as Independence fever grips Namibia

INDEPENDENCE fever is mounting as Namiblans work overtime to get Windhoek shipshape to cope with the internatioDaI vlsltors from ~very corner of the globe as they pour Into Namibia to celebrate the founding of the world's newest nation. The Independence Celebrations . Committee has been forced to set up a special committee to cope with the problems of the numerous sub-com­ mittees handling the various arrange­ ments. ~ Transport and accommodation are still providing worrying moments, but officiats told The Namibian, "we will niake a plan one way or an­ other". Facilities are stretched to beyond capacity and larger jets fer­ rying in the majority ofthe 5 OOO-odd guests will have to park as far afield as neighbo.Uring countries. ' , -.. 'This afferiloon~ United Nations Sectetary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar and US Secretary of State James Baker are 'two of the top-rank­ ing visitors who will jet in. Other guests include Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, lnilianPreinier V.P. Singh, and presidents Jose Eduardo dos Santos of Angola, Quett Masire of Botswana, Daniel Arap Moi of Kenya, Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia and Ali Hassan Mwinyi of Tanzania. , Apart from taking part in the cele­ brations, many of the foreign leaders will be holding , mini-su,mmits to discuss world and regional problems. Numerous other VIPs, bands and OUT with the old, in with the new. Above, youngsters watch as guests have already started arriving South African war machinery was transported south last week. and the capital is literally bursting at Right, youngsters in Katutura this weekend took part in a clean-up the seams: campaign ahead of independence. ' Yesterday, ' municipal officials worked throughout the day. painting lines on the newly-tarred streets, while new street lamps were fitted in Kai­ ser Street; which Swapo sources say is soon t6 be renamed Independence Avenue. Moses'to disband Swanu Traffic officials on loan from neigh. bouring states on gleaming white THE South West African National Union (SwrulU) faction led by Katjiuongua promised, the NPF would to lead the organisation into the Multi­ motorcyles have been doing "dry 'Moses Katjiuongua is to disband to form a single united party with retain its political independence and Party Conference (MPC). runs" in preparation for the big event, th~ Caprivi African National Union'(Canu). " would never be co-opted by another Time had proven the' split unnec­ while immigration officials are work­ organisation. essary and had vindicated the major­ ing loog hours to help travellers through The merger is set fo take,place at a committee's president, but the other In a long and passionate speech ity faction's stand, Claimed the Swanu passport control points at Windhoek One-Party Congress of the NPF three key positiohs were more of ,a introducing the resolution on Satur­ president. Airport. Windhoek Airport, which planned for the end of next month, surprise, Claudius Kandjou replaced day, Katjiuongull told the Congress it "Those who left achieved none of normally handles less than 40 flights The Eighth Congress of Swanu, Tjeripo Ngaringombe as vice-presi­ must not be "shy to initiate a process their objectives. They never dared a week, will have to cope with 200 held at the weekend in Khomasdal, dent, Swakopmund delegate Re~­ of change". It must rise to the chal­ throw a stone at the army or the jetliners in two days. passed a resolution last night sup­ hard Gertze "eat Katimuina Veii in lenge of becoming the "real third police, they remained well-dressed A Civil Aviation'official said the porting Katjiuongua's call to "re­ the election for general sectretary, force of Namibian politics", provid­ and well-fed, they never worked with wide-bodied jets ferrying in the cognise the new realities of Namibia" and Sue Anstey came in as treasurer. ing a middle way between Swapo Swapo on an equal basis - in fact, majority of the 5 OOO-odd expected and "accept the need to end its own After a final proclamation of the and the DTA. they became more anti-Swapo than guests would be parked at airports in political existence", , , ' resolution, Katjiuongua told the ~new NPF would be solid, united, ourselves." Zambia, Botswana, Ziinbabwe and The same strategy had alre;idy reen Congress it had seen democracy in strong and dynamic, he said. It would With its president now co-opted at Jan ·Smuts Airport in J~esburg mandated-by a recent Canu confer­ 'full phiy at·the weekend. establish a cre

TEHRAN - A gas explosion killed 13 people, destroyed a four-storey building and started a massive fire in the Iranian capital Tehran. The blast also injured many people, some criticaliy, the Iracian news .) agency IRNA said. NEW DELHI - India's minority National Front government surVived its first major internal crisis when deputy Prime Minister Devi Lal withdrew his tw~day-old resignation which threatened to split party ranks• • I tary forces Fyodor K:.uzmin, described MOSCOW - Soviet troops and tanks staged manoeuvres in Lithuania JOHA:NNESBURG - Seven more people were killed in South Afri~ as the manoeuvres as routine, although on Sunday on the eve of a deadline by President Mikhail Gf,)rbachev politicians groped for a solution to mounting battles between rival they had not been annoULced in to the Baltic republic's parliament to rescind a' deciaration of black factions. Police said most of the victims died in Natal province, independence. advance. She the Lithuanian president, who is also head ' of the where supporters of the leftist African National Congress are struggling Lithuanian officials I said milit ~ry to withdraw the independence move, pro-independence Sajudis mass for control of townships against backers of the right-wing Zulu-based aircraft were heard flying over major made the conciliatory statement af­ movement which controls parliament, Inkatha movement. cities in the republic, Telephone links ter voting in the second round of had catted the talks' 'lengthy, friendly with foreign countries were cut for local and parliamentary elections being and concrete' , . It was his third meet­ JER USALEM - Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir vied with sacked Vice­ what communications ministry offi­ held in five Soviet republics. ing in a week with the military. Premier Shimon Peres to form a new Israeli government after their cials said were "technical repairs". Voters were expected to return pro­ Lithuanian . journalists said coalition collapsed over proposed peace talks with Palestinians. A spokesperson for the Lithuanian independence deputies in Lithuania's Landsbergishad told the officers that Soviet troops would have to leave parliament's information office, sister republics of Latvia and Esto­ SAO PAULO - Brazil's new government has frozen more than US$100 speaking from Vilnius by telephone, nia, but turnout in the country's three Lithuania under independence and said Lithuania's newly-elected Presi­ largest republics - Russia, the Ukraine .why Lithuanians were critical of their billion of money from individuals and companies to fight hyperinflation. : dent Vytimtas Landsbergis had dis­ and Byelorussia - was sharply down. ·presence in the republic. cussed the manoeuvres with senior Results were due to begin trickling in The parliamentary spokesperson BRAZZAVILLE - France will lend Congo 530 million French francs military officers on Sunday. from most contests on Monday. said a military helicopter had flown (US$93 million) as part of a package of reforms recommended by the "There are manoeuvres involving Outside the Moscow polling sta­ over Vilnius on Saturday d,!opping International Monetary Fund, the head of the French foreign aid troops, tanks and military transports tion, Gorbachev said: "Above all, . anti-independence leaflets. agency said. in the south of Lithuania," she said. there was no ultimatum. ' , Residents said there had been a "They appear to be involved in an . But he renewed his criticism of the general increase in flights over the RABAT - A hundred blind Moroccans are staging a hunger strike at a 'exerciSe" of some sort along the bor­ Lithuanian declaration, issued a week republican capital and quoted rela- . Rabat 'mosque, demanding the chance to learn and earn. der with Byelorussia." ago without a dissenting vote by the tives as saying large numbers of troops In Moscow, Gorbachev denied he republic.'s parliament, saying it was had been moved into outlying vil­ had imposed an ultimatum on Lithu­ "taken quickly in the heat of the lages. ADDIS ABABA - As relief agenCies prepared tosend a first food convoy ania and renewed his offer to hold moment. Nevertheless, we will hold Nikolai Medvedev. one of the across the front line into rebel-held areas of northern Ethiopia, the talks as deputies from Lithuania headed discussions.' . deputies flying to Moscow to answer government warned that serious famine could strike the drought-hit to Moscow. .to answer his appeal. The Lithuanian parliament spokes­ Gorbachev, said military aircraft were region next month. . Gorbachev, who last Friday gave person said Soviet army officers, in- . heard flying over the city of Kaunas the Lithuanian leadership three days cluding the head of the Baltic mili- _on Sunday. WINf>HOEK - Independence celebrations began in earnest as the first of about 150 foreign delegations arrived in Namibia ahead of Wednesday's BLOOM COUNT...-Y______.....--____b...:y:...... ,Berke Breathed formal birth of the world's newest nation. MOSCOW - Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze left for a seven-nation tour ofAfrica after declaring that all aspects of Moscow's co-operation With the developing world were under review. The highlight of his nine-day trip is his visit to Namibia on Wednesday, where he will .. attend independence celebrations and meet U.S. Secretary of State James Baker. I. _

WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Ja~es Baker flies to southern Africa to help encourage negotiations for peaceful change in South Africa and renew efforts to end the Angolan civil war, adininistration B officials say. A T M PORT WUIS - The 1990 sugar crop in Mauritius is expected to reach A N 680 000 tonnes compared with 568 301 tonnes in 1989 and 634 424 tonnes in 1988, according to the preliminar~ official crop forecast. A N D AWIERS - Libyan second-in-command Abdel-Salam Jalloud said R o Western charges that Libya had produced chemical arms were excuses B for aggression against it. Jalloud arrived in Algeria app~lrently to seek I N support from Arab allies after fire ravaged a chemical plant at Rabta south of Tripoli last Wednesday. Libya has blamed s~botage. , ' NPF 'shoots down' decision on army

THE decision to keep foreign troops on Namibian soil, and the possibility of their beingjoined by others,after independence, could launch the new National Assembly into a storm of controversy, , National Patriotic Front leader Moses Katjiuongua predicted at the weekend. He said the Constituent Assembly government, but that a working rela­ had agreed that a final decision on a t ionship had to involve mutual trust. Namibian army would, only be taken "It is our duty to maintain the after independence, and that the spirit spirit we created whilst writing the of the constitutional process had been constitiution. The opposition should undermined by the unexpected ~­ negotiate and advise on issues, help­ ., nouncement. ing to create responsible government Speaking at the Eighth Swanu in Namibia." Congress on Saturday, Katjiuongua The future government would face also objected to the incoming gov­ "monumental problems" in its ef­ ernment's solo decision to make forts to build the society Narnibia " Namibia part of the Commonwealth. deserved, he said. It wouId need Decisions of such national impor­ "plenty of goodwill and a bit of a tance should only be talcen after full honeymoon" to get the process off to Parliamentary debate, he said. a good start. The NPF president stressed he did High-handed decisions on matters not see the opposition parties' futUre of vital national interest did not bode role as confrontational towards the well, he said. SOME of the unpaid workers at AUa Pergola. Workers threaten to strike·over non-pay THE Administrator-General of DAVID LUSH . Namibia, Louis Pienaar, is to succeed Professor Kobus van Roooyen as ." THERE IS a threat of st~ke action at a Windhoek nightclub where then there might be problems." chairperson of the South African workers say ihey have not been paid for more than a month. Disgruntled workers said they were Publications Appeal Board. unable to send mone.y to their fami­ Pienaar' s appointment was Union intervention prevented a ,the workers, Nankudhu said, and Nafau lies for food and clothing, or settle announced in Cape Town on Sunday, walkout of workers at the AlIa Per­ officials met with a member of club outstanding accounts because of the SABC TV news reported. gola club, but officials of the N amib ~ managemeJ.¥ go Friday, , $~ back backlog of pay. The Minlster of Internal Affairs, ian Food and Allied Union (Nafau) pay for those who had received noth­ They claimed that when they pro­ Gene Louw, announced in Cape, could not rule out future strike action ing since January. ' tested to the management about this, Town that the cabinet had approved if the workforce was not paid soon. they were told they could be sacked But ,the unionist added the person Pienaar's appointment to succeed About 20 workers threatened to N afau spoke to was abrupt and impo­ if they continued to complain. The Professor Van Rooyen, who had down tools on Friday as the club lite, saying the club restaurant made workers said their monthly salaries headed the board for 15 years and prepared for the busy weekend. The no profit so the company could not ranged from R,150 to R400 a month. majority had not been paid since afford to pay the workers. As a result " National, reconciliation is one whose term of oft'ice ends on March February 10, Nafau Windhoek branch there was no promise that pay for all thing, but when workers are treated 31. organiser John Qtto Nankudhu told staff would be forthcoming. like this then it is not right," said Louw said Pienaar's 27 years The Namibian. Three staff members "We are prepared to negotiate with Nankudhu. "We are not prepared to ~xperience as a lawyer would meet had received no money since Janu­ the employers and the workers are accept this." , the demands of his new post. Pienaar ary: he said. prepared to work during the negotia­ Jfienightspot's management could in 1974 was 'il member of the The union averted the strike by tions," said Narikudhu. "But if the not be reached for comment at the Commission of Inquiry into the promising to negotiate on behalf of employers do, not want to negotiate time of going to press. Publications Act. OUTGOING AG Louis Pienaar

