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iuiS&DAI, Julau q, ±y*d. 14 JunDiAKA DAii-a MILWAUKEE SERIES IS RESUMED BY INDIANS WITH OUTLOOK BRIGHT FOR LOCAL VICTORY TRIBESMEN AND Calendar INNING WITH THE AMATEURS CLASSY SHOW Cleveland and Brooklyn ! STATE CHAMPS Big League Stuff AN Cling Major ■m ' By Charles Logan. to Leads ■ ■ Jack Quinn won his eighth straight Standings ■——- Reserves. Bennett of BYGOLFPROS ON RING game BREWERS STACK and the Andersonvllle CARD for the Yanks bv baticg the Baseball SOUTH SIDE WAR the winners got a home run, triple and NEW YORK, Juno B.—Trls Speaker ietics, 3 to 1. Rip Collins lost the sec- •iugle out of four trips to the plate. and Uncle Wilbert Robinson are ond game, 6 to 5, and the Yanks went STARTS JUNE 20 Nelson and Mayo Down transplanting pennant sprout Sullivan and Allen Meet in place. UP THIRD TIME HOW THEY STAND. a on to second AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Sandlot war has been declared on the The A. C.’s expect to return home soil today. advancing Oliver Hutchison and Hendrie. Main Go. W. L. Pet. south side aud armies are for Conners next Sunday night Speaker went home only Eddie Collins, withs him- run, W. L. Pct.l Massing, manager of from villa with six the White bat- Rogge Slated to Try Curve St. Paul.. 35 13 .729| Louisville. 20 23 .465 the conflict. John with a victory chalked up to their credit. points lead to show the folks, and led Sox attack which 28 20 .583!Coluinbus. 20 24 .455 Indianapolis Tigers, has tired of listen- State desiring games for June 20 The large gallery of golf enthusiasts Indiana’s pride in the amateur boxing tered: three Detroit pitchers and beat MUwa’kee challenges teams play by Bobby has thirty-one, but he’s not the Tigers 10 to 8. Against Egan’s Toledo... 25 in ,56S|Kau. City 16 32 .333 ing to the Rupp Independents’ and are requested to address Henry that followed the the "Centennial game will supply twenty rounds of Ball today is ready 27 Highland crowing. fast Minneapls 2<i 23 ,331| indianapls 13 29 .310 and he announced that he Gleslng, Indianapolis Coal Company. Four" on the Riveralde and West street at Garfield yesterday some of the The second shifting of scenes In going at Washington park tonight on the Brooklyn knocked Toney of the Fighting Outfit. to meet the crew courses witnessed box out 1 Sunday, June 20. best golf that has been seen in Indian- the major leagues finds a pair of card that has been arranged by Ernie and beat the Giants, 4 to 2. Ban- AMERICAN LEAGUE. diamond No. scrap to the played I’eggy Kocbford, manager of the The Dardetta-Borden went apolis for several years. heavies battling for the leading role Holcher, boxing instructor of the Inde- croft bis first game with the Hendricks’ Indians were set to- Pct.j W. L. Pet. 0. The winners want Giants. Tack W. I>. Rupps, came right back at Massing and Dardettas. sto Hutchison and Hendrie teamed against in both plays. pendent Athletic club, for the Associated Cleveland 28 16 .036|Washlngtn 22 20 .524 with fast city or state clubs. Call Mayo were in \ day to make another effort to come out the game is on. games and Nelson and defeated After the lnterseetlonal Advertising Clubs of the World conven- ■' New Yrk 29 17 .OGOjSt. Louis. 17 25 .403 Prospect 123, or address Lee McCarthy, matches, one up, at Riverside in the battles The Tigers will lineup something like both "who who” In both leagues tion delegates. of their slump in the third same of the Chicago.. 25 19 .5(38; Philadpha 10 20 ,35 840 Harrison street. morning, and two up at Highland in the should this: Fultz, pitch; R. Haber, catch: established There will be five bouts of four rounds ion Y. M. C. A., state with the Brewers. Boston... 22 IS ,550jDetroit — 14 afternoon. be better or hopelessly amateur welter- aeries 29 .324 base; Gibson, base; each. for mound duty Schott, first second Evans, champ, weight champ, vs. Frank Sartar, I. A. Clint Rogge was slated shortstop; Tegler, base; Higgins’ home run with bases “Chick” former amateur scrambled. are expected Weber, third H. the engagement and The best exhibitions in C., and Jack Edwards. Marion Y. M. C. and the Tribe athletes felt they had an NATIONAL LEAGUE. center loaded In the eighth Inning brought was unable to fill his bantamweight Fred Haber, left field; C. Tattman, Mayo the feather and classes. A., vs. Butler, I. A. C. •Ten chance to stop Egan's gang, though Pet.! L. Tct. a 8 victory over sent as a substitute. After the Curley .Sullivan, W. L. W. field, and R. Tattman. right field. The the Cole Eights 10 to first few holes had been played the fans I. A. C., state amateur the Tet Milwaukee pilot was expected to Brooklvn. 