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11558 826.Pdf WWW.TEHRANTIMES.COM I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 16 Pages Price 10,000 Rials 38th year No.12859 Thursday JJUNEUNE 222,2, 22017017 Tir 1, 1396 Ramadan 27, 1438 Iran’s crude steel Iranian fundraisers IWF Junior World Iranian cartoonist Shahram output up 8.8% donate $15m to free Championships: Iran’s Rezai runner-up at Aydin in May: WSA 4 prisoners 12 Ourameh snatches bronze 15 Dogan competition 16 Iran sets sights on 6.5m Larijani: Israel foreign tourist arrivals TOURISM TEHRAN — Iran tourism at the Cultural Heritage, Tour- deskaims to draw some ism and Handicrafts Organization. 6.5 million foreign travelers by the “However, it takes time to clean end of the current calendar year 1396 up international image of the county wishing Iraq’s division (March 20, 2018), though the coun- that for years have been tarnished try’s tourism infrastructure and public by some Western outlets, the official services are in need to be improved, a added. senior tourism official said on Monday. Following a landmark nuclear deal See page 2 In 1395, some 5.5 million travelers Tehran and world powers clinched in visited Iran, fetching about $8 billion 2015, Iran is repeatedly named as a for the country, IRNA reported. hot travel destination by a circle of “With proper planning and devel- international media outlets in terms opment of infrastructure, it is possi- of its rich history, picturesque scen- ble to meet our goals,” said Morteza eries, traditions, cuisine and hospita- Rahmani Movahhed, the deputy for ble people. 10 U.S. oil output rise drops prices: Zanganeh ECONOMY TEHRAN — Irani- should “wait a while and see how the deskan Oil Minister Bijan market will form.” Namdar Zanganeh has blamed an in- OPEC in a meeting in May agreed crease in the U.S. oil production for the to extend until March 2018 an oil out- plunge in global prices of crude oil. put cut deal that was sealed last year “The U.S. has increased produc- to help shore up prices. tion by 900,000 barrels per day. This The cuts would lower the collective increase was unpredictable and was production of producers by 1.8 million more than what OPEC members had barrels per day. So far this year, oil has foreseen,” Shana quoted Zanganeh as lost 20 percent in value, its worst per- saying on Wednesday. formance for the first six months of the “We are negotiating with OPEC year since 1997, Reuters reported. members. But it is difficult for mem- A meeting of the OPEC/non-OPEC Hamid Rahel bers to make an agreement and reach joint ministerial monitoring committee a consensus, because any decision will is scheduled in Russia in late July, with mean an output cut.” the exact venue and date still to be de- icana.ir/ He went on to say that OPEC termined. Iran urges Rouhani: Missile attack on Daesh was ‘essential’ Pro-refugee rally massive rallies POLITICS TEHRAN — President In two simultaneous terrorist attacks on not achieve their objectives in Tehran at- held outside on International deskHassan Rouhani said on the administrative building of Iran’s parlia- tacks. White House Tuesday that the missile attack by the Islamic ment and the shrine of Imam Khomeini in “As stated by Leader of the Islamic Revo- Quds Day Revolution Guards Corps on Daesh territories Tehran on June 7, 17 people were killed and lution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, those A rally has been held outside the White was “essential”, “right” and “proper”. 56 injured. who think they can slap the Islamic Republic House in Washington, DC, to mark POLITICS TEHRAN — Iranian Missile attack on ISIS was a decision on the Rouhani went on to say that Iran’s policy of Iran will be slapped, because we have not World Refugee Day and condemn the deskofficials have called basis of “national security”, he said during an on international issues has not changed and changed our path and we will respond those administration of President Donald on people from across the world to Iftar ceremony with clerics. the country will respond firmly to any move who seek to betray our country and people,” Trump for its immigration policy amid participate in the International Quds The IRGC fired missiles at Islamic State tar- that seeks to undermine “the Islamic Repub- the president stated. the largest refugee crisis in history. Day rallies which are held annually gets in Syria late on Sunday in retaliation for lic’s greatness”. He added Iran will follow its path with “dig- Dozens of immigrants, activists, and on the last Friday of the holy fasting the group’s deadly attacks in Tehran. He also said that the terrorists could nity” and “greatness”, “unity” and “integrity”. allies gathered on Wednesday, chant- month of Ramadan. ing slogans such as “No hate, no fear, Encouraging