"The Sbviet public i.ll not only atten­ ion to their country to make it possible tively following dev~lopment s in the for them to take part in the elections to southern African continent, but is also Soviet public more than interested in Namibia the Constituent As·sembly. giving assistance to the ANC and He concluded that the Soviet public Swapo in their struggle, to eliminate the " " welcomed the coming visit to southern apartheid regime," · Vasily Solo­ ANC and Swapo in the most difficult interests in different international fo­ to' Namibian refugees returning from Africa by Soviet Foreig{l Minister dovnikov; corresponding member of years , when the West treated these rums, including the United Nations. exile, he continued. Machinery, food­ Edvard Shevardnadze. The visit would the USSR Academy of Sciences and movement ,~ as terrorist organisations." The USSR's contribution to the Afrl­ stuffs, 'medicines and other consumer strengthen the Soviet position in the vice-president of the Soviet Afro­ Our country gave considerable ma­ c,an Fund had already reached nearly goods had also been sent to Namibia. region and would show that Mos.cow Asian Solidarity Committee, said in an ' terial and humanitarian aid to the patri­ 100 million dollars, he said. In addi- ' "The Soviet Solidarity Committee had not diverted from its policy ofsup­ interview last week. " The Soviet Un­ ots of South Africa and Namibia, said tion, Sov ie~ , public organisations had chartered an Aeroflot plane to bring porting national liberation movements, ion and the Sov.iet people supported the Solodovnikov. It 'also supported their given 1,6 million dollars worth of help Namibian students from the Soviet Un- Solodovnikov said.

Paulinum Lutheran· Theological Seminary.. CELEBRATE, , INDEPENDENCE , I

-} Applicati,?."s are u~g~ntly requested to fill vac,ancies for ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY WITH BPI . '"""'-"~-~""l't} ... ,~ To commence work on April 1, 1990 Minimum requirements: a person who has experience in -, COLLECT YOUR Administration, qualified in book-keeping, able to deal with I issuing and receiving stocks. INDEPENDENCE T-SHIRTS Closing date for applications: 23 March 1990. Please apply INDEPENDENCE FLAGS "- in writing to: The Principal -INDEPENDENCE PEAK CAPS Paulinum Lutheran Theological Seminary AT YOUR LOCAL BP SERVICE STATION P.O. Box 1005 KARIBDi 9000 Tel. 3531 "We like to keep you moving" r------~------"------.'1 Monday l'\.1arcll 19' 1990 THE NAMJBIAN

But according to a tentative 16hOO . ' 23h30: Normal able to supply our readers with a schedule relea&ed last week, it transmission including festival full list ·of details of NBC's TODAY'S TELEVISION would look .something like the arrangements, information and coverage. , It seems as if the

' . following: climate-setting. Adjustments will cotporation's public relations Ar Jhe time of going to press, -Naitional . ·B·roadcllsting . be made tocustQmary schedule. . department has problems finalising The Namibian has not Teceived .Cotporation' s television coverage 13hOO ·14hOO: News and Festival their schedule .for the any final details of the Namibia for today. . Arrangements The Namibian hopes we will be Independence week.

One of the 76 Two live art happenings billboards and 1 250 postaflex which can ,scheduled for today currently be found all

over Namibia WANT to start the Ind~pendence celebrations by making your very advertising the own mark on it? Meet a group of creative people • professional, amateur or just aspiring artists, it does not matter· at the corner of message of a new Church and Republic Roads to participate in painting two murals: and free nation. one in the city centre and the other in Katutura. According to Mr The fine arts and crafts sub-com­ Elephant'; mittee for the Independence celebra­ - South African artist Jackson . Robin Cross, tipns wants everybody there, even if mungwane's magnificent sculptures; managing director of you have never painted before or - the pe~ent collection of the have never spray-painted or painted Arts Associatiih1; Inter-Africa Outdoor any graffiti. They will supply all all at the Arts Association gallery materials - all you need is a ladder (if on the comer of Leutwein and John Media Advertising you have one) and some very old Meinert Streets, open from 9am until (Pty) Ltd·(owner of clothes. 6pm '~very day. Transport between the city pentre ... The. ~dl!"ation for All exhibi­ th~ billbards), the and the Katutura Community Centre tion; outdoor advertising will be provided; sq.,there is a chance - the ,Qne ~~bia, One Nation p~cipatll1g • I of in·both murals. The slide ~ow" ' . campa~gn Is the sub-committee aiins at giving every­ both:at the E§torffLibrary in Peter strongestadvertising body' a chance to contribute to the Muller Street. creation of a pennanem document of ... The,flag ~signs; . mediumJo reach NaIllibia'"s IndepeA.deI}ce· , . - the. YIJ~ag 1?l1otQgr,~hy~ e$bt- those no!fortunate ;; Th~' gt;O,u~ ~'g~$~ rs ,!!-~ 8am and the. paiI#mg~~!\'~io~~il>llast until4pl;Il. ,tIo~~e,jQhri liu~f~ge.J~ l~t~~ '~J to poss~ss a .x~

•••• And make a contribution to ~ make il "eall,<";*;. On March 21st, 1990, independent Namibia , ~ 'i~ /Jecomes a reality. , , ".' .. By the raising of our own flag on this day, a new ~ ~ f,V .' .' nation independent in the international community ~ ~ ,~ . . will be born. " ~~ tAO .' .' .... ' . YO,u are in~ited to participate in and contribute to this ~' .. \.\\ 1 .' histone occasIOn. ,\' .' Support the Independence Celebration Fund. , , A .. .' . Please deposit your contribution at any branch oUhe , ~ 60'· following banks or send it with the coupon below: , ~ A.~'" Bank of Namibia; Bank Windhoek; ~ f,V ' ., Boland Bank; First National Bank; ~' .,,' .' .' Nedbank; Standard Bank; Trust Bank. " A \\~ .. ' Enquiries: Tel. (061)307-2305,307-2205, 307+-2021~~ A\) .. ' c; .' /'IAMIBIA INDEPENDENCE CELEBRATIONS FUND 4..1'· ~e · . ~t~S . ACCOUNT NO. 7000010987 0 ~ . ~~ ~~ . .... 0 THe 'NAfAI8UtN Monday Ma~cli 19' 1990 5




R501 - R5,000 11,00%

R5,001 - R20,000 14,50%

R20,001 - R50,000 16,000/<)

R50,901 - R100,000

TliE special ~ombined ar~y for the~Indepen~ence c~ebr~tions bits be~n trlPning hard (o~ the occasion ~ Qere a -~e~yan oftlcer (right); -.";- '. ' puts one of the Namibians through his· paces:' Photograph by Conrad Angula.

challenges ', Bank of Namibia' • • '. New' Bank vim Namibia _ Bank von Namibia thrown up"by GiintherKomnlck2821 - , ' C~LlIN(;_ IILL W"-MEN 'reconciliation'. , , HEIDl VON EGIDV, AP-P----"----'-­ W , J-IATA~E DOING TO C~LG&f!A-rE LESS than a year 3fter Namibia was abl~e with a war and 'LOu. seemingly insurmountable ethnic differences, the-country is ready for a peaceful transition to independence on March 21. ' Namibians have set- aside their cabinet. ? INDEPENDENCE ? weapons and have begun working "The futlire governnwnt wants to together t.o transform Africa's last ensure thaL.policies and laws will colony into one of the cpntinent's be supported by the wI'dest possible ",\ Co~ q- Jc,il\. t1M W~s) few democracies. " cross-section of the population, " said "We confounded the doubters," Finance Minister-designate Otto '. V1A~cA OV'- W&Jr'46d~ ·' said Sam Nujoma, Namibia's Presi­ Herrigel. denH:llect and Swapo leader. Opposition' parties have also been ~~Sl;~) '!A)-e wiU Black natiunalist guerrillas and in a conciliatory mood. Swapo, which right-wing whites who once fought was cOIl11llltted to socialism while in ex)- 10 OM.. ~a..Y iflA;.. 6t-~~ each other have been preaching rec­ exile. now speaks more often of onciliation in what has been a re­ working with the white business markably smooth run-up to independ­ community that controls,the mining, of fk ~ ~ Wsev sl-Ye.J:: • ence, farming and fishing industries, Swapo was ofteil depicted by whites However, the coUntry's wealth is YOUR. OlAlN as a "marxist-terrorist" organiza­ di spropo~onately in the hands of tion during the war, but smc~ win­ the 75 000 whites w~o make up only ning last year's UN-supervised elec­ six per cent of the population, and ~ , ~ss~ to bA(... tions, the leftist organization h.'lS made South African aid is ending. numerous compromises in an attempt Meeting black expectations with­ to accommoda te the country's ethnic out alienating whites will be one of groups, the biggest challenges facing the Nujoma has also appointed non­ Swapo government. Swapo members to key positions to There have been no signs of a mass allay fear.s that Swapo will be a tribal­ exodus by whites, who could easily based government. In adilition, he go to South Africa as thousands did has appointed whites and business when the United Nations announced people from opposition pmties to his Nanubia's independence plan in 1981. ~p A.S5 ---r1-t! ,5 l 0J F:~~C) ~~ rl A--,-r 0 I\J Namib Air to fly to NY ~r-() \.,.//\-- r-'-L1· f- cc-i):::; ,----., \j\) 0 vV1 E /"--J THE advent of Namibian independence is set to _open up new avenues_of flight for hard-pressed South Africans. According to reports, Nanub Air has virtually concluded talks with SAA on tt OlA ~eY'e ! the1easing of a Boeing 747 which it plans to use on overseas routes. One report quoted sources as saying Namib Air has applied for landing rights inNew York and it is likely that these will be granted after Namibia becomes independent on Wednesday. Namib Air will aso be flying to Europe, probably GermR!ly, within the next few weeks. The move will be welcomed by thousands of SA ORGAN ISED JOINTLY BY NAMIBIAN travellers who, since SAA's landing rights were suspended in 1986, have had WOMEN 'S GROUPS to travel first to Europe and then switch flights to New York. ' AiAQU .. # ;

6 Mond~y M~uch 19 J 990 THE., NAMIBIAN

...... 11...... Salim heads tHOUSE· F,OR SALE. : I · .. ' . high~powered r······;0 R TO LET ,____ ~]I[~ , • , '.,f " lie · O~Ugr9up , = Three bedrooms and.a study ' =" , THE secretary-general or the =. Two bathrooms .. = Organisation or Afrif8n Unity (OAU)Hi~ Excellency Dr Salim = ~'ig lou ~nge ,! = 'To Wendy and pave Ahmed :Salim, will ,arrive in ! i Windhoek tomorrow'by special = Big dining-room C 'Welco~e . babybQy!' E~opian Airlines flight from ·1 . , ! · . Lusaka at 16h30, at the head or What a way to ~tart the .i = Kitchen = at high-pOwered , delegation to the Namibia Independence , = . Scullery = , 'Independence celebrations! Celebrations. ,= Fruit trees shrubs. High. Dr Salim, 'who will be acc,ompa­ a~d bric~ . = Much love from Monica and oied by Ambassadors YibnaTadesse = . wall, steel gates " = and M T Mupuranga.- assistant sec­ Peter Koep, Karin, and retaries-general in charge of politi· • • • cal affairs and education, science,. =i Beautiful garden = Fra~ces, Friederike and cUlture and social affairs respectively • • ' • - will &rst attenart from the ceremooial aspects ofdleIndependenceprogranune,~ Salim is expected to have a busy schedule of meetings with African and other world leaders who will be ,INDUSTRIAL ERVEN FOR .: SALE IN in Namibia for the celebrations. Already the OAU obselVer mission .. . to Namibia bl,lsed in WiDdhoek bas been flooded with requestr. from .THE CAPITAL OF . THE .REPUBL/C various missions for appointments with the leadeJ'll of their delegations to meet with the OAU secretary- . general. . OF· NAMIBIA." " Matters likely to be discus~ . . '; mclude reced developments and peace , " initiAtives in South" and southern ' \ .: ."' : Africa, Africa's extcinal indebted­

