sammelwerke Quellen Ach. Tat. Achilleus Tatios Acta Acta Apostolorum Aet. Aetios Ail. takt. Ailianos, Taktika Ain. Takt. Aineias Taktikos Aischyl. Prom. Aischylos, Prometheus Aischyl. Agam. Aischylos, Agamemnon Alk. Alkaios Amm. Ammianus Marcellinus Anaxandr. Anaxandros, Fragmente Anaximen. rhet. Alex. Anaximenes, Rhetorica ad Alexandrum Anon. Peripl. mar. Erythr. Anonymus, Periplus maris Erythraei Apoll. Rhod. Argon. Apollonios Rhodios, Argonautika Apollod. Apollodoros, Bibliotheke App. civ. Appianos, Bella civilia App. Ill. Appianos, Illyrica App. Mithr. Appianos, Mithridatius App. Pun. Appianos, Punica App. Samn. Appianos, Samnitica App. Syr. Appianos, Syriaca Apuleius, Metamorph. Apuleius, Metamorphosen Archim. Archimedes Aristeid. panath. Aristeides, Panathenaikos Aristid. Or. Ailios Aristeides, Oratores Aristoph. Ach. Aristophanes, Acharnenses Aristoph. Lys. Aristophanes, Lysistrata Aristoph. Nub. Aristophanes, Nubes Aristoph. Pax Aristophanes, Pax Aristot. an. post. Aristoteles, Analytica posteriora Aristot. Ath. pol. Aristoteles, Athenaion politeia Aristot. cael. Aristoteles, De caelo Aristot. hist. an. Aristoteles, Historia animalium Aristot. metaph. Aristoteles, Metaphysica Aristot. meteor. Aristoteles, Meterologica Aristot. Nikom. Ethik Aristoteles, Nikomachische Ethik Aristot. part. an. Aristoteles, De partibus animalium Aristot. phys. Aristoteles, Physica Aristot. pol. Aristoteles, Politica Aristot. probl. Aristoteles, Problemata Abkrzungsverzeichnis – Quellen 626 Aristot. rhet. Aristoteles, Rhetorica Arr. an. Arrianos, Anabasis Arr. Ind. Arrianos, Indica Arr. cyn. Arrianos, Kynegeticus Arr. parth. Arrianos, Parthica Arr. phys. Arrianos, Peri kometon physeos Arr. takt. Arrianos, Taktica Asclep. tact. Asklepiodotos, Taktika Athen. Athenaios Aug. civ. Augustinus, De civitate dei Avien. Ora mar. Avienus, Ora maritima Bakchyl. Bakchylides Bell. Afr. Bellum Africanum Caes. civ. Caesar, De bello civili Caes. Gall. Caesar, De bello Gallico Calp. ecl. Calpurnius Siculus, Eclogae Cass. Dio Cassius Dio Cassiodorus, Var. Cassiodorus, Institutiones Variae Cato agr. Cato, De agri cultura Catull. Catullus, Carmina Chr Chronik Cic. ad Q. fr. Cicero, Ad Quintum fratrem Cic. Att. Cicero, Epistulae ad Atticum Cic. Brut. Cicero, Brutus Cic. div. Cicero, De divinatione Cic. dom. Cicero, De domo sua Cic. fam. Cicero, Epistulae ad familiares Cic. Flacc. Cicero, Pro L. Valerio Flacco Cic. leg. Cicero, De legibus Cic. leg. agr. Cicero, De lege agraria Cic. Manil. Cicero, De lege Manilia (De imperio Cn. Pompei) Cic. nat. deor. Cicero, De natura deorum Cic. off. Cicero, De officiis Cic. Phil. Cicero, In M. Antonium Orationes Philippicae Cic. rep. Cicero, De re publica Cic. Sest. Cicero, Pro P. Sestio Cic. S.Rosc. Cicero, Pro Sex. Roscio Amerino Cic. Tusc. Cicero, Tusculanae disputationes Cic. Verr. Cicero, In Verrem Cod. Iust. Corpus Juris Civilis, Codex Iustinianus Cod. Theod. Codex Theodosianus Colum. Columella Const. Porph. De cerem. Konstantinos Porphyrogennetos, De Ceremoniis Curt. Curtius Rufus, Historiae Alexandri Magni Dam. v. Isid. Damaskios, Vita Isidori Dem. Demosthenes Demokr. Demokritos 627 Abkrzungsverzeichnis – Quellen Dig. Corpus Juris Civilis, Digesta Diod. Diodorus