the Iranians to attend refugees are welcome here”. the annual demonstrations, President Amnesty International and more Hassan Rouhani said the Palestinian Tillerson pursuing Israeli foreign policy: ex-CIA officer than 60 other organizations co-spon- cause will not sink into oblivion. By Javad Heirannia not do evidence-based decision-making, nor Government has become the whore of sored the event. Rouhani noted that conflicts within does it pursue the interests of the American Saudi Arabia and Israel, and I for one will no The activists called for the Trump the Muslim world would only benefit TEHRAN — Robert David Steele, former CIA public. Evidently President Donald longer tolerate this mis-representation of the administration to commit to resettling the Zionist regime and terrorism. “In clandestine operations officer, tells the Tehran Trump, after promising to forego elective wars best interests of the American public. I sin- at least 75,000 refugees in 2018, al- order to curb Zionism and terrorism Times that U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tiller- and regime change, has been bribed to betray gle out John Brennan, former Director of the though the President has capped refu- in the region, the unity of the Islamic son “is pursuing the foreign policy of Israel, the best interests of the American people. As Central Intelligence Agency, as a particular in- gee admittance at 50,000. world must be reinforced,” he asserted. not the foreign policy of the United States of Donald Trump said during the campaign, dividual whore kneeling to the Saudi despots. The speakers at the rally included The International Quds Day was America.” our policies are “pay to play.” The Saudis do Brennan is still in charge of the dark side of refugees from Somalia, Congo, Paki- initiated by the founder of the Islam- Following is the text of the interview: the paying and the Zionists do the playing. CIA, much as Allen Dulles was after being fired stan, Syria and Liberia as well as faith ic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Ruhollah Rex Tillerson recently announced Regarding the relationship between by John F. Kennedy, and Brennan is using the leaders and representatives of around Khomeini in 1979 to express solidarity that the U.S. backs those groups who try Iran and its neighbors like Saudi Arabia, “playbook” of Allen Dulles, up to and including a dozen organizations that organized with Palestinians and oppose the Zion- for change the Iranian regime. Why has which kind of policy has to be adopted by a planned assassination, against our legiti- the rally. ist regime. Trump’s government focused on the ex- the U.S. government on his aspect? mately-elected President Donald Trump -- I “So this gathering is not just for Rallies are held each year in various pired policy of “regime change in Iran”? A: My clandestine services colleague, recommend David Talbot’s book, The Devil’s us to celebrate but also to reflect on cities around the world by both Mus- A: Secretary Tillerson is pursuing the foreign Robert Baer, ends is excellent book, Sleeping Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the how we can make our country better lims and non-Muslim communities. policy of Israel, not the foreign policy of the with the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Rise of America’s Secret Government for a than what we are today. Our values Many Jewish people also attend the United States of America. The U.S. Department Soul for Saudi clear understanding of how the secret intelli- teach us to welcome strangers, The rallies in order to draw a line between of State is controlled today by a mix of Zionists, Crude, with a description of the U.S. Govern- gence services in the USA are now blackmail- United states of America has been being anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. bankers, neoconservatives, and pedophiles. ment lying like a whore on a bed, lusting for the ing our political leaders and controlling the known to be a heaven for people Days before the demonstrations, The U.S. Government at the highest levels does Saudi wallet on the bureau. Precisely. The U.S. American media narrative in detail. 2 who are seeking hope and a better the General Staff of the Armed Forces life.” Imam Johari Abdul-Malik , the of the Islamic Republic of Iran issued a Director of Outreach at the Dar Al statement describing Quds as an im- Hijrah Islamic Center said. portant piece of Islam. The statement Intl. World Refugee Day is observed on calls on all Muslims across the world to June 20 each year and is dedicated to attend the rallies to condemn Israel’s raising awareness about the situation occupation of Palestinian lands and its Yoga Day of refugees throughout the world.
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