28 15 .634[SL Louis.. 22 22 .000 with the The Cole club wants featherweight title holder, will meet Hupps will take the diamond Zlonsvllle. were not a great deal disappointed. Mayo KID PITCHER BEATS PIRATES. nee hla star heaver, Jake Northrop. Cincinnati 25 17 .595|805t0n... IS 22 .430 best talent along the West street sector gnmrs with the beet teams In the Brown won low at young Alien of Muncie in the main go IS 25 .419 Palace Is a clever golfer and plays an inter- 87. gross honors ttie evening. won CLEVELAND, Cleveland Due fact that the Indians have Chicago.. 24 21 533|New York fiom Military park McCarty street, state. Address C. E. Knoll, SAuth Grove with was ol’ Sullivan his title June B.—The to the 15 to esting game. He covered the Highland 83 and Butler sec- A. tourney the Americans the Pittsburg Na- signs of doing dam- Pittsburg 20 19 .513|Pli!liidipha 27 .357 Tom .Sweeney, catcher: “Huz- in ond with in the recent I. A. U at defeated •hown considerable natneiv hotel. links in 72 the afternoon. 89. Independent club over K. O. tionals in an exhibition game here Mon- age loyal Harris, pitch; "Chippie" O'Rourke, right Athletic tne with the bat fans expect the zie" W. H. Barreo Jr., purchased the route, day, 5 to 3. Each club tried out a re- THREE-1 LEAGUE. first base; Eenny Flagler, second base; walloped, stopping Jack Armstrong of Mun- club to win at least half their games dur- The Woodside A. C.’s were to caddy for Mayo; Taylor Wilson WOMEN'S EASTERN GOLF. dc- and Davidson of Marion on cruit pitcher. W. L.Pct.l W. L. Pet. O'Neill, shortstop; Johnny Rice, at lugged Nelson's clubs; R. Cooley, Young ing the remainder of the home stay. .600;M01ine.... 20 .474 Willie 10 to 2, by the Marlon Ramblers W. PHILADELPHIA, June nights. OUeuwala, an 18-year-old southpaw Peoria... 21 14 18 third base; Bill Cramer, left field; Bob member delegation B.—Mrs. Ron- successive The athletes got a rest yesterday and Blmgton. Rap. It! 19 Brookslde park. of the Massachusetts Henry McDuff, I. A. C., state bantam from Hudson, Wis., pitched for Cleve- 21 It! .508[ odr .457 Ellis, center field, Willie Sullivan, to C. of convention, ald H. Barlow of Philadelphia good control, Manager Hendricks went to Lafayette to dock 19 and the A. A. W. worked led the champ, will meet Jack Davison in the land and showed speed amd Rockford. 21 17 .5531 Isld 15 .441 right field. for Hutchison, and Kirk, president seventy-three players Monday curves the pinches. the the game. He 16 17 ,4S5j i'erre 15 21 Johnny Gaetb, president of the Motor W. L. field of at bantam tilt. McDnff won a shade over in Wisner. attend Purdue-Indiana Evansvlle Ilte .417 The Rupp lineup includes practically of the Highland Golf club, carried Hen- in the amateur burg pitcher, was wild. Score; to see his sou Johnny perform league, desires to acquaint the park the end of the first day’s play in the Davidson tourney. wanted the same men who made that name drle's sticks. be as Pittsburg 01100001 o—3 8 1 on ability board with the fact that they overlooked women's eastern golf championship at Other bouts will follows: Vaughn and also get a line the of G AMES TODAY. famous on the amateur diamond some Herman Seilken shot a 75 for low the Treber, Marion Y. M. A., ama- 01030010 •—5 8 0 "one or two" diamonds when they were C. state Cleveland Pitcher Knnkel of the Indiana nine. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. five or six years ago under the manage- gross honors In the Riverside centennial Philadelphia Cricket club. She turned in teur middleweight champ, vs. Batteries—Wisner and Haeffner; Oden- However, passing out the bases. Frank Hendricks conferred with Kunkel after Milwaukee at Indianapolis. ment of Johnny Gaetb. the play. Henry Victor was second with an a card of 87 for eighteen holes. Dempsey, I. A. C.; Leslio Treber, Mar- wald and Thomas. St. Louisville. ball the game, but the young twirler said he Paul at Tigers are a fast, scrappy bunch of junior desiring Kansas City they will Fast clubs in the class did not care to take up professional ball. at Toledo. tossers aud It is a cinch that Indlauolas are asked to Minneapolis at Columbus. the Rupps through fast games with the The Tribe pilot's son played first base make hustle nine Belmont 1003 and for Joseph rounds Tiger backing will not be lack- call ask for Indiana and helped the Crimson team Shockley.