Planning Committee 13/07/2006

Report of Head of Planning and Strategic Transportation


Description of Development - Erection of 31 bed hotel, alterations to public house and associated car parking and landscaping works

Site - Toll Gate PH Road

Applicant - Mitchells & Butlers Retail Ltd

Ward - Sherbourne



INTRODUCTION • The purpose of this report is to consider the above application, which was deferred from your Committee meeting on 20th April 2006 in order that officers could further negotiate to secure a revised scheme.

RECOMMENDATION • Planning Committee are recommended to grant planning permission subject to the conditions set out in the schedule.

DESCRIPTION OF APPLICATION SITE • The site is located to the southern side of the Holyhead Road, close to the roundabout junction with Coundon Wedge Road • The Toll Gate Public House currently occupies the site, which is a two storey detached flat roof building. • The Toll Gate is a locally listed 1930's Art Deco style building, which is set within the north-west corner of the site. The building is a t a higher ground level than the adjacent public footpath on Holyhead road with a retaining wall and grass slope being in situ to the front boundary of the site.


• There is are currently two vehicle accesses to the site from Holyhead Road creating and 'in-out' system to the site and although it is predominantly used in this way there is nothing to prevent two way traffic to both accesses. • The is also a vehicular access to the site from Allesley Old Road which runs along the south-east boundary of the site and can provide for two-way traffic. • There is a tarmac car park available to the front of the site and to the side and rear of the existing building, which provides for approximately 81 car parking spaces. • To the south-east of the site is an area of green space which has been previously used as a bowling green / beer garden / children's play area in association with the public house and covers and area of approximately 2280 sq.m (approx. 30% of the whole site area) • This area of green space backs onto the boundary with residential properties on Allesley Old Road and is bounded to three sides by substantial tree planting. • Residential properties border the site to the south-east and south-west. • Land to the north of the site on the opposite side of Holyhead Road is within the Green Belt.

PROPOSAL • Erection of 31 bed hotel, alterations to public house and associated car parking and landscaping works. • These are revised proposals following deferal of the previous application proposes the erection of a two-storey building with rectangular footprint to be set back 16m from the Holyhead Road frontage, with proposed parking area behind this and open space beyond this. • The building would have an overall depth of 14.8m and width of 34.4m, and is of a flat roofed design which reflects the deisgn of the Tollgate. • The rear elevation of the building is set between 36m and 52m from the rear boundary of the site. • The side elevation of the building is 11.8m from the boundary with 581 Holyhead Road. The exisitng landscaping screen adjacent to this boundary would be retained. • The proposals also involve the refurbishment of the existing Toll Gate PH/restaurant, • 78 parking spaces are proposed across the site to serve the existing PH/restaurant and proposed hotel. • The existing front of the site is to be remodelled and landscped to provide a patio area. • Both vehicular accesses into the site would be retained and each one would serve the parking areas. • The exisitng vehicular access that runs through the site to Allesley Old Road is to be closed to vehicular traffic and remain as a pedestrian access only. • A scheme for the landscaping of the site has been submitted with the application.


RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY • Following a visit to the site, at your meeting in April you decide to adjourn consideration of the application and indicated that officers should negotiate to eek a relocation of the proposed hotel building and its redesign, retain and enhanced landscaping to the frontage and rear of the site • An application for 'erection of two storey public house and conversion of existing public house to ancillary bedroom block with car parking and landscaping' (25998/B) was refused on 22/02/05. That proposed the conversion of the pub to a bedroom block and the construction of a new pub on the site of the former bowling green/beer garden. The reasons for refusal were:- - The proposed development pays little regard to the characteristics of the site, its topography and its existing landscape features and is of poor quality in terms of the proposed layout within the site, the juxtaposition of buildings and spaces and its design and relationship with respect to adjacent buildings and spaces. More specifically the proposal:- - a) would be contrary to Policies BE2 & BE14 of the Development Plan 2001 and the adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance 'Coventry Urban Design Guidance' by reason of the siting and design of the proposed building which would result in the introduction of an unsympathetic addition within the streetscene, out of keeping with its setting adjacent to the locally listed Toll Gate building; - b) would be contrary to Policy GE8 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001 as it would result in the loss of landscaping and the development of an area of Urban Green Space diminishing its openness and value with insufficient mitigation in terms of overall enhancement or compensatory measures; - c) would be contrary to Policies BE2 & S10 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001 by reason of the siting and layout of the proposed building and associated car parking in close proximity to residential properties, which would result in demonstrable harm to the amenities of the occupants of these properties, particularly No. 581 Holyhead Road from increased noise, disturbance and visual intrusion. • An appeal against this decision is currently being held in abeyance, pending the determination of this proposal. • Planning permission granted for 'extension to restaurant' on 10/10/84 (Ref. 25998/A) • Planning permission granted for 'alterations to block up existing window and provide new entrance foyer' on 9/6/71 (Ref. 25998)

