The Life of Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells. by a Layman [I.E

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The Life of Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells. by a Layman [I.E This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. I a? (ſip . ſo' (3. / THE LIFE OF BISHOP KEN \\ By tbeſame Author, THE RIVER DOVE. YVith ſome Biet Thoughts on the Happy Practice oſ Angling: ſoolſcap 8vo., 75. firm "ful -_,, ._ m' 4*u: wa Ptflffl-L ., . _. ,... + Than s. A 'o me A" fill , ' ' nx 11, .,*<;'.'//"7/v, 1 ' an' pro/ſ 721- Lſi'zya- U; 44 n'l,>'l t'41' I }' FFZLZJ'T/z '/'?ſ.'* w; hi s, .F'ndl I' n W Y'Ir'k-zmlflk-A .1HbC. > THE LIFE OF THOMAS KEN BISHOP OF BATH AND WELLS BY A LAYMAN LONDON WILLIAM PICKERING 1851 PUBLISHED FOR THE BENEFIT OF SCHOOLS IN LEICESTER. 8 JASL CONTENTS. CHAPTBR I. Page liam of Wykeham-Founder oſ St. Mary Col leges at Winton and Oxford . CHAYI'ER II.-William oſ Wylteham-Founds his two Col leges oſ St. Mary at Wincheſter and Oxford-Ken at Wincheſtcr . CHAPTER III.--Kcn removes to Oxford-The ſtate of the Univerfity under the Commonwealth-His College liſe _The Reſtoration . I7 CHAPTBR IV.-Ken appointed to the Living of Little Eaſton -refigns the cure -Made Chaplain to Biſhop Morley Fellow oſ Winchefler College-Rector oſ Brightſtone Prebendary oſ Wincheſter- Reſigns Brightſtone - Ap pointed to Eaſt Woodhay . '. 3] CHAm'. V.-Kcn reſigns the Rectory oſ Woodhay. His character as a Country Parſon. Mr. Izaac Milles of Highclerc-Character oſ Biſhop Morley-Ken's duties at Wincheſter . 44 CHAFTER VI. -Kcn's Manual oſ Prayers for Winchcſter ſcholars-His Morning, Evening, and Midnight Hymns The Original Melody of' the Hymns-The Court oſ Charles II. at Wincheſter . 61 CHAFTER VII. -Ken makes the Tour of Italy with Iſaak Walton's Son - At Rome in the year oſ jubilee - Re turn: home-His attachment to the Church of England 79 Vl Contents. Page CHAPTER VIII.-Early liſe oſ William Prince oſ Orange Delivers Holland from the power oſ Louis XIV. His Marriage to the Princeſs Mary-Ken appointed Chap lain at the Hague- His faithfulneſs in the diſcharge oſ his office . 9] CHAPTER IX. - Ken returns ſrom the Hague -appointed Chaplain to the King-His Funeral Sermon on Lady Margaret Maynard-The Court oſ Charles II. at Win cheſter-Ken reſuſes the uſe oſ his Prebendal houſe to Nell Gwin '09 CHAPTER X.-Kcn appointed Chaplain of the Flcet on the expcdition to Tangier-Voyage-The vicious govern ment oſ Tangier-Corrupt ſtate oſ the Navy [20 CHAPTER XI.-Ken returns to England-Death oſ Iſaak Walton ; and oſ Biſhop Morley-Ken appointed to the Biſhopric oſ Bath and Wells-Attends the death bed oſ Charles II. '35 CHAPTER XII.-Acceſiion oſ James II.-Early Meaſures oſ the King for the eſtabliſhment oſ the Roman Catholic Rcligion-Kcn's firſt viſit to Wells-The Palace at Wells -His Sermon at Whitehall on the character of Daniel-Coronation oſ James 16: CHAPTER XIII.-The Duke oſ Monmouth: his life and character-invades England l75 CHAPTER XlV.-The Duke oſ Monmouth lands in the Weſt oſ England-Deſeated in the Battle oſ Sedgemoor Cruelties oſ Lord Feverſham, and Colonel Kirke Ken's appeal to the King on behalſ of the priſoners Monmouth condemned to death-Ken attends him on the ſcaffold '86 CHAPTER XV.-Ken's " Expoſition oſ the Church Catechiſm" -" Directions ſor Prayer "- "Prayers ſor the uſe oſ perſons who come to the Baths "-Perſecution oſ the French Huguenots - Ken's charitable diſpoſition - His zeal in the Paſtora] office . 207 Contents. vii Page CHAFTER XVI.-Meaſures of james II. for eſtabliſhing Ro maniſm-Ken's Paſtoral Letter to his Clergy-His Ser mon at Whitehall, upholding the Church oſ England - His boldneſs, and eloquence as a Preaeher-The King's Declaration oſ lndulgence . CHAPTER XVII.-Ken's Sermon in the Abbey Church of Bath --The King touches for the Evil in the Abbey Ken's conduct on the occaſion-His letters to Archbi ſhop Sancroſt 24: CHAmrt XVHI. -The King perſeveres in his meaſures ſor the eſtabliſhment of Romaniſm-Ken's ſermon at White hall, for which he is reproved by James-His firm reply 258 CHAPTER XIX.--The King's Declaration oſ Indulgence Order oſ Council to have it read in all Churches Petition of Archbiſhop Sancroſt, Ken, and five other Biſhops againſt the Order. They are ſent to the Tower 274 CHAPTEK XX. - Birth of a Prince of Wales - The Biſhops are releaſed from the Tower-Their trial ſor a Seditious Libel, and Acquittal -The Joy oſ the People - The Biſhops encourage their flocks to remain firm to the Church oſ England 292 CHAPTER XXI.-Invaſion oſ England by the Prince oſOrange -Meaſures oſ the King to oppoſe him-Ken, and other Biſhops adviſe james to call a Parliament - He refuſes : the deſertion oſ his officers : he withdraws to France - William calls a Convention Parliament . 