Introductory Lecture & FLOSS Lecture 1 TU Wien, 193.067 Free and Open Technologies (WS 2019/2020) Christoph Derndorfer and Lukas F. Lang This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Introduction Organization ● Lectures: ○ Weekly lecture to cover course materials (until Christmas) ○ Lectures take place on Tuesdays, 17:00–19:00, Argentinierstraße 8, Seminarraum/Bibliothek 194-05 ○ Attendance is mandatory ● Group project: ○ In groups of 4 students ○ 3 meetings with lecturers during the semester (week 44/2019, week 48/2019, week 2/2020) ○ Final presentations at the end of January (week 4/2020) ● Final paper: ○ In groups of 2 students ○ Final presentations at the end of January (week 5/2020) ○ Deadline: Sunday, February 9, 2020, 23:59 CET (no exceptions!) Organization ● Grading: ○ 50% group project ○ 35% seminar paper ○ 15% participation during lectures ○ All course components need to be passed in order to pass the overall course! ● Course materials: ○ Will be provided at ● For further questions: ○ Email
[email protected] and
[email protected] Lecture outline 1. FLOSS (Free/Libre and Open Source Software) 2. Open Hardware 3. Open Data 4. Open Content/Open Educational Resources 5. Open Science/Research 6. Open Access 7. Open Spaces/Open Practices: Metalab Vienna 8. Guest Lecture: Stefanie Wuschitz (Mz* Baltazar’s Lab) Group project ● Goal: ○ Extend, contribute to, or create a new open project within scope of lecture topics ● Choose topic from a list (see course website) or (even better) suggest your own: ○ Groups of 4 students ○ Send a 1-page proposal until Friday, October 25, via email to both lecturers ■ Define the idea, goal, (potential) impact, requirements, and estimated effort ■ State deliverables (should be broken down into three milestones to discuss in meetings) ● Requirements: ○ Open and accessible (Git repository, openly licensed) → others can access/use/study/extend ○ Use time sheet to track and compare estimated vs.