{. ness, assistance to Namibia and in~ {~ : • • t · " :; • iemational~m, cspecia1iy ~ 1.' l" ...... ~~ and ibe rest of the worIcL FuUy serViced ., In'd'u'striaJ' ~rve 'n "... water, • • :"" I • , French fireworks

e/ectri city, .. sewerage, roads etc., .,.'4_.0• .,. ~"ttffl}' ..... " , A TEAM of four technical experts. ""_' _N.,." led by Christine Vaque, export .?I_I.III'" ..?,_ •.. O.I manager of the Etienne Lacroix will '~'be soofd by -Pubric . Auction . •• "~,,,o.' "'._1400.­ Company, have, arrived in .t.O_'•• ,.! .... _'.' ..... Windhoek from the city of ...·.17-,.101 ... Touloussein southern France to . ' ,on the :25thApriJ, 199pet .... _'•.... '_4~_'1I'''' prepare the fireworks which Will I , ... _...... I .... _ · 17t4.· be given by France to the Namibian .upset · prices ' ··R 3 3·/ m~ f ... '_'10.'" people for the country's from I ....• __ _10 U4...... J • 0 1 independence celebration3. "I "'O._'O.t .. • l>1 ..., _I.n ..... This display, valued at R140 000, XI •·••• _Sl.'.· ~I ...s _'_IIO~.· will take place at the Windhoek Sufficient Residential, Business 01 ..... _uso,... Athletics Stadium on M,arch 21 ;1 "". _1104.1 :lEI •••• _'.I.'S ... immediately after the inaugural "'I GIl '''''_'.... _ .....110,,, "" speech of the President of the I " .... _I •• oS .. .. and Restricted Busin~ss Erven I " __ "00_- Republic• . I ,oo,_uooJ. I The programme, including the , I Namibian colours, has been 'are olso available. I ....,..•• L ---1IIllil I ' specially arranged for the occasion .USlNlS'-fi by the well-known French . company which has been operating since 1848. Among other famous For further events, it was in charge of fireworks o INDUSTRIAL ERVEN in Paris last year for the celebration .information contact the of the 1789 French Revolution. ·.4J ... Property Manager at Botswana beef S~M~ telephone No. THE Botswana goveriunent is donating two and a half tonnes of .; ~~ . beef towards Namibia's (061) 391313/2 or Independence Celebrations. CIT'y Their gift comes in response to an 't(. \~ appeal by the Celebrations Commit-. (061) 63171 tee. OF In a press release yesterday, the Botswana Observer Mission said the consigiunent would be brought to Windhoek by Botswana Air Force plane today and will be received by Ambassador Oteng ITebape by the ~6\? ~~ ADVERtISEMENT NR. 34/90 Namibian shadow Foreign Minister Theo-Ben Gurirab or Ii lepresenta­ five. ,I'; -~ I "~ :'Il!" I,: ~ , ~ I T ' THE NAMIBIAN Banda welcomes independence

MALAWI'S President Kamuzu Banda has welcomed Namibia's pending independence and the recent release of ANC vice-president . Addressing the) \1alawi parliament, Banda said . Namibia's independence was ,a "historic ~d happy 'occasion for Malawi". ' Turning to South Africa, Banda ~ The release ofMandeiahad "gon~ .', I).on-~acial ·democratic society. said apartheid would not end in South a long way to creating conditions for •• My government and I would like '. Afriea until the leaders of all races meaningful contact and : dialo~e;;, .~~ to encourage Mr De 'Klerk to con­ . sat down' together to negotiate >' l!' between all parties in the dispute to ' tinue with his efforts to find a solu­

. peacet\lll!olution to their problem'S. take place", said Banda at Thurs-, '<. tion to the political problems of South Banda;-who is ~xpected to attend ' day's parliamentary session. - " Africa acceptable to the majority of Namibia 's ind~ndence celebrations He continued to say that Mandela" .. ,thti people of South Africa." this week, ' said that by releasins represented the aspirations and con~ ' - Malawian peasant farmers are , Mande~a, South African State Presi- fidence of most black Squth Am_' ~ Ccurrently faced with the prospects of . ' , ·dent FW de KlerkhRd "demonstrated ;cans. ' • a poor harvest as a result of recent f that hejs a tAan.of courage and one "As a ,free m

DECKED out for the farewell occasion, UN Special Representative, Marrti Ahtisaari with director-general of the National, Planning Commission, Dr Zedekia Ngavirue. See story below.

UN chief". vows~ ,to', ~" I .'- .," ~ J still look~ ..... ", ;<\.. .. Jt .. .,': afte:f'Namibia , _ -;;; "1!.~;! /' '.";:: b .. .J~;' DELEGATES to Swanu's Eighth Congress held over the weekend reflect on the prospect ofbecomiqg WEAR,ING, 1~ ,lei ~round his neck and obviously enjoying the one party under the National Patriotic Front b'anner. :: Polynesian.rhythms;provided by Untag's Fijian Civpol contingent, UN,Special Repr~sentative Martti Ahtisaari beganilielong wave 'g-oodbye to Namibia this w:eekend,! Addressing an audience full of well- . ,', try's developmental activities come ', - r' ",,' Major_,Theatr.e,· Project "t:the _ kno~J~,\'i!ilg , md diplomatic faces, ·to fruition". ' at a special farewell party thrown by The occasion, held at the Eros Park the UN, Ahtis,aari admitted he would , , Children's Home, also served tri, open be happy to leave Namibia. ' an exhibition-of photographs"publi­ G9mmu'oity ,Centre: i~ -: Katutura ~ , He had thoroughly enjoyed his time cations and other materials depicting in theii:ountry,a:D.d 'had made many the UN mission in ~amibia. ' good fi:ierttls , But-Vntag!s departure Ahtisaari hoped the party and the' ~:/~unday, ·· March 25 at 17hOO. , would mark the end Of a.colonial era exhibition would "in a small way which should have been closed long thank the Namibian and diplomatic ago,he said. " community for h..aving made Vntag' s "The elec;tions we,re certainly the stay in the country so enjoyal>le". ' most "free and fair I have seen," he The exhibition consisted mainly said, wishing the incomirl:g govern- ' of photographic works by several ment good' luck and express~g his locit! artists, portraying scenes from . "I want to go there - 1 want to be there" confidence that it would "look after various different stages of the inde­ the interests of this country well". ' pendence Rrocess. Also on view were Mafutura ,means the opposite of Katutura , He said the people of Namibia the UN T-shirts and posters which would remain in his thoughts for a have become almost as much a part long time to come, and promised to of Nanubia this year as Ahtisaari Independence is a state of mind which the people of Katutura are , • ·'use my influence to see the coun- himself. fighting for. Independence is an attitude which is not linked to one moment of time, but it starts w~h accepting where you are. Independence NEWS IN' BRIEF is not a one-day event after a long struggle . ... NAMIBIA'S Minister-designate of Home Affairs Hifikepunye pohamba says no member of Namibia's police force will be To manifest their pride, the people of Katutura will create a cultural dismissed. fohamba said the police were going to implement decisions made by the Namibian people dQ.ring last November's , festivity as a final conclusion to the independence celebrations. - elections, On Sunday March 251990,beginning at 17hOO, processions 'will He was responding to calls by me~bers of the public whcl claimed they had been victims of the police in the past and leave from 9chools all over Katutura, dancing, toyitoying throughout' wanted the pres(\nt force dissolved and replaced by new members. the whole community. They'will bring floats, barmers, puppets to the ... CAIRO - President Hosni Mubarak, current chairperson of Community Centre, elements which are related to the identity and the Organization of African Unity, left yesterday for Uganda, consciousness of their own history. the first leg of an African tour which will also take hiJ:l1 to Zambia and Namibia: Today he will chair a meeting of the 50-member OAU's Southern African Committee which w.ill discuss how to There the people of Katutura will · participate i n a -theatre event set tie longtime wars in the region. On Tuesday, Mubarak flies to including painting, dancing singing, peotry and drama. Such a Namibia to ta~e part-in the independence celebrations. demonstration of the people's power of creativity expresses the joy of ... RoSSING Uranium Limited has appointed the general manager of the Rossing mine, Dr Steve Kesler, to the company's board of everybody heading towards personal indepEm.~ence. d~rectors. In a statement issued in Windhoek, Rossing said Dr Kesier-joined the' con'tpany as a senior metallurgist in 1976, becomillg assistant general manager in 1987 and general manager "Bricks" and Community Artists in two years later. Rom and edu ~l.lted in England, Dr Kesler is a graduate of the University Qf London. co-operation with CERETlNamibia Project. : ...... ; ,1nV1onday, March 19 1990

JUDGEMENT is due to be given this Dlorning in the Windhoek Supreme Court in the case in which a former SADF member Reinhold Johannes, alias Kakolo, 27, stands accused on three charges of murder and one of robbery with aggravating circumstances. Joharmes, who has pleaded not guilty formed that Nekomba was killed by to aU the charges, is accused of hav­ a certain Kakolo (Johannes's alias). ing shot and killed David Ham~wa Nan1pala d~cided to take Kakolo . and Stefanus Mueshihange on the to Nekomba's family. He met Kakolo PRESIDENT·EL~CT of the Republic of Namibia Sam N'.Ijoma visited the Katutura Hospital on night of February 12 last year at the who was on his way to the cuca shops Friday to donate five mobile climc units to the Departement of Health. Here be is seen withe future Okahenge shops near Ondobe in the and arrested him, ,and took him to Deputy Permanent Secretary for Health, Dr Lourens Erasmus,who thanked the ~resident·elect on north. Nekomba's house. There he was behalf of everyone invQlved in health services. Photograph by Stanley Katzao. The late Stefanus Mueshihange is positively identified by three people the brother of Defence Minister-des­ who had witnessed Nekomba 's mur­ ignate Peter Mueshihange. der. The same day Johannes allegedly N ampala told the court that Johan­ stole several items from Medu Letu nes also later told the people that it Swapo donates bus shop after holding up the assistant was also he (Kakolo) who had killed manager at gunpoint. Hamalwa and Mueshihange at On­ A month later on March 14 he also. dobe. allegedly ,shot and killed Erastus Responding to a question by de­ Nekomba at Onainukulo. fence advocate Gerard Burger, and mobile clinics According to evidence heard in the Nall1pala said he knew Kakolo well, case, Johannes was arrested by Petrus and thought it was possible that he Nampala waNangolo, five days later could kill people, -"because he is ONE ofthenew, govemment's ,~ He said the bus had been originally to Otjiwarongo, while the fourth one after he killed Nekomba. very naughty". ' priorities will be to take care ofhos­ preseilted to Swapo by the Finnish was given to Gibeon hospital. - Nampala ~as brought in specially Johannes" who was employed by' "pital staff and their patients Peace Education Institute. The ve­ A modem washing-machine was from Ovambo to give evidence in the ' , the SADF as inteIpreter, pleaded not . This Was said by Namibia's Presi­ hicleis still at Walvis Bay and will be also given to Katima Mulilo hospi­ case. guilty and told' the court he ,only dent-elect Sam Nujoma on Friday brought to Windhoek as soon as tal. He told the court he ,had known: I admitted to committing the crimes when he donated a bus to t:he Katu­ possible. The presentation. which took place Johannes from his (Johannes ') child­ after he was allegedly beaten up for. , tura hospital. At the same time, Nujoma men­ at Katuturahospital, was atten~d ~y hood. He also knew the late Nekomba three days; and later hung upside , In a sho~ speech, ' Nujoma said tioned that Swapo had donated four nurses and other hospital staff. very well. down by Koevoet members. 'Swapo respected the service given mobile clinics to hospitals in Na­ Health and Welfare Minister-des­ When he heard about Nekomba' s Justice Herbert Hendler postponed by hospitals and said they would mibia. ignate Dr Nicky Iyambo ~ed the death, he said he had gone to the the case until lOam this morning for make sure that conditions in hospi- - Two were donated to hospitals at President on behalf of his depart­ deceased's home where he was in- judgement. tals were 'of the best. • Engela and Kongo in the north, one ment.


