CPVO-TP/230/1 Date: 15/11/2006

European Union Community Variety Office


Prunus cerasus L. and x gondouinii (Poit. & Turpin) Rehder



Adopted on 15/11/2006

CPVO-TP/230/1 Date: 15/11/2006


The protocol describes the technical procedures to be followed in order to meet the Council Regulation 2100/94 on Community Plant Variety Rights. The technical procedures have been agreed by the Administrative Council and are based on general UPOV Document TG/1/3 and UPOV Guideline TG/230/1 dated 05/04/2006 for the conduct of tests for Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability. This protocol applies for all varieties of Prunus cerasus L. and Prunus x gondouinii (Poit. & Turpin) Rehder .


1. The Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) is responsible for informing the applicant of

• the closing date for the receipt of plant material; • the minimum amount and quality of plant material required; • the examination office to which material is to be sent.

A sub-sample of the material submitted for test will be held in the variety collection as the definitive sample of the candidate variety.

The applicant is responsible for ensuring compliance with any customs and plant health requirements.

2. Final dates for receipt of documentation and material by the Examination Office

The final dates for receipt of requests, technical questionnaires and the final date or submission period for plant material will be decided by the CPVO and each Examination Office chosen.

The Examination Office is responsible for immediately acknowledging the receipt of requests for testing, and technical questionnaires. Immediately after the closing date for the receipt of plant material the Examination Office should inform the CPVO whether acceptable plant material has been received or not. However if unsatisfactory plant material is submitted the CPVO should be informed as soon as possible.

3. Plant material requirements

The current quality and quantity requirements as well as the final dates for submission of the plant material are available on the CPVO website (www.cpvo.europa.eu ) and are published in the CPVO gazette ‘S2’.

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Quality of : Should not be less than the standards laid down in Council 2000/29/EC and its amendments concerning quarantine organisms, and Council Directive 92/34/EEC and Commission Directive 93/48/EEC and their amendments concerning organisms impairing quality, at the date of adoption of this protocol; please refer to “Eur-Lex” for the full text and in case of any subsequent amendments to the four aforesaid Directives .

Quarantine organism (Directive 2000/29/EC). The plant material must be free from:

Insects, mites and nematodes at all stages of their development - Acleris spp. (non-European) - Amauromyza maculosa - Anomala orientalis - Anoplophora chinensis - Anoplophora malasiaca - Arrhenodes minutus - Bemisia tabaci (non-European populations) - Carposina niponensis - Choristoneura spp. (non-European) - Cicadellidae (non-European) - Conotrachelus nenuphar - Enarmonia prunivora - Enarmonia packardi - Globodera pallida - Globodera rostochiensis - Grapholita inopinata - Heliothis armigera - Heliothis zea - Liriomyza bryoniae - Liriomyza huidobrensis - Liriomyza trifolii - Liriomyza sativae - Longidorus diadecturus - Monochamus spp. (non-European) - Myndus crudus - Nacobbus aberrans - Opogona sacchari - Popilia japonica - Premnotrypes spp. (non-European) - Pseudopityophthorus minutissimus - Pseudopityophthorus pruinosus - Scaphoideus luteolus - Spodoptera eridania - Spodoptera frugiperda - Spodoptera littoralis - Spodoptera litura

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- Tephritidae (non-European) - Trachypterellus quadrigibbus - Thrips palmi - Xiphinema americanum (non-European populations) - Xiphinema californicum

Bacteria - Clavibacter michiganensis - Erwinia amylovora - Pseudonomas solanacearum - Xylella fastidiosa

Fungi - Alternaria alternata - Ceratocystis fagacearum - Chrysomixa arctostaphyli - Cronartium spp. (non-European) - Endocronartium spp. (non-European) - Guignardia laricina - Guignardia piricola - Gymnosporangium spp. (non-European) - Inonotus weirii - Melampsora medusae - Melampsora farlowii - Monilinia fructicola - Mycosphaerella larici-leptolepis - Mycosphaerella populorum - Phoma andina - Phyllosticta solitaria - Septoria lycopersici - Synchytrium endobioticum - Thecaphora solani - Trechispora brinkmannii

