rs-' Christmas * Aas home Sunday Mr and Mr-,, j Rev and Mrs. W alter Lobb anil Chester Aas and Son Dennle a~ family were supper guests at the- Christmas In Other Lands • ompanied them home for a visit Claud Baker home Friday night A t She- Barracks- h.i and Mrs. Fov Shepherd nml , ßij Heien. Gai sforò M lamily, Mrs Firslow and Mur/. Juel Lutts visited a couple days Mrs. Cris.vell «net daughters Inl­ with her grandmother» Mrs. Grs and Mis. Carl Itost, Florence nml Stark. Described By Pupils of Adeie were suppei guests at •he Christ Sherva home Saturnnv Miss Inja Rose and Dulane Ful­ night. ton visited at the Pat F hump or home one day this week. Mr and Mrs A F. Slater ai <1 daughters Misses Ele.inore and Miss Julia Benson of Beach spent Little Beaver School Jewell wero dinner guests at th* Friday morning with Miss Ethel K M. Hoppei home Christmas day. Bryson. PALESTINE Mr. and Mrs. Callie Orton and 67 A D. Aksum was recorded as family spent Sunday at the Wm. 6 ( T HATE Christmas!” Marcia Monte Wclenetz, Age 11 flowers aud V o have the most Mr and Mrs Alvin Iltr erson and a very famous rich city to which daughters of Baker were Christmas iVuruin home. thought passionately. She BED wore a striped tunic of ” ’Tv\as the night before t!. beautiful decorations of any conn- first Christmas that ever was. It traders came to get gold. Ivory •vy hi the \Vorld. Just think a pic­ dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I pressed her face close to the orange and white somewhat Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and was not a very cold night, though and ostrich plumes. Many walls nic at Christmas. Wouldn’t that Johnson. toy window, so passersby would not O ragged and dirty, though his •uid monuments have been uncover­ Mrs. Carl Rost were: Mr. and it was in December, for winter doe he funny? mother, Lara, washed clothes for Mrs. Christ RosL Mr. and Mrs. notice her burning cheeks nor tear- not cone very early In Palestine oi ed. which shows that at one time And now I’ll tell you how the Mr. and Mrs. Claud Baker entor- other families In order to keep her­ Christ Sherva and daughters, Mr. fllled eyes. slay as long as it does In Montana it was a great city. Some of those mother county. England celebrated itained at Christmas dinner, Mi self and ten-year-old son from and Mrs. J. K. Tutley and Helena. Suddenly she was face to face It was just cold enough to mak«« walls are 60 feet high and 9 feel her Christmas. They celebrate und Mrs. S. B. Zollinger, Mr. ami starving. Yet yon seldom noticed i\frs. Geo. Cox and sons, Mrs Mary Mr. and Mrs. p. O. Esmay and with it—that overwhelming longing the Shepherds draw their coats wide. Lilabela is the Jnu.-alem of their Christmas by patting a big Obed’s ragged tunic because of his Paralow and Mary, Mrs. Criswell Genevieve spent Sunday at the L. for some one to make Christmas about them as they lay upon th our country. People by the thous­ log Into the fireplace. The others vivid face. His skin was smooth ands go there to keep Christmas und daughters. • i. W est home. Mr. and Mrs. O. worthwhile. “ Why am I such a ground under the bright stars cheer as the men carry the log olive, his Ups were red, and his watching their sheep. It was ( ilabela was named in honor of C. Tabor spent Friday at the West fool?” she asked herself miserably. into the house. It is an honor to home. dark eyes were the color of pools beautiful night because it wns Lilabela who ruled In the twelfth be chosen to light the Yule log Lavern and Doris Shepherd spent “A grown woman weeping at a at midnight. Obed sang a great starlight and stilL It was a wond­ emtury, and built tin churches, from n piece carefully saved from several days visiting at the Flojd store window display!” Mr. and Mrs. L. H. W est andT deal. I f he heard a tune whistled erful night because a most wonder which were hewn out of solid voi- iast year. Then everyone sits aud Shephord home. sons, Mr. J. F. Hayes and son* Well, why not And some one? on the street be ran home singing ful thing took place. The most t anlc rock. Many of these churches tells stories and eats goodies u.:d Mr. and Mrs Cnas. Nelson nml were Christmas dinner guests at And then, as though in answer, she wonderful thine «hat had ever were round, but one Is shaped like play games while the log burns. it all the way. If be heard music