Caught Learned the at a and Voluntown 400 Nat Enam & 8 15 15 When Russell Weakened the Visitors Fresh Saturday
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,7 weather predicted for tomorrow, .the Insurance prospects for fair weather for the tomorrow; FIRST" Resign From Sachems' Management Navy day events loonea "S'AFETY slim. XSk UKE PArofA w- n ? B I F N C E Both Cornell and Harvard vanity . tub .... crews fine con ?k That teacher that never misses the and freshmen are in i-- 4ancht Tnarw an auto dition. The crews took their final Insurance practice today witk short rows over owner that the Best is Ensling's; Resignation to Take Effect on the Appointment of Cayuga the Cheapest wnen sexueiuetit uay the course on lake. ' Best development- - of automobile en- pomes me . be arter mciunu. Another Leader --Sachems Will Put Crack Team on the Stoningten High at N F. A. gineering ia about to announced AND SONS June 1st by the Bulckr Motor Co. for St, Today's frame at the Academy with 1916 line It has been J. L. LtUnfOP 28 Shetucket Stonington will be one of the most im- - the ofcars. Field Play at Westerly Today. very clear to the . automobile owners Dortant games in the lntereenolastlc that the Buick Co. have set the pace league, southern . division. If the and each year have marketed a car Academy loses, the pennant goes, but that has been considered a pace maker resign- with Milburn Saylor. if they win, they have a chance of tie- - . may Manager" JaonlsEnsling has match by other manufacturers. Jt be a ' ed from the Sachem baseball club, "The championship title is worth ing with Stonington. Brickley will great deal of interest to those who the resignation to take effect when his something, and I certainly don't pro- work on the mound and L. Stanley will are interested to keep close in touch successor is appointed. Mr. Ensling pose to hand it over to some other lad catch. Two weeks ago these two teams With this announcement. ' town near fu- for little or nothing, simply because met and furnished a redhot-gam- e. intends to leave In the may it," is Welsh's final re- IMPERIAL GARAGE , ' ture and the club owners are sorry he want SCHEDULED to man- mark., GAMES TODAY. Korwteh v lose his services, not alone as j picking up easy ager, but as player also. The Sachems Meantime Freddie is National Lsagua, ' play Clark's Thread Mill team today money and proving that his title is worth something,, while Ritchie is an- Chicago at Boston. at Westerly and they will play a re- . Pittsburgh at New York. turn same oat the Falls diamond Sun- nouncing that the champion is afraid Cincinnati at Philadelphia day, the 23rd. Madison and" Mclntyre to meet him. St. Louis at Brooklyn. ' Leagua, will be the , battery for- - Saturday's American ey Danny Again in Shape. Boston at Chicago. game.' Casey, Kane, Holland and New York at St. Louis, will play the infield, Robinson, Danny Murphy is again in shape and Philadelphia at Detroit. Taylor-an-d Standiall will play the out- ready to step in at any moment. Thou- Washington at ClereUnd. field. For Sunday's game the new sands of fans do not realize what a Federal Laciut. management will have as fine a ball valuable man Danny is to a ball club, Baltimore at Pittsburgh. season. UPON FIRE INSURANCE. team as ever played in Norwich as because he has only been sent in to Newark at St. Louis. i vou very little and covers a amateurs. Clyde and' Anderson will pinch hit once this year. Neverthe- Brooklyn at Chicago. games be the battery, Adams lb, Kane 2b, less, the former captain of the Ath- Buffalo at Kansas City. league, in Worcester is usually; large liability. The Individual or firm Other Games. SPORTING NOTES given by the Worcester Telegram as to take out a FIRE IN- Holland ss, W. Stanley Sb, Taylor If, letics is playing a position that re- who neglects Stonington High at N. P. A. 300. Worcester should bat tor more; simply court-in- s; McBurney cf, L. Stanley rf. quires the best of judgment as well as SURANCE POLICY is Sachems at Westerly. 