Siculus Diog. Laert. Diogenes Laertios Dion Chrys. Dion Chrysostomos Dion. Hal. ant. Dionysios Halicarnasseus, Antiquitates Romanae Dion. Per. Dionysios Periegetes Diosc. Dioskurides Eudox fr. Eudoxos, Fragmenta Eur. Hipp. Euripides, Hippolytus Eus. Const. Eusebios, Vita Constantini Eus. HE Eusebios, Historia Ecclesiastica Eutr. Eutropius Fest. Festus Flor. epit. Florus, Epitoma de Tito Livio Frontin. aqu. Frontinus, De aquae ductu urbis Romae Frontin. strat. Frontinus, Strategemata Gai. Inst. Gaius, Institutiones Gal. Galenos Gell. Aulus Gellius, Noctes Atticae Georg. Pisid. expedit. Pers. Georgios Pisides, Expeditio Persica Geogr. Rav. Geographus Ravennas Hdt. Herodotos Heph. v. Theben Hephaistion von Theben Hekat. Hekataios Herakl. Pont. Herakleides Pontikos Herodian. Herodianos Hes. erg. Hesiodos, Erga Hes. theog. Hesiodos, Theogonia Hesek Hesekiel Hippokr. Hippokrates Hom. h. Hymni Homerici Hom. Il. Homeros, Ilias Hom. Od. Homeros, Odyssee Hor. c. Horatius, Carmina Hor. epist. Horatius, Epistulae Hor. sat. Horatius, Saturae (sermones) Hygin. const. limit. Hyginus, Constitutio limitum Inst. Iust. Corpus Juris Civilis, Institutiones Ios. ant. Iud. Iosephos, Antiquitates Iudaicae Ios. bell. Iud. Iosephos, Bellum Iudaicum Isid. orig. Isidorus, Origines Isokr. or. Isokrates, Orationes Isokr. Plat. Isokrates, Plataikos Itin. Egeriae Itinerarium Egeriae Itin. Anton. Itinerarium Antonini Abkrzungsverzeichnis – Quellen 628 Iul. Afric. kest. Iulius Africanus, Kestoi Iul. mis. Iulianos, Misopogon Iul. or. Iulianos, Orationes Iust. Iustinus Iuv. Juvenalis, Saturae Jer Jeremia Jes Jesaja Joh Johannes Jos Josua Kg Kçnige Kleomed. Kleomedes, De motu circulari corporum caelestium Lex. Sud. Suda Liban. epist. or. Libanos, Epistulae orationes Liv. Livius, Ab urbe condita Liv. epit. Livius, Epitome Lucan. Lucanus, Bellum civile (Pharsalia) Lucr. Lucretius, De rerum natura Luk Lukas Lukian de astrolog. Lukianos, De Astrologia Lukian hist. conscr. Lukianos, De historia conscribenda Lukian philops. Lukianos, Philopsendes Lukian ver. hist. Lukianos, Verae historiae Lyd. ost. Lydos, De ostensis Lys. fr. Lysias, Fragmenta Macr. Sat. Macrobius, Saturnalia Makk Makkaber Manil. Manilius, Astronomica Marm. Par. Marmor Parium Mart. Martialis Mela Pomponius Mela Mimn. Mimnermos Min. Fel. Minucius Felix, Octavius Mk Markus Mos Mose Nah Nahum Nep. Milt. Cornelius Nepos, Miltiades Nm Numeri (4. Mose) Obseq. Iulius Obsequens, Prodigia Off Die Offenbarung des Johannes Olymp. Olympiodoros Onas. Onasandros or. Sib. Oracula Sibyllina Oros. Orosius Orph. frg. Orphika, Fragmenta 629 Abkrzungsverzeichnis – Quellen orph. Lith. Lithika (Orphik) Ov. fast. Ovid, Fasti Ov. met. Ovid, Metamorphoses Ov. trist. Ovid, Tristia Pall. agric. Palladius, Opus agriculturae Paneg. Panegyrici latini Paul. Fest. Paulus Diaconus, Epitoma Festi Paus. Pausanias Petr Petrus Petron. Petronius, Satyrica Petron. frg. Petronius, Fragmenta Philoch. Philochoros Philostr. Ap. Philostratos, Vita Apollonii Philostr. soph. Philostratos, Vitae sophistarum Pind. P. Pindar, Pythien Plat. Gorg. Platon, Gorgias Plat. Krat. Platon, Kratylos Plat. Krit. Platon, Kriton Plat. nom. Platon, Nomoi Plat. Phaid. Platon, Phaidon