Department of Veterans Affairs § 4.114
Department of Veterans Affairs § 4.114 DISEASES OF THE HEART—Continued § 4.111 Postgastrectomy syndromes. Rat- There are various postgastrectomy ing symptoms which may occur following anastomotic operations of the stom- With the following in affected parts: Arthralgia or other pain, numbness, ach. When present, those occurring or cold sensitivity plus two or during or immediately after eating and more of the following: tissue loss, known as the ‘‘dumping syndrome’’ are nail abnormalities, color changes, characterized by gastrointestinal com- locally impaired sensation, hyperhidrosis, X-ray abnormali- plaints and generalized symptoms sim- ties (osteoporosis, subarticular ulating hypoglycemia; those occurring punched out lesions, or osteo- from 1 to 3 hours after eating usually arthritis) ....................................... 30 present definite manifestations of Arthralgia or other pain, numbness, or cold sensitivity plus tissue hypoglycemia. loss, nail abnormalities, color changes, locally impaired sensa- § 4.112 Weight loss. tion, hyperhidrosis, or X-ray ab- normalities (osteoporosis, sub- For purposes of evaluating conditions articular punched out lesions, or in § 4.114, the term ‘‘substantial weight osteoarthritis) ............................... 20 loss’’ means a loss of greater than 20 Arthralgia or other pain, numbness, percent of the individual’s baseline or cold sensitivity ......................... 10 weight, sustained for three months or NOTE (1): Separately evaluate amputations of fingers or toes, and complications such as squamous cell longer; and the term ‘‘minor weight carcinoma at the site of a cold injury scar or pe- loss’’ means a weight loss of 10 to 20 ripheral neuropathy, under other diagnostic codes. percent of the individual’s baseline Separately evaluate other disabilities that have been diagnosed as the residual effects of cold in- weight, sustained for three months or jury, such as Raynaud’s phenomenon, muscle at- longer.
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