DEVELOPMENT PLAN POLICIES • CDP: OS4, OS5, OS6, OS9, E4, AM17, AM22, BE2, BE14, GE8, GE14 • SPG : Coventry Urban Design Guidance adopted by planning committee on 29th July 2004 following public consultation in accordance with PPG12. • Draft SPG : Parking Standards cars, cycles and powered two wheelers, June 2004 3

• PPG: PPS1, PPG12, PPG13


PUBLIC RESPONSES • Notification letters were sent to 2-12(evens) Dulverton Avenue, 571- 581(odds), 545, 143, Holly Cottage and Brooklands Grange Hotel – Holyhead Road, 620-662(evens), 664b and GTS cars – Allesley Old Road. • Site and press notices were posted on 9/2/06 • In respect of the proposals initially considered, the following comments were received: • Councillor Gary Ridley has objected to the proposed development as he considers that the building would be contrary to Policies BE2 & BE24 and would look ugly next to the existing Tollgate and would not be sympathetic to existing street design. The plans would result in a loss of urban green space and would lead to increased nose, activity and a lack of visual privacy. Consider that this is an unpopular development locally on which residents feel that they have not been consulted on or engaged with. • The occupier of 660 Allesley Old Road objects to the proposals as there are no details in respect of lighting or fencing. • The occupier of 642 Allesley Old Road has objected to the proposed development as they consider that the proposals are in many ways more objectionable than the previously refused scheme. They do not address in any way the loss of Urban Green Space. The design is wholly unsympathetic to its proposed location adjacent to the locally listed public house and to the existing street scene. There will be a material impact upon the amenities of properties that back onto the existing pub garden and, contrary to the assertions given in respect of the previous scheme, there is no justification to substantiate its acceptability. Also considers that the proposed level of parking would be insufficient and considers that proposals fail to comply with Policy E4 because the scheme would be incompatible with the adjacent residential properties and it has already been proven to be contrary to Policy GE8. • Representations have been received from Allesley & Coundon Wedge Society consider that the present application is a far superior layout with the new hotel well screened by existing trees and shrubs. Consider that although uninspiring it is unobtrusive and more respectful to the 'Art Deco' building. Consider that retention of trees is critical. Comments on the detail of the application are that the proposed replacement doors to the Toll Gate do not reflect the horizontal lines of the rest of the building due to their vertical emphasis. • Occupiers of 640 Allesley Old Road have commented that the plan will have a detrimental impact upon their home in terms of loss of privacy, noise and general disturbance. Particularly concerned about parking spaces proposed immediately to the rear of residential properties with constant noise from this and from any plant. The whole footprint of the hotel is set back from the Holyhead Road and this increases concerns over loss of privacy and general disturbance.


• Occupiers of 636 Allesley Old Road have raised concerns about the state of the entry that runs along the side of the site which has been a problem for fly tipping. Consider that the whole of the site should be maintained and bollards placed at the entrance to the entry to prevent vehicular access. • The occupiers of 545 Holyhead Road have objected to the proposed development on the grounds of traffic safety. Holyhead Road is already extremely busy and this will add to traffic flows. Also concerned about noise and general disturbance to adjoining residents. • The occupier of 577 Holyhead Road has sought information about the proposals. • The occupier of 581 Holyhead Road has sought information about the proposals. • Following the receipt of the revised proposals, local residents have been re- notified. • The occupier of 640 Allesley Old Road considers that the proposal will still have a detrimental effect on their home in terms of loss of privacy, noise and general disturbance. Much of the area behind their house will still be allocated for parking which will be a nuisance and the landscaped area will allow for youths to congregate. Also concerned about possible noise from plant such as air conditioning.