WE FEED. • OUR NATION·.:.II! From 19'to 24 March, we'll be at the Windhoek Stadium"­ .. to bring you the very best during'Independence . - :\S * '\)OGS • l?(JSSIANs KNAKIES .. * ~;~V~ \:\0'\ SAUSAGE ' • BRATWURST ~~ . * VETKOEK • PIZZAS. ..,}'OS<11'lES. COOLDbl ' & RICE, R~ hi"'}. '- ~\ r~ rv CURRY ..w,. lCB-C.D * ' ,TC{ OSS~v~\.S * ~ CANDll'~ BQRAMBO BITES CHEW-CHEW FOR THE NOT-50-HUNGRY HOTDOG INN HOTDOGS ON WHEELS LEWTS PIZZERIA MEALS ON WHEELS NAMIBIA '


r Oryx Bakery I -

- THE NAMIBlAN Monday March 19 1990 9 , " (Women say thanks J TRIB UTE was paid on Saturday to the contribution Eya Ahtisaari,' . . wife of UN Special Representative Martti Ahtisaari, made during her stay in Namibia. At a meeting of Women of Namibia, steering committee member Monica Koep said Eva Ahtisaari 's assistance and support behind scenes, her setting up of meetings with other women and institutions and the fact that she had been _ part of a network of women emerging' 'from a previously divided society' 'had shown that she cared about Namibia and Namibian women, Turning to , the role of women, Koep also pointed to the new spirit of . solidarity. " in and through reconciliation that seems to me to be charging women throughout the country at the moment", . , . She added that this appeared to be encouraging women to take responsibility for the direction of their lives, ' .

).tight: WOMEN of Namibia said goodbye to Eva Ahtisaarf(right) _ at its montly meeting on Saturday. She is pictured with Dr Libertine Amathila; - • /YALOO! FAROltT! HEP/.!I-IUU I ,,', · PRIMA! OPSYkOP!OSEMfSA! ' , , HURAA! I YAA .I G!,OTLOTLO!110£RA.1JA/ ' , . >', OkOMUtWFI ':iIPPI£:/YIMOOI " · , .. _ ":": , WE/TVO/(.! 5CNTLE! Ltkl<.ER! ' I~ /'


.- YEAH! HUREFXORUAZE/TOLLI -, , .. .. ' . , • ' -----,-----"------'-~--_ ___.J . .. ' , " ,: , 'Here's.--toagreat·future! '- , - We stand on the brink of a new era. - . . . An era-promising peace and prosperity for all. We at Mobil are proud to play our p~ut. Mobi'l Namibia

DM1l&B C9644IE • • f-

. - -~-. ..-~~------."

, .

- - . . •.. We congratulate 'the people of. Namibia on the achievement o,f , . .1nd·e"!·/ A,. sfg~n : ificant " victory' 'ha:$ ' beert.~won! Namlbia'Js ' free! An enormQUS .task ·, ~~r:nai . ns to bui ,ld .·th _is ,. indep~·ndent · country! .' . !.· ~ Wec' Wish thepeopIEtof . Nai11ibiaileve'ry~~~c~s~;, in this .\I'{~r~ -'9f,

i' ,'reconstr:uction. and. h~, pe , t.l:latc'lose co6perati'on' between ··~h{e . :; ." p'90ple; ofSwed.en:and the ··p · eople .·. ·Of. :· N~mi · 6[a:; wUJ eontinue,;~ ;:./i:-:~ '

• • :!" _~ " . ~.-'~ - ...... r ~ . ' i ;,,::~, . "5, . ,;, :, .,..JJ :, __ .;. -.' '_, I '"1( "', _ '. ~ . ~ ••• _ ~~; , •• _ :: ', Afrlcag ' ~~,u~~ ; 9f Sweden!. ' lso . l~tEfSouth ' Afr, ica ' Committee, ;the . . . N~tional ~ Council; of ' Swedish ,Yot~th, Swedis'Ii;':E'ctj[nenical Coi:fncU, ' '. ,.. UN' Ass~ciatio. nof · Sweden,:· ,Centre Party, ',.C,e'ntre Party ': YO·utt.· , ~,~-' ", .' . .' '\. '. League," The ,SQcial ·Demqcrati,c ; Party, ..Thf! oSocial , Demo~rati . c . " 'Youth, Federation of Social Democ.raticWomen, Associatio.n of : ~ ~ •. ,.. C~r~; sti~n SOcial Democ'rats, "Left ' ~ar~y , Communists, . Youth . .,' L,. Commuriist ~League,. 1",l1e. Chri · $ti~n '{ Dem .ocr.atic · Party, Christi ;a:n .,:.~ " '; ,•. Oeh"Qcratic Youth;i Wor~ers"P~rtY .:CQfomUnisf$, Communi$(~attY~:, :'. ·~··Marx' isf~b.enir"is't~ :" ~State · Emptoyees, ,· Ul1i() :n"Scltool Pupils' ,; tJ : IiJO , n ' ;;~:

.' ' P :- . N~tw,o-r~~~, for ·;· a···· No- n~Con,..mtircia : 1 ~Cuitu ·r~, :.~Natj~o ~(1al · CouncII~, .• f ;~i ' ~:\: ~' !' '~/' " i~ ' '" -.--, . . ~ • .'! ""v , .. ~ '0; fr ",i-.~ v , ' :r~ . :-:.j...... :" .J,. ' ~\i 't"-: ;~''f::r.r,r ;t'~~, . :0I:' :" !"' :'-''O~.I/,' 4~ .. '"':-:,: _~ : ~,~~ . '-':~ :'tr~ _ ~. ,, -- -~ ; . "~' . . [j -l ~ '-1 .~~: (J~"Y~MCA1.VWCA', · M4!tho · d ' lst C'huf:c,h et.Sweden·J,.Gh.Y'rch·of · ~W~·d.~. " ~, ;J."::i- 1'~:~- '';J.'i, .;)'1,' : . ... " ':'. ~,. ~ . ~;~'f (.iJ i ';' " .... . 1·. • . ' ) \ ., .t!J : .f).. ~ '-~.", :"· .yo ' o.t~ ;,,:~:e~o u~~ .~, il,c~", ~~~\ .t\ , ~§g ~r~ '~,iA~~~~~. t~ti 9~r~~~ i ~yved i~ h~ ~GfPa:,:~n~ ~i~' -, •. ,.J ... ,~'. " "' iIi ...;; ) -:- '~ '$2-:' , ;0;;:" :..r ~ ', :.;;ij .~; .,c · ,.1."" ,;.I 'q". ;'''''l'tJ - .'~ \!;if<.b;;J .~}Il ~ ~ ~,"1.- -;...1 . ;.,l .o; ,'! ~ "< ".'-: ,l'" -.. ", • " • ~ . ~, .;;; F .r , i · ~r.1 : qS< h I p ;A,s~soctali 0 nf :·:P:ractic· al~ ~o~ i'd;a rlty,~ iB~ re'ad ' R'~&~, :, ~i 'sltes , _\, .' ~. '; ,;;, E.m~m ,a(il~s~ ·:~ Sto~c, kh · o' lm~ ; >;~ :Em:m., a.llS \.: Blotka,,;, S;wedish : Blue ··. ~: lbbi)n .~:: . 1 1 "'. ~~ '-, ;.4.. j~ ....-.. .j)! ,,,", .• '''t", . _ .,': ..:. ,,_ _, ': '. ,- ~ . ' '. . .'. . . ~"~'. .' ~s 's,6,cj'~J~ion · ,< '" S·we· dlsh '--:~Baptisf .ii ¥~~lb Feder~tJq:fl : , :'Swedisf ( J5ree, ~~~ ,' - ChOreh ~·' Aid~ ' ~ U · nionof' ;·.Co~ nsumer;J:G ' iJild :s ·'· Swedish Coo erati've: .,; ~,i ' " .. ,._ ,"'~.''-'~~. ". ':,.-.•. ,, ' ., ,' .. le.. ,_ "" " ', .. :<.,,,.. . i ;,.. c", ,0.. , ' . .. '. ~ .''':!..' . . ;. . p ." '."-' .. ', '

t,; Centre',' ... 'Swe"jsh ,Pea,ce ilt1~~f ;·Ar, bittationSociety; . lnterna.tio ' nal ' .' ~., Cent~e ' of the :,Swedish .La ·~our - lVIoveme. nt~ , The Enviro'nment .Party, Swedish. Factory Workers'Uni9n, 'Union of local ' Government Officers, Federation of Salaried Employees in . Hospitals and Public . Health Services, Swedish E·.lectricians' . Union, Federation' of Civil Servants, Swedish MuniCipal Workers' Union, ' C~urch of Sweden 'Aid, Labour Movement Community Centre, The. Central O· rganis~tio~ ofSwed!~h Pe.ople's Parks, $w.e·dish Mission Covenant Youth, The Mission Cove:nantChurch . i of Sw~den, The Workers' Education Association, The Educational . Association, of.?alaried ·. Em_plpyees, Young Folks' A~sociation, Th'e National OrganisatioA of Pensioners. ,". '. ' ~ . ' . ! . 'I' .' Tile abo~~mentioned organisations represent a great majority:of , .. , Swedish ' :political ,:' parfies ' and other ', non-gover.rll11ental . ,. ..' • ' ' .. 'f'~ , organi .sa~ions~ , . ," ~v ~~~. ~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , { /' -.

THE NAMIBIAN {,Mcmqay March 19 1990 11 , . & ~ Mugabe says former ally ~.,.:~ n ·. 0 ., · plans assassinations . . · ,p/.JO(f\· ./' . ~, ~_ YOUR DAILY GUIDE WORLD-WIDE HARARE: Robert Mugabe Sunday accused'the only challenger in ally, a one-party state: ------~---___l .. forthcoming presidential elections of plotting to assassinate all "That system has failed in Eastern political leaders and scheming a military coup against his soCialist Europe and everywhere else," Tekere government. · has said, "and it simply hasn't w

LUSAKA The African sions. National Congress (ANC) wlll A senior ANC official, speaking on MOIlday ask the Orianisation on condition of anonymity, told The OAU will enter direct Associated Press the South African of African Unity (OAU) to open nationalist leaders were keen to learn . .direct cpntacts with ,the South · from Frontline leaders how ,they African 'governmentin search negotiated with colonial powers for of a negotiated end to apartheid. their oWli independence. ·Sunday's talks were held on the The propositi is contain~d in, an talks »?i. th:South ,Afcica ANC report to be presented to an . eve of a broader sumniit of the 50- , nationill OrganizatiC?n of African OAU ,ad-hoc committee on southern and report to the United Nations. refonns in its document but says a adopted late last year. Africa due' to hold a 'one-day ,summit "The African National Congress complete c1im2te for negotiations has The summit on Monda'lwas to be Unity's ad hoc coInInittee on south­ in the Zambian capital, Lusaka, on is of the view, and suggests, that the yet to be created by Pretoria. preceded by a meeting of leaders of ern Africa, a group bf 14 heads of Monday. " '. . OAU ad-hoc cominittee, assisted by The ANC wants the proposed. OAU the six Frontline states ranged against state under.OAU chairperson PreSi­ The plan. expected to be accepted th¢ Frontline States' Namibia Moni­ monitoring group to ensure Pretoria . South Africa. dent Hosni Mubar8k of Egypt. The committee, which last met in by Monday's summit, aims to co­ tilring Group, reinforce4 by the in­ does not reduce its isolation by break:­ Most leade!:,s, in£luding OAU the Zimbabwe capital of Harare in ordinate hlackAfrica 'scontacts with cluSion of Nigeria, should carry out ing into the African continent through cbairpersoo, Egyptian PreSident Ho.m South Africa and prevent direct dip­ this task, " said the report, a copy of bilateral contacts. Mubarak, arrived in Lusaka on Sun­ August last year to endorse an ANC plan for proposed talks withPretona, lomatic approaches by Pretoria to which was made available to Reuters Pretoria has,often wrongfooted its . day. is tasked with seeking an end to moderate African states. on Sunday. opponents through publicised head -- President Robert Mugabe ofZim­ In the past, Pretoria's diplomatic The proposed monitoring group of state-contacts with Mozambique, babwe and Eduardo dos Santos of conflicts in the region. The one-day summit is expected to initiatives have tended ti> throw black would be the first OAU body to have M,alawi, the Ivory Coast and Zaire. Angola were expected on Monday. end with a resolution encouraging Africa's policy on South Africa into direct cont~ct with the South African The OAU ad"hoc committee last It was not immediately clear if the ANC to pursue next month's talks disarray. . government. met in Zimbabwe last August and ANC deputy president ,Nelson Man­ with the South African President. , The report says the OAU commit­ Its fonnation would reflect Af­ adopted the Harare Declaration which dela would attend. Mandela has repeatedly stated that tee, composed of Algeria, Angola, rica's changing attitute towards Pre­ has become a blueprint for a negoti­ The ANC demands the end of the if De Klerk does not make conces­ Botswana, Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, toria following political reform~ ated solution to apartheid. three and a half year State of Emer­ sions ANC guerrillas will intensify Gabon, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, announced by South African Presi­ The declaration was endorsed by gency, the release of hundreds of their armed struggle within the ~oun­ Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and dent FW de Klerk. the 101-member Non-Aligned Move­ political prisoners and the withdrawal Cape Verde, should form a group to The ANC, the main guerrilla group ment and it formed the basis for a of army troops from black townships try. mqnitor the ~tu ation in southern Africa fighting Pretoria, acknowledges the U.N. statement on South Africa before it will agree to formal discus-

