Asdestos Irritates Staff
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' ii^ '^'^ ^^, Celebramg ^oM Thursday, Nov. 21, 1991 Vol. 20 No. 12 OR REFftr "^'CE Roor^ , ,,,0 BE lAKEN t^K This ASDestos irritates staff Bryan Beatty of the Human Stu- by Carrie Kortis Week dies Division has been teaching in Faculty members are outraged to the asbestos-infected H building discover that they were "lied to" for 16 years. Because he was in 1980 when administration assured that the college had been claimed the asbestos in the college "cleaned up," he is furious and NEWS had been removed or encapsulated extremely concerned that he's been and enclosed. exposed to asbestos for so many Streetsmarts taught Recent investigations have years. to women proven otherwise. "According to the stats I heard ... page 2 During last Thursday's Faculty at the meeting, they have effective- Union meeting Co-Chair of the ly lied to us for 16 years," said Health and Safety Committee Paul Beatty. Support Staff gets Michaud said that administration According to the Ontario Work- new contract claimed they had records proving ers' Health Centre, mesothelioma ... page 3 the college was free of asbestos. and asbestosis are fatal diseases After the committee requested a caused from prolonged exposure to copy of the records, management asbestos fibres. Inhaling asbestos hired Ortech International to do an fibres can also cause a variety of OPINION inventory or a survey of asbestos other diseases such as cancer of the located at Humber. esophagus, stomach, colon and Shakespeare — too "Obviously they had no re- other organs. offensive for high cords," said Michaud. He added "Asbestos dust, like carbon schools? that the survey shows there is monoxide, is an insidious, creepy asbestos throughout the college, in poison, like lead poison and lead ... page 5 places of which even administra- paint, you don't know until you're tion was unaware. already damaged," said Beatty. Ken Cohen, director of Physical He added: "If this is a sick build- Resources, said in a later inter- ing, we have to force administra- LIFESTYLE view, "I take exception to the tion to fix it." accusation that we've done nothing "We've done air testing, and Awareness Week in ' — the laws have simply changed. we've found no asbestos in the review Michaud said that management air," said Cohen. ... pages 6-7 received the initial report at the end Paul Michaud said that the con- PHOTO BY MARK LEVINE of May. The Health and Safety sulting company Pinchin and in September, Ministry of Labour work- Committee was not shown the re- Associates Ltd. has been hired to Tsking Sa/np/6S— port until the end of July. create an asbestos management er Parks Ramparass took samples of insulation from a Humber A&E "Since then the Ministry has program, preparing a complete in- ceiling. said two days is a reasonable time ventory report including all cam- Hypnotist leaves 'em to give us a copy of reports that puses. It should be ready by the end forms a dust or powder. If spray Workers' Compensation claims," dazed come in — not two months," said of the month. fireproofing is disturbed it can said Michaud. Michaud. The Joint Occupational Health crumble and produce dust. ... page 8 According to the Occupational "We didn't want to show the and Safety Committee, which is "This is beyond neglect. Every Health and Safety Act, all workers report until we fully understood the made up half of union members time they take a tile off there's have the right to refuse to work if Anti-drug video implications and got a second opin- and half of management, will then dust," Beatty said. they believe that there is an im- produced by Humber ion," said Cohen. decide how to deal with the situa- Michaud said that people who mediate danger to themselves or music students Buildings E, F, H, and J have tion. have been exposed to asbestos can the people around them. been found to contain the largest Michaud said that asbestos is report to the Workers' Compensa- ... page 9 amounts of asbestos in the college. only dangerous if it's disturbed. tion Board. "If in five or 20 years "Every person has the right to It was found in pipe-wrap material, "The problem with asbestos is you come down with an asbestos- know any reports the college has in and above ceiling tiles, and in when you breathe it." related illness, a record of expo- on health and safety," said SPORTS spray fireproofmg insulation. When asbestos is broken up it sure makes it a lot easier to sort out Michaud. Men's V-ball Hawks even record ... page 11 Men barred from seminar Ex-student sentenced ing on women all our by Renee Shute Quote lives and now it's their No men allowed. turn," Davidson