Plat. Phaidr. Platon, Phaidros Plat. pol. Platon, Politeia Plat. Prot. Platon, Protagoras Plat. symp. Platon, Symposium Plat. Tht. Platon, Theaitetos Plat. Tim. Platon, Timaios Plaut. Aul. Plautus, Aulularia Plaut. Mil. Plautus, Miles gloriosus Plin. epist. Plinius minor, Epistulae Plin. nat. Plinius maior, Naturalis historia Plin. paneg. Plinius minor, Panegyricus Plut. Agis Plutarch, Agis Plut. Alex. Plutarch, Alexander Plut. Ant. Plutarch, Antonius Plut. Caes. Plutarch, Caesar Plut. Cat. mai. Plutarch, Cato maior Plut. De Alex. fort. Plutarch, De Alexandri fortuna Plut. Demetr. Plutarch, Demetrius Plut. Dio. Plutarch, Dion Plut. Eum. Plutarch, Eumenes Plut. Fab. Max. Plutarch, Fabius Maximus Plut. Flam. Plutarch, Flamininus Plut. Is. Plutarch, De Iside et Osiride Plut. Kim. Plutarch, Kimon Plut. Kleom. Plutarch, Kleomenes Plut. Luc. Plutarch, Lucullus Plut. Lys. Plutarch, Lysander Plut. Mar. Plutarch, Marius Plut. Marcel. Plutarch, Marcellus Abkrzungsverzeichnis – Quellen 630 Plut. mor. Plutarch, Moralia Plut. Nik. Plutarch, Nikias Plut. Numa Plutarch, Numa Plut. Pelop. Plutarch, Pelopidas Plut. Per. Plutarch, Perikles Plut. Phil. Plutarch, Philopoimen Plut. Pomp. Plutarch, Pompeius Plut. Rom. Plutarch, Romulus Plut. Solon Plutarch, Solon Plut. Sulla Plutarch, Sulla Plut. Thes. Plutarch, Theseus Pol. Polybios Polyain. Polyainos, Strategemata Poseid. Poseidonios Prok. an. Prokop, Anekdota Prok. BG Prokop, Bellum Gothicum Prop. Propertius, Elegiae Ps Psalmen Ps. Arist. Mir. ausc. Pseudo-Aristoteles, De mirabilibus auscultationibus Ps.-Aristot. mund. Pseudo-Aristoteles, De munda Ps.-Maur. Strat. Pseudo-Mauricius, Strategicon Ps.-Plut. De fluv. Pseudo-Plutarch, De fluviis Ps.-Xen. Ath. pol. Pseudo-Xenophon, Athenaion politeia Ptol. geogr. Ptolemaios, Geographika Ptol. tetr. Ptolemaios, Tetrabiblos Quint. inst. Quintilian, Institutio oratoria Quint. Smyrn. Quintus von Smyrna R. Gest. div. Aug. Res Gestae divi Augusti Rut. Nam. Rutilius Claudius Namatianus, De reditu suo Sal. Catil. Sallustius, De coniuratione Catilinae Sal. Iug. Sallustius, De bello Iugurthino Sam Samuel Sch. Aristoph. Ach. Scholia zu Aristophanes, Acharnenses Sch. Verg. georg. Scholia zu Vergil, Georgica Sen. benef. Seneca minor, De beneficiis Sen. Cons. Helv. Seneca minor, Consolatio ad Helviam Sen. de ira Seneca minor, De ira Sen. dial. Seneca minor, Dialogi Sen. epist. Seneca minor, Epistulae morales ad Lucilium Sen. Herc. Oet. Seneca minor, Hercules Oetaeus Sen. nat. Seneca minor, Naturales quaestiones Sen. Oed. Seneca minor, Oedipus Sen. Phaedr. Seneca minor, Phaedra Serv. Aen. Servius, Commentarius in Vergilii Aeneida Serv. Georg. Servius, Commentarius in Vergilii Georgica SHA Alex. Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Alexander Severus SHA Aurelian. Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Aurelianus 631 Abkrzungsverzeichnis – Quellen SHA Hadr. Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Hadrianus SHA Prob. Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Probus Sil. Silius Italicus, Punica Simpl. phys. Simplikius, Physica Sir Jesus Sirach Skyl. Skylax, Periplus Solin. Solinus Soph. Ant. Sophokles, Antigone Soph.
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