ISSUES • Policy E4 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001 states that proposals for the development of hotels will be permitted subject to: ⇒ Compatibility with nearby uses; ⇒ Accessibility by a choice of means of transport; and ⇒ Compatibility with other plan policies with particular regard to the loss of existing or allocated residential employment land. • Policy GE8 states that Urban Green Space is any area of open land or water; not designated as green belt but with value for amenity, outdoor sport or recreation. Proposals which reduce urban green space or diminish its value will not be permitted unless: They are in accordance with Policies GE4, GE5 or GE10 or with an allocation in the plan; or Policies GE4 and GE5 do not apply to the area and local urban green space would be enhanced overall by the development or by compensatory measures. • Policy GE6 states that inappropriate development will not be allowed in the Green Belt unless justified by very special circumstances and that development within or conspicuous from the Green Belt must not harm the visual amenities of the Green Belt by reason of siting, materials or design. • Policy AM22 requires that safe and appropriate access to the highway system together with satisfactory on site arrangements for vehicle manoeuvring so as to ensure safety for all users. The supporting text makes clear that consideration must also be given to the impact of access and manoeuvring arrangements on neighbouring users and the amenity of residents. • The proposals have been further revised to address the concerns raised by members and substantial revisions have been made in respect of the siting


and design of the proposed hotel building and to the urban green spaces. The existing public house/restaurant will be retained in its present use and refurbished. • The site is located within an accessible location. Holyhead Road is a main arterial route into the city with good bus and cycle routes. The site is also located in an area with good vehicular access from the A45 and therefore it is not considered that a hotel development would compromise the principles of Policy E4. • The site is slightly more remote with regards to distance to railway stations though there are bus services available which link the site to the central station and also to the closer local station at Canley. • Urban Green Space currently covers approximately 30% of the total site area. In addition to this, the existing building is set away from the side boundaries of the site and there is substantial shrub/ tree planting, all of which add to the open character of this site and the transition zone from the urban character of Holyhead Road to the more rural character of Birmingham Road and Coundon Wedge Drive. • The issue therefore is whether or not appropriate compensatory provision is made to address the loss of the former bowling green area that has in recent years been used in the summer months as a beer garden so as to satisfy Policy GE8 • The planting scheme submitted shows retention of the existing tree and shrub planting along the south-east side of the former bowling green / beer garden and retention of existing trees along the rear boundary of the site. • New landscaping is proposed across the site frontage and the existing access way that runs across the front of the Toll Gate will be closed off and this area landscaped to provide a new patio area. A further landscaped area is proposed to the north-west side of the Tollgate and I consider that the frontage treatment will provide significant overall enhancements to the setting of the locally listed building and improve the quality and value of the green space in this area of the site. • there will be a significant increase in the footprint of buildings and a net loss in the extent of green space and the openness on the site that this currently provides, but the proposals will provide for improvements in the quality of the green space that remains and will introduce new landscaped areas to enhance the site frontage on a main route into the City. • PPS1 states the good design ensures attractive usable, durable and adaptable places and is a key element in achieving sustainable development. It states that key objectives to policy should ensure that developments are: • Sustainable, durable and adaptable and make efficient and prudent use of resources; • Optimise the potential of the site to accommodate development, create and sustain an appropriate mix of uses and support local facilities and transport networks; • Respond to their local context and create or reinforce local distinctiveness; • Create sage and accessible environments where crime and disorder of fear of crime does not undermine quality of life or community cohesion;


