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20 07 / 0 5 0 5 H ii,:, r,. ..i--J -F,- '.,:.:J 17 A:j ni,l SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT Heart of EnglandPromotions Ltd Heart of EnglandConference & EventsCentre Merideri Road Fillongley Coventy CV7 8DX Page1 sustainibilitystat€m€trt SUSTAINABIIITY STATEMENT HEART OFENGLAI{D PROMOTIONS LTI) HEART OF ENGLAND CONFERENCE & EVENTS CENTRE Meriden Road,X'illongley, Coventry, Warks CV7 8DX r Governmentdefinition o Relevantdocumenlation r local Plan r WASP r West Midlands RegionalSpatial Strategy o Governnent Guidance . PPST r PPSGreen Belt r Good PracticeGuide on Planningfor Tourism May 2006 The aim of the statementis to incorporateguidance of documentsincluded abovein support of a planning applicationfor an areaof water to form a lake, extensionof land to be usedfor recreationarea. Accessto the woods for the generalpublic. Formation of woodland walks linkiag fltg public footpathto the lake and woodlands. BusinessProlile: Heart of England PromotionsLtd are a major compa.nywithin tle corporateentertaiment league. Besidesorganising events at their site, they provide lighting and sormdequipm€nt to other events along with providing display equipmentand activity equipmentto all major hotels,golf clubs,etc, when they organiseevents at their premises. The events at their Fillongley site are organisedto use the best of the nahral landscape availableto them. Site location: The areaof land known as Old tlall Famr is located l0 miles from Atherstone,2 miles fro,m Fillongley, 3 miles from Meriden and 5 miles from Arley. The famr is located in the Green Belt at the Southem end of the boundary of North Warwickshire. The arableland extendsto 38 hectares.The woodlandextends to 30.6 hectares. Land ugeproposds: The proposalsare to increaselhe area for eventswhich involves the use of both land and water within the boundaryshor n on the attachedplan and to link theseareas by walkwaysto the woods. The walkways are linked to the public foolpaths and positioned to allow the public to walk aro',ndthe site and the woodlandeven when eventstake place. The lake would allow fishing, canoeingand water challenging eventsto take place' This would include snorkelling,pentatblon type of activities,with raft building, etc. Page2 Sustainability Statement There would be a visuel, physical cbangeto the site by the introduction of an expanseof water. This is proposedwithin the small valley that runs West to Eastand follows the line of a small brook on the attachedplan. Government Policy: Rathertban regurgitatethis within this report,areas ofreference are: o WarwickshireCountv Council StructurePlan o North Warwickshire'BoroughCouncil lncal Plan o PPS7,PPS2,PPGI7 o EnglandForest Shategy (New Focusfor England'sWoodlands) r Growing Our Future(The West Midlands RegionalForestry Framework) . Good PracticeGuide on Planningfor Tourism May 2006 r ECON14 12 r ECON12 13 r ECON13 14 SustrinableIsruec: Fmm the 2005 accountsof Heart of EngtandConference and EventsCentre: r Salariespaid in theyear f385,756.00 r F'-mployerstax E 51,667.00 . N I paidby HeartofEngland € 36,146.00 o Corporationtax paid by H of E t 24J61.W r Counciltax pard € 22,757.00 r Purchases €565,139.00 The abovefigures showthe local economybenefits fiom the salariespaid and the purchasesmade locally to the benefit off385,756 salariesand f,,565,139purchases, a total