LUANDA • Soviet Foreign African mediator -Mobutu, seem to Minister Eduard A. · have failed, and Western diplomats. Shevardnadze waS due to arrive here say a peaceful solution in An­ here on Sunday for a 24·hour gola depends increasingly on more Discussions on Soviet direct persuasion from Moscow and visit and top-level talks, amid Washington. growing superpower concern Unita reportedly. receives 50 mil­ about failing hopes for peace in lion dollars or more a year in U.S. Angola. Aid, while government troops are Shevardnadze, in the first-ever visit , , 9-point plan in Luanda equipped with Soviet weapons. to sub,-Saharan Afnca by a head of Dos Santos also petitioned South Soviet diplomacy, would hold closed­ African Foreign Minister Pik Botha door meetings with his' Angolan in Luanda early this month to help counterpart Pedro de qastro van According to the sources, the Soviet shasa. week broadcast repeated cans to rebel persuade Saviinbi to renew direct Dunem a~d President Jose Eduardo leader would also discuss the demo­ Despite growing cooperation and supporters to defend the insurgents' peace talks. dos Santos, to discuss a nine-point cratic changes currently sweeping C . detent~ between the superpowers southern heartlands currently under peace plan recently drafted by Luanda Eastern Europe and military coop­ worldwide and regional peace ac­ strong government attack. . officials, government sources said. eration with the Angolan ,govern­ cords signed on December 1988 in Two rebel counter-attacks against The plan, which has not yet been ment, that has given only cautious New Yark: by Angola, Olba and South the strategic Mavinga airstrip failed ' published, was presented to Soviet sigilals that it is open to democratic Africa, the Angolan civil war is still last week but both sides suffered ambas_sador to 'Angola Viadimir reforms. raging bitterly in its 15th year. heavy losses, government· military Kasparov on March 8 for analysis by . Western diplomats here said Fighting has intensified around the officials said Sunday. the Kremlin, said the sources, who Shevardnadze could debate the plan south-east town of Mavinga in the Both superpowers helped broker requested customary anonymity. at Namibia's independence celebra­ last two months and Savimbi 's Unita the New York accords that set the It is seen as a last -ditch effort to get tions Wednesday with South African movement has stepped up urban course for Namibian independence Jonas S avimbi' s U nita rebels back to officials and with U,S. Secretary of­ gUerrilla attacks, planting bombs and and the pull-out of some 50 000 . 4 R1E~g:': ~HE · peace talks that collapsed shortly after State James Baker,who is then slated cutting off Luanda's electricity and Guban soldiers from Angola. the two sides sealed a preliminary to meet with Savimbi and Zairean water supplies. But initial attempts to bring the truce last June in Gbadolite, Zaire. President Mobutu Sese Seko in Kin- . lJnita's Black Cockerel radio last two Angolan parties together via an " N~IIB.! / 1'2 Monday March 19 19~p

,OIPANGELO IPE OTAI KAKALANAWA EPANGELO Iipe otalika fya oshisho opo onghalo yoipangelo i kale iii nawa melandulafano. Otaku ka filwa omunailonga keshe oshoyo omunaudu keshe oshisho. Eshi okwa Ii sha popiwa fana) koipangelo i Ii ine. Oupangelo komuhoololwa-presidende waN- kamwe oka yandjwa koipangelo ivali amibia, omushamane Sam Nujoma, konooli ngaashi kEngela nokoKongo. eshi mEtitano ongula kwa Ii a yandja Kamwe oka yandjwa koshipangelo 'omaano obesa Jcoshipangelo shaKatu- SholCoGJ.Oeo~ omanga kamwe ka pewa tura. oshipangelo shaTjiwarongo. Eyandjo lobesa ei, oyo omlisha- . Oupangelona ava ohava longifwa mane Nujoma a hokolola kutya Swapo mokupanga ova:nhu. momikunda okwe i pew a yo· omaano',kookaume " -uomikuiida. vokoFinland (Suomi), okwa li la Kakele koupangelo ovo Swapo ningilwa komesho yoshipang~lo , natango okwa yandja om\UUlo eshllla sbaKatuhua. Obesa ei oi Ii natango lokukoslW. k9ship~elo shokOKajfu1a > " kOmbaye, ashike',otai ka kala ya fika ,Mulilo. • ' diva moWindlloek. ' . , , Pefj;mbo leyandjo ioi.ninia 0Y9, ·Omushamane '·-Nujonur okwa· ti''' omuSlUunane Nujoma okWa "li a Swapo bkWa fimaneka 'lela 'oilonga ' ongalelwa-kengungo 1inene lovapangi , youhaku nota Idi fyaoshisho okuyam- oshoyo .0vatoolinghUnd!lIlll vahapu. OMl1HOOLOLWA presiden'de omushainane Sam Nujoma okwa Ii ayandja omaano·obusa koshipangeto bulapo oiparigelo, ' Omundokofola Nicky IyambO, 00 ' Katutura, pefimbo leyaildjolomaanoobusa okwa udaneka yo kutya Epangelo lipe ota Ii ka fila oshisho Kakele kobesa' oyo ,ya yandjwa . eli oministeli yoshikondo, shouhaku oipangelo. . .' kosbipangelo, omupi'esidende okwa ., nonghaltmawa. ' o~a' Ii a pandula

sbiivifa yokutya Swapookwa y~dja omupresidendekombinga yetalelepo . " .' natJingo OUpaIigelo hava ende (eekam- laye. _. Oshigwana natang() osha mbandapala "

SHA SH~NGWA KU OSWALD SHIVUTE MO$HAKAT1 KU ,TYAPPA NAMUTEWA OKUna owal~ oniasiku omashonashona tuye mEmanguluko lyoshilongo shehi ndyoka twa kala twa REINHOLD JOHANNES, nedinalimwe KakQlo, ongula yonena tegelela ethimbo ele ndele ngeto ende inokati koshigwana, unene kuumbangalantu w3sho, oshi lisha ota holoka vali momhangu yakuIa 'yaWindhoek opo a pwilikine nika unene omaipulo kutya oshinima otashi ka enda tuu nawa nenge ahawe. kutya oll1upanguli ota ti' ngahelipi kombinga yomalopotelo 00 e a ningilwa. ' ' Moshitopolwa shoko Nooli unene Ngele oya fadhukapo shili nenge itho. Omukwaniilwa ota hokolola mOwambo omwa hOloka omainyengo oye ya ne1alakano Iimwe Ii ili kaii kutya oku na aailtuhaye' ya kohambo • Kakolo ota pewa ondjo 9yo·1!=utya ~onima yomapulapulo natango okwa ~aga Iimbilike oshoka~Qmwa tameka'! shiwike . .;- ~" \ ye nenge.pegumbo lya Nakashikwa yee momafiku 12 Febuluali odula ya tonga yemwene kqtya. oye tuu: na­ okweenda aantu ya kaila utimbasikela Ot3.ku poplwa wo mOwambo mu neka taye mu pui~ nokutya nge oko dj a ko okwa yasha okufya oyasha­ .tango a dipaele ovalumenhu vavali taya ton40ka omausiku agehe unene na omahala ge shiwike nawa moka ngaa ha kala koofuUnbo dhe, opo e Ii mane.vavali pOlaJhe~ge pOri~obe, kOndobe nokuvaka po oinima yoman­ miitopolwa ngaashi Oshakati nOp.­ aantu yatyangeyi omo haya gongala pombala ye nenge oku li kOngwediva Stefanus Mueshihange na David. duda yomushamane~George Nelu1u. dangwa. kutya nee otaya yi peni na', ndele shokahashi ikundwa mo oshi li nOshakltti. - , ., Hamalw.a. , Meiopotelo eti~atu ~edk Paumbangi- QO wa yandj~a oyatumwa kulye, kushiwo. mekUtu. Aantu mbaka ha ye mu pula okWa pao ota pewa natango ondjo kutya , momhangu, ovalumenhu aveshe ava Opu na shi Ii aamwameme mboka Omudhingoloko pa Mungwelume dhidhilikwa kutya oyo omakakunya m<;> mafIku 14 Milalitsa okwa yasha vatatu ova dipaelwa oipundjamenye yo ku Angola lllboka ye na ondyala n;ttango onkene ngaa tagu limbilike. gonale. Uubotsotso mbu u Ii moshi­ okuf ya omushamane Erastus osheshi ka pe na nande umwe womuvo nota ye ya okulanditha iimuna yawo . Ookalyamupombo oko ye Ii ya londa longo, okuhena shili iilonga, nenge Nekomba womomukunda a ninga sha ngeno shokumu dipaifa, huka yo taya mono iikulya ya ka , 'momisati momathimbo gomitenya oluhepo nenge ano oshiningilawina Onamukulo, Nonande Kakolo ote Edipao eli, okwa li la halula ovanhu palUthe aantu' yawo ku Angola ihe yo uusiku taya ka yuga aantu omaliko opo Epangelo ndyoka ta Ii yi koship­ lipatana omapopyo aeshe aa, eem­ neenghono, novanhu vahapu moushilo mokati kawo omu na mboka ye ya gawo nokuya ningila omatilitho gi undi Ii dhigupalekwe iilonga yalyo bangi dihapu oda yandja oumbangi wOwambo okwa Ii va tembuka ino nomalalakaho gamwe gi iii sho yo iii. mokati koshigwana? nale kutya odi na ou shili kutya oye momaumbo koutile kutya pamwe oyafa nee oyo taya ende noomba­ Kuuninginino lela wOwambo otaku Oshigwana nashi kale shili sha naana a dipaa ovanhu ovo. otava dipawa. sikela uusiku. popiwa Ondundu ya Nangombe patulula omeho gasho nomakutsi,opo ~ onima yedipao laNekomba, Konima eshi oumbangi au she wa Okwa ktmdanwa wo kutya mokati noshowo Ondundu ya Luwe hoka ku shi mone mo omauwinayi nga taga Kakolo okwa h kwaiwa komusha-, yandjwa, omupanguli Herbert Hendler kaaIumentu mbaka omwa dhidhilikwa na ngaa ekutu ~a Ii na omupatuluIi. holoka po, mboka ye li kUumban­ mane Petrus Nampala waNangolo, Okwa undulila komesho Qshibofa eshi yamwe taya popi kutya yo oya li Omukwaniilwa gUukwaluudhi galantu woshilongo hoka haku hepe­ ( v e mu twala koshuumbo shanakufya .fiyo ongula yonena omo taka yandja miita mbi ya Ii mu Angola omasiku Omusamane Josia Shikongo Taap­ kwa kiiwinayi mbyoka tayi yamo. Ne~ omba ko oko nee a ka diminina etokolo. Oshibofa otashi hovele ongula ga zi ko mo Mavinga na oko ya zi ya opi onkene ngaa e li momathiminikotil- Otwa ukeni nee miituthi yEman­ 1m! ;n'oye ngaho shili a clipaa Nekomba. yonena po- lO, faclhuka po ye ye ko Namibia. guluko lyoshilongo shetu ndele inatu kotheni tatu mbonyoka. Ngoka ke hole ombili nelandulathano, ota longo' omutenya nuusiku., Oshigwana sho sha fa sha lim­ gamwe kage shi ku talwa bililwa onkalo pethimbQ lyEman­ guluko osho shi wete noshi uvite 0]1 tUWlLIKl gwOshikondo shUuntshitwe nOmahala gOkuvul~lukilwa , omusamane Polla Swart, Natango nonande kwa li kwa tiwa omainyengo taga inyenge ga nika mokutaamba ko eindilo 'Iyomuulikwamiinsteli Omundohotola Libertine Amadhila Ii na sha nokuwapaleka haukende uuleya tau ekelwahi mo­ uufudhime. (s akati nomudhingoloko okwa tula ondoolopa yaShakati nOndangwa momusholondondo gwoondoolopa mahalandyandya nge omuntu wa mana okuka longitha,oto mono ngaa aantu dhomuNamibia dhoka dha shig~ ko mokugagala. . mboka ye Ii miihauto ta ye shi ningi. Omatumwalaka 'Jm'usam,meSwmt okwa popya ga gag ala anuwa egagalo kali' shi oshoka nena nge hasho itashi ka Popepi noositola mOshakati mpoka oshinima shoka sha gwana okuuvitha kutumbulwa. ponaoka. ; ha pu landithilwa omaapula otashi emanguluko naji oomwenyo clhaaShakati naaN­ Om~ntu oto dhidhilike kutya . Oshigwana shetu oshina okwiilonga vulika pethimbo lyEmanguluko pu :ianngwa oshoka osha popiwa wo ngllashi Etiyali lya zi ko aantu ka ya okupopya nokunyenyeta mpoka shiw­ ka adhike ka pushi okutalwa; oshoka OSHILONGO oshili poku mona no,'1ooRadio kutya Oshakati osha fa , Ii naana yiitula mo mokuwapeka ete ka pu Ii nawa nenge mp9ka pe na ~ natango nande puyelekwe, iiyagaya ondjiipangela yasho, hano ke­ naana ooncloolopa clhoka dha nyata ngaashi sha Ii esiku lyotango na uudhigu opo iinima yi tulwe mondyila. iihuna yowala. she ou wa hala oku tuma oma­ tumwalaka emanguluko, kala wa na' n ga~shi Katima Mulil0, Rundu, Iiyagaya mbyoka ya thigilwe ya Oshinima shomakwakwa giihauto Nge otaku popiwa ewapaleko 0puuo, Khorixas, Luderitz noPetale ndumbala pomahala okuza esiku yili moondyila nenge mbyoka yi Ii lyOwambo tu ituleni mo atuheni dengele konomola yongod136970, nena ndele to pula Sarah. Efimbo ' lya Goreangab, Seni, ongaakalimo l yot~go opo ngaayi Ii natango inayi poongalashe inadhi tulwa momalu­ ethimbo alihe. Hakutya ashike esiku YOJ,lOmahala ga tumbulwa otu na nee iutwa po. gumbo nayo wo otayi gandya ethano ndyoka kwa popiwa ku wapalekwe ola papwo omatumwalaka eman­ Ok',Kutha ko ongaaku opo'tu yelek­ Opo tu yelekeni Owambo otuna ewinayi kOwambo nenge koondool­ ndele ehala Ii kale lya yela ethimbo gukul0 opangodi 00 ashike ta eni omahalagetungokagatumbulwa shili oku itulamo koombinga adhihe, opa dha tumbulwa, alihe. tambulwako. Shi ninga nena. Monday ' Marc~ 1,9 1990 13 / Hans oor Rehoboth ...... '.G' ngewe ' Id .. , soekgesprek