Viruses and virus-like organisms 1. Elm phlöem mycoplasm 2. Potato viruses and virus-like organisms such as: - Andean potato latent virus - Andean potato mottle virus - Arracha virus B, oca strain - Potato black ringspot virus - Potato spindle tuber viroid - Potato virus T - Non-European isolates of potato viruses A, M, S, V, X and Y (including Yo, Yn and Yc) and Potato leafroll virus 3. Tobacco ringspot virus 4. Tomato ringspot virus

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5. Viruses and virus-like organisms of Cydonia Mill., Fragaria L., Malus Mill., Prunus L., Pyrus L., Ribes L., Rubus L., and Vitis L., such as: - Apple proliferation mycoplasm - Apricot chlorotic leafroll mycoplasm - Blueberry leaf mottle virus - Cherry rasp leaf mottle virus (American) - Peach mosaic virus (American) - Peach phony rickettsia - Peach rosette mosaic virus - Peach rosette mycoplasm - Peach-X disease mycoplasm - Peach yellows mycoplasm - decline mycoplasm - Plum line pattern virus (American) - Raspberry leaf curl virus (American) - Strawberry latent “C” virus - Strawberry vein banding virus - Strawberry witches’ broom mycoplasm - Non-European viruses and virus-like organisms of Cydonia Mill., Fragaria L., Malus Mill., Prunus L., Pyrus L., Ribes L., Rubus L., and Vitis L., 6. Viruses transmitted by Bemisia tabaci Genn, such as: - Bean golden mosaic virus - Cowpea mild mottle virus - Lettuce infectious yellows virus - Pepper mild tigré virus - Squash leaf curl virus - Euphorbia mosaic virus - Florida tomato virus

Parasitic plants - Arceuthobium spp. (non-European)

Organisms impairing quality (Directive 92/34/EEC and 93/48/EEC. The plant material must, at least on visual inspection, be substantially free from any harmful organisms and diseases impairing quality or any signs or symptoms thereof and in particular be free from:

Insects, mites and nematodes at all stages of their development - Capnodis tenebrionis - Meloidogyne spp . - Scale insects, in particular: Epidiaspis leperii, Pseudaulacaspis pentagona, Quadraspidiotus perniciosus

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Bacteria - Agrobacterium tumefaciens - Pseudomonas syringae pv . mors prunorum - Pseudomonas syringae pv . syringae

Fungi - Armillariella mellea - Chondrostereum purpureum - Nectria galligena - Rosellinia necatrix - Verticillium spp.

Viruses and virus-like organisms - Prune dwarf virus - Prunus necrotic ringspot virus

Chemical treatment: The plant material must not have undergone any treatment unless the CPVO and the examination office allow or request such treatment. If it has been treated, full details of the treatment must be given.

Labelling of individual - Species plants in sample: - File number of the application allocated by the CPVO - Breeder's reference - Examination office’s reference (if known) - Name of applicant - The phrase “On request of the CPVO”


1. Variety collection

A variety collection will be maintained for the purpose of establishing distinctness of the candidate varieties in test. A variety collection may contain both living material and descriptive information. A variety will be included in a variety collection only if plant material is available to make a technical examination.

Pursuant to Article 7 of Council Regulation No. 2100/94, the basis for a collection should be the following:

• varieties listed or protected at the EU level or at least in one of the EEA Member States; • varieties protected in other UPOV Member States; • any other variety in common knowledge.

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The composition of the variety collection in each Examination Office depends on the environmental conditions in which the Examination Office is located.

Variety collections will be held under conditions which ensure the long term maintenance of each accession. It is the responsibility of Examination Offices to replace reference material which has deteriorated or become depleted. Replacement material can only be introduced if appropriate tests confirm conformity with the existing reference material. If any difficulties arise for the replacement of reference material, Examination Offices must inform the CPVO. If authentic plant material of a variety cannot be supplied to an Examination Office the variety will be removed from the variety collection.

