rs-' * Aas home Sunday Mr and Mr-,, j Rev and Mrs. W alter Lobb anil Chester Aas and Son Dennle a~ family were supper guests at the- Christmas In Other Lands • ompanied them home for a visit Claud Baker home Friday night A t She- Barracks- h.i and Mrs. Fov Shepherd nml , ßij Heien. Gai sforò M lamily, Mrs Firslow and Mur/. Juel Lutts visited a couple days Mrs. Cris.vell «net daughters Inl­ with her grandmother» Mrs. Grs and Mis. Carl Itost, Florence nml Stark. Described By Pupils of Adeie were suppei guests at •he Christ Sherva home Saturnnv Miss Inja Rose and Dulane Ful­ night. ton visited at the Pat F hump or home one day this week. Mr and Mrs A F. Slater ai <1 daughters Misses Ele.inore and Miss Julia Benson of Beach spent Little Beaver School Jewell wero dinner guests at th* Friday morning with Miss Ethel K M. Hoppei home Christmas day. Bryson. PALESTINE Mr. and Mrs. Callie Orton and 67 A D. Aksum was recorded as family spent Sunday at the Wm. 6 ( T HATE Christmas!” Marcia Monte Wclenetz, Age 11 flowers aud V o have the most Mr and Mrs Alvin Iltr erson and a very famous rich city to which daughters of Baker were Christmas iVuruin home. thought passionately. She BED wore a striped tunic of ” ’Tv\as the night before t!. beautiful decorations of any conn- first Christmas that ever was. It traders came to get gold. Ivory •vy hi the \Vorld. Just think a pic­ dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I pressed her face close to the orange and white somewhat Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and was not a very cold night, though and ostrich plumes. Many walls nic at Christmas. Wouldn’t that Johnson. toy window, so passersby would not O ragged and dirty, though his •uid monuments have been uncover­ Mrs. Carl Rost were: Mr. and it was in December, for winter doe he funny? mother, Lara, washed clothes for Mrs. Christ RosL Mr. and Mrs. notice her burning cheeks nor tear- not cone very early In Palestine oi ed. which shows that at one time And now I’ll tell you how the Mr. and Mrs. Claud Baker entor- other families In order to keep her­ Christ Sherva and daughters, Mr. fllled eyes. slay as long as it does In Montana it was a great city. Some of those mother county. England celebrated itained at , Mi self and ten-year-old son from and Mrs. J. K. Tutley and Helena. Suddenly she was face to face It was just cold enough to mak«« walls are 60 feet high and 9 feel her Christmas. They celebrate und Mrs. S. B. Zollinger, Mr. ami starving. Yet yon seldom noticed i\frs. Geo. Cox and sons, Mrs Mary Mr. and Mrs. p. O. Esmay and with it—that overwhelming longing the Shepherds draw their coats wide. Lilabela is the Jnu.-alem of their Christmas by patting a big Obed’s ragged tunic because of his Paralow and Mary, Mrs. Criswell Genevieve spent Sunday at the L. for some one to make Christmas about them as they lay upon th our country. People by the thous­ log Into the fireplace. The others vivid face. His skin was smooth ands go there to keep Christmas und daughters. • i. W est home. Mr. and Mrs. O. worthwhile. “ Why am I such a ground under the bright stars cheer as the men carry the log olive, his Ups were red, and his watching their sheep. It was ( ilabela was named in honor of C. Tabor spent Friday at the West fool?” she asked herself miserably. into the house. It is an honor to home. dark eyes were the color of pools beautiful night because it wns Lilabela who ruled In the twelfth be chosen to light the log Lavern and Doris Shepherd spent “A grown woman weeping at a at midnight. Obed sang a great starlight and stilL It was a wond­ emtury, and built tin churches, from n piece carefully saved from several days visiting at the Flojd store window display!” Mr. and Mrs. L. H. W est andT deal. I f he heard a tune whistled erful night because a most wonder which were hewn out of solid voi- iast year. Then everyone sits aud Shephord home. sons, Mr. J. F. Hayes and son* Well, why not And some one? on the street be ran home singing ful thing took place. The most t anlc rock. Many of these churches tells stories and eats goodies u.:d Mr. and Mrs Cnas. Nelson nml were Christmas dinner guests at And then, as though in answer, she wonderful thine «hat