309 CHAH'BR XXII. - Meeting oſ the Convention Parliament Declaration that the Throne was vacant-Not approved by Ken and others-The Crown conferred on William and Mary-The Revolution conſidered . 331 CHAPTBR XXV.-Ken, and other Biſhops, refuſe to take the Oath oſ Allegiancc to William and Mary-Act oſ Par liament for their ſuſpenſion and deprival. Queſtion oſ Paſſlve Obedience. Ken's conſiſtent Conduct. The Non-juring Biſhops publiſh a Vindication oſ themſelves. 347 viii Contents. Page CHAPTBR XXVI._Ken is deprived oſ his Biſhopric-Makes a public aſſertion in Wells Cathedral of his canonical right, and retires -His Poverty - Lord Weymouth affords him an aſylum at Long Leat . 386 CHAPTER XXVII.-Ken refuſes to concur with Sancroſt and other Non-jurors, in extreme meaſures-His moderate views and conduct-Diſapproves oſ clandeſtine conſe crations to perpetuate the Schiſm -Attends the ſervices oſ the Church 399 CHAPTER XXVIII. -Ken's humane diſpoſition - Circular letter of the deprived Biſhops, recommending a charita ble ſund ſor the relief oſ the Non-juring Clergy -- Cha racterthe Privy and Council, Death oſ and Kettlewell releaſed - Ken ſummoned before i 42' CHAPTBR XXIX. -Death oſJames II. -Death oſ William III. ; his character-Acceffion oſ Queen Anne-Biſhop Kidder killed in the Palace at Wells during the great Storm-Anne offers to reſtore Ken to Bath and Wells: he declines: perſuades Dr. Hooper to accept his Bi ſhopric, and reſigns . 436 CHAPTER XXX. - Ken cenſured by many oſ the Non-jurors for his reſignation of the Biſhopric-Difference between himſelf and Lloyd-Qieen Anne grants him a penſion . 45' CHAPTER XXXI. - Reſemblance of Ken, in ſome particulars oſ his liſe, to St. Gregory oſ Nazianzum. Ken's Poems -Dcath oſ Frampton, Biſhop of Glouceſter: his Cha racter . 467 CHAPTBR XXXII. --Ken ſurvives all the other deprived Bi ſhops- Controverſy among the Non-jurors. Ken re commends all to conſorm to the Church. Hickes and others refuſe . CHAPTER XXXIII.-Ken's laſt Sickneſs,-Death-and Bu rial. Concluſion Arrznmx ERRATA. P. 43, for " anxious activiry," read " anxiety." 60, for " of both," read " or both." 64.;'ſor " met," read "meet." 93, for " ſo far the," read " ſo ſar from the." 135, for "town of Wincheſter," read " towers oſ Wincheſter." '44, for " ſpirit oſ the prayer," read " ſpirit of prayer." 146, dele note " Appendix C." 166, for " within ramparts," read " within the ramparts." 171, for " commands," read " command." 194., for " reduced," read " ſeduced." 307, for " whilſt they," read "whilſt the Biſhops." 387, for "give it plain words," read "give it in plain words." 467, for " Nazianzen," read " Nazianzum." 479, for " acquieſſe," read " acquieſce." 49', for " Nicza," read "Nicea." Life of Thomas Ken. CHAPTER I. Birth - Parentage - Brotbtr in law to Izaak [Valton - En ttrtd at II/incbg/Ier College. [Fill/'am of lI/J-kebam - Founder of St. Mary Colleges at mmzm and Oxflrd. *HE birth-place of Thomas Ken was 7 ſ Little Berkhampſtead in Hertford * ſhire ; a retired village that even yet retains ſomething of a primitive rcpoſe. Here he received the grace .. of Regeneration and the Sign oſ the Croſs, " in token that he ſhould continue Chriſt's faithful ſoldier and ſervant unto his life's end." In one oſ his poems he vividly expreſſes his deſire to fulfil the vows made for him at the Font: " Chriſtians, who Chriſt's anointed are, In His celeſtial unction ſhare; The Spirit, templing in their hearts, His all-ſufficient aid imparts. O may I, with a ſaith unſeign'd, Preſerve my Chriſtian name unſtain'd : To copy Chriſt O may I ſtrive, From Whom I that dear name derive: And die, when death ſhall me arreſt, A Chriſtian, with Chriſt's unction bleſt." '7 B 2 Life aſ Thomas Ken, [16 37 He was born in July 16 37-a period of our hiſ tory when irreligion and laxity of morals were under mining the ſocial virtues of England. The diſtraction of civil feuds already prepared her decline among nations: and this year 16 37 is memorable for events which led, not remotely, to the overthrow of the Stuarts. The accompliſhments and virtues of Charles I. would have dignified the ſtation of an Engliſh no bleman, but were unequal to ſuſtain him amid the perils which from the firſt ſurrounded his throne. He ſound the royal prerogative " aſſailed by a tempeſt of contending and reſtleſs factions, and the Church beleaguered by two great enemies, aſſaulted openly by the Papiſts on the one fide, and undermined by the Puritans on the other." Seditious plots againſt kingly government foreboded the coming ſtorm. The diſcontent of ſeparatiſts, finding fault with the ſervices and diſcipline of the Church, was but a prelude to the hypocriſy and profaneneſs which afterwards filled the land with violence.
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