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190 MONKS KIRBY. WARWICKRHIRE ' • as follows : t' '!'his roof was beat down, and the middle reredos arranged in panel!!, containing beautifully carved roof and -the two side aisles, the :asth December, 1701. groups of angels. The Earl of Denbigh, Count of Hapa Thomas Crooks, J ames Buswell, churchwardens ; Thomas burg, J.Janfenburg and Rheinfelden, in Germany, C.V.O., Bewl&y, plumb,r, 1702:" the church contains several A..D.C., D.L., J.P. is lord of the manor and chief land ancient monuments of the Feilding family, Earls of owner. The soil is various, light and heavy; the sub Denbigh, including one to Sir William Feilding, ob. soil, clay, sand and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, 1539 ; and another to Basil Feilding, his son ; and beans, barley an-i oats. The area of Monks Kirby town Goodeth (Willington), his wife, ob. xsBo; a marble ship is 4,563 acres; rateable value, £5,824; the popu monument has been erected in memory of William lation in 1901 was 589. The ecclesiastical parish of Ba-sil Per<>y, 7th Earl of Denbigh, d. 25 June, 1865; Monks Kirby is partly in the county of Leicester; the Mary Elizabeth Kitty (Moreton), his wife, d. 16 Dec. population of the entire parish in x_goi was 1,793· 1842; and there is another to Lady Augusta Feilding, Post & T. Office, Monk!! Kirby. Mrs. Emily Hall, sub d. 17 Jan. 1848, and in 1905 a memorial tablet was postmistress. Letters through Lutterworth at 7.5o erected by Lady Louisa I. H. Feilding in memory of a.m. & sundays, 8 a.m. ; dispatched at 6 p.m. & on her husband, General the Hon. Sir Percy Robert Basil sundays at 11.20 a.m. Pailton is the nearest money Feilding K.C.B. (d. 1904): here also is an ancient order office stone bust, discovered on pulling down the old wall of the church about a century ago, and supposed to re Stretton-under-Fosse and Newbold Revel, hamlets of present Geoffry de Wirce, the founder of the church, this parish, are described under Stretton-under-Fosse. who came over with William the Norman: the east Pailton, a hamlet of this parish, will be found under a window is stained : there are seven stained windows separate heading. inserted by the Wood family, of Newbold Revel: the Street Aston is a hamlet in the parish of Monks Kirby, church was thoroughly restored in 186g, at a cost of on the road from Coventry to Lutterworth, about I about £8,ooo, £x,8oo of which was subscribed by the mile south. parishioners, and the remainder given by the late Copston Magna (or Great Copston) is a hamlet and Edward Wood esq. of Newbold Revel: the church affords chapelry, about 4 miles north, and will be found under a 403 sittings, 150 of which are free. The register date& separate heading. from the year 1566. The living is a vicarage, con solidated with that of Withybrook, and the chapelry of CLOUDESLEY (or Cloudesley Bush), 4 miles north Copston Magna, joint net yearly value £327, including east from Brinklow station, is in the parish of Monks an augmentation of £146 from the impropriators, and Kirby. On the east side of the Fosse road, and near 88 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Trinity Watling street, another Roman road, l!tands a heap of College, Camhridge, and held since 1893 by the Rev. earth on which a bush formerly grew, and supposed by William Edward Jackson M.A. of that college, who some to mark the burial place of the Roman military resides at Pailton; there is an allowance of £I 5o per commander Claudius, commemorated on the pillar at annum, with residence, for assistant clergy, given by High Cross, in the parish of Great Copston. Trinity College, Cambridge. At Newnham Paddox is a EASENHALL is a township and hamlet in the parish Catholic church dedicated to the Sacred Heart and a con of Monks Kirby, in Rugby union, about 2! miles south, vent, with a boardi:lg school for girls attached, con and about 2 east-by-south from Brinklow station. ducted hy the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy. Town Thorns, the seat of Gibbon Bayley-Worthington Monks Kirby was bestowed by William the Norman esq. stands on an eminence, commanding an extensive upon Geoffry de Wirce, who had a strong attachment and varied prospect. Here is a Congregational chapel, to the monastery of St. Nicholas, founded at Angers erected in 1873 with 6o sittings. The acreage is 1,135; in the