300. you not, The management has been to great ability to perceive Viuickly the slightest than disaster. Are insured? If expense loophole success. In words, South Windham at Taftrille. me attend to it for you. to put the above team in the for other Nationals at Yantic The Philadelphia North American! let field and it is hoped the fans will turn wiCh Danny Murphy as third base Sterling at Baltic. The St. Louis clubs are taking ISAAC S. JONES. by doing so Lee Magee one Fort Terry at State Hospitad all opines Moran's Phils are in a slump,) out in large numbers as coacher has the best their positions in standing early this due likely, ab- - Insurance and Real Estate Agent, they will insure gilt edged ball for bet in any league. The veteran has year. most it thinks, to the Building 91 Main Street all season. They will leave no stone, not missed a game there this season, SUNDAY GAMES. sence of Luderous and Whitted fromi Richards the lineup. ; unturned to capture the county cham- and in all this time he has not made Natlcnal League. Cravath of the Phillies has made six pionship they will strengthen the one mistake. His excellent judgment EYS-AT-LA- and No games scheduled. CATCHING home runs this year, Beals Becker ATTORN when weakness is aided the team in winning several out in the seventh, passed six of the WITH SPRINGFIELD. and Ed Roush, star outfielder for thai team at all times has American League. men five. -i shown. Among1 some of the teams close battles. nine who faced him before he Newark Feds, refuses to sign a three- Boston at Chicago. was succeeded by Cavet. Score: Eddie Bridges is Working for Spring- year contract. He prefers a one-ye- ar A. BROWNING that the management is in communi- Now York at St. Louis (A) (A) Pickering, young backstop- - AMOS " Philadelphia Detroit field, Colonial League. Arthur a contract at J4.000 and take his chances' with are: Athletics of South Nationals Yantic. Philadelphia at Detroit. h po Attorney-atLa- S Richard's Bide. cation ab, Do ab h per, has been released unconditionally of getting more money. Manchester, Pioneers of New Britain, Washington at Cleveland. Murphy.rf 5 2 2 1 1 Bush. ss 3 0 3 4 Dy Yanks. "Paone 700. If the weather man smiles today, the OMring.lf 1 1 0 1 3 3 Gaudette holds center field gar- the Rockvilles of Rockville, Franklins of see opening Federal League. Vltt'ib the local fans will the of the Chicago. Struntclf 3 13 0 0 1 0 den for Hartford, Colonial league. The DetroitaTigers have fallen down Polis of Hartford and Denny Yantic-Nationa- BalUmore at 0! X Hartford. ls series this afternoon Schang.c 2 4 3 Crawford.rf 1 season Gau- Bill Donovan says the Highlanders badly before the attapk of eastern) EDWIN W. HIGGINS Mclntyre's team of Southbridge. Clyde, Newark at St Louis. LaJoie.2b 3 2 6 0 1 Fans remember last when the at Yantic. Buffalo at City. Veach.lf 0 have the finest staff of pitchers in teams, ne appar-- new pitcher who has recently Kansas Walsil,cf 1 1 0 0 Kava'h.ib 1 4 dette twirled for the Sachems in the i western division is i Attorney-at-La- w the 100 either league. ently- - signed with Sachems, pitched all The ball field at Yantic is about Other Gamei. 3 0 Young. 2b 1 4 series against the All Stars. weaker than the eastern, in spites the trolley Kopf ,3b 2 1 3 Main and Shetucket Streets season in association yards from the end of the line. Yantic rs. All Stars. Stanage.c 2 of .contrary reports from Chicago. Corner last the Eastern A special car will leave the square Jewett City ts. Sachems at Falls. Shawkey.p 0 0 Baker, c 0 0 Griner of St. Louis is the second pitched Whitinsville at Davles,p 3 0 Koland.p Flemming Outpointed Brown. and he also for 2.45, arriving in Yantic 3.15. City League. pitcher to serve a shutout this season Roger Attorneys-aH- game. at The xLapp 0 0 Dauss.p 1 Connor is coming back. Ha Brown & Perkins, against Berkeley and won his game 3.30 Sport- A large number of local fight fans over the Phillies. Jack Chesbro pitched for Berkeley. starts at sharp. The West Ends ts. Sluggers at Cranberry. Cavet.p 1 2 attended the boxing carnival at New will play first base for a team in the Uncas Nat. Bank. Shetucket St ing Editor of The Bulletin has been Emeralds vs. Warriors at Norwich Town. Totals 17 27 18 3 zJaoobsen 0 0 Holy Name league of Waterbury.; Over Anderson and Adams of "Willimantic appointed official scorer. Reardon will East Ends vs. Trimmers at Fairgrounds. London Friday evening. They missed Marty O'Toole in his first appearance Fitzpatrick,! Entrance stairway near to Thame well known to Norwich and Kickers vs. Sturterants at Mohegan Park. Totals 32 11 27 19 0 car were conveyed Brother Joe and Frank S8-- I. are fans score the last but home for Columbus held St, to National Bank. Telephone no introduction. Standlsh, Casey, for the Nationals and Mason for (z) Batted for Stanage in 7th. in jitneys. In Paul three former Ponies, are on the same team.' need Yantic. z) the star bout Wild Bill hits and won easily.