2. Material to be examined

Candidate varieties will be directly compared with other candidates for Community plant variety rights tested at the same Examination Office, and with appropriate varieties in the variety collection. When necessary an Examination Office may also include other candidates and varieties. Examination Offices should therefore make efforts to co-ordinate the work with other Offices involved in DUS testing of sour cherry. There should be at least an exchange of technical questionnaires for each candidate variety, and during the test period, Examination Offices should notify each other and the CPVO of candidate varieties which are likely to present problems in establishing distinctness. In order to solve particular problems Examination Offices may exchange plant material.

3. Characteristics to be used

The characteristics to be used in DUS tests and preparation of descriptions shall be those referred to in the Annex 1. All the characteristics shall be used, providing that observation of a characteristic is not rendered impossible by the expression of any other characteristic, or the expression of a characteristic is prevented by the environmental conditions under which the test is conducted. In the latter case, the CPVO should be informed. In addition the existence of some other regulation e.g. plant health, may make the observation of the characteristic impossible.

The Administrative Council empowers the President, in accordance with Article 23 of Commission Regulation N° 1239/95, to insert additional characteristics and their expression in respect of a variety.

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4. Grouping of varieties

The varieties and candidates to be compared will be divided into groups to facilitate the assessment of distinctness. Characteristics which are suitable for grouping purposes are those which are known from experience not to vary, or to vary only slightly, within a variety and which in their various states of expression are fairly evenly distributed throughout the collection. In the case of continuous grouping characteristics overlapping states of expression between adjacent groups is required to reduce the risks of incorrect allocation of candidates to groups. The characters used for grouping could be the following:

a) : size (characteristic 27) b) Fruit: colour of skin (characteristic 36) c) Fruit: colour of flesh (characteristic 37) d) Fruit: colour of juice (characteristic 38) e) Time of beginning of flowering (characteristic 46) f) Time of beginning of fruit ripening (characteristic 47)

5. Trial designs and growing conditions

The minimum duration of tests (independent growing cycles) will normally include at least two satisfactory crops of fruit. Tests will be carried out under conditions ensuring normal growth. The size of the plots will be such that plants or parts of plants may be removed for measuring and counting without prejudice to the observations which must be made up to the end of the growing period.

The test design is as follows

Each test should include 5 plants.

Unless otherwise indicated, all observations should be made on 5 plants or parts taken from each of 5 plants. In the case of parts of plants, the number to be taken from each of the plants should be 2. In particular, in the case of fruit and stone characteristics, observations should be made on 15 , three taken from each of five trees.

Tree/One-year-old shoot: Unless otherwise stated, all observations on the tree and on the one-year-old shoot should be made during winter, on trees that have fruited at least once.

Leaf: Unless otherwise stated, all observations on the leaf should be made on the fully developed leaves from the middle part of a spur in summer.

Flower: Unless otherwise stated, all observations on the flower should be made on fully developed flowers at the beginning of anther dehiscence.

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Fruit/Stone: Unless otherwise stated, all observations on the fruit and stone should be made at full maturity.

6. Special tests

In accordance with Article 83(3) of Council Regulation No. 2100/94 an applicant may claim either in the Technical Questionnaire or during the test that a candidate has a characteristic which would be helpful in establishing distinctness. If such a claim is made and is supported by reliable technical data, a special test may be undertaken providing that a technically acceptable test procedure can be devised.

Special tests will be undertaken, with the agreement of the President of CPVO, where distinctness is unlikely to be shown using the characters listed in the protocol.

7. Standards for decisions

a) Distinctness

A candidate variety will be considered to be distinct if it meets the requirements of Article 7 of Council Regulation No. 2100/94.

b) Uniformity

A candidate will be considered to be sufficiently uniform if the number of off-types does not exceed the number of plants as indicated in the table below. A population standard of 1% and an acceptance probability of 95% should be applied.

Table of maximum numbers of off-types allowed for uniformity standards.