off,950,895. The Govemmentbenefit to the amormtof tax of f 134.931. Heart of Englrnd: The Heart of EnglandConference and EventsCentre project contributestfuolgh their businessactivities to the maint€nanceand wellbeing of their local communityin line with govemmentobjectives. The businesstourism generatedis in the writer's view within the top three local businessattractions alongside The Belfry and PackinglonHall. The list of local suppliersof servicesand productsis attached. Page3 SustainabiliwStatement Heart ofEngland EventsCentre is the main accountholder at the local garagethat helps to keepthis businessviable. The local bus companyprovides vehicles for partiesand events. Similarly there area nwnber of taxi firms in the areawho provide transportfiom railway stationsand late eveningretum joumeys. The majority of food suppliersare local small 2-3 penions.These range from direct egg suppliers,vegetables and bread,speciality cakes, costume hire and similar businessesalso areassisted by Heart of EnglandPromotions Ltd efforts. Visitor Profile: Heart of EnglandConference and EventsCentre attract visitors from all over the country. A visitor list of companieshas beensupplied. Most of the top companiesin the country havetaken place in somesort of outdooractivities at this site that helpsto raisethe pofile of the area. The generatpublic are increasingin their visits to the existing farm and woodlandtrails. Trausport issues: Therehas been a wide interpretationon sustainability. Policieson this issueare setout fuI GovemmentGuidance. The latestdocument Good PracticeGuide on Planningfor Tourismrecopises that tourism in rural areashelps to re-vitalisesmall villages and encouragebetter local serviceseither by bus or taxi and helpsto maintain existing bus routeswhich despitepublic financeare still in decline. A new bus stopoutside these premises is proposed. A greentravel plan in force on this project is working. In particularwith the lmge events and is promotedby Heartof EnglandPromotions Ltd. Conclusion: It is notedthat the govemmentlooks to havemost developmentdirected to towns and servicecentes. The useof the word "rnost ' recopises that wherenattrral resources like woodlandsand farm land are involved, then recreationaluse is acceptablealong with the re-useof existing fusi]dings.This is particularlypertinent in this casewhere the continued operationand expansionof this businessadds to theseobjectives by the economicbenefits to the local community. d^td27 Jfiy ZN1 R Willians/Alder Mill On behalfofHeart ofEngland PromotionsLtd R* rw26ll27 20 07 / 0 5 0 5 Heart of England Promotions Ltd - Supplier address list Area5l (GB)Ltd L J Amold Back Lane Enterprises ADT Sire ServicesLtd Unit 9 Brakes Farm Willow Cottage I I BarnsleyClose Hurl€y Hall Ind Estat€ Fillongley Rd Oak Farm AtheFtone Atherstonelfle Meriden Back Lane Warks Hurley Coventry Berkswell cv9 zDC '1tx cv9 zNT cv? cv7 7LD Barber Tyres Bar & Caterhg BIG indoor Ganes Boldlink Ltd The Old Coach House Supplies BirchesWood I I I Needlers End Lane Shawbury Lane BeechHouse CrackleyLane Balsall Comnon Shustoke Watery Lane Kenilworth CoveDty Coleshill Corley CVEzJT cv7 7AA 846zRX CV7 8AJ BreatheProduction Ltd BT Promotions Horitage& Sons C&S(JK)Ltd Holly FarmBusiness 5 Conrad Road Builders& Agricultural 254 MiddlsmarchRd PK Radford Contractors Radford Honiley Covently Corley Moor CovenEy Kenilworth cv6 2IZ Coventry