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552 LUTTERWORTH, LEICESTERSHIRE. [KELLY'S The Wycliffe Memorial, erected in 1897 to comma- partly applied to the erection of buildings for the ele uwrate the 6oth year of the reign of Her late Majesty mentary schools on a portion of the glebe land adjoining Queen Victoria, at the junction of Coventry and Hinck- the churchyard and given by the Rev. F. C. Alder son, ley roads, is an obelisk of Aberdeen granite, 30 feet in rector 1893-1908; the rest of the funds, with the pro height. The Police Station, for the hundred of Guth- ceeds from the sale of Shawell farm and Elkington's laxton, in Market street, was erected in 1842; a court charity, were employed principally in the foundation of room and residence for the superintendent were added a grammar school for 30 boarders and 30 day scholars, in 1909. The Literary Institute, now used chiefly as Two almsmen are also maintained out of tbe endow a news-room, was erected near the church gates in ment funds in accordance with Sherrier's will and by r876; adjoining is the station and engine house of the further schemes framed in r894 and 18g8. The charities Fire Brigade, which is under the control of the Parish were up to rgog distributed to the poor of this parish Council. on St. Thomas' day. A new scheme was passed by the Parr's Bank Limited and the United Counties Banking Charity Commissioners and Board of Education by which Co. Limited have branches here. it was transferred to the Leicestershire County Council The Wycliffe Foundry Co. Limited have extensive as a public secondary school for boys and girls, the works, on the Gilrnorton road, for the manufacture of governing body comprising 15 representative governors malleable iron castings. There are also hosiery and appointed (of which two shall be women), 6 are ap- tmderwear factories. pointed on the recommendation of the Parish Council, Thursday is the market day, and the principal fair• and one on the Birmingham University. There are also for cattle were formerly held on the first Thursday after the charities of Miss Eliza Ward and Mr. Thomas the rst of April, Holy Thursuay and the first Thursday Brown, the former heing paid in weekly pensions to ths after the 1sth September. The Agricultural Society deserving poor. The Cotes-Deville charity, Miss Emma holds a yearly show of horses, cattle and sheep on Heap's, Mrs. Sarah Iliffe's, Dr. Phillip's, Bishop Rider's, August 7th. The Horticultural Society, established in John and Mart ha Smith's, George Vernham's, Charles r8sg, also has a show annually on a Tuesday in August. Watt's, Henry White's and Mary Wigley's are now merged in a broad-minded scheme, and for this united 'l'he managffillent of the property belonging to the scheme the rector is ex-officio and four representative town estate, which consists of 26 acres of land at Sap- trustees appointed by the Parish Council. 'l'he amal cote, 17 acres at Willey, in Warwickshire, 16 acres and gamation of these charities, which are now called the several tenements &c. at Lutterworth, producing a gross United Charities, was sanctioned by the Charity Corn income of nearly £350, is vested in trustees, of whom missioners on the r7th of November, rgrr, and they the whole are elected by the Parish Council, save produce about £40 per annum. the rector and resident magistrates, who are ex-officios, The principal landowner is the Earl of Denhigh C.V.O. hnt they must possess a rating qualification of £25 a who is lord of the manor. The land around is rich in :year. The town possesses many charitable endowments, pasturage . .chiefly for educational purposes, the largest of which is the Rev. E. Sherrier's bequest, dated I730, consisting of The area is 2,539 acres; rateable value, II,397; the land situated at Shawell, Churchover and Lutterworth. population in rgn was· r,8g6, including 5 officers and 51 These various charities were in r874 amalgamated by a inmates in the workhouse. scheme of the Endowed Schools Commissioners and Parish Clerk and Sexton, J oseph Firbank, Church st. OFFICIAL ESTABLISHMENTS, LOCAL INSTITUTIONS &c. Post, M. 0. & '1'. Office, High street.