Keith Burstein rehearsing his Symphony No 1 Elixir with the Kaunas City Symphony in Kaunas Lithuania in 2012.

Performance Date: 25 March 2020 Venue: Cadogan Hall,

A new work written by Keith Burstein to mark the 250th anniversary of the birth of Ludwig van Beethoven will be performed by the London Chamber Orchestra (LCO) at the Cadogan Hall in Chelsea, London, on 25 March 2020.

Memories of Bonn, Symphonic Poem No 1 will be conducted by LCO’s Music Director and Principal Conductor, Christopher Warren-Green, and was inspired by the composer’s visit to Bonn, Beethoven’s birthplace. , the great pianist and conductor – and mentor to Burstein – suggested he wrote the Symphonic Poem.

Albany Arts | A22 Laystall Street | London | EC1R 4PA | t: + 44 (0) 20 78 79 88 95 | The piece seeks to reflect the complex confluence of history and culture that Burstein experienced in Bonn when he attended a premiere of his music there in 2016. Inevitably the music evokes Beethoven, who is considered by the composer to be ‘the exemplar of a radical composer who wrote memorable melodies.’

Burstein is renowned for his fervent championing of tonal music, as opposed to the atonal style which has dominated classical music teaching and composition for over a century, and Memories of Bonn looks set to ignite the ongoing controversy surrounding the pre-eminence of atonal music over tonal.

‘I am delighted Christopher Warren-Green and the London Chamber Orchestra are premiering this new work, which was strongly advocated by Mark Redman, Chairman of the LCO Trust. For many years I have championed the notion that new tonal music can form the cutting edge of modernity. The fact that my work is being performed at this level and with the backing of Vladimir Ashkenazy, one of the greatest classical musicians of our age, represents a potential breakthrough for all com- posers who invent and innovate in tonality. The full range of human emotion can again be expressed in works that speak for our time and the future.’

‘Revolutions in music occur relatively often, but remarkably atonalism has held sway for nearly a hundred and twenty years, beginning with Schoenberg and continuing to the present day. It must surely be time for a new spirit and for the atonal establishment to give way to a new vibrancy, to music which once again speaks, as Beethoven said, “from the heart, to the heart.”’

Burstein is far from alone in his belief that tonal music should return to the contemporary fore. Not only has he enjoyed the sustained support over many years of internationally renowned pianist and conductor Vladimir Ashkenazy, but also that of the great Estonian composer Arvo Pärt.

Yet Burstein’s sometimes outspoken stance has led to friction between himself and others in the contemporary classical music establishment. ‘Change and innovation are always resisted.’ he states. ‘In their day Schoenberg and Webern and later Stockhausen and Boulez were the revolutionaries – and indeed great – but the aftermath goes on and on. Music is the supremely generous art form of the whole of humanity crossing all boundaries. Let the spirit of music not remain locked in the ivory tower of atonalism. The unimpeded voices of the whole world must be heard in music that endlessly conjures light from darkness.’

For press information, please contact Albany Arts Communications:

Mark Inglefield Carla von der Becke, [email protected] [email protected] t: +44 (0) 20 78 79 88 95; m: +44 (0) 75 84 19 95 00 t: +44 (0) 20 78 79 88 95; m: +44 (0) 79 74 25 29 94

Notes to Editors:

About Keith Burstein Burstein was born in Brighton in 1957, East Sussex, and attended the Royal College of Music (1977- 1982). His early compositions were written in the atonal style. Burstein made a dramatic shift towards composing tonally during the late 1980s. Described by The Daily Telegraph as ‘an ardent new romantic post-modernist’, Burstein composes uniquely tonal music, reflecting his optimism for the future of humanity. Founder of ensemble The Grosvenor Group, he originally started out as a conductor before taking up composition full time at the age of thirty. Championed by both Vladimir Ashkenazy and composer Arvo Part, he embraces tonality, music of melody and harmony, as the Albany Arts | A22 Laystall Street | London | EC1R 4PA | t: + 44 (0) 20 78 79 88 95 | cutting edge of modernity. His works have often embodied matters of conscience, most notice- ably his two operas Manifest Destiny about would-be suicide bombers who renounce violence and become peace-makers – and The Prometheus Revolution – which envisages a transformation in which society moves beyond war and greed towards an age of humanity and tolerance. Burstein has also written two symphonies - No 1 Elixir - sponsored by Vladimir Ashkenazy and released on Naxos Records - and No 2 Herald, commissioned by Mark Redman, the Chairman of the London Chamber Orchestra Trust.

About the London Chamber Orchestra Having been founded in 1921, LCO is the UK’s longest-standing professional chamber orchestra. In that time LCO have premiered works by a Who’s Who of 20th-century composers, including Stravin- sky, Bloch, Vaughan Williams, Prokofiev, Hindemith, Poulenc and Villa Lobos – and that continues today, with premieres by figures such as James MacMillan and .

And it’s not just about their London season at Cadogan Hall – the Orchestra also tour globally, re- cord with major labels and their own LCO Live imprint, and run a large-scale community project, Music Junction. LCO are lucky enough to enjoy the Patronage of Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall, and performed at the royal wedding in 2011 to about two billion people worldwide – all without receiving any public subsidy during their entire history.

Cadogan Hall 5 Sloane Terrace London SW1X 9DQ

For tickets, please visit:

#keithburstein #beethoven250

Albany Arts | A22 Laystall Street | London | EC1R 4PA | t: + 44 (0) 20 78 79 88 95 |