HY wil geen dreigemente van geweld rig nie, maar verkies om met ' die inkomende Swapo-regering oor die posisie van Rehoboth te gesels, het die gewese Basterkaptein, Hans Diergaardt, gisteraand gese. Dit volg nadat hy en sy Bevryders hom •• deur dik en dun sal gaan", 'n Vrydag die stryd teen die uitgaande skriftelike ooreenkr. illS laat teken. Administrateur-generaal, Louis Pi­ Op Rehoboth was gerugte wild enaar, in die Windhoekse Hoogger­ dat onafhanklikheid.op die d6rp met egshof verloor het. geweld teengestaan sal word. Die Hofhet fmaal besluit dat Dier­ Toehy gisteraand by sy ampswon­ gaardt en sy manne onwettig die ing opgespooris,het Diergaardt gese kantore' van die Rehoboth-adminis­ hy gaan nie vanoggend weer metsy tr~sie beset en dat hu!le uit moet gebruiklike verset in die kantore

wees' ,'i < , ~ voortgaan nie. Diergaafdt:~en sy Bevryders het V olgens hom het die vergadering ~ds di~ ~~,sentydsy; 'hslepende geskil betrek Bevryders se leiers gegee, maar die 'STUDENTE van die Akademie in Windhoek, wat aan die Scripture Union (Sl..;) behoort, het onlangs omclat hunt: weier .om'ditd>eheer oor "meeste manne" van die gewese . drie gem~nskapsprojekte in Katutut-a ~elood,s'r Di~ foto , i~ v~r.~ede Sat~rd~ggeneem w'w die grot;p Reh-;'!>~Ih;;~;t,! ~.p.~1!.ster':kleinood VoIksraad kon niegister vir'n;yer- besig·beddipgs voor: te'brei waar -mense3'ngroentetUip ~~ aanl~ ,voIgens : n g:r.oente-mo.del.,In beskou Y',?r,Q',:'B!ys'te ge~. _." " gadering byeeI?- gekry word ·Die.l:fu}1e , ,die tuintjies',kan 'n~geSin van vier. hul~eIf voorsie~ met groente. Die mikpumf is om tee~' d~~ ,einCle vaJl , . !'ladathulte·:t'YiFma~ge 'na die gaan eers vandag sit en huL~t1'aie8ie .. d" ' , .. '. h d ' d h' ' . , K ,." k' af D' ikk eI . dO- d implementering van.• R6Jit1lusie 43~ bespreekvoordatdaartotaksieoor- ' leJaargroentetwneV1l'. n on er wsem a~uwr.atev~rs ', Iep, , ee~graw.esow as le~aa nog in die' stoele was;-het Bulle weer gegaan sal word. " wat geplimt moet word, is deur, R?ss~g ,voorsieI!: ~phJ)Jly . Strijdom. ~3Jl die ~Akademie, ·wat ·meer rui-.~idre.'iki~ sil'i~;l"begfu;met 'n Hy sill na ,vepY{agtiIig vandag . : 'rtj~, inligting ,o~~:diekoilseP' kafigee, kan»y telefo.~n ; Wind~oek. 307.2181 gek,ontak word. ~ .• "', uitdagende~liesettihg, futore . op die Basterdorp. Diergaardt het nie gaan Ie toe hy :!tha~t~e!n;~drei;;.:£ntta:E"~:~:~ldd- ".H, 'O" """r' -"" I~ ' e"'" oi':'<'R' ""':~" ai "-r" ' 1· · : '!y' : ' · ' e·:~;So'~ ··ef. ~ · k~ ' ~:" ' '.I·g" .' .' 0 Vrydag finaal in die Hof verslaan IS e=g e geen gerne evangewe _ . .' ' " . ~" " .. nie., maar Saterdag h~t hy :n ve~gad­ gehad nie. Inteendeel het die Basters . c, . ,.~ , , , ' '. ~ -< r ~ _ '~~ ... -,. "'~ . :or ." ..,...... ~ .. epn~' v~"7yj oiide~tePners op die gevoelomliewe1'metqieinkomendek " ;,!\ ~ ;,. . '< '.'': ..~ • ~, - - '''-' ' ~ , ...... it.. 4>_ ~. _" ..~ "!: ~~ " - '. ". - ~ • ~ :'-i ot ,.. ",...... - .. 1-, _: .}-. . dorp byeeg::grr~p "'.;0 ; ~ . ' • Swapo-regering.,opr hill posj.' ty , ~ " " ~ ,.;" ':.' j "~, ._' ; , .. .' '~'.' ::i ~: • 'r _,', ~, .":,, of '.. ;:,,"'':' .' ,'. ,~ Volgerts·t)ronile 'wat'die'vergader- praat. '.~ -= ,> , '~~"<.." , ' D:lE.f)TA;NPFenAeNhetoordiena~e~kbesorgdheid.p.tgespreek " ," ~ 'Diemeestest!ltuterel~ggame~n ing bygewoon het, het hy die teen­ Diergaardt het ook ontken dat oor die vertolking van Skedule 5 van die grondwet deur' 'sommige' , senii"staat4}stellings,val nie,, in hier-' woordiges daarop gewys dat Basters Bastersskriftelikeondeme~gsmoos lede van die verkoseregering". : ,"1"::; i':~! .<} ,o:':.~ ,'-,.... dieldilegoiie;nie/ "';':, .... -~ ,,,-::- " 'n donker t~konis binnegaan en hulle gee dat hulle d~e ,~eek .by, hom ~al . . ,J ' :' ".,. ." ' ' Die yerk,lan!lg se dar hoewel die nou meer as ooit -vantevore agter staan. Volgens,hom het.hy, bloot: '.0 ;: Yqlge~n ~erklailng. wat y rydag en die-"gtohdwetkomitee " OlJ1 "na- . instansies deur die. staat beheer word hom mdet 'Sfaan. ,~, _ r-;" presensiely van dje. t~eri~oo~diges ~,; in Windhoek llitgireik is, was dit op ,siomlisering van ' die "statutere li~~ ,' op. een of ~dfr maWer - 6f deur die Daama Ret hy n~ b~;ering almal gekry omdat hulle eenpitrig besluit ' geen stadium die bedoelfug van die . game, ~ sem~~ellin8~te w~g "; hq~vJ.s op aan~e~ ; die aanstellin8 wat trou aan hom sweer en saam inet het om hom te volg. Grondwetgewende Vergadering (GV) .nie 'J; ~. '. ,~' , '~: ., "t ' yan die 'be~~~de, wetg~wU:tg, 6f O,?k glodie partye nie dat die finansicHe ,beheer - is eiendom wat verhouding tans tussen die staat en verkry is geregistreer in die naam hierdie instansies gewysig moos word van die liggame voor ona.fhanldikb!:d. nie.. Die partye vni. ' dal die °saak':' so Volgens hulle was die doelmet die vinnig. as moontlik epgeklaar , kan Riruako:.· ra,as,· oor ' ~ord Skedule om te verseker dat eiendom, 'sodat o=odige verwarring en t, .. wat deur die staat besit of beheer is 'ongeriefdie publiek ge~aar tan word. onmiddellik voor onathanklikheid, "Ons posisie in die verb and word nie onwettig vervreemdkon word bygestaan deur die rekords van die nie en dat die eiimdomin besit van staande komitee,' ~ lui die verklar- grond-storie die staat is na onafhanklikheid. ing.