had ever were round, but one Is shaped like play games while the log burns. it all the way. If be heard music family and June Billlngton were the P. O. Esmay home. saw the Item In the paper. been in all the whole world. A a cross. The churches were built The room is decorated with holly strummed in the bazaars, he’d lin­ In rock often lower than the earth's dinner guests at (he Tom Conner ger near until he remembered great light shone in the sky. It and . The children sing “ Poor children of this and was a beautiful bright slar and the surface. They have an outer wall Christmas carols under die window. home Christmas day. Mr. Billtng- Mi aud Mrs. George Brenzel sent every note of it ton reports that Mrs. Bniington'B neighboring communities will sweet voice of an angel broke the or courtyard, where sacred pools Christmas is the jolliest day of some dressed turkeys to the state are sometimes found, and a cent­ mother is much better. turkey show' at Minot, N. D., and be treated to a real old-fash­ But the whole world was a song stillness of the night. The shop the year In the moth country jnst for Obed. The sweet twitter of er room where the priests hold received five prizes on their birds, ioned Christmas dinner and herds were afraid but the angel as It Is here. W e help her ceh>- Several of the Odd Fellows have birds on dewy mornings. The sound said, "fear not, for behold I bring their ceremonies. This room is brate by sending many things from one which was grand champion of tree at the McKinley barracks. large and aliom as tall as a throe been busy this week la} lug the tfte show. A fter the show the you good tidings of great jov. our country to hei. now' floor at the hall. Officers and men are providing For unto you Is born this day a story bafldiug. It is rich in pillars turkeys were sold und the champion turkey and all the trimmings, Savior which is Christ.” Then und arches which are as perfectly Mies Charlotte Conner and Mel- brought |1.25 a pound und was and several hundred children stiains of beautiful music floated built as If they were constructed* CHRISTMAS IN MEXICO va Cnuningham returned to their sent to San Diego, Calif., to adorn are expected. Churches and so­ on the air from Heaven. Tho Shop- of stone or brick. Our celebration by Roger Buell work at Baker thin Monday. a lady’s ChrlBtmaa table. cial agencies are being asked herds left their flocks and throe starts with a festival, and w>* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowe and to furnish women to act as wise men from far awuy follow ml star«, with cur sweets and a tin> ! am a Mi tie Mexican boy and Lester Cunningham arrived Mon I live In the first countty south daughters Brent Christmas day at chaperones aDd also cars to ihe light of (he beautiful scar until glass of wine and flnibl. our meal day from the CCO camp to spend i,> eating warm, freshly killed, of tne United (bales It is guile the B. M Fowler home. transport the children to the it stood stib over a stable in tho Christinasw. with his mother. riw m eat vurni in mv country. We pick little town of . There Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Lutts were barracks.” Then we go early to the Moscali roses and pretty poinsettins at this Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hopper and ’.liey found a little babe lying in a Sunduy dinner guests at the of water lapping over sand, the church, where tire celebra­ ihno of the year The pretty red Otto wero Sunday dinner guests at Marcia stepped timidly Into the mat ger. This was tne Jiabe Jesu.- Stark hohie. very rumble of cart wheels over the tion takes place. Ther • are abum pofnsettias which bloom at Christ­ the A. F. Sinter home. social welfare bureau. “ I wonder cobble-stones thundered out its own and this is why we have Christ­ mas. :<(•1 <‘0 pilgrim s’ whr la ve come mas time In Mexico has become RoliMd Buckley arrived horn* if you could use me to help take rough music for the pleasure of from fur and near to Lilabela to the official Christmas flower of Dinner guests at the Fay Shop- herd home Christinas day woro from Spokane, W usLl, for a visit the children out to the barracks on his ears. at end me ceremonies. There aro the United