year xo2o, and by deed, bearing date at Kirby, rateable value, £6,oo3; the population in 1901 was 162. the twelfth year of King William (xo77-8), he gave to that house both land and tithes out of divers lord Letters through Rugby arrive at 8 a.m. Wall Letter ships in England, and in particular the church of Box cleared at 12.15 & 7 p.m.; sundays, 11.15 a.m. Kirby. which he rebuilt and dedicated to the Blessed Pailton is the nearest money order office & Brinklow Virgin and St. Edith: attracted by his munificence the the neares-t telegraph office monks of St. Nicholas were induced to send part of their Carrier. Charles Oakes, to Rugby, sat.; Coventry, convent to Kirby, and to found a cell of their order, tues. & fri from which the place was called Monks Kirby. The MONKS KIRBY RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. great tithes and rents of certain lands in the adjacent villages formerly belonging to the Carthusians were The district comprises the following places, being the included in the endowment of Trinity College, Cam Warwickshire parishes in Lutterworth union :-Copston bridge, by Henry VIII. to which they still belong, and Magna, Monks Kirby, Pailton, Stretton-under-Fosse, are now worth £2,535. Near to, and in the parish of Wibtoft & Willey. The area. is 10,365 acres; rateable Monks Kirby, is Newnham Paddox, the beautiful and value at Lady Day, 1.911, £16,276; the population in secluded seat of the Earl of Denbigh C.V.O., A.D.C. I9II was 1,559 which became the property of the Feilding family in the Meetings held at Guardians' board room, Lutterworth time of Henry VI. by the marriage of William Filding, union, monthly, thursday, at 10 a.m. or Feildying, with Johanna de Prudhome, granddaughter Chairman, Joseph Parker Toone, High Cross, Gt. Copston, and heiress of Robert de Newnham, from whom it has Hinkley descended to the present Earl : the mansion is a hand Officials .. some residence with two wing!!, and stands in an ex Clerk, Thomas Coaton Bodycote, High st. Lutterworth tensive and well-wooded park; the house has of late Treasurer, S. F. Stone (Parr's Bank), Lutterworth years undergone several important alterations and im Mt>dical Officer of Health, John Edward O'Connor M.B., provements, at a considerable cost, from the designs B.Oh.Irel., D.P.H.Camb. White lodge, Kirby Muxloe, of Mr. T. H. Wyatt, of London, and now presents a Leicester good example of the Franco-Italian school of archi Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, .A.. J. Ross, Lutterworth tecture of the period of Louis XIII. : among the large collection of fine paintings may be specially mentioned Schools. the original picture, by Gerbier, of the Infanta. Maria Monk's Kirby Church School (mixed), rebuilt Ign, for of Spain, besides many ancestral portraits of the 150 children, endowed with £3o yearly, by one Thomas Feildings, by Vandyck, Gainsborough, Sir Joshua Rey- Wale in the early part of the 17th century; the en- nolds, and other distinguished masters; the ornamental dowment has since increased in value to £150; aver- grounds surrounding the mansion are diversified with an age attendance, 79; , master; Miss Italian garden and two lakes, and are laid out with much Kate Smith, mistress taste : a Catholic chapel in the Gothic 11tyle was added Public Elementary Schools. to the house in 188o, by Rudolph, eighth Earl of Den- high, and is dedicated to the Sacred Heart: the altar Copston (mixed), for 40 children; average attendance, and the sanctuary windows were presented by the Earl, 30 ; Mrs. Eleanor Powell, mistress and Mary his wife: over the entrance porch is a finely Catholic (girls), erected in x87o, for Bo mixed children; carved representation of "Christ the Consoler of average attendance, 65 ; taught by the Sisters of the Afflicted:" the altar in this chapel is a work of Charity high merit, composed of variously coloured marbles, Carriers.-Oharles Oakes, to Coventry, tues. & fri. ; green Mexican onyx, and Caen stone, and has a fine Rugby, sat MONKS KIRBY. Heath Arthur Howard M.A., J.P. Van Dillen Rev. Henry (Catholic), Denbigh Earl of C.V.O., A.D.C., Street Aston lodge Presbytery, Newnham Paddox • D.L., J.P. Newn.ham Paddox; & Henderson Albert. Norman J.P. Street COMMERCIAL. Carlton club S W & Naval & Mili- Aston house Adams Edward, gamekeeper to the tary club W, London ~!organ T. Vaughan, The Vicarage Earl of Denbigh .