HY voel beledig en ,kwaad dat 'n witman soos die redakteur van die Windhoek ObserVer, Hannes Smith, hom daarvan beskuldig dat hy grond goedkoop aangekoop het. Dit was wittes wat in Namibie in die verlede grond teen ses sent per hektaar gekry het. Grensg~skil moet 'S6 het die opperhoof van die Her­ Smith se ouers het 'n slag geslaan eros, Kuaima Riruako, gistermiddag met die goedkoop grond wat byna gereageer op 'n berig in die weekblad. verniet aan wittes deur. die kolonial­ gou opgelos word Pie Observer het Saterdag berig istiese bewind weggegee is. Som­ miges wittes het grond ook verniet dat Riruako, wat verlede week as DIE geskil tussen Suid-Afrik:a en Namibie oor grense moet onmiddellik president van die DT A bedank het, ge~. ' aangepak en opgelos word en nie onnodig uitgerek word nie, het onlangs 'n p~aas van die uitgaande VOlgens Riruako moet swartmense Herero-administrasie aangekoop het. na regte die grond van hul wit Colin Eglin (DP, Seepunt) verlede week in die SA parlement gese. V olgens die weekblad het Riruako landgenote eis, maar dit word nie Hy het gepraat in die debat oor die voorgestelde wetgewing oor die die plaas vir die helfte minder gekoop gedoen nie. Inteendeel word daar ten erkenning van die onafhanklikheid van Namibie en gese die dispuut oor die as wat die admiiristrasie sowat nege duurste betaal vir die grond. kwessie of die grens op die noordekant van die Oranjerivier of in die middel is, moet opgelos word. jaar . gelede daa~oor betaal het, Hy het gese in ander Afrika-Iande klaarblyklik meer as R200 000. was dit me die geval nie, maar swart­ Volgens hom blyk dit dat SA die saak sal wen indien dit vanuit 'n regspunt "Ek het nie vir die prys gereel mense is weer hul grond teruggegee bekyk word, maar indien dit vanuit 'n emosionele en praktiese punt benader nie, " het Riruako gister gese toe hy deur die nasionalistiese regerings waf, word, is die skaal ten gunste van Namibie. Focus geskakel het. . oorgeneem het. "My raad is dat die regering die kwessie oor die toekoms van Walvisbaai -Volgens hom moet Smith dink aan • 'Ons het die reg om die hele land sonder v~rtragings oplos - moenie dat dit 'n septiese seer word wat die die wittes wat, toe llUlle die land 'op te eis, want alles is 'Ian die mense verhoudings tussen ons twee lande ~al skaad nie, " het hy gese. oorgeneetp en gr'ond by die swart­ weggeneem.' , mense afgevat het, net ses sent per V olgens Riruako is hy jammer dat gUAIMA Riruako se nuutste hektaar betaal het. hy kwaad is, maar" daardie man het grief is 'n berig wat in die "Veltel Smith dat as hy van my werklik uitgetart. En 'n beledig- . Windhoek Observer van spotgoedkoop grond wil praat, hy ing vir my is 'n belediging vir die Saterdag verskyn het, ,daaroor moet skryf.., Ek het meer as hele volk." RlOO 000 betaal. Hy moet' me sy Hy het daarop gewys dat die prys is om swartmense te keer om ook mond oor my oopmaak nie," het van grond ook, net soos huise met die grolId te be sit. Ruuako, duiclelik ongehikkig oor die koms van Untag, kunsmatig opgejaag , "Ek wH dit nie weer hoor nie! Ek berig, gese. is. Die pryse van plase is ' o=odig is besig om my eie grond te koop ... ek Hy het ~ygevoeg dat hy dink selfs hoog gemaak en een van die doolwitte word beledig," hefhy bygevoeg . . OMUHOLOLWA ministeli wotete omushamane Hage Geingob V olgens hom kan die swartmense okwa Ii apewa otjeke yoimaliwa R30 000, oyo ya yandjwa en Hereros met "erge eise" korn en komukulunhu woSwapo omushamane Moses Garoeb nuititano ADVERTEER IN DIE LAND SE GROOTSTE hul grond terugvra. la djako. Oimaliwa ei oya yandjwa oyandjwa opo i kwafele KOERANT, DIS GOEDI500P EN EFFEKTIEF! Daarom mag witmense nie in die pefimbo lomalongekido oshivilo shemanguluko loshilongo, openbaar swartmense oor grond Omushamane Geingob okwa holola olupandu laye. VIR MEER INLIGTING BEL ONS aanspreek me. Hulle moet liewer Mefiku omo tuu omo omuhoololwa ministeli natango okwa Ii skaam wees en me hul monde daaroor ADVERTENSIEAFDELING NOU BY TEL. 36970. apewa omatuwa eli 5, kehangano 10Petroi Republika yaNdowishi. \ oopmaak nie. ;:r .. -~

hr " . • -- ," . ~. Sn:~ .~~ ' ~';'~ : , ~~' " ' ' ;~~. ~~_~ ; ~--~W!.~ ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACCOMMODATION , nesig~ - --f. what you w'ant ,. , one , QualitY'carpentr.y and inte­ Office equipment and week. Please rior or exterior renovating resources needed at a work with capabilities . to ­ phone help you design what you low price or as a 63281/2 at want. donation to a Reasonable costs and fast community project work and service. 228313 after Contact: Karen at Call Craig at 33897 or 36295 after 8pm hours 22-8207

.1 E 'END (061) 63028 Naaalbia 11ft you mEHOTIEST FOR SALE '(our friend in EN'I'ERTAINMENT IN TOWN III 1989 VW City criSis Accommodatioh for Ambassador-tYPe house The ENTERTAINMENT opell: Go~f independence week. COMPLEX tliat do•• not in Eros Hiils. :\Help as ~Iose - . WEDNESDAYS, One . . stop. nJDAYJA 2x3-bedroom bnuse (yellow). Only For mort Information ~II double bed in luxury as a telephone . 216684 SAnJaDAYS. complete for immediate 28000km. guest room with full ,Phone be.tween for more info call: occupation with 2 (061)211706 bathrooms each and R17750 bathroom in Oiympia. .I 10hOO-23hOO or 211741 open-pan kitchens, etc. Phone (06642) 3111, Tel.'052G45 Plenty b.i'.c. 40 TIS .....----!""- ...... , ..--- ...... ~---H DouJ,legarage and car- . a treet - ports.'Bjg swiffiming- . ' WINDHOEK INDEPENDENT ENERGY ? FANIE SUPER pool plus braai and OPEN EYERY DAY HAVE YOUR OWN EN ERGY SOURCE PlKUE FOR ANY APPLICA TION . MARKET entertainment are~. . Weekdays: ... -. Rl!Sf.M.RANI' ToI,21_ Quiet and secluded Continuous 09hOO • • SOLAR SYSTEMS corner property. , 17h30 • LIGHT SYSTEMS Office equipment and . • BATTERY CHARGERS .-' All this.for only Saturdays: • BATTERIES resources needed at a' 'GENERAL DEALER R330 000 08hOO • 13hOO • INVERTERS · low price or as a or nearest cash offer ' donation to a Sundays: t, 'FREE Q UOTA~ONS FROM, community project 16hOO • 18hOO All your grocerle.· Phone 33952 at any time ELCO ELECTRIC At e lower price' Contact: Karen at tovi~w. 6 KRUPP STREET WINDHOEK TEL: 061-31294/2 3629$ after 8pm

. ~ .... ,':' ,.....---...... --~-., '.:iVNf.'·"it1 ELAGO NAMIB ACCOMMODATION ~2,'T286 .'~ . SUPERMARKET SHOPE"rAGO . ' :i11S2I . Katutur • . ,ana_"nv ""'~~I"') ELAGO BOTTLE . TtI:215-t20 MIRltOR for. ~ven People in Klein Windhoek . For ail ~~:~~:at~uction .: ~~~~ " ! TEL: (061)'S2495. ~ work ~. " Ttl:61 ,562 ,. < .- I ' ' ~. fo" . ~ll y~,,-:- : ' Mice. rats, cock­ from 16-26,March. lnd b0t1,j lng olsleel sheds Ei. aJuldMt be ~'"' I '.Jor Printing On: roaches, termites Bed and breakfast Cattle trail!)r a SujNnnarket and a ' . . . MEAT. -Mirrors -nz~j;,tS p.hl~ · f~.~f. transport Oodl(:S . Trellis work . Gales ' . Bottle Store! -... GROC~RIES "'"'--tI ~or ef~icient pest 90ntrOI . . at R250 per day. T ral'ers & . The best or choice at a ,rite ·Stic~s ~ennaats ' , Phone. FUCK ~ES.I I general welding work thOL could not be more "I'-Sliins ·Loao's CONTRo2L , II AlIa' EIap Prlc~' ..., reasonable. ·.rllft.C , (061) 222549, . _.',.! Phone Ronel at YOU p.jAME IT . WE 'MAKE III "-'-r- , 222558 '-iII___ ._ """...... --_---' ------.1 ""'------...... ------..... ~...... -~~~.... KATUTURA NA TIONAL FLAG ;::: fl!)i i I' 511I: En! THE MATRIX FARM FOR SALE REFRIGERA TION ~ . COIft1IIS . . '. OF NAMIBIA I , , Chelsea Plus-minus 200km west P.O. Box 7647 ~QM(~;) PII!IIUI (OIPIIIHS n of Windhoek 20x30cm • R145 ! fashio1J,s WINDHOEK We service and repair the rollow- III IAIm ,. . per 100 103 ltai .., SI,.". COIMOS . - il--' 7 800 hectares ing: ' Tel,3115( ' WEST ·rig"". Washing machines· Iron- AlII NMlIS . ./.r~li Seven boreholes 3Ox45cm • R56 20 camps '" 4 Bedrooms . sloves , . Haberd,a.hary · , Scle Agents for per 20 'pedal service and good repai'rs. House with furniture • materia', EPSON Larger flags '" 2 Bathrooms For more infonrialiOll olease feel , 0 .... mllerlal. COMPUTERS . Three grOUild dams (Day. evening) *. Laundry _ '" ICe to call Silas at:· (Oll) 2161'72 . . 3~ 1994 Only R200 000 cash 'available '" DiRing"rooTDI.., or write to:;P.O.Box 7647, Wind, w.. stoc~ tbe tiigg.SI ·; • ..,ction In . GlfS.' ...... VO IGT S, ..: ftH'E ·i ..: ts,u S.fIHI GST excluded po 10l 6:304. WjNOI1CflC 9000 'Tel. 36700 (work) hoek. ~e : .rc at qld Compound. ' the country. • ~ ,. Lounge '. 1\'0,4 ~4836 (home) Phone (061) ~~2·6605 ",'Kitchen witlfpantI:Y · ..L... ."":',.~~:-. _,.,.-.-...---.... . ". 'r-"'-==",..' =.--=-'=-=--;;;;..' """'--.:~'.' ;. ~ . } PRIVATE§ALE :~~ ~~::?Om r--"J-O-E-L-O-L-A-tyl-'-N-" ~, -...." ~~ I · SWAKOPMUND EROSPARK , $ R1 48 " ,lam Ibokmg' for " : : Forall.your ' ~-~rooni b~Qse in OOO '~·· Herbalist ~ ,~" I ~ J. ;,'~ ~. ~ .•. "Town House , Suiderhof for sale. talented Namibjan Dipl?~a in Herba~ ~ .JI1JIE",

Celtic turned on the pressure in an effort to secure the equaliser with the Bucks defense stretched to the limit. However, the Bloemfontein side were kept at bay for the rest of the match with Bucks picking up two valuable points. AUSSIE CYCLIST


AUSTRALIAN cyclist Stephen Pate improved on his world' mark in the one·kilometre flying start at Lunceston's.velodrome on . th~ weekend; . . - . . . Pate's official time of 59,903 seconds slash~d i,198 se9ond~off¥s own yet to be ratified world record of the one minute, 1,101 seconds ·set at Perth," :. Australia two. weeks ago. '.'" ,"- ',' It is the second time in two weeks that Pate, 26, had reduced the 23-year-olU kilometr9 flying start professional record of 1: 1,23 set by by Belgian Patrick Sercu in 1967. Danny Clark of Australian later broke his own world pace records over the ' 5, 10, 15 and 20 kilometre distances. . Clark'took 4,6 se ~onds offhis five-kilometre·world record to set a time of 4:35, 12;8 seconcjs off the lO-kilometre time (9:02 sec:;onds), 35 seconds off the 15-kilometre time·(l3:30}, and 52,66 seconds off the 20-kilometre mark for a time of 1,7 :57.34. .' , . AM'AZULU FORCE HELLENIC TO' : GOALLESS DRAW

. AMAZULU and Hellenic played to a goalless draw in-their'Castle League encounter at the Glebe Stadium in UmJazi near Durban yesterday. The home side had .the better scoring chances in the first half and iii the 24tQ. pllnute it took a great save from Hellenic goalkeepers Mark Harrison to keep out a fine volley from Bonga Shusha. And in the 35th minute, a cross from Shusha saw Amazulu again go close when Foh Shangase ,headed against the crossbar. . . RIGHT: THE head of the Indonesian Untag In the second period, the visitors looked to be gaining control iof the game, contigent at Gobabis, who officially opened the but their fight-back fizzled out in the 63rd minute when John Sissons was sent tournament held just before the depature of the off by referee Steve Goddard for a second bookable Qffense. Malysian contingent. The tournament was held at After that Amazulu had territorial advantage, but a solid Hellenic defence the Dutch Reformed Church Hall at Gobabis last neverlooked like giving away the extra points. . - ." " " . weekend. ABOVE: A MALAYSIAN badminton player in action during last weekend's tournament at Gobabis to mark their depature. The Malaysians won ACCOMMODATION their matches against their Indonesian and Gobabis Badminton Club QPpon~nts. available for ' "The name you can visitors to the depend on" LUDWIGSDORF Independence The perfect home for celebrations. your ambassador! Transport ' YS S Impressive iron gates included. guard this valuable Contact tel. 36368, property, measuring · 2376 square metres. all hours Do~bl~ storey with SAY GOODBYE . office facilities on FLAT TO RENT lower level e.g. large One large bedroom study, telex-machine and beat their Gobabis'badminton opponents already installed, . Fully furnished , . Fridge, TV set, separate entrance, THE Malaysian Untag contingent played and overwhelme~ their Indonesian and Gobabis Badminton ample parking. airconditioning, washing -machine, Club opponents at a farewell badminton exhibition tournament at Gobabis last weekend. Don't delay - contact The local Gobabis Badminton Club also participated in.the tournament played at the Dutch Reformed Church Hall me straight away! . gas stove. and shuttle-cocks ~ere specially flown in from Indonesia for the event. Annetjie D'Emiljo Available from The tournament was organised by Untag to mark the departure of the Malaysian contingent and was played in a 228542 (home) April 1 , friendly, joyful atmosphere. The visitors also showed the local people what it takes to make young and old enjoy the . 37387 (office) Contact 35764 game. . At a closing function that was also held lit the church hall, one of the departing Untag members said: "Through sports we make our friendship better. " He thanked the Gobabis community for the hospitality and the co-operation they showed ' ~uring their stay in. the eastern town. " " . .. Rugby team for independence