• Address the needs of all in society and create areas accessible , usable and easy to understand by them; and • Are visually attractive as a result of good architecture and appropriate landscaping. • The SPG Urban Design Guidance adopted in July 2004 states that it is important to consider the unique characteristics of any location within Coventry and this should prompt designers to think about how the form, style and size of new development relates to and integrates with its surroundings in a complementary manner. • The guidance also states that it is important to ensure that the scale, massing and height of new development respects adjacent existing buildings and that developments are sustainable in terms of their design, layout and density. • The Toll Gate is one of the few Art Deco style buildings that remain within the City and is clearly an example of that school of design with the curving walls and metal windows, emphasis on the horizontals and the lamp design on the gate piers are typical Art Deco features, Its distinctively long and low profile makes it a prominent landmark along the Holyhead Road. • the proposed hotel building has now been completely redesigned to reflect the character of the Tollgate PH and is of a similar size and scale to the existing building and follows the building line established on site. The building has been designed of a similar height and with a matching design of windows and central tower feature. This is typical of the art deco style of architecture and although the proposed building would not have the curved walls that are present on the Tollgate, I consider that the proposed design is appropriate for its setting. • In accordance with the views of Committee the existing landscaped strip that runs across the front of the former bowling green would be removed and the proposed building would hold a prominent position on the site frontage. By moving the building further forward in the site, a wider landscaping strip is retained to the rear that will provide greater separation between the proposed car parking and rear boundaries of properties on Allesley Old Road and could also still function as a beer garden • The rear corner of the hotel would be a minimum distance of 35m from the rear boundary of the site. The building would have an angled relationship to the rear boundary and given that the hotel would be at a lower level than the properties to the rear of the site, I do not consider that it would result in unacceptable overlooking or loss of privacy to those properties. • The hotel will project 12.4m beyond the rear elevation of No.581 Holyhead Road but given the separation distance of 11.8m between the side elevation of the hotel and the boundary with No. 581, a 45-degree line taken from the corner of this property would not be impinged by the development. • Given the flat roofed design of the hotel block, it would not be as high as the ridge at No.581 and given the separation distance to the proposed building, I do not consider this would result in unacceptable visual intrusion to the occupiers of this property • There is one first floor window proposed in the side elevation of the hotel which could potentially overlook No.581 Holyhead Road, but a condition is


recommended requiring this to be obscure glazed to ensure no overlooking or loss of privacy to No.581. • The majority of parking is proposed to the rear of the site. The location of the existing parking behind the Tollgate is currently only 2m from the rear boundary and this would not be changed by the proposals. However, the proposals introduce a new parking area to the rear of the proposed hotel block. The location of this parking provision has been revised to provide a greater separation to the rear boundary of the site. The parking to the rear of the hotel is between 7m and 22m from the rear boundary of the site • It is proposed that the existing landscaping along the boundary in this area would be retained and new landscaping proposed between the boundary and the edge of the car park, which would provide increased screening. Although No.'s 636-642 Allesley Old Road to the rear of the site have relatively short rear gardens (6-7m in length), I consider that sufficient distance is retained between the proposed parking and the rear boundary to ensure that the development would not result in unacceptable noise and disturbance to neighbouring residential occupiers. • The proposed hotel would provide 31 bedrooms, which would require the provision of a maximum of 16 space based on current SPG. The current PH has a floor area of 975 sq.m, approx. 390 sq.m of which is the net seating area. Based on this a maximum of 55 spaces should be provided for the PH/restaurant suggesting an overall requirement of a maximum of 71 spaces. • The scheme proposes the provision of 78 spaces, which is slightly in excess of the maximum; however, given that the existing pub/restaurant use alone has 81 parking spaces to serve it, I do not consider that the level of parking proposed is excessive for both the mix of uses now proposed. • The existing access points to the site will remain as existing and this in considered to be acceptable to serve both the existing and proposed use. • The existing driveway that runs along the south-east boundary of the site between Holyhead Road and Allesley Old Road would be closed to vehicular traffic and retained as a pedestrian access only. This would be an improvement to the residential amenity of those residential properties that immediately adjoin this access route. Conditions are recommended that require lighting to that route

CONCLUSION • the revised proposals have taken on board the concerns raised and the submitted scheme proposes a quality building in keeping with the character of the area, whilst the loss of urban green space within the site is compensated for by the introduction of new areas of landscaping and additional planting that will enhance the setting of the existing locally listed building on the site and therefore I recommend that permission be granted.




