1St Supplemental and Amendment of APP
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" 1st Supplemental and Amendment to the National Housing Authority (NHA) Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2021 - Consulting Services (As of July 12, 2021) Is this an Early Schedule for Each Procurement ActivIty Source of I Estimated Budget (PhP) I Remarks Code PMOI Procurement I Funds (brief description of Procurement Program/Project Mode of Procurement Advertisement! Submisslon/O Notlceof Contract Total MOOE CO (PAP) End·User Activity? Posting of paning of Bids Award Signing Program/Activity/Project) (Yes/No) IBIREI Community Support Services Department (CSSD) 1 CONSULTANCY SERVICES Consulting Services for the review and Development d CBE Manual of 1.1 esso NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement ",,",",00' NO _[)ala NlA IndiceteDate IndicmeOate Others 350,000.00 350,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: MOOE 1.2 Consulting ServIces for Customer Satisfaction Survey CSSO NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement IndIc8l801&e NIA Indicate Date IndicateOiie Others 605,000.00 605,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: MOOE 1.3 Pro:IucUonJPrinling d CBE Manual of Operations CSSD NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement IndlclsteOal:e NIA Indicate Date IndicateD. Others 440,000.00 440,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: MOOE Total Contract Price for CSSD 1,395,000.00 1,395,000.00 0.00 NCR - SOUTH SECTOR A. SUPPLEMENTAL NCR-South Individual Lot Tilling of 5.8 Has. Property in Philippine Centennial 1 secee- Competitive Bidding Village (PCV) Area, Brgy. Western Biculan, Tagulg City MTPMOO NO _Dale Indicate Date IndicaleDllte Indicate Date Others 2,500,000.00 0.00 2500000.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts NCR-South Individual Lot Tilling d PP627 AFP Off-Base Housing Project located at 2 Competitive Bidding Brgy. Comembo, Makati City MS:~~ NO lndIcaIeOale Indicat8 Date IndicateOste IndcateDBle Others 1,200,000.00 0.00 1,200 000.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts NCR-South Lot Titling of Non-Saleable 1001 at Phase IV, SouthvUle 3 Housing 3 Sector- NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement Project. Brgy. Poblacion, Muntinlupa City NO Indicate Date NIA Indicate Date Indicate Date Others 500000.00 0.00 500000.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts Structural, Topographic, Subdivision end Bwndary/Relocallon Survey NCR-Sooth 5 of PP627 AFP Off-Base Housing Project located at Brgy. Cornembo, Sector- Competitive Bidding Makati City MTPMOO NO '_Dale Indicate Date IncIcaleDItu Others 2,500 000.00 0.00 2500000.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts Soil Boring Test located Cit !he Portion cA 5.6 Hectares Property, Brgy. NCR-Soulh 6 Western Bicutcm, Taguig City and Dreamland, Brgy. Lupmg KatuparlYl, ,""",. Competitive Bidding -- TaguigCity MTPMOO NO IlldicEfeDat8 '_[)ala lodIc8I:.o. _[)ala Others 1500000.00 0.00 1,500 000.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts 7 FOR APPRAISAL 7.1 FORT BONIFACIO TENEMENT Our Lady of the Poor Church (InslilutiOMl) 5ampagulle 51. Brgy. NCR-Sooth 7.la NP-53,9 - Small Value Procurement Westem Blcutan, Taguig City Ms.:~a~ NO InCfIcateOete NIA Indicate Date IndiealeDate Others 70000.00 70000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts 7.2 Makatf Properties NCR-South Morales Compound (Ccmmercial) 3298 7.2a NP-53,9 - Small Value Procurement Zapate SI. co. Vague SI. Makati City .':.:,.; NO Indicate Date NIA h'ldlcate Dale Others 70,000.00 70,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts NCR-South 7.2b FELIPA CARANZA (Commercia)Oian st Brgy. SCIn Isidro, Makati City Secta· ,-- NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement Mll'MOO NO IndlC8IeDete NIA Indicate Oate Indicilt. Date Others 70,000.00 70000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts 7.3 BAGONG LIPUNAN CONDOMINIUM NCR-Sooth TULUNGAN CENTER, SWIMMING POOL AND VIEW OECK 7.3a aecto-- NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement (CommerdaJ) East Service Road, Brgy. Westem Blcuten, Tagulg City MTPMDO NO Indicae Oat. NlA IndIc8I. Date Others 70,000.00 70000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts NCR-South ,-- 7.3b BLDG. 13 UNIT 42 (Residential) NP-53,9 - Small Value Procurement ~:a- NO IndicateOaie NIA IndicateOele IndiCate Det8 Others 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts NCR-South CALTE X (Compouod) Western 7.30 secte . NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement Road COf'Il8( Easl Service Road, Brgy. Western Bleutan, Tagulg City MTl'MOO NO InclceteOal. NIA IndicaleOel:e Indcate Date Others 70,000.00 70,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts 7.4 MAHARLIKA VILLAGE PROJECT NCR-South 7.40 Cottage 1 Blk 47 Lot 14 (Residential) NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement MS:~or~ NO IndlcMe Dele NIA IrtdlcateDete IndlcateCale Others 40,000.00 40000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts NCR-Soulh 7.4b Cottage 2 Blk 47 Lot 15 (Residential) Sector- NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement NO IndicalIO.te NIA IndicateDete IndlcateD8le Others 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts NCR-Sooth 7.4c Cottage 3 Blk 47 Lot. 17 (Residential) Sector- NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement Mll'MOO NO IrdcaleOate NIA locflC8leDate IndlcaleOete Others 40000.00 40000.00 0.00 Source of FUnd: Corporate Receipts NCR-South 7.4d Cottage 4 Blk 47 L« 18 (Residential) NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement MS;::~ NO IndicateDat. NIA Inclcate Date Inclcal:e Dale Others 40000.00 40000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Co_rpgrate Receipts NCR-Soulh 7.4e Apartment Blk 50 Lot 6 (Residential) NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement u~::~ NO IndicateD •• NIA Indicale Date IndlcateDa:e Others 40000.00 40,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts NCR-SOuth 7.41 MadrasaSchool Sector- NP-53,9 - Small Value Procurement MTPMOO NO IndiC8ltOA NIA Indicate Date '_[)ala Others 70,000.00 70,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Recei ts NCR-Sooth 7.4g Helal (Commercial) - Blk 9 Lot 2 NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement MS::~ NO Incicateoete NIA Indicate Oat. '_[)alaOthe rs 70000.00 70000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Recei ts NCR-SOuth 7.4h Blk 9 Lot 1 (Commercial) NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement ~ NO NlA IncIcaleOele Others 70,000.00 70,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts 7.5 SOUTHVIUE3 ,-- ,-- NCR-South 7,5a Ph1 Blk 16 Lot 2 (RESI-COM) NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement MS:~«~ NO IndlclteOate NIA Indlcale 081. IndlcateOflte Others 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts NCR-South 7,5b Ph1 Blk 16 L« 11 (RESI-COM) NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement MSTe;:,O NO IndlelleOate NIA InclicateDat. Indicate Data Others 50000.00 50,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Recei ts NCR-Sooth 7.Se Ph2 Blk 9 Lot 37 (RESI-COM) secte-- NP-53,9 - Small Value Procurement MTPMOO NO _[)ala NIA Indcate Oete IndieateDtil. Others 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Recel ts NCR-South 7.5d SAM SONG (Commerclal)- Btk 33 Lot 1 Ph2 NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement .!'::."'.,;, NO '_[)ala NlA IndicileDatt Others 70,000.00 70000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts NCR-Soulh 7.Se PEDRO CALUNSOO (Institutional)- Blk 40 Lot 1 ,-- NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement •.~ ~a;,; NO lodIcaOale NIA IndadeOal:. Others 70000.00 70000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Recei ts NCR-South 7.51 JEEPNEV TERMINAL (Institulional}- BIk 55 Lot 1 Ph2 secrce- ,-- NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement Mll'MOO NO Indlcateo.te NIA IndlcalaDBI. 'nd~.OeIe Others 70,000.00 70,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Recei ts B. AMENDMENT Source of Fund: corporate Receipts NCR-SOUTH Marieaban Survey and TIUing Works (3821015 MIAA Slles) Pasay City, 1 SECTOR Competitive Bidding (CHANGE OF ESTIMATED BUDGET Brgy. 161,162 and 164, pasay City OfFICE NO IndicateD •• IndicateDete IndicateOote IndicateOflte Others 3936422.00 3 936,422.00 0.00 FROM 3,936,000.00 TO 3,936,422.00 ~ Total Contract Price for NCR-SOUTH SECTOR 13,306,422.00 5,106,422.00 8,200,000.00 ~ 1st Supplemental and Amendment to the National Housing Authority (NHA) Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2021 - Consulting Services (As of July 12, 2021) Is this an Early I Schedulef or Each Procurement Activity I Sourceof Estimated Budget (PhP) J Remarks Code PMOI Procurement Funds (brief description of Procurement Program/Projeet Mode of Procurement Advertisement! SubmisslonlO Notice of Contract Total MOOE CO (PAP) End-User Activity? Posting of pening of Bids Award Signing Program/Activity/Project) (YeslNo) IBIREI I NCR - EAST SECTOR , 1 External AppraIsal Services.: __ 1.1 Kalayaan Ave., a.c. eeoc NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement N/A IndicateD. Others 60000.00 60,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts 1.2 So. Bago Bantay, o.c. acco NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement ,-- N/A IndicaleDae Others 60000.00 60,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts 1.3 Along Tomas Morato, a.c. eeoc NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement NlA ,-- Others 60,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Recel ts 1.4 Tlmog Ave. cor. Mother Ignacla Ave., Quezon City OCCO NO Np·53.9 - Small Value Procurement -- N/A Indicate Date ,-- Others 60,000.00 60000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts 1.5 Heroes Hills (formerly JUSMAG). a.c. ecce NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement ,-- NlA -- ,-- Others 60000.00 60,000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Receipts 1.6 Na1h TrlMgle - MMOA strip acco NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement ,-- N/A ,-- ,I--ndlceteDate Others 70,000.00 70000.00 0.00 Source of Fund: Corporate Recei ts '.7 North Tnangle - NHA share In NHA-ALI JV in NT ecce NO NP-53.9 - Small Value Procurement ,-- N/A ,--Indicate Date IndicateD.