States too. There are with his parents, Mr..and Mrs. JV f ’Christmas," she asked. “It would be nnnv gorgiously dressed priests pJnk, white and red polnsottias Mr, and Mrs. LhrtBt Rost and El­ “What help are yon to a poor A PURITAN CHRISTMAS mer, J. B. Carter, Mr. and Mrs M. Buckley. On Christmas day’ Mr. so much nicer than— than anything mother . . . be gone with you I” carrying ihelr n.ost sacred possess­ which vary In size from two Inches and Mrs. Buckley and Roland'Rera •else,” she finished lamely. She had Janet Clocksene Seventh Grade ion. They form a procession and to eighteen Inches In diameter Norman Rout and family, Mr. anil scolded Lara day after day. Obed In our early hiptory of Puritan Mrs. Albert Sherva and family, Mr. dinner guests of Mr. and 'Mr** really meant that it would be nicer march through the tighty packed and *he plants grow from a few Harold Leary in Marmarth. laughed, never meaning to be days, beginning 1630, it was unlaw­ and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd and than a sympathy dinner invitation chun h yard. Three young men inches to over six- feet In height thoughtless or disobedient, having ful to celebrate Christmas. In California It is grown as a lnmily, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Berry. from one of her friends. “ I even with whips go ahead of the pro­ ears only for the music about him. It was forbidden by the gover­ cession to ciear the way. it takes hedge and even may become a Mr. aud Mrs. Tom Couuer and FALLON COUNTY thought maybe, if I happened to One evening late In December the nors because the Puritans of New fully two hourB for the procession small tree. find the right youngster—I might Mrs. Carl Rost, Mr. and Mrs. Bart TERMS OF COURT longing for the shepherd's songs England were ro nnxlous to avoid tc encircle the church and only We keep Christmas somewhat as 1936 following the teachings of th*» Hudson, Ernie Stark and Bud Bow­ adopt one.” overcame hjm, and he slipped away few people are able to see the our Spanish forefathers did. Wo church of England, that they placed en were Balter callers Friday. She bad never been to the bar­ at dusk. He was gone all night sacred objects but all are able to play games called pinato, In whl--h Monday, February 3 n fine of 12 shillings upon any on«- we have a large Jnr shaped like u Tuesday, May 12 racks before, and she thrilled to the and in the morning be looked a see Die richly dressed priests In Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lutts on who wss fotlnd guilty of any obser­ big doll or a bird and tt is tilled Monday, September 21. different boy. His cheeks were costumes of red, bine, purple, and tortalned at Christmas dinner, Mr. vance of Christmas. Besides th** old embroidered cloth and their with good thtngs to '-at. Every Thursday, November 12. pale His lips did not smile, but fine they could be put out of tho and Mrs. Grove. Lutts and lau rc. large gold and silver crosses aud one tries to break tt.n jnr by throw­ Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Lutts aud there was a new and somber light rnntai* church. Naturalization- Days brilliant parasols with gold fringe. ing stones at H Baby tries first family, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Lulls and shining In his dark eyes. This time Massachusetts was one of tho Ethiopia will1 not be able to cele­ to break the jar and then the Tuesday, April 14. his mother gazed at him In sorrow. last of the colonies to observe family, Mr and Mrs. Bert Hudson Monday, September 21. brate Christmas lu Its usual way bigger brothers and sisters try but und family. Mrs. Ora Stark, How. Christinas Day, hut by l ’«22 the JUDGES: Stanley E. Folt, Baker, He saw how worn she was, and he tills year because of the terrible they ere blindfolded so they caunot ard and Ernie Stark, Mr. aud Mrs. kissed her. “ I cannot say I’m sor­ colonies were all observing Christ­ war with Italy. throw straight. A t last tho Jar 1« Montana, S. E. McKinnon, Mile« mas. This was almost 100 yeais Cart Ro6e and family. Fern and City, Montana. ry," he hesitated, “ Not even now broken aud how we al. scramble Wilma Rose remained over for a can l tell you.” His tunic was after the