1. The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission. 2. The development shall be carried out only in full accordance with sample details of the facing, roofing and paving materials which have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. 3. The existing trees and shrubs indicated on the approved plans to be retained shall be protected prior to and during construction in accordance with BS5837: 2005 and shall not be cut down, grubbed out, topped, lopped or uprooted without the written consent of the local planning authority. Any trees or shrubs removed without such consent or dying, or being severely damaged or diseased within five years from the substantial completion of development shall be replaced, as soon as practicable with trees and shrubs of such size and species details of which must be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority. 4. Within six months of the first use of the building, trees and shrubs shall be planted in accordance with a scheme which has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority. Any trees or shrubs removed, dying, being severely damaged or becoming seriously diseased within five years of planting shall be replaced as soon as practicable by trees or shrubs of similar size and species to those originally required to be planted. 5. The building shall not be occupied until the car parking and manoeuvring areas indicated on the approved drawings have been provided and thereafter those areas shall be kept marked out and available for such use at all times 6. The building hereby permitted shall not be occupied unless and until the existing access between Holyhead Road and Allesley Old Road has been closed to vehicular traffic. 7. The development shall proceed only in accordance withl details of any lighting or illumination of any part of the building or site have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority and such works, and use of that lighting and/or illumination, shall be carrried out and operated only in full accordance with those approved details. 8. The hotel shall not be occupied unless and until any sound attenuation measures, which have been identified following a noise survey undertaken by a suitably qualified person and been previously submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority, have been implemented in full accordance with such approved details and thereafter such measures shall remain in place other than with the written approval of the local planning authority. 9. The building hereby permitted shall not be occupied unless and until details of any extraction or ventilation equipment have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. 10. The development shall proceed only in accordance with detailed measures to ensure that any vehicle, plant or equipment leaving the application site does not carry mud or deposit other materials onto the public highway, which shall have been submitted to and approved in


writing by the local planning authority. Such approved measures shall thereafter continue while construction operations are taking place. 11. The the first floor window to be formed in the south-east facing wall of the building hereby permitted shall only be glazed or re-glazed with obscure glass. 12. No windows or openings (apart from any shown on the approved drawings) shall be formed in the south-east facing elevation of the building hereby approved without the written approval of the local planning authority and if any additional windows are subsequently approved they shall only be glazed or re-glazed in accordance with such approved details.

13. the building hereby permitted shall not be occupied unless and until lighting has been provided to the pathway between Holyhead Road and Allesley Old Road in accordance with details that shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.


1. To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2. To ensure that the proposed development has a satisfactory external appearance in the interests of the visual amenities of the area in accordance with Policy BE2 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001. 3. To protect those landscape features which are of significant amenity value and which ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area in accordance with Policies BE2, BE20, OS4 & GE14 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001. 4. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area in accordance with Policies GE8, BE2 & BE20 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001. 5. To ensure adequate off-street car parking and servicing facilities in the interests of both highway safety and visual amenity in accordance with Policies AM19 & AM22 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001. 6. In the interests of the occupiers of neighbouring residential properties in accordance with Policy BE2 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001. 7. To ensure that any lighting is designed so as not to detrimentally affect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties in accordance with Policies EM5 & EM8 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001. 8. To protect the amenities of any occupants of the accommodation in accordance with Policy EM5 & H6 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001. 9. To protect the amenity of neighbouring residential properties in accordance with Policy EM5 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001. 10. In the interests of highway safety and the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties in accordance with Policy AM1 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001. 10

11. To ensure the amenities of adjoining properties are not detrimentally affected through overlooking or loss of privacy in accordance with Policy BE2 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001. 12. To ensure the amenities of adjoining properties are not detrimentally affected through overlooking or loss of privacy in accordance with Policy BE2 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001. 13. In the interests of providing a safe pedestrian route through the site in accordance with Policy BE21 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001.


PROPER OFFICER: Head of Planning and Strategic Transportation

AUTHOR: Lesley Wroe - Planning Control Manager (024) 7683 1225

PAPERS OPEN TO PUBLIC INSPECTION (all at City Development Directorate, Civic Centre 4, Much Park Street)

Planning Application File: 25998/C

Coventry Development Plan 2001

Regional Planning Guidance for the , RPG11, June 2004

CASE OFFICER : Hannah Holt R/2006/0214