2014-15 SaskCulture Inc. 404, 2125 - 11th Avenue Regina, SK S4P 3X3 Phone: (306) 780-9284 Fax: (306) 780-9252 SaskCulture E-mail:
[email protected] www.saskculture.sk.ca Membership Directory A Network of Cultural Organizations in Saskatchewan Culture in Saskatchewan ulture is defined in many different ways. The word culture often refers to the particular values, beliefs, knowledge and traditions of a group of people. It is also used to describe the everyday life and behavior of people that flows Cfrom their beliefs. SaskCulture defines culture as “a dynamic system of acquired elements, with values, assumptions, conventions, beliefs and rules through which members of a group relate to each other and the world.” Culture defines who we are as a people; keeping alive our past, reflecting our values, articulating our dreams and fostering pride in who we are. It proclaims our existence and identity to the world. Arts Multiculturalism Art is the expression of inspiration and Multiculturalism represents the imagination, from individual to collective, openness to experiencing and from grassroots to professional, and celebrating cultural differences within institutional. Art reflects our culture, the Canadian context. It is inclusive of embraces our past, provides a window all peoples and respectful of the rights to our future to examine ourselves of individuals and groups to maintain and our experiences, and transmits and practice their cultural heritage, humanity’s knowledge of the world. distinctiveness, growth and evolution. The arts engage people as audience, Multiculturalism recognizes the richness creators or interpreters through access and strength of ethnocultural diversity. and education, and foster traditional to It builds community by encouraging emerging art forms.