arrival of the Puritans for the goodies. We hmc lots of in America. lew days viBit with their grand­ Court Reporters: Geo. N. Vlntoa* worn and stained. He wore a CHRISTMAS fN ALASKA AND tun In Mexico at Christmas time. parents. Baker. Montana, Fred M. GrHMth,, ragged sheep skin about hid shoul­ RUSSIA ------£-• ’ Miles City, Montana. CANADA AND FRANCE Clydo Williams, Age 11 ders. On thts be sank down In his Guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ed Sch- I am a little Indian girl whose Whites. Itiieplans and Indiana O urjówn hope for 1936 Is that own corner and went to sleep. When roeder on Christmas day were: Clerlc-^Ceoll M. Carey home Is In Canada. You know unite In the Christinas celebra­ the Fallon County Times will be County Attorney—A I I-Ia n tea . he woke his face was (lushed and Mr. and MraT Harold AldiB and Canada is the country that Join»' tion lu Alaska the great northern better than ever and win new daughtersJMr. und Mrs. Bill Naruin Sheriff—Jamss Kockol rosy. He knelt on the floor and Montana on the north I will tt li territory of the United States. Irleuds and sony Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Deo. 12-19-26 looked at the busy street below. yon how we celebrbate onr Christ­ Alaska was purchased from Rus- Oharmichol. Mrs. Schrooder ac­ Then he opened his lips and a song mas We do It different from any s-f.i In JS'f. for 3G.2(K>.e00. It is ri< h companied Mrs. N’arum home for Ha Was Taking the Coat Off a of such Joy and purity flowed out other children. On In furs, fish and forests £fs well or u few da>s visit Tousle-Headed Boy. on the air as to make everyone stop w e go out into the snow covered coal and gold At Christmas w-« OLLIE NEWS Dr. E. J. Potterton forest to see the wild deer kneel have n procession called ’ going Mr. and Mrs. Claud Baker aud ride over the snowy road, but she and listen. Up and up soared the RESIDENT DENTIST rapturous notes, seeming to pos­ We say they kneel to worship Joans around the star.” Wo liave a largo family wore Sunduy dinner guests Offloe In Baker National Bank B l* was more fascinated by the children as the animals did In the stable of i tar on n wooden frame and cover- Christmas program was sess a visible radiance of their own. at the Geo. Cox home. BAKER. MONTANA under her care. Bethlehem. But there are lots of ed willi bright colored paper. It Is Riven Sunday night at the U. B. Obed sang no words, but the music Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cot nor ami And then they were there, piling white children In Canada too. The carried fiotr house to house by a church having been postponed charmed every ear that heard It English children celebrate Christ­ mrty of hoys and girls. Wherever I since Tuesday night because of the* daughter* and Miss Ethel Bryson children Into the great building, His mother stood behind him. her mas just like England because you we stop we nrtwtn T ile d la fori bad weather, were Beach callers Saturday. finding their places, taking care of hands for once Idle at their task. know their forefathers were the «1 visli E* cryorP' keeps open' wraps, warming cold little fingers, loyalists that lived In the colonies The following program was pro- Dr.B. R. Tarbox, The tired lines on her face melted li-«u<-o on i hrihtn-as. Fbr three seated: .and through It all a glow. Christ­ of the United States. There mo *n\“ and r.'ih«*' « r enjoy ibe pn- SUMMON8 FOR PUBLICATION MODERN: MEDICAL, SURGICAL. Into peace. Her eyes looked far Solo— Mrs. Fay Shepherd mas cheer 1 That was It I For the also somo French chfldren Hrinr i « bsImii. but on the third night we OBSTETRICAL and“ PEDIATRA away. Clearer and clearer the ex­ Primary Recitations— Patty Cris­IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF first time In years, Marcia was hav­ quisite melody continued, and died in Canada You know the famous are nt tacked nv n masktu band THE SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CAL DIAGNOSIS and TREAT­ Dionne quintuplets are French of hoys and girls dressed like well. Delbert Hudson, Verl Lofi ing a really, truly Merry Christmas. on a faint sweet note of ecstasy. Recti ation— Laverne Shepherd. DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MENT. Canadians