told of the week That's what Metro more than 50 women for death threats Police Constable Ste- who attended the wart Davidson said to seminar. **Parking in an two male students who The male students underground by Keri Welihauser planned to sit in on his who were asked to garage, or walking Streetproofing semi- leave did not agree. A former Theatre Humber student was sentenced to two-and-a- at night, puts nar last week. Jason Jaeger, a half years probation for uttering dealh threats. yourself at risk ... The safety seminar second-year journal- Daniel Stover, 20, of Brockville, was charged in April of this and you're living was held in the Lec- ism student and one of year with uttering death threats against seven classmates and one in Disneyland if ture Theatre at Hum- the students asked to instructor at the Queensway Campus. Richard said in an Etobicoke Provincial you think there is berts North campus leave, .said Davidson's Crown Attorney Gayne Court in October, that Stover approached a friend and asked for her going to be a cop Tuesday, Nov. 12. It request was "discri- initiated Barry mination, pure help to get back at some students. He told the court that Stover available.** was by and Saxton, chairman of simple." asked her to help kill them, but she said no. the Applied and Crea- "No discrimination Stover was later arrested at Humber's residence and held for two Constable Stewart tive Arts Division is fair," Jaeger said. nights before being released on $1,000 bail. Davidson Davidson (ACA), and put on by He added that he la- Michael Lynch, Stover's lawyer, told court that Stover "found the Women's Educational ter understcwd Davidson's posi- (the incident) an educational experience." He also said Stover ... addressing Council. tion but still felt about would like to continue his theatrical education at McGill University women on Davidson explained to the re- what happened. next fall. streetproofing jected male students that the "I felt branded as a rapist, or Stover, his parents and Lynch declined comment on the outcome Streetproofing seminar is not even a potential rapist, just be- of the trial. ordered to continue see page 2 meant for men. cause I am a male," Jaeger In addition to probation. Stover has been "Wc (men) have been dump- said. ^ychiatric counselling, and stay away from the victims. ' Page 2 Thursday, Nov. 21, 1991 Coven BOG seeks rep J Women can lower risks who attended the seminar. by iMra Thais King Women and children are the want to see this changed." Moans of disgust and horror primary targets for assaults and the by J. Brown Dean Loiskandl is also concerned with came from the female audience criminal looks for the easiest prey. An election has been called for a the problem of Pay Equity for in- during the Streetproofing seminar "Make no mistake, he stalks you faculty representative on Humber's structors at the community college /-^hen Constable Stewart Davidson just like an animal and he selects "" Board of Governors, and market- level. ^y—-^ described some of the violent you," warned Da\udson. _^,-^ ing instructor Werner Loiskandl "There have beerrfOrther falls in assaults on women. Davidson sparked many*ques- •has decided he wants that position pay (for community college The seminar, initiated by Ap- tions about specifit-sittrations, and " again. teachers) compared to Ryerson plied and Creative Arts Chair Bar- Would demonstrate if necessary. "it's a question of giving some- Polytechnical or even high school ry Saxton, was held' by the A big problem that exists is the thing back to the faculty and the teachers. There has simply been a Women's Educational Council on myths about who victimizes system in general," said Lois- continual erosion of pay for college November 12. women. Davidson said it could be kandl. teachers," he said. Davidson has been a police anyone — a teacher, lawyer, * Loiskandl originally took the He addressed the problems of officer for 20 years and has watch- police officer, or priest. position two years ago when the faculty renewal at Humber. ed violence in Metro escalate. Another objective for the semi- former representative. Bob Hig- "For each year a faculty mem- He said women aren't taking nar was to suggest a new lifestyle PHOTO BY REN^E SHUTE gins, retired. Loiskandl was asked ber decides to retire earlier than care on the streets. for women. Showing a few moves to replace Higgins until the next what is expected, the college de- "It's no longer 'Toronto the Davidson urges women to listen election was called. ducts five per cent from his or her good', that's strictly P.R. for the to their instincts. If something feels He believes there are three im- pension," said Loiskandl.