family and June Billlngton were the P. O. Esmay home. saw the Item In the paper. been in all the whole world. A a cross. The churches were built The room is decorated with holly strummed in the bazaars, he’d lin­ In rock often lower than the earth's dinner guests at (he Tom Conner ger near until he remembered great light shone in the sky. It and mistletoe. The children sing “ Poor children of this and was a beautiful bright slar and the surface. They have an outer wall Christmas carols under die window. home Christmas day. Mr. Billtng- Mi aud Mrs. George Brenzel sent every note of it ton reports that Mrs. Bniington'B neighboring communities will sweet voice of an angel broke the or courtyard, where sacred pools Christmas is the jolliest day of some dressed turkeys to the state are sometimes found, and a cent­ mother is much better. turkey show' at Minot, N. D., and be treated to a real old-fash­ But the whole world was a song stillness of the night. The shop the year In the moth country jnst for Obed. The sweet twitter of er room where the priests hold received five prizes on their birds, ioned Christmas dinner and herds were afraid but the angel as It Is here. W e help her ceh>- Several of the Odd Fellows have birds on dewy mornings. The sound said, "fear not, for behold I bring their ceremonies. This room is brate by sending many things from one which was grand champion of tree at the McKinley barracks. large and aliom as tall as a throe been busy this week la} lug the tfte show. A fter the show the you good tidings of great jov. our country to hei. now' floor at the hall. Officers and men are providing For unto you Is born this day a story bafldiug. It is rich in pillars turkeys were sold und the champion turkey and all the trimmings, Savior which is Christ.” Then und arches which are as perfectly Mies Charlotte Conner and Mel- brought |1.25 a pound und was and several hundred children stiains of beautiful music floated built as If they were constructed* CHRISTMAS IN MEXICO va Cnuningham returned to their sent to San Diego, Calif., to adorn are expected. Churches and so­ on the air from Heaven. Tho Shop- of stone or brick. Our celebration by Roger Buell work at Baker thin Monday. a lady’s ChrlBtmaa table. cial agencies are being asked herds left their flocks and throe starts with a festival, and w>* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowe and to furnish women to act as wise men from far awuy follow ml star«, with cur sweets and a tin> ! am a Mi tie Mexican boy and Lester Cunningham arrived Mon I live In the first countty south daughters Brent Christmas day at chaperones aDd also cars to ihe light of (he beautiful scar until glass of wine and flnibl. our meal day from the CCO camp to spend i,> eating warm, freshly killed, of tne United (bales It is guile the B. M Fowler home. transport the children to the it stood stib over a stable in tho Christinasw. with his mother. riw m eat vurni in mv country. We pick little town of Bethlehem. There Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Lutts were barracks.” Then we go early to the Moscali roses and pretty poinsettins at this Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hopper and ’.liey found a little babe lying in a Sunduy dinner guests at the of water lapping over sand, the Jesus church, where tire celebra­ ihno of the year The pretty red Otto wero Sunday dinner guests at Marcia stepped timidly Into the mat ger. This was tne Jiabe Jesu.- Stark hohie. very rumble of cart wheels over the tion takes place. Ther • are abum pofnsettias which bloom at Christ­ the A. F. Sinter home. social welfare bureau. “ I wonder cobble-stones thundered out its own and this is why we have Christ­ mas. :<(•1 <‘0 pilgrim s’ whr la ve come mas time In Mexico has become RoliMd Buckley arrived horn* if you could use me to help take rough music for the pleasure of from fur and near to Lilabela to the official Christmas flower of Dinner guests at the Fay Shop- herd home Christinas day woro from Spokane, W usLl, for a visit the children out to the barracks on his ears. at end me ceremonies. There aro the United States too. There are with his parents, Mr..and Mrs. JV f ’Christmas," she asked. “It would be nnnv gorgiously dressed priests pJnk, white and red polnsottias Mr, and Mrs.
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