Dr. Dafoe will play Herod ? until ters, who try tu cap­ MONTANA, IN AND FOR THE She straightened up for a moment Christmas Bells— Clinton Rost, People listening below shook their for them and they ture aud destroy the star, just oj COUNTY OF FALLON. Offloe over The BANK OF BAKER with the realization, and found the Dale and Lavern Shepherd, Cecil heads and moved on as if awak­ will hsve llioir and Herod tried to rler.troy the baby MARY ANN FULTON, Plaintiff, OFFICE HOURS« t-12 andZ-S Plummer. man looking at her. He was taking ened from a dream. stocking just like we do. But I'll Jesus. However, we ot>cape and VB. Other houre by appointment Recitations— Wilma Rose. Donald the coat off a tousle-headed boy, "Where, my son, did yon hear tell you how the French ancestois nrry the star lo safety, HEIRS AT LAW, DEVISEES Phone 22 Res. Phone Rf and Charlotte Steen, Buddy MndR-r and across the lad’s head he smiled that song?” Lara spoke In a whis­ celebrate Christmas. Christmas Is this is oDe wa> our Russian for<*- AND LEGATEES under «he Lust Solo— Joyce Bryson. at her. Marcia smiled, too, but her per. i ailed Noel In France and Good­ fathers «-eh-hrated their Christ­ Will and Testament of William man Noel brings gifts to good mas and we still keep It up In Christmas Dollies— Adeline ami Suetrii. dec« a-od whose furtlmr heart seemed to stop beating. “In the skies, my mother. It Shit ley Sherva, Joyce Berry, Alice R. T. JOYCE, D. D. a He stood tall and straight In his came with wings and trumpets.” boys and girls Instead of hauging Alaska names aro unknown; FAN N IE up their stocking!, on Christmas Rost,, Wilma Rose and Dolores Phone 41 officers’ uniform, a handsome man, “Do not tell falsehoods about such Russia had a r* volmlonary wur Hudson. CAMELON; HEIRS AT LAW, of eve they put their shoes on tl-.e. Francis Napier, deceased; and B. Office Over Baker National Banit not many years her senior. As soon divine melody.” und -har.geil her name and her Dialogue — Happiness, Charles I earth for Goodman Noel to fill. form of go ernm-nt following the J. Kahl, as County Treasurer of as the children began eating, he Obed’s eyes shone, bnt be would Sherva, Delane and Allen Wang BAKER, MONTANA And they put a candle In the window WorU W-»r In »•»’8. Her name 1» Fallon County, Montana, Defend­ came over and Introduced himself. say no more. He hoarded the song to light the wav. Three Recitations—Fern and now the Union of Socialist Soviet Ronald Shepherd, Mary Ann Sherv.i ants “Having a good time?” be asked. In his heart One evening, how­ France is still suffering from Itepublkit a*id under the present THE STATE OF MONTANA TO ever, when the sky was clear and the Great. World War which took form of government believers in Christmas Cupboard— Luzena Loff, “Glorious!" Dorothy Shepherd, Viola and Leon­ THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEND­ DENZEL R. YOUNG« the stars shone like jewels, the boy place in 1914-1918. Many of tho ANTS, GREETINGS: ' “ So are you.” Christ and the Bible ere being ard Rost, Glenn Lobb. was moved to sing again the beau­ soldiers of the United States lost persecuted. We wonder vhnt kind You are hereby summoned io ATTORNEY-AT-LAW “ What?” their lives In this war and now lie ChriBtmas Dreams— Mori in and In Bank of Baker Building tiful, nameless music. When It ef Christmas th«* toys and. glils rilnton Rost LeRoy Wong. answer the complaint In this action “Glorious, of course. Don’t mind hurled In France. which is filed In the office of th>« BAKER, MONTANA was finished a knock came at the «.f Russia h.