Number of plants off-types allowed

≤ 5 0

c) Stability

A candidate will be considered to be sufficiently stable when there is no evidence to indicate that it lacks uniformity.

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After each recording season the results will be summarised and reported to the CPVO in the form of a UPOV model interim report in which any problems will be indicated under the headings distinctness, uniformity and stability. Candidates may meet the DUS standards after two fruiting periods but in some cases three fruiting periods may be required. When tests are completed the results will be sent by the Examination Office to the CPVO in the form of a UPOV model final report.

If it is considered that the candidate complies with the DUS standards, the final report will be accompanied by a variety description in the format recommended by UPOV. If not the reasons for failure and a summary of the test results will be included with the final report.

The CPVO must receive interim reports and final reports by the date agreed between the CPVO and the examination office.

Interim reports and final examination reports shall be signed by the responsible member of the staff of the Examination Office and shall expressly acknowledge the exclusive rights of disposal of CPVO.


If problems arise during the course of the test the CPVO should be informed immediately so that the information can be passed on to the applicant. Subject to prior agreement, the applicant may be directly informed at the same time as the CPVO particularly if a visit to the trial is advisable.

The interim report as well as the final report shall be sent by the Examination Office to the CPVO.


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Table of characteristics ...... 12

Explanations and methods ...... 20


(+) See explanations on the Table of characteristics QL Qualitative characteristic QN Quantitative characteristic PQ Pseudo-qualitative characteristic

Literature ...... 27


Technical Questionnaire

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CPVO UPOV Characteristics Examples Note N° N°

1. 1. Tree: vigour (+) (+) very weak Demesova, Kelleriis 14, Samor 1

QN QN weak Gerema, Nana 3

medium Karneol, Montmorency 5

strong Kántorjánosi 3, Pándy Bb. 119 7

very strong Érdi Nagygyümölcs ű, Piramis 9

2. 2. Tree: habit (+) (+) upright Oblachinska, Piramis, Ţarina 1

(*) semi-upright Safir, Újfehértói Fürtös 2

PQ PQ spreading Karneol, Montmorency, Samor 3

drooping Cigánymeggy 7 4

3. 3. Tree: branching (+) (+) weak Meteor Korai, Piramis, Samor 3

(*) medium Morsam, Pándy Bb. 119 5

QN QN strong Cigánymeggy 7, Montmorency, 7 Safir

4. 4. Tree: bud distribution (+) (+) along entire branch Maliga Emléke, Piramis 1

PQ PQ only on middle and Érdi Jubileum, Meteor, Morava 2 distal part of branch

only on distal part of Cigánymeggy 7, Samor, 3 branch Schattenmorelle

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CPVO UPOV Characteristics Examples Note N° N°

5. 5. Young shoot: anthocyanin coloration of apex (during rapid growth) absent or very weak Cigánymeggy 59, Meteor 1

QN QN weak Kelleriis 16, Montmorency 3

medium Érdi B őterm ő, Meteor korai, 5 Schattenmorelle

strong Érdi Jubileum, Fanal 7

very strong Érdi Nagygyümölcs ű, Topas 9

6. 6. Young shoot: pubescence of apex (during rapid Cigánymeggy 7, Cseng ődi, growth) weak Karneol 3

QN QN medium Favorit, Morava 5

strong Cigánymeggy 59 7

7. 7. One-year-old shoot: length (+) (+) of internode (*) normal Fanal, Montmorency, Pándy 279 1

QL QL short 2

8. 8. One-year-old shoot: number of lenticels few Gerema, Kelleriis 16 3

QN QN medium Meteor, Pándy Bb. 119 5

many Maliga Emléke, Meteor Korai, 7 Piramis

9. 9. Leaf blade: length Cigánymeggy C. 404, Meteor, short Oblachinska 3

QN QN medium Karneol, Kántorjánosi 3, 5 Kelleriis 16

long Érdi B őterm ő, Favorit, 7 Maliga Emléke

10. 10. Leaf blade: width narrow Montmorency, Schattenmorelle 3

QN QN medium Karneol, Kelleriis 16, 5 Pándy Bb. 119

broad Érdi B őterm ő, Maliga Emléke 7

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CPVO UPOV Characteristics Examples Note N° N°