-George Cbrislie, LUTTERWORTH SUB-CO:\fMITTEE OF LEICESTER- postmaster. Letters delivered at 6.30 a. m.; 2nd post, SHIRE LOCAL PENSION COMMITTEE. rr.r5 a.m.; 3rd post, 2 p.m. (delivered to callers only); 4th post, 6. rs p.m.; dispatched to Rugby, The parishes included in the Sub-Committee's District London & all parts at 9 a.m.; Leicester, 9.30 a. m. & are the Leicestershire parishes in the union given r, 5.30 & 8 p.m.; extra fee, 8.20 p.m. The office is below open for business from 7 a.m. to 8.30 p.m Meetings are held at the Police Court office on thnrsd&y "Wall Letter Box, George street, cleared 8.30 & ro.45 monthly (4 weeks) at r2 noon. a. m. & 12.30, 5 & 7.30 p.m.; sundays, 7.30 p.m Chairman, L. T. Topham J.P. Lutterworth house "Wall Letter Box, Market street, cleared at 8.30 & ro.45 Clerk, Thomas Coaton Bodycote, High st. Lutterworth a.m. & 12.30, 5 & 7.30 p.m.; sundays, 7.30 p.m .Pillar Letter Box, Bitteswell road, cleared 8.30 & 10.45 LUTTERWORTH RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. a.m. & 12.30, 5 & 7·3o p.m.; snndays, 7·30 p.m The parishes in the District are the Leicestershire COUNTY MAGISTRATEIS FOR LUTTERWOR'l'H parishes in the union. The area is 46,7or; the popu• PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION. lation in rgn was 9,932. Chair taken by "rota." Council meets at Board room, Lutterworth workhouse, Barrowcliff Herbert esq. Westbonrne, Blaby, Leicester 1 • on thursday (mo?thly), at ~1.30 a.m .. ·Boughton-Leigh Jn.HughWard esq. Ullesthorpe ho.Rugby Chauman, Robert Wm. Gillespie-St~mton J.P.B1tteswell ·'ilraye Lord D.L. Stanford hall, Market Harborough / Clerk, Thomas Coaton B?dycote, Htgh, street -:Buszard Marston Clarke esq. K.C. Lutterworth 1 Treasurer, Samuel Franms Ston~. Parrs Bank -Cross James Leslie esq. Catthorpe MediCal Officer of Health, J. E. ()Con nor M.B., ~h.R.U.I. Denbigh .Earl of C.V.O. Newnham Paddox, Lutterworth D.P.HcCamb .. Wh1te lodge,. Kirby <Muxloe, LeiCester ·Entwisle Jn. Bertie Norreys esq.D.L.Kilworth ho.Rugby 1 Surveyo~ of Htghway~, Samtary Surveyor & Inspector Fox Bohun Henry Chandler esq. Maplewell, Woodhouse of Nmsances, Archtbald James Ross, Market street, Eaves Louoohborough I Lutterworth Gillespi~-Stai';',ton Rober~ William esq. Bitteswel! : PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Hazlehurst Thos. Francrs esq. D.L. Cold Ashby, Rugby 1 Jary Maj. Rt. Herbt. Heath, Bitte.swell hal!,Lutterworth County Court Office, 13ank street, His Honor William Marriott Charles esq. Cotesbach hall, Lutterworth Wightman Wood, judge; W. G. B. Pulman, registrar Pearson Col. William D.L. 48 Leeds road, Harrogate & high bailiff; John Bishop, clerk to the registrar; Robertson-Aikman Major Hugh Harry, Dun ton Bassett, John George Payne, assistant bailiff; open daily from Lutterworth ro till 4; saturday, ro till r. Sittings held at the Smith Capt. Corbet, Walcote house, Lutterworth Police Court. The district comprises the parishes of Topham Lupton Topham esq. Lutterworth house, Lut- Arnesby, Ashby Magna, Ashby Parva, Bittesby, Bit- terworth teswell, Broughton Astley, Bruntingthorpe, Catthorpe, The chairman, for the time being, of the Lutterwm·th Claybrooke Magna, Claybrooke Parva, Copston Magna Rural District Council, is an ex-officio magistrate (Warw. ), Cotesbach, Dun ton Bassett, Frolesworth, Clerk to the Magistrates, Rd. Arnold Watson, Bank st Gilmorton, Kilworth (North), Kilworth (South), Kim- Petty Sessions are held in the Police Court, generally cote & Walton, Knaptoft, Leire, Lutterworth, Mister- on alternate thursdays, at n a. m ton, Monks Kirby (Warw. ), Pail ton (Warw.), Peatling The places in the Petty Sessional Division are :-Arnes- Magna, Peatling Parva, Shearsby, Shawell, Swinford, by, Ashby Magna, Ashby Parva, Bittesby, Bitteswell, Stretton-under-Fosse (Warw.), Ullesthorpe, Westrill Broughton Astley, Bruntingthorpe, Catthorpe, Clay- & Starmore, Willoughby, Waterless, Wibtoft (Warw.) brooke Magna, Claybrooke Parva, Cotesbach, Dunton & Willey (Warw) Bassett, Frolesworth, Gilmorton, North Kilworth, For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that South Kilworth, Kimcote & Walton, Knaptoft, Leire, of Leicester; Evan Barlow, r Berridge st. Leicester, Lutterworth, Misterton, Peatling Magna, Peatling official receiver Parva, Shawell, Shearsby, Swinford, Ullesthorpe, Certified Bailiffs under the "Law of Distress Amend- Westrill &; Starmore, Wigston Parva, Willoughby ment Act," Percy Toone, High cross, Lutterworth &; Waterless James Leader Harrison, Pailton Fields, Rugby , • .