YQur future, our Independence! .For all your Why not be happy in property needs, includes two N anru players you ... .own home? phone Stella Botha KLEIN WINDHOEK for personal and WINDHOEK· Gerhard Mans has been named· captain of the first commitments. Both are playing for - R308 000 Namibian national rugby side which .is to play Zimbabwe. at the the Namibian side against Glouc­ Very good value ' professional help. estershire dwfug fude~ndence Week. We have lovely , South West Stadium in Windhoek on, Saturday as part of the Three bedrooms, two Independence Week celebrations. The tearn: Andre Stoop, Heinrich lovely bathrooms, well· homes availabale de Vaal, Vince du Toit, Johan Deyse!, , The team was chosen aftert~o Heinrich de' Vaal , selected. Ano::her !!qulpped kitchen, lounge, Gerhard Mans (captain), Theo in all areas of'. ~ sides played in a trial match at Mari-' "~ Nanru player; Riaan Jantjies, was dining· room, Grunewald, Henqrick Loots. Casper study alid family room. Windhoek. For the ental. in eastern Namibia on Satur­ named as one of the reserves. Dirk.c;, Eben Beukes, Mallie Grobler, pool, very private, rich and not so , day, with players from both tpe for- . There are three new caps in the well·sltuated In sought­ . rich. Phone Stella mer South West Africa squad arid the side, centre Wins du Toit, scrumhalf Johan Barnard, Sarel Losper (vice­ captain), Alex Skinner, Wilhelm after area. Worthwnile to Botha at 31931 x Namibian Non-Racial Rugby Union Hendrick Loots, and lock Alex Skin­ look at. Contact Ju;!y (Nanru) side taking part. ner, who played for Stellenbosch Uni­ Maritz, Theo Oostimiz.en. . Herselman at 31958 x 203 or 31958/9 The bulk of the team played for versity last year. Reserves: Stephan . Smit, Rooies 209 (work) 43253 (home) 52309 (after.hours) SWAin the Currie Cup last season, Shaun McCulley and Jorum Swart Mostert, Jasper Coetzee, Riaan with one Nanru player, left-wing were not considered because of cricket Jantjies, WimLotter, Jaco Coetzee. ./ THE NAMIBIAN FIRST HOME DEFEAT FOR'ARSENAL CLUB ' NEAREY14 years ag(), Bobby Cambell quit hisjob as Arsenal coach after failing to land the coveted manager's job in'succession to B~rtze Mee. On Saturday, he returned to Highbury for the first time as a manager~an~ walked away a very happy man indeed. ' Not only did' his team Chelsea do manager by coming on and scor­ skin, " he said. what no other side have done this ing, " said the man who had vowed Another player winning copious season, they effectively shattered the' before the inatch to fight for his first­ managerial prai,se was Southampton Eng!.ish league champions' flidiilg team place even if he had to spend a striker Matthew Ie Tissier, who scored hopes: of retaining the title. spell in the reserves to do·so. twice to pull his team back from 3-1 ~ The 1-0 win dealt Arsenal' their Manager Graham Taylor said he , dow~ at Wimbledon to a'3-3 draw. , first home defeat of ~e season' and . was very satisfied with the perform. But Charlton manager Lennie , gave mid~fielder John 'Bumstead a ance' of ,Ireland striker Cascarino, Lawrence despaired of his bottom­ PIRATES ' EN'D HOODOO goal to celebrate onhis 300th appear­ milking his debut after signing from placed club after they gave away a ance for the west London club. struggling:Millwa:ll on Thursday. soft goal in ~ moments against ' AGAINST WITS" "I am very delighted with this v.:in Buf he singled outCascarino's Nottingham Forrest to draw 1-1. . but I'd better not say 'too much about'" IrcHand team· mate Paul McGrath as "I sympathise ,.with the players ORLANDO 'Pirates 'ended 't,heir hoodoo aga,htst Wits University why, " said a jubilant Canl~n. ' his !pllil of the match for his perform­ who worked themselves to a stand­ when they beat thestud~nds by two goals'to'oQe after leading 1-0 at Arsenal 'remain in t:h4'd pla~ e in ance in defence: still but it has all ended tragically," halftime in their Castle League soccer match 'at Orlando Stadiuin the league; 12 points off the pace set. ' '''McGrath is playing out of his he said. yesterday'. ,~", . by league leaders Aston Villa, 'and 'Both goals were sc ~red by Brazilian import Attair Noguira. 'The first came just one point 'in fron of Chelsea who in the 24th minute when he heag,ed in from a corner taken by Alberth'Bashin' , have played'.one game more. Mahlangu and the second in the 75th minute when he slotted in a rebound from Liverpool, who beat Manchester a Mahlangu shot that hit the crossbar. United 2~ 1 yesterday, are two points ' behind Villa. ' Wits pressed hard and were rewarded in the 77th minute when Derek Mills found the net. Arsenal manager George Graham, whose team conceded the 64th-min­ ute goal against the run of play ,was, ' KARPOV AND TI MMAN DRAW clearly shaken. "I never think about the title. I ANATOLI Karpov of Soviet Union and Jan Timman , of the - didn't last year when we won it but if Netherlands ended in a draw yesterday after 62 m oves in the Wor ld yeu can't win it 'you ,have to keep Chess Championship candidate final match. playing for your professional pride , and finish as high as possible," he :' Karpov leads four points-to two after winning the first and (ourth games, with said. ; the rest drawn. "'There could still be possibly Tinunan, playing the black pieces, employed the Benoni system of defense Europe to aim. for and you have to If ~ to counter Karpov's queen's pawn opening. This was the first time the Renoni ;' was being used in the, match. . " ' ' give YOlU fans value for money. But this result summed up our season, we In the earlier games, Timman-used the Gruenfeld defence when playing were very inconsistent." ,, " black. who jeered'Graham's decisiorrto bring .' Commenting 6n the game , chess experts at the press centre said that after the first few moves, black succeeded in building a solid and well strQctured off striker Kevin Cambell late in the game, were clearly unhappy. \.r defence. ' ' . , Tottenham Hotspurs, Arsenal's In the position, each grandmaster had king lind ;ookeach. But ' k~rPov had north London neighbours, were also , two pawns'to Timman's one. nursing A wounds inflicted by west Unfortunately for the former world champion, his extra pawn was not going down 3-1 at Queen's enougllto ensure his victory since Timman' s rook and king were guarding the I...ondoners, Park Rangers who could have scored two queening squares. more. Norwich drew 1-1 with relegation­ BIRDS RETAIN UNBEATEN RECORD ' threatened ,Millwall but the match turned bad in the 61st minute when MOROKA Swallows retained th eir unbeaten record when they ,Norwich's Robert Fleck and Mill­ wall 's Steve Wood were sent off for handed Witbank Aces a 2·0 beating in ,their Castle League encounter fi ghting. at Kwamahlanga Stadiu m in Kw andebele yester day. For several disgruntled strikers, Both goals were scored in the first half. Saturday proved a time to remind The came as the 10th minute when Owen da Gama netted 'after a their managers just what they could moveIllent with Andries Mpondo. do. Transfer-listed Tony Cottee SCored ,( Aces battled to get back on terms and had Swallows under a lot of pressure a brace as Everton beat Crystal Pal­ before MPondo was put in possession to net goal number tw~ for the visitors. ace 4-0 while Manchester CitY's one­ (' In the second period Aces battled hard to reduce the effort but the Swallows time England intemational Clive Allen defence held. ,r. retUrned to the first team after two months out and hit a penalty in their SCOTS TRIUMPH AGAINST ENGLAND 1- 1 drawat-Luton. Villa's Ian Ormondroyd, dropped A triumphant Scotland side traveHo world champions New Zealand ' to the substitUtes' benchto make way for new $2,4 million signing Tony this year as Europe's Rugby Union standard-bearers after their ,Cascarino, scored his team's winner stirring 13·7 win over England at Murrayfield on:Saturday. ' at Derby. No Five Narions match had ever had as much at stake as Saturday's clash. Brought on for the second half, the LIVERPOOL'S England international star John Barnes The sides were playing not. only for the champlOljship but also the Grand lanky Ormondroyd,broke the ice 10 scored twice during Liverpool's 2-1 victory over riva1s Slam, the tripple crown and the Calcutta Cup.. ' the 71 st minute to 'give Villa a crucial Alld, against the odds; it was the Scots who proved the better 'side to the 1-0 win. Manchester United in a England First. Division league clash understandable jubilation of both players and supporters. "I was disappointed to be on the y~sterday. . Flyhalf Craig Chalmers, who kicked three vital firsFhalfpenalties, spoke for I _b~e:n~c:h,:b~u~t~I~p~u~t~so~m~e~p~re:s~su~r~e~o~n~th~e_' _~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ his team-mates when he said: " There were some people, especially in the ' f- south, who had' written us off before 'the match had even started. " , His' comments,}Vere echoed by coach Ian McGeechan. RESULTS ... RESULTS ..• RESULTS... RESULTS, ... RESULTS. , "I think the people who h.'1d built England up will have to give us at least a iittle credit now," he said. ' NSl CASTLE lEAGUE ENGLISH ,FIRST DIVISION yesterday. , , Scorers: BUCKS WIP'E OUT CELTIC' REsULTS of NSL Castle League RESULTS of English First Division Manchester United,- Ronnie Whelan matches played on,Saturday: ' soccer matches 'played on Saturday: (81st minute, own goal). Iwisa Kaizer 'Chiefs 1 Arcadia 0, Arsenal 0 , Chelsea 1, ChaTitcm 1 Liverpool - John Barnes (l5th and NEWLY pt'onioted Umtata Bucks broke their droughts of defeats Doubie Action' SundownS 1 Jomo Nottingham Forest 1, Coventry 1 54th, penalty). when they beat Celtic by two goals to one in a Castle 'Leagu~ match," Midas Cosmos 0, Vaal Reefs'Times Sheffield Wednesday 4, Derby 0 Aston at the Indeperidtmc'e Stadium in Umtatayesterday. Stars 2- Hellenic O. Villa 1, Everton 4 Crystal Palace 0, INTER'NA TlONAl ONE-DAY The half time score was 1-1. Luton 1 Manchester City l,Norwich CRICKET MATCH - Kiila Toswa had the crowd of about 6000 on their feet cheering when he ITALIAN FIRST DIVISION. 1 Millwalll, Queen's Park Rangers ENGLAND A beat Zimbabwe by 28 , netted the openirig goal for the home team in the 12th minute. RESULTS of Italian First Division 3 Tottenham Hotspur 1, Wimbledon Bucks pressed hard in search ora second, but Celtic defended well and , soccer matches on Sunday: 3 Southampton 3. runs in the third one-day cricket match yesterday: gradually got on top. They were rewarded when Isaac Skosana put the visitors Ascoli 2 Fiorentina 1: Bari 4 Ata­ LIVERPOOL 2 Scorers.: England A 247-5 (M. Ath­ on level temlS with a goal in the 33rd minute. lanta 0, Cesena 1 Genoa 1, CremoneSt! MANCHESTER UNITED'1 It 'was always a fluctuating struggle in the second period and in the 65th 1 Leece 1, Verona 3 Bologna 2, erton 101', G. Thorpe 66 not out) ~ Zimbabwe 219. minute Fezile Momo found the net for Umtata with what turned out to be the Juventus 1 Udinese I, Lazio 0 Roma LIVERPOOL beat Manchester , winning goaL .' England won the three-match series 1, AC Milan 1. Internazionale 3, United 2-1 (hl\lftime 1-0) in an Eng­ - 3-0. . CONTINUED O N PAGE 15 Sampdoria 2 Napoli 1. lish league match at Old Trafford