11. 11. Leaf blade: ratio (*) length/width small Cigánymeggy 7, Kelleriis 16 3

QN QN medium Karneol, Maliga Emléke 5

large Favorit, Meteor Korai, 7 Oblachinska

12. 12. Leaf blade: intensity of green colour of upper side light Cigánymeggy 59, Pipacs 1 3

QN QN medium Karneol, Morina, Schattenmorelle 5

dark Pándy Bb. 119 7

13. 13. Leaf blade: glossiness absent or weak Cseng ődi, Schattenmorelle 1

QN QN medium Debreceni B őterm ő, Nana 2

strong Karneol, Montmorency 3

14. 14. Leaf: length of petiole Karneol, Kelleriis 16, Oblachinska (*) short 3

QN QN medium Maliga Emléke, Montmorency, 5 Újfehértói Fürtös

long Favorit, Piramis 7

15. 15. Leaf: anthocyanin coloration of petiole (upper side) weak Gerema, Oblachinska 3

QN QN medium Favorit 5

strong Fanal, Montmorency, Safir 7

16. 16. Leaf: ratio length of blade/ length of petiole small Favorit, Pipacs 1 3

QN QN medium Montmorency, Schattenmorelle 5

large Karneol, Kelleriis 16, Meteor 7

17. 17. Leaf: presence of nectaries (+) (+) (*) absent North Star, Oblachinska 1

QL QL present Favorit, Piramis 9

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CPVO UPOV Characteristics Examples Note N° N°

18. 18. Nectaries: position at base of leaf blade Karneol, Meteor 1 (+) (+) only

PQ PQ both at base of leaf Favorit, Montmorency 2 blade and on petiole

on petiole only Kántorjánosi 3, Pipacs 1, Ţarina 3

19. 19. Nectaries: colour (+) (+) greenish yellow Samor 1

QN QN orange yellow Kántorjánosi 3, Safir, Topas 2

light red Cigánymeggy 7, Érdi B őterm ő, 3 Oblachinska

dark red Meteor, Nana 4

brownish Karneol, Morina 5

20. 20. Stipule: attitude leaning away from Kelleriis 16, Meteor, Samor 1 (+) (+) shoot

QN QN adpressed to shoot Favorit, Pándy 279 2

leaning across shoot Cseng ődi, Pipacs 1, Piramis 3

21. 21. Stipule: size small Favorit, Schattenmorelle, 3 (+) (+) Újfehértói Fürtös

QN QN medium Debreceni B őterm ő, 5 Maliga Emléke, Samor

large Meteor Korai, Morsam 7

22. 22. Stipule: extensions of absent or weak Oblachinska, Schattenmorelle, 1 (+) (+) margins Újfehértói Fürtös

QN QN medium Piramis, Samor 2

strong Cseng ődi, Kelleriis 16, 3 Meteor Korai

23. 23. Flower: diameter (+) (+) small Oblachinska, Samor 3

QN QN medium Kelleriis 16, Montmorency, 5 Újfehértói Fürtös

large Érdi B őterm ő, Kántorjánosi 3, 7 Pándy Bb. 119

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CPVO UPOV Characteristics Examples Note N° N°

24. 24. Flower: arrangement of (+) (+) petals free Kelleriis 16, Újfehértói Fürtös 1

