Kissinger Associates' Conflict of Interest in Central America
Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 10, Number 32, August 23, 1983 Kissinger Asso ciates' conflict of interest in Central America by Joseph Brewda He stands to make a killing in Central America. His resume partners who, along with Kissinger, include: of current financial dealings with that region show him to be • Lord Peter Carrington�hainnan, The General in violation of the "conflict-of-interest" ethics treasured by Electric Company, Ltd.; former foreign secretary, Great U.S. Senators and Watergaters. Henry Kissinger's policies Britain; former chairman, Australia and New Zealand Bank; of genocide aside, the wealth he will gain for himself by former director. Barclays Bank, Rio Tinto Zinc, Hambros imposing those policies as appointed chairman of the Presi Bank, and British Metal Corporation. dent's Bipartisan Commissionon Central America make him • Pehr Gustaf Gyllenhammer�hairman, Volvo; ineligible for that position-by all standards of American chairman, Swedish Ships Morgage Bank; director, Skandia political propriety. Insurance; member, Chase Manhattan International Advi At present, Kissinger, who was required to formally dis sory Committee. affiliate himself from his corporate holdings while Secretary • Robert O. Anderson�hairman, Atlantic Richfield; of State, retains the following paid positions with agencies chairman, Aspen Institute. with vested interests in Central America: • Thomas Jefferson Cunningham III-secretary, Kis • Kissinger Associates-·partner; singer Associates; former president, Orion Bank's London • Chase Manhattan Bank�ounselor and former chair branch. (The now disbanded Orion was a consortium of Chase man, InternationalAdvisory Committee; Manhattan, Royal Bank of Canada, National Westminster, • Goldman, Sachs & Company-adviser; Mitsubishi Bank, Credito Italiano Holdings, and West • National Broadcasting Company-special consultant, deutsche Landesbank Girozentrale.) world affairs and; • Gen.
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