1,701 pt

A44 Lippstadt Haarweg










a Lise-M Walter-Rath en

Visitor Reception Visitor Reception 55 Industriepark A44 Visitor information Infineon -Beleck Technologiese Bipolar

Dear Visitors,

Contact visitors’ address/navigation adress Mühlheimer Str. Infineon Technologies Bipolar GmbH & Co. KG T Welcome to Infineon Technologies Bipolar at site Warstein. e A44 55 A44 Max-Planck-Straße 5 | D-59581 Warstein D i a g With this leaflet we would like to give you an overview of your im el Soest 516 Lippstadt w l er travel options. e Külbe we g Visitor g Visitor g e eselw parking Reception

A44 Di ›› Please register at the Visitor Reception.

Soest g E Haarwe Max-Planck-Str. ››The receptionist will inform your contact person about your 516 Möhne m P il arrival. You will then be greeted by your contact person. A44 -S ie You are not allowed to bring photo, video or audio devices p ›› Lippstadt m 65c-35m: A utobahn g Z with you to site Warstein. e a u n W m r. n t Please be aware that entry into our premises is at your own risk. H - s ›› S s f g o t 10c-100m-100y-10k: Hauptstraßen gser e W r n er r o We ask for your understanding in the event of inspections by k . ›› li op r a

r ht h c m e E n our security employees.

B p h K a alkofen B weiß: Nebenstraßen Warstein- 65c-35m: Seen/Meer/Flüsse 55 Warstein rstraße eufe Belecke A46 Se 35k: Bebauung Möhnesee 20c-20y: F ond www.ifbip.com

Max-Planck-Str. © DECK 8 DesignHotel.Soest © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Visitor information – how to find us Rail Hotels Excursions ›› Lippstadt/Soest: approx. 25 km ›› Romantik Hotel Knippschild ›› Lake Möhnesee and dam wall ›› : approx. 60 km Theodor-Ernst-Str. 1 , 59602 Kallenhardt ›› Warsteiner Brewery Tour ›› : approx. 75 km Tel. +49 (0) 2902 8033-0, ca. 11 km (daily, please book in advance) www.hotel-knippschild.de ›› Warsteiner Bilstein Cave ›› Hotel-Restaurant Pilgrimhaus ››Soest – the old Hansa city with historic centre Air Jakobistr. 75, 59494 Soest ›› Lippstadt – Peters ChoclateWorld ›› Paderborn-Lippstadt (PAD): approx. 30 km Tel. +49 (0) 2921 1828, ca. 22 km ›› Dortmund (DTM): approx. 70 km www.pilgrimhaus.de ›› Düsseldorf (DUS): approx. 130 km ›› DECK 8 DesignHotel.Soest Werkstraße 8, 59494 Soest Do you need a taxi to get to the airport or city center? Tel. +49 (0) 2921 3394040, ca. 23 km Reception will be glad to help: www.deck8-hotel.de +49 (2902) 9899-0 ››Quality Hotel Lippstadt Lippertor 1, 59555 Lippstadt Tel. +49 (0)2941 9890, ca. 25 km www.choicehotels.de/de/quality-hotel-lippstadt-lipp- stadt-hotel-ge231

Published by Infineon Technologies Bipolar GmbH & Co. KG Date: 05/2019