QN QN intermediate Érdi Jubileum, Montmorency, 2 Schattenmorelle

overlapping Favorit, Meteor Korai, 3 Oblachinska

25. 25. Flower: shape of petals (+) (+) circular Favorit, Meteor, Oblachinska 1

PQ PQ medium obovate Kelleriis 16, Pipacs 1, Safir 2

broad obovate Érdi Bőterm ő, Korai Pipacs, 3 Schattenmorelle

26. 26. Flower: arrangement (+) (+) solitary Cerella, Nabella 1

PQ PQ double Safir 2

in clusters Stevnsbear, Újfehértói Fürtös 3

irregular Schattenmorelle 4

27. 27. Fruit: size very small Oblachinska, Stevnsbaer 1

(*) small Cigánymeggy 7, 3 Cigánymeggy C. 404

QN QN medium Érdi B őterm ő, Schattenmorelle 5

large Favorit, Karneol, Pándy Bb. 119 7

G very large Érdi Nagygyümölcs ű, Piramis, 9 Safir

28. 28. Fruit: shape in ventral (+) (+) view reniform Érdi Jubileum, Pándy Bb. 119 1

(*) oblate Montmorency, Morina 2

PQ PQ circular Maliga Emléke, Nana 3

elliptic Cseng ődi, Karneol, Morsam 4

29. 29. Fruit: pistil end (+) (+) pointed Favorit, Morsam 1

QN QN flat Korai Pipacs, Samor 2

depressed Cigánymeggy C. 404, 3 Montmorency, Schattenmorelle

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CPVO UPOV Characteristics Examples Note N° N°

30. 30. Fruit: length of stalk very short Maliga Emléke, Montmorency 1

(*) short Nana, Piramis 3

QN QN medium Morina, Pándy Bb. 119 5

long Favorit 7

very long Cseng ődi, Pipacs 9

31. 31. Fruit: thickness of stalk thin Morsam, Schattenmorelle 3

QN QN medium Karneol, Pándy 279 5

thick Maliga Emléke, Piramis 7

32. 32. Fruit: anthocyanin (*) coloration of stalk absent Meteor Korai 1

QL QL present Újfehértói Fürtös 9

33. 33. Fruit: number of bracts on stalk absent or few Piramis, Ţarina 1

QN QN medium Érdi B őterm ő, Morina 2

many Gerema, Kántorjánosi 3, 3 Kelleriis 16

34. 34. Fruit: size of bracts on (*) stalk small Érdi B őterm ő, Maliga Emléke 3

QN QN medium Cigánymeggy C. 404, Favorit 5

large Kántorjánosi 3, Újfehértói Fürtös 7

35. 35. Fruit: abscission layer between stalk and fruit absent Cseng ődi, Meteor Korai 1

QL QL present Karneol, Újfehértói Fürtös 9

36. 36. Fruit: colour of skin (*) orange red Meteor, Pipacs 1 1

PQ PQ light red Favorit, Montmorency 2

medium red Pándy Bb. 119 3

dark red Cigánymeggy 7, Gerema, Nana 4

brown red Karneol, Kelleriis 16, 5 Schattenmorelle

G blackish Érdi Jubileum, North Star 6

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CPVO UPOV Characteristics Examples Note N° N°

37. 37. Fruit: colour of flesh yellowish Montmorency, Pipacs 1 1

(*) pink Meteor, Pándy 279 2

PQ PQ medium red Kántorjánosi 3, Karneol 3

G dark red Cigánymeggy 7, Fanal 4

38. 38. Fruit: colour of juice (*) colourless Montmorency 1

PQ PQ light yellow Pipacs 1 2

pink Meteor, Pándy 3

medium red Kántorjánosi 3, Karneol 4

G dark red Cigánymeggy 7, Érdi Jubileum, 5 Fanal

39. 39. Fruit: firmness (*) soft Cseng ődi, Samor 3

QN QN medium Karneol, Pándy 279 5

firm Érdi Jubileum 7

40. 40. Fruit: acidity very low Érdi Nagygyümölcs ű, 1 Meteor Korai

QN QN low Érdi Bötermö 3

medium Impératrice Eugénie, Pándy 279 5

high Meteor, Montmorency 7

very high Cigánymeggy 7, Schattenmorelle 9

41. 41. Fruit: sweetness low Montmorency 3

QN QN medium Pándy 279 5

high Érdi Jubileum, Favorit, 7 Korai Pipacs

42. 42. Fruit: juiciness weak Érdi Jubileum, Korai Pipacs 3

QN QN medium Maliga Emléke, Pándy 279 5

strong Cseng ődi, Favorit, Montmorency 7

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CPVO UPOV Characteristics Examples Note N° N°

