ESTABLISHED 1879 | COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI C DISPATCH.COM 50 ¢ NEWSSTAND | 40 ¢ HOME DELIVERY FRIDAY | FEBRUARY 26, 2016 New chief talks goals, crime rate Police ask residents ees at the meeting. “My main goal here is to reduce to come forward the crime rate,” he said. “Bottom line.” Oscar Lewis, with violent crime He also promised to hire more the new officers and make sure all the po- police chief information lice are doing what they need to do for Columbus, to stop crime and have the training is greeted by Buddy and BY ISABELLE ALTMAN necessary to communicate and Julie Park-
[email protected] work with the public. er during a Lewis told Southside residents Southside/ Newly instated Columbus police that when he first became chief Downtown chief Oscar Lewis made one of his in Waynesboro about two years Neighbor- first public appearances Thursday ago, the city had just seen sever- hood Watch evening at a neighborhood watch al high profile murders. People in Group meet program for Southside at the Trot- the city lived in fear and did not and greet at the Trotter ter Convention Center. feel as though they could count Convention Lewis spoke about what he on law enforcement. Now crime Center on wanted to achieve as head of the in Waynesboro has decreased Thursday. Columbus Police Department and dramatically, he said, adding that Mark Wilson/Dispatch Staff answered questions from attend- See LEWIS, 3A City introduces MATH NIGHT energy makeover program Program aims to reduce energy usage in 125 Northside homes BY ALEX HOLLOWAY
[email protected] Columbus formally introduced its Extreme Energy Makeover program to a handful of home- owners at a meeting at Sims Scott Park Thursday evening.