*ve no./ Silver Bells—Betty Criswell. my bothering, do you? I ’thought door. I>ara opened it to a black We are hoping for tho day wlum Clerk of this Court, and lo file your you seemed, well—understanding. the spirit of Christmas will last The Broken Picture— Dialogue onswer and serve copy thereof up servant who bowed low. “My mas­ AUSTRALIA Rt< rations— Dale Shepherd and When I was looking at you—remem­ ter, the Prince, desires to know through the whole year. Then Monte Wolenetz, Age 11 on the plaintiff’s attorney within W ARD GOBLE there ull! be no wars ‘Peace on Ira Smeltzer. twenty days alter the service of ber?” Marcia nodded. “ Somebody who sang that song.” I am from Austi alia, the land of mirth good will toward men” al­ Offeratory this summons, exclusive of Lha ATTORNEY AT LAW once said that If you look Into a strange plants and anlmais. Aus­ Christmas Ship--Marguerite Hud­ Lara, trembling with fear, pointed ways. doy of f.etvice, and In esse of your Bank of Baker« Building person’s eyes, you create a bond tralia lies between the Indian son FVrn Shepherd, Betty Criswell, to Obed who stood near an open failure tc appear or answer, Judg­ Baker, Montana that can never he broken. .1 know Ocean on the west and the Pacific Joyce Bry&on. window. ETHIOPIA (ABYSSINIA) on the easL 2,000 miles from Asia ment will be taken against yon wbat he meant, now.” A tall figure dressed In rich furs By Janet Clocksene Light of the Christmas Caudles -- I bv default, for the relief de:nand« u which Is the nearest colntinetu Helen« Tatley, Betty Perry, Betty “I felt it, too,” Marcia murmured. and embroidered tunic poshed bis I am from Ethiopia or Abyssini.i. It requires about LI days to make ¡in the conplaint. He looked about “ I say, shall we servant aside. My home is In eastern Africa an«l Hbeph< rd , The said action Is brought for Dr. W . H. Blakemori the trip of nea 1> 8,000 miles from Christ lias Come— Leona luyaon ditch the program? Tdilke to show “I f the singer and bis mother will | ip called the roof of Africa. Ethi­ the ptirposo of procuring a tax Physician and Surgeon San Francisco to Sydney whUh Angel Lullany you around the barracks.” honor my court with a visit, they opia means sunburned faces, while the Australian p< « pie claim H 'In­ deed from tho County Tieasumr X-Ray and Electrical Treatment Abyssinia means mlstuie of many Closing Wish -Roue Mane Ro> I of Fallon Coni iy, M« niann lor t’"' They didn’t notice the cold, the most beautiful p< i in the world Phone 141 different kinds of people Ethlopi-i The mother . «>-ntry lu England Christmas dinner guests at tie lands and premises described ab falling snow, nor, later, the chil­ is the home of about. 8,000,000 BAKER, MONTANA because the P r’ ugese. Spanish Fliner Wang home w pk Mr and follows, to-wit dren’s carols. people. It is about twice the sir..* Dutch navlga’ t «* all thought Mrs Fred Steen and family. Mi i Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, and the S 1»- “Goodness I” Marcia exclaimed at of California or 350,000 square Australia wcrtl.’«- • until Captain and Mrs Adoph Steen and Russell ! N «, of S f, 2 In T 5N K 56 N . miles It is the oldes- Christ!? n last “ They’re leaving. I must look Cook an EnglM r in made a tour Mr and Mrs Henning St» en and MPM.. DH. H. DENMAN after my carload of youngsters.” nation in the world although It waa along the eastern roast and claim- ¡',V,IiaTrl Mr and Mrs A J J by reasor of tho lax lale of sail PHYSICIAN and SURGEON among the last to accept civiliza­ premises made by the Ooumy “ W alt!” He caught her hand, ed It for England in InO It was f ](j a) r] r,PI nI, A|[„rt st« en, C X-RAY & ELECTRO THERAPY tion. used as a sort r.f prison camp U r MfK.n Mr and M,p Pal j lurnm, , Treasurer of Fallen County, Mon- held It fast “I’ ll want to see you The products of Ethiopia ato GLASSES FITTED again, sooa We have so much In English convicts a' f i r s t ...... Misses Eriiel Bryson and Aln a «ana In which salt’ land was sold coffee, cotton, sugar, wheat, bar­ Australia Is 'm latgest island In .on January 19, 1931, for the I P -0 BAKER NATIONAL BANK BLDG. common, you know—we’re both shall be conducted hither with safe­ . Berg and Mr I aul Thoeinhe ley, and tobacco. There are many the world or In« smallest contm paxes upon said land, the total Phone 148 lonely, we like children, we enjoy ty.” The voice was deep. “ I am a different win) animals in my coun- prince from a distant country, who ent. It was th< 'ast continent to j Dinner guest«« at th« home of I amount necessary to be paid In BAKER______MONTANA Christmas parties—and I want to tiy. There are elephants, lion.