43. 43. Stone: size (*) small Oblachinska, Stevensbaer 3

QN QN medium Érdi B őterm ő, Schattenmorelle 5

large Maliga Emléke, Pándy Bb 119 7

44. 44. Stone: shape in ventral (+) (+) view narrow elliptic Cseng ődi, Meteor 1

(*) broad elliptic Fanal, Maliga Emléke 2

QN QN circular Érdi Jubileum, Kelleriis 16 3

45 45. Fruit: ratio weight of fruit/ Cigánymeggy 7, Érdi Jubileum, (*) weight of stone small Karneol 3

QN QN medium Érdi B őterm ő, Schattenmorelle 5

large Érdi Nagygyümölcs ű, Meteor, 7 Piramis

46. 46. Time of beginning of (+) (+) flowering very early Érdi B őterm ő 1

(*) early Favorit, Meteor Korai 3

QN QN medium Cigánymeggy 7, Vowi 5

late Gerema, Kelleriis 16 7

G very late Schattenmorelle 9

47. 47. Time of beginning of fruit (+) (+) ripening very early Ţarina 1

(*) early Meteor Korai 3

QN QN medium Érdi B őterm ő, Favorit 5

late Pándy 279, Kántorjánosi 3 7

G very late Gerema, Vowi 9

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Ad. 1: Tree: vigour

The tree vigour should be considered as the overall abundance of vegetative growth.

Ad. 2: Tree: habit

1 2 upright semi-upright

3 4 spreading drooping

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Ad. 3: Tree: branching

Observations should be carried out on scaffold branches with the degree of branching being indicated by the density of lateral branches and shoots, excluding fruiting shoots.

Ad. 4: Tree: bud distribution

Observations should be carried out before picking time.

Ad. 7: One-year-old shoot: length of internode

1 2 normal short

Ad. 17: Leaf: presence of nectaries Ad. 18: Nectaries: position Ad. 19: Nectaries: colour

Observations of these characteristics should be made in summer on fully developed leaves from the middle third of a well developed current season’s shoot.

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Ad. 20: Stipule: attitude Ad. 21: Stipule: size Ad. 22: Stipule: extensions of margins

All observations of stipule should be made on the fifth or sixth fully developed leaf of a long shoot, during rapid growth.

Ad. 20: Stipule: attitude

1 2 leaning away from shoot adpressed to shoot

3 leaning across shoot

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Ad. 22: Stipule: extensions of margins

1 2 absent or weak medium

3 strong

Ad. 23: Flower: diameter

Observations or measurements should be carried out on completely opened flowers with petals pressed into horizontal position.

Ad. 24: Flower: arrangement of petals

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1 2 3 free intermediate overlapping

Ad. 25: Flower: shape of petal

1 2 3 circular medium obovate broad obovate

Ad. 26: Flower: arrangement

1 2 solitary double

3 4 in clusters irregular

Ad. 28: Fruit: shape in ventral view

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1 2 3 4 reniform oblate circular elliptic

Ad 29: Fruit: pistil end

1 2 3 pointed flat depressed

Ad. 44: Stone: shape in ventral view

1 2 3 medium elliptic broad elliptic circular

Ad. 46: Time of beginning of flowering

When 5-10% open flowers can be observed.

Ad. 47: Time of beginning of fruit ripening

When 5-10% ripe fruits can be observed. Fruit ripening should be considered as the time of eating ripeness, when the fruit can be most easily removed from the stalk.

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Synonym(s) of Example Varieties

Example Varieties Synonym(s)

Cigánymeggy Zigeunerkirsche

Fanal Heimanns Konservenweichsel

Kelleriis 16 Morellenfeuer

Schattenmorelle Griotte du Nord, Lotovka, Latos meggy, Łutówka, Morella pozdní

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28 CPVO-TP/230/1 Date: 15/11/2006 ANNEX II

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