cv6 3GL cv8 INP Canvas& Ropes Central Presentations ConferenceCare Ltd CoreDesign 35/36 MarlissaDrive Holly Farm Business PboenixHouse CommmicationsLtd o Midland Oak Trading Pa* 343 BedworthRd Willowdale Cortage EstatE HoD.iley CoYeDtry Studios Lythalls Lane Kenilworth cv6 6BN 5l HawkesMill Lane Covetrtry CV8 INP Allesley cv6 6HQ CoYentry cv5 9FO Cours of Fillongley CW Young DesignerFrames Ltd DJ Farns LS Cout Ltd CommonLane I I SlingsbyClose Hayes Hall Farm Red Hill Corley Moor AttleboroughFields Fillotrglcy Fillongley Coventry Ind Estate CV7 8DX CoYentry cv7 8AQ Nuneaton cv7 8DA cvl I 6RP D J Morgan Door Safo Security DSB Dunton Stables (Engravers) Ltd 49 Sycamore Crescenl Berryfield House Ma$totr kDe 53 Warwick Street New Arley BerkswellRoad Curdwortb Earlsdon Warks Meriden 876 ODF Coventry CV7 EHG cv7'7LB CV5 6ET EventsMedical Floors-2-Go CliffFord D&SFreematrLtd o ServicesLtd Unit 8 Kingswood l Old PoliceCottagos LindleyHouse t0 StratfordStreet Close BlytheRoad Linclley Coventry Holbrook Way Shustoke Nutreaton cv2 4NJ Coventry Coleshill Wa*s cv6 4AZ 846 2BC cvl0 0TT GaYin Prau G H Pearman W & G Gibson K Goudie Heatherleigh (Engineen) Ltd MillisonsWood Hill l Oaklands Farm The Common Musson Hall Allesley Cottage Baddesley Ensor Fillongley Coventry Clay Lane Atherstone Coventry cvs 9AZ Allesley CV9 2BT CV?8DT Covenlry CVs 9DH GreenClean Solutions IntentsMarquees J A Everitt JobnBeary Little Heathlndushial PoorsFarm 88 MancetterRoad Moor Farm Stables Estate 128Wall Hill Road Mancetter Wall Hill Road Old ChurchRoad Allesley AttreIstotre Coventry Coventry Covetrtry Warks CV7 8AP cv6 7NB cv5 9EL cv9 INH KenellVideo Kilbey Caterhg Kleenrite KevinNaylor ProductionsLtd Supplies | 4 GraceRoad 6 Fir Tre€l,an€ 9 LeasowesAvenue l0 AshtreeGrove Allsley New Arley Finham Shilton Coventry Coventry Coventry Warts cv5 9AT cv3 6BH cv1 9Jr Kool Kats Kenesl€yPlant P S Lenton U Arnold Jnr S Muggeridge ServicesLtd Agricultural Brak€sFarm 4 ResceCops I KeenanDrive Blacksmith FillongleyRoad Springhill Bedwortb CasiraCottago Meriden Arley Warks Wat€ryLaos Coventry cv7 8HN cvl2 oEH Corley CV7 EDX Coventry CV7EAJ Lyreco UK Ltd MagicMoments MainliDeIntemational Mark A-odrows De€r Park Cou( 5 Litrle Duke Steet KingsdownHouse Ent€rtaitrments o Donninglon Nuneston GreenLane 57 Wiliam Bristow Rd Telford Warks Corley Moor Coventry Shropshire cvr r 5AQ Coventry CV3 5LP TF2 7NB CV7 8AL MafihewLewis Millwood Marketing MSG Marketing & Paul Nortball Displays FivefieldHouse Ev€nts BrooklandsHouse 2l AllesleyOld Rd BennettsRd 3 ParkinsonDrive Over Whitacre Coventry Keresley Atherstone Coleshill cv5 6BU cv7 8ID( cv9 3DL 8462NL Paula Moore Peake& Co PeeblesExhibition PitstopHire Services 97 CastleRd PoorsFarm Florist Hurley Lane Wedditrgton tzE Wall Hill Rd FillonglyMill Farm Hurley Nuneaton Allesley TamworthRd AtherstoD€ CVIO OEP Coventry Fillongley cvgzlt cv5 9EL Coventry cv1 $DZ Playtime lnflatables Derek Pointon& Co P M Ryan StagepointProduction Centenery Businoss Hollyberry End Farm The Grove Ltd Centre HarvestHill Lane FillonglEyRd Holly Famr Business I Hammond Close Meriden Meriden Park Attleborough Fields Coventry CV77HU HoDiley lnd Estate cv7 7HW Nr Kedlworth Nuneaton CV8 INP cvll6LY Strafi f,)avios Suround Sound TomA&ins Unit 15 Entertainment 22 Rosseood Willow Parl<Ind Esan 34 CastleRoad Clo$,hill StokeGolding Hatuhill Nunoaton Nrmeatm Nuneaton cvl I 6sE cvl3 6EU cv l0 osF ) ).