*, he settled and civilized by white ;,|rs Maud Bo>sen werr Mr am llrrder to redeem said land front came to pay homage to the new know If you like hiking and tobog­ hippopotamuses, rhinoceroses, croc­ people altho it1« history show It Mrs Geo Waterlnnd and fam ily,1 said sale and from tho subsequent King born in a stable. On my way ganing, movies, operas, lots of odiles, leopards, hyenas, giraffe.-, to be much older than either Eur­ Mr and Mis Arnold .{< >ch and ; taxes thereon, which have bee.n MONTANA CAFE things. Me, for instance.” to that stable,” his piercing eyes and buffaloes. ope or North A-i • ’ lea. family. Mr and Mrs C >roon R u«i paid by plaintiff. Is $302.«17 plus BEST MEAL8 IN BAKER looked at Obed, “and from afar off, Onr en peror Is Haile Sellasle. “Of course,” answered Marcia. Its population i- 6,31)0,000. con tad. Interest at the rate of 8 perciiut Genuine CHINA TEA for sale her« I heard the song yonr son has jnst He claims to be a direct descend ■* “But let me go now. Here copies sistlng of native bushmen or black- per annum from the 3rd day of snug. It came dropping from the ant of King Solomon. Our capital Mr. and Mrs P K Bryson ware Dit vmbtr, r- i. to the date of said LEW JIM, Proprietor that welfare lady.” She pulled fellows who are «.t medium heigh' skies . . . angels’ heavenly voices is Addis Ababa, and tho oldest color. They re« mble the Am« ri tupper guests at tnr i-«plau borne red« mptton, on the sum of $235.21, BAKER, MONTANA away. “ We were just coming,” she and trumpets. If my people could Christian city in our country, and can negro som« what lu features Sunday evening 'ogpther with the costs of thts apologized. is Aksnm where the sacred Hebrew. 1'i tion. Further details as to said hear that music,” his voice softened, imt do not have U • v/ooly hair anil tin«: and Eth< l The lady smiled. “No hurry. But .Vrk of the Covenant with Its gold they occupy ab«>n' the same plae«*I Mli,H Cnarlotie C action and the relief sought there­ “ I'm sure they would all become a p.uasmt day with I wonder—you said something, you theribems has been kept (Ex. 37- in Australia, as does the Amerl« an iiry!‘on sheiH in rre given In the complaint In faithful followers of the Babe Je­ Miss Reva Rakes Friday WM. HARRIS I know—have you dedded what child I). It was brought there by Meu- Indian In the Ur itfd States. There r ild action on file In tho above sus. I promise you comfort, “both elik. son of Queen of Sheba and you want to adopt?” are about 60 00< of them. They Mrs Minnie Sorenson and sons eniitied Court, to which reference of you, for all your years.” King Solomon. It was kept in the still light fire by rubbing sticks la hpreby made. DRAY LINE “Heavens I” declared Marcia. “I So* Lara and Obed quickly pre­ and Miss Dorothy I> ve!l were beautiful church of Aksum. Mene- logclher and p r v ic e their old trl oinner guests at the P. E. Bryson Witness, my hand and the seal »f If you have anything to forgot I" pared '-for the journey, and Obed lik was educated in Jerusalem ani hal ct remonies llie rest of the home Thursday In th«« aitern«>on said Court this 24th day of Decem­ haul, call SSJ for quick »•*■- «Well, why,” asked the soldier, sang the angels’ song, as be re­ then sent to our country to be our population are mostly English. ber. A D, 1935 .Ernest and Dale Sorenson, Doro’ hy vice. No Job too large, no “adopt one? I mean—wait until membered It, lo the court of the ruler. We Ethiopians look upon We do not « el<-brate Christmas Lovell and Ethel Bryson called at Cecil M. Carey, next Christmas. Things change so prince, so that he aud his kingdom Aksum as a holy city. Aksum Is like the mother country, instead jjjg pat Flummcr noine Clerk of the District Court Job ico> »mall. A t your eet^ I n * year.” became thereafter faithful follow­ now in the hands of the Italians we have plcni« s parties and ex- i ’ OURT SEAL vies at any time of the day. vkSum Is now only a very srn.i'l «In a day,” breathed Marcia. er* o f the Babe Jesus. corsions, because 11 I b summer tunc Mr and Mrs. Norman R obI mot ') R. Young Baker, Montana, Phone No. eej _ ' o W iiUra i f ’CT*!**- ft Western Ks t OkJos. city of small, poorly bnili houses, in AusrraJla at Christmas time and «jreu to Sentinel Eutte, N. L)., Fri- Attorney for Plaintiff. except the sacred church, but in all iiature is gay Vrlth fruits and;